wheels weekly issue 01

THE FASTEST CAR MAGAZINE FOR A CUP OF WHITE COFFEE KDN: PQ/PP1505(16196) West Malaysia RM3.90 ISSUE 01: wednesday, september 09, 2009 WHAT’S UP NEW JAGUAR XJ PG 06 PG 20 PG 16 MINI COUPE CABRIO? ACCORD CROSSTOUR ROLLS ROYCE GHOST NEW SAAB 9-5 LEXUS HYBRID HATCH ELECTRIC SUPERCAR www.wheels-weekly.com + + THIS COULD WELL BE THE VERY BEST FERRARI EVER. IS THIS OUR FUTURE? BMW VISION EFFICIENT DYNAMICS IS THIS THE MOMENT OF RECKONING FOR ALL OF US? For the past century, our technological advancements that brought us unprecedented change to how we live our lives had taken it’s toll on the very cradle that had supported us, from rising temperatures to phenomenal hurricanes, it is evident that we had to do something to reverse, if not slow down the destruction of Gaia. But can we? Only the collective efforts of every individual would it make any form of difference, and individuals as we know, are an unlikely bunch that would sacrifice to protect the good of all. Who would rather ride a bus to work if driving is fine? Even though it reduces green house gases that warms our climate? And how can we fulfill the urge of owning and driving a performance car from individuals that had succeeded in life through the very social system - Capitalism - that creates competition and ultimately, improves our lives? BMW seems to have solved the riddle with the Vision Efficient Dynamics Concept. One that blurs the boundaries between two extreme spectrums, blending high performance with low emission virtues. As the fastest magazine in town, we reveal first hand, complete, detailed information obtained from BMW. NISSAN GTR TESTED AND DRIVEN! PG 11 PG 26 PG 06 PG 07 PG 10 PG 09 ww_sept01b:ww02.qxd 9/8/2009 12:09 PM Page 1

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T H E F A S T E S T C A R M A G A Z I N E F O R   A   C U P   O F   W H I T E   C O F F E E

KDN: PQ/PP1505(16196)West Malaysia RM3.90 ISSUE 01: wednesday, september 09, 2009



PG 20 PG 16




PG 24 NEW SAAB 9-5



w w w. w h e e l s - w e e k l y . c o m

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IS THIS THE MOMENT OF RECKONING FOR ALL OF US? For the past century, our technologicaladvancements that brought us unprecedented change to how we live our lives had taken it’s toll on thevery cradle that had supported us, from rising temperatures to phenomenal hurricanes, it is evidentthat we had to do something to reverse, if not slow down the destruction of Gaia. But can we? Only thecollective efforts of every individual would it make any form of difference, and individuals as we know,are an unlikely bunch that would sacrifice to protect the good of all. Who would rather ride a bus towork if driving is fine? Even though it reduces green house gases that warms our climate? And howcan we fulfill the urge of owning and driving a performance car from individuals that had succeededin life through the very social system - Capitalism - that creates competition and ultimately, improvesour lives?

BMW seems to have solved the riddle with the Vision Efficient Dynamics Concept. One thatblurs the boundaries between two extreme spectrums, blending high performance with low emissionvirtues. As the fastest magazine in town, we reveal first hand, complete, detailed information obtainedfrom BMW.


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TOYOTA WILL AGAIN BE PUTTING THE IQ ONFRANKFURT’S SHOW FLOOR THIS COMINGSEPTEMBER with a few visual lollipops added foreyeballs. Currently under study for a viability entry intoAmerican shores, the Toyota iQ might enter US marketsunder the youth brand Scion.

A small car making big waves, the iQ has been anunprecedented success for Toyota, with a confirmed dealwith Aston Martin, where the iQ will become Aston’sexclusive ‘Purchase on Purchase’ premium dubbed AstonMartin Cygnet. Now, rumor has it that BMW officials haveapproached Toyota for a platform exchange, where BMWmight be getting their hands on the iQ where in exchangethe Mini’s platform be made available for Toyota. Ourthoughts? It seems like a better deal for Bimmer ascompared to Toyo, for Toyota had plenty of wellengineered FWD chassis, and definitely not one whoneeds help when it comes to force induction engines.

Toyota iQ The BIG small car

YES, you've probably read it somewhere else earlier on.Where Top Gear USA carefully engineered a series of leaksand scoops of the Porsche Cayman Shooting Brake, and in abrief moment of time; giant automotive blogs such as Autoblogand Jalopnik (which obviously ran the story earlier on,believing in it) disclose the good prank, citing how 'believable'it was and also saying 'they did mentioned it could be a fake) -Obviously trying to save a few cents of face value. Sites that didnot run the story, immediately hopped around in 'celebration'noting how 'clever' they are and how 'silly' Autoblog andJalopnik is. Problem is, the entire conundrum begins with therising of social media.

There has been countless articles and studiesclaiming how powerful and how influential social media is, withthe influx of Blogs, Twitter or Facebook captivating audiencesworldwide in hundreds of millions. To the extend whereanalysts even made speculations of WHEN social medianetworks will replace traditional medias such as newsprint,magazines and televisions. With their seemingly costless startup, low running costs, the future seems bleak for traditionalmedias.

Only that the Porsche Shooting Brake hoax wasironically broken cover by New York Times, a traditional mediaowner. Truth is, the problem lies not in the choice of touchpoints for readers, but the integrity and quality of journalismthat sets traditional media and social media apart. Setting up anew magazine, or newsprint costs a lot more than websites andblogs, to reach 1 million readers, New York Times would haveto print more than 1 million papers alone, the initialinvestments are so huge that traditional media networkscannot afford making mistakes, in fact, the only way ofproviding great transparency and integrity in journalism is tohear it from the horses mouth, or in other words, employinghuge numbers of journalists traveling all across the globescavenging information, delving into and developing news,the equipment levels and manpower required is justunimaginably staggering when compared to social medias.

One aspect that made social media networks easilyfall prey to such hoaxes or pranks lies in the unendingcompetition to scoop information faster than the other, oftenwithout regards of the original source's validity of report, theusual attitude towards social media news reporting; be itautomotive, technology or fashion is the magical word ofhearsay. If there's a substantial number of websites reportingthe same article, then high chances are that it's ‘true’, andtherefore there's no need for further investigations.

Social media owners would rather knowingly reportsomething seemingly 'fake' than to completely avoid it for thesake of numbers of views, readership and comments - Whichare an all important figure for presenting to advertisers - Theironly source of income. In the advent of such competitivemarkets, the difficult and expensive work of actuallyemploying qualified reporters and writers were rendered asfree contents vying for eyeballs, and in return scouring foradvertising revenue. In fact, to 'qualify' as an automotiveblogger under a major website or blog, one only needs to beable to write decent english, and spend huge amounts of timein front of the LCD screen reading what other sites report, andthen writing their own versions, Googling suitable images, andwalla! Ready and done for the next 'news'.

This pose a big question for all, where's thejournalistic integrity? What sort of readers are advertiser'smoney touching base with? 12 million of readers made up ofJFK27, OmniSlasher245? Who could've been 16 year oldarmchair quarterbacks or keyboard racers? Or traditionalmedia's readers, who could afford and appreciatesubscriptions to Time, Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek or TopGear?

It won't be long before the hype's all bubbled up andburst as long as media owners continue to generate mediawithout spending a penny, leveling traditional journalismpowerhouse on the same par with new upstarts, and readerswho need not spend a cent reading and knowing.

Eyeballs are important, but target segment is morerelevant.

WE’RE NOT TOO SURE IF THE CONTROVERSIALLEADER OF LIBYA had a secret hobby of designingcars, who likewise Hitler who ended up far from hischildhood dreams of being an artist. But the truth is,Gaddafi, out of no where, designed and ordered theLibyan Rocket to be built, where he claims ‘normal roadcars’ are too unsafe, and this will be the safest car in theworld. In what manner we’re not too sure, but theaccompanying press release statements is pure gold :”The invention of the safest car in the world is proof thatthe Libyan Revolution is built on the happiness of man.”Letter of the month entails he who decode this.

WITH the entire automotive industry plunging intoeco-conscious car frenzy, rare earths, a crucial elementto the production of hybrids is going into short supply.

Toyota, which accounts for 70% of hybridvehicles in United States, with the Prius firmly slotted onthe very top spot, is “the biggest user of rare earths.”according to Jack Lifton, an independent commoditiesconsultant and strategic metal expert.

This expose all Eco cars such as Honda’sInsight Hybrid or Chevrolet’s upcoming Volt (electricvehicle) to vulnerability in costs and supply, as China, amain exporter of rare earths had began limitingexports due rising local demand as China officials inresponse to the West’s calls for a more sustainable andresponsible economic expansion - begin providingincentives for local brands such as BYD, a leader inbattery technology, and hybrid vehicle producer.Warren Buffet had recently secured a big stake in BYD.

It remains to be seen if the inevitable spike incosts would affect production of Hybrids in themeanwhile, as a rare earths mine in California is slatedfor reopen come year 2012, and possibilities of furtherexploration of such mines in Canada, Vietnam byJapanese firms might weather the surge in price andshortage in supplies well enough.

As of now, optimism is still the word of the daywith Toyota expecting to produce 1 million Priuses byyear 2010.





.:::..:: INTERNATIONALNEWS ::..:::. 03

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hances are, you won’t, no onewould, no one would’ve. Humansare born to keep themselves away

from danger, or in short, to give their bestshot in surviving.

