whmttoilf favsfitechool teacher? 5b evening-- bulletin...crowds cheer good races. record breaking...

'i ' - WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B HZ ' i Evening-- ' Bulletin LNB VOTE FOR, VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN. tiibMobtt-pCpul- ar TEACHER. to Vol. VIJI. No. 1555. HONOLULU. H. I.. TUESDAY, JUNE 12. 1000. Pbiob 5 Okkts. CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES . Record Breaking Meet of the Ha- waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De- tail of Breots of Saturday and lbs ilth - Jolly Crowd and Good Ordr. Tk Hawaiian Jockey Club Uas every reason to be proud of the raco meets at Kaplolant Park 6n the ath nnd lllh. Evcrythlnrwaa done in an ordcilyjmd quiet way, and thero was a dispatch bout the running off of the mcea that was moat acceptable to everyone. The officers of the Jockey Club, and partic- ularly the secretary, MK Paiil It. Iscu-ber- A were Indefatigable in their efforts to make people comfortable. Thero was a good crowd out Saturday nttcr-noo- n, but yesterday the grand stand was packed to overflowing, while the fonccs were lined with peoplo nearly the whole way around tho track. The flrst day's racing was ns follows: One-mll- o btcyclo raco Prize, Ster- ling bicycle, presented by C. J. McCar- thy. Won by It. A. Dexter In 2:41. J. F. Sllva second nnd Emll Ncbrw.ht third. Maiden race. dash for all horses that have never won n. rue Purse, 100. Won by Naples In 0:49 5. Ahulmanu second. lo dash, free for nil-P- urse, $150. Won by Sir Cnsslmlr In 0:49 t. Venus second. dash, freo for nil-P- urse, 1200. Won by Gnrtcllno In 1:02. Vlorls second. Merchants purso. Trotting and pac- ing to harness (best 2 In 3.)Thrco-mln-uto'ela- PurBo $150. Won by Albert M. In 2:29 5 nnd 2:31 .,. Fred Eros second . FIvc-clgh- ts mllo dash for Hawaiian breds. Purso 1160. Won by Amarlno In 1:00. Antidote second. Ono mllo dash, free-for-a- Purso $200. Won by Aggravation In 1:47. Wcllcr second. Tho races of tho 11th were as j: CAie-ha- lf mllo foot race, free-for-a- ll. l4lze, gold medal. Won by A. J. Coats In 2:12 5. Three entries. Union Feed Co.'s Cup, free-for-a- ll. To be won twice. $150 added. Won by Vlorls in :49. Venus second. Trotting and pacing to harness, 2:24 class, best 2 In 3. Purse $150. Won by Directress In 2:28 and 2:2894. nilly second. Flvc-clgtai- B mile dash for maidens. Purse $150. Won by Ahulmanu In 1:03 5. Flamerct second. California Feced Co.'s Cup, trotting and pacing, for Hawaiian breds, best 2 in 3. $100 added. Won by Lcalil In 2:T5DV4 nnd 3:05. First heat won by Edith It. In :31. Irwin Cup. One-mll- o dash for Ha- waiian breds. To be won twice by members of Jockey Club. $150 added. Won by Antidote In 1:48, Amarlno a close second. Italnlcr Cup (presented by Scnttlo llrowlng & Malting Co.) Trotting mid pacing, free-for-a- best 2 In 3 '1 o Da won twice. $200 added. Won by Vlolla in 2:20 and 2:19 5. Waikapu Cup. Throe-fourt- mllo dash, free-for-a- ll, Venus' record of 1:16 to be beaten $150 added, .on by Gnr-tell- ne In 1:16, Sir Casslmlr second. Roslta Challcngo Cup. One-mll- o dash, frec-for-n- Winner to beat tlmo of Anglo A., 1:45. Purso $200 and $50 added it record Is beaten. Won by The United States Custom House. Post" Office and Internal Revenue De L partments Accept the Bonds Issued by the Paclfc Surety Company. This Company Issues bonds of surety- ship for the falth'ul discharge of duties of mployes In positions of trust. It thus relieves Private Individuals from the which former y existed of aum-Iii- r these responsibilities. TO EMPLOYES, this Company will present the advantages of enabling ou to otvlate the unpteaant necessity of resort- ing to yjur personal f lends, and will ren- der you by the payment of a sma'l annual premium, your own li dependent su-ct- The Bonds of this Company are accepted In all of the Unit-- d States Court In all of the Departments of the United States Government. For further particulars apply to EMWBTTMAY, GEAR, LANSING & CO. Insurance Department, Judd Building. i JH Vlorls In 1:45. Aggrava..on second, Record broken. Criterion Cup. Ono and one-ha- lf mllo dash, rrec-for-a- To bo won twlco. $50 added. Won by Wcllcr In i:47. General cronjc second. Consolation race. Purse $160. Won by Evcrcth in 1:48. Allegro second arid Ocnernl Cronjo third. Notes. Late In tho forenoon Marshal Dorwn ordered no more beer or liquor sold and the men under tho grandstand were forced to shut down. Later on, they wore allowed to sell beer only. This refreshment ran out at about 3:30 and there wore, of course, calls for "hard stuff" but Paddy Ryan and his associates kept their word and would not serve a drop, serving out Ico water free of charge. . Tho newspaper men are more than thankful to the members of the Jockey Club for tho kindness they havp shown In provtdfng such an excellent box for them. They wcro made exceedingly comfortnblo by this foresight. McAullffe, tho Jockey who rodo Al- legro In tho third race yesterday was called from tho star.lng point and made to pay a previous tine of $100 be-fo- ro riding In tho raco. This was about the only delay In the nay's sport. A large crowd collected on tho roof of the Jockey Club stand yesterday. Somo of tho people refused to come down so Captain Parker and his officers did wietr duty. Directress traveled like a machine In tiio second race yesterday. The "nlggcr-ln-thc-slo- t" combination back of the grandstand mado a lot of money Saturday. Jimmy Logue caught the Jockeys of nnd Allegro napping In tho third race Saturday and got a big lend with Ahulmanu, winning tho contest easily. The saddling paddock was handled In fine shape. A very few peoplo wero allowed In, thus permitting of des- patch, f Prince David Knwanauakoa had a number of his friends for luncheon at his stand yesterday. Hawaiian flags wcro prominent. Marshal Hrown, Deputy Marshal Chlllingwortb, and Captains Parker and Fox did excellent work at the track yesterday. There was absolutely no bolstcrousncss. i Internal Revenue Apposlntnicnts. District Deputy Inspector Frlck of tho Internal Revenue service bus made the following appointments for the Territory of Hawaii: ' W. F. Drake, to be Deputy Collector at Honolulu. P. M. Lansdale, to be Traveling Deputy Collector. Mr. Drake has been .In the Hawaiian customs service for somo tlmo past. SERIOUSLY INJURED. Charles Clark, the young Hawaiian who was left In chargo of the Kallhl detention camp when tho placo was closed, met with an accident Sunday that will Keep him In bed for tho best part of two months. Clnrk was driving about tho place In tho camp wagon when his horse took a notion to run away. In order to bo better able to check tho animal, Clark stood up and began to tug at the reins. Tho linrnn Rllilllpnlv kicked furlOUSh and caught Clark in tho leg, Just below tho knee, causing a compound frac ture and a very uau external wounu. As soon as possible Dr. Howard went nut in tim ramn nnd attended to tho In jured mnn. Ho was taken to his homo near Captain Paraera ou Mima street. Tho leg cannot be set just now as u ia nnKnscfirv Hint tho extcrnnl wound shall be healed before a plaster cast can bo used. Departing Democratic Delcgntea. Prince David Kawannnnkoa, John H. ise, Col. Wm. H. Cornwell and Col. John D. Holt, four of tho six delegates to tno National Democratic Convention elected las tnight, will leayo for Kan- sas City, Mlssourf, in tho steamer Aus- tralia tomorrow. i Opium Towed to Sen. Tho tug towea 3454 tins o opium to sea on scows this morning and, when nt a proper dUtance outBlde, tho Una wcro cut open and tho contents dumped Into the sea. Dr. C. L. Garvin had charge of tho work. THE WATERMAN IDBAl, FOUN- TAIN PEN. All sues, all shapes. H. F. WICHJ'-AN- . . Gent's. Hermsdorf dye black box su- perior quality, two pairs for 25 cents, nt L. B. Kerr & Co.'s. Queen street for one week only: don't fall to sco them. HONOLULU i SCHOOL OF Day and Night cusses A. COWAN. ROOMS ii-- h. vt Floor f 9 A, H.4 P. M nou- u- r.y-v- .y P, a ' PROGRESS BLOCK DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION Ho Representative of Island of Hawaii lo Organization. Delegates and Alternates lo National Conven- tion - Instrucied for Bryan Territorial Organization Scheme, Col. C. J. McCarthy called the Ter- ritorial Democratic Convention to or- der nt 8:10 p. m. yestcrdny. It took aoout ten seconds for tho meeting to elect Frank Drown temporary chair- man by acclamation. Mr. Brown thanked the mcetlngor tho honor before ascending tho plat- form. J. M. Sims of Kauai was elected tem- porary secretary. On motion the chairman appointed n committee of credentials ,ono member for each district, viz.: 1 and 2, no dcle-gat- o present; 3, Dr. Boote: 4, W. H. Johnson; 5, Eugcno F. Sullivan; C, J. M. Sims. The commlttco retired and brought a report finding the following gentlemen entitled to sit In tho con- vention: Third District Wm. Edmunds. Fred. Hnyselden, W. H. Cornwell br., W. R. Boote, Joo Sllva, Anton Do Ilcgo, E. Hoffmann. Harry Eldrodco. Silna t. Green. D. Quill, Thos. Stack, Claude Zcllcrs. Wm. Goodness, v"m. White, J. L. Coke, D. Eldrcdgc. Manuel Ross. W. II. Cornwell Jr. Fourth District Charles J. McCar- thy, John J. Sullivan. 