whidbey examiner, january 29, 2015

By Jessie Stensland Co-Editor A group of Central Whidbey residents are trying to stop a road project that’s supposed to improve safety and provide additional stops for Island Transit buses. Barbara Vaughan said she and a group of neighbors are concerned that the Washing- ton Department of Transportation’s plans to reconfigure the intersection of Highway 20 at Parker Road would actually make the area less safe. They also question the wisdom of proposed bus turn-outs. The residents have been outspoken about their concerns for years. But as the project draws closer, the group is making a last effort to put an end to it. “I think we should shut the whole thing down,” she said, “and start from square one.” The group of five residents urges the public to attend a meeting they are holding at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the Pacific Rim Institute, which is adjacent to the impending construc- tion site on Parker Road. The members of the loose-knit group, she said, feel that the $5.8-million project — par- ticularly the bus turn-in lanes — is a waste of money, will be unsafe and will create an ugly entranceway to Ebey’s Landing National His- torical Reserve. Vaughan said the project was originally pushed by Martha Rose, former Island Tran- sit director, who also had plans for a pedestri- an tunnel nearby. Yet Tom Pearce, a spokesman for DOT, said the project is already all set to go. The proposals have been the subject of many public meetings over the years and went through changes. He said the project is going out to bid in May. Construction will be this summer. According to Pearce, the project would close the intersection at Parker Road and the highway. Parker Road would be re-routed to Morris Road, which intersects with the high- way just south of the current Parker Road intersection. Left-turn lanes would be added on the highway at Morris Road and the county transfer stations. The intersection of the highway and Smith Prairie Road would also be closed. In addition, the project calls for bus turn- outs on both sides of the highway near Morris Road. First-place winner, 2014 WNPA General Excellence Thursday, January 29, 2015 VOL. 20, NO. 25 50¢ www.whidbeyexaminer.com E xaminer The Whidbey Coupeville expanding class options Jessie Stensland photo Central Whidbey resident Barbara Vaughan stands at the intersection of Highway 20 and Parker Road. She and a group of neighbors aren’t pleased with a project to realign intersections in the area. Group concerned about road plans See ROAD, page 2 By Megan Hansen Co-Editor Coupeville Middle and High School leaders are working toward a new class schedule structure for the 2015-16 school year. The new structure will mean more course offerings for students and may po- tentially impact graduation requirements. Principal Larry Walsh and Assistant Principal Duane Baumann have been working with a committee of staff volun- teers since early fall to research possible structure changes. After consulting other districts and polling students and teachers, the commit- Deep Sea owner sued for $1.2 mill. See CLASSES, page 2 See SUED, page 13 By Jessie Stensland Co-Editor The owner of the Deep Sea crab boat that caught fire, sank and spilled oil in Penn Cove is going to jail and is being sued for $1.2 million. Rory Westmoreland, a Renton scrap- metal dealer, was sentenced to 75 days in jail and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine in Is- land County District Court Monday. The state Attorney General’s Office, representing the Department of Natural Resources, filed a lawsuit against Westmo- reland in Island County Superior Court last week. The suit aims to recoup costs incurred in disposing of the vessel. In addition, the Department of Ecol- ogy last year fined Westmoreland $301,000 for the oil spill that resulted from the Deep Sea sinking. Yet Penn Cove Shellfish has yet to see a penny of compensation for the disas- ter, which forced the closure of shellfish harvest for a month in 2012 and had other, longer-range consequences for the busi- ness. Co-owner Ian Jefferds said he filed a claim with the National Pollution Fund Center, run by the Coast Guard, a couple years ago but hasn’t heard anything back. Boys basketball picks up needed win Page 3 Neighbors plan public meeting for Feb. 10

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January 29, 2015 edition of the Whidbey Examiner


Page 1: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

By Jessie StenslandCo-Editor

A group of Central Whidbey residents are trying to stop a road project that’s supposed to improve safety and provide additional stops for Island Transit buses.

Barbara Vaughan said she and a group of neighbors are concerned that the Washing-ton Department of Transportation’s plans to reconfigure the intersection of Highway 20 at Parker Road would actually make the area less safe. They also question the wisdom of proposed bus turn-outs.

The residents have been outspoken about their concerns for years. But as the project draws closer, the group is making a last effort to put an end to it.

“I think we should shut the whole thing down,” she said, “and start from square one.”

The group of five residents urges the public to attend a meeting they are holding at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the Pacific Rim Institute, which is adjacent to the impending construc-tion site on Parker Road.

The members of the loose-knit group, she said, feel that the $5.8-million project — par-ticularly the bus turn-in lanes — is a waste of money, will be unsafe and will create an ugly entranceway to Ebey’s Landing National His-torical Reserve.

Vaughan said the project was originally pushed by Martha Rose, former Island Tran-sit director, who also had plans for a pedestri-an tunnel nearby.

Yet Tom Pearce, a spokesman for DOT, said the project is already all set to go.

The proposals have been the subject of many public meetings over the years and went

through changes.He said the project is going out to bid in

May. Construction will be this summer.According to Pearce, the project would

close the intersection at Parker Road and the highway. Parker Road would be re-routed to Morris Road, which intersects with the high-way just south of the current Parker Road intersection.

Left-turn lanes would be added on the highway at Morris Road and the county transfer stations.

The intersection of the highway and Smith Prairie Road would also be closed.

In addition, the project calls for bus turn-outs on both sides of the highway near Morris Road.

First-place winner, 2014 WNPA General Excellence

Thursday, January 29, 2015 VOL. 20, NO. 2550¢


The Whidbey

Coupeville expanding class options

Jessie Stensland photo

Central Whidbey resident Barbara Vaughan stands at the intersection of Highway 20 and Parker Road. She and a group of neighbors aren’t pleased with a project to realign intersections in the area.

Group concerned about road plans

See ROAD, page 2

By Megan HansenCo-Editor

Coupeville Middle and High School leaders are working toward a new class schedule structure for the 2015-16 school year.

The new structure will mean more course offerings for students and may po-tentially impact graduation requirements.

Principal Larry Walsh and Assistant Principal Duane Baumann have been working with a committee of staff volun-teers since early fall to research possible structure changes.

After consulting other districts and polling students and teachers, the commit-

Deep Sea owner sued for $1.2 mill.

See CLASSES, page 2

See SUED, page 13

By Jessie StenslandCo-Editor

The owner of the Deep Sea crab boat that caught fire, sank and spilled oil in Penn Cove is going to jail and is being sued for $1.2 million.

Rory Westmoreland, a Renton scrap-metal dealer, was sentenced to 75 days in jail and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine in Is-land County District Court Monday.

The state Attorney General’s Office, representing the Department of Natural Resources, filed a lawsuit against Westmo-reland in Island County Superior Court last week. The suit aims to recoup costs incurred in disposing of the vessel.

In addition, the Department of Ecol-ogy last year fined Westmoreland $301,000 for the oil spill that resulted from the Deep Sea sinking.

Yet Penn Cove Shellfish has yet to see a penny of compensation for the disas-ter, which forced the closure of shellfish harvest for a month in 2012 and had other, longer-range consequences for the busi-ness.

Co-owner Ian Jefferds said he filed a claim with the National Pollution Fund Center, run by the Coast Guard, a couple years ago but hasn’t heard anything back.

Boys basketball picks up needed win

Page 3

Neighbors plan public meeting for Feb. 10

Page 2: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

tee decided a “5-by-5” sched-ule would best suit district needs.

A 5-by-5 schedule consists of “A” and “B” days with five periods each day. Students would have the opportunity to sign up for 10 classes each semester.

Staff started looking at options with new “Core 24” requirements coming down the pike in 2019, meaning stu-dents will need 24 credits to graduate.

Walsh and Baumann pre-sented their proposal to the school board Monday.

Superintendent Jim Shank said he supported the proposal and recommended

the board approve the di-rection the committee was headed.

Right now, Coupeville faces challenges in its sched-ule, Baumann said. Fresh-men currently have two op-tions for sixth period — PE or English.

Coupeville could poten-tially lose students to online schools or other districts on the island, Walsh said.

Creating a new schedule structure will give students an opportunity to take more electives.

During its research, the committee also polled stu-dents to see what kinds of electives they’d be interested in having. Subjects ranged from more language options

to engineering and wood-shop.

The school board unani-mously approved the recom-mendation to move forward with the new schedule.

The next step, Walsh said, is to put it out to the students to figure out what classes to offer.

He estimated having an informal master schedule to present in March with the hopes of having everything finalized for ninth grade reg-istration this spring.

In addition to the new schedule, the school board will have to look at district graduation requirements.

Historically, Coupeville has required more credits than required by the state.

Page 2 The Whidbey Examiner • Thursday, January 29, 2015








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From page 1

CLASSES: New options in the works

The Coupeville Marshal’s Office re-sponded to the following calls:

Monday, Jan. 12

10:46 a.m., a caller requested a wel-fare check on her mother on North Main Street.

3:48 p.m., a caller on North Main Street reported that her friend whom she was talking to, didn’t want to be her friend anymore.

Tuesday, Jan. 13

5:25 a.m., deputies responded to a commercial alarm at the Coupeville Post Office.

Wednesday, Jan. 14

2:06 p.m., a loose beagle was re-ported in the area of Coupeville high School.

Thursday, Jan. 15

12:03 p.m., a caller at Whidbey Gen-eral Hospital reported a visitor as-saulted a patient.

1:16 p.m., a caller at United Meth-odist Church reported an autistic person, who was hanging around during an exercise class, left in a rage, almost knocking over an older lady.

Friday, Jan. 16

2:06 p.m., a caller reported an el-derly male and female were trying to

corral their dog behind the Country Store. The dog was deaf and blind and loose in a field.

3:19 p.m., a caller at Island County Treasurer’s Office reported a fe-male was in the office rambling and looking very distressed.

Saturday, Jan. 17

9 a.m., a caller reported a sliver truck was purposely parked in a ditch and the caller doesn’t understand why it hasn’t been towed.

3:52 p.m., a caller reported a truck was swerving on the road at South Main Street and State Highway 20.

Sunday, Jan. 18

12:48 p.m., deputies responded to a commercial alarm at Coupeville Post Office.

Monday, Jan. 19

2:36 p.m., a chimney fire was re-ported on Northeast Parker Road.

5:32 p.m., a caller on Northeast Summit Loop reported her neigh-bor kept taking down her “no tres-passing” signs.

Tuesday, Jan. 20

1:20 p.m., a caller on Northeast Third Street reported she found her wallet.

Wednesday, Jan. 21

7:40 a.m., a caller reported seeing a strobe light going off at the Law and Justice Center.

11:45 a.m., a caller on Northwest Coveland Street reported some-one side swiped her car while she was parked.

1:16 p.m., a caller on South Main Street reported three juvenile males were running around in a parking lot near a red truck.

4:15 p.m., a caller on Northeast Pen-nington Loop reported her parents were yelling, screaming and pushing each other.

5:12 p.m., a caller on Northwest Al-exander Street reported his vehicle was scraped while he was parked at Coupeville Library.

Thursday, Jan. 22

9:04 p.m., a caller reported a mat-tress in the middle of the road on State Highway 20 near Main Street.