However, why is it that there’s analarming increase of people who SMS whiledriving? Knowingly that its actually verydangerous for them to have their eyes off theroad? In fact, people who’ve tried SMSingwhile driving, will definitely remember afew close calls that might have taken theirlives.

Why do we drive around? Simple,to make a living, to get things done, in shortwe need to remain mobile at all times.

Mobility brings flow of economy,and economy, is the world order today.However, traveling from one place to theother is basically a waste of time, as theintention here is to arrive, get things done,communicate, or to shake hands and close adeal, or to unload concrete, so buildingsgets done, offices get bought up, andbusinesses begins hiring people, so no onewould jump off buildings because they’rebroke.

As our world progress along,information flow became faster than theblink of an eye, internet, WiFi, WiMax, 3G,everything that’s around us are calculatedby split seconds. We begin living in a worldthat we can no longer afford 2 hours of doingabsolutely nothing, just so because we’rebehind our wheels, going somewhere.

Therefore its literally IMPOSSIBLEto stop someone from communicating,whether it’s to inform on the arrival, or toanswer a call from a friend who perhaps is

committing suicide, or to simply tell a friendthat you’re driving, and will reply his SMSlater.

Remember the days when carsbegin to come equipped with telephones?Or during the early years when everyonestarted having mobile phones? We don’thave a problem making calls while driving,and we pretty soon adapt to it. We’rehumans, we learn how to keep our eyes onthe road while talking on the phone ordialing.

Headphones? Bluetooth? Even ifwe’re using headsets, we still need to dialour phone, without taking it up to eye level,

to evade being spotted, which comes backto the very cause of accidents, having oureyes off the road.

At this point, if anyone doubtswhether we could concentrate while talkingon the phone and driving, may I ask whetheryou’re allowed to talk in the car? Hell youcan sing, change radio channels, scratchyour anus, pick your nose while you drive. Infact, the only thing I find dangerous whilemaking calls when I drive, is when I need toconstantly lookout of my rear view and sidemirrors to check if there are policemenaround, that really takes my attention off theroads.

If I can dial my phone and talkfreely, I’d drive safer. In fact, some peopletalk on the phone just to have a companionkeeping them awake.

What does all this have to do withSMSing then? Well, since we weren’t allowedto get spotted putting phones next to ourears while driving, we result to SMSing;because then we can keep our phone low,out of sight from the windows, and not getcaught.

Therefore the very reason everyeach of us continue to SMS while driving,risking our lives is because we are no longer

allowed to make phone calls when we drive! Studies have shown that even thou

dialing our phones does increase chances ofaccidents by 5.3 times, let’s not forget it’scompletely legal to dial your phone if you’rewearing headphones. However, after thatshort few seconds of dialing, talking on thephone will not increase the chance ofgetting involve in an accident. Yes, talking onthe phone, with your eyes on the road, givesyou exactly the same driving capabilitiesjust so without according to studies.

How about SMSing while driving?Especially when you’re not allowed to, andyou have to do it secretively. It increasesyour chances of involving in an accident bya staggering 23.7 times!

Forcing us to keep our eyes off theroad, or allowing us to raise our mobilephones to ear/eye level? 5.3 times thechances of being involved in an accident or23.7 times? You pick.

Stopping people to communicatewhile driving, is exactly the same as thosewho do not allow young teenage boys orgirls to have relationships, or sex for thatmatter. Its just not going to happen. That’swhy after so many years, they now teachteens to wear condoms.

ublic opinion matters, andpoliticians need societal supportto stay in power. Thus hedging on

creating ‘issues’ that allows the public toeasily relate to, and then combating them,is always the easiest way of guaranteeingpolitical success.

Think about it, instead of tacklingreal issues that seemed hidden before theyblew out of proportions - Such as sub primemortgages, education system overhauling;things that involved too many parties andtoo much time, too complicated for thecommon to understand its risks andbenefits; most politicians went busy overthe easiest-est to tackle: Erecting laws thatprohibits drivers to talk on the phone whilstdriving, putting up speed cameras, andblaming SUV drivers that they’re a hazardto the environment and that they drownpolar bears.

These ‘issues’ easily garneredpublic support, not so that they’re wrecking

havoc on the very planet we’re living in,more so because the general public ‘easilybelieves’ these as causes that needsimmediate address, because its so easilyrelated to.

Just take a look at the manythousand or so regulations and legislationsthat took place around us, emission targetsthat car manufacturers simply find itimpossible and unfeasible to pursue, carbuyers encouraged to drive less, bus lanesopened for Hybrid/EV owners, congestioncharges waived etc, all easy targets that aredeemed as means of combating GlobalWarming. How about the rise in worldwidebattery production that feeds thesealternative energy vehicles? The increasein toxic waste from battery manufacturers?Or the increase in coal power stations togenerate enough electricity to power yourenvironmentally friendly cars? How aboutbillions of cows that farts greenhouse gasesevery minute or so? How about helpingdeveloping nations to build clean, modernnuclear power stations?

Well, these are far toocomplicated for the general public tounderstand, or for politicians to tackle,there’s a saying, if there’s a good thingyou’re planning while in office, make sure itlasts shorter than your elected term.

Developing nations are fastgaining on the ratio of CO2 output percapita in comparison to developed nations,and plenty are relying on conventional coalburning, dirty power stations or diesel

stations that emits millions of tons ofgreenhouse gases each year. Take India forexample, slated to overtake China as themost populous country in the next 20 years,the relentless growing of coal powerstations to feed such growing demandwould be unthinkable, and Indian officialshad begin seeking alternative clean fuels,such as nuclear power stations. Yes, India isa nuclear power country, yet they’re also farbehind the likes of United States when itcomes to such technologies, same goesChina.

Despite this, advance nations withtheir relentless worry that every othercountry’s trying to nuke them every nowand then, had denied India’s intent ofprocuring more advance nuclear powerstations, or the technology allowing so tobe done.

This is a huge dilemma, withpoliticians not wanting to delve too muchtime into such issues that are too far, orsimply too polarized in terms of publicopinion to be at the center of everyone’sfocal point.

Should the world’s coal powergenerators all switch to nuclear power, itwould’ve been enough to offset the world’spotential reduce in greenhouse gases fromimproving vehicle efficiencies. How’s thatfor a change in perspective?

Of course, if all politicians aresuch hot blooded passionistas, there won’tbe anyone writing automotive blogs right?

aving served Audi for the past 19years, witnessing anunprecedented rise in Audi’s

popularity, the four ringed logo coupledwith Audi’s unique typeface will bereplaced by one that signifies the four ringembracing the future. With a slightlyrevised, more 3D rendition of the fourinterlocking rings that resemble themerger of DKW, Horch, Wanderer andAudi; and also a new, simpler typefaceplaced on the left instead of center.



23.7times more likely to crash if youCAN’T TALK on the phone while driving?

Der NeueAudi

Will you close your eyes whilst driving? Or would you deliberately try swallowing a meatball without chewing?



04 .:::..:: INDUSTRYINSIGHT ::..:::.

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ince the debut of Toyota Prius backin year 1997; more than 1,000,000Priuses have been sold so far, and

counting. True it is that the Prius is atechnological marvel, by having a hybriddrivetrain consisting of a ICE (InternalCombustion Engine) and another electricpowered engine, it could achieveconsiderable savings in petrol consumption.

At least that’s the face value of it, wewouldn’t discuss much on cynic’s claimwhereby eventually the increase in usage ofbatteries would lead to more toxic waste -which nevertheless is a by-product of batteryproduction.

With Toyota as the juggernautspearheading the move towardsenvironmentally conscious vehicles, othermanufacturers had since caught up; and allthe way from consumers to celebrities, to theboard of directors of major car manufacturinggiants, this unstoppable force of ‘GoingGreen’ had given a massive overhaul to thedirection of our century old automotiveindustry.

Throughout history, there never hasbeen a greater change to the car industrylandscape, every manufacturer is nowpouring millions towards development of Ecoconscious vehicles. Fuel Cell, Hybrids,Electric Vehicles, Compressed Air, HydrogenCars, Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, StartStop technology; all these are commoneveryday terms we began to hear, read andspeak, driving a small, environmentallyfriendly car has never been cooler. Whereashaving a big has guzzler now, is almost as ifyou’re lighting a cigarette in an airconditioned room, with anti-smoking activistsaround you, in a hospital.


Not only so, government officials vying forpublic support not only jumped onto thebandwagon, in fact they make damn sure its ahybrid bandwagon. Passing new laws, andemission regulations; even to the extend ofexclusive parking spots in malls for hybrids.Driving a hybrid not only makes you feel‘cool’, it even allows you to evade congestioncharges - Even if you’re driving a LexusLS600h.

With all these supporting factors,manufacturers had no choice, but to gosmaller, cheaper, and cleaner. Not only so,brands long associated themselves withmotor sports even began distancingthemselves from their long establishments.Honda and BMW pulled out of F1 to ‘Focusmore on green technology’; Mercedes Benz’snew SLS super car comes with an all electricvariant. Everyone, everything is trying to gogreen because it SELLS.


Tata, the Indian conglomerate giant who nowowns Jaguar and Land Rover had justlaunched the Tata Nano, with more than200,000 sold so far; is a One Lakh car, which at100,000 Rupees, is the cheapest car in theworld; of which Ratan Tata cites is a small, ecofriendly car that not only burns cleaner thanIndia’s vast clunkers, but opens up anopportunity for India’s billions ofmotorcyclists being able to upgrade to a car.And before you even start going by thenumbers, there’s Pakistan and Bangladeshnearby, in fact it could be the new century’sFord Model T, putting masses onto fourwheels. So call “Mobilizing millions”.