13. 11. Mrfilnnn- - han, Frank Brown, Joseph S. Martin, Edmund H. Hart, J. H. Camara. John E. Bush, John D. Holt, F. S. Peachy, W. II. Johnson. James C. Onlnn Charles L. Rhodes, Dr. John S. Mc- - Urew, Cnpt. C. J. Cnmpbell. John Ellin, gcr. Ii. D. Timmons, W. S. Withers. Fifth District Julius Asch, Dr.Wob-llt- t, Eugcno P. Sullivan, W. F. 8har-rat- t, E. A. Mclnerny. James Delanv. David Crownlngbcrg, Charles David. H. J. Mossman, Wm. Abbey, Marcus Col- - Durn, David Ahumanu, F. Fernandez. Sixth District J. M .Sims. Levi Ka- uai, Geo. Mundon. A motion to proceed to permanent organization having been passed, Col. nicuaruiy was nominated by Mr. Rhodes at.d elected by acclamation. Edmund H. Hart, nominated by Major Camara,, was similarly elected permanent secretary. - Col. McCarthy, on taking tho chair, said that he hoped long speeches would not ne made. Tbo Democratic party had started hero under good prospects Ho was satisfied tho party would work for the Interests of tho country. It had tho advantage, of not containing any He called for nominations for six delegates to tho Natlonnl Demo- cratic Convention. Mr. Brown nominated E. B. John H. Wlso, David Kawa- nnnnkoa, Wm. H. Cornwell. "Mr. McClnnnhan declined for strong personal reasons. As ho had not heard all tho other names ho would nominate David Kawananakoa, John H. Wise, J. D. Holt, Wm. H. Cornwell, Charles T. Wilder, C. J. Campbell. Dr. McGrcw was nominated by Major Camara, seconded by Mr. Hayselden. but declined becnuso It would bo Im- possible for him to leave home. Mr. Withers declined n nomination, but was conxed to stand. Thero being apparently seven candi- dates, Mr. Sims and Dr. Boote were appointed tellers to take a ballot. Cap- tain Campbell stated to tho chairman at this stngn that ho positively declined to stand. Thereupon tho following gentlemen wero elected by tho Joint ballot of tho convention: David Kawananakoa. William II. Cornwell, John H. Wise, John D. Hoit. Chnrles T. Wilder, W. S. Withers. Alternates were nominated nnd elect- ed by acclamation ns follows: J .U Coko, J. M. Sims, F. Brown, Dr. McGrcw, Colonel McCarthy, Major Camara. Mr. McClannhan, In a short, but elo- quent speech, moved that tho delegates from this convention cast their voto for William Jennings Bryan as candldato for President of tho United States. The chairman, In formally announc- ing tho passage of tho resolution, said ho noticed that every tlmo tho mover had mentioned Mr. Brynn'a namo tho big light In front of tho platform flared up. Ho then called for proposals on permanent Territorial organization. Dr. Booto moved tho following reso- lution, which, being seconded by Mr. Hnyselden, carried unanimously: Plan of Orgnntznttnn. "Resolved, That tho permanent or- ganization of the Democratic parly of the Tevrltory o'f Hawaii shall consist of a Territorial Central Committee nt fifteen members selected from the sev-- feral Senatorial Districts as now con stituted, as follows: From tho First, 4; Second, 3; Third, 6; Fourth, 2. "Also, a District Central Committee of flvo In each Representative District. "Also, a Precinct Central Committor of flvo In each election precinct. "Tho duties of tho Territorial Central Commltteo shall bo the general man- agement nnd oversight of tho affairs of tho party In territorial matters; to call territorial conventions, nnd arrange for the holding of the same, and to be tho medium of communication with the Democratic National Committee, nnd they shall have powers to elect their own officers nnd mako their own rules. "Tho duties of the District Central Commltteo shall be the general man- agement nnd oversight of tho affulrs of tho party In their rcspectlvo dis- tricts; to call nlstrlct conventions and arrango for holding the same, ind gen- erally to promote tho Interests and suc- cess of tho party In their respective dis- tricts. "The duties of tho precinct Central Committees shall be to provide for holding precinct primaries, whenever bucIi nt'o called; to look nftcr and se- cure the registration of all Democratic electors, nnd secure their attendance at their respective polling places on elec- tion days, irtid generally to work with the District and Territorial Commlttccu In tho conduct of tho campaign. "That tho delegates of this Conven- tion from the several Districts shall nomlnnte to ti.ls convention tho per- sons they wish to represent them In tho Territorial Central Committee, to servo until the next Territorial Convention. "Thnt tho members of the Territorial Central Committee from each District shall ns soon as may be appoint tho District Central Commlttco each for their rcspectlvo Districts, to servo un- til tho next District convention. "That the several District Ccntrnl Committees shall select tho prcclnrt committee men for tho several pre- cincts of their districts to servo until the next District convention, when thi manner of selecting tho "District and precinct committees shall be arranged by tho District convention In such manner as shall be suited to Its local circumstances." At the suggestion of tho chairman, tho respective delegations retired apart to nominate members of tho Terrltorl il Central Committee. They returned witn tno following reports, which were adopted: Maul J. I.. Coke, W. R. Booto, F. H. Hnyselden. Oahu C. L. Rhodes. C. J. McCarthy. John E. Bush, F. S. Peachy, F. Drown, ii. p. Sullivan. Knunl Levi Knual, J. M. Sims. Mr. Sims moved a vote of thanks to 'lie commlttco that called this cunven-'Io- n, and, W.i Dr. McGrcw, Its chairman, vho had dono hard work In the natt- er. Carried. Mr. McClannhan moved "that the lecrctary bo Instructed to send it wire by tho Doric addressed lo ho National Central Committee, or Its shnlrman, Informing that committee if ho action of this convention and such other mnttcr as tho secretary shall leem best to put In tho telegram, so that arrangements may be mado lor tho reception of our delegates." Mr. Etnnger, seconding the motlin, suggested that the telegram bn mailed to Charles T. Wilder for luiusmlsHlcn. Tho motion carried. Major Camarn moviil, Mr. Rhodes seconded and It was carried that this convention adopt the platform adopted by tho recent mass meeting of Demo- crats. A vote of thanks was passed to the -- halrman nnd n.crcnry, nnd nt ! t2 tho convention ndjourncd. Booked by Atmtrnlln. Tho following nro booked to leave In the Australia tomorrow afternoon: A. K. Hartford, E. P. Walsh, A. U Young, Jns. H. Love, Dr. Hoffmann, A. Hnncbcrg and wife, Mrs. Achilles and laughter, W. F. Hcilbrun, A. Schler-holt- z, J. B. Castle, J. Dorward, D. Cen- ter, wife and 0 children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Gay, 15. P. Low nnd wife, II. P. Low nnd wife, H. Smith, W. Altken, Masters Achilles (2.) Miss Sarah Ly-cc- tt, Miss Hellbrun, Miss Elaton, G. Grccnwny, John WIbc, Mrs. Secbeckcr and child, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Morri- son, Mrs. Znngcnbcrg and daughter, Cnpt. Green, 13. Baker, J. Colman, II. Itiedcmnnn, Dr. I). Maclean, wlfo nnd Infant, Mrs. R. Love, Mrs. J. McCor-rlsto- n, Miss L, Morgnu, Mrs. J. J. Wil- liams, Mrs. English, Mrs. H. Spring, Mrs. M. A. Wulscr, MIbs J. Wnlsor, Mrs. C. G. Hlcnnrdson, Chas. Elaton nnd bride, W. J. Galhralth Jr.. W. A. Smith, Dr. J. A. Welsh, Miss E. schrat-de- r, Mlsa Belle Johnson, Mrs. Kopk, Miss G. Kopko, J. E. Miller, C. A. Mackintosh, 8. II. Comstock, Mis. S. 1'. Alexander Miss Iiughlln. Mrs. S. N. Sexton, W. H. Smith nnd wife. V. F. Boardmnn, wlfo ami child, Capt. J. A. Hnyncs, Wnltcr L. Haynes, Mrs. Totten, Mother Dolfhlna, Master Allen Haynes, E. J. Snow, wlfo nnd 2 chll-urc- T. II. McCormlck, Geo. Water-ha- N. Ohlandt, J. T. McCrosscn, E. P. Gray, Mrs. J. Sutherland, Miss M. Donohuo, Miss Zimmerman, Mlsa Paulding, Mr. and Mrs. McClnnnhan, and daughter. Miss N. Stevens, Miss rnteh, Chas. Bon and wlfo, Mrs. Herd and daughter. 