when do you decide to stop betting

When Do You Decide to Stop Betting?

Upload: anonymousginger

Post on 10-Aug-2015




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When Do You Decide to Stop Betting?

the optimum time is to stop betting is if things aren’t going right for you

It is every bit as important as knowing when to place a bet and how to find the selections.

PRO TIP: Assess the way you bet

Do you play a large number of

strategies or systems?

Do you handicap each day or just use one system or method?

Have your strategy in mind before beginning analysis.

For a large enough bank, something needs changing if it drops to 50% of its highest



Are you deviating from your selection and wagering strategy?

Are you making mistakes because you're too tired?

Are your information or data sources consistent?

When was the last time you had a downward swing similar

to this size?

Is your loss within the expected normal variance


If all things check out and you are outside the expected variance, look at your method again.

Did anything change in the market?

What about your selection process?

NOTE: Most methods have a finite lifespan.

Identify the reason for the downward swing before betting again.

If you follow these tips, you'll never have to lose your entire bank again.