when dummalo fly

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  • 7/31/2019 When Dummalo Fly


    when dummalo fly

    robert e g black

    There were six dragonheads mounted on the walls of the Great Hall of the skylords, each

    lion a more impressive beastthing than the next. On a clear day, Hef used to fear them,

    disembodied or not, when he was a child, and ickle jake who feared anything with big teeth andthe eyes of Agirath. He never enjoyed coming to Meeting then, his mere a serving wench and he

    overyoung to be left home aloneand being part dwarrow, mosttime no one wanted to keep an

    eye out for him in his meres stead. He did not enjoy the great hall overmuch thisday. Meetingwas a boring time of talk dragging into a noiseful time of drink and song and Hef hardly cared

    for either. He would rather have been lying out neath the stars, watching the waves in the grasses

    of finity field stretching as far southard as the eye could see. Though older and wiser thisday, andknowing full well that the six dragon, even the blue one over the Highest Councilors chair,

    whose feathers still bristled everytime a man opened or closed the door to the hall, were long

    dead and could not hurt him, he still didnt like the look of them; their eyes still seemed to move,

    to follow him wherever he went. He tried his best not even to look up at them as he came into the

    mostly empty hall thismorning. His mere was nowhere in sight. She served the men drinks andfood, and the few men in the hall thismorning were passed out from overmuch drink and

    overlong a night; they didnt need any service thismoment.Among the sleeping men were Hefs glepere, Charon Wax, a High Councilor of the

    Offavians, a man Hef thought should have been better than drinking himself into a stupor among

    commonmen. But, Charon Wax was clearly not above such behavior. Hef shook his head andvowed to himself that he would never drink anything stronger than cuckoofoot; he would

    certainly never touch strong alcohol. Hed been in the hall overoften to recognize the smell of

    strong drink all about himhe could smell some tassawine, some alegar, even some syrol, this

    last one made from the blood of a dragon hed heard tell. Except, there were supposed to be nodragon alive thisday, so he had to wonder how there could still be syrol. He assumed it was just a

    story, to make drunkards feel more powerful, imbibing the blood of a dragon, when it was

    merely fermented berries, probably infused with the piss of dwarrow berrysmashers, tired of

    being pushed about by Offavian skylords.Notably not among the men was Aether Apollosonere. He wasnt one for heavy drink

    everynight like some of the skylords, but he had on occasion been one of the sleeping men when

    nextmorning came. But, Hef knew, Aether was caged, waiting his sentence for stealing from theKings coffers. Hef also knewhad been told by Aethers dotere Winifrith, Hefs catcousin

    sithence they were babes, though she a jenny and he a jakethat the tell of Aethers crime was

    not entirely accurate. Firstly, there were no Kings coffers thisday, sithence the King was deadmore than a oneyear and his soneres ruled in his stead. Secondly, theft was hardly a crime among

    the skylords; in fact, it was their way of life, dropping down onto travelers on the Eternal Road

    and taking whatever they could. Aether just had Brilns Luck and had swooped down upon a

    wagon with one of the Kings Executioners as one of her passengers. That executioner, JorjackBailey, a man much overtall and wide to fit in among skylords, slept thismoment at a table in the

    corner of the Great Hall. Hef twigged that Jorjack had been one of the first to pass out lastnight;

    men of lower Gardea could never hold their liquor like Offavians could.An older skylord who most kids called Glepere Kot stirred in his sleep nearby, sat up,

    belched, then dropped his head to the table again, pulling Hef from his thoughts on Aether and

    Jorjack and Wini, poor Wini. His best girl might lose her pere soon, and Hef was worried about

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    mug off the table side him and took swallowed a mouthful. She looks after all of us when weve

    had overmuch to drink.

    Everynight, Hef said, neath his breath.

    What was that?

    Nothing. Hef walked past him and out through the door.

    It was still early, the sun low over the Far Range to the East. Hef though he saw a glint oflight high in the clouds, sunlight reflected off the polished stone of Faraway Castle mayhap. Hef,

    with coin in his pocket, headed first for the smiths shack, then he would find Winifrith.

    ***Leto Garuda had once been a skylord like most adult men in Skytown, like many a

    woman and many jakes and jennys past their reapday. But, as hed gotten older, hed gotten

    fatter, and with the death of his pere, hed taken to the smithy fulltime and hadnt kept in goodshape at all. He still had strong arms and shoulders, but his legs were weak and he walked with a

    cane. As Hef approached the shack, Leto was balancing a mallet and tongs and a pair of swords

    neath his leftarm, his rightarm bending his cane neath his weight.

    Hef called to him: Leto! Ive got the coin.

    Leto, startled, dropped the load neath his leftarm. Jata, he muttered.Hef ran to help. As he handed the tongs to Leto, the old smith gave him a crooked smile.

    I could still use a good apprentice about the shack, Hefaestus.Hef shook his head, smiling. No thanks. Im no smith.

    Youre a flier, Leto said.

    Hef grinned. Dadala, Im a flier.Leto limped over to a heavy wooden table and dropped his load of stuff. The swordblades

    clanged together, and Hef eyed them with wonder. Skylords did not oft have use for sword.

    Now, where did I put those gears, Leto asked. He moved hammers and gallows side and then

    frowned. Aha, he exclaimed. Then, he lifted a large cat that used to be white but spentovermuch time in the smithy to keep itself that clean. Pegasus likes to sleep on the metal, he

    said, more to the wall or himself than to Hef. He scooped up the stack of gears with his leftarm

    and turned to face Hef. What did I say, a crown?

    A lion, Hef corrected.

    A lion, indeed.

    Hef gave him the coin and Leto dropped the stack of gears into his arms. While they had

    looked light in Letos arm, Hef felt like as if he might fall down neath the weight of them.

    Youll need pins to hold those gears in place, you know, Leto said.

    Hef, half turning, stopped. Cant afford pins thisday.

    Leto indicated a large barrel in the corner with a nod of his head. Rejects over there area star a pin.

    Hef thought about it, then set the gears down on the table and counted out the stars his

    mere had given him. Eight stars, he said.

    Eight pins, Leto replied. And, youll need a sack, but Ill throw that in for nothing asIm sure youll be a regular customer in the morrow. Leto limped over to a stack of burlap sacks

    as Hef went to the reject barrel and picked out eight of the straightest pins he could find.