11th OF JUNE. Hawaiian and American flags can bo gotten In Iwnkaml's stoic, Hotel btrect. . For Maul and Hawaii ports, per stmr. Klnau, Juno 12: For fine full dress shirts at 11.00 ueb L. B. Kerr & Co., Queen street. Thest shirts are strictly high grade as to r and quality. CLOSING SPEECHES .OP HAWAIIAN CONVENTION In the neighborhood of GOO natives among tlicra a largo number of w- omenheard tho speeches of Jas. K. Knnlla, Kalauokalanl, It. W. Wilcox and John H .Wise outsldo tho drill shed, Saturday night, In connection with the objects of the Independent party. it was nftcr 8 o'clock before tho speakers took the stand nnd then as chairman, told of the Independent party and Its objects. He made substantially the samo remarks as at tho convention of delegates In the arm sbed on tho morning of tho 6th Inst. R. W Avllcox. who followed Kn- - lauokalanl. was greeted with rounds of applause. Ho traced his work In Wash- ington on behalf of the Hawallnns. Tho speech was the same as tho ono made to the delegates. Mr. Wilcox mentioned Pettlgrew as being a great friend of Hawaii. The now things said by Mr. Wilcox wero ns follows: "Those who say wo aro antl-haol- e aro liars. We aro American nnd so are tncy. Why should wo work ngalnst our own people. Tho peoplo who have been your oppressors nro the ones who aro spreading this story nnd trying to icau you astray. Tbey wnnt to cot us under their clonlts. "They say wo nrc out for revnnup. That Is not so. What wo want Is good government and that Is what the In- dependent nnrtv stands for. Our on. pressors' sway has gone. Now ours Is norc. JuhL born. TfniiTntmlnlntil fAfiiprn.! to Ollcnn T.lllllnknlnnl tnllln,. tl.n nn lives they should always keep an aloha for her In their hearts. That could certainly do no harm. Ho stated fur- ther that, as Governor, Mr. Dolo should be respected. JnS. K. TCfltl.ln mml Ihn nlntfnrm .if the Intlnnnnilmt nnrtv nml Minn 1nnln out Into n tirade ngalnst tho mission- aries, prefacing his remarks with tho worus, "iiii tno snnKc," repeated three times. John H. Wise. Introduced by Chair man Kalauokalanl, spoke In brief ns follows: "Aloha. Somo of you have nrohablv been unable to understand what has been saw by the previous speakers In Justice to tho cause for which wo stand and, In Justice to tho Haw.allin ncoplo, I will attempt to sneak In Eng lish. "In tho first place, wo havo bein dubbed nn antl-hoa- le p'arty." Hero Mr. Wlso gavo Illustrations of tho kindness of the Huwallans to tho hnoles from tho i.me tho white mnn first landed hare. "The opposition has seen fit to claim we aro antl-haol- e. Very well, then, look nt tho record of tho past and 3ce If we have treated tho white man as ho has treated us." Mr. Wise said ho would not go back to Uio time of the missionaries as that was not necessary. "Go back only to 1890. Tho Hawallans commanded the ballot box nt that time. Of the members of tho Houso of Nobles, nine wero white men and cl?lu wcro nntlves. Follow tho history up to 1S03. Were tho natives against tho hnoles then? No. They wcro not at that tlmo nnd they nro not so now. "In1893 the whites got control of tho KOYcriiiiicui mm uii limviiuuiin wuu tun not believe ns they did wcro fired out of ofllcc. Tho fnmlly compact got hold of things nnd filled their pockets from your taxes. Did you ever sea nn Ha- waiian como out of tho Legislaiuro with his pockets full of coin.' How about the white man? Ono day he was walking through your streets with nothing whllo tho next ho wns living In a Roman mansion. You know where the money camo from. "Why lay ngalnst us tho charge thnt wo aro going In for tho spoils? Tho Hnwnllan knows his friends and thuso who stood by him when his troubles wero thickest, will never bo forgotten. "Wo aro accciiBcd of looking for Mr. Wise said that vengeance lay with God. who would certainly punish thoao who hnd been active in wrong doing. Mr. Wiso's speech ended, the people left for their homes. Nelllt on the Way. Tho present will bo tho last week when prospcctlvo patrons of tho com- ing fashionable Nelll season nt the Ha- waiian Opera Houso will have an to procuio senson tickets nnd their attending advantages. Many lo-c- al society leaders havo already secur- ed them and thero will doubtless Le n rush when others reallzo that tho tlmo Is now growing short. Tho great Nelll company leaves San Frnnulsi-- ) 'mor-ro- w and will bo hero next Wuliuwlny on tho Mariposa. Notice. Mr. J. A. Oilman was appointed and his namo used as Auditor of the Walkl-- i. Land and Association without his knowledge or consent. W. G. ASHLEY. Piesldcnt. GEO. H. PARIS, Trenaurer. Fashionable Wedding at Noon Today Miss Mabel Kealohllanl Hart of this city and Charles Allen Elston wero united In marrlngo by the Her. Alex, -a- cklntosh in St. Andrew's Cathedral shortly after 12 noon today In the presence of a lnrgo number of friends. -- -o cathedral was beautifully decor- ated with ferns, palms, greens of va- rious kinds nnu white flowers. The principal piece was a tennis net Interl- ace- with greens and marguerites and hung so ns to hau hide tho choir. It was at nbout 12:20 that Wray Tay- lor took his place at tho organ and started tho Lohengrin bridal march which was sung by tno choir. Just at this time tho mald-of-hono- r, Miss Ju- liette King, followed by the three bridesmaids and three ushers, came in from the side door and marched down the aisle. Next camo tho groom nnd his best mnn from tho vestry and then tho bride, advancing up the mlddlo aisle of tho church leaning on tho arm of her father, Judgo Hart. While tho ceremony wns being per- formed Harold Mott-Smlt- h played the intermezzo from Cavallerla Rustlcnna on his 'cello In a most ctfcctlvo man- ner, tho accompaniment being played by Wray Taylor on tho organ. As tho wedding party advanced to tho altnr, tho choir sang "Blessed are all they that fear tho Lord" and then as this part ot the service was being completed, soft strains were played on the organ. While the wedding party was march- ing out to tho vestry to register tho choir sang the hymn that is used ex- clusively at such a time. Mendelssohn's wedding mnrch was played as they re- turned and mnrcucd out ot the church with the guests following. The nowly married couple with the wedding party went immediately to Walklkl where the wedding breakfast wns served. The best man was Gcorgo Fuller and mald-of-hono- r, Miss Jullctto King. The bridesmaids wcro Miss Eula Els ton, a sister of the groom, Miss Gret- - chen Kop-- e and Miss Elston, while tho ushers wcro Robert Mist, C. E. Jncox and Arthur Mackintosh. Tno bride wore a white satin gown with a train anu a largo hat with white fcathors. Sho carried a bunch ot whlto carnations with maiden hair and a trailing spray ot decoratlvo asparagus. Th) bridesmaids wcro all dressed In pink with black velvet trimmings and b.ack hats with plumes. Each carried a bunch of maiden ha.. Uou with pink satin ribbons. Bonds for the Oltlcers. Having received a commission, tho first responsibility of the Federal ap- pointees In tho Territory will be to secure bonds. Whllo Hawaii was In- dependent It was necessary to secure personal signatures to the bonds of officials. Under tho United States rule a change In the Interests of the officers, Is mnoe, that will cnablo all officers to. sucuro their bonds without calling imnn lliplr friends. Tim T'nrlflp Snretv Cumnanv of which Gcnr, Lansing & Co. nro tho local agents, Is recognized by tno united States Government ns surety on all bonds or nil omccrs. uonus ot all Federal otilccrs on tho Pacific Coast aro endorsed by this company. This is an opportunity which will bo a boon to all olllcers under me national Call nt Gear. I.anslnc'8 In surance department, Merchant street Tho Evpnlng Bulletin. 7R cents per month ii A LA1GE SHIPMENT OF Boys' Shoes .... Just opened by the Manufacturers' Shoe Co Our stock Is now replete with Rood fits, good style and good wear. If you cannot come In with your children, end them In and they will re celve just the same care and attention and their eft will be just as carefully fitted, as If you were with them. We'll fit tle foot If you'll fort th bill, and promise you that bith will b satlfactoy .'ii t '4., ' "li JmL . fe jp - 7- - rlMrt f"