Today, there are an estimated 600million cars roaming our streets andhighways and by the end of 2009, another 51million will be added. The truth is,manufacturers and consumers are hidingbehind this ‘Eco’ branded veil of conspicuousconsumption.

Purchasing and owning a green cargives perfect excuse of not riding a train towork, not walking or cycling to the grocerystore across the street. In fact, studies haveshown hybrid car owners drive more thanowners of conventional cars - believing thatby doing so, they’re doing the Polar bears afavor. With government officials thinking thatby encouraging the purchase of new, greenercars, they’re buying themselves an insurancepolicy of getting elected the next term, theysomehow evaded the real solution to thisproblem.

Passing regulations that mandatesshopping malls to paint new green boxesalongside yellow ‘Handicapped’ ones is ofcourse easier than building mass transitsystems in front of residential estates,revamping a city’s mass transit system ofcourse requires more man power and time; infact, putting in all the hard work for a 10 yearplan, dealing with protests from home andbusiness owners in a city for the first fewyears; only to see their opposition partyenjoying the ‘success’ after their 8 year term isthe very last thing that would encourage themto doing so.

At the end of the day, Jay Leno hadto purchase another one of his ‘heavilypolluting’ Ferrari at with heavy emissiontaxes, of which he might drive it 200kilometers in a year, where another millionpeople placed their orders for a Prius orNano, racking up thousands of kilometers ayear, burning vast amount of petrol, emittingmillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere,increasing global warming, and sinking Polarbears.


e’ve heard enough babbling fromPorsche purists on how theirbeloved Stuttgart sports car

manufacturer is now more obsessed withmaking money as they have been with cars.Ploughing into the 4x4 business a few yearsback with the Cayenne, Porsche shockedtraditionalists with this 2 ton monstrosity thatlooks like a big bad offspring between ahippo and a toad, Richard Hammond hated it,maintaining that Porsche should be amanufacturer of sports cars, ones that weighno more than a 1500 kilos, and goes aroundcorners unadultered, killing every driver thatdon’t come with a surname by the likes ofSchumacher or Senna.

Of course the Cayenne disappointsmany by not being able to corner into a treeblowing up into a fireball, but at the very sametime, it impresses many more by being able toscreech its tyres around tight Swiss mountainpasses while ferrying the wife, two peskychildren and one labrador at the back. Andspeaking of status symbols, it has the largestarea mass of any Porsche that would reflectthe sun’s ray to the retinas of more by passersthan any vehicle sporting luxury marque’sbadges. Becoming the obvious choice ofmiddle eastern oil Sheikhs and Russianoligarchs. Singlehandedly, Cayennecatapulted total Porsche production intonumbers of 6 figure category, almostcomparable to the likes of mass productionmakes such as Saab, and a fantasy number forFerrari or Lamborghini.

Building on the success of Cayenne,Wiedeking, the (recently fired) Porsche CEOwho turned the near bankrupt manufacturerback in 1993 into Europe’s most admiredcompany embarked on their secondambitious project, one that harks back into theonce abandoned Porsche 928 4 Door project- The Porsche Panamera, is then born.

Again, many considers Porschethreading a dangerous line, one that wouldeat into many years of racing heritage andlegacy, and one that fans of die-hard boxerbangers would inject 10w engine oil into theirblood veins to vouch defending.

This begs a question, is Porschedoing the right thing? And I’m afraid I’ve sortof figured it out this week, when BMWlaunched the 6.0 Twin Turbo V12 7 Series inShanghai.

Unlike the yesteryears, where an S-Class or 7 Series were purely the indulgences

of CEOs and Statesmen, where advancementsin technology brings these very importantpeople the likes of ABS, airbags, EBD, TCS, etcalmost exclusively. Today, one with a companysolely consisting of a secretary and himselfcould give out name cards with the title CEO;a Mamak stall owner could easily have 1 oreven 2 Mercedes S350. What do you expect?Even pirated VCD boys drive around in 3Series.

Why is it then? For now we have‘entry level’ luxury cars. Deliberately givensmaller engines, lesser equipment levels justso more masses could pretend beingstatesmen or VIPs. Sure they’re equallyadvance as their predecessors right? Only ifyou tick more boxes on the options lists. NightVision? Auto cornering Bi Xenon headlamps?Multi-functional vehicle control systems withhard disks? Massaging seats? Active BodyControl? They’re all optional. Provided youpurchase those that came with at least eightcylinders. Class example would be theaforementioned 6 liter V12 Twin Turbo BMW760. Starting at $136,000; means speccing upfurther would be a far cry off Panamera TurboS’ $132,000.


Of course these are in US Dollars and for usMalaysians, they both are dirt cheap if theywere gonna come in these money. Let’s putsome equation into perspectives shall we? A740, equipped with the 3.0 twin turbo enginecosts 52 quids in UK, thats about RM300k inMalaysia; which is what people here pay for aLexus IS 300. The same 740 costs aroundRM850,000 in Malaysia (no joke), and that’sthe base model. Given that the 760 costsaround 95 quids in UK when its available, thatmight reach a cool RM1.6 mil in Malaysia ifreal CEOs liked to get chauffeured around.

This begs the question. Would you,pay twice the amount of money and lugaround in something that basically is the samecar, with a few extra cylinders and a fewincomprehensible alphabets (TCS, EDC,ADC, etc)?

Or would you rather have a PorschePanamera? Even if its the base model? Andtruth be told, the Panamera is a beauty parkednext to either the 7 Series or S-Class,regardless if it’s a S350 or S500 AMG.


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.:::..:: NEWCAR ::..:::.06

THE TITLE WOULD SEEM MOREBEFITTING FOR THE XF, themodel that marks Jaguar’sphilosophical and design change,yet what the XJ does, apart fromsinging along with XF’s designlanguage, is that it exemplifiesJaguar’s determination in marking asound stamp. One that not onlyshifts forward from their previousattempt of going mass marketcompeting with the likes ofMercedes Benz, but also one thatmoves upwards, in between the biggap from Mercedes to Bentley.

Whereas the XF took theC-XF’s rear end coupled with amore subtle front, the XJ took thefront of the C-XF concept and took acompletely different design routetowards the rear. From the sharpcreases that runs along the frontbonnet, the XJ’s lines flow towardsthe rear along the shoulder linesand slopes downwards. Flankingboth sides are two prominent rearlamps in vertical configuration,flamboyant yet decidedlyunderstated without overtlycomplicating LED clusters.

Technologically, fullaluminum construction has alwaysbeen Jaguar XJ’s signature, enginesare sourced from Coventry’s usualmenu, 5 liter V8s in natural aspiratedto supercharged form, producingpowers that varies from 385hp to510hp. Of course, in itself these aregreat engines and we’re not goingto doubt Jaguar’s handling

capabilities, and certainly, comfortand luxury, are traits synonymous tothe leaping cat.

Stepping inside, insteadof Big Ben, it’s the MillenniumBridge. Gone is the J-gate shifters,replaced by the rotational dial thatelevates in a firm action. The entirespeedo cluster was replaced by ahi-res LCD screen, which makes adramatic entrance as one pushesthe start button. The entire dash,high quality trims of chrome andaluminum aside is then accentuatedby a dim glow of blue. An extremelyglorifying experience in itself.

What makes us markingthe XJ as a future product fromJaguar, is the very essence ofthought behind the XJ’s conception;the notion that Jaguar finally throwsbehind decades of insistence onBritish aristocracy designs and

finally, not only embracingmodernistic approach, but onethat’s a few years ahead of itsGerman rivals. It is evident in theentire packaging, instead ofdemanding for attention, the newJag simply attracts with its quiet,simple yet majestic lines.

With a very well sortedout design language now makinghead waves, the marketing job isdone. It is now up to Jaguar’sengineers to look beyond fittingthese cats with the latest techno-gadgetry, and making sure they alsostay at the forefront of automotiveengineering prowess.

And that’s a very tallorder, as we know too well, whichareas the Germans truly excel in.Only with that, will Jaguar trulyrelinquish the past glory, byembracing the future.

TRAVELING BACK THROUGH TIMEJaguar XJ arrives from the future

ROLLS ROYCE OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED THE GHOST,marking a new hallmark in RR’s century long productionhistory. This is the very first time Rolls Royce decides toproduce a ‘lesser’ model. Meant to be a sub-model that will gohand in hand with the current Phantom before the biggerbrother’s replacement arrives somewhere in year 2011.

Smaller it is, slower it isn’t as the Ghost comes packwith a 6.6 liter V12 engine pumping out a massive 563hp, givingthis 2.4 ton roller a 4.7 second century sprint. At 5.4 meters longwith a 3.3 meter wheelbase, this lesser Rolls is still much largerthan a BMW 7 Series, and of course luxurious interior is never aquestion for barges that comes with the RR badge.

However, what makes Rolls Royces irreplaceable, istheir relentless pursue of excellence, making sure everythingproduced is of the highest standard and quality, with noexcuses for anything that’s even remotely ‘lesser’. This then,makes the Ghost, one that’s supposed to be smaller, so that itgoes head on bang crashing into Bentley’s very successfulFlying Spur, becoming something that although it’s withoutdoubt crafted by highly skilled craftsmen in Ye Old England,but created sadly by accountants and marketers from Munich.

