which goals and standards should be established

Add hierarchy n also duties of persons 1. Which goals and standards are established while developing plans? 2. How does hr manager of your bank perform organizing function of the management process? 3. Which methods are used by your bank to motivate subordinates to perform leading functions? 4. Which corrective actions are taken by your hr manager if the actual performance doesn’t meet standards? 5. If a wrong person is hired for the job like accountant, what would you like to do? 6. Which methods will be used to minimize the higher turnover? 7. If employees in your bank are not giving their best then what will you do? 8. What is the method of salary justice of your bank? 9. Is this in your policy to increase employee commitment? If yes, then how? 10. How does your hr manager develop corporation and working relationship between employees? 11. How do your bank policies protect your employees regarding health & physical condition? 12. How do you place right person for right job? 13. Do you ensure your employees that workplace is fun filled & enjoyable for them? 14. Do you manage the employee development activities? 15. How do you take care of employees welfare amenities prescribe by law? 16. Does your bank follow union management relation approach? 17. How do you create & maintain department morale? 18. What is your planning procedure? 19. What is your organizing procedure for giving specific task to your new employees?

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hrm questions


Add hierarchy n also duties of persons1. Which goals and standards are established while developing plans?2. How does hr manager of your bank perform organizing function of the management process?3. Which methods are used by your bank to motivate subordinates to perform leading functions?4. Which corrective actions are taken by your hr manager if the actual performance doesnt meet standards?5. If a wrong person is hired for the job like accountant, what would you like to do?6. Which methods will be used to minimize the higher turnover?7. If employees in your bank are not giving their best then what will you do?8. What is the method of salary justice of your bank?9. Is this in your policy to increase employee commitment? If yes, then how?10. How does your hr manager develop corporation and working relationship between employees?11. How do your bank policies protect your employees regarding health & physical condition?12. How do you place right person for right job?13. Do you ensure your employees that workplace is fun filled & enjoyable for them?14. Do you manage the employee development activities?15. How do you take care of employees welfare amenities prescribe by law?16. Does your bank follow union management relation approach?17. How do you create & maintain department morale?18. What is your planning procedure?19. What is your organizing procedure for giving specific task to your new employees?20. What is your staffing procedure, like recruitment, selection, training and so on?21. What is your leading procedure for maintaining morale & motivating subordinates?22. What is your controlling procedure?23. How and who perform line function in hr department?24. Does your hr manager perform coordinating function?25. Is Staff (assist & advise) function performed by hr manager?26. What are the main sources of information you use while conducting a job analysis?27. Do you analyze job description and job specification for job analysis?28. What kinds of information are you had to collect via job analysis?29. What is your performance standard?30. What is your job context? Can you please show me?31. What is your human requirements regarding personal attribute while hiring a person?32. How can you use your job analysis information for recruitment and selection?33. What is your compensation procedure?34. Are you or your company interested in performance appraisal? If yes, then how much?35. Please can you provide me little bit information regarding your legal compliance?36. Can you please show me your organizational chart?37. Is it in your policy to verify the job analysis information which you had collected?38. What is your process chart?39. What kind of interview you have conducted while hiring? Structured or unstructured?40. What is more beneficial for your bank? Structured or unstructured?41. Are you interested to conduct job analysis information via questionnaire? (sample)42. Had you ever done your job analysis via observation?43. Had you ever ask your workers to keep diary log? (sample)44. What is your job description?45. Do you ever show biasness while writing job description?46. What is your job specification?47. Can you please tell me about your job summary?48. What is your interview procedure?49. Does your bank conduct employment interview?50. Is this in your policy to conduct exit interview to minimize turnover?51. Do your bank conduct panel interview? And how much members are included in panel?52. Do you design how to conduct affective interview?53. Is this in your policy to set any benchmark while conducting interview?54. Is your bank believed in attractiveness, gender and race while conducting interview?55. Does your bank believe in traditional culture or go with research culture?56. Can you tell me about your reporting relationship? (who reports to whom)57. How much and how frequently your new employees attract with supervisor?58. What are the basic rules that make up strong yours bank culture?59. What is growth plan of your bank while conducting interview?60. What are the prospects for growth n advancement for your bank?61. What about routine work hour?62. Are there any flexible working arrangements in your bank?63. Did you ever done job rotation?64. What are the opportunities for training and professional development?65. Do you believe in snap judgment while conducting an interview? 66. What about golden handshake? 67. Does company ever select candidate on the basis of non verbal behavior?68. Do you follow a candidate reference?69. Suppose in case of emergency you are going to conduct interview and your panel are not clarify with job requirements, then what would you do?70. Are you interested to conduct situational interview?71. Do you think your panel members are expert for conducting interview?72. How do you train your employee, do you provide on the job training or of the job training?73. How would you ensure that the training is effective for an employee within the company?74. What qualities does a company expect from a trainer?75. As a trainer, what is the step you would undertake to make long training session not boring to employees?76. How do you implement the training process, at the end of the training do you evaluate to your employees?77. What are the different methods would you use in training of employee?78What is your orientation process, do you believe in formal or informal orientate?Does your company analyze the employee, if they are needed to train or not?Do you direct the trainees attention to important aspect of the job? What kind of benefits & services do you provide your employees?

What is your paid leave percentage?78. What about retirement and saving?79. What is your insurance policy for employees?80. Is this your part of policy to pay for time not worked?81. What are your insurance benefits?82. All state has unemployment insurance or compensation laws, what about you?83. Do you provide vocational and holidays benefits?84. Do you provide sick leave or cost reduction tactics?85. What is your parental & family leave regarding your policy?86. Is your company follow family & medical leave act(FMACA)?87. What is your group help plan?88. If an employee is not adding the value to the organization what you will do? Fire him or make him able that he able value.89. What are you doing to develop the career of your employees?90. Who is responsible for the development of the career employees or organization?91. Do you think that emphasis on career development can harm your organizations effectiveness?92. If job rotation better for growth of organization or doing a single job is more effective.93. Which measures you adopt to enhance employees performance?94. How do you establish job expectations (job analysis).95. How you examine the work performed by the employees?96. Do your organization based on performance appraisal?97. What are your recruitment criteria? How much appraisal is helpful to enhance the performance of the employees?98. What are the management work standards?99. Do you rank your employees on overall performance?100. What are the basic trades on which you evaluate (attitude, appearance, initiative)?101. How you structure your appraisal interview?102. Do you believe on customer appraisal?103. 104.