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Page 1: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots


' -

WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5BHZ


i Evening-- ' Bulletin LNB VOTE FOR,

VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN. tiibMobtt-pCpul- ar


Vol. VIJI. No. 1555. HONOLULU. H. I.. TUESDAY, JUNE 12. 1000. Pbiob 5 Okkts.


. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-

waiian Jockty Clob.

Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De- tail of

Breots of Saturday and lbs ilth - Jolly

Crowd and Good Ordr.

Tk Hawaiian Jockey Club Uas everyreason to be proud of the raco meets atKaplolant Park 6n the ath nnd lllh.Evcrythlnrwaa done in an ordcilyjmdquiet way, and thero was a dispatch

bout the running off of the mcea thatwas moat acceptable to everyone. Theofficers of the Jockey Club, and partic-ularly the secretary, MK Paiil It. Iscu-ber- A

were Indefatigable in their effortsto make people comfortable. Therowas a good crowd out Saturday nttcr-noo- n,

but yesterday the grand standwas packed to overflowing, while thefonccs were lined with peoplo nearlythe whole way around tho track.

The flrst day's racing was ns follows:One-mll- o btcyclo raco Prize, Ster-

ling bicycle, presented by C. J. McCar-thy. Won by It. A. Dexter In 2:41. J.F. Sllva second nnd Emll Ncbrw.htthird.

Maiden race. dash forall horses that have never won n. ruePurse, 100. Won by Naples In 0:49 5.

Ahulmanu second.lo dash, free for nil-P- urse,

$150. Won by Sir Cnsslmlr In0:49 t. Venus second.

dash, freo for nil-P- urse,

1200. Won by Gnrtcllno In 1:02.Vlorls second.

Merchants purso. Trotting and pac-ing to harness (best 2 In 3.)Thrco-mln-uto'ela-

PurBo $150. Won by AlbertM. In 2:29 5 nnd 2:31 .,. Fred Erossecond .

FIvc-clgh- ts mllo dash for Hawaiianbreds. Purso 1160. Won by AmarlnoIn 1:00. Antidote second.

Ono mllo dash, free-for-a- Purso$200. Won by Aggravation In 1:47.Wcllcr second.

Tho races of tho 11th were as j:

CAie-ha- lf mllo foot race, free-for-a- ll.

l4lze, gold medal. Won by A. J.Coats In 2:12 5. Three entries.

Union Feed Co.'s Cup, free-for-a- ll. Tobe won twice. $150 added. Won byVlorls in :49. Venus second.

Trotting and pacing to harness, 2:24class, best 2 In 3. Purse $150. Won byDirectress In 2:28 and 2:2894. nillysecond.

Flvc-clgtai- B mile dash for maidens.Purse $150. Won by Ahulmanu In 1:03

5. Flamerct second.California Feced Co.'s Cup, trotting

and pacing, for Hawaiian breds, best 2in 3. $100 added. Won by Lcalil In2:T5DV4 nnd 3:05. First heat won byEdith It. In :31.

Irwin Cup. One-mll- o dash for Ha-

waiian breds. To be won twice bymembers of Jockey Club. $150 added.Won by Antidote In 1:48, Amarlno aclose second.

Italnlcr Cup (presented by Scnttlollrowlng & Malting Co.) Trotting midpacing, free-for-a- best 2 In 3 '1 o Da

won twice. $200 added. Won by Vlollain 2:20 and 2:19 5.

Waikapu Cup. Throe-fourt- mllodash, free-for-a- ll, Venus' record of 1:16to be beaten $150 added, .on by Gnr-tell- ne

In 1:16, Sir Casslmlr second.Roslta Challcngo Cup. One-mll- o

dash, frec-for-n- Winner to beat tlmoof Anglo A., 1:45. Purso $200 and$50 added it record Is beaten. Won by

The United States CustomHouse. Post" Office andInternal Revenue De

L partments Accept theBonds Issued by thePaclfc Surety Company.

This Company Issues bonds of surety-

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TO EMPLOYES, this Company willpresent the advantages of enabling ou to

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The Bonds of this Company are accepted

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Insurance Department, Judd Building.



Vlorls In 1:45. Aggrava..on second,Record broken.

Criterion Cup. Ono and one-ha- lf mllodash, rrec-for-a- To bo won twlco.$50 added. Won by Wcllcr In i:47.General cronjc second.

Consolation race. Purse $160. Wonby Evcrcth in 1:48. Allegro secondarid Ocnernl Cronjo third.

Notes.Late In tho forenoon Marshal Dorwn

ordered no more beer or liquor soldand the men under tho grandstandwere forced to shut down. Later on,they wore allowed to sell beer only.This refreshment ran out at about 3:30and there wore, of course, calls for"hard stuff" but Paddy Ryan and hisassociates kept their word and wouldnot serve a drop, serving out Ico waterfree of charge. .

Tho newspaper men are more thanthankful to the members of the JockeyClub for tho kindness they havp shownIn provtdfng such an excellent box forthem. They wcro made exceedinglycomfortnblo by this foresight.

McAullffe, tho Jockey who rodo Al-legro In tho third race yesterday wascalled from tho star.lng point andmade to pay a previous tine of $100 be-fo- ro

riding In tho raco. This was aboutthe only delay In the nay's sport.

A large crowd collected on tho roofof the Jockey Club stand yesterday.Somo of tho people refused to comedown so Captain Parker and his officersdid wietr duty.

Directress traveled like a machineIn tiio second race yesterday.

The "nlggcr-ln-thc-slo- t" combinationback of the grandstand mado a lot ofmoney Saturday.

Jimmy Logue caught the Jockeys ofnnd Allegro napping In tho

third race Saturday and got a big lendwith Ahulmanu, winning tho contesteasily.

The saddling paddock was handledIn fine shape. A very few peoplo weroallowed In, thus permitting of des-patch, f

Prince David Knwanauakoa had anumber of his friends for luncheon athis stand yesterday. Hawaiian flagswcro prominent.

Marshal Hrown, Deputy MarshalChlllingwortb, and Captains Parkerand Fox did excellent work at thetrack yesterday. There was absolutelyno bolstcrousncss.


Internal Revenue Apposlntnicnts.District Deputy Inspector Frlck of

tho Internal Revenue service bus madethe following appointments for theTerritory of Hawaii: '

W. F. Drake, to be Deputy Collectorat Honolulu.

P. M. Lansdale, to be TravelingDeputy Collector.

Mr. Drake has been .In the Hawaiiancustoms service for somo tlmo past.


Charles Clark, the young Hawaiianwho was left In chargo of the Kallhldetention camp when tho placo wasclosed, met with an accident Sundaythat will Keep him In bed for tho bestpart of two months.

Clnrk was driving about tho place Intho camp wagon when his horse took anotion to run away. In order to bo

better able to check tho animal, Clarkstood up and began to tug at the reins.

Tho linrnn Rllilllpnlv kicked furlOUSh

and caught Clark in tho leg, Just belowtho knee, causing a compound fracture and a very uau external wounu.

As soon as possible Dr. Howard wentnut in tim ramn nnd attended to tho Injured mnn. Ho was taken to his homonear Captain Paraera ou Mima street.

Tho leg cannot be set just now as uia nnKnscfirv Hint tho extcrnnl woundshall be healed before a plaster castcan bo used.

Departing Democratic Delcgntea.Prince David Kawannnnkoa, John H.ise, Col. Wm. H. Cornwell and Col.

John D. Holt, four of tho six delegatesto tno National Democratic Conventionelected las tnight, will leayo for Kan-

sas City, Mlssourf, in tho steamer Aus-

tralia tomorrow.i

Opium Towed to Sen.Tho tug towea 3454 tins o opium to

sea on scows this morning and, whennt a proper dUtance outBlde, tho Unawcro cut open and tho contents dumpedInto the sea. Dr. C. L. Garvin hadcharge of tho work.


TAIN PEN. All sues, all shapes. H. F.WICHJ'-AN- .


Gent's. Hermsdorf dye black box su-

perior quality, two pairs for 25 cents,nt L. B. Kerr & Co.'s. Queen street forone week only: don't fall to sco them.



Day and Night cussesA. COWAN.

ROOMS ii-- h. vt Floor f 9 A, H.4 P. M

nou- u- r.y-v- .y P, a '



Ho Representative of Island of Hawaii

lo Organization.

Delegates and Alternates lo National Conven-

tion - Instrucied for Bryan Territorial

Organization Scheme,

Col. C. J. McCarthy called the Ter-ritorial Democratic Convention to or-der nt 8:10 p. m. yestcrdny. It tookaoout ten seconds for tho meeting toelect Frank Drown temporary chair-man by acclamation.

Mr. Brown thanked the mcetlngortho honor before ascending tho plat-form.

J. M. Sims of Kauai was elected tem-porary secretary.

On motion the chairman appointed ncommittee of credentials ,ono memberfor each district, viz.: 1 and 2, no dcle-gat- o

present; 3, Dr. Boote: 4, W. H.Johnson; 5, Eugcno F. Sullivan; C, J.M. Sims. The commlttco retired andbrought a report finding the followinggentlemen entitled to sit In tho con-vention:

Third District Wm. Edmunds. Fred.Hnyselden, W. H. Cornwell br., W. R.Boote, Joo Sllva, Anton Do Ilcgo, E.Hoffmann. Harry Eldrodco. Silna t.Green. D. Quill, Thos. Stack, ClaudeZcllcrs. Wm. Goodness, v"m. White,J. L. Coke, D. Eldrcdgc. Manuel Ross.W. II. Cornwell Jr.

