what's your travel personality?


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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What's Your Travel Personality?


Page 2: What's Your Travel Personality?

Outstanding OliviaYou think everything has to be right, and each travel detail is carefully planned and filed away. You’ve man-aged to land an executive class trip AND roomier car rentals. And you make the rest of us feel bad because it seems so effortless for you.


TOP FIVES:Watch, vitamins, travel organizers to minimize luggage, tablet, Sonicare toothbrush

Page 3: What's Your Travel Personality?

Laid-back LarryYou totally let the details go and prefer to let someone else do the planning. To you, travel is just like the rest of life--you’re just along for the ride, and you don’t really care where you eat or what you do during the trip as long as you’ve got a clean-ish place to stay. You’re not too fussy about amenities; you just want comfort and plenty of cable channels to be happy.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Load up on convenience store foods and raid the Redbox during the trip

TOP FIVES:Clean socks, fast food coupons, comfort-able clothes, snacks, Netflix

Page 4: What's Your Travel Personality?

Culture CloverYour only goal of this trip is to experi-ence something amazing. You’ve Yelped your way through countless reviews of corner eateries and gastropubs in the quirkiest parts of town--weeks before you head out. You know who’s playing at every festival and where the best IPAs are. You’re going to get more out of this destination than most of the locals do.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Have taken at least two art or film classes in college

TOP FIVES:Muji notebook, iPhone, Goe oil, waxed canvas bag, Pepto (for the whole ad-venturous food part)

Page 5: What's Your Travel Personality?

Moody MonaPeople are kind of wary of what you’re think-ing on the plane trip because you seem so in your own head. For you, any trip presents itself as an opportunity to reflect and escape from your everyday life, and you enjoy that. It’s not that you’re not having fun on this trip. You just need a few moments alone.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Order room service (in an attempt to avoid more people)

TOP FIVES:Headphones, books (to read in the car/plane), motion-sickness patches to help with afore-mentioned activities, white noise machine, and an extra sweater

Culture CloverYour only goal of this trip is to experi-ence something amazing. You’ve Yelped your way through countless reviews of corner eateries and gastropubs in the quirkiest parts of town--weeks before you head out. You know who’s playing at every festival and where the best IPAs are. You’re going to get more out of this destination than most of the locals do.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Have taken at least two art or film classes in college

TOP FIVES:Muji notebook, iPhone, Goe oil, waxed canvas bag, Pepto (for the whole ad-venturous food part)

Page 6: What's Your Travel Personality?

Hurry Up HarryYou probably drive aggressively to your destination and slam drinks at the hotel’s Happy Hour events. You talk fast, you’ve been everywhere, you’ve worked at this company for 5+ years, and you know most of these cities like the back of your hand. You think bad service is a carnal sin and basically don’t mind saying so.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Drive results, but work too hard

TOP FIVES:Golf clubs, rewards points, hair prod-ucts/perfume/cologne, designer wallet, energy drink

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Millennial MattYou got this job recently. Will you get judged for pronouncing cities and drinks wrong? Maybe. Will some of your fashion choices raise eyebrows? Yep- but you’ve just start-ed your career, and you have plenty of time to figure all this out. Your best friend on this trip will be Culture Clover, but you’ll actually be more like Hurry Up Harry in 20 years. And that’s perfectly okay.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Question everything

TOP FIVES:Camera phone, Apple Watch, bike (if there’s any way possible), parents, bright vin-tage-looking tennis shoes

Page 8: What's Your Travel Personality?

Millennial MattYou got this job recently. Will you get judged for pronouncing cities and drinks wrong? Maybe. Will some of your fashion choices raise eyebrows? Yep- but you’ve just start-ed your career, and you have plenty of time to figure all this out. Your best friend on this trip will be Culture Clover, but you’ll actually be more like Hurry Up Harry in 20 years. And that’s perfectly okay.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Question everything

TOP FIVES:Camera phone, Apple Watch, bike (if there’s any way possible), parents, bright vin-tage-looking tennis shoes

Budget BrendaWon’t stay anywhere unless she has a free night or a discount. Buys grocer-ies for each meal at the hotel. Doesn’t mind driving 20 miles to the worksite or beach if she finds a good deal.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Never get a speeding ticket / vote in every election / get brownie points for coming in under budget at work

TOP FIVES:Comfortable, modestly-priced shoes, sunscreen, antibacterial wipes (gener-ic!), coupons, cooler (to store food from home)

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Suburban SusieYou have to have all the convenience, and there’s nothing wrong with that, right? Location, location, location... Also, you wouldn’t dare to venture anywhere that isn’t within walking dis-tance of a Starbucks. You need a hotel with the finest amenities, or at the very least a state-of-the-art fitness center, American breakfast, and spa.

VOTED MOST LIKELY TO:Have the best chia seed smoothie recipe

TOP FIVES:iPod, Fitbit, puffer vest, attractive luggage, BlenderBottle. Okay...6.And Lululemon yoga pants

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