where do you find poetry? consider this: “we drove to the cave in silence. when we arrived, she...

Where do you find poetry? Consider this: “We drove to the cave in silence. When we arrived, She whispered to the piano player, Then took my hand. We danced. And suddenly, something we had lost was back.”

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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  • Where do you find poetry? Consider this: We drove to the cave in silence. When we arrived, She whispered to the piano player, Then took my hand. We danced. And suddenly, something we had lost was back.
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  • Poetry is Everywhere: -Music -Textbooks -Love letters -Plays Even, Mercedes Benz ads (as the one we just read).
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  • In order to understand poetry, you have to understand the devices a poet uses to write his poetry.
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  • Just as an artist chooses his medium- paint, clay, pencil, charcoal- so a poet chooses how he will create his work. Poets use a variety of tools or LITERARY and POETIC DEVICES- to breathe life and meaning into their words.
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  • I. Type of Poetry II. Poetry Organization III. Figurative Language
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  • 1. Elegy: a poem that mourns the death of a person, that is simply sad and thoughtful. 2. Free Verse: poetry composed of rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no meter. 3. Fixed Form: various types of poems that have a prescribed meter and rhyme scheme.
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  • 4. Lyric: a poem, such as an ode or sonnet, that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. A lyric poem usually resembles the form of a song. 5. Narrative: a poem that tells a story. 6. Ode: a lyric that is serious and thoughtful in tone and has a very precise, formal structure. 7. Sonnet: a formal poem written in iambic pentameter, of 14 lines, with a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG.
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  • 1. Couplet: two lines of poetry that rhyme. 2. Elision: the leaving out of a stressed or unstressed syllable or vowel, usually in order to keep a meter in a line of poetry. Example: oer for over 3. End Rhyme: when the end of lines of poetry rhyme.
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  • 4. Foot: two or more syllables that together make up the smallest unit of rhythm in poetry. 5. Iambic Pentameter: Shakespeares plays were written in iambic pentameter, which is the most common type of meter in English poetry. I has five feet in each line, each foot having an unstressed, then stressed syllable. 6. Internal Rhyme: when words rhyme within one line of poetry.
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  • 7. Meter: basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in a verse. 8. Quatrain: a stanza or poem of four lines. 9. Rhyme: the occurrence of similar sounds at the end of two or more words.
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  • 10. Rhyme Scheme: the pattern of rhyming lines in a poem. It is usually referred to by using letters to indicate which lines rhyme.For example, abab would mean the first and third lines rhyme, and the second and fourth lines rhyme. 11. Stanza: two or more lines of poetry that form the divisions of a poem.
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  • Meter: Name Order of Stress Number of Syllables Iamb (Iambic)unstressed, stressed 2 syllables Trochee (Trochaic)stressed, unstressed 2 syllables Anapest (Anapestic) unstressed, unstressed, stressed 3 syllables Dactyle (Dactylic) stressed, unstressed, unstressed 3 syllables Pyric unstressed, unstressed 2 syllables Iambic example: Shall I | com pare | Trochee example: By the shores of Gitche Gumee Pyric example: When the blood creeps and the nerves prick.
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  • Monometer- One Foot Dimeter- Two Feet Trimeter- Three Feet Tetrameter- Four Feet Pentameter- Five Feet Hexameter- Six Feet Heptameter- Seven Feet Octameter- Eight Feet
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  • Mixed Meter With Iambic Feet From "Intimations of Immortality," by William Wordsworth.........1...............2.................3.....................4......................5 There WAS..|..a TIME..|..when MEAD..|..ow, GROVE,..|..and STREAM Iambic Pentameter.........1................2...............3................4. The EARTH,..|..and EV..|..ry COM..|..mon SIGHT Iambic Tetrameter.....1..............2 To ME..|..did SEEM Iambic Dimeter......1..............2.............3...............4 Ap PAR..|..elled IN..|..cel EST..|..ial LIGHT Iambic Tetrameter........1..............2.................3................4.................5 The GLOR..|..y AND..|..the FRESH..|..ness OF..|..a DREAM. Iambic Pentameter
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  • 1. Alliteration: repetition of consonant sounds. 2. Assonance: repetition of vowel sounds. 3. Author: the individual who wrote a work of literature.
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  • 4. Connotation: what a word suggests beyond its basic meaning. Consider the words home and house. Which has a more positive connotation? 5. Denotation: the dictionary meaning of a word. 6. Diction: the choice of words or phrases in a piece of writing.
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  • 7. Extended metaphor: a metaphor that is extended for several lines. (Similar to epic similes). 8. Figurative meaning: associative or connotative meaning; representational. 9. Hyperbole: an overstatement.
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  • 10. Imagery: words that paint mental pictures. 11. Irony: the use of meaning that uses language that usually signifies the opposite. 12. Literal Meaning: the meaning that an author truly writes and explains.
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  • 13. Metaphor: a comparison not using like or as. 14. Mood: the attitude or emotion that a reader receives from a work. 15. Motif: two contrasting elements in a work of literature, such as light and dark, death and life.
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  • 16. Onomatopoeia: words that create sounds. 17. Paradox: statement or situation that contains contradictory or incompatible elements. 18. Personification: giving human characteristics to non-human things.
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  • 19. Simile: figure of speech using like or as. 21. Speaker: the person from whom the point of view is from. 22. Symbol: idea, object, person, that represents something else.