Friday, Jan. 23

9:20 a.m., a caller wanted to know the crime rate in the area of North-east Maple Place because he wants to move there.

Marshal responds to several domestic disturbance calls Vaughan argues that this

provision makes little sense and would lead to people crossing the road at the blind curve on the highway. She questions who would even use the bus stop across from

Morris Road, which would be adjacent to the Central Whidbey Sportsmen’s As-sociation.

She also noted that anoth-er bus stop was just a short distance away at the Island Transit facility.

Vaughan said she and the

other residents believe that there are inexpensive solu-tions to making the section of the highway safer.

They proposed a com-bination of speed reduction and rumble strips could be the job.

ROAD: Meeting set for Feb. 10From page 1

Page 3: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

Page 3Thursday, January 29, 2015 • The Whidbey Examiner


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By Jim WallerStaff Reporter

Last week was a good one for the Coupeville High School basketball teams.

The girls won twice, drubbing Chimacum 63-29 Wednesday in Coupeville and 58-35 at Port Townsend Friday.

The victories upped the Wolves’ Olympic League re-cord to 4-0 (10-5 overall).

The boys lost to visiting Chimacum 87-55 Wednesday but picked up a critical win at home Friday, edging Port Townsend 53-49.

The win helped the Wolves (1-3, 5-9) move into a tie for third with Port Townsend (1-3, 1-13); the top three teams qualify for the district tournament.

Both Coupeville teams played at Chimacum Tues-day; results were not available at press time.

Friday, the girls host second-place Klahowya (3-1, 3-10) at 4:45 p.m. while the boys travel to Klahowya (3-1, 4-10) for a 3:30 p.m. game.

From there, the Wolves face each Olympic League 1A school (Chimacum, Kla-howya and Port Townsend) one more time during the regular season.

1st-place girls pick up 2 more wins

The Chimacum game was over early as the Wolves raced to a 29-3 lead.

Julia Myers, who finished the game with a season-high 21 points, got the Wolves go-ing with seven first-quarter points; Madeline Strasburg chipped in for six.

Six points from both My-ers and Makana Stone helped the Wolves keep rolling in the

second quarter as they led 38-9 at halftime.

The Cowboys failed to put a dent in the lead after the break.

Hailey Hammer led six Coupeville scorers in the third quarter with four points, and the Wolves took a 50-17 lead into the last period.

For the game, Stone fol-lowed Myers with 14 points. Hammer and Strasburg fin-ished with eight points, Kacie Kiel four, Mia Littlejohn three, Wynter Thorne three and Monica Vidoni two.

Stone registered another double-double, snaring 15 re-bounds (eight on offense).

Halftime adjustments helped Coupeville pop Port Townsend.

“It was a battle from the opening tip until late into the fourth,” coach David King said.

The turning point came in the third quarter.

“The players took to heart what we needed to fix coming out for the third,” King said.

The Wolves, who were forced to use a zone defense much of the first half because of foul issues, returned to a man-to-man in the third pe-riod, resulting in steals and fast breaks.

“Players were flying around, anticipating passes and tipping or stealing them,” King said.

Coupeville also took advantage of its height in the post and Myers led the offense with eight points in the period as the Wolves out-scored the Red Hawks 22-8 and led 47-27 heading into the fourth quarter.

In the second period, the Redhawks jumped ahead 13-11, then the Wolves received a spark from Vidoni. With My-

ers and leading-scorer Stone in foul trouble, Vidoni picked up the slack with eight sec-ond-quarter points, including two three-point plays. One was set up by a nice feed from McKenzie Bailey.

The game was “rough” and “ugly,” King said, and the winless Red Hawks (0-4, 0-14) “came ready to play and showed no fear.”

Stone, who missed much of the game because of foul

trouble, still posted 20 points, seven rebounds, three assists and three steals.

Kiel added two points, eight rebounds, five assists and three steals.

Hammer had eight points, seven rebounds, two assists and two blocks.

Strasburg registered five points and four assists.

Myers finished with 12 points, Vidoni eight, Little-john two and Kellner one.

After tough loss, boys bounce back

The tone of the Chima-cum game was set right away as the Cowboys raced to a 13-3 lead; it upped the mar-gin to 23-8 at the end of the quarter.

Coupeville, with 12 points from Wiley Hesselgrave, out-scored the Cowboys 16-15 in the second quarter. In the pe-riod, the Wolves trailed 36-12 but went on a 12-2 run in the last 1:14 to cut the lead to 38-24 at the break.

Chimacum put the game away with a big second half, starting with a 27-point third quarter.

Hesselgrave finished with 18 points; Johnson 10; Joel Walstad, Aaron Trumbull and Aaron Curtin six; Matt Shank and Gabe Wynn four; and DeAndre Mitchell two.

Curtin had eight re-bounds, C.J. Smith five and Shank four.

Coupeville adopted a new mindset going into the Port Townsend game, coach Smith said.

“Every game is a playoff game for us.”

Once Coupeville dropped its first three league games, Smith said, the Wolves need-ed to approach each contest like it was a loser-out playoff game if they wanted to reach the postseason.

The Port Townsend game was full of surges by each team, and the lead changed frequently.

PT led by one, 42-41, go-ing into the fourth period.

After the Wolves missed three consecutive free throws, Walstad and Hesselgrave scored to put Coupeville on top, 47-44.

Five straight Redhawk points gave PT the lead, 49-47, with 40 seconds left.

It appeared Coupeville tied the score 10 seconds later, but the hoop was erased by a basket interference call.

The Wolves’ press forced a 10-count, and the turn-over allowed Smith to score with 10 seconds left to tie the game. He was fouled on the play but missed the free throw.

Walstad grabbed the re-bound and was fouled.

The senior calmly sank both foul shots to put Coupe-ville up 51-49 with eight sec-onds remaining.

A Coupeville foul put Port Townsend on the line with a chance to tie with 2.9 seconds remaining. The Redhawk, however, missed both shots and Hesselgrave rebounded, was fouled and hit both free throws, completing the scor-ing.

Walstad pumped in a season-best 17 points; Smith added 11; Hesselgrave 10; Trumbull four; and Ryan Griggs, Shank and Johnson two each.

CHS girls hold on to 1st; boys pick up needed win

John Fisken photo

C.J. Smiths float through the Port Townsend defense for two points. Smith sparked the Wolves with 11 points off the bench.

Page 4: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

Page 4 The Whidbey Examiner • Thursday, January 29, 2015


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Executive Editor & Publisher ....................................................................................... Keven R. GravesAssociate Publisher ....................................................................................................Kimberlly WinjumCo-Editors ....................................................................................... Megan Hansen and Jessie Stensland Reporters ................................. Michelle Beahm, Janis Reid, Ron Newberry, Jim Waller, Kelly PantoleonColumnists .............................................................................................. Harry Anderson and Toni GroveAdministrative Coordinator ...........................................................................................Renee MidgettSenior Marketing Consultant ..........................................................................................Teri Mendiola

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We strive to print all letters we receive, but publica-tion is not guaranteed. Shorter letters of 250 words or less have a better chance of getting into print.

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ExaminerThe Whidbey

At first glance, Pieris japon-ica and Camellia japonica don’t seem to have much in common other than the second part, or specific epithet, of their Latin binomial. That japonica merely tells us each of these members of the Pieris and Camellia gen-era were probably developed in Japan, like so many other land-scape plants with japonica in their names.

In fact, they are members of entirely different plant families and their flowers, which range in color from white to shades of pink and red, are as unlike in shape and form as an orchid is from a rose. But take a closer look and you’ll notice some common traits that make them assets in a win-ter woodland garden.

Both Pieris and camellias are evergreen shrubs to small trees that like acid soil, something we have in abundance here due to the perpetual needle fall from the surrounding native evergreens, so they’re good companions for rhodies and azaleas. They can also thrive in dappled shade.

Pieris japonica is sometimes called Japanese andromeda, and white flowered varieties have inspired another name, Lily of the Valley shrub, because of the many panicles of snowy, urn-shaped flowers.

Another common variety of Camellia is C. sasanqua, which is shorter and has smaller leaves. They’re cousins to C. sinensis, the source of tea leaves that quench the thirst of billions of people worldwide and is arguably one of our most culturally important plants.

Depending on the variety, camellias can bloom from fall to spring and are a good choice for color during the chilly months. Pieris don’t bloom until spring but will set attractive sprays of tiny buds in the winter, and new growth can transform from brilliant red or yellow to green, adding even more interest to an off-season garden.

Camellia flower buds form soon after they finish flowering, so pruning them isn’t something you want to put off till the good weather returns, or you’ll end up snipping off all of next year’s blooms. Other than that, they enjoy a good trimming and can form a veritable tower of flowers if pruned regularly into a dense bush. If you choose, you can trim up taller varieties into trees.

Though some gardening resources insist both of these shrubs tolerate full shade, it’s been my experience they want and need some sun during part of the day and may not bloom without it. This knowledge is hard won.

I have a row of camellias along the shadiest side of my house near the forest’s edge. They were planted long before we bought our property and in the almost two decades we’ve been there only two of them have bloomed. These two are located near an open-ing in the trees where some sun can pierce the gloom. I’m planning on removing the rest and finding them a new, sunnier home.

What’s more, a Pieris I’d planted nearby, but in a bit more sun, hadn’t done much of anything in the past several years but look at me forlornly – no flowers and not much growth. I finally uprooted it a few months ago and moved it 40 or 50 feet to the east, where it gets a blast of morning sun. Now it’s covered in masses of flower buds, it’s got me looking forward to its fragrant summer blooms, and neither of us is looking the least bit forlorn.

Both Pieris and Camellias are good for winter gardens

toni grovesowin ’n’ the trowel

Focus should be on replacing our leaders, not our airplanes

Editor, To all of the concerned Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve and all

other noise complainers, you are looking in the wrong direc-tion.

You had better start directing your energy toward replac-ing the inept government we have instead of getting rid of airplanes.

If we don’t get our heads out of the sand and start voting some of these career politicians out of office, you won’t need to concern yourself with airplane noise because they will get rid of our military completely.

And whomever they sell the rest of the country to won’t care about any of your complaints.

It’s time to turn things around and get back to the govern-ment working for the people and not the people working for the government.

It amazes me that the top job in our country, the presi-

dent, has term limits and yet every congressman and senator just needs to get elected one time and we own them for the rest of time, along with their families.

Let’s all get out and exercise our Constitutional right to vote for whom we want to represent us and get rid of the “good old boys club.”

Let’s impose term limits on all of them so we can get fresh blood and ideas once in a while instead of the same old “Let’s pass it then read it” mentality that this current group seems to suffer from.

And lastly, anyone who has never opened their eyes in the morning and not stopped to say thank you to all of our ser-vice men and women for being able to get out of bed and do whatever you choose with your life because they are out there doing what they do best to give you that right and freedom.

Thank you to all the military personal past, present and future.