Ghost is here tohaunt Bentley

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.:::..:: NEWCAR ::..:::. 07


I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT SAAB’S MADEME WEAK ON THE KNEES, especially onewith a women. This quirky Swedish brand,like all things Scandinavian, just exudes thekind of sophistication through puresimplicity that no other brands seem to beable to grapple. For decades, they’ve beenquietly producing some of the most singleminded cars in the world, yet strangely,highly popular amongst some of thestrangest demographics - High income, highsocial level professionals that don’t seem tohave any sort of interest in cars.

Let me repeat, Saabs seem to onlyattract the sort of people with no interests incars at all, yet at the same time possessessome of the most demanding taste andrequirements in the things they own.

To further elaborate my point andmaking sense out of it, say someone whointroduced himself in clubs to women as“Jean Paul David, who could only beidentified as Chong Ah Beng through hisidentity card upon police night raids; arealso the sort that constantly wears Bluetoothheadsets, obnoxious aviator sun glassescoupled with a seemingly incapability ofwearing his Burberry polo shirt with thecollars in the supposed manner - Would mostlikely picked a BMW 3 or 5 Series as his rideof choice (Now Audis), never mind if hecouldn’t quite figure out what the term‘Munich’ has to do with his ride.

In contrast, those who pickedSaabs, are the ones who would prefer adecent read of Dan Brown’s than clubbing,who saviors red wine than gulping up BlackLabel mixed with Yeo’s sugar cane, andlistening to Zee Avi when everyone else goescrazy over Lady Gaga. To many, they’re aboring bunch of dentists, architects, lawyersor editors (ehem). Marketing, advertising tothese people are seemingly just a waste oftime, as they just know what they wanted,why, they couldn’t quite describe as well.

One reason for sure, is that theirloyalty towards Saab, seems to be driven by

the fact that Saabs being overtly unpopularamongst the masses. As much as GM triedbreaking this rule of Swedish thumb, to tryminting profits and increasing sales byexcessive platform sharing, chromemascaras as facelifts; they’ve failedmiserably, for it alienates Saab’s corecustomer segments.

Under new Swedish super carmaker Koenigsegg’s ownership, Saab aims torelinquish their dwindling markets - Byrefocusing again on niche demographics,aiming a smaller, yet more profitable

strategy, much like Apple. And the new Saab9-5 is a testament to this.

Styled much like the Aero XConcept, the new Saab 9-5 sports blackout Aand B pillars that mimics the wraparoundcockpits of a fighter jet, (Saab’s originatesfrom military aviation industry) completewith side mirrors with the upper portionblackened out to give the impressions of asmall aerofoil. Accentuated by a thin chromelining, are the characteristic C pillars thatstrongly mimics those of the Saab 900, whichthen flows smoothly, with a slight slant

towards the back end. Of which unlike mostcars that sort of designed a dramatic frontand then finishing off the rear after a fewpints, the new 9-5 seems to do just the exactopposite with those attractive LED clad rearclusters.

Inside, is where things get a littlebit techie, in contrast to the exterior, Saab’scabin has always been busy with buttons,one that seemed confusing at first, butdefinitely better for day to day use asfamiliarity picks on. The use of aluminumbrushed surfaces also show Saab’s intent ofmatching up to the Germans when it comesto interior build, add with a very uniquechoice of green back lighting for everythingincluding the head up display, the new 9-5 ismore befitting as a military commandoutpost than a family luxo-cruiser.

And that is a very dangerous line Ibelieve Saab is treading. Instead of focusingon building it the 9-5 with a philosophy offunction over form, they seem infatuated withthe urge of marketing it as a fighter jet, as ifit’s the next big marketing niche no one hasyet poke a dipstick in. What’s next? Trains? Ihope Saab remembers the reason theyembrace turbo-charge technology back inthe 80s, is because of the relatively coldertemperatures in Scadinavian countries thatpacks more denser air, and equipping themwith 4WDs are meant solely for the use ofScandinavian flicks instead of marketingpurposes. Even more so, all pre-GM Saabshad door handles that are made so strongthat you can tie a rope to it and pull the entirecar out of a ditch - common scenario in snowcovered winters. And that, is the very reasonwhy Saab used win the hearts of people whonever really bother with cars at all, becauseSaabs of the yesteryears bothered quite afair bit share about the daily lives of theirs.

Answering problems they thought wouldnever come with solutions.

Trollhättan’s Perfect 9-5 Job

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exerts; whereas the LS attractsattention in a slow detailedmanner, the Equus demands for itwithout reserves.

Attention, is what it'll definitely get,especially in black.

Unlike S-Classes that would look atease with a fathering figure behindthe wheels, or an LS that looked justabout fine on Wisteria Lane drivenby housewives; the Equus lookedas if it can only be driven by secretservice agents or Men In Blacks. Infact even 50 Cent looks like a little16 year old chav beside one ofthese. It is that serious, that real, thatno nonsense feel, this car evokes.

That's a tall order thou, consideringin UK, the very mention of'Hyundai', is synonymous withlaughing jokes, (Thanks to TopGear). However, right before myeyes, I believe the Equus onlyserves to remind the Brits, that theautomotive sector of the empirewhere the sun never sets now onlyserves to cast a long shadow overits looming industry.

When the world thoughtHyundai gave its best with theGenesis, wham! And the Kimchination gave us another sting on thesenses, from afar, it does look likethe Lexus LS, not in the way itsstyled similarly, but the mood it

y first impressions on theEquus, is that it seems toembody not just theambitions of Hyundai,

(ranked 4th largest as of this year)but the entire South Korea alongwith its entire industry andpeople's pride. It would seem as ifthe usual denominations ofregional economy powers (whichusually go by USA, Europe, Japan,Asia excluding Japan) can nolonger accurately define thecorrect standard deviation withSouth Korea's inclusion.

Yes, Koreans too can tip the charts,and the Equus is here to makedamn sure that happens, now.

There's no doubt about itspresence, just to relate it physically,the distance between the front andrear wheels can fit a Smart ForTwo,or the Toyota iQ.

Huge it is, but accuratelyproportioned. With sleek shoulderlines that run across its side flanks,all the way to the rear where a

slight hunch adds sophistication tothe execution, riding on 19"chromed wheels, understatementis not what the Equus is.

Stepping into its firstclass cabin, a push on the 'Start'button brings the Equus to life, orstill 'dead' for that matter; it's as ifthe lights just came abound,nothing else, no shivers, notrembles, it's THAT smooth andquiet. The very first thing thatcomes to mind is how well built theinterior is, no fake materials here,everything is just soft and supple,the materials used is just top notch.

The only thing everremotely 'Koren-ish' of the Equus, isthe bang for buck ratio, with theselling price of around $96,000USD in Korea, the level ofequipment that's available with theEquus is just staggering. Manuallyadjustable leveling air suspension,an interactive multimedia consolethat not only does the usual stuffs ofmaking phone calls, GPS, DVD,iPOD connectivity, there's evenbuilt-in games as well - Talk aboutKorea's fanatism with video games.

The rear seats doesn'tonly recline, but comes equippedwith full length leg rests, first class?You bet. For the short wheel baseEquus, the rear arm rest folds upfor another passenger, or down asa control center for the individualzone climate and acoustic controls,even front passenger seat controlscan be accessed from here,making sure the bosses have asmuch legroom as they wished;there's even a flip up LCD screen aswell. In fact yours sincerely got soamazed by the amount of buttonsavailable at the back till Icompletely forgotten about takingphotos.

The rear view mirror alsodouble as something like atransponder for accessing pay perentry zones, reducing the hasslefor having another object mountedon the windscreen, interestingtouch. (And yes, the rear viewmirror have an unusually largenumber of buttons as well) Theinterior, like all cars in thissegment, requires massdeforestation and skinning of cows(or bulls for that matter), with bitsof chrome linings, aluminum hereand there; definitely a splendidplace to be.

One overkill this carcomes equipped with, is theamount of cameras, there's three upfront and one at the rear that's evenequipped with some trick software,it does not only projects the exactimage from point of view, but itactually makes use of cleversoftware rendering technology toproject a 'view from above'perspective, as if the camera'sbeing held from above the boot,showing an image of a stretchedview of the floor and a compactedimage of whatever's vertical fromthat perspective... this makes me


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Never had I imagined, coming from a right hand drivecountry, I'd get to be one of the first to experience the lefthand drive only, Hyundai Equus


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All in all, its a big, hugeintimidating sedan that'ssupremely well built, equippedwith even the kitchen sink, andseeing that it utilizes the Genesis'chassis, should handle equallywell. But do all these guarantee it tobe a viable competitor to the likesof S-Class, 7 Series, A8, XJ and LS?Yes and no.

Even though Hyundaiplayed a wonderful catch up withthe Equus, truth is, to really standtall in this segment, catching up isnot enough. Like the tall order itspitching itself against, the likes ofthis segment does so by creatinggame changing technologies andalso pioneering, world classengineering feats.

For the record, every creaturecomfort that comes with the Equus,is already available somewhere;not that this serves as a major flaw,but if the Koreans want to be seenas one that deserves the same levelof respect, there's still a certain gapto gain. Whatever that makes agenuinely splendid car does so bynot only relying on the purchasingdepartment's capability of pickingup the phone and began orderingthe most expensive materials orthe most technologically advanceequipments.

Instead, they inventthem, conjuring up fascinatingideas of solution, either in aspectsof exceptional handling, newconcepts in occupant andpedestrian safety systems,

There's also radarsensors integrated into the frontalbumpers for the Distronic radarcruise control, where it allows thecar to maintain a fixed distance andspeed from the car up front, I'm notentirely sure whether it couldbrake the car automatically as theS-Class or Volvo XC60 though.

