whitlowe r. green - college of education … · course alignment matrix ... learning theories./...

WHITLOWE R. GREEN - COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COURSE ALIGNMENT MATRIX EC 12 PPR STANDARD CURRICULUM TOPIC ESSENTIAL COURSE TAC 228.30 KNOWLEDGE NAMEIDESCRIPTION DOMAIN I Reading Instruction ./ Reading DESIGNING INSTRUCTION ./ Test Structure RDNG 3603. Evaluation of AND ASSESSMENT TO Texas Code of Ethics ./ Oral Language Reading Performance. PROMOTE STUDENT Application of basic LEARNING ./ Phonological and measurement and evaluation phonemic awareness techniques to reading performance. The teacher understands ./ Alphabetical RDNG 3613. Language Arts human developmental principles in the Elementary School. processes and applies this ./ Literacy Highlights conditions necessary knowledge to plan for children's best development instruction and ongoing ./ Word Identification in the language arts; materials assessment that motivate ./ Fluency and procedures for improving the quality of instruction. This students and are responsive ./ Com prehension course emphasizes oral and to their developmental ./ Inquiry handwritten expression, characteristics and needs listening, spelling, and The teacher understands Child Development handwriting. student diversity and ./ Child Development RDNG 3623. Linguistics in knows how to plan learning Reading Instruction. A study experiences and design ./ Cognitive of the relationships between assessments that are language dialect, linguistics responsive to differences Development phonics, and reading. among students and that ./ Emotional Applications of linguistics to promote all students' Development reading. learning RDNG 3643. Methods of ./ Social Development The teacher understands Teaching Elementary procedures for designing ./ Physical and Reading. Analysis of various effective and coherent Language approaches and methods used in instruction and assessment teaching reading in the based on appropriate elementary grades. learning goals and RDNG 4633. Developmental objectives Reading. Strategies for

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DOMAIN I Reading Instruction ./ ReadingDESIGNING INSTRUCTION ./ Test Structure • RDNG 3603. Evaluation ofAND ASSESSMENT TO Texas Code of Ethics ./ Oral Language

Reading Performance.

PROMOTE STUDENT Application of basic

LEARNING./ Phonological and measurement and evaluation

phonemic awareness techniques to readingperformance.

• The teacher understands ./ Alphabetical • RDNG 3613. Language Artshuman developmental principles in the Elementary School.processes and applies this ./ Literacy

Highlights conditions necessary

knowledge to plan for children's best development

instruction and ongoing./ Word Identification in the language arts; materials

assessment that motivate./ Fluency and procedures for improving

the quality of instruction. Thisstudents and are responsive ./ Comprehension course emphasizes oral andto their developmental ./ Inquiry handwritten expression,

characteristics and needs listening, spelling, and

• The teacher understands Child Developmenthandwriting.

student diversity and./ Child Development • RDNG 3623. Linguistics in

knows how to plan learning Reading Instruction. A study

experiences and design ./ Cognitive of the relationships between

assessments that are language dialect, linguistics

responsive to differences Development phonics, and reading.

among students and that./ Emotional Applications of linguistics to

promote all students' Developmentreading.

learning • RDNG 3643. Methods of./ Social Development• The teacher understands Teaching Elementaryprocedures for designing

./ Physical and Reading. Analysis of various

effective and coherent Language approaches and methods used in

instruction and assessment teaching reading in the

based on appropriateelementary grades.

learning goals and • RDNG 4633. Developmentalobjectives Reading. Strategies for

sequential skills development inbasic reading instruction to

Learning Theories emphasize identification of./ Piaget reading levels and auditory and./ Vygotsky visual diagnosis .

./ Bloom's Technology • RDNG 4643. Children'sLiterature. The reading andevaluation of children'sliterature to include informationMotivation ./ Dweck about children's books, todevelop children's interest inreading, authors, illustrators andto solve problems in guidance ofreading.

• RDNG 4653. Foundations ofTEKS Organization ./ Teacher Work Reading Instruction. Stages inand Skills Sample the development of reading

ability. Emphasis of readiness,experiential background,individual's needs and interestsand enrichment.

• RDNG 4673. Clinical and Lab

./ All Content coursesExperiences in Reading .

Content TEKS Preparation, review and analysis

are taught in the of case studies, research reports,

College of Arts and trends and issues in the teachingof reading.

Sciences. However, • RDNG 0000. Understandingthe department and Teaching Dyslexic

works closely with Children. Under Development

assigned faculty to • Texas Code of Ethics - TheTexas Code of Ethics is

ensure candidates embedded in each course within

are prepared for the department

TEKS • ECED 3003. Introduction toEarly Childhood. Historical,philosophical, and socialfoundations of early childhood

./ Candidates integrate years to include: understandingTAKS the principles of underlying

accountability social and emotional

within the context of developments of the youngchild and the nature of the

student teaching, learner. Observation is included.