    ***His sack of gears and pins slung over his shoulder, Hef went in search of Winifrith. He

    twigged shed be in her usual spot, and made his way down the main boulevard of Skytown, past

    the town square, where men were putting the finishing touches on the wicker man that would be

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    burnt later during the Mummers dance, and turned down the alley tween the Dadala Inn and the

    Spring Fount. On the wall of the Dadala Inn was a mural by Palee, Daedalus and Icarus in flight.Icarus wings hadnt fallen apart yet. And, Hef knew, like many an Offavian knew, Icarian wings

    worked outside of a tale, where the sun was overlow to melt the wax. But, Icarian wings were

    not what Hef wanted. He wanted real Bladudan wings, with gears and flapping wings, like the

    wings hed seen his glepere Charon use once upon a day ago. He wanted wings that would put toshame any dragons wingspan. Hed probably have to use something simpler for his first flight,

    whenever he was allowed it, but flapping Bladudan wings were what he would fly as a skylord.

    The weather was nice, a cool breeze coming up from the South, smelling of Finitysgrass. Hef wanted to stop and savor it, but marched on instead. Hind the Dadala Inn was a field

    of corn and yond that a dummalo field. Neath a cather tree at the far end hed find Wini sitting in

    the shade. Hed show her his gears and, despite negative thoughts about her pere s fate, shed beexcited for him, would probably even offer to help him put them into his wings. He smiled,

    thinking of his wings, half built already and hidden outside of town, and thats when something

    hit him in the stomach.

    He fell backard, landing on his sack of gears. He wanted to get up quickly, to lash out at

    whatever had struck him, but the pain in his back was overmuch. He sat up slowly and saw ClewArwend and Wayland Tomen. Where Clew was dark, in eyes and hair and complexion, Wayland

    was light. Both boys were his age, but each nearly a twofoot taller than Hef was. Clew held aplank of wood, ready to swing it again. Get up shade, he said. He wanted a fight. And, barring

    the pain in his back, Hef would have gotten up and given him one. And, his mere would yell at

    him later for getting into another fight.

    Hagborn little pullskin cant get up, Wayland said. I think you broke him, Clew.

    Clew faked feeling bad. Jata, and on Flight Day.

    Oh, didnt you hear, Wayland asked. Hef heres not flying thisday. Hes oversmall.

    Now, despite the pain, Hef got to his feet. Im not oversmall! I could fly better thaneither of you.

    Clew raised the plank. Well see about that, shade.

    Someones coming, a girls voice said from behind Hef. He turned and saw Hera

    Alaladotere. She was lookout. Hef looked about for her twin sistere, Ourea. Those two neverwent anywhere apart. Ourea was over by the Spring Fount, watching. She wasnt taking part.

    Clew dropped the plank of wood just in time for Nan Apollosonere, Wini s mere, to

    round the corner of the Dadala Inn. Have any of you She eyed Hef, eyed the wood on theground, the sack of gears, partly spilled. Whats going on here?

    Nothing, Clew said.

    Nothing, Wayland and Hera echoed.Nan looked to Hef. Nothing, he said. She clearly didnt believe him, but she was in no

    mood to force the issue thisday. I was just on my way to find Wini and I dropped my sack.

    These boys were helping me Hef leaned down to pick up the sack.

    Yes, helping him, Clew said, picking up a gear, eyeing it suspiciously then handing itto Hef as Hef picked up the sack.

    Nevermind this, Nan said. You know where Winifrith is?

    Hef nodded. Headed to her thismoment.Nan sighed. Well, thats fine. I dont want her alone thisday.

    She wont be, Hef replied.

    Nan forced a small smile, and Hef smiled back.

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    Nan turned and disappeared round the corner. Clew immediately picked up the plank of


    Ill call out, Hef said. His back ached, but he slung the sack over his shoulder again and

    started out into the rows of corn.

    Raggish jenny, Clew said. Im sure you would.

    Hef ignored him and walked on through the cornfield.***

    Winifrith was, as expected, sitting neath the cather tree. A herd of dummalo grazed

    closeby. Wini had a book with her but wasnt reading. A large dumskin flask was draped overher lap. What are you drinking, Hef asked as he approached.

    Wini looked up, her eyes red, her cheeks wet. She wiped at them with her arm then

    smiled. Its just rosesugar water. Want some?Hef wished for some blackseed brew, as it might help with the pain in his back, but he

    was thirsty and he couldnt turn down anything Wini offered, even if shed been drinking syrol.

    Wini handed him the flask and he sat down side her as he drank. You got your gears, I see,

    Wini said, heaving his sack onto the ground fore her. She looked inside. Dadala, these look

    good.Hef put the flask down. How are you?

    Wini shrugged and picked a pin out of the sack. This isnt straight.

    Rejects, Hef replied. A star each.

    Good deal.

    Hef was quite for a moment, as Wini picked out one gear after another to examine them.

    Your mere was looking for you.

    Dragonpiss, Wini said, dropping the gear she was holding. She hates it when Im off

    on my own most days. On a clear day, its worse thisday.

    Well, with your pere in the cage, you

    It isnt that.

    Then, what is it? He didnt twig the response, and didnt like it.

    Breathings been worse of late, Wini said. Then, she grabbed the flask and took a

    drink, let her words sink in. Wini had fithisis. When, she was born, Fil Sar, the local leachcrafterpredicted shed die fore her reapday. Though Offavians didnt deal with MagicMakers, if Winis

    parents could have afforded it, Hef thought, they would have left Offavtop and found a

    MagicMaker to heal her, or maybe just left Offavtop and moved somewhere with drier air,maybe the Estered or the Northor. Parden my lungs Wini said, and then she got to her feet

    suddenly. Come on. I want to show you something. Despite her labored breath, she oft ran

    faster than Hef didand thisday he had the added pain in his backso despite thoughts of herdying, he did not stay and lament but sprinted to catch up, leaving his sack of gears and pins and

    her flask hind in the shade of the cather tree.

    Wini didnt slow until she came near what kids called Crack. Adults called it Jonam s

    End. Skytown was built along the southwestard rim of the tableland of Offavtop, on a narrowsection that jutted out of the otherwise elliptical plateau. Jonams End cut into the plateau

    northard of town, separating it effectively from the northwestard quarter. Like a wedge cut out of

    the pie of Offavtop, Jonams End cut down dangerously toard the ground far neath. Winiapproached the edge of Crack slowly. From experience, Hef knew she wasn t being cautious.

    When shed said her breathing was worse of late, she hadnt been exaggerating. She was slow

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    because the ruin of running in her chest. The rasp of her deep inhalation was loud even as Hef

    caught up to her and they reached the rim together.Wini point down into Crack, at some movement on the opposite side of the ravine. Two

    cantor children, younger than Wini or Hef but already taller than either of their parents, were

    building something out of logs. Hef recognized one of them; his name was Goden and he was

    slow in the head, even for a cantor. Offavians thought little of the cantor, but living so near tothem had dealings with them overoft that they kept their negative notions to themselves

    mosttime. The other, slightly shorter one was probably Ben, Godens brotere, but Hef couldnt

    see his face. What are they doing, Hef asked.