For a car of this segment,its almost a 'default' that it shouldcome equipped with LED headand rear lamps, and the Equus is noexception, one surprise is that theusual cluster area where mostmanufacturers now make use astheir daytime running lights;Hyundai instead use it as its signalindicator lights, which is ratherhuge in my opinion as its almost 1feet across in length. Perhaps toinform puny little E-Classes andA6s of its arrival.

wonder what little toddlers wouldlooked like from the screen in this'rendered' mode.

Also up front, the viewfrom within the huge car is furtherenhanced by the smart cameras'stitching' up three panoramicviews from the frontal cameras,giving a clear indication of what'sexactly up front. Given the sheersize of this thing, this is a given ifyou do not want to scratch itsluscious paint job.

methods of material used inmanufacturing, or simply, newforms of in-car entertainmentsystems. Perhaps even to theextent of helping suppliers in thedesign and manufacturing ofassembly lines that could producethe needed parts quantitative andqualitative measures.

A few examples to beginwith, the BMW 7 Series comes withoptional rear wheel steer that helpsmassively for the two ton leviathanto handle well, the new Jaguar XJcomes with dual view touchscreens, allowing the driver andfront passenger to have differentviews on what’s projected, also theXJ resembles a giant leap forwardin automotive interior designs;whilst both Jaguar XJ and Audi A8had for years embraced aluminumconstruction, rendering themweighing 300-400kg less thanrivals, reducing fuel consumptionand CO2 emission. On the otherhand, Volkswagen's hand builtPhaeton, is the world's first car thathad its air con vents replaced by adozens of hidden air-con outletsthat doesn't require one to blow airacross the front passenger's face toreach the rear, or the rearpassenger in the middle feelingexceptionally cold down ‘there’with arm rest mounted blowsers;likewise the Equus, the Phaeton notonly shows that a mass marketmanufacturer can produce agenuine competitor to establishedmarques, it does so by making animpact, leapfrogging the

competition. Of course, the badge

does it no favor in US and Europe,where VW was considered moreeveryday, people’s car. Were if thePhaeton was introduced in Chinaor Asian markets, where VWs had arather premium image, it would'vebeen a giant hit. As for the originalpremium full size sedan maker,Mercedes' S-Class continues tooffer technology that would onlydebut in other brands after almosta decade.

Please don't get mewrong as I might sound like a bit ofnitpicking here, but this is a veryvalid point to make, to play in thisfield, Hyundai needs to push theboundaries, even from one smallaspect, such as the little wing-likefigurine in front. If Hyundai decidesthat the little statue might puncturea pedestrian's abdomen in anotherwise non life-threateningcollision, and came to a conclusionof not having it there instead; thatwould've been somethingnoteworthy.

Regardless, seeingHyundai came this far is reallynothing short of amazing, and Ireally do look forward for this levelof fit and finish to filter its way intosmaller, more affordable Hyundais,but for that to happen, Hyundaiwould have a rather more difficulttask of augmenting generalconsumer’s mindsets to be onparallel to Hyundai’s growth, albeitslowly and steadily. Good jobHyundai.

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INCONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION, OR PURSUIT OFEXCELLENCE? Whichever it is, it seems Bentley is determined inbreaking the status quo of being ‘the lesser Rolls Royce’ since theirsplit; and the Mulsanne is here to make sure it happens. Being thelargest, most luxurious, intricately detailed Bentley ever, it might alsobe the most powerful as well. Weirdly thou, Crewe did not release anyinformation on it’s powerplant, this leads us into our wildimaginations, as a couple of months ago, a suspicious Bentley is spiedtesting with what seems like a hybrid setup. Keep fingers crossed,we’ll make damn sure as the fastest car magazine in Malaysia, we’lldrill the details sooner than you think.

Audi to Untame ZeELECTRICSupercar

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WITH the debut of the A5 Sportback, Audi hits the very fine linebetween a sporty coupe and a practical hatchback sedan spot on.Offering not only the better looks of the A5 front fascia, 4 doors, and ahatch coupled with flexible rear seats and trunk panel, the Sportbackmarks not only the return of practical, stylish hatches of the 80s, but alsothe redundancy of A4. Yes, it’s cheaper, but the A5 Sportback justifiesevery single premium it charges. Now, what will a 3.0 TFSi 333hp S5Sportback do? Leaving Audi showrooms full of stacked S4s of course.

Chances of it reaching Malaysia? Across the bridge perhaps,driven by Singaporeans reflecting the sun’s ray off envy Malaysian’sretina would be the more likely scenario.

THIS THING WILL SELL VERYWELL, as this is the very reason itsconceived from the first place. Insuch a dire and competitivemarket, the very brand that oncestand as the epitome of automotivepurity in the makings had tradedits relentless pursue of drivingsatisfaction, to its relentless pursueof buying satisfaction.

4.4 liters of V8 gruntpunching out a mighty 480horsepower with the use of notone, but two turbo chargers; not ina sports car or a luxury grantourer, but in an SUV. Not only so,they stuffed in a Hybrid system,yes, trying to be eco-friendly aftergiving a 5.4 second century sprint.However, again, we must ask,what's the point?

A car that deliberatelyshaves its head, so that it lookscool and sporty, leaving rearpassenger's skull a road bumpaway from the ceiling andreducing luggage space, a car thatdeliberately removes the centerportion of the rear bench, so thatthey looked like individual seats,

and could only have 4 passengersmaximum, enhancing its sportingintentions by reducingpracticality, and a car thatproduces way too much powerthan its ever needed, to cater forits weight of 2.5 tons, and then loadup with dynamic chassis controlsthat allows it to corner like a LotusElise; and in the end, the

aforementioned Hybrid systembeing added to reduce fuelconsumption barely to just ameagre 22.8mpg (Prius is 51mpg)- All this for? You bet, to sell it.

So will I put my moneyon the X6 Active-Hybrid? Ofcourse! It ticks all boxes. Power?Checked. Big? Checked.'Environmentally Friendly'?Checked too. It's a car ‘withoutcompromise’, as its equipped witheverything that normally needs 3classification to differentiate them,yet its compromised in so manyother ways because of BMW'sdeliberately attempt to be somany things at once.

So in order to sell a car,you first make it as powerful aspossible, slap on turbo chargers tosqueeze every ounce of power ithas, and then add on a Hybridsystem to give it eco credentials sopeople can buy it guilt free. Thinkof this as a supposed vegetarianthat loves vegetarian sirloin steakor those who oppose beerconsumption drinking 0% alcoholbeer.

Audi’s 5 DoorSupremacy

X6 Active Hybrid

OFFICIALLY SIGNIFYING THE END OF ENDLESS RUMORS, Lexusdropped the gauntlet of the upcoming premium hatch that will go headon with the likes of BMW’s 1 Series and Audi’s A3. With an even strongerL-Finesse design language present on the concept such as theoversized L-shaped rear LED lamps, an interesting approach to the pre-stamped rear spoiler sitting atop the rear hatch opening that’sconstructed as a one piece together with the roof, blacked out B-pillarsand hidden door handles for the rear; this hybrid eco hatch has nointention at all to sell on flower power, instead as the chrome wheelsand chrome door blades suggests, Lexus is making hybrids cooler thannever before.

Certainly, what Lexus unveils later on is still a concept versionthat will have many bits and pieces trimmed off ultimately, let’s justhope it looks as good as the one we reveal later on in the AutomotiveDesign section. Check it out!

Lexus to unveil theLF-CH in Frankfurt

IN A MOVE THAT STREAMLINES VOLVO’S ENTIRE LINEUP TO BEIN SYNC WITH THE NEW XC60, upcoming (delayed) S60, the C70 isthe first Volvo integrated with the new design language.

Sporting what Volvo claims as a resemblance to VikingLongboats, the new sharper looks includes a more prominent, nolonger square-ish grill and a rather hard-to-describe-oblongheadlamp. Changes are skin deep thou, as the interior remains largelyunchanged, perhaps there could be enhancements in specification.

NewVolvo C70

puts on the Viking


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GET USED TO THE BRAND, the now 4th largest automanufacturer in the world is now on steroids. Just look at it,are family sedans even meant to be so sexy?

After decades of being the underdog under theunderdogs, the new 2010 Sonata is not here to play catchup anymore. Sporting a low slung coupe profile that’s moreCLS than Camry, with a 6-speed automatic transmissionand starting from the new 2.0 liter Theta II engine, theKoreans show not only their ambitions, but theirconfidence with the new design language they dub‘Fluidic Sculpture. Basically they’re here to conquer, andfrom the looks of it, I’m holding on to my Honda Accordbooking.

HAVING ENJOYED WORLDWIDE SUCCESS OVER THELAUNCH OF THE NEW MINI AND SUBSEQUENTLYTHE NEW NEW MINI, BMW has been looking left rightand center for expansions of the Mini lineup.

With the Clubman successfully launched, BMWnow embarks onto a turf never before treaded by theoriginal Alec Issigonis Mini, with a Crossover still underfinalization, there’s now a ‘hardcore’ MIni Coupe, with thesame 1.6 liter engine turbocharged in excess of 200hp,with two rear seats removed, the new Mini Coupe would beMini’s first foray into competing with the upcoming VW’sBlueSport, and the rumored Audi R3 sports car.

Of course, almost seemingly, a cabriolet versionwould follow suit, and being the fastest magazine, we bringyou the Mini Coupe Cabriolet as well.

New HyundaiSonata isAWESOME!

INCONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION, OR PURSUITOF EXCELLENCE? Whichever it is, it seems Bentley isdetermined in breaking the status quo of being ‘thelesser Rolls Royce’ since their split; and the Mulsanneis here to make sure it happens. Being the largest, mostluxurious, intricately detailed Bentley ever, it mightalso be the most powerful as well. Weirdly thou, Crewedid not release any information on it’s powerplant, thisleads us into our wild imaginations, as a couple ofmonths ago, a suspicious Bentley is spied testing withwhat seems like a hybrid setup. Keep fingers crossed,we’ll make damn sure as the fastest car magazine inMalaysia, we’ll drill the details sooner than you think.

APPARENTLY HONDA THINKS THE BMW X6 is a goodidea, so a slightly higher Accord wagon with a sloping roofthat serves no reasons other than limiting headroom andluggage space is exactly what Honda believes the worldlacks. Perhaps there’s one little aspect from the X6 Hondadidn’t seem to grasp, as the BMW supports it’s claim ofbeing a sports SUV with an immensely powerful 440hp, 4.4liter turbo charged madness engine coupled to trickdriving dynamic systems that allows it to tackle a LotusElise around a track. That would more than justify thesloping roof for a sports coupe profile, with the added rideheight for convenience.

Honda Accord Crosstour? I believe it’s Honda’sattempt to see how far brand loyalty goes.


BMW sliced off Mini’s roofMini Coupe

Grandest Bentleyis Mulsanne

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or decades, BMW has made thereduction of emissions and fuelconsumption a key part of its productdevelopment strategy, just as

enhancements to the dynamic ability of eachBMW have been a lasting, sustained brandvalue. BMW's EfficientDynamics engineeringphilosophy – the pursuit of an enhanced,athletic driving experience whilesimultaneously lowering the consumption andemissions of each vehicle – resulted in themost dramatic drop in fleet consumption ofany automaker from 1990 through 2005,according to an Environmental Defense study.

Now, the BMW Vision concept carclearly demonstrates that theEfficientDynamics objectives are fullycompatible when applied to a sports car.Conceived as a 2+2-seater with plug-in full-hybrid technology, this unique car combinesthe performance of a BMW M vehicle with astandard of fuel efficiency and emissionmanagement that exceeds even the currentlevels achieved by the latest small cars. Thisoutstanding result is made possible by thecombination of BMW ActiveHybridcomponents with an extremely economicalcombustion engine, and outstandingaerodynamic qualities.

BMW Vision EfficientDynamics isthe result of a "clean-sheet" developmentprocess to ensure that the correctachievements were made in the areas ofefficiency, driving pleasure, technology, andemotional design. BMW VisionEfficientDynamics is the most comprehensive

implementation of the EfficientDynamicsphilosophy seen so far. The powertrainprovides a top speed limited electronically to250 km/h, with acceleration to 100 km/h in 4.8seconds. Average fuel consumption in the EUtest cycle is 3.76 liters/100 kilometers, equalto 62.6 mpg, and the CO2 emission rating is 99grams per kilometer. CO2 emissionmanagement is even more outstanding whendriving in the all-electric mode after chargingthe battery from a plug-in source: Taking allemissions in the generation of electricity intoaccount, as prescribed by the EU formula, thecar's emission rating is just 50 grams perkilometer.

The power and performance aremade possible by combining a fuel-efficient

3-cylinder turbodiesel with one electricmotor on each axle. The intelligentcombination of these units, together withprecisely controlled energy management,simultaneously enhances the dynamicperformance and the efficiency of the car.Overall system output is 356 horsepower, and

peak torque is 590 lb-ft. The specialarrangement of the two motors and dieselengine allows all-wheel drive when driving inall-electric mode. The result is minimumpower loss and a harmonious transmission ofthe power available under all conditions.

In its design, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics for the first time conveysthe dynamic look of a BMW sports car to ahybrid vehicle. Developed with decades ofexperience in Motorsport, the body of thisunique sports car is a result of intelligentlightweight technology and aerodynamicefficiency. In the design of the interior, thefocus was likewise on both the fascinatingdriving experience and, in particular, ontransparent, hands-on technology andmaximum reduction of weight.

TURBODIESEL ENGINE WITHUNPRECEDENTED SPECIFIC OUTPUT.The combustion engine is a cutting-edgeturbodiesel featured for the first time in theBMW Vision EfficientDynamics concept car.Displacing 1.5 liters on three cylinders, theengine consistently follows the downsizingprinciple of using a relatively small enginecombined with a turbocharger to reduce fuelconsumption.

Through its compact dimensions,the 3-cylinder fits conveniently in front of therear axle like in an agile mid-engine sportscar, despite the two seats at the rear. Fuel isinjected by the latest generation of HighPrecision Direct Injection, and theturbocharger features variable intakegeometry for maximum efficiency. Engineoutput is 163 hp with peak torque of 214 lb-ft.The specific output of 109 hp per liter sets anew benchmark in diesel technology. Thepower delivered by the turbodiesel isconveyed to the rear axle by means of adouble-clutch transmission (DCT). Thisadvanced transmission technology, whichalready offers a particularly dynamic drivingexperience in BMW's M3 and Z4 Roadster,allows the driver to shift gears without the

slightest interruption of power. BMW VisionEfficientDynamics features a newly-developed version of BMW's DCT with sixspeeds for maximum efficiency andflexibility.

TWO ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR FULL-HYBRID DRIVE.The combustion engine is supplemented bytwo electric motors. Consistently applying theBMW ActiveHybrid philosophy, developmentengineers followed the principle of "Best ofHybrid," choosing the optimum combinationof a hybrid synchronous motor on the frontaxle and a full-hybrid system at the rear.

In this concept, the driver benefitsfrom the efficiency of the electric motors overa far wider speed range than with aconventional hybrid car. The rear axle comeswith a second-generation full-hybrid systemcorresponding to the technology in the BMWActiveHybrid 7 production model. Thecompact electric motor positioned betweenthe diesel engine and the DCT outputs aconsistent 33 horsepower and is able to reacha peak of up to 51 hp. Maximum torque for therear electric motor is 214 lb-ft, the power,either supporting the diesel engine or in all-electric motoring. When coasting or applyingthe brakes, the electric motor acts as agenerator and feeds electric power to thelithium-polymer battery in the car. Theelectric energy developed in this way istherefore captured without any additionalconsumption of fuel through the principle ofBrake Energy Regeneration. Energy wastedon the brakes of a conventional car is thussaved within the new power system forsubsequent use in driving the car.

A second electric motor acts on thefront axle. This engine, a hybrid synchronousmotor, offers continuous output of 80horsepower and peak torque of 162 lb-ft.Extra power of 112 horsepower is available fora period of up to 30 seconds, and, for a 10-second "burst," the electric motor is able todevelop 139 horsepower. The power is

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transmitted through a 2-stage, single-speedreduction gearbox.

BMW Vision EfficientDynamics isable to run completely under electric power,with the power of the turbodiesel enginealone, or through an infinite combination ofthe three power sources. Depending ondriving conditions, the two electric motorsmay be used both for accelerating and forregenerating energy when applying thebrakes and while coasting. This principleensures efficient energy management, withthe charge status of the lithium-polymerbattery constantly remaining within theoptimum range. When accelerating, theelectric motors help to boost the car for evengreater performance, ensuring immediateresponse and a significant reduction in fuelconsumption. For a short time, such as inpassing maneuvers, the cumulative maximumoutput of all three engines increases to 356 hp,with maximum torque generated by the threeengines reaching 590 lb-ft.

LITHIUM-POLYMER BATTERY FORELECTRICAL ENERGY.The energy cells featured in BMW VisionEfficientDynamics are housed in a chassiselement running from front to rear through themiddle of the car. The front unit is the lithium-polymer complex, an ongoing developmentof the lithium-ion battery. Overall, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics comes with a total of 98lithium-polymer cells, each offering a

capacity of 30 amp/hours and developingcontinuous output of 600 Amps at a voltage of3.7 V. For a period of 30 seconds, each cell iseven able to develop maximum output of1,200 Amps.

Serial arrangement of the lithium-polymer cells serves to generate nominalvoltage of 364 volts, the gross storage capacityof the battery is 10.8 kW/h. With an unusuallyhigh discharge capacity of 80 percent, thebattery delivers 8.6 kW/h for driving the car.This superior performance comes on overallweight of the entire energy storage system ofjust 187 lb. A further advantage is that throughtheir optimum dimensions tailored to thespecific qualities and features of the car, thelithium-polymer cells, together with theoperating strategy chosen with a concept of"forward looking" energy management,reduces the thermal load acting on the battery

to such an extent that there is no need foractive cooling.

PLUG-IN SOLUTION: CONVENIENTCHARGING OF THE ELECTRIC POWERSYSTEM FROM A CONVENTIONALPOWER SOCKET.Brake Energy Regeneration captures electricpower generated while driving withoutadditional fuel consumption, which issubsequently used to supply power to theelectric motors and on-board network. Afurther option is to connect the lithium-polymer cells to a conventional power socketfor a simple and efficient charge process,using a plug-in connector in the front-rightwing of the car. Connected to a standard EUpower outlet (220 V, 16 Amps), the systemrequires a maximum of 2 ½ hours to fullycharge the lithium-polymer cells. And

wherever a power source with higher voltageand amperage (380 V, 32 Amps) is available,the charge time is an even shorter 44 minutes.

