where do you rest your tongue_ - paleohacks

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    Question by Soul (/users/9639/soul.html) 1913 Feb 12, 2013 at 02:22 AM

    Where do you rest your tongue?

    I am sure a lot of you have heard about the Buteyko breathing method. There is a proper way to rest your tongue and to

    swallow properly. Apparently children who grow up doing it the wrong way, develop narrow palates and eventually need


    When you are relaxed, where is your tongue situated? Is it on your bottom palate or against the upper palate(roof of mouth)?

    Also, are you a mouth breather or nose breather? Have you had braces in your life?

    If any of you are curious, the proper place to rest your tongue is against your upper palate. Say the letter "n" and that's where

    the tip of your tongue should be(two thirds of your tongue should be up against the upper palate).

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    Answer by Varelse (/users/12714/varelse.html) 10746 Feb 12, 2013 at 02:28 AM (/answers/190338/view.html)

    I hadn't heard of that breathing method specifically, but I am VERY aware of the effect that habits, including tongue position,

    can have on oral health and the mouth as a whole. (Dental industry here.) My tongue does stay at the top of my mouth, almost

    like suction keeps it there. Feels weird to try and push it down!

    I am a nose breather. I currently have braces! Not because of narrow palate or anything. As a kid / young teen, my parents had

    several of my teeth extracted because they didn't want to pay for root canals or other treatment. As a result, many of my back

    teeth tilted, some almost to a forty-five degree angle. I started with braces as an adult in the hopes of realigning those teeth

    and preparing the spaces for future implants. If it hadn't been for those hasty extractions wtithout space maintainers or other

    restorations as a kid, I would never have needed orthodontia.


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    Answer by Gabrielle 1 (/users/18328/gabrielle-1.html) 61 Feb 12, 2013 at 05:25 AM (/answers/190368/view.html)

    I used to have braces years back and a retainer. It was stage 1, and I was supposed to get more but didn't. I remember my

    dentist telling me I have an overbite because of the placement of my tongue. That's why I had a weird poky thing on the back

    of my two front teeth to stop my tongue from hitting there. I've never really thought if it was such a big deal for me to have a

    bit of an overbite, but eh. I'm pretty sure I still have that habit and still have an overbite. I do breath through my nose though.


    Answer by Mash (/users/6747/mash.html) 9749 Feb 12, 2013 at 09:58 AM (/answers/190388/view.html)

    Tongue placement (in the position you stated) impacts your posture in relation to removing tension in the neck, shoulders and

    face. Really worthwhile practising this resting position to be the default placement. I learnt it from my personal trainer and

    also from taijiquan. You can also find the tongue position by drinking and swallowing.

    "The tongue placement that taught you is one most important part of the body to stabilize the head, do you know the head

    weighs about 8% of total body and every inch you head migrates forwards , the head weight doubles? if tongue is not place in

    correct position you overload muscles that pull you head forward causing stress in cervical spine, supra and infra hyoids








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    muscles are overlooked to so many called health practitioner, Physio, osteopaths, therapist and off course most of PTs." - Diego

    Core. http://www.diegocore.com (http://www.diegocore.com)


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    Answer by Cherice (/users/17392/cherice.html) 1160 Feb 12, 2013 at 05:41 PM (/answers/190453/view.html)

    My tongue doesn't rest properly at all. It barely fits in my mouth since my arches are so narrow. I have horribly crowded teeth

    with an overbite and should have gotten orthodontics when I was a kid. My parents couldn't afford them. I'm currently

    pregnant, and have temporarily switched to the Weston A. Price diet for pregnant women (minus the grains) to try and prevent

    my child from needing braces too.

    The first ultrasound we had DID show that our baby has very wide, high cheekbones! I know that we can't rely on that to make

    predictions, but I'm still hopeful.

    I do tend to think that it's not tongue placement causing narrow arches/overbites, but narrow arches causing poor tongue


    Or maybe I'm WAPF brainwashed, but I really don't think any modern children are nutritionally getting what they need to

    support healthy jaw/arch growth.


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    Answer by Kelleil (/users/11707/kelleil.html) 1384 Feb 13, 2013 at 05:17 AM (/answers/190531/view.html)

    Tip of my tongues against upper teeth. Old yoga thing. Naturally rests there now.

    http://radiantyogi.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/yoga-for-your-tongue/ (http://radiantyogi.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/yoga-for-



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