Keep up the good work.Dick Johnson


Page 5: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

Page 5Thursday, January 29, 2015 • The Whidbey Examiner

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Live the Island Dream…

whidbey island’s community calendarWednesday

Jan. 28Soup & Cinema, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Jan. 28, at the Nordic Hall, Coupeville. Movie is “Kon-Tiki.” Legendary ex-plorer Thor Heyerdal’s epic 4,300-mile crossing of the Pacific on a balsawood raft in 1947, lasting 101 days, in an effort prove that it was pos-sible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Co-lumbian times. 118 minutes. Soup available for $5. www.whidbeyislandnordiclodge.wordpress.com

Thursday Jan. 29

Ready Readers: Preschool Storytime, 9:30-10:15 a.m., Jan. 29, at the Coupeville Li-brary Meeting Room. Books, sing-along songs and creative activities that prepare young minds for reading. For ages 2 to 5 years. Free.

Saturday Jan. 31

The Island County Ama-teur Radio Club Meeting, 9 a.m., Jan. 31, at the County Commissioners’ Hearing

Room, Coupeville. Longtime Oak Harbor radio operator and club past president Ken Sousa will talk about the Auto-matic Packet Reporting Sys-tem. Volunteer radio license examiners will be on-site to provide information and to administer federal ham radio operator exams for interested persons. www.w7avm.org or email [email protected]

Keepers of Admiralty Head Lighthouse Annual Meeting, 10 a.m., Jan. 31, at the Coupeville Library. Im-mediately following the meet-ing, the public is invited to a presentation given by Al Sher-man, a Coupeville native, on the journey of the Big Guns from the Philippines to Fort Casey State Park. Sherman was involved in this project that enhances the visitor ex-perience to Fort Casey State Park. 360-675-7269.

Monday Feb. 2

Lavender Wind Farm Pre-sentation, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Feb. 2, at the Coupeville Li-brary. Sarah Richards, creator and owner of Lavender Wind Farm, will talk about the ex-traordinary growing climate of

middle Whidbey Island. Rich-ards started the Lavender Wind Farm in 2000 with 400 lavender plants. Currently selling lavender food and scent from a restored 1910 bungalow, Sarah’s thriving business attracts worldwide visitors.

Tuesday Feb. 3

Seattle Opera Preview —“Semele,” 2-3 p.m., Feb. 3, at the Coupeville Library. Join Seattle Opera education department for an engaging hour-long multimedia presen-tation that covers the basics of history, music and stage-craft of “Semele” by George Frederich Handel.

Wednesday Feb. 4

AARP Tax-Aide, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays, at the Coupeville Library. Free tax return preparation and e-fil-ing for taxpayers with low and moderate income, especially those age 60 and older. Call 360-678-3000 to schedule an appointment.

Wednesday Night with the Stars, 5:30-7:15 p.m., Feb. 4, at the Coupeville Library. Call the library at 360-678-4911 to find out what’s playing. Pop-corn provided. Free.

Thursday Feb. 5

Coupeville Garden Club Meeting, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Feb. 5, at the Coupeville Rec Hall. There will be snacks and coffee. Meeting starts at 10 a.m. The program will be on the care and pruning of hy-drangeas. Everyone is wel-come. 360-678-6914

Whidbey Weavers Guild Meeting, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Feb. 5, at the Pacific Arts Cen-ter, Coupeville. There will be a short business meeting fol-lowed by a “show-and-tell” of members’ recent fiber activi-ties. The speaker this month will be Anita Luvera Mayer, speaking on garment con-struction. The public is invited. www.whidbeyweaversguild.org

Coupeville Lions Club Blood Drive, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 5, at the Coupeville United Methodist Church. One pint of blood can save

three lives, and they have helped save hundreds of lives in community hospitals throughout Western Wash-ington. To donate, drop in or schedule an appointment by emailing [email protected] For more information, call Sue Hartin at 503-789-3595 or 360-678-4105.

Saturday Feb. 7

Sweetheart of Gems Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 7-8, at the Oak Harbor Senior Center. Show includes dis-plays, demonstrators, retail dealers and more. 360-675-1837.

Red Wine & Chocolate Tour 2015, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 7-8 and Feb. 14-15, at five tasting rooms on Whid-bey. Local winemakers and distillers will be pouring a selection of exquisite hand-crafted wines and spirits paired with specially selected chocolates. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 day of, and can be purchased at www.brown papertickets.com or some of the participating wineries, including Blooms Winery, Holmes Harbor Cellars, Whid-bey Island Distillery, Spoiled

Dog Winery and Comforts of Whidbey. www.whidbeyis landvintners.org

Monday Feb. 9

From Pasture to Plate: Exploring the Industry of Animals as Food, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Feb. 9, at the Coupeville Library. Learn more about the issues and impacts related to the thriving industry of meat production. Steve Rothboeck presents information from the book “Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows” by Melanie Joy and leads a frank discussion exploring the topic and various humane alterna-tives. For adults.

Rosehip Farm & Garden, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Feb. 9, at the Coupeville Library. Learn how best to prepare your soil, what you can plant here and when. Bring seeds with you to trade at the seed swap. Seeds should not be more than 2 years old.

Page 6: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015


Page 7: Whidbey Examiner, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015 Page 7 www.nw-ads.com www.whidbeyexaminer.com


Living and serving locally for 30 years


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2800 Gallon Water Tenders

Sou th Whidbey F i re / EMS is seeking sealed bids from qualified firms to bu i ld two (2) new 2800 gallon water tend- e rs. In te res ted f i r ms should visit our website at www.swfe.org/public- information/jobs-bids/ for complete bid specifica- tion and requirements, or request by email at

[email protected] b ids shal l be c lear ly marked 2800 Ga l lon Water Tender and received by mail, delivered, or in person to:

South Whidbey Fire/EMS5535 Cameron RoadFreeland, WA 98249

and due by 4:30 P.M. February 10, 2015. Bids will be opened and read aloud that same day fol- lowed by a detailed re- view to forward a recom- mendation for award at the regularly scheduled Board of Commission- er’s meeting February 12, 2015 at 5:30 P.M. at t h e s a m e a d d r e s s . South Whidbey F i re / EMS reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive all infor- malities in the bidding p r o c e s s . Q u e s t i o n s about bidding should be directed to Deputy Chief Jon Beck

at 360-321-1533 [email protected].





CONTRACT Sou th Whidbey F i re / EMS is soliciting propo- sals from qualified web- site development firms for contract services to update, improve, and maintain the distr ict ’s website. An interested firm should propose ser- vices to satisfy this need for the period of Febru- ary 2015 – December 31, 2017. The require- ments and qualifications are contained in the pro- ject descriptions. Each proposal should address these requirements and qual i f icat ions. SWFE identifies that the most important factors in de- termining the appropri- ate provider, in order of importance are: 1. Price/costs.2. Term.3. Ability.4. Capacity.5. Experience.6. Quality of previous performance.7. Compliance with stat- utes and rules relating to business practices,8. Reputation.9. Responsiveness to SWFE’s obligations and time limitations.

T h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f these important factors will form the criteria by which proposals will be evaluated by SWFE. All proposals must be re- ceived by mail at

South Whidbey Fire/EMS,5535 Cameron Road, Freeland WA, 98249

FAX at 360-321-9385, email at [email protected]

or in person no later than 3:00 pm on Febru- ary 6, 2015. Questions about the RFP should be directed to H.L. “Rusty” Palmer, Fire Chief, at 360-321-1533 [email protected].

real estatefor sale - WA

Real Estate for SaleIsland County

3 BR 2 BA mobile home for $6000 in Oak Harbor FSBO in good condition. Cal l now for deta i ls, 360-675-3812.COUPEVILLLE, 98239.$24,000. 3 BUILDABLE LOTS in the desirable B o n A i r C o m mu n i t y. Paved streets, beach rights and more! Under $24,000 ea. Call Richard now, for more details at 360-279-1047. [email protected]

F S B O, 2 B R , 1 9 9 8 manu fac tu red home, well maintained, fenced g a r d e n . $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 . I n Western Village Senior Park #19. Open house eve r yday ! ( 360 )320 - 9539

real estatefor sale

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Real Estate for SaleManufactured Homes

New 1248 sf 2 BD, 2 BA Marlette

mfg. home Only $79,900

F u l l c ove r e d f r o n t deck, sky lights, appli- ances, all elec. forced air heat in beautifully landscaped Western Village (55+) Retire- m e n t C o m m u n i t y. $ 4 6 5 m o. l o t r e n t w/s/g/ incl.


real estatefor rent - WA

Real Estate for RentIsland County

FREELAND2 BEDROOM $820 / MO with all the appliances. Clean with level entry. Carpor t and storage. Shared washer, dryer. Includes your water and garbage. No smoking or pets. References. 1832 Newman Road #3. Call Julie 425-249-2319.

Find your perfect pet in the Classifieds.www.SoundClassifieds.com

Real Estate for RentIsland County

3 BR SARATOGA Home with attached garage. Warm woodsy rambler with washer and dryer. Open modern inter ior. Close to town, on bus- line. No smoke. No pet. $950 . 206-334-1626. Langley.

COUPEVILLE2 BR HOME $700/MO in family community. This mobi le features wood stove, washer, dryer, & dishwasher. Water, sew- er, garbage included. First, last, damage dep. 360-202-9864.COUPEVILLE

BEAUTIFUL 3 BR, 2 BA $1200 in Admirals Cove. Cathedral ceilings, large fenced yard & garage. Community pool, club house & beach access. No smoking. No pets. $1200 dep (2 payments) Ca l l C la i re 360-202- 0607.OAK HARBOR3 BR, 2 BA, $850 / MO Doublewide mobi le in Family Park. $850 de- posit. 360-770-6882.Sun Vista3 BR, 2 BA HOME has an attached 2 car gar- age. Grea t l oca t i on ! Spacious bright & clean. C o z y g a s f i r e p l a c e , w a s h e r , d r y e r a n d fenced yard too. Single pet negotiable. $1,150 month with year lease. 360-929-5962.

Apartments for Rent Island County

Oak Harbor Estates Quality, Affordable Housing Based on

your Income1bdrm $610 - 2bdrm -

$659 - 3bdrm $715Tailored landscaping, Laundry, Playground

and Security Camera’s onsite.

Conveniently located in the heart of Beautiful

Oak Harbor

360-675- 1222


MONTH TO MONTH! 2 b e d r o o m . $ 6 5 0 p e r month! Near NAS/Town. Water, Sewer, Garbage Paid. 360-683-0932 or 626-485-1966 Cell

www.SoundClassifieds.comfind what you need 24 hours a day

WA Misc. RentalsDuplexes/Multiplexes

CLINTON, WHIDBEY ISLAND.2 BR, 1.5 BA DUPLEX with garage on one AC. Hardwood f loor, new carpet and appliances, f reshly painted. Near transit, 1 mile from ferry. Pets by approval . In- cludes water, garbage. $945 + security deposit. Call 425-308-1894 360- 341-2688

LANGLEY CHARMING Duplex 1 BR $800. 1 Block to downtown, yet quiet. Excel lent cond. Large surrounding yard. Uti l i t ies included. Re- duced pr ice Cable TV and internet via share with other unit. Dog only for additional cost. 360- 969-4261.

WA Misc. RentalsHousesitting

HOUSE SITTING The former owners of

Coupeville’sAnchorage Inn

will housesit. No fees or charges! Pets, gar- dens, etc, okay. Local references. Reply to

Housesitter, PO Box 8146, Visalia, CA.


