white paper on neuro linguistic programming


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Post on 12-May-2015




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we conduct certification programs in NLP from Basic, Masters upto Trainers levvel all over Asia Pacific region, India and Middle east.


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What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the latest science of the Human mind and behaviour. The technology helps to understand the different categories of people. By understanding people you can build rapport effortlessly and relations on strong footing to reap a long lasting benefits. You can also reach higher levels of performance. You will get in depth knowledge as to how the human brain records or codes information. NLP stands for NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. Neuro represents the neurological aspect of our experiences that are stored in our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Linguistic corresponds to both verbal and non verbal language one uses and this in turn triggers the neuro chemical responses. Programming is the structure and syntax in which the brain stores information. NLP is not an invention but rather a discovery and integration of several disciplines including neurology, psychology, linguistic, cybernetic and systems theory.NLP was first introduced by Alfred Korzybski from Russia, Noam Chomsky & Gregary Bateson.

The Godfather of NLP – Dr Richard Bandler : Dr Bandler in early 70’s discovered this science , a computer genius and scholar he gave the world the most powerful science of human mind & behaviour. He has taken every concept of human mind from various culture be it India, Buddhist, Zen, Islam, Greek, Judaism etc . NLP has nothing to do with any religion and is a science for everyone to learn and master.

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What is the history of NLP?

The science of NLP was co-founded by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Dr. Bandler was a computer programmer and mathematician at the University of Santa Cruz, California. Dr. Bandler developed keen interest in psychology and started pursuing the same keenly. He found that by modeling behavioral pattern of people he could produce similar results as of those whom he modeled. This was the breakthrough in Modeling Human excellence. He later met Dr. John Grinder, an associate professor in linguistic who had excellent command over languages, accents and cultural behaviors’ and his personal goal was to uncover the hidden grammar of thinking and action.

With the joint effort of Dr. Brandler and Dr. Grinder NLP was born . NLP came to be known as language of change and they involved the Gestalt therapy developed by Fritz Perls, Ericksonian Hypnosis developed by master hypnotist Dr. Mlton Erickson who had founded the American Society of Clinical Hypnotists. Dr. Erickson used to induce deep trance through stories and anecdotes. He contributed the hypnotic language patterns and embedded commands which are understood by the unconscious mind only.

There are a few others also who have contributed a great deal to NLP and they are Noam Chomsky an anthropologist, Gregary Bateson, Robert Dilts, David Gordon. In the recent times NLP has been further refined by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner. They also run the NLP comprehensive Training Team in Europe. Renowned authors like Anthony Robbins and John Bradshaw have written inspiring books on NLP and have conducted many successful seminars worldwide.

The dichotomy of SCM :

Our subconscious mind is the deeper aspect of us hence it is called submerged consciousness. The SCM has permanent

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memory even of our past lives, have you logical wandered that sometimes we react to situations which cannot be explained logically or even medically.

All our fears and phobias come under this category of unexplained reaction/behavior which are the phenomena of the SCM. Freudian psychology was the first to explain the powers and perils of the SCM. He is the one who divided the mind into conscious (ego), subconscious (ID) and the super ego (unconscious) or the collective consciousness which means we all are connected to each other at etheric level in a mysterious way.

All neurotic behaviors’ are root cause of psycho-somatic disorders and are due to the SCM and unconscious. Our UCM is responsible for our body language, dreams, intuitive powers and hunches, day to day normal activity.

Traditional treatments to correct psycho logical disorders were hypnotherapy, mesmerism, affirmations and music therapy.

However there never used to go deeper than the SCM which is only 38% of the total mind. NLP influences and transform negative behaviors’ in the UCM almost instantly and permanently.

How does one know what needs to be changed in one self because NLP believes you can change only one person that is yourself. SO STOP BLAMING OTHERS NOW.

How does NLP help?

Having understood the two sides of our brain and the three minds let us see how NLP aids us. NLP bridges the gap between the left and right sides of the brain for better balance in life. This could be achieved by following certain set of proven techniques. NLP also helps us to understand our mind a little better whereby it becomes useful in human communication skills, business consultation, management, negotiation, education, counseling, holistic therapies, inter-personal relations, removing of addictions, parenting, nursing, public speaking, sports psychology and practically all areas of human involvement.