    Building something, Wini replied.

    On a clear day, I can see that much, Hef said.

    Wini laughed, and that laugh made her cough. She lifted her surcoat to cover her mouthand turned froard. When her fit was over, she looked down. Sorry, she said.

    Dont do that, Hef said. You dont have to be sorry.

    Wini shrugged and turned her attention back to the cantor children. They had had

    opportunity to play with Goden once upon a day. Hed taken to tossing them into the air and

    catching them. Wini had loved it but it just made Hef think of flying and how he was stilloversmall for the skylords to grant him his first flight.

    Flight day, Hef said, thinking of first flights.

    Its just those useless hairdogs flying thisday, Wini said. No one good. With that, she

    looked to Hef and smiled. Thisday should have been his first flight, even though he hadn t had

    his reapday yet. Mummers was always the day for first flights.

    We should still go watch, Hef said, though he didnt want to.

    Everyone will be there, Wini replied.

    Hef reached out and touched her hand. But, well walk, he said.

    Wini smiled and nodded. Then, they walked together back to the cather tree, retrievedtheir belongings and headed back to town, then southard to Southrim.


    Overmany Skyfolk already had blankets out in the grass, baskets of food and drink

    opened. Women were putting food to plate. Children were playing games. Men who had beenpassed out in the Great Hall just a shorttime fore were thisplace, drinking again. Hefs glepere

    was there, standing together with the other High Councilors. From time to time, one of them

    would look toard Jorjack Bailey, who was there, by himself, watching the festivities but notparticipating. Hef knew they were discussing Winis pere and his fate to come.

    You want to play something, Hef asked Wini, trying to keep her attention from the

    High Councilors.

    I should find Mere, thismoment, Wini replied. Want to come?

    Hefs mere, if she was about, was serving food to town officials, or setting up the tables

    for the midday lunch. She wouldnt have any time for him. He went with Wini to find her mere.

    Ourea Alaladotere walked by, dressed in breeches and a tight blouse, a leather jack overit. Winifrith, Hefaestus, she said. Youre going to come watch us fly, arent you?

    Ourea was always nicer than her twin sistere, but Hef knew that didn t mean she was his

    friend. Shed just stood there while Clew struck him and Hera stood lookout. Still, first flightwas more important than reapday in Skytown. Hef nodded.

    Ourea smiled. Im glad, she said. Then she continued on her way.


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    Clew and Wayland and Hera and Ourea were but four of eleven children flying thisday.

    The eleven fliers were prepping their wings though flight wouldnt be until just fore middaylunch. Hef eyed the fliers wings as he and Wini looked for her mere, and he noticed that not a

    one of them had Bladudan wings. If he got his built, if they let him flyat the rate he was

    growing, he wasnt sure if theyd ever let him flyhe would be first Offavian boy to fly

    Bladudan wings in as far back as he could remember. Hed seen adults fly them, but never boys.Of the eleven fliers thisday, a full eight had Icarian wings and three had Archytan. Hef had been

    watching the first flights of Mummers sithence he was an ickle babe and he knew that Archytan

    wings were the easiest to get going off the ground; the steambag jet got most kids off the groundfore they would have other otherwise for the fear. But, Icarian wings were the standard, wax and

    wood and feathers. A flier with Icarian wings had to overcome his fear. He had to jump off

    Southrim and risk his life fore the construction of his wings. And, tradition dictated that a flierbuilt his own wings. Of course, practice differed from tradition in nearly all cases. Peres couldnt

    help but provide guidance and mosttime hands on buiding to a childs first wings. And meres

    would scan every inch of wings fore first flight to be sure they were safe. Tradition had allowed

    overmany jennys and jakes to end their first flights with death, their own and, on a very rare

    occasion, that of a bystander.Hef thought of Flight Day a twoyear yester. A jenny called Bekketh Aven pulled

    overhard on her steambag and burst the lining. In midair, shed lost her momentum and crasheddown on a picnic blanket, killing herself and two others. Her family moved from Offavtop. They

    hadnt returned. Fore hed even known what he was seeing, Hef had seen many a child die, from

    falling to the ground neath Southrim, from coming in to land overfast and crashing. Many a firstflight ended at least in injury, and somewhen in death. A year with neither was so rare that Hef

    had never been witness to one in his twelveyear.


    By the time the reeve, Bron Wheeler, was announcing the names of the eleven fliers, Hefand Wini had still not located her mere. Mayhap, Hef said, shes with your pere.

    Wini stopped, thought about it, then nodded. So, where shall we sit? She looked sad,

    but started toard Southrim like as if mention of her pere was for naught.

    They found standing room close to the fliers just as Bron Wheeler was putting on his ownIcarian wings. Following the tradition, the reeve would invite the new first fliers to follow him

    and would leap fore they did. Somewhen, a child would get overexcited and launch fore the

    reeve, but, barring accident, that just got energized the audience.

    We are not sailors, jennys and jakes, Reeve Wheeler announced. All the Skytownfolk

    were quiet; his voice carried far. We do not steer by star or constellation, he said, shaking his

    head. We steer byAll the fliers joined him in finishing: heart!

    Reeve Wheeler grinned. We steer by


    We steer by

    the seat of our pants!

    That last one was a fairly new tradition, after one frightened child had said it a tenyear or

    so earlier.

    Follow my lead, Wheeler said. And, he leapt from Southrim. First to follow was

    Wayland Tomen, then as one, the twins Hera and Ourea. Clewhis wings painted to look like

    firewent somewhere in the middle of the pack, and last to go was a shy boy called Dar

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    Northfield. Here and Ourea flew together like they had been practicing everyday for years. They

    angled into a steep descent, down toard the Eternal Road, where Jorjack Baileys wagon wasparked. They swooped down close to the wagon, startling the horses tied loosely closeby and the

    coachman dozing on the roof of the wagon. Then, much to the amazement of the Skytownfolk,

    many now watching through spyglasses, the twin jennys pulled up into an almost vertical ascent,

    rising up just hind Clew and Wayland and two other boys who were all flying level and steady.The three fliers with Archytan wings, two boys and a girl, were flying higher than anyone

    else, even the reeve. Not a one of them was making the mistake Bekketh Aven had; there would

    be no burst steambags thisday. Dar, who had leapt last, was thismoment doing tricks in the air,flying in and out of the group of fliers. The tallest boy in the group, Cabel Stone, was having

    trouble with his wings. His rightwing repeatedly dipped overlow, and he was descending when,

    on a clear day, he did not intend it. Reeve Wheeler clearly noticed the problem as he dove downfrom the group to fly closer to Cabel. But, his proximity must have startled Cabel as the boy

    tucked in both wings abruptly and dropped almost to the ground. He put out his wings just in

    time to fly a handful of feet above the grasses of Finity Field. Hef and many Skytownfolk had

    time to think Cabel was playing at having trouble to be dramatic fore Cabel s rightwing dipped

    again and he was brushing the tallest grasses. An old man closeby to Hef gasped at something hesaw in his spyglass as Cabel pulled up again from the grasses. And, suddenly, Reeve Wheeler

    dropped down and grabbed hold of Cabels wings, steering in his stead as they rose up fromFinity Field.