WA Misc. RentalsRooms for Rent

$450 SPACIOUS Room for rent in nice location. Includes utilities. Wi-Fi is avail. Call 360-675- 3812. Oak Harbor.

financingGeneral Financial

FREE GOLD IRA KIT. With the demise of the dollar now is the time to invest in gold. AAA Rat- ed! For free consulta- tion: 1-866-683-5664

FREE Medicare Quotes! Get Covered and Save! Explore Top Medicare Supplement Insurance P l ans Fo r Free ! I t ’s Open Enro l lment , So Call Now! 877-243-4705

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Guaranteed Income For Your Retirement Avoid market risk & get guar- anteed income in retire- ment! CALL for FREE copy of our SAFE MON- EY GUIDE Plus Annuity Quotes f rom A-Rated companies! 800-669- 5471

PROBLEMS wi th the IRS or S ta te Taxes? Settle for a fraction of what you owe! Free face to face consulta- tions with offices in your area. Call 855-970-2032

Sell your structured set- tlement or annuity pay- ments for CASH NOW. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800- 283-3601

S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth ing! Contact Bill Gordon & Assoc iates at 1-800- 706-8742 to star t your application today!


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BIG ONE Snohomish County 4-H Tack Sale Saturday, February 21 9am-3pm. Consignment: W e d n e s d a y 4 - 9 p m , Thursday 9am-9pm, Fri- day 9am-6pm. For more information, 425-308- 2815 orh t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e - book.com/#!/events/416- 828768476278/4168293 78476217



AND ICE REMOVALSection 12.16.030(F) of the City of Langley Municipal Code places the responsibi l i ty of the abutting property owner to remove accu- mulations of snow and ice from public side- walks adjacent to their proper ty. The City of Langley Public Works Department is respon- sible for snow and ice r e m ova l o n p u b l i c streets. Also, the City is responsible for snow and ice removal on s idewalks that abut City proper ties (City Hall, Library, and all City parks). We have one plow/sand truck which will be called out in the event of any sig- nificant snowfall. The City of Langley has a s u p p l y o f d e i c e r available for purchase by business owners and the public to use on sidewalks in front of their properties. Cost i s $20 .00 pe r f i f t y pound box. Available at Langley City Hall, 112, Second Street, dur ing regular busi- ness hours. P lease cal l Stan Berryman, City of Langley Public Works Director if you have any questions, 360-221-4246, ext 13


New SpaceAVAILABLE NOW!Some Just Like A

VAULT!Hwy 20 & Banta Rd

360-675-6533PROMOTE YOUR RE- GIONAL EVENT for only pennies. Reach 2.7 mil- lion readers in newspa- pers statewide for $275 classified or $1,350 dis- play ad. Call this news- paper or (360) 515-0974 for details.


Found Dog on Crawford Road outside of Langley. Black and Tan coloring, f e m a l e , a p p r o x 4 0 pounds. Call 206-303- 7549.

I f you are missing or have found a stray cat or dog on Whidbey Island p lease contact WAIF Animal Shelter to file a los t o r found repor t . WAIF can be reached at either (360) 678-8900 ext. 1100 or (360) 321- WAIF (9243) ext. 1100.

Reach the readers the dailies miss. Call 800-388-2527 today to place your ad in the Classifieds.

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Mondayto Friday

print &online24/7

Professional ServicesAttorney, Legal Services

Notice to ContractorsWashington State Law

(RCW 18.27.100)requires that all adver- tisements for construc- tion related services in- clude the contractor’s current depar tment of Labor and Indust r ies registration number in the advertisement.Failure to obtain a certifi- cate of registration from L&I or show the registra- tion number in all adver- tising will result in a fine up to $5000 against the unregistered contractor.For more information, call Labor and Industries Special ty Compliance Services Division at

1-800-647-0982or check L&Is internet site at www.lni.wa.gov

Think Inside the BoxAdvertise in yourlocal communitynewspaper and onthe web with justone phone call.Call 800-388-2527for more information.

Professional ServicesLegal Services

DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparat ion. Inc ludes custody, support, prop- er ty division and bills. B B B m e m b e r . (503) 772-5295.www.paralegalalterna- [email protected]

Home ServicesHomeowner’s Help

Retired Contractor has truck, will travel.

Estate, building & grounds

cleanup. Smallrepairs on roofs,

decks, etc. Chuck360-969-1000

[email protected]

Home ServicesHouse/Cleaning Service



ExperiencedGreat References

Shila 360-341-2203

The opportunity to make a difference is right in front of you.Recycle this paper.

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Health Care EmploymentGeneral


Part & Full Time

* Shift Differential for P.M. & NOC


* Competitive Wages, DOE

Come work in a clean, safe and

friendly environment where


Please apply in person:

Careage of Whidbey311 NE 3rd StreetCoupeville, WA.360-678-2273

Or email resume to:[email protected]

RNFull time, MDS 3.0

experience required

APPLY IN PERSON: Careage of Whidbey

311 NE 3rd StreetCoupeville, WA

98239or email

[email protected]

Business Opportunities

For Lease, Iconic Bailey’s Corner Store,

Whidbey Island. One o f the las t rea l country stores left. Con- v i e n e n c e s t o r e w i t h branded gas, commer- cial kitchen, esspresso machine, tap rooom- beer garden. $500K + in sa les 2014. Showing good gross profit. Pur- chase f ixtures, equip- ment & exsisting inven- tory. Excellent long term lease available or buy the land too.


Sel l Energy, TRAVEL USA, ful l / par t t ime, great retirement job, car provided, ages 18 to 100 apply. Consumer only save $ and you make $, win/win. 1-812-841-1293www.needajob1.com

Building Materials& Supplies

Manufacturing & deliv- ering high quality rock. 3/4” minus, 5/8” minus, 3/4 clean and 1 1/4” c lean. Best qual i ty, great pricing & no has- sle delivery! Open 7 a .m . t o 4 : 30 p.m . , Monday - Friday. Serv- ing Kitsap, North Ma- son, Jefferson & Clal- lam County.


for your Delivery!!


Mechanic/TechF T, ex p e r i e n c e p r e - ferred, must have own hand tools. Pay DOE. South Whidbey.

Call (360)321-4553Apply in person with

resume.2856 Howard Rd,

Langley, WA 98260


TEACHERS NEEDED:Available positions in- clude full t ime toddler and part time preschool. Please email resume to

[email protected]



WORK YEAR-ROUNDWe are looking for motivat-

ed, independent, individuals who don’t mind talking to people. No sales involved

just short conversations face to face with home owners.

Work outdoors around your own schedule. Earn $500- $750 per week/ top reps

make $1200+. Allowances for Cell phone, travel, medi- cal compensation can be

earned. Company provides all market areas, apparel & training. Vehicle, DL, Cell

phone & Internet access req. Email resume to

[email protected] apply online at





www.islandcounty.net/hrfor more information.



CARRIER NEEDEDFor the Whidbey News Times, downtown Oak H a r b o r . D e l i ve r i n g Wednesday and Satur- day mornings. No col- lecting. Great second job!

Call Circulation, 360-675-6611

PAYROLL CLERKFull Time. Must have payroll experience.

Send Resume and

Cover Letter to: Blind Box: SE608887C/O 107 S Main St,

Suite E101, Coupeville, WA 98239

Tree Climber/TrimmersExperienced tree

climbers wanted full time/year round work. Must have own gear &

climb saw, reliable transportation & driv- er’s license req. Email work exp:recruiting@

evergreentlc.com 800-684-8733

Advertise your service800-388-2527



Part & Full Time

* Shift Differential for P.M. & NOC


* Competitive Wages, DOE

Come work in a clean, safe and

friendly environment where


Please apply in person:

Careage of Whidbey311 NE 3rd StreetCoupeville, WA.360-678-2273

Or email resume to:[email protected]


CDL DRIVERWanted for immediate opening. Must have CDL Class B driver’s license. Full Time. Pay DOE.

Bring resume to:Frontier

Building Supply1800 Main St., Freeland

If you have a vehicle that can tow at least 7,000 pounds, you can make a living delivering RVs as a contact driver for Fore- most Transport! Be your own boss and see the country. ForemostTran- spor t.Blogspot.com or 866-764-1601!Ready for a CAREER in Concrete Plant Produc- tion? Progressive Con- tractor seeking Concrete Batch Plant Operators. Mechanical background required. Will train on Plant. Travel required. Great Pay. jobs@ac- mecpi.com

Health Care EmploymentCaregivers

RN or LPNneeded to care for little one at home in Oak Har- bor for Sat nocs.

Call 1-800-635-6480.

Health Care EmploymentGeneral


applications for

LPN’s Apply in person at:

Whidbey Island Manor235 SW 6th Ave.


CNA/HCA Caregiver needed at

Maple RidgePlease apply in

person at1767 Alliance AveFreeland Wa 98249

COOKFull time.

Experience Required.

APPLY IN PERSON: Careage of Whidbey

311 NE 3rd StreetCoupeville, WA

98239or email

[email protected]

Regeny on Whidbey is seeking a motivated

LPN to join our team.

Apply in person at 1040 SW Kimball Dr, Oak Harbor or email

[email protected]

Business Opportunities

AVON- Earn extra in- come with a new career! Sell from home, work,, online. $15 startup. For information cal l : 888- 423-1792 (M-F 9-7 & Sat 9-1 Central)

Schools & Training

A I R L I N E C A R E E R S Start Here – Get hands on training as FAA certi- f ied Technic ian f ix ing je ts . F inanc ia l a id i f qualified. Call for free in- formation Aviation Insti- tute of Maintenance 1- 877-818-0783www.FixJets.com

You can be career-ready in as little as 3 months for a rewarding new ca- r e e r i n t h e g r ow i n g healthcare, technology, or administration indus- tries. The U.S. Depart- ment of Labor expects millions of new jobs in these fields! Get started t o d a y : C a r e e r - Step.com/startnow.


Get CABLE TV, INTER- N E T & P H O N E w i t h FREE HD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call Now! 855-752- 8550


DirectTV - 2 Year Sav- ings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Ge- nie upgrade! Call 1-800- 279-3018

DISH TV Retailer. Start- ing at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed I n t e r n e t s t a r t i n g a t $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Instal- lation! CALL Now! 800- 278-1401

Get The Big Deal from D i r e c T V ! A c t N ow - $19 .99 /mo. Free 3 - Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINE- M A X . F R E E G E N I E HD/DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket In- cluded with Select Pack- ages. New Customers Only IV Support Hold- ings LLC- An authorized DirecTV Dealer Some exclusions apply - Call for detai ls 1-800-897- 4169

*REDUCE YOUR Cable Bill! * Get a 4-Room All- Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and- programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW 877-329-9040

Reach the readers the dailies miss. Call 800-388-2527 today to place your ad in the Classifieds.

Firewood, Fuel& Stoves

NOTICEWashington State law requires wood sellers to provide an invoice (re- ceipt) that shows the s e l l e r ’s a n d bu ye r ’s name and address and the date delivered. The invoice should also state the price, the quantity delivered and the quan- tity upon which the price is based. There should be a statement on the type and quality of the wood.When you buy firewood write the seller’s phone number and the license plate number of the de- livery vehicle.The legal measure for firewood in Washington is the cord or a fraction of a cord. Estimate a cord by v isual iz ing a four-foot by eight-foot space filled with wood to a height of four feet . Most long bed pickup trucks have beds that are close to the four-foot by 8-foot dimension.To make a f i r ewood complaint, call 360-902- 1857.