Fourth District Charles J. McCar-thy, John J. Sullivan. 13. 11. Mrfilnnn- -han, Frank Brown, Joseph S. Martin,Edmund H. Hart, J. H. Camara. JohnE. Bush, John D. Holt, F. S. Peachy,W. II. Johnson. James C. OnlnnCharles L. Rhodes, Dr. John S. Mc--Urew, Cnpt. C. J. Cnmpbell. John Ellin,gcr. Ii. D. Timmons, W. S. Withers.

Fifth District Julius Asch, Dr.Wob-llt- t,

Eugcno P. Sullivan, W. F. 8har-rat- t,

E. A. Mclnerny. James Delanv.David Crownlngbcrg, Charles David. H.J. Mossman, Wm. Abbey, Marcus Col- -Durn, David Ahumanu, F. Fernandez.

Sixth District J. M .Sims. Levi Ka-uai, Geo. Mundon.

A motion to proceed to permanentorganization having been passed, Col.nicuaruiy was nominated by Mr.Rhodes at.d elected by acclamation.

Edmund H. Hart, nominated byMajor Camara,, was similarly electedpermanent secretary. -

Col. McCarthy, on taking tho chair,said that he hoped long speeches wouldnot ne made. Tbo Democratic partyhad started hero under good prospectsHo was satisfied tho party would workfor the Interests of tho country. It hadtho advantage, of not containing any

He called for nominationsfor six delegates to tho Natlonnl Demo-cratic Convention.

Mr. Brown nominated E. B.John H. Wlso, David Kawa-

nnnnkoa, Wm. H. Cornwell."Mr. McClnnnhan declined for strong

personal reasons. As ho had not heardall tho other names ho would nominateDavid Kawananakoa, John H. Wise,J. D. Holt, Wm. H. Cornwell, CharlesT. Wilder, C. J. Campbell.

Dr. McGrcw was nominated by MajorCamara, seconded by Mr. Hayselden.but declined becnuso It would bo Im-possible for him to leave home.

Mr. Withers declined n nomination,but was conxed to stand.

Thero being apparently seven candi-dates, Mr. Sims and Dr. Boote wereappointed tellers to take a ballot. Cap-tain Campbell stated to tho chairmanat this stngn that ho positively declinedto stand. Thereupon tho followinggentlemen wero elected by tho Jointballot of tho convention:

David Kawananakoa.William II. Cornwell,John H. Wise,John D. Hoit.Chnrles T. Wilder,W. S. Withers.Alternates were nominated nnd elect-

ed by acclamation ns follows:J .U Coko,J. M. Sims,F. Brown,Dr. McGrcw,Colonel McCarthy,Major Camara.Mr. McClannhan, In a short, but elo-

quent speech, moved that tho delegatesfrom this convention cast their voto forWilliam Jennings Bryan as candldatofor President of tho United States.

The chairman, In formally announc-ing tho passage of tho resolution, saidho noticed that every tlmo tho moverhad mentioned Mr. Brynn'a namo thobig light In front of tho platform flaredup. Ho then called for proposals onpermanent Territorial organization.

Dr. Booto moved tho following reso-lution, which, being seconded by Mr.Hnyselden, carried unanimously:

Plan of Orgnntznttnn."Resolved, That tho permanent or-

ganization of the Democratic parly ofthe Tevrltory o'f Hawaii shall consistof a Territorial Central Committee ntfifteen members selected from the sev--

feral Senatorial Districts as now constituted, as follows: From tho First,4; Second, 3; Third, 6; Fourth, 2.

"Also, a District Central Committeeof flvo In each Representative District.

"Also, a Precinct Central Committorof flvo In each election precinct.

"Tho duties of tho Territorial CentralCommltteo shall bo the general man-agement nnd oversight of tho affairs oftho party In territorial matters; to callterritorial conventions, nnd arrange forthe holding of the same, and to be thomedium of communication with theDemocratic National Committee, nndthey shall have powers to elect theirown officers nnd mako their own rules.

"Tho duties of the District CentralCommltteo shall be the general man-agement nnd oversight of tho affulrsof tho party In their rcspectlvo dis-tricts; to call nlstrlct conventions andarrango for holding the same, ind gen-erally to promote tho Interests and suc-cess of tho party In their respective dis-tricts.

"The duties of tho precinct CentralCommittees shall be to provide forholding precinct primaries, wheneverbucIi nt'o called; to look nftcr and se-cure the registration of all Democraticelectors, nnd secure their attendance attheir respective polling places on elec-tion days, irtid generally to work withthe District and Territorial CommlttccuIn tho conduct of tho campaign.

"That tho delegates of this Conven-tion from the several Districts shallnomlnnte to ti.ls convention tho per-sons they wish to represent them In thoTerritorial Central Committee, to servountil the next Territorial Convention.

"Thnt tho members of the TerritorialCentral Committee from each Districtshall ns soon as may be appoint thoDistrict Central Commlttco each fortheir rcspectlvo Districts, to servo un-til tho next District convention.

"That the several District CcntrnlCommittees shall select tho prcclnrtcommittee men for tho several pre-cincts of their districts to servo untilthe next District convention, when thimanner of selecting tho "District andprecinct committees shall be arrangedby tho District convention In suchmanner as shall be suited to Its localcircumstances."

At the suggestion of tho chairman,tho respective delegations retired apartto nominate members of tho Terrltorl ilCentral Committee. They returnedwitn tno following reports, which wereadopted:

Maul J. I.. Coke, W. R. Booto, F. H.Hnyselden.

Oahu C. L. Rhodes. C. J. McCarthy.John E. Bush, F. S. Peachy, F. Drown,ii. p. Sullivan.

Knunl Levi Knual, J. M. Sims.Mr. Sims moved a vote of thanks to

'lie commlttco that called this cunven-'Io- n,

and, W.i Dr. McGrcw, Its chairman,vho had dono hard work In the natt-er. Carried.

Mr. McClannhan moved "that thelecrctary bo Instructed to send it wireby tho Doric addressed loho National Central Committee, or Itsshnlrman, Informing that committee ifho action of this convention and such

other mnttcr as tho secretary shallleem best to put In tho telegram, sothat arrangements may be mado lortho reception of our delegates."

Mr. Etnnger, seconding the motlin,suggested that the telegram bn mailedto Charles T. Wilder for luiusmlsHlcn.

Tho motion carried.Major Camarn moviil, Mr. Rhodes

seconded and It was carried that thisconvention adopt the platform adoptedby tho recent mass meeting of Demo-crats.

A vote of thanks was passed to the-- halrman nnd n.crcnry, nnd nt ! t2tho convention ndjourncd.

Booked by Atmtrnlln.Tho following nro booked to leave In

the Australia tomorrow afternoon:A. K. Hartford, E. P. Walsh, A. U

Young, Jns. H. Love, Dr. Hoffmann, A.Hnncbcrg and wife, Mrs. Achilles andlaughter, W. F. Hcilbrun, A. Schler-holt- z,

J. B. Castle, J. Dorward, D. Cen-ter, wife and 0 children, Mr. nnd Mrs.Francis Gay, 15. P. Low nnd wife, II.P. Low nnd wife, H. Smith, W. Altken,Masters Achilles (2.) Miss Sarah Ly-cc- tt,

Miss Hellbrun, Miss Elaton, G.Grccnwny, John WIbc, Mrs. Secbeckcrand child, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Morri-son, Mrs. Znngcnbcrg and daughter,Cnpt. Green, 13. Baker, J. Colman, II.Itiedcmnnn, Dr. I). Maclean, wlfo nndInfant, Mrs. R. Love, Mrs. J. McCor-rlsto- n,

Miss L, Morgnu, Mrs. J. J. Wil-liams, Mrs. English, Mrs. H. Spring,Mrs. M. A. Wulscr, MIbs J. Wnlsor,Mrs. C. G. Hlcnnrdson, Chas. Elatonnnd bride, W. J. Galhralth Jr.. W. A.Smith, Dr. J. A. Welsh, Miss E. schrat-de-r,

Mlsa Belle Johnson, Mrs. Kopk,Miss G. Kopko, J. E. Miller, C. A.Mackintosh, 8. II. Comstock, Mis. S.1'. Alexander Miss Iiughlln. Mrs.S. N. Sexton, W. H. Smith nnd wife.

V. F. Boardmnn, wlfo ami child, Capt.J. A. Hnyncs, Wnltcr L. Haynes, Mrs.Totten, Mother Dolfhlna, Master AllenHaynes, E. J. Snow, wlfo nnd 2 chll-urc-

T. II. McCormlck, Geo. Water-ha-

N. Ohlandt, J. T. McCrosscn, E.P. Gray, Mrs. J. Sutherland, Miss M.Donohuo, Miss Zimmerman, MlsaPaulding, Mr. and Mrs. McClnnnhan,and daughter. Miss N. Stevens, Missrnteh, Chas. Bon and wlfo, Mrs. Herdand daughter.

11th OF JUNE.Hawaiian and American flags can bo

gotten In Iwnkaml's stoic, Hotel btrect..

For Maul and Hawaii ports, perstmr. Klnau, Juno 12:

For fine full dress shirts at 11.00 uebL. B. Kerr & Co., Queen street. Thestshirts are strictly high grade as to rand quality.