    Meanwhile, as all attention was on Cabel, Clew and Wayland executed a spiral loop

    about each other and headed back toard Southrim. Amberly Fletcher, the one jenny withArchytan wings, was speeding back toard Southrim aswell, coming in a little fast. She also came

    in a little low, smashing into the escarpment neath Southrim. Clew clipped the edge of

    Waylands leftwing with his own rightwing and Wayland landed in a heap, his leg twisted but

    alive. Clew landed well, as did several of the others. Cabel had to be steered back up to Southrimby Reeve Wheeler, and only once they had landed did the folk without spyglasses see what was

    wrong. Touching the grasses of Finity Field had pulled Cabel loose from time, one of the many

    dangers in Gardea. His hair was long and gray, and he was far overtall for wings made when he

    was a much younger man. His body was withered and wrinkled, and he could not even stand onhis own, even as the reeve detached him from his wings. But, on a clear day, he was still alive.

    Last to land, just as he had been last to launch, was Dar Northfield, now grinning and confident.

    ***Some took time to comfort the family of Amberly Fletcher. Some helped get Cabel Stone

    to the leachcrafter. Hef overheard Cabels pere say something about getting him to a

    MagicMaker. There was less urgency to getting Wayland moved. Reeve Wheeler got a splint onhis leg there at Southrim, and someone gave him some blackseed brew to ease the pain in his leg.

    Ourea, after much congratulations and many hugs from her family and friends, came over to Hef

    and asked him what he thought.

    You and Hera flew like youve been flying forever, Hef said.

    Cabels the one who flew forever, Clew said from closeby.

    Ourea glared at him. Hera, of usual supportive of Clews bullying, shoved him. Bite

    your tongue, Clew, she said. That could have happened to anyone. Contrary to his usual way,Clew quieted. He eyed Hefs sack of gears and turned and walked froard. Ourea turned her

    attention to Hef again. Im sorry about thismorning, she said. Hef said nothing. Wayland and

    Clewthey just dont know how to not be cruel ickle blackguards.

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    Mayhap you shouldnt spend so much time with them, Hef said.

    Ourea opened her mouth to respond then closed it without a word. Fore she or Hef couldleave, Hera arrived, grabbing her sistere by the arm. Come on, she said. Fliers get to eat first.

    Ourea looked to Hef briefly then went with her sistere. Hef turned about to tell Wini they

    should go get in line for food, but Wini was gone. Again, he found himself in search of his ailing

    friend, and he knew just where to look.He found her by her peres cage. She stood near to the bars. Her pere was talking. Her

    mere was sitting closeby. Hef approached slowly. He did not want to interrupt.

    but that wont happen, Aether was saying. At best, Ill have support from the LowCouncil, but the High Council will not go against the Kings man.

    But, theres no King, Wini replied.

    It matters not, her pere replied. The crown is the crown, choosehow many men wearit.

    But, you didnt do anything wrong, Wini said. Then, she added, well, nothing more

    wrong than usual.

    Hef smiled at that. Most Offavians wouldnt even dare suggest that their thievery was

    wrong. It was their way of life, even if folk of Gardea thought of them as bandits. They had theKings permission to continue with their ways, as long as they never killed anyone. And, they

    never did.

    Its just Brilns Luck, Aether said. Let it be, Winifrith. My sentence will be what it

    will be.

    But, what if its She couldnt finish the question.

    If its death, Aether said, then it is death. He put his arms out tween the bars and

    pulled Wini close as she began to sob. Her mere got up and went to her. Come on, she said.

    We should go eat with everyone else.

    On a clear day, Aether said, it will turn out as Parrow wills it.Nan nodded, then put her arm about Wini and turned her froard from her pere. They saw

    Hef thismoment. Hefaestus, Nan said. Would you lunch with us?

    Hef nodded.

    The three of them went and got in line for the midday lunch, and they forgot Aether asbest they could, tried to enjoy the festivities, music and dancing that lasted until evening. Then,

    fore they would burn the straw man and continue the partying, they had to break for Meeting.

    Aether had to be sentenced fore the night was come and gone; it was the way of things.***

    Just as Aether had predicted, the Low Council mostly sided with him. Out of its nine

    members, seven voted to let him free, one, Rena Fallen, abstained, and one, Markez Carter,looking to Jorjack Bailey as he voiced his vote, voted for a harsh punishment. He did not go so

    far as to suggest what the punishment might be, but everyone there at Meeting knew it would

    likely be death, if Jorjack had his way. The Great Hall was packed, moreso than on the occasion

    of most Meetings. Most children were still playing in the field by Southrim, waiting for theMummers celebration to continue. But, most of the adults of Skytown were squeezed into the

    Great Hall. Hef sat with Wini and Nan. The small crane that held Aethers cage had been

    wheeled in so that he was at Meeting aswell. Reeve Wheeler stood near the cage, though no onethought Aether might try to escape, or that anyone might try to free him. The High Council sat

    near the door to the kitchens. The Low Council sat at the front of the crowd.

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    Osiris Root, one of the Low Councilors who voted for freedom, stood. Aether

    Apollosonere did naught but what we all do on occasion, he proclaimed. It is our way.

    Mayhap it shouldnt be, Markez replied.

    It has always been, another Low Councilor, Gwinnifer Smith, said, without getting up

    from her seat.

    Thismoment, Hefs glepere, High Councilor Charon Wax stood. Everyone quieted. TheSuwasi once upon a day lived in tribes, not towns and cities. They fought with one another, made

    war like as if for sport. Then King Artur came and showed them civilization.

    Osiris, still standing, interrupted: Are you suggesting we havent learned civilization?Charon looked to the Low Councilor. If you would let me finish, you would know what

    I am suggesting.

    Osiris bowed his head in consent and Charon continued.

    Civilization comes and bits and pieces, learned in teaching and in practice. Eventually, it

    comes to rulers like King Artur or King Comatas, may he rest peacefully in the cold north, or the

    Princes who thisday rule in his stead. This man, Jorjack Bailey. Charon indicated the Kings

    Executioner with a wave of his hand. He serves the crown closely. He is higher than aeman,

    higher than bailiff, even higher than our fair reeve. He serves the Aeneshal, the Law of NineTables. What he suggests here is what civilized folk would do, for the Law is the ultimate result

    of civilization.