W O O D B U R N I N G S t o ve , E a r t h S t o ve b rand, 20 years o ld . Good cond i t i on . You must pick up. $325. 360- 678-5902 (Greenbank)

flea marketFlea Market

$125 GRILL QUALITY WEBER brand. Excel- lent condition, moving. 360-678-7079.

Antique Coat Tree. 75+ years old. Excellent con- dition. Heavy wood, be- l ieve i t ’s maple. Can hold heavy coats without leaning. $125. E-mail me f o r p i c s , r a n d i s - towe@rocketmai l .com (360)331-3208

Commercial grade Skil- Saw brand worm drive saw, HD77. 4400 RPM. E x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . Used to build our deck b u t s i n c e H u b b y ’ s s t r oke , can ’ t use i t . $125 . Ca l l 360 -331 - 3208. If you get machine please leave msg. & we WILL get back to you.

Home Furnishings

Q U E E N S L E E P E R SOFA w/Cloud Mattress $ 5 0 0 . 2 ye a r s n ew. Beige color. New $3000. Bainbridge Island. Must se l l due to remode l , please call Tom for appt 206-451-4615.

SPA lg top-of-the-l ine model. $1000. Holds 6 adults. Remodeling, it must go. 92”x92”. Bain- bridge Isl. Call Tom for appt 206-451-4615.

Mail Order

Acorn Stairlifts. The AF- FORDABLE solution to your stai rs! **Limited t ime -$250 O f f You r Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-304-4489 for FREE DVD and b ro - chure.

Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications.Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90% on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-418-8975, for $10.00 off your first prescr ipt ion and f ree shipping.

Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Ge t a pa in - re l i ev ing brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Pa- tients Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-900-5406

Medical Guardian - Top- rated medical alarm and 24/7 medical alert moni- toring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no com- mitment, a 2nd water- proof alert button for free and more - only $29.95 per month . 800-617- 2809

VIAGRA and C IAL IS USERS! 50 Pills SPE- CIAL - $99.00. FREE Shipping! 100% guaran- teed. CALL NOW! 855- 409-4132

VIAGRA - Pfizer brand! - Lowest Price from USA Pharmacies. No doctor visit needed! Discreet Home Del iver y. Cal l 855-684-5241


All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Water- p r o o f i n g , F i n i s h i n g , Structural Repairs, Hu- midity and Mold Control F R E E E S T I M AT E S ! Call 1-800-998-5574


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AKC CHOCOLATE Lab Puppies. 4 males, 4 fe- ma les. Da te o f b i r th 11/13/14. English style with blocky heads. Moth- er’s side: NFC/AFC. Sire side: pointing lab with multiple master hunter b a ck g r o u n d . G r e a t hunters, fami ly mem- bers. Great tempera- ment and love of water. Blacks avai lable also. References with more pics available. $800 lim- ited registration.sassygirlkennels.com [email protected] 360-827-2928,360-304-2088

AKC DOBERMAN pup- pies. Red & rust. Born January 2nd, 2015. Up to date on shots. Health guarantee. Parents on s i te. Raised in fami ly setting. (6) males, (3) fe- males. Starting at $900. Cash or trade only. 253- 315-0475

G O L D E N D O O D L E puppies. Wonderful with children. Non shedding males & females. Highly intelligent! Cute!! Parents & grand parents on site. Wormed & shots. Not just a pet, but one of the family! $1,000. Call Chris 360-652-7148.

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AKC Standard Poodle Male Puppies. Ready Now for the i r forever homes. Red & appricot. Healthy & well social- ized. Proud, graceful, noble, good-natured, en- joyable and cheerfu l . This highly intel l igent dog is one of the most trainable breeds. Micro chipped, crate trained & housebroken. Parents are health tested. $900. www.ourpoeticpoodles.comor call 509-582-6027

RAT TERRIER PUPS $450 (+). Unbelievably cute, loving little babies with plenty of “Ratitude”. We have chocola tes, black and tans and brin- dles and they’re all toys. Tails docked and dew- claws removes and by the time they go home they ’ l l have had two shots and been wormed several times. Ready for new homes. 360-273- 9325. Rochester.

R O T T W E I L E R A K C Puppies. Great Imported line, large blocky heads, excellent temperament & p e d i g r e e , . Fa m i l y raised, in our home, p a r e n t s g e n t l e . $ 1 , 2 0 0 / e a c h . 720.326.5127

TEDDY BEAR POME- RANIANS, $185-$200. All ages, all different col- ors. 2 males, 2 females. A l l s h o t s , w o r m e d , health certificate. Must sell due to health rea- sons. Can meet you half way within 25 miles of Everett. Please call 425- 330-1166.

Farm Animals& Livestock

PEAFOWL (Peacocks), JAVA ’ S ( ve r y r a r e ) , White’s, Pied’s & black shouldered. Starting at $75 up to $150. Cal l (360)279-0705

garage sales - WA

Garage/Moving SalesIsland County


ESTATE SALEFri Sat - Jan 30 31-9am- 3pm. 257 Kineth Point- Nat ive Amer ican Ar t , Furn i ture, Man Stuf f, Pool Table, fishing, Big Man Clothing, House- hold everything see pics at www.alleycatantique.com

Find your perfect pet in the Classifieds.www.SoundClassifieds.com

Garage/Moving SalesIsland County

LangleyMOVING SALE! House- hold, outdoor, lot ’s of tools, furniture, nautical collector items. Lots of s tu f f ! Sa tu rday on ly, 9am-3pm. 5021 Lone Lake Rd, off Andrasen.

Estate Sales

LangleyEstate Sale

Reitred ContractorT O O L S ! F u r n i t u r e , household, 6hp Evinrude m o t o r, k aya k , m e n s Schwinn bicycle. Fri-Sat, Jan 30-31, 9-4pm, Fol- low signs: Doc Savage Drive, LangleyOak Harbor, 98277

Entire contents of lovely home. Car, washer and dryer, large furniture and much more! 1021 Oak- mont Ln. Fri. 2/6 10am- 4pm, Sat . 10-4, Sun. 10-2 . No ear ly b i rds please.



2007 ACURA RDX Tech only 88,000 miles. Sleek gray w/ black leather int. Extremely comfor table commuter or long driver! Moder n fea tu res a re hands-free Bluetooth ca- p a b l e , r e a r b a c k u p camera, GPS, 6 disc CD player, 10 speaker sur- r ound sound , power heated seats, & moon roof. Excellent! $14,800 (original $37,165). Call Fred before i t ’s gone 360-376-3122. Orcas Isl.


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Basically a new Honda CRV AWD EX 2014 with 3200 miles. Teal Blue Exterior with an ashen gray interior, equipped with MP3 connections, blue toothe for phone, sun roof with pull shade, custom rubber floor mats you can take out and wash off. Cruise control, intermittent wipers. Air conditioning data sheet on pics. 360-331-7857 Fr e e l a n d WA 9 8 2 4 9 Asking $25,000 obo.


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Pickup TrucksChevrolet

2005 DODGE RAM 1 ton Cummings Turbo d iesel 4WD. 6 speed stick shift. 189,000 mi. Features goose neck hitch and Rino l ining. New brakes, calipers, ro- tors, U-joints & batteries. Selling to upgrade. One owner. Asking $28,500. 360-631-6089.

Find your perfect pet in the Classifieds.www.SoundClassifieds.com

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40’ 2003 MONACO DIP- LOMAT 3 slides, 24,000 miles, 330 HP diesal en- gine. Everything works w e l l . M a n y e x t r a s ! Ready to roll! Washer / d r ye r c o m b o, 2 f l a t screen TV’s, microwave / convection oven and sleepnumber style ma- tress. Very good cond. & and fully self contained. $65 ,000. FSBO. Ca l l Warren 970-946-3834. Oak Harbor, Whidbey Is- land.

MOTORHOME wanted. Ca$h Paid! I’ll consider all sizes / types including travel trai lers. Please call Paul or Mary Ann 360-633-3113.

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IN PROBATEIn the Matter of the Es- tate ofGILBERT JAMES ENGEN, Deceased. NO. 14-4-00161-6 AMENDEDNOTICE TO CREDI- TORSThe Last Will and Tes- tament of the above named decedent has been accepted in to probate under an Adju- d icat ion o f Testacy. DONA L. ENGEN has been appointed to han- dle all matters of this estate. Persons having claims against the de- cedent must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise appli- cable statute of limita- tions, present the claim in the manner as pro- vided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the at- torneys of record at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the cour t. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after any potential creditor was served or mailed the notice to the credi- tor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publi- cation of the notice. If the claim is not pre- sented within this time frame, the claim is for- ever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the dece- den t ’s p roba te and nonprobate assets./s/Dona L. Engen


DONA L. ENGEN Estate Representative DATE OF FIRST PUB- L ICATION: Januar y 22, 2015McPHERSON & McPHERSON, P.L.L.P.By:/s/Molly McPherson M O L LY M C P H E R - SON, WSBA #23027 Attorney for Personal RepresentativeADDRESS FOR MAIL- I N G O R S E RV I C E : P.O. Box 1617 One NW Front StreetCoupeville, Washing- ton 98239Legal No. WEX610848 Published: The Whid- bey ExaminerJanuary 22, 29, Febru- ary 5, 2015.

NOTICE OF TRUS- TEE’S SALE Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et s e q . T S N o . : WA - 1 4 - 6 2 1 5 8 6 - S W A P N N o . : S8115-02-00043-0/382 348 Tit le Order No.: 8435521 Grantor(s): WILLIAM MENDEN- H A L L G r a n t e e ( s ) : CENTEX HOME EQ- UITY COMPANY, LLC Deed of Trust Instru- ment/Reference No.: 4102094 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the undersigned Trus- tee, will on 2/6/2015, at 10:00 AM At the main entrance to the City Hall located at 865 SE Barrington Drive, Oak Harbor WA 98277 sell at public auction to the highest and best bid- der, payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or cer- tified checks from fed- erally or State char- tered banks, a t the time of sale the follow- i n g d e s c r i b e d r e a l proper ty, si tuated in the County of ISLAND, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT 43, PLAT OF SCENIC HEIGHTS, DIVISION NO.2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOL- UME 7 OF PLATS, PAGE 73, RECORDS OF ISLAND COUNTY, WASHINGTON. More


commonly known as: 1247 CANTERBURY LANE, OAK HARBOR, WA 98277 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 5/26/2004, recorded 6 / 1 / 2 0 0 4 , u n d e r 4102094 records of IS- LAND County, Wash- ington, from WILLIAM E. MENDENHALL A S I N G L E M A N , a s Grantor(s), to LAND TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in f a v o r o f C E N T E X HOME EQUITY COM- PANY, LLC, as Benefi- ciary, the beneficial in- terest in which was as- s igned by CENTEX HOME EQUITY COM- PANY, LLC (or by its successors-in-interest and/or assigns, if any), to Nationstar Mortgage LLC. II. No action com- menced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Bor- rower’s or Grantor ’s default on the obliga- t ion secured by the Deed of Trust /Mor t - gage. III. The default(s) for which this foreclo- sure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts wh ich a re n o w i n a r r e a r s : $18 ,868 .98 IV. The sum owing on the obli- gation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The p r i n c i p a l s u m o f $173,503.77, together with interest as provid- ed in the Note from the 1 /1 /2014, and such other costs and fees as are provided by stat- ute. V. The above-de- scribed real proper ty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without war- ranty, expressed or im- plied, regarding title, possession or encum- brances on 2/6/2015. The defaults referred t o i n Paragraph I I I m u s t b e c u r e d b y 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) to cause a d iscont inu-


