where are we in the universe? planet? star-orbiting system? galaxy? cluster group? supercluster?...

Where are we in the universe? Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Where are we in the universe?Where are we in the universe?


Star-orbiting system?


Cluster Group?



Page 2: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968

Page 3: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USA

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 4: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USAEarth

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 5: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

SPaydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USAEarth Solar System

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 6: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USAEarth Solar SystemMilky Way Galaxy

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 7: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USAEarth Solar SystemMilky Way GalaxyLocal Group

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 8: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Paydirt PeteUTEP500 W. University Ave.El Paso, TX 79968USAEarth Solar SystemMilky Way GalaxyLocal GroupLocal Supercluster

Our Cosmic AddressOur Cosmic Address

Page 9: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

How do we know? How do we know? Who is responsible?Who is responsible?

Page 10: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Early AstronomersEarly Astronomers

• 500 BC Pythagoras - thought Earth was round from moon observations

• 350 BC Aristotle - Earth at center of “universe”, planets/stars moved around Earth

• 250 BC Aristarchus - measured (relative) distance to Sun & moon using

angles; Sun very BIG; at center of “universe”

• 200 BC Eratosthenes - measured size of the Earth using angles of sun at noon at 2 places

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 AD


Aristarchus Eratosthenes

Page 11: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Ptoo bad for PtolemeyPtoo bad for Ptolemey

Claudius Ptolemey (100 - 170 A.D.)


Aristarchus Eratosthenes Ptolemy

Ptolemy geocentric diagram(Earth at center)

• claimed that all planets & stars orbited the Earth (wrong!)

• Earth-Centered model = Geocentric Model

• ideas last 1300 years!

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Page 12: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)

Crazy (but not really) CopernicusCrazy (but not really) Copernicus



Aristarchus Eratosthenes Ptolemy Copernicus

Copernicus heliocentric diagram(sun at center)

• proposed Earth NOT AT CENTER, but SUN IS!

• Sun-Centered model = Heliocentric Model

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Page 13: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Galileo the GreatGalileo the Great

Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642 A.D.)



Aristarchus Eratosthenes Ptolemy Copernicus Galileo

• The Great Observer!

• 1st to observe moons orbiting Jupiter (Galilean

satellites) - proved geocentric model wrong

Galileo’s moon phases

• Venus phases

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Page 14: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Keeping up with KeplerKeeping up with Kepler

Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630 A.D.)



Aristarchus Eratosthenes Ptolemy Copernicus Galileo


Kepler’s Laws (3)

• Used catalogs of planets’ positions to form equations that described all planetary motion

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Page 15: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Kepler’s Law # 1Kepler’s Law # 1

Planets orbit the Sun in ellipses with Sun at one focus



circle ellipse

x xx

Page 16: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Kepler’s Law # 2Kepler’s Law # 2

A line joining a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet travels around the ellipse

C Dclose to sun

A Bfar from sun

time to go from C D = time to go from A B

travels slowesttravels fastest

Page 17: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Kepler’s Law #2 Kepler’s Law #2

equal area, equal times




Page 18: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

P2 ~ a3

Kepler’s Law # 3Kepler’s Law # 3

orbital period orbital radius

P = orbital period (years), time to complete 1 orbita = orbital radius (AU, astronmomical unit)

*note: 1 AU is distance from Earth to Sun, 1.5x108 km

like lanes on a race track

Page 19: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

• Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916 A.D.) - observed canals on Mars

Modern AstronomersModern Astronomers



Aristarchus Eratosthenes Ptolemy Copernicus Galileo


• Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996 A.D.) - discovered hot, dense atmosphere on Venus - lead many searches for extra-terrestrial life

• Eugene & Carolyn Shoemaker - Eugene: linked Earth and moon craters to asteroid impacts - Carolyn: discovered more comets (32) than any other person

Lowell SaganShoemakers

500 250 0 250 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Page 20: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

We use electromagnetic waves (or light) (or radiation)

How do we know? How do we know? Who is responsible?Who is responsible?

Page 21: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

What is a wave?What is a wave?

Ocean waves Sound waves Seismic waves

Waves are traveling energy

a wave

Page 22: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Light (electromagnetic) wavesLight (electromagnetic) waves

medium waves = visible

BIG wavelengths

small wavelengths

Page 23: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Light (electromagnetic) wavesLight (electromagnetic) waves

infrared image

visible imagex-ray image

Page 24: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Tools of AstronomyTools of Astronomy(telescopes)(telescopes)

• Objective - telescopes collect light (all kinds)

• Types - optical telescopes (for visible waves) - radio telescopes (for radio waves) - plus many others (x-ray, gamma, etc.)

• Determining factor: the bigger aperture (size), the better

Page 25: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Optical TelescopesOptical TelescopesTwo types: Reflecting & Refracting

• Reflecting: uses a curved mirror to reflect & focus light

(more common)

light in



• Refracting: uses a lense (like eye-glasses) to focus light


light in


Page 26: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Main functions of optical telescopes?Main functions of optical telescopes?

• Sharpen images (resolving power)

Make things look larger?

• Make objects look brighter (light-gathering power)

yes, but….

Page 27: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Radio TelescopesRadio Telescopes

• Radio waves collected in large dish and reflected to center antenna

light in

Page 28: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

What do radio telescopes do?What do radio telescopes do?

• Detect radio waves emitted by space objects

• Allow us to “see” different properties of space that are invisible to us - temperature, magnetic field, composition

The Moon

visible radio

Galaxy M81

visible radio

Page 29: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

Where should they go?Where should they go?

Problem: Earth’s atmosphere blurs objects in the sky

• how about a mountain top? in space?

Ideal locations:• Places away from city lights & pollution• Places high in elevation

US light pollution Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Page 30: Where are we in the universe? Planet? Star-orbiting system? Galaxy? Cluster Group? Supercluster? Universe?

• Hubble Space Telescope

Telescopes and ObservatoriesTelescopes and Observatories(you should visit)(you should visit)

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Clark: Lowell Obs., AZ

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Clark: Lowell Obs., AZ

• Shane: Lick Obs., CA

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Clark: Lowell Obs., AZ

• Shane: Lick Obs., CA

• Kitt Peak Obs., AZ

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck: Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Clark: Lowell Obs., AZ

• Shane: Lick Obs., CA

• Kitt Peak Obs., AZ

• Aricebo, Puerto Rico

• Hubble Space Telescope

• Keck (et al.): Mauna Kea, Hi

• Hale: Palomar Obs., CA

• Clark: Lowell Obs., AZ

• Shane: Lick Obs., CA

• Kitt Peak Obs., AZ

• Aricebo, Puerto Rico

• Very Large Array (VLA), NM