CUIN courses and • ECED3013.

the Teacher Work Health/Motor/PhysicalDevelopment. Fundamentals of

Sample. health/motor/physical stagesand characteristics ofdevelopment in early childhoodwith emphasis on healthproblems common during early

0/ All candidates are childhood; health and safetyCurriculum practices for young children;Development and required to develop includes special needs related to

Lesson Planning lesson plans in young children.

CUIN, ECED, SPED • ECED 4003. Communicationand Language Development.

and RDNG Courses. An overview of theories relatedto language development andcommunication usage todemonstrate diverse patterns of

0/ Contained within verbal and nonverbal

the program and communication in thedevelopment of the young child.

courses provided by • ECED 4013. YoungCUIN, ECED, SPED Child/Cognitive Development.and RDNG. An examination of theories and

models in the development ofcognition to include stages ofdevelopment and their

Classroom Assessment and 0/ Contained within characteristics; special needsrelated to cognition andLearning Needs the program and implications f or young children

courses provided by • ECED 4023. Program

CUIN, ECED, SPED Organization. A survey of pro

and RDNG. rams for young children toinclude criteria for the selectionand evaluation ofthe physicalenvironmental need so children;emphasis will be placed 0

legislation and public policy asit affects the school, children

0/ Effective pedagogical and their families.Pedagogy and • ECED 4113. InstructionalInstructional Strategies strategies using Stratezies. A studv of

differentiated instructional strategies for

instruction, learning teaching content to includemethodology, setting

styles and other best goals/objectives, evaluating, and

practices. creating a conducive learningenvironment. Emphasis will beplaced on alternativeinstructional strategies andprocedures. (15 clock hours ofsimulated and practicalexperiences included) .

Instructional ./ Use of smart board • ECED 4123. Clinical

Technology and other technology Experiences. Field-basedexperiences involving young./ Terms, data and children in a classroom setting

data strategies to include 45 clock hours of./ Synthesize classroom observation,

recording behavior, planningknowledge using activities, providing for

technology and individual needs, working withother professionals,

appropriate tech understanding conferenceapplications techniques, and professional

./ Develop, plan and ethics

organize instruction • CUIN 3003. EducationalFoundations. An examination

that incorporates and study of the structure,

technology in the culture and organization ofthe

lesson.American public school and itscurriculum. The course requiresfield-based experiences.Prerequisites: Admission toteacher education andpermission from the Departmentof Curriculum and Instruction.

./ Additional six hours • cum 3003. EducationalTest Preparation for PPR and EC-6

Foundations. An examinationand study of the structure,

preparation not culture and organization of the

contained within an American public school and itscurriculum. The course requires

identified course. field-based experiences.

However, it is a • cum 3013 Educational

requirement for Psychology. An examination

program completion. and study of human growth anddevelopment and principles of.assessing/evaluating students'educational progress.

• CUIN 4003 InstructionalPlanning and Assessment(Secondary). Instruction and

¥' Numerous theories practice in planningClassroom instructional lessons.

Management and strategies Developing and applying

contained within teacher-made tests to assess

CUIN, ECED, SPEDsecondary student progress

• CUIN 4013. Instructionaland RDNG Methods and Classroom

addressing and Management (Secondary).Instruction and practice using

applying classroom various teaching strategies andmanagement in management techniques for

elementary and secondary classroom.• CUIN 4113. Instructional

secondary Methodology and Classroom

classrooms. Management. Instruction andpractice using various teachingstrategies and managementtechniques for elementary

Special Populations ¥' All candidates are classrooms. Requires field-based experiences.

required to take • CUIN 4403, 4416,4433,4443,SPED 3003- 4813,4826. Student Teaching

Introduction to Elementary, Secondary,Special Education and AII-

Exceptional Level. Development and

Children. application of the Teacher WorkSample as applied to clinical¥' RDNG/SPED course practice in a field based

under development experience.

on teaching dyslexic • SPED 3003. Introduction toExceptional Children. Basic

children theories and concepts related toidentification and classificationof exceptional children andyouth.

¥' Effective strategies

Parenting and and theories inCommunication communication with

parents andguardians.