In the neighborhood of GOO nativesamong tlicra a largo number of w-omenheard tho speeches of Jas. K.Knnlla, Kalauokalanl, It. W. Wilcoxand John H .Wise outsldo tho drillshed, Saturday night, In connectionwith the objects of the Independentparty.

it was nftcr 8 o'clock before thospeakers took the stand nnd then

as chairman, told of theIndependent party and Its objects. Hemade substantially the samo remarksas at tho convention of delegates In thearm sbed on tho morning of tho 6thInst. R. W Avllcox. who followed Kn- -lauokalanl. was greeted with rounds ofapplause. Ho traced his work In Wash-ington on behalf of the Hawallnns.Tho speech was the same as tho onomade to the delegates. Mr. Wilcoxmentioned Pettlgrew as being a greatfriend of Hawaii. The now things saidby Mr. Wilcox wero ns follows:

"Those who say wo aro antl-haol- e

aro liars. We aro American nnd so aretncy. Why should wo work ngalnstour own people. Tho peoplo who havebeen your oppressors nro the ones whoaro spreading this story nnd trying toicau you astray. Tbey wnnt to cot usunder their clonlts.

"They say wo nrc out for revnnup.That Is not so. What wo want Is goodgovernment and that Is what the In-dependent nnrtv stands for. Our on.pressors' sway has gone. Now ours Isnorc.

JuhL born. TfniiTntmlnlntil fAfiiprn.!to Ollcnn T.lllllnknlnnl tnllln,. tl.n nnlives they should always keep an alohafor her In their hearts. That couldcertainly do no harm. Ho stated fur-ther that, as Governor, Mr. Dolo shouldbe respected.

JnS. K. TCfltl.ln mml Ihn nlntfnrm .ifthe Intlnnnnilmt nnrtv nml Minn 1nnlnout Into n tirade ngalnst tho mission-aries, prefacing his remarks with thoworus, "iiii tno snnKc," repeated threetimes.

John H. Wise. Introduced by Chairman Kalauokalanl, spoke In brief nsfollows:

"Aloha. Somo of you have nrohablvbeen unable to understand what hasbeen saw by the previous speakersIn Justice to tho cause for which wostand and, In Justice to tho Haw.allinncoplo, I will attempt to sneak In English.

"In tho first place, wo havo beindubbed nn antl-hoa- le p'arty." Hero Mr.Wlso gavo Illustrations of tho kindnessof the Huwallans to tho hnoles fromtho i.me tho white mnn first landedhare.

"The opposition has seen fit to claimwe aro antl-haol- e. Very well, then,look nt tho record of tho past and 3ceIf we have treated tho white man as hohas treated us."

Mr. Wise said ho would not go backto Uio time of the missionaries as thatwas not necessary. "Go back only to1890. Tho Hawallans commanded theballot box nt that time. Of the

members of tho Houso of Nobles,nine wero white men and cl?lu wcronntlves. Follow tho history up to 1S03.Were tho natives against tho hnolesthen? No. They wcro not at thattlmo nnd they nro not so now.

"In1893 the whites got control of thoKOYcriiiiicui mm uii limviiuuiin wuu tunnot believe ns they did wcro fired outof ofllcc. Tho fnmlly compact got holdof things nnd filled their pockets fromyour taxes. Did you ever sea nn Ha-waiian como out of tho Legislaiurowith his pockets full of coin.' Howabout the white man? Ono day he waswalking through your streets withnothing whllo tho next ho wns living Ina Roman mansion. You know wherethe money camo from.

"Why lay ngalnst us tho charge thntwo aro going In for tho spoils? ThoHnwnllan knows his friends and thusowho stood by him when his troubleswero thickest, will never bo forgotten.

"Wo aro accciiBcd of looking for

Mr. Wise said that vengeance laywith God. who would certainly punishthoao who hnd been active in wrongdoing.

Mr. Wiso's speech ended, the peopleleft for their homes.

Nelllt on the Way.Tho present will bo tho last week

when prospcctlvo patrons of tho com-

ing fashionable Nelll season nt the Ha-

waiian Opera Houso will have anto procuio senson tickets nnd

their attending advantages. Many lo-c- al

society leaders havo already secur-

ed them and thero will doubtless Le n

rush when others reallzo that tho tlmoIs now growing short. Tho great Nelllcompany leaves San Frnnulsi-- ) 'mor-ro- w

and will bo hero next Wuliuwlnyon tho Mariposa.

Notice.Mr. J. A. Oilman was appointed and

his namo used as Auditor of the Walkl-- i.

Land and Association withouthis knowledge or consent.

W. G. ASHLEY.Piesldcnt.

GEO. H. PARIS,Trenaurer.

Fashionable Wedding

at Noon Today

Miss Mabel Kealohllanl Hart of thiscity and Charles Allen Elston werounited In marrlngo by the Her. Alex,-a- cklntosh in St. Andrew's Cathedralshortly after 12 noon today In thepresence of a lnrgo number of friends.

-- -o cathedral was beautifully decor-ated with ferns, palms, greens of va-rious kinds nnu white flowers. Theprincipal piece was a tennis net Interl-ace- with greens and marguerites andhung so ns to hau hide tho choir.

It was at nbout 12:20 that Wray Tay-lor took his place at tho organ andstarted tho Lohengrin bridal marchwhich was sung by tno choir. Just atthis time tho mald-of-hono- r, Miss Ju-liette King, followed by the threebridesmaids and three ushers, came infrom the side door and marched downthe aisle. Next camo tho groom nndhis best mnn from tho vestry and thentho bride, advancing up the mlddloaisle of tho church leaning on tho armof her father, Judgo Hart.

While tho ceremony wns being per-formed Harold Mott-Smlt- h played theintermezzo from Cavallerla Rustlcnnaon his 'cello In a most ctfcctlvo man-ner, tho accompaniment being playedby Wray Taylor on tho organ.

As tho wedding party advanced totho altnr, tho choir sang "Blessed areall they that fear tho Lord" and thenas this part ot the service was beingcompleted, soft strains were played onthe organ.

While the wedding party was march-ing out to tho vestry to register thochoir sang the hymn that is used ex-clusively at such a time. Mendelssohn'swedding mnrch was played as they re-turned and mnrcucd out ot the churchwith the guests following. The nowlymarried couple with the wedding partywent immediately to Walklkl wherethe wedding breakfast wns served.

The best man was Gcorgo Fuller andmald-of-hono- r, Miss Jullctto King.The bridesmaids wcro Miss Eula Elston, a sister of the groom, Miss Gret- -chen Kop-- e and Miss Elston, while thoushers wcro Robert Mist, C. E. Jncoxand Arthur Mackintosh.

Tno bride wore a white satin gownwith a train anu a largo hat with whitefcathors. Sho carried a bunch ot whltocarnations with maiden hair and atrailing spray ot decoratlvo asparagus.Th) bridesmaids wcro all dressed Inpink with black velvet trimmings andb.ack hats with plumes. Each carrieda bunch of maiden ha.. Uou with pinksatin ribbons.

Bonds for the Oltlcers.Having received a commission, tho

first responsibility of the Federal ap-

pointees In tho Territory will be tosecure bonds. Whllo Hawaii was In-

dependent It was necessary to securepersonal signatures to the bonds ofofficials. Under tho United States rulea change In the Interests of the officers,Is mnoe, that will cnablo all officers to.sucuro their bonds without callingimnn lliplr friends.

Tim T'nrlflp Snretv Cumnanv of whichGcnr, Lansing & Co. nro tho localagents, Is recognized by tno unitedStates Government ns surety on allbonds or nil omccrs. uonus otall Federal otilccrs on tho Pacific Coastaro endorsed by this company. This isan opportunity which will bo a boonto all olllcers under me national

Call nt Gear. I.anslnc'8 Insurance department, Merchant street

Tho Evpnlng Bulletin. 7R cents permonth



Boys' Shoes

.... Just opened by the

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Our stock Is now replete with Rood fits,good style and good wear.

If you cannot come In with yourchildren, end them In and they will recelve just the same care and attentionand their eft will be just as carefullyfitted, as If you were with them.

We'll fit tle foot If you'll fort thbill, and promise you that bith will bsatlfactoy



'4.,' "liJmL .fe jp -7-


rlMrt f"

Page 2: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots

!r"?W 'TTFm v v


& A

V ? UVENlNcTT'trLLETlN: HONOLULU. H. 1., TIE'ITAE.-JUM-fi 12. '.,


kWara Vnu nt111110 iuu at

Everybody seemed to enjoy looking at the DaintyCol rings, New Designs and Large Assortment.

What we have shown is only a "drop in tha a

bucket' to what we will have arriving by everysteamer. 1

We will carry the latest creations.

H n1l Ui ivnt-fl- i vnur uiliilf in narrnrii7 lliis r.nrv ?!II Kill HW 1IVI.II ;UIH

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Open Day - ani - Wight !