In addition to electrical energystorage, BMW Vision EfficientDynamicscomes with a conventional fuel tank at the rearend of the central chassis tunnel, offering acapacity of 6.6 gallons. Running on diesel fuelalone, BMW Vision EfficientDynamics is ableto cover a distance of approximately 400 mileswith its combustion engine. Benefitting froman extra range of up to 31 miles in the all-electric mode, the car offers an overall rangeof approximately 431 miles. As a result, thisunique concept car offers all the requirementsfor using energy with maximum efficiencyand at the same time experiencing thedynamic performance typical of BMW withoutany restriction of everyday driving qualities.

Performance, fuel efficiency andemission management opening newdimensions in hybrid technology.The power delivered by the two electricmotors and single diesel 3-cylinder enginegives the BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsconcept a level of performance superior toanything provided so far by a hybrid vehicle.Acceleration from a standstill to 100 km/h, forexample, comes in just 4.8 seconds and thecar could exceed its electronically-limited155 mph top speed.

At the same time fuel efficiency andemission management now reach a standardonly achieved, if at all, by far less powerfulsmall cars conceived for city traffic and shortdistances. Applying the criteria of the EU testcycle, BMW Vision EfficientDynamics offers

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It’s a 1.5 liter diesel, yet produces 356 horse powers and runs thecentury sprint in 4.8 seconds;returning a combine fuelconsumption of 62.6 mpg. (Prius does 51mpg)

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average fuel consumption equal to 62.6 mpg.CO2 emissions, in turn, are 99 grams perkilometer. These consumption and emissionfigures are measured on a consistent internalpower balance, meaning that the batteriesand storage media for electrical energymaintain the same charge level throughoutthe entire test cycle (with the same level at thebeginning and end) and are charged whiledriving only by the car's on-board systems.

As a plug-in hybrid, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics is able to cover the entiredrive cycle for measuring fuel consumptionalso with its combustion engine completelyswitched off. Then, to subsequently charge thelithium-polymer cells to the same status aswhen setting off, all the driver has to do isconnect the car to an external power grid. Todetermine the consumption of electric power,the only requirement is to compare the chargelevel of the battery before and after the testcycle. Applying this measurement process,the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics conceptcar consumes 17.5 kW/h per 100 kilometers,equal to a CO2 emission rating of just 50grams per kilometer in the EU test cycle.

To determine the total volume ofCO2 emissions when driving in the all-electric mode, new legal standards formeasuring the level of fuel consumption arecurrently being prepared for hybrid andelectric cars with a plug-in power supply.Applying this calculation method, the CO2emission ratings generated by BMW VisionEfficientDynamics are reduced further to justone-third of the original figure of 99 grams perkilometer. Clearly, this significant reduction ofemissions opens up a new dimension in

BMW's EfficientDynamics developmentstrategy in this unique concept car.

AERODYNAMIC QUALITIESREFLECTING BMW'S MOTORSPORTEXPERIENCE.BMW Vision EfficientDynamics also takes anew approach in its design and streamlining,the body and the interior clearly expressingthe unique combination of supreme efficiencyand the sporting performance of the brand.Following BMW's design language, thisconcept car visualizes both highly efficientaerodynamics and intelligent lightweightconstruction.

In its design, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics differs from the usual low-emission car concepts. The principle of "formfollows function" is not just for the overall lookof the car, but embraces each and everydetail. Measuring 48.8" in height and boastinga sweeping, arch-like roofline, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics offers the slendersilhouette of a classic Gran Turismo. With thecombustion engine fitted in front of the rearaxle, the designers have succeeded in givingthe car a very low front end, with the flow of airbeing further smoothened by active louvers infront of the radiator, which close completelywhen the need for cooling air is low. Thisefficient function follows in the footsteps of theactive air flap control already used as a featureof BMW EfficientDynamics in some of BMW'scurrent production models. As a furtherhighlight, BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsguides air smoothly and exactly as requiredinto the car through an active air intake at thefront.

Numerous details in the design ofthe body are based on the know-how BMWhas gained in Motorsport, a number of bodyelements serving as air deflectors and guidevanes. Designed as ducts, for example, the A-pillars serve to channel the flow of air in thesame way as the rear lights with their wingprofile. The floor of the car is fully coveredfrom front to rear and from one side to theother, thus maintaining a smooth surface toavoid any air swirl liable to increase fuelconsumption. Slender openings around thefront air dam guide the air flowing specificallyinto two closed ducts leading inside the frontair dam to the wheel arches where the aircomes out again through a very slim apertureat high speed, flowing just next to the outerwheel flanks. This air jet rests on the frontwheels like a curtain and is therefore referredto most appropriately as the "air curtain." Itprovides a highly stabilizing effect.

OVERALL VEHICLE CONCEPT FOR ADRAG COEFFICIENT OF JUST 0.22.To further optimize the aerodynamic qualitiesof the entire vehicle and keep rollingresistance to a minimum, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics comes with tires andwheels of quite unusual size on a sports car.The tires measure 195/55, while large 21-inchwheels provide a contact surface on the road

otherwise offered only by a much wider tire.In combination with the sophisticated axlegeometry, this ensures agile driving behavior.

The extra-large wheel coversextending over part of the tire flanks add tothe unique, very different look of BMW VisionEfficientDynamics from the side. The bladeprofile integrated in the wheels servesfurthermore to reduce the negative effect ofthe turning wheels on the overallaerodynamics of the car. In all, these featuresoptimizing the aerodynamic qualities of thecar give the BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsconcept car a very low drag factor (CX) of just0.22.

TECHNOLOGICAL LOOK AS A STRONGIMPRESSION OF INTELLIGENTLIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION.In both exterior and interior design, BMWVision EfficientDynamics stands out clearly asa strong spearhead in technology. Manycomponents of the vehicle are presented infull view expressing the "transparent"character of the car as a powerful visualfeature of lightweight technology. The chassisand suspension of BMW VisionEfficientDynamics are made completely ofaluminum; the roof and the outer skin on thedoors are made almost completely of aspecial polycarbonate glass automaticallydarkening as a function of the light shining onthe car.

Measuring 4600mm in length,1900mm in width and 1239mm in height, thisunique concept car offers ample space for upto four passengers and their luggage. Thanksto the consistent lightweight constructionstrategy applied on the car, curb weight is1398kg, with the center of gravity remainingvery low. In its power-to-weight ratio, the BMWVision EfficientDynamics concept car is farsuperior to all other hybrid cars, achieving thesame standard as extremely dynamic sportscars with a conventional combustion engine.Carrying a maximum payload of 446kg, thisunique 2+2-seater is fully suited for everydaytraffic. Luggage capacity of 150 liter, in turn,allows the driver and passengers toconveniently take along two golf bags. And tomeet additional loading requirements thebackrests of the two rear seats may be tilteddown individually to provide extra storagespace.

EMOTIONAL DESIGN THROUGHSCULPTURAL SHAPES AND LAYERINGTECHNOLOGY.Reflecting the innovative drive concept of thisunique car, the design of BMW VisionEfficientDynamics likewise takes a newapproach in combining functional progresswith a most powerful emotional impact.

This has been achieved through theclose cooperation of BMW's Design andTechnical Development Divisions starting atan early point and continuing consistentlythroughout the entire development process.The result is a brand-new vehicle architecturewith the drive components as well as the bodyand interior elements perfectly coordinatedand matched to one another with maximumflexibility and individual style.

A fully integrated designphilosophy also provided new options inusing harmonized design principlesconnecting the exterior and the interior and

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providing an interacting effect between thetwo areas.

Sculptural design language givingBMW Vision EfficientDynamics a fullyharmonized, complete look ensures theproportions typical of a BMW sports car. Thefront, side, rear and roof areas, for example,flow smoothly into one another. Dynamicallycontoured surfaces and shapes, in turn, createhighly attractive light and shade effectsaccentuating the light and sporting characterof the car in an emotional manner.

Layering technology developed bythe BMW Group Design Division acts as thefundamental guideline in designing theexterior and interior. Applied for the first timein exterior design, this technology layers onesurface on top of the other, creating verysmooth seams and joints to reduce thenumber of components and, accordingly, theweight of the car. As a result, BMW VisionEfficientDynamics meets the most demandingaerodynamic requirements without using anyadditional body elements, simply through thestructure of the surfaces optimized for asmooth flow of air.

INTERIOR: INNOVATIVE LIGHTWEIGHTCONSTRUCTION ANDUNPRECEDENTED ORIENTATION TOTHE DRIVER.In the design of the interior, innovativelayering technology provides anunprecedented symbiosis of function andstylish shapes intentionally reduced to aminimum, consistently implementing andvisualizing the lightweight principle alsoinside the car.

Specific components such as thecentral air vent not only serving to enhancemotoring comfort but also acting as part of thecockpit, perform several functions in one. Thismulti-functionality is then presented visiblywithin the car, the use of particularlysophisticated materials providing a highlyattractive combination of innovation intechnology and quality clear to the eye andthe touch of the surface.

This interaction of lightweightconstruction and individual well-being alsocomes out clearly in the design of the controlsand switches, with a leather band, forexample, running round the aluminum gearselector lever on the center console. Materialscombining lightweight technology and all thequalities required are also to be admired allround the cockpit of BMW VisionEfficientDynamics, giving the car an unusuallygenerous feeling of space for a 2+2-seater.The body-contoured seats, for example, aremade up of a kevlar shell, a backbonestructure, and seat padding with personalizedfillings. Clearly, this combination aloneensures comfort at a minimum weight. Thedriver's and front passenger's seats areconnected firmly to the center console to forma joint interior "landscape", while the rearseats anchored on the floor would appear tobe hovering in space. Natural materials andlight colors on the seat upholstery and allinterior linings underline the light,sophisticated and sustainability-orientedatmosphere within the passengercompartment.