• Texas Code of Ethics - TheDOMAIN IITexas Code of Ethics isCREATING A POSITIVE,

Embedded in all embedded in each coursePRODUCTIVE CLASSROOM Texas Code of Ethics ./within the departmentENVIRONMENT

courses within the • ECEO3003. Introduction toThe teacher understands department Early Childhood. Historical,•

philosophical, and sociallearning processes and

foundations of early childhoodfactors that impact studentyears to include: understandinglearning and demonstratesthe principles of underlyingthis knowledge by planning Child Development ./ Cognitive social and emotionaleffective, engaging

Development developments of the younginstruction and appropriatechild and the nature of the./ Emotional learnerassessments

Development ECED3013.The teacher knows how to ••

HealthlMotorfPhysicalestablish a classroom ./ Social DevelopmentDevelopment. Fundamentals ofclimate that fosters

./ Physical and health/motor/physical stageslearning, equity andand characteristics ofexcellence and uses this Language development in early childhoodknowledge to create awith emphasis on healthproblems common during earlyphysical and emotional

childhood; health and safetyenvironment that is safepractices for young children;and productiveincludes special needs related to• The teacher understandsyoung childrenstrategies for creating an

• ECED 4003. Communicationorganized and productiveand Language Development.learning environment and

for managing student An overview of theories relatedbehavior to language development and

communication usage todemonstrate diverse patterns ofverbal and nonverbalcommunication in thedevelopment of the young child

• ECED 4013. YoungChild/Cognitive Development.An examination oftheories andmodels in the development ofcognition to include stages ofdevelopment and theircharacteristics; special needsrelated to cognition andimplications f or young children

• ECED 4023. ProgramOrganization. A survey of prorams for young children toinclude criteria for the selectionand evaluation of the physicalenvironmental need so children;emphasis will be placed 0

legislation and public policy asit affects the schoo I, childrenand their families.

• ECED 4113. InstructionalStrategies. A study ofinstructional strategies forteaching content to includemethodology, settinggoals/objectives, evaluating, andcreating a conducive learningenvironment. Emphasis will beplaced on alternativeinstructional strategies andprocedures. (15 clock hours ofsimulated and practicalexperiences included).

• ECED 4123. ClinicalExperiences. Field-basedexperiences involving youngchildren in a classroom setting .

to include 45 clock hours ofclassroom observation,recording behavior, planningactivities, providing forindividual needs, working withother professionals,understanding conferencetechniques, and professionalethics

• CUIN 3003. EducationalFoundations. An examinationand study of the structure,culture and organization of theAmerican public school and itscurriculum. The course requiresfield-based experiences.

• CUIN 3013 EducationalPsychology. An examinationand study of human growth anddevelopment and principles ofassessing/evaluating students'educational progress.

• CUIN 4013. InstructionalMethods and ClassroomManagement (Secondary).Instruction and practice usingvarious teaching strategies andmanagement techniques forsecondary classroom.

• CUIN 4113. InstructionalMethodology and ClassroomManagement. Instruction andpractice using various teachingstrategies and managementtechniques for elementaryclassrooms. Requires field-based experiences.

• CUIN 4403, 4416, 4433,4443,4813,4826. Student TeachingElementary, Secondary,Special Education and AII-Level. Development andapplication of the Teacher Work

Sample as applied to clinicalpractice in a field basedexperience.

• SPED 3003. Introduction toExceptional Children. Basictheories and concepts related toidentification and classificationof exceptional children andyouth.

DOMAIN III Texas Code of Ethics ./ Embedded inIMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE, departmental • RDNG 3603. Evaluation ofRESPONSIVE INSTRUCTION Reading Performance.

AND ASSESSMENT courses Application of basicmeasurement and evaluation

The teacher understands Reading ./ Test Structure techniques to reading• performance.

and applies principles and ./ Oral Language • RDNG 3613. Language Artsstrategies for ./ Phonological and in the Elementary School.communicating effectively phonemic awareness

Highlights conditions necessary

in varied teaching and for children's best development./ Alphabetical in the language arts; materials

learning contextsprinciples and procedures for improving

• The teacher provides the quality of instruction. Thisappropriate instruction that

..; Literacy course emphasizes oral andactively engages students in ..; Word Identification handwritten expression,

the learning process ..; Fluencylistening, spelling, andhandwriting.

• The teacher incorporates ..; Comprehensionthe effective use of • RDNG 3623. Linguistics in..; Inquiry Reading Instruction. A studytechnology to plan, of the relationships betweenorganize, deliver and language dialect, linguisticsevaluate instruction for all Child Development

phonics, and reading.students ..; Child Development Applications of linguistics to

• The teacher monitorsreading.

student performance and • RDNG 3643. Methods of..; Cognitive Teaching Elementaryachievement; provides

Development Reading. Analysis of variousstudents with timely, high' approaches and methods used inquality feedback; and

..; Emotional teaching reading in theresponds flexibly to promote Development elementary grades.

learning for all students ..; Social Development • RDNG 4633. DevelopmentalReading. Strategies forsequential skills development in

v' Physical and basic reading instruction toemphasize identification of

Language reading levels and auditory andvisual diagnosis.