    Our ways are older than the Aeneshal, Gwinnifer called out.

    Charon looked to her then continued. We have had the consent of 27 Kings to retain our

    ways, and we will keep our ways.Thismoment, Jorjack stood. But

    SILENCE! The authority in Charons voice quieted even the Kings Executioner.

    You may have your blood, Executioner, but only by vote of these councils. Civilization, as it

    has come to the Offavians dictates that we agree on what will come, not that we bow to thewishes of the likes of you, simply by cause of your relationship to the crown. We are not slaves

    to Faraway Castle. We are Offavian skylords, fliers who live above yourGardea.

    The crowd cheered. Jorjack sat down.

    But, High Councilor Kiel Hornblower said, there may be good reason to consent toJorjacks request.

    You cannot sacrifice a skylord to the crown for political convenience, Osiris


    The crown is wary, its power in transition, Charon said.

    We do not know how the crown will side with us and our ways in the morrow, Kiel


    So, we acquiesce, Osiris said.

    The Low Council has voted, Gwinnifer said.

    Stop it! It was Aether. He stood in his cage. All eyes turned to him. Low Council,

    High Council, he said. We do not need so much choler and melancholia thisnight. Let us berational. Osiris, how can you suggest any of this is anything but politics? Once upon a day, we

    Offavians had no councils, had no Meeting. We flew and we robbed and we did what we wanted

    to do. But, that time is long gone, lost in yestery. The Kings Armies of Gardea could razeOffavtop if it came to that. The Kings MagicMakers could yank us all from the sky fore we

    could beg them not to. It is not political convenience that puts us in this room. It is political


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    You do not deserve death, Osiris replied.

    I thank you for saying as much, Aether said. But, what is deserved and what must behad are two different things somwhen. And, choosehow you like it, we face this Kings man and

    I face the possibility of death. But, if not my death, than perhaps the death of the Offavian

    skylords, the death of our way of life.

    Nan cried out: Aether, no!Aether closed his eyes. I do not ask for death, Councilors. But, I ask that in the final

    vote, you weigh this not only on what might be deserved but on what may be preserved.

    ***In the end, all three High Councilors voted for death. Four of nine Low Councilors voted

    assent to the High Council, while four voted dissent and one, Rena Fallen again, abstained. The

    sentence of death was passed, and it was decided that Aether would fly to his death nextmorning,then Jorjack Bailey would be on his way.

    Meeting ended and the crowd, more somber than fore, exited the Great Hall. But, it did

    not take long for the mood to lighten again as the straw man was set aflame and folk got to

    dancing again, drinking again, and not thinking on the fate of Aether Apollosonere. Winis mere

    stayed with Aether off from the festivities but she insisted Wini go with Hef to put her mind onbetter things. Of course, with her fithisis, Wini could not dance overwell or overnear the fire and

    smoke from the straw man, so her mood did not lighten. When the troupe of rhymers started toperform, making a comedy out of the death and resurrection of Gowl Parrow, Wini laughed

    some. When the jesters took their falls, she smiled, but when each performance was finished, she

    returned to her grief.It was far past midnight that the festivities died down. Men retired into the Great hall to

    drink. Women and children retired to their beds. Wini joined her mere in falling to sleep closeby

    Aethers cage. Hef wished them a good night and went off on his own. He skewered some

    candlenuts and lit them so he could see; Mummers was celebrated on the ides of Fines, so therewas no moon in the sky for light. Hef walked to where his wings were hidden and left the sack of

    gears fore he went home to sleep.


    Nextmorning, folk gathered on Southrim again. But, thisday, the mood was heavy. As hewas caged, another man had to bring Aethers wings to him. Despite his limp, Leto Garuda

    volunteered for the duty. Leto asked for an able jake to help and Hef went with him. Wini smiled

    at Hef through her tears as she watched him go.He and the smith were quiet as they walked. Leto broke the silence. How goes your


    Hef shrugged. I didnt have time lastday to work on it, it being Mummers.Leto nodded. I would see these mysterious Bladudan wings somewhen, if you would let

    me. Mayhap I could give you a pointer or two on making them great. Hef shrugged again. After

    a momentary silence, Leto spoke again. Did you like the rhymers thisnight? I didnt care for the

    dwarf playing Parrow. His comic timing was for naught.

    Kelly, I dont know comic timing, Hef replied.

    They were silent again. They had come thismoment to Aethers storage shed. Leto

    opened the doors and they went inside.Hef stopped just over the threshold. Leto, he said.

    The old smith turned and looked to him.

    What happens if Aether just keeps flying?

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    Kalinikas Fire, my boy. Kalinikas fire.

    What is that?

    Another flier, probably Reeve Wheeler, will launch a twosecond after Aether, fly above

    him with a glassjar in hand. In that glassjar will be the makings for Kalinika s Firebrimstone,

    quicklime, naptha and fosfane. If Aether Apollosonere does not perform as Offavian honor dictates,

    then the reeve will drop the glassjar on him. Kalinikas Fire has a wet, sticky flame. Aether will notbe able to douse it.

    So, he falls or her burns?

    Leto nodded. Thismoment, let us worry not about that. Aether will do what he should. Letus get him his wings.


    An Offavian execution is self-inflicted. Like the Sataka of the Estered, a flier of Offavtop ishonorbound to take his own life if that is his sentence. His wings waiting for him at Southrim,

    Aether Apollosonere, the crane holding his cage having been wheeled there, was let out. Tradition

    dictated that he don his wings soon thereafter, but first he went to his wife and dotere and wrapped

    his arms about them for the final time. Hef stood closeby. He heard Aether tell Wini that all will be

    well and dont you fret over the likes of me. You worry about yourself. If the fithisis gets to beovermuch, go down into Gardea where the air is not as it is in thisplace.

    I will not leave Offavtop, Wini replied.

    Live where you can live, Aether said. Then, he looked to Nan. Find a MagicMaker. Sell

    what you can

    There is nothing, she replied.Finally, after days in a cage, after arguing for his own death sentence, thismoment Aether

    cried. Winifrith, he said. Do everything to live. Thisday, what I do, I do for all this to remain for


    You put overmuch on her shoulders, Nan said.Aether looked to his wife then to his dotere again. He wiped his tears and smiled. Do what

    you will do, he said. Then, he walked to his wings and stood fore them, affixed the straps, neither

    dawdling nor rushing. When finally he had his wings affixed, he walked to the edge of Southrim.

    High Councilor Mark Eegelson announced his sentence: For the crime of theft from the Kingscoffers, for violating the Law of Property, set down in the Law of Nine Tables by King Artur

    himself, Aether Apollosonere, you have been sentenced to die by voluntary fall as goes the tradition

    of the Offavian skylords. Do you have any final words?Aether looked about at the faces in the crowd, many of them friends for as long as he could

    recall. He focused on Nan and Wini. But, he did not speak.