ance of the sale. The sale will be discontin- ued and terminated if a t any t ime be fo re 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale) the de- fault as set forth in Par- agraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Pay- ment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- t i f ied checks from a State or federally char- tered bank. The sale may be terminated any t i m e a f t e r t h e 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any re- corded junior l ien or encumbrance by pay- ing the principal and in- terest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. VI. A written No- t i ce o f Defau l t was transmitted by the Ben- eficiary or Trustee to t h e B o r r o w e r a n d Grantor at the following address(es) : NAME WILLIAM E. MENDEN- HALL A SINGLE MAN ADDRESS 1247 CAN- TERBURY LANE, OAK HARBOR, WA 98277 by both first class and certified mail, proof of which is in the posses- s ion of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personal- ly served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicu- ous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or post- ing . These requ i re - ments were completed as of 8/26/2014. VII. The Tr us tee whose name and address are set forth below will pro- vide in writing to any- one request ing i t , a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and a l l those who ho ld by,


through or under the Grantor of all their in- terest in the above-de- scr ibed proper ty. IX. Anyone having any ob- jections to this sale on any grounds whatsoev- er will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pur- s u a n t t o R C W 61.24.130. Failure to br ing such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds fo r i nva l ida t ing the Trustee ’s sa le. NO- T I C E T O O C C U - PANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is enti- tled to possession of the proper ty on the 20th day following the sale, as against the G r a n t o r u n d e r t h e deed of trust (the own- er) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occu- pied property, the pur- chaser shall provide a tenant with written no- tice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FI- NAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE S A L E O F Y O U R HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the re- cording date of this no- tice to pursue media- tion. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUS- ING COUNSELOR OR A N AT TO R N E Y L I - CENSED IN WASH- INGTON NOW to as- sess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may he lp you save your home. See below fo r sa fe sources o f he lp. SEEKING AS- SISTANCE Hous ing counselors and legal ass i s tance may be available at little or no cos t to you . I f you would like assistance in determin ing your r ights and oppor tu-


n i t ies to keep your house, you may con- tact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing c o u n s e l o r s r e c o m - mended by the Hous- ing Finance Commis- s i o n : T o l l - f r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 8 9 4 - H O M E (1-877-894-4663) or W e b s i t e : http://www.dfi.wa.gov/c onsumers/homeowner- ship/post_purchase_co- unselors_foreclosure.h tm. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- m e n t : T o l l - f r e e : 1-800-569-4287 or Na- t i o n a l W e b S i t e : h t t p : / / p o r - ta l .hud .gov /hudpor - tal/HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washington: http://www.hud.gov/of- fices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAc- tion=searchandsearch- state=WAandfilterSvc =dfc The statewide civ- il legal aid hotline for assistance and refer- rals to other housing counselors and attor- n e y s : Te l e p h o n e : 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 0 6 - 4 8 1 9 o r Web site: http://nwjus- tice.org/what-clear. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Pur- chaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a re- turn of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchas- er’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no fur ther recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Benef ic iar y, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attor- ney. If you have previ- ously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been re- leased of personal li- ability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real proper- ty only. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT T E M P T I N G T O C O L L E C T A D E B T AND ANY INFORMA-


T I O N O B TA I N E D WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your cred- it record may be sub- mitted to a credit report agency if you fail to ful- fil l the terms of your credit obligations. Dat- ed: 10/07/2014 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trus- tee By: Maria Montana, Ass is tant Secretar y Trustee’s Mailing Ad- dress: Qual i ty Loan Service Corp. of Wash- i ng ton C /O Qua l i t y Loan Ser v ice Cor p. 411 Ivy Street , San D i e g o , C A 9 2 1 0 1 (866) 645-7711 Sale Line: 714-730-2727 Or Login to: h t t p : / / w a . q u a l i t y - loan.com TS No.: WA-14-621586-SW Trustee’s Physical Ad- dress: Qual i ty Loan Service Corp. of Wash- ing ton 108 1s t Ave South, Suite 202 Seat- tle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 A-4483499 01/08/2015, 01/29/2015Legal No. WEX608360 Published: The Whid- bey ExaminerJanuary 8, 29, 2015.

Reference Number(s) o f D o c u m e n t s a s - s igned or re leased: 4158155Document Title: NO- TICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEGrantor : B ishop, Marsha l l & We ibe l , P.S. formerly known as Bishop, White, Mar- shall & Weibel, P.S.Grantee: Larry Munn and Renee Munn, Hus- band and WifeAbbreviated Legal De- scr iption as Follows: SECTION 19, TOWN- S H I P 3 3 N O R T H , RANGE 2 EAST; PTN. NW NWAssessor’s Proper ty Tax Parce l /Account N u m b e r ( s ) : R23319-425-0720NOTICE: AS THE RE-

Continued on next page.....

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed Bishop, Mar- shal l & Weibel , P.S. fo r m e r l y k n ow n a s Bishop, White, Mar- shal l & Weibel , P.S. wil l on February 27, 2015 at 10:00 am at the main entrance to City Hall, 865 SE Bar- r ington Drive, in the City of Oak Harbor lo- cated at Island County, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the h ighes t b idder, payable at the time of sale, the following de- scribed real property, s i t u a t e d i n I s l a n d County, State of Wash- ington, to-wit;PARCEL A:THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF T H E N O RT H W E S T QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUAR- TER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 33 N O RT H , R A N G E 2 EAST OF THE WILLA- METTE MERIDIAN; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET;S I T U AT E I N T H E COUNTY OF ISLAND, STATE OF WASHING- TON.PARCEL B:E A S E M E N T F O R RIGHT TO USE, FOR R O A D R I G H T- O F - W AY P U R P O S E S , THE WEST THIRTY F E E T O F T H E NORTHWEST QUAR- TER OF THE NORTH- WEST QUARTER IN SECTION 19, TOWN- S H I P 3 3 N O R T H , RANGE 2 EAST OF T H E W I L L A M E T T E MERIDIAN, AS RE- SERVED BY INSTRU- M E N T R E C O R D E D JULY 15, 1955, UN- DER AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 99391, R E C O R D S O F I S - L A N D C O U N T Y,


WASHINGTON.S I T U AT E I N T H E COUNTY OF ISLAND, STATE OF WASHING- TON.which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated December 22, 2005, recorded De- cember 28, 2005, un- der Auditor’s File No. 4158155 records of Is- land County, Washing- ton, from Larry Munn and Renee Munn, Hus- band and W i fe , as Grantor, to Washington Services, Inc., a Wash- ington Corporation, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Washington Federal Savings now known as Washington Federal as Beneficiary of the deed of trust. Said Deed of Trust was most recent- ly modified on June 11, 2009. The sale will be made without any war- ranty concerning the ti- tle to, or the condition of the property.

IINo action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obli- gation in any Court by reason of the Grantor’s default on the obliga- t ion secured by the Deed of Trust.

IIIT h e d e fa u l t ( s ) f o r which this foreclosure is made is/are as fol- lows:i) Failure to pay the fol- lowing amounts, now in arrears:Amount due to rein- state by October 27, 2014Delinquent Monthly Payments Due from 1 1 / 1 / 2 0 1 2 t h r o u g h 10/1/2014:7 p a y m e n t ( s ) a t $1,746.001 7 p a y m e n t ( s ) a t $1,749.00Total: $41,955.00Accrued Late Charges $3,435.00Property Inspection $ 50.00Legal Expenses $5,173.83Subtotal $50,613.83 Less Suspense Bal- ance ($ 291.60)TOTAL DEFAULT $50,322.23

IVThe sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: $234,659.73, together with interest from Octo- ber 1, 2012 as provid- ed in the note or other instrument, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument se- cured, and as are pro- vided by statute.

VThe above described real proper ty wil l be sold to satisfy the ex- pense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, ex- press or implied, re- garding title, posses- sion, or encumbrances on February 27, 2015. The payments, la te charges, or other de- faults must be cured by February 16, 2015 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a dis- con t i nuance o f t he sale. The sale will be


discontinued and ter- minated if at any time on or before February 16, 2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) the default(s) as set forth in paragraph I I I , to- gether with any subse- quent payments, late charges, or other de- faults, is/are cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Pay- men t mus t be w i th cashier’s or cer tif ied checks from a State or federa l l y char te red bank. The sale may be terminated any time a f t e r Fe b r u a r y 1 6 , 2015 (11 days before the sale date), and be- fore the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor, or the hold- er of any recorded jun- i o r l i e n o r e n c u m - brance paying the en- tire principal and inter- es t secured by the Deed of Trust , p lus costs, fees, and ad- vances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and cur- ing all other defaults.

VIA written notice of de- fault was transmitted by the beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrow- er and Grantor at the following address(es):Dennis Lee Burman,Trustee1103 9th StPO Box 1620Marysville, WA 98270Larry Munnaka Larry Glenn Munn aka Lawrence Glenn Munn1110 E Whidbey AveO a k H a r b o r , W A 98277Larry Munnaka Larry Glenn Munnaka Lawrence Glenn Munn3492 Wilson RdO a k H a r b o r , W A 98277Larry Munnaka Larry Glenn Munn aka Lawrence Glenn MunnC/O Mary E Schmitt, Attorney3525 Colby Ave Ste 100Everett, WA 98201Renee Munnaka Renee S Munn1110 E Whidbey AveO a k H a r b o r , W A 98277Renee Munnaka Renee S. Munn3492 Wilson RdO a k H a r b o r , W A 98277by both first class and cer tif ied mail on Au- gust 28, 2014, proof of which is in the posses- s ion of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personal- ly served on August 28, 2014, wi th sa id written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property de- scribed in paragraph I above, and the Trustee h a s p o s s e s s i o n o f proof of such service or posting.

VIIThe Tr us tee whose name and address are set forth will provide in writing to anyone re- questing it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale.



The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described prop- erty.

IXAnyone having objec- t ions to this sale on any grounds whatsoev- er will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objection if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale.



The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is enti- tled to possession of the proper ty on the 20th day following the sale, as against the G r a n t o r u n d e r t h e deed of trust (the own- er) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-oc- cupied proper ty, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060.If the Trustee’s Sale is set aside for any rea- son, the submitted bid wi l l be for thwith re- turned without interest and the b idder w i l l have no right to pur- chase the proper ty. Recovery of the bid amount without interest constitutes the limit of the bidder’s recourse aga inst the Trustee and/or the Beneficiary.