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Basics of subconscious mind and its conditioning. Different human perceptions. History of NLP Assumptions of NLP Eye Cues and other sense sub-modalities How to form RAPPORT with others instantly Reframing any past experiences Removal of fears and phobias in us and others Removal of addictions and allergies Convincing skills Persuasive words used in conversation for effective communication Meta models Metaphors used in NLP Dynamic Memory development How to develop high self esteem How to develop self confidence How to set goals and achieve them rapidly Healing yourself and others using special techniques for any psychosomatic disorders .


1. Make meetings work 2. Develop behavioral flexibility and creativity 3. Mediate and negotiate successfully 4. Achieve high level of rapport 5. Manifest goals 6. Become a possibility thinker 7. Convert all Cant’s into Cans 8. Erase Negative thinking and programming 9. Improve learning skills.


Communicate intentions and achieve harmony Add zest to your life Achieve emotional balance, accelerate learning abilities and enhance self esteem Bring vibrancy and dynamism Become a role model


Set vision and lead people to new dimensions Become a source of inspiration Be a charismatic personality Create trust, deepen rapport, understand others' viewpoints and convey your intention.

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WHO WILL BENEFIT THE MOST? All of those who wish to change and transform for the good – IT/ITES Professionals, Managers, Businessmen/women, Lawyers, Psychiatrists, Trainers, Team Leaders, Marketing/HRD personnel, Executives, Teachers, Counselors, Social workers, CEO’s.

Students and people with health issues like fears/phobias/COD/depression/addictions/confidence problem/low self esteem.


1) Concept of sub modalities in NLP

2) Meta skills and use of meta model

3) Advanced questioning process to understand human perception

4) Understanding meta programs and how it affects ones behavior

5) How to use sub modalities to bring about permanent change in ourselves and


6) Understanding how basic practitioners techniques work.

7) Healing using sub modalities

8) Accelerated learning techniques

9) Mind mapping

10) Dynamic memory development

11) Drop down technique

12) Language Patterns in daily life

13) How to be a persuasive speaker and convince any one?

14) Time line techniques

15) Advanced goal setting using logical levels

16) Advanced hypnosis techniques

17) Advanced circle of excellence

18) Stacking of anchors and how to use them

19) ……………………………………………………& MUCH MORE

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NLP Trainer’s Certification Programme Module

Presenting in Front of an Audience

Structure of Social Influence

Calibrations for Effective Communication/Presentation

Controlling Emotions

Language of Permanence & Persuasion

Awareness Pattern

Cause & Effect Pattern, Quotes Pattern

Time released Suggestion

Using Amnesia

Motivational Meta program

…………………………………………………………And much more .

We at UTOPIA LEARNING – The L&D division of PAN ASIA GLOBAL GROUP a 57 years old organization with presence in 18 countries and 1.3 billion $ turnover conducts the above program for benefit of students and individuals worldwide.


Extensively program is 4 full days each for Basic & Masters and 6 days for Trainers and can also be broken into 3 hours daily or weekend’s as the need be.

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No, it is an investment on yourself because knowledge is one thing no one can steal from you rest everything money, car, property, etc will either be stolen or fire will devour it or government will take it. If one has knowledge everything can be regained back “Nehi Gyanenum Sadrisham” – Nothing is above knowledge. All our programs investment is affordable and nominal.


Students get a detailed manual, CD’s and host of internet links to do more research and enhance their knowledge. The training is completely technique oriented, simple to follow and immediately to put into practice to bring about 3600 transformation in self, practical games and activities are extensively done to stress a point.


All students get a certification Internationally valid from NFNLP,USA after a simple objective type 2 hour exam which will also help them in getting a job or enhance their careers.


Dr.Sumeet and Dr.Lalitha are seasoned corporate trainers since 1996 and have over 100,000 hours of training experience. Both are Master Trainers in NLP from NFNLP, USA and have trained 250 corporate companies and 50,000 individuals.

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Dr Sumeet got his doctorate in Psychology with specialization in NLP and his thesis was CORRECTION OF COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURIAL PATTERNS USING NLP. He is author of NLP & YOU and Making of a Millionaire and his latest book NLP IN OUR DAILY LIFE apart from 6 other books on HEALING written by the couple. He is also certified hypnotist & past life regressionist trained in SUNCOAST HYPNOSIS CENTER,FLORIDA and under Dr Brian Phillips from University of Taipai .Please see their detailed profile in the PPT presentation and also their linked in profile on http://in.linkedin.com/pub/dr-phf-sumeet-sharma/a/2bb/853 and http://in.linkedin.com/pub/dr-lalitha-sharma/52/865/a63

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