• RDNG 4643. Children'sLiterature. The reading andevaluation of children'sliterature to include informationabout children's books, todevelop children's interest inreading, authors, illustrators andto solve problems in guidance ofreading.

• RDNG 4653. Foundations ofReading Instruction. Stages inthe development of readingability. Emphasis of readiness,experiential background,individual's needs and interestsand enrichment.

• RDNG 4673. Clinical and LabExperiences in Reading.Preparation, review and analysisof case studies, research reports,trends and issues in the teachingof reading.

• RDNG 0000. Understandingand Teaching DyslexicChildren. Under Development

• Texas Code of Eth ics - TheTexas Code of Ethics isembedded in each course withinthe department

• ECED3003. Introduction toEarly Childhood. Historical,philosophical, and socialfoundations of early childhoodyears to include: understandingthe principles of underlyingsocial and emotionaldevelopments of the youngchild and the nature of the


• ECED3013.Health/M otor/Physica IDevelopment. Fundamentals ofhealth/motor/physical stagesand characteristics ofdevelopment in early childhoodwith emphasis on healthproblems common during earlychildhood; health and safetypractices for young children;includes special needs related toyoung children

• ECED 4003. Communicationand Language Development.An overview of theories relatedto language development andcommunication usage todemonstrate diverse patterns ofverbal and nonverbalcommunication in thedevelopment of the young child

• ECED 4013. YoungChild/Cognitive Development.An examination oftheories andmodels in the development ofcognition to include stages ofdevelopment and theircharacteristics; special needsrelated to cognition andimplications f or young children

• ECED 4023. ProgramOrganization. A survey of prorams for young children toinclude criteria for the selectionand evaluation of the physicalenvironmental need so children;emphasis will be placed 0

legislation and public policy asit affects the school, childrenand their families.

• ECED 4113. InstructionalStrategies, A study of

instructional strategies forteaching content to includemethodology, settinggoals/objectives, evaluating, andcreating a conducive learningenvironment. Emphasis will beplaced on alternativeinstructional strategies andprocedures. (15 clock hours ofsimulated and practicalexperiences included)

• ECED 4123. ClinicalExperiences. Field-basedexperiences involving youngchildren in a classroom settingto include 45 ciock hours ofclassroom observation,recording behavior, planningactivities, providing forindividual needs, working withother professionals,understanding conferencetechniques, and professionalethics

• CUIN 3003. EducationalFoundations. An examinationand study ofthe structure,culture and organization of theAmerican public school and itscurriculum. The course requiresfield-based experiences.

• CUIN 3013 EducationalPsychology. An examinationand study of human growth anddevelopment and principles ofassessing/evaluating students'educational progress.

• CUIN 4003 InstructionalPlanning and Assessment(Secondary). Instruction andpractice in planninginstructional lessons.Developing and applying

teacher-made tests to assesssecondary student progress

• CUIN 4113. InstructionalMethodology and ClassroomManagement. Instruction andpractice using various teachingstrategies and managementtechniques for elementaryclassrooms. Requires field-based experiences.

• CUIN 4403, 4416, 4433, 4443,4813,4826. Student TeachingElementary, Secondary,Special Education and AII-Level. Development andapplication of the Teacher WorkSample as applied to clinicalpractice in a field basedexperience.

• SPED 3003. Introduction toExceptional Children. Basictheories and concepts related toidentification and classificationof exceptional children andyouth.

DOMAIN IV Texas Code of Ethics • Texas Code of Ethics - TheFULFILLING PROFESSIONAL Texas Code of Ethics is

ROLES AND Special Populations embedded in each courseRESPONSIBILITIES within the department

• CUIN 4403, 4416, 4433, 4443,• The teacher understands 4813,4826. Student Teaching

the importance offamily Elementary, Secondary, Specialinvolvement in children's Education and All-Level.education and knows how to Development and application of

interact and communicate the Teacher Work Sample as

effectively with families. applied to clinical practice in afield based experience.• The teacher enhancesSPED 3003. Introduction to•professional knowledge andExceptional Children. Basic

skills by effectivelytheories and concepts related

interacting with other to identification and

members of the educational classificationof exceptiona Icommunity and childrenand youth.participating in varioustypes of professionalactivities

• The teacher understandsand adheres to legal andathical requiremente foreducators and isknowledgeable of thestructure of education inTexas