An Experienced Caterer will attend to Outside Orders 1


Fre6h Oysters ? Gtme In Season; Etc., EicEST .A.T A.L.3L. HOURS ! "a

GrillRoimfoi Ladies and Private Parties op stairs--o-


UAKMUMY U)UUfcJ NO. 3,I. O. O. F.,

Meet erery Monday evening at 7:30to Harmon Hall. King street.

j. d. McVeigh, n. a.B. R. HENDRY, SecroUry.

aH vMUmg krothers tcry cordiallyMTttrt.

ITTBTIO LODGE. No. 2. K. ot P.Meet rrtry Wednesday evening at

r:M o'clock. CasUe Hall, Fort street,TaatUnf krUers cordially Invited toHtm. 8. 3. SALTER, C. C.


R. A. M.Meets erery third Thursday evening

B. Maaonlc Temple. All visiting cora-alo-

cordially Invltid.A. F. QILFILLAN, H. P.


No. 1, K. T.Meets la Masonic Templo on the ucc- -

Md Thursday evening of each month.il Ylsttiag Sir Knlghta courteously

tented.HENRY E. COOPER, B. C.

3. P. TUCKER. Recorder.OAHU LODUE No. 1, K. ot P.

Meet every Friday evening at theirTaatle Hall. 4204 Fort street, at 7:30.Jfenbere ot Mystic Lodge No. 2, andHalting brothers, cordially Invited.



CROIX,No. 1, A. & A.. S. R.

Meets the flrrt Thursday in eachonth, at Masonic Temple.. SojournS and visiting brothers cordially in- -

flUd to attend all mretlngn.W. M., FRANK B. AUERDACH.



No. 124, A. & A. S. Rite,tated meetings on iho Inst Monday

M each month, In Its hall, MasonicTtmple.

C. M. WHITE. W. M.H. B. FRIEL. Secretary

GEO. W. Do LONU P03 lo"45. O A. R.

Department ot California and Neva-I- k.

meets at HHrmouy Hell, Kingtratt, Orst TbursJay nvenlng of every

aauh. 8oournlUK cumiadcs aro cor-Uai-

Invited to attend.W L. EATON, P. C.


". & A. ai.tated meetings, first Monday each

Month. Special meetings, when called(will be noted In this apaco.)

Mebcra Lodge Le Progres, Pacificedge, and all aojournlng brethren

WrttaUy tartUd.J. M. OAT. W. M.

K. R. O. WALLACE, Secretary.

No. 32.Bayl do you know where I can get .

good carriage? Sure) At tha UawaHan Hotel Carriage Co., corner Hoteand Richards streets. TeL tl. Notlng but Orst class carriages ant iperlenced drivers.

j- - tv

4Via US Am 9 5tuo riioL

""" IlllLi Uiw.v.

r ' n

.w " as



Capita Stock $100,000.

Capital, paid up, $48,800


W. C, Achl...... ...President A Manage'M. K. Nakulna .. Vice PresidentJ. Makalnai .Treasure!Enoch Juhnon HooieiaryGeo. L. Dean Audltoi


Jonsli Kurcalao.J. Makalnai

J. W. Blplkane

The above Company will buy, nasnor soil lands In all )rts of tbo HawaiianItlanus; and also lms houses in the Cityof Hnlinlii'U for lent. l4K0--

l.W. MtRRlll. H. G. Middleditch


Collecting Agency,II J KAAHUA1ANU ST.

Makes A of MonthlyAccounts and Rents.

Kii?g Street, near Fort.GKEO. Proprietor.





L?W lion;





Tho Orphcum tonight.A Rambler bicycle has been found.

Sco Found column.For that tired feeling take a rido

up Pacific Heights.The Gaelic Is due from San Francisco

tomorrow morning.The Australia sails for San Fran-

cisco at 4 p. m. tomorrow.Harmony Lodge, No. 3, I. 0. O. F.,

mectB tonight at 7:30 In Harmony Hall.WEDDING STATIONERY. Engraved

Cards, Embossing.II. F. WICHMAN.

iMlccly furnished rooms at tho Pop-

ular House, 1G4 Fort street, from $1.00per week up.

Judging from tho number of binwheels on tho streets tho Tribune mustbra very popular wheel.

Pure bred Berkshire pigs for breed-ing purposes aio offered for sale bythe Honolulu Stock Yards Co., Ltd.

Tho Aorangl brought a consignmentof fresh halibut, fresh herring nndfresh smelt for the Metropolitan MeatCo.

All outstanding bills against the Col-lector Oeneral of Customs must bo Inby June 30th. Sec Notice under NowToday.

Fireworks, assorted, In cases forfamily use at satisfactory prices can bohad nt the I. X. L. on Bcretanla street.See ad.

The Annie Johnson, Falls of Clyde,Martha Davis, S. O. Wilder and Sus-quehanna were at Hllo when tho.Klnausailed the other day.

Tho schooner Honolpu Balled fromHonolpu for San Francisco Juno 2 witha cargo of 1C.74C bags of Biigar weigh-ing 1,9S3,9CI pounds nnd valued at

The schooner Henry Wilson sailedfor San Francisco from Mnhukonn June2 with a cargo of II PIG baga of sugarweighing 1,4'iO.CKi pounds nnd valuednt $59,971.51.

The funeral of the late Miss Reustook place from tho undertaking par-lors of H. H. Williams yesterday af-ternoon. Interimuit to.k placn In M.i-kl-

cemetery.News comes from Maul that Capt.

Plltz of tho Robert Scarle reports pass-ing the wreck of n.vessel In lat. 18 20Nand Ion. 115 40 W. Captnln Plltz madeher out to bo n schooner.

For artistic store or window fixingsyou can do no better thnn go to Lowers& Cooke. They aro fully prepared tofit out stores with any kind of Interiorfittings or furniture. Sec their ad onpago 6.

The O. & O. S. S. Doric arrived Inport closo upon noon yesterday with760 tons of Oriental freight consignedto H. Hackfcld & Co. Sho sailed fromHongkong May 23, Shanghai May 20,Nagasaki May 28, Kobe May 30' and Yo-kohama June 2. The Doric sails forSan Francisco nt 5 p. m. today.

At a meeting of tho Hawaiian Evan-gelical Association Friday night therowas an inclination shown to unite thoHawaiian Congregational churcheswith tho Congregational Church of thoUnited States. 'The following commit-tee was appointed to consider the mat-ter of a monument to the missionaryfathers: Revs. Emerson, Desha, TImo- -tco, Ezera, Davis, Lydgate and Kollno.

The excellence of the cravonenlargements from small por-traits and miniatur photoreproductions mounted innrooches and pins made byKW Bros, have earned thecommendations of their cus-tomer;.

.Kinp; Bros, have been in thisline for years and can be de-

pended upon. If vou wantanything of this sort drop atine or call at their store.

Hotel street between Fortand Union.

J "iiii. a I

CHAS. 0. WALKER,Designer .M Builder of lllch-Gr.d- e

Yachts, Boats and Launches!Works, 65, KING ST.

P. O. Box;6)) Telephone 760


FLOUR.Whitestand Best.

rhe Washington

Mercantile Co., Ltd.





Diarrhoea, Dysentery,

Summer Complaint

and all

Irregularities of, the Bowels I


Guavas !

-- Pleasant to the Taste- -

Hollisier Drug Co.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Corner Alakea and HalekauwIlaSts,,

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical GoodsConstantly on Hand.

Estimates given for house wirlnjand electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

A. GARTLEY,General Manage

All Hail the 11th of June!And Admission Day!

We have been singularly fortunate in the arrival, just us they will

be most in demand, of a line of Ladies' Waists and Skirts, CoachingParasols, etc.

Ladles' Shirt Waists.Ve have a very complete line of Shirt Waists, comprising every-

thing latest and new, in both white and colors, in all the popular sizes v

and ranging all the way from Si.3S to 85.00. They erne In Swiss,Nainsook, Cambric, Chambray, etc., and are cut and trimmed and puttogether in such a mannei as to excite the admiration of all wh see them

Ladles' Skirts.Of these we had just received a very large assortment, a very few

of a kind, but a large number of styles and kinds. We have themmade of White Pique in all sorts of styles.

We have them perfectly plain, some trimmed slightly, others more

elaborately and some a combination of Pique, Embroidery applique etc

that it required an artist to conceive. "We have skirts made of Linen,of Cotton Covert Cloth and other colored materials, in both long andshort suitable for driving, riding, wheeling, anything

Parasols, Parasols.Of these we have a fplenold assortment to choose from, from the elaVjrate lace

trimmed ones to the more practical coaching parasol In colois or black.

B. F. EHLERS & CO.By the Barks "J. C. Pflueger" and "itt. E. Watson"


Morton's and Crosse & Blackwell's Groceries Bicarbonateof Soda, Wash Soda, Caustic Soda, Paints & Oils. Cor-

rugated Iron, Ridging, &c, Cement Firebricks, Carbo-lineu- m,

Stock holm T-ir- , Tubs Buckets, Tinplates, Sauce-

pans, Teakettles, &c, &c.


1 1 One HundredOR


: lljnlm.de from the finest telecei slack tnl lone Filler..JUST ARRIVED I1Y LAST AUSTRALIA.

AT THE.. . .

Honolulu Tobacco Co., Limited,

Telephone 503.