XINOTICE TO ALL PER- SONS AND PARTIES WHO ARE GUARAN- TORS OF THE OBLI- GATIONS SECURED BY THIS DEED OF T RU S T: ( 1 ) T h e Guarantor may be li- able for a deficiency judgment to the extent the sale price obtained at the Trustee’s Sale is less than the debt se- cured by the Deed of Trust; (2) The Guaran- tor has the same rights to reinstate the debt, cure the default, or re- pay the debt as is giv- en to the grantor in or- der to avoid the trus- t ee ’s sa le ; (3 ) The Guarantor will have no r ight to redeem the property after the Trus- tee’s Sale; (4) Subject to such longer periods as are provided in the Washington Deed of Tr us t Ac t , Chap t e r 61.24 RCW, any action brought to enforce a guaranty must be com- menced w i th in one year after the Trustee’s Sale, or the last Trus- tee’s Sale under any deed of trust granted to secure the same debt; and (5) In any action for a deficiency, the Guarantor will have the right to establish the fair value of the proper-


ty as of the date of the Trustee’s Sale, less prior liens and encum- brances, and to limit its liability for a deficiency to the difference be- tween the debt and the greater of such fair val- ue or the sale pr ice paid at the Trustee’s Sale, plus interest and costs.


THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE S A L E O F Y O U R HOME.Yo u h a v e o n l y 2 0 DAYS from the record- ing date on this notice to pursue mediation.D O N O T D E L AY. CONTACT A HOUS- ING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY L I - CENSED IN WASH- INGTON NOW to as- sess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may he lp you save your home. See below fo r sa fe sources o f help.


Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at lit- tle or no cost to you. If you would like assis- tance in determining your rights and oppor- tunities to keep your house, you may con- tact the following:The statewide foreclo- sure hotline for assis- tance and referral to hous ing counse lors recommended by the Housing Finance Com- mission:Telephone: (1-877-894-4663)Website: http://www.wshfc.org/b uyers/counseling.htmThe United States De- par tment of Housing and Urban Develop- ment:Telephone: (1-800-569-4287)Website: http://www.hud.gov/of- fices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/in- dex.cfm?webListAc- tion=search&search- state=WA&fil- terSvc=dfcThe statewide civil le- gal aid hotline for as- sistance and referrals to other housing coun- selors and attorneys:Telephone: (1-800-606-4819)Website: h t tp : / /nwjust ice.org/ what-clearDATED: October 22, 2014BISHOP, MARSHALL & WEIBEL, P.S. FOR- MERLY KNOWN AS B I S H O P, W H I T E , MARSHALL & WEI- BEL, P.S.Successor TrusteeBy:/s/William L. Bish- op, Jr. William L. Bishop, Jr., President720 Olive Way, Suite 1201Seattle, WA 98101(206) 622-7527State of Washington )) ss.County of King )On this 22 day of Octo- ber, 2014, before me, the undersigned, a No- tary Public in and for the State of Washing- t o n , d u l y c o m m i s - sioned and sworn, per- sonally appeared Wil-


liam L. Bishop, Jr., to me known to be an Of- ficer of Bishop, Mar- shal l & Weibel , P.S. fo r m e r l y k n ow n a s Bishop, White, Mar- shall & Weibel, P.S., the corporation that ex- ecuted the foregoing ins t r ument and ac - knowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said cor- poration, for the uses and purposes therein men t i oned , and on oath states that they are authorized to exe- cute the said instru- ment.WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto af f ixed the day and year first above written./s/Emily GronvoldName: Emily GronvoldNOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington at: King CountyMy Appt. Exp: July 20, 2016Legal No. WEX611448 Published: The Whid- bey ExaminerJanuary 29, February 19, 2015.

T S N o . : WA - 1 4 - 6 1 1 4 5 0 - T C APN No.: 6023000000 S6023-00-0000B-2 Ti- t l e O r d e r N o . : 140023925-WA-MSI Grantor(s): RANDAL W COLEMAN, ANGE- L A R C O L E M A N Gran tee (s ) : MORT- GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- TEMS, INC., AS NOM- INEE FOR BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Deed o f T r u s t I n s t r u - ment/Reference No.: 4300899 NOTICE OF T RU S T E E ’ S S A L E Pursuant to the Re- vised Code of Wash- ington 61.24, et. seq. I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Qua l i ty Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee, will on 2/6/2015, at 10:00 AM At the front en- trance of Oak Harbor City Hall 865 SE Bar- rington Drive Oak Har- bor, WA 98277 sell at public auction to the highest and best bid- der, payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or cer- tified checks from fed- erally or State char- tered banks, a t the time of sale the follow- i n g d e s c r i b e d r e a l proper ty, si tuated in the County of Island, State of Washington, to wit: UNIT B-2, AL- DERBROOKE CON- D O M I N I U M , A C - C O R D I N G T O AMENDED DECLARA- TION THEREOF, RE- CORDED NOVEMBER 30, 1983, UNDER AU- D ITOR ’S F ILE NO. 418214, RECORDS OF ISLAND COUNTY, WASHINGTON; BE- ING A PORTION OF T H E S O U T H E A S T QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAR- TER OF SECTION 34, T O W N S H I P 3 3 N O RT H , R A N G E 1 EAST OF THE WILLA- METTE MERIDIAN. More commonly known as : 1228 NW LAN- YA R D L O O P # 2 , OAK HARBOR, WA


98277-4486 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 8/24/2011, recorded 0 9 / 0 8 / 2 0 1 1 , u n d e r 4300899 records of Is- land County, Washing- ton, from RANDAL W COLEMAN, AND AN- GELA R COLEMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor(s), to LS TI- TLE OF WASHING- TON, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. , AS NOMINEE FOR BANK OF AMER- ICA, N.A., as Benefici- ary, the beneficial in- terest in which was as- s i g n e d b y M O R T- GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- TEMS, INC., AS NOM- INEE FOR BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (or by its successors-in-inter- est and/or assigns, if any), to Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satis- faction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor ’s default on the obligation secured b y t h e D e e d o f Trus t /Mor tgage. I I I . T h e d e fa u l t ( s ) f o r which this foreclosure is made is/are as fol- lows: Fai lure to pay when due the following amounts wh ich a re n o w i n a r r e a r s : $182,966.13 IV. The sum owing on the obli- gation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The p r i n c i p a l s u m o f $178,763.95, together with interest as provid- ed in the Note from the 9 /1 /2013, and such other costs and fees as are provided by stat- ute. V. The above-de- scribed real proper ty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without war- ranty, expressed or im- plied, regarding title, possession or encum- brances on 2/6/2015. The defaults referred t o i n Paragraph I I I m u s t b e c u r e d b y 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) to cause a d iscont inu- ance of the sale. The sale will be discontin- ued and terminated if a t any t ime be fo re 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale) the de- fault as set forth in Par- agraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Pay- ment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- t i f ied checks from a State or federally char- tered bank. The sale may be terminated any t i m e a f t e r t h e 1/26/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any re- corded junior l ien or encumbrance by pay- ing the principal and in- terest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any,

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made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. VI. A written No- t i ce o f Defau l t was transmitted by the Ben- eficiary or Trustee to t h e B o r r o w e r a n d Grantor at the following address(es) : NAME R A N DA L W C O L E - MAN, AND ANGELA R C O L E M A N , H U S - BAND AND WIFE AD- D R E S S 1 2 2 8 N W LANYARD LOOP # 2 , OAK HARBOR, WA 98277-4486 by both first class and certified mail, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor w e r e p e r s o n a l l y served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicu- ous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or post- ing . These requ i re - ments were completed as of 8/26/2014. VII. The Tr us tee whose name and address are set forth below will pro- vide in writing to any- one request ing i t , a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and a l l those who ho ld by, through or under the Grantor of all their in- terest in the above-de- scr ibed proper ty. IX. Anyone having any ob- jections to this sale on any grounds whatsoev- er will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pur- s u a n t t o R C W 61.24.130. Failure to br ing such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds fo r i nva l ida t ing the Trustee ’s sa le. NO- T I C E T O O C C U - PANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is enti- tled to possession of the proper ty on the 20th day following the sale, as against the G r a n t o r u n d e r t h e deed of trust (the own- er) and anyone having


an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occu- pied property, the pur- chaser shall provide a tenant with written no- tice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FI- NAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE S A L E O F Y O U R HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the re- cording date of this no- tice to pursue media- tion. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUS- ING COUNSELOR OR A N AT TO R N E Y L I - CENSED IN WASH- INGTON NOW to as- sess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may he lp you save your home. See below fo r sa fe sources o f he lp. SEEKING AS- SISTANCE Hous ing counselors and legal ass i s tance may be available at little or no cos t to you . I f you would like assistance in determin ing your r ights and oppor tu- n i t ies to keep your house, you may con- tact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing c o u n s e l o r s r e c o m - mended by the Hous- ing Finance Commis- s i o n : T o l l - f r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 8 9 4 - H O M E (1-877-894-4663) or W e b s i t e : http://www.dfi.wa.gov/c onsumers/homeowner- ship/post_purchase_co- unselors_foreclosure.h tm. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- m e n t : T o l l - f r e e : 1-800-569-4287 or Na- t i o n a l W e b S i t e : h t t p : / / p o r - ta l .hud .gov /hudpor - tal/HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washington: http://www.hud.gov/of- fices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/in- dex.c fm?webLis tAc- t ion=search&search- s t a t e = W A & f i l - terSvc=dfc The state- wide civil legal aid hot- line for assistance and referrals to other hous- ing counselors and at- torneys: Te lephone:


1 - 8 0 0 - 6 0 6 - 4 8 1 9 o r Web site: http://nwjus- tice.org/what-clear. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Pur- chaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a re- turn of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchas- er’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no fur ther recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Benef ic iar y, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attor- ney. If you have previ- ously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been re- leased of personal li- ability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real proper- ty only. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT T E M P T I N G T O C O L L E C T A D E B T AND ANY INFORMA- T I O N O B TA I N E D WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your cred- it record may be sub- mitted to a credit report agency if you fail to ful- fil l the terms of your credit obligations. Dat- ed: 10/6/2014 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trus- tee By: Tricia Moreno, Ass is tant Secretar y Trustee’s Mailing Ad- dress: Qual i ty Loan Service Corp. of Wash- i ng ton C /O Qua l i t y Loan Ser v ice Cor p. 411 Ivy Street , San D i e g o , C A 9 2 1 0 1 (866) 645-7711 Trus- tee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 108 1st Ave South, Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 S a l e L i n e : 714-573-1965 Or Login to: ht tp: / /wa.qual i ty- loan.com TS No.: WA - 1 4 - 6 1 1 4 5 0 - T C P1111669 1/8, 01/29/2015Legal No. WEX608368 Published: The Whid- bey ExaminerJanuary 8, 29, 2015.