    Reeve Wheeler had donned his own wings. Thismoment, Hef noticed him strapping aglassjar carefully to his chest. Kalinikas Fire. Hef did not want to see it used on Aether but he was

    curious what it was like.

    Aether closed his eyes. For Offavia, he said, and he stepped out into the air and flew

    southard. He flew straight and true, out over Finity Field. As Leto had said, Reeve Wheeler flewabove him, watching, waiting. All was silent along Southrim.

    The flight seemed to last forever, then suddenly, Aether folded in his wings and dropped

    like a stone into Finity Field.Low Councilor Osiris Root turned to Jorjack Bailey and growled: you satisfied?

    Jorjack did his best to ignore Osiris. Most everyone else ignored them both. The crowd

    dispersed mostly in silence. Hef looked about for Wini and her mere and they were already gone.

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    He decided to give Wini some time alone or with her mere; he would find her later. Instead, he

    headed for his hiding place to work on his wings.***

    As he headed out of town, through a herd of dummalo, he looked about to be sure he wasn t

    followed. He reached a copse of candlenut trees surrounded by blindyoureye, and carefully made

    his way through a gap in the neathbrush. He emerged neath the trees and found his wings indisarray. The rightwing was broken off completely, the leftwing was bent in such a way that he

    would have to remove it and replace some parts to ever get it back into place.

    Clew, he said, though no one was closeby to hear.Clew had found his wings. Hef walked over to his wings, grabbed a broken pole on the

    rightwing and yanked it free. It would serve poetically as a club with which he would beat Clew to

    the ground. He made his way through the neathbrush again and marched across the dummalo fieldinto town. He passed Glepere Kot close in the town square and the old man said hello, but Hef did

    not slow down to reply. Clew had flown lastday. He would be with the men, out on Southrim or at

    the Great Hall. Hef wasnt going to slow down until he found him.

    Clew was, indeed, standing about with several adult skylords outside the Great Hall. Hef

    couldnt twig if they were just going in or just coming out, and he really didnt care. He marchedright up to Clew and took a swing with his makeshift club fore Clew realized what was coming. The

    first blow struck well, but the club was not made for such work, and it cracked against Clewsshoulder. Clew cried out in pain and the men all came at Hef, including his own glepere, Charon

    Wax, who grabbed Hef fore he could swing the club again.

    Hefaestus, whats the meaning of this?

    Get off me!

    I will let you go when you explain yourself. You dont attack a skylord without


    Skylord, Hef scoffed. Clews just a blackguard boy.

    Bite your tongue, boy, Wayland Tomen said. He, aswell, was with the men, like as if he

    were one of them.

    You bite yours, Hef said to him. You think you can fly a onetime and thismoment youre

    a man, you pathetic jake. Youre no man. Hef wriggled out of his gleperes grip and spun about toface the old man. And, dont you touch me. My wings would be off limits to Clews touch, let

    alone his damage, if youd have let me fly with the rest of them.

    Hefaestus, you know youre

    much oversmall, Hef finished, mockingly. Parden your pronouncements, old man.

    You should have seen my wings. Hef fought off tears thismoment. He turned to Clew. He

    destroyed them!

    I did no such thing, Clew said. And, he was a bad liar. The truth of it was obvious.

    You cannot just attack him, choosehow his doing, Charon said.

    Like he attacks me for naught, Hef asked. Dragonpiss, you skylords have invited a

    nazzling bully into your midst, and what do I get? Jata, more work. Hef looked to his glepereagain. And, you still wont let me fly. Well, I dont need your approval. I dont need to fly on

    Flight Day, with mummers and townsfolk watching. Ill rebuild my wings and Ill fly without your

    fanfare. Who needs any of you skylords, othergate? Not me.Hef wanted to take another swing at Clew, but knew that his arm would be stopped fore he

    could even raise it. He wanted to cry but wouldnt give Clew or his glepere the satisfaction. His only

    other option was to leave. But, he wouldnt run. He turned froard from the skylords. I dont need

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    any of you, he said. And, he left, being sure to walk and not run. As he walked, it was harder and

    harder to fight back tears. He made his way through an alleyway and out of town and headed for thecather tree where he thought he might find Wini, and by the time he neared it his cheeks were wet

    with tears.


    But, Wini was not neath the cather tree. He thought to sit down by himself, but insteadheaded westard. He didnt twig that Wini was aboutinstead, he thought she might be at home

    with her merebut he wanted to keep moving until the urge to cry was gone. He came to Crack and

    looked out over the Glins, peaks rising far off into the west and into the north, yond them Gual andthe Northard Sea and Isflo. Hef wanted to don some wings and fly from Offavtop, to Gual or

    westard to the Caram or farther still to the Westersea. Hed fly all the way to Glisterpethad, if the

    place even existed. On a clear day, he did not care to live on Offavtop for a oneday more. They letboys like Clew into the ranks of the skylords and let men like Aether Apollosonere die on the whim

    of some man who worked for a King who no longer ruled, no longer even lived. And, for what?

    Skylords should rule Gardea, Hef announced The sky is ours. The land should be


    He shooks his head, angry with himself as much as he was angry with Clew or his glepere.He looked down into the gorge and thismoment he saw Wini. She was down with the two cantor,

    Goden and Ben. Hef yelled her name, but she didnt seem to hear him. So, he looked about for away down. The climb was difficult but far from impossible. It took him some time, but finally he

    came upon the three of them and their construction effort. On closer observation, Hef could even

    recognize what it was: a catapult.

    Wini, he said as he approached, what are you doing?

    Wini looked to him. Im helping, she replied.

    Why are you helping them build a catapult?

    Ben eyed Hef but said nothing.Goden grinned. Wes gonna launch rocks at Skytown, he said.

    Hef looked up toard Skytown, then to Goden, then to Wini. And, youre helping them?

    You should be reporting them, getting skylords down to break this.

    Goden started to cry. No be breaking Godens catapult, he said. No be breaking it.

    Dont you worry, Wini said to the boy, who was at least a threefoot taller than she was

    though obviously much younger. No one will be breaking your catapult ourcatapult.

    Hef opened his mouth to speak, but thought of Clew and his glepere and AetherApollosonere, and his own mere calling him hagborn and he bit his tongue. Theyll catch you,

    he said.

    Theyll see a cantor catapult, Wini said. Aether Apollosonere will be avenged and

    and youll start a war with the cantor, Hef finished. This isnt the way to get back at


    Then, what is, Wini demanded, her eyes full of tears. My pere is dead, and life just goes

    on for the rest of them like as if it were nothing? That isn t fair. If I thought I wouldnt be caught,Id kill that blackguard Jorjack Bailey.