The instrument panel is deliberatelypadded only where technical componentshave to be appropriately covered, thusmaking an important contribution topassenger safety in the event of a collision.The instrument cluster played a fundamentalrole right from the start in the design process,serving as the starting point for all surfaceswithin the interior and thus creating aparticularly powerful rendition of that driverorientation typical of BMW.

INNOVATIVE LIGHT TECHNOLOGY:PROVIDING CLEAR SIGNALS TO THEOUTSIDE AND OFFERING SOOTHINGAMBIENT ILLUMINATION INSIDE IN AUNIQUE SYMBIOSIS.LED lights at both the front and rear end ofBMW Vision EfficientDynamics provide aninnovative combination of the symbols typicalof the brand and clear design languageoriented towards trendsetting technology. Thedistinctive look of the dual round headlightscharacteristic of a BMW is emphasized inparticular by the use of LED technology. Therear lights are integrated also in their functioninto the design of the entire rear section,forming part of the rear air deflector and thusmerging completely into the rear contour.

Extremely flat and compact, the rearlights are made up of innovative LED unitsforming a smooth and consistent red surfacewhen not in use. Only when used do therespective light chambers take on theappropriate color such as yellow on thedirection indicators. This innovative lighttechnology also provides an intensesymbiosis of the exterior and interior, againpromoting and further refining the drivingexperience.

This is also why the ambientillumination of the interior comes with newfeatures and qualities, the light sources withinthe passenger compartment being fed fromthe positioning lights at the side, the rearlights and the brake lights, thus changing theatmosphere created by the lights within thecar as a function of driving conditions.

The optical impression conveyed byBMW Vision EfficientDynamics also results inother areas from the symbiosis of the exteriorand interior, eliminating the conventionalbarriers between the two. The lines within theinterior, for example, continue on to theinnovative design of the engine compartmentlid, while in its shape the third brake lightpositioned higher up on the car follows thestructure of the glass roof and tapers to theoutside where the roofline moves down gentlyto the rear.

OVERHEAD DOORS FOR CONVENIENTACCESS TO ALL SEATS.The doors on BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsopen up like bird's wings, turning on pivots inthe front roof column at the level of the sidedirection indicators. Since the car has no B-pillars, the large door cutouts ensureconvenient entry also to the rear seats. Thepivots on the doors also provide the base forthe exterior mirrors, thus forming an idealcombination of function and aesthetic design.The structure of the doors is also

characterized by several layers of materialson top of one another and the optical andfunctional symbiosis of the interior andexterior this technology is able to offer. Madeup of three layers, the overall structurecomprises the outer glass surface, an interimload-bearing layer, and the interior cover withits particularly smooth shapes and fl owingforms clearly visible to the passengers,layering technology again, therefore, openingup new perspectives.

The large glass surfaces extendingfar down on the body also provide a strongoptical impression of the low seating positionclose to the road. And at the same time astable sidebar ensures the body stiffness andcrash safety naturally required on everyvehicle. Flowing to the inside at its centralpoint, this safety element also serves as anarmrest. This interplay of the three layers alsohelping to minimize the weight of the carcontinues on the trim bar running along thedoor and extending out of the armrest, finallyflowing into the outer door opener on its pathfrom inside to outside.

CLEAR FOCUS ON THE ESSENTIAL: 3-DIMENSIONAL HEAD-UP DISPLAY.Layering technology is also used on thedisplays in the instrument cluster and in theHead-Up Display developed to an evenhigher standard on BMW's new concept car.The Display now creates a powerfulimpression of three dimensions, at the sametime providing the option to present varioussignals more in the front or more in thebackground, depending on their relevanceand current driving conditions.

The Head-Up Display projectsinformation important to the driver on to thewindscreen. Indeed, innovative presentationtechnology even allows the superimposedpresentation of several views in threedimensions, keeping, the gauge graphicsvisible in the background while the latestinformation on route guidance or warningsignals from BMW Night Vision, for example,are shown in the foreground.

The sequence in which such signalsappear depends on the driving mode chosenby the driver, the display technology, againdepending on the driver's personalpreference, enhancing a particularly sporting,a more comfort oriented, or an efficiency-based style of motoring. Through its designalone, the BMW Vision EfficientDynamicsconcept car clearly shows that highly efficientindividual mobility may by all means bepresented in emotional style. BMW alreadyoffers models in all vehicle segments which,compared with the competition, ensure thelowest level of fuel consumption andemissions combined with superior power andperformance.

And now BMW VisionEfficientDynamics confirms BMW'scommitment to offer a perfect combination infuture of unique driving pleasure andoptimum qualities in the responsible use ofnatural resources.

In the design process the need forsustainable management is borne out mostclearly by the GINA (Geometry and Functions

in N-fold Augmentation) concept developedby the BMW Group. In this case maximumcreative freedom sets the foundation forinnovative solutions challenging theconventional and meeting the requirements ofthe future. This makes the GINA principleparticularly well-suited for developing visionsfor the future reflecting both the wish foremotional style and individual character aswell as the quest for sustainable managementand efficiency. From the dimensions of itswheels through the design of the rear lightsand all the way to the configuration of thecockpit, BMW Vision EfficientDynamicstherefore boasts a number of details bothoutside and inside which, going far beyondconventional solutions, open up a newapproach to maximum efficiency and thatDynamic ability typical of BMW.

FORWARD-LOOKING ENERGYMANAGEMENT ADJUSTING TOINDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS.With the individual system components onboard BMW Vision EfficientDynamics beingnetworked with one another, conditions areperfect for implementing a forward-lookingsystem of energy management usinginformation gathered by the sensors of thedriver assistance units fitted in the car. Dataprovided, for example, by the rain sensor orActive Cruise Control with its Stop & Gofunction as well as by the navigation system,and subsequently evaluated by the centralcontrol unit, offers an overview of current andupcoming driving conditions. Then,evaluating such data, the on-board computeris able to forecast driving conditions on thestretch of road immediately ahead, suchcalculations serving to prepare the car for

upcoming requirements and make efficientuse of the energy available through optimumoperation of all systems.

Should the high-performancecentral computer establish, for example, thatthe driver is about to take the motorway, thepower used for running the cooling system isreduced for a certain period in advance, onthe assumption that the short increase incoolant temperature resulting from such anenergy-saving measure will quickly be set offby the higher speed of the car on themotorway. Another example of such pre-conditioning is the regeneration of energyfrom the air conditioning, from ElectronicPower Steering and the Brake Assistant.

It is with the micro management ofeach seemingly insignificant part, coupledwith BMW’s pursuant towards completeenergy efficiency measures that such mindboggling concepts finally seems feasible forproduction viability, and ultimately, giving us aglimpse into the future, one that holds solidpromise.

The BMW VisionActive HybridConcept blurs theboundariesbetween twoextremespectrums.

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o take a few ounce of seriousness back from what wementioned, we must honestly say that the F430 Scuderia is initself a technological tour de force; one of the very best midengine super car in existence currently. However, Ferrari seems

to always have the uncanny ability to develop and produce somethinglight years ahead of their own cars. As if unlike many super carmanufacturers who had to bring a rival car back for study andbenchmarking purposes, Ferrari need no look further than their ownbackyard for advancements.

And we believe, this is where Maranello returns to form. Don’tget us wrong, Ferrari has been doing great for the past 10 years, thesuper GT 612, the Enzo engined 599 GTB, the ever popular Berlinettaseries of rear engine F430s. But we can’t help doubting too many Fiatnumber crunchers made their way trespassing into the engineeringdivision of Ferrari, take for example the California. Dubbed the veryfirst hard top convertible front engine V8, the very first direct injectedFerrari. Truth is, it’s also the very first Ferrari specifically designed forsunset boulevard posers. One for the sake of appealing to non-traditional Ferrari core fans at the expense of Ferrari’s core strength. Asthe California with two person on board, is just a few kilograms shyfrom two tons; to add, it even comes with mock exhaust tailpipes. Yes,we can’t believe it either, and it’s not exactly a looker, in fact it looks likean athletic toad from front - No, I don’t really know how one looks likebut it’s definitely the closest thing in mind.

PERFORMANCEComing back to the 458 Italia, let’s go through some numbers first, witha new direct injected, variable valve timing 4.5 liter V8 engine, itdevelops a massive 562hp, not only so, it does so at 9,000rpm, coupledwith a massive 80% of it’s maximum torque available from 3,250rpm,reaching a maximum 540nm at 6,000rpm; this is one Ferrari that pullshard at low engine speeds, and pushes harder as revs climb.

Of course, the Italians know more than packing just raw powerinto the engine bay, there’s more tricks up the 458’s sleeves than itseems; by introducing the new E-Diff that debuted in the F430, coupledwith streamlining of the F1-Trac and ABS systems into one ECU, the 458can accelerate out of corners 32% faster, controlling damping, griplevels faster, smarter and more efficiently.

To anyone who’ve just taken delivery oftheir brand new ‘Ultimate Berlinetta’ -F430 Scuderia. They must be feelingpretty much screwed right now. Iguessed we’ve figured out why Ferrarihasn’t been paying much attention totheir F1 demise this year, for the newFerrari 458 Italia is pretty much the mostawesome prancing horse from Maranelloafter the Enzo.


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