T S N o . : WA - 1 4 - 6 3 3 0 4 9 - S W A P N N o . : R23307-235-1650 Title O r d e r N o . : 140163314-WA-MSI G r a n t o r ( s ) : U G O - CHUKWU C NWANK- W O G r a n t e e ( s ) : MORTGAGE ELEC- TRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR C O U N T R Y W I D E HOME LOANS, INC Deed of Trust Instru- ment/Reference No.: 4138620 NOTICE OF T RU S T E E ’ S S A L E Pursuant to the Re- vised Code of Wash- ington 61.24, et. seq. I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Qua l i ty Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee, will on 2/27/2015, at 10:00 AM At the front en- trance of Oak Harbor City Hall 865 SE Bar- rington Drive Oak Har- bor, WA 98277 sell at public auction to the highest and best bid- der, payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or cer- tified checks from fed- erally or State char- tered banks, a t the time of sale the follow- i n g d e s c r i b e d r e a l proper ty, si tuated in the County of Island, State of Washington, t o w i t : L OT 3 O F S H O RT P L AT N O. 80/54.23307.239.1610 AS RECORDED MAY 18, 1981 UNDER AU- DITOR’S FILE NUM- BER 382898 IN VOL- UME 1 OF SHORT PLATS AS PAGE 88, R E C O R D S O F I S - L A N D C O U N T Y, WASHINGTON; BE- ING A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 I N S E C T I O N 7 , T O W N S H I P 3 3 N O RT H , R A N G E 2 EWM. More commonly known as: 4168 CA- BRINI CT , OAK HAR- BOR, WA 98277 9423 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 6/16/2005, re- corded 06/24/2005, un- der 4138620 records of Island County, Wash- i ng ton , f r om UGO- CHUKWU C NWANK- W O , A M A R R I E D P E R S O N A S H I S SEPARATE ESTATE, as Grantor(s), to LS TI- TLE OF WASHIGTON, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELEC-


TRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR C O U N T R Y W I D E HOME LOANS, INC, as Bene f i c ia r y, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by MORTGAGE ELEC- TRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR C O U N T R Y W I D E HOME LOANS, INC (or by its successors- in-interest and/or as- signs, if any), to Lake- view Loan Servicing LLC II. No action com- menced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Bor- rower’s or Grantor ’s default on the obliga- t ion secured by the Deed of Trust /Mor t - gage. III. The default(s) for which this foreclo- sure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts wh ich a re n o w i n a r r e a r s : $76 ,827 .09 IV. The sum owing on the obli- gation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The p r i n c i p a l s u m o f $247,767.54, together with interest as provid- ed in the Note from the 7 /1 /2010, and such other costs and fees as are provided by stat- ute. V. The above-de- scribed real proper ty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without war- ranty, expressed or im- plied, regarding title, possession or encum- brances on 2/27/2015. The defaults referred t o i n Paragraph I I I m u s t b e c u r e d b y 2/16/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale date) to cause a d iscont inu- ance of the sale. The sale will be discontin- ued and terminated if a t any t ime be fo re 2/16/2015 (11 days be- fore the sale) the de- fault as set forth in Par- agraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Pay- ment must be in cash or with cashiers or cer- t i f ied checks from a State or federally char- tered bank. The sale may be terminated any t i m e a f t e r t h e 2/16/2015 (11 days be-


fore the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any re- corded junior l ien or encumbrance by pay- ing the principal and in- terest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. VI. A written No- t i ce o f Defau l t was transmitted by the Ben- eficiary or Trustee to t h e B o r r o w e r a n d Grantor at the following address(es) : NAME U G O C H U K W U C NWANKWO, A MAR- R I E D P E R S O N A S HIS SEPARATE ES- TATE ADDRESS 4168 C A B R I N I C T, OA K HARBOR, WA 98277 9423 by both first class and ce r t i f i ed m a i l , proof of which is in the p o s s e s s i o n o f t h e Trustee; and the Bor- r owe r a n d G ra n t o r w e r e p e r s o n a l l y served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicu- ous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or post- ing . These requ i re - ments were completed as of 9/24/2014. VII. The Tr us tee whose name and address are set forth below will pro- vide in writing to any- one request ing i t , a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and a l l those who ho ld by, through or under the Grantor of all their in- terest in the above-de- scr ibed proper ty. IX. Anyone having any ob- jections to this sale on any grounds whatsoev- er will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pur- s u a n t t o R C W 61.24.130. Failure to br ing such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds fo r i nva l ida t ing the Trustee ’s sa le. NO- T I C E T O O C C U - PANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is enti- tled to possession of


the proper ty on the 20th day following the sale, as against the G r a n t o r u n d e r t h e deed of trust (the own- er) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occu- pied property, the pur- chaser shall provide a tenant with written no- tice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FI- NAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE S A L E O F Y O U R HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the re- cording date of this no- tice to pursue media- tion. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUS- ING COUNSELOR OR A N AT TO R N E Y L I - CENSED IN WASH- INGTON NOW to as- sess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may he lp you save your home. See below fo r sa fe sources o f he lp. SEEKING AS- SISTANCE Hous ing counselors and legal ass i s tance may be available at little or no cos t to you . I f you would like assistance in determin ing your r ights and oppor tu- n i t ies to keep your house, you may con- tact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing c o u n s e l o r s r e c o m - mended by the Hous- ing Finance Commis- s i o n : T o l l - f r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 8 9 4 - H O M E (1-877-894-4663) or W e b s i t e : http://www.dfi.wa.gov/c onsumers/homeowner- ship/post_purchase_co- unselors_foreclosure.h tm. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- m e n t : T o l l - f r e e : 1-800-569-4287 or Na- t i o n a l W e b S i t e : h t t p : / / p o r - ta l .hud .gov /hudpor - tal/HUD or for Local counseling agencies in W a s h i n g t o n : http://www.hud.gov/of- fices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/in- dex.c fm?webLis tAc- t ion=search&search- s t a t e = W A & f i l -


terSvc=dfc The state- wide civil legal aid hot- line for assistance and referrals to other hous- ing counselors and at- torneys: Te lephone: 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 0 6 - 4 8 1 9 o r Web site: http://nwjus- tice.org/what-clear. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Pur- chaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a re- turn of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchas- er’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no fur ther recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Benef ic iar y, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attor- ney. If you have previ- ously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been re- leased of personal li- ability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real proper- ty only. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT T E M P T I N G T O C O L L E C T A D E B T AND ANY INFORMA- T I O N O B TA I N E D WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your cred- it record may be sub- mitted to a credit report agency if you fail to ful- fil l the terms of your credit obligations. Dat- e d : O C T 2 7 2 0 1 4 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee By: Gladys Limon, Assistant Sec- retary Trustee’s Mail- ing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington C/O Qual- ity Loan Service Corp. 411 Ivy Street , San D i e g o , C A 9 2 1 0 1 (866) 645-7711 Trus- tee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 108 1st Ave South, Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 S a l e L i n e : 714-573-1965 Or Login to: ht tp: / /wa.qual i ty- loan.com TS No.: WA - 1 4 - 6 3 3 0 4 9 - S W P1115540 1/29, 02/19/2015Legal No. WEX611658 Published: The Whid- bey ExaminerJanuary 29, February

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The Department of Ecol-ogy also filed a complaint but has already been paid by the fund.

“It had a huge impact on our business,” Jefferds said.

“We didn’t get a seed set in as a result,” he said, refer-ring to the mussels that grow on rafts in Penn Cove.

Christopher Anderson, a deputy prosecutor with Island County, also empha-

sized the impact the spill had on the economy in his sen-tencing memorandum.

“The defendant’s actions jeopardized the business of not only Penn Cove Shellfish, which actually lost significant business, but also numer-ous inns, hotels, restaurants and other businesses around Penn Cove that rely on the natural beauty of Penn Cove to attract patrons,” Anderson wrote.

Westmoreland, the owner

of Northwest Steel & Recy-cling, purchased the 141-foot, steel-hulled crab boat from the Port of Seattle for $2,500 in November of 2011.

The port advertised the boat on Craigslist as scrap metal. As part of the terms of the sale, Westmoreland assured the port that his plan was to have the boat scrapped. He even provided information that he had a pre-arranged dry dock where he intended to cut it up, ac-cording to Anderson.

Instead of taking the boat to dry dock, he had it towed to Penn Cove, where it was illegally anchored in state-owned tidelands in Decem-ber of 2011.

The state Department of Natural Resources first contacted Westmoreland in January 2012 and informed him that he either needed to remove the vessel or ob-tain authorization to keep it moored in Penn Cove. The DNR kept in regular contact with Westmoreland and even located multiple marinas where he could take the boat, but he “never took any genu-ine steps towards having the vessel removed from Penn Cove,” Anderson wrote.

In March of 2012, the DNR sent Westmoreland a notice of trespass that stated he would be fined for every day he failed to remove the vessel.

“Immediately after re-ceiving this notification, on March 13, 2012,” Anderson wrote, “the defendant at-tempted to fire sale the boat by duping an acquaintance, Patrick Roth, into purchasing the vessel from him for $100, in a hastily written agree-ment on a piece of notebook paper.”

The agreement said Roth had 40 days to move the boat. Westmoreland then contact-ed the DNR and informed officials that he no longer owned the boat.

The DNR, however, con-tacted Roth and informed him that the vessel had to be moved immediately and that fines were accruing. Roth immediately contacted West-moreland and rescinded the deal, according to Anderson.

On the night of May 12, 2012, the Deep Sea caught fire in what was later deter-mined to be arson. It sank to the bottom and spilled 5,555 gallons of diesel.

The DNR contacted Westmoreland, who said he did not plan on taking responsibility for raising the vessel, but suggested that it be left on the bottom of Penn Cove. He said he did not know how the fire started but

he thought it might have been “kids playing with matches,” the memorandum states.

Anderson noted that Westmoreland was never charged with arson in con-nection with the burning of the Deep Sea.

The prosecutor’s office did, however, charge him with a vessel abandonment, a misdemeanor charge. He pleaded guilty last month.

Last week, Anderson argued that Westmoreland should receive the maximum sentence of 90 days in jail and a fine of $1,000.

“This offense represents the most serious violation of the derelict vessel statute since its inception,” he said in a statement to the Whid-bey News-Times. “Besides holding Mr. Westmoreland accountable, this case should serve as a deterrent to others who might abandon vessels in the pristine waters around Island County.”

Jefferds and Steve Foster, a resident who lives on Penn Cove, spoke at the hearing. Jefferds said he discussed the impact on his business and rebutted a claim by Westmo-reland’s attorney, Cooper Of-fenbecher of Seattle, that his client was remorseful.

Foster spoke about the an-ger and frustration the com-munity felt after the incident, according to Anderson.

Offenbecher argued that Westmoreland should receive a suspended sentence.

District Court Judge Bill Hawkins sentenced Westmo-reland to 75 days, 15 days less than the maximum.

“We are disappointed in the jail sentence, which we do not believe was warranted given the unusual facts,” Of-fenbecher wrote in a state-ment to the newspaper. “Mr. Westmoreland was well-in-tentioned and got caught up in circumstances beyond his control. He never intended for any harm to come to the Deep Sea or Penn Cove.”

He added that he and his client respect the judge’s deci-sion and Westmoreland looks forward to putting the matter behind him.

The silver lining in the disaster may be that the state lawmakers toughened the laws regarding derelict vessels and the state’s response.

Jefferds said he is happy about the new laws, but he’s still dissatisfied with the way the DNR handled the prob-lem in the first place.

The broken-down boat filled with fuel was anchored near his mussel farms for more than four months when someone started the fire.

SUED: Some dissatisfied with Deep Sea verdictContinued from 1

Jessie Stensland photo

Rory Westmoreland, at right, speaks with his attorney in court. He was recently sentenced to jail for vessel abandon-ment.