    Without thinking of where they were, Hef said, bite your tongue.

    Why? No one can hear me.Hef looked about, remembering they were down in Crack, in Jonams End, far from prying


    Thismoment, you help us or go, Wini said. We could use less distraction.

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    Hef wanted to help, but as much as he wanted the skylords to pay, as much as he hated Clew

    Arwend and Wayland Tomen, getting the cantor blamed for it would only end badly. He turned toleave, racking his brain to twig some better way to make the folk of Offavtop pay for the death of

    Aether Apollosonere.


    He found himself again neath the candlenut trees, eyeing his damaged wings. It would takedays to even get them back to the half finished state they had been, and if he worked all day

    everyday, if Parrow willed it, it would still take more than a week to get them in flying condition. If

    hed been building Icarian wings, it would take less time, but hed always wanted Bladudan wings,far more complicated and difficult to build but also far more impressive to see in action, flapping

    like the wings of birdthings instead of merely gliding along the drafts of the wind. He closed his

    eyes and imagined himself flying, leaping from Southrim strapped to his wings, setting out acrossFinity Field, reaching Hide Lake and the Balkor, the smoking mountain of Higleevaret. He

    imagined the heat of that peak might lift him all the way to LadyTime, maybe all the way out of

    Gardea into the fabled Neighborland. But, he was sure they probably would think him small for his

    age in thatplace aswell. They would treat him as an ickle jake, unable to fend for himself.

    But, I can fend for myself, he said, opening his eyes.And, even as he saw something was with him neath the candlenut tree, even as he tried to

    twig what it was, it spoke a reply: Sure you can, rosesugar. Sure you can.It was a dragon. A real, live dragon, green brown and feathered and blending in with the

    dome of candlenut trees. Hef screamed and stepped back, stumbling and falling to the ground. He

    tried to claw at the ground hind him, to crawl backard.

    Youve nothing to fear from ol Fenisha, the dragon said. Her voice was that of an old

    woman, soothing even as it came tween fangs longer than Hefs arm. ol Fenisha was just

    lamenting these beautiful wings you had in thisplace. ol Fenisha was looking forard to seeing them

    put to use. Shes always liked Offavian wings, though men used to ride the dragon instead of theseartificial wings. Its been a long time The dragon lowered her head close to Hef. How long has

    it been sithence the war?

    The war?

    When men fought dragon and dragon fought men and ol Fenisha had to find someplace tohide.

    The Darkening, Hef said. That was going on a twocentury and a half ago.

    That long? ol Fenishas been sleeping most of it, but she comes out from time to time tofind some food and see how the Offavians are flying.

    Hef was shaking, but he got to his feet thismoment. And, you saw my wings

    Fenisha nodded, and exhaled, a gust of air that warmed Hefs whole body. And, likedthem, the dragon said. But, then that boy came and broke em.

    Clew, Hef said. Though the dragons words confirmed it, Hef hadnt doubted his initial


    Whatever hes called, hes a bad little man for what hes done.

    Jata, worse has been done about thisplace of late.

    That skylord dying?

    Hef nodded. He wasnt shaking any longer. His name was Aether Apollosonere and,dadala, he was a good man.

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    Apollsonerethats a good, strong name, aswell, Fenisha replied. To what end did he

    fall to his death. ol Fenisha saw that flight, and his death was no mistake in design of wing but achoice made, and Offavian execution if ol Fenisha ever did see one.

    Hef nodded again. He stole from a wagon on the Eternal Road.

    Fenisha tilted her head and squinted at Hef. Is it no longer the way of Offavtop to swoop

    down on travelers on the Eternal Road, to tax the travel as has always been done? Dragon used toland fore a wagon and threaten to burn em if they didnt pay the toll.

    Did you do that?

    Oh, ol Fenisha has done her share of threatening many a human, rosesugar. But, on a clearday, it has been a good long while sithence shes even taken a good flight. Sithence King Mathiel

    decided we dragon were of no good use anymore Though it was hard to read her expression, Hef

    thought she looked upset. But, suddenly, she grinned. Nevermind the past, she said. Whats to bedone about these wings of yours? They were looking to be quite fancy and beautiful. And, ol

    Fenisha would have loved to see them fly.

    And, I would have loved to fly them, Hef replied. But, they will take some work to get

    finished. Hef walked over to the wings, touched one of the broken poles and eyed one of the gear

    mounts he had put together. Part of the metal mount was bent. Maybe more work than theyvetaken so far to build, he said.

    Fenishas forepaw came to ground next to Hef. Ol Fenisha would help, the dragon said,

    but her fingers are much overbig.

    Hef looked down at his own hands. And, mine, he said, are much oversmall, if you

    believe my glepere. He turned and faced the dragon, her head so close he could feel her warmbreath all over. I should have had my first flight lastday, but I wasnt allowed by cause of my size.

    Well, thats just silly, isnt it? Ol Fenishas seen fullblood dwarrow fly Offavian wings

    fore thisday, and youre only part.

    How did you

    Ol Fenisha can smell the dwarrow blood in you, rosesugar. And, you want to fly thisday,

    all you have to do is ask.

    Hef did not ken what she was offering at first. He looked to his broken wings again and

    couldnt twig getting them fixed in less than a oneweek, let alone thisday. Then, nextmoment, hetwigged what Fenisha was saying. He looked again to her. Youd let me ride you?

    Ol Fenisha hasnt taken a rider in a good long time, sithence fore her last good flight. But,

    sure, rosesugar, shed let you mount up and show her off, show those Offavians how big you are. ***

    Climbing onto Fenishas back wasnt much harder than climbing onto a dummalo. But, she

    was bigger and Hef wasnt sure how he would stay on once she got to flying.

    Hold the shoulder joints, Fenisha said. Dont go grasping at feathers, as they might just

    go with you as you fall.

    Thats not very comforting, Hef said.

    Fenisha twisted her neck about and licked him, her tongue scratchy like a cats, and warmlike as if aflame. You hold tight to the scales on ol Fenishas shoulders and youll have the

    comfort of the wind in your hair, sure as you feel safe in your mere s arms.

    Hef didnt think it worth the bother to explain how little comfort he got from his meresarms mosttime. He could ken the sentiment even if he did not have much experience with the actual

    fact of it.

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    They were outside the copse of candlenut trees, thismoment, northard of them so as to be

    hidden from view by anyone in Skytown. Are you ready, Fenisha asked. Ol Fenishas as readyas shell ever be.

    Hef had time to wonder if a dragon could forget how to fly fore Fenisha leapt into the air,

    and her lavid wings flapped and they were rising up and up, the copse of trees shrinking neath them.

    For onemoment, Hef was screaming with fear, then nextmoment he was screaming with joy;Fenisha was aswell. It has been overlong, Fenisha said. Hold on tight. Hef held as tightly as he

    could to the edge of the scales on her shoulders, just as she had advised, and Fenisha flew westard

    and dove down into Crack, racing down toard the ground neath and then abruptly rising up,crushing Hef into her back so that he almost lost his grip. Hef didnt have the fortitude to turn his

    head to see if Wini could see him or not.

    The dragon flew higher than fore and found a draft to glide on. Where shall we go, myboy? Shall we show you off to the Offavians?

    They will not take kindly to a dragon flying by, Hef said.

    Well, then, Fenisha said, sounding quite offended at the prospect, ol Fenisha will not

    take kindly to them.

    Clew, Hef said.Whats that, rosesugar?

    Lets scare him.Fenisha laughed. Where might we find this Clew?

    Southrim, Hef said. Its

    Ol Fenisha knows where Southrim is. Shes launched from thatplace time and again, onceupon a day.

    And so, they flew down toard Skytown and Fenishas dangling backpaws scraped the

    rooftops. Hef wasnt sure if she did it on purpose or was still scraping cobwebs off her flying skills.

    Folk ran thisplace and thatplace, screaming in terror.Not many folks were out at Southrim. But, all the new fliers, save for Cabel and Amberly,

    were with their wings, eager to fly a second time, even Wayland, a splint on his leg. Which one is

    he, Fenisha asked.

    The one with fire on his wings, Hef said. Whether Fenisha twigged that he meant the paintor thought he was making a request for actual flamewell, that didnt matter soon. Fenisha set foot

    hind Clew and inside Fenisha was a great rumblingHef could feel her shaking as she hadnt done

    this in a good long while eitherand flames erupted from her mouth, igniting Clews wings on hisback. More folk screamed. A few of the new fliers leapt off Southrim in a panic. Clew cried out in

    pain and got his wings unstrapped as quickly as he could then rolled in the grass to douse the flames

    on his shirt. Fenisha leapt into the air and flew again, Southard over Finity Field. With little thoughtas to Hefs ability to hold on, she flew in a great loop and turned about toard Offavtop again.

    Thismoment, Hef saw Jorjack Baileys wagon still parked on the Eternal Road. He felt a

    little bad for Clew but only a little. But, thismoment, he wanted Fenisha to use her flame again.

    That wagon, Hef said. It needs to burn. Fenisha laughed and dove down so abruptly that Hefwas no longer sitting but dangling upard by his hands. Desperate to keep his grip on her shoulders,

    he almost didnt see the wagon explode in flames, and he did not see Jorjack Bailey leap out of the

    burning heap.Fenisha rose up again, and thismoment Offavians were armed with bow and arrow. They

    fired at her, and Fenisha roared and showered flame and burning saliva on them. Hef screamed,

    no! Fenisha stopped and flew up out of range.

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    Ol Fenishas just having a bit of fun, rosesugar.

    You cant just burn everyone. You do that, and theyll hunt you down.Angrily, Fenisha replied, no one will hunt ol Fenisha again.

    No more fire, Hef said, though part of him loved the idea of Skytown burning in Aethers

    honor. It was still his home, the only place hed ever really known. Of course, if anyone noticed him

    on the dragons back, he wouldnt be welcome any longer. Still, he couldnt simply destroy thewhole place. The folk of Skytown werent all bad. Leto Garuda had always been good to him, as

    had Glepere Kot and Nan Apollosonere and many others. It was the High Council that was truly to

    blame for Aethers death, not all the folk of Skytown. Hef knew what had to be done. He couldntfind the three High Councilors in the chaos of folk running about, but he could hinder their next

    Meeting. But, the Great Hallyou know which building that is?

    Fenisha nodded. Big one with dragonheads in it.

    You can smell them?

    Ol Fenisha can smell most anything, she replied.

    No fire, Hef said. Fire might spread to other buildings.

    You want the Great Hall destroyed?

    Hef nodded. Fenisha wasnt looking at him and he voiced no response. Still, she dove toardthe Great Hall and landed on the roof, then rose again into the air, her backpaws tearing off a large

    section of roof. Fenisha laughed and dropped the pieces. You want to see something ol Fenishaused to do for fun when her fuel was low?

    Dadala, I do.

    Fenisha flew low over the rooftops again, and northard to the dummalo field. She swoopeddown and snatched a dummalo in each backpaw, then came about to fly toard the buildings again.

    Hef had time to feel sorry for the dummalothey were not smart animals but they were of usual

    gentle, and he had ridden one a time or twofore Fenisha threw them at the Great Hall, knocking

    two holes in the frontwall and splattering the inside of the building with dummalo parts.Arrows raced by. One grazed Hefs arm. Fenisha could smell the blood. Fore Hef could stop

    her, she spun about and sent flames at the nearest archer. No, Hef said, and Fenisha stopped. The

    archer rolled in the dirt to douse the flames. Hef wasnt sure who it was. Lets go, Hef said.

    Go? But, the fun just got started.

    You cant just kill everyone, and more arrows will fly.

    My hide can take a few arrows.

    Well, mine cant.Fenisha thought that over, then rose up out of range of the arrows again. Where shall we


    Hef thought of his mere, his broken Bladudan wings, his possible apprenticeship to LetoGaruda. Thisplace didnt have much for him. He wouldnt see the whole of Skytown burned, but he

    also couldnt imagine spending another day among its folk. He had but one attachment. You know

    Jonams End, Fenisha?

    Fenisha said nothing, but flew for the Crack.

    Down, Hef said.

    Fenisha flew down to where Goden and Ben and Wini and their catapult were. Fenisha

    landed, and Hef heard rumbling inside her again.

    Wait, Hef said. He called to Wini. Come on, he said. You want to leave Skytown?

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    Wini was hesit to answer. She thought of her pere, could picture his wings folding in her

    mind, the folk of Skytown watching, approving. She nodded and walked of caution toard thedragon. Fenisha laid down on her belly so Wini could climb up hind Hef.

    Ben, Goden, get from the catapult, Hef said. Ben moved first, then grabbed Goden and

    pulled him. Fenisha, burn it, Hef said. And, a onemoment later the catapult was burning. Then,

    Fenisha launched herself into the air, with Hef and Wini holding on as best they could. They flewup and over Skytown. The Great Hall was not destroyed, but it would do.

    Where are we going, Fenisha asked.

    Hef looked over his shoulder to Wini. She shrugged. Southard, Hef said. Froard fromSkytown.

    And, ol Fenisha flew out over Finity Field, an Offavian boy and girl on her back. They

    wouldnt be welcome mostplace, but somewhere they would find a place, mayhap the Northor,where Wini could breathe easier. Or, on a clear day, theyd throw a few more dummalo about