GrOOlaronia and

Chinese Goods andSPECIALTY!

410 Huuana Str .

P. O. BOX m- -


One Dollar

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets,

Box 984.



Betwwri HoieJ PmsiM.--


Tiltphona Boa


OrroHrre Qpkkn'b Hospital


OOJVEjISeiOKT MERCHANTS.De.len Fit Silk, tal Grto Llnent. Chinese J.ptnese Good, All KM

Nuuinu street.

P. 0, Hax

, Importer and

609 Bkretania Brnr.KT -


for i t

P. O



in ,

la nj oteio-.- li


aareTVial will prove their nerira"jaBasaBMBsaasaBsassssjsjrBBSBsjssassssassaaB


Pure Linen Damasks and NapkinsSideboard Cloths and Tray Cloths

Now Placed on SPECIAL SALE atN. S. SACHS DRY GOODS COMPANY, LTD.,rFIFTY CENTS on Every Dollar Can Be Saved by Purchasing Right NOWff





Page 3: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots



mw&Mmwmmm'mmmmmBenson,Smith &CoMLtd


Baldwin Celery SodaFor

Headache, Nervousness andSeasickness

Pleasant and Refreshingo





When in fed : of DRUGSbibiibbbbibibmgo to the


Prescr'ptlnn Druagtets.VON HOLT BLOCK, KING ST.

Tel. 364.

IB "2" : THZ1 :



All Seasonable Fresh Fruits and VegetablesTURKEYS. DUCKS and CHI :KEn. n o.ieorour 1 ENDER BROILERS.FRhSd jALM 1M and H.iu der, SmUed Si m n and Halibut.FRh.H PO r TOES aid Onl m. t usages (In foil). "And In Sweets."FROZKN OYS TERS bth Cilltorna nd Eastern. Cream Cheese (in foil).GRUENHAGEN'S BON BO.NS and AUrshmal.ows.

H. MAY & CO., Ltd.2 Bier Stores 2

i The Waterhouse StoreBETHtL ST.



Ice -

The StoreMnuAnu aia.


muss, but once rumpled it h

We comsome the


French Silk Gauzes.With alternating sa'in and lace stripes, 44 inches wide, in

black anl Ul the pipulir evening shadss pink, light blue,maze, lavend.-r- , blick snot, silver threads, black withsatin stripe and ecru lace insertion, Nile green, maize withsatin stiipes and ecru lace black spangled with goldsequins, black spangled with cerice seqains. and whitespangled with silver sequins These are only a few of a stocktoo numerous for mention, comprising chiffons,silkmu'h, silks. He.

Silk.This most desirable fabric Wi import direct from Japan, and

the numb r of good qualities it possesses is Itresembles silk in lustre and str.nuth; it is made from a vege-

table fibre, and consequently wahes, laundering perfectly;it not readily crumple or


readily pressed so that it iooks as gooa again as new. inspite of its extreme thinness, its strength is Itmakes one of the daint-es- t of evening dresses.

Gimps and Passementeries Galore.For evening dresses. We have a stock very com-

plete in all evening shades, in bead silkchiffon ruffles and in all colors,

sequin trimmings and and a host of others toonumerous to mention.

'fTVTfvpfr- - mr vqFFvqmw ifF'T"THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900.





Hotels and Restaurants.


The BestAND

The Best ServiceIn the City

:: At Popular Prices ::wMeals at All Hours: Ala. . ....... carte or Table D'Hote.


Best --5c. CigarIn do had (or tho money.


Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

Markets and rows.

Potatoes,Naval Oranges, Lemons,

Dried Fruit, Ranch Bs,Butter, Cheese, &c.

Per AtiHtralia

J. R. MILLSLincoln Block, Itini: street.

Millions of

Have been sacHllcod that you and Imight fat Iih deilcl'im LewU' OwnCuro Hams and Breakfast Bacon.

LEWIS & CO.,Telephone uo. 1 1 1 Fort St.

Ral EstatedtbaorlbeM are tnrfclsbed with from rn

o li IUt per week. gifing an accuralMJird ol all dwjdt.mortRairea, lease,

poworo ol attorney, eto., etc, wbiatrr pUoed on record1q ... tint Inn 1'rlcfl, 18.011'ver onti

A. V. GEAR..Hi HnllHitiK, Hnnnlni"



r-l- A

clove, thanhave ihem



Sidney Smith petitions to have him-self appointed administrator ol the cs-tn- te

of Thom.is B. Cav&nncli. his deadcousin, which is Mimed at ?2:iS Theheirs are nameJ, Icing fourteen per-sons. Tho deceasui was well knownIn Honolulu, having caused remark formany years by tho way ho traversedtho streets, although almost totallyblind, without a culde. Ho was em-ployed attending the telephone at va-

rious hack 3tandi.Judgo Davis has appointed II. H.

Macfarlane guardian of his daughterMary Eliza, F. V. Macfnrlano of hischildren Frederic Walter, Alice Marynnd Quy Elliott, r.nd Henry Holmes ofBertha Emlllo I.tiise, daughter ofMr. nnd Mrs, W. Lanz, whose father Isabout to tako a Journey abroad, thewards are minor grandchildren of tholate Judge and Mrs. It, A. Wldcmann,who nro about to be paid bequests Intheir grandfather's will.

Judge Stanley has slgnrd nn ordrrdischarging F. A. Schaofer nu guardianof Antonlno I.onir, minor, the ward be-

ing como of .is!.Judgo Davis has approved tho ac-

counts of W. O, Smith, guardian of HillBray, minor.

A Kindly Act.Captain Bowers of tho Merchants'

Patrol was told by n hack driverThursday night that n lady riding Inhis carrlngo had lost her pocket bookwith nearly $50 In it. Bowers Inquiredabout tho streets the lady had riddenon while in the hack and then startedout over the route. Fortunately, hefound tho pocket book and, returning Itto the owner, was most heartily thank-ed for his kindness.

American Messenger Service, Ma-

sonic Terar'e. Tel. 444

Fresh groceries nnd delicacies by thoAustralia Wednesday for Guerrero &Hoke, grocers, Miller street aboveMethodist church.

Thu use of tde Singer In m"Uoun othomes shows the Anprccedenfd suc-cess of these ldeJ sewing marines.It Is convincing proof that tht Singerexcels In all kinds of family wVnnand art needle work. All our 1 lngmachines are of the best constniOv'on.beautifully decorated, and are mountedon sleected woods In finely finishedcabinets of artlstW designs. B. Ber-enn-

ffnt 1t4 thl trot


Supported by Voluntary Contributions.KKEE TREAT MENf" to tho Poor of

ill nationalities.For information as to cards of ad

ninaino and to the service, etc., etc.,rpply at the

InTlrmary.Ttitrd Floor. Progress Block.

Suhwnptlons may tip left with J. FHarcrnKi. L. C. Abies or Dr. fllnnert.

OFOikt?- -




BIAET,Hanafacturing Jeweller,




Architects Builders

Building Materials



INTEREST.have Just marked and placed another large merchandise direct f

York, comprising among other things of novelties ladies' evening wear,arriving Just time approaching opera season.





pliques, ruchings, sequins



B, F. CO.

Gloves, Gloves, Gloves.We carrv the world-kno- wn Dent's kid

rwentv-tw- o

wlvch no better is made. Witwo-tla- sp length up to

(22) button lenelri. We haehem in black, white, pink, light blue, laven-Je- r,

tans, eic Any one a fiist-:la- ss,

perfect fitting glove, will do well tocall and examine tine De t gloves. Theirprice is no higher t nn others in spite oftheir superiority.

Fans.received and marked, a line of 'the latest in evening

fans, no two alike. Among ihem there are some exquisitecreations, hand-painte- d, daintily colored, with hand-carve- d

ivory sticks. No evening gown will be withoutone of these lans. Come and see them.

Opera Capes.received direct from Europe, a half dozen operacapes

which we b lieve will be by competent judges tobe the triumph of the dressmaker's art. There are no two otthese alike in an respect, and any lady wanting a really chickand up-to-d- ate cape should see tnese at once. $ They are sofiew and so desirab.e they will not last long. J 23

The Walklkl



Rigs sent to any part of the



Wnlklkl Road, - Walklkl.


Mercantile Agencies.

ftlipbonti toSi k t6. P. o. Boi nIJA.WAIIA.IN

AgencyQ. H. BERREY, : Managir.

Judd Bulldlnr.

"jpnlt Collections a Specialty.

Room 10, Spreckclt Building,Fort street.

Collections a specialty. Prompt rvnlttances. No fee charged unless collec-

tion l marie im

knd other Rings, Watches, Bracepts, pins, and an extensive varietytf Ji velry.

E. Gr.

G. A.

Merchant -:- - TailorsCLOTHING



wear . . .

Thee l anfully wl 1 only to be seen

addition v, t our usiui siock



Jnldthitr : Prnnintlv : AMtulwl : To.


Slor ami Office Flttlnr.PtiminJ Ettlmatti Furnished.

1488 Hotel Street, near Beretanls.O. A.Howard, Jr. ROBT.F.TWAI.


Sull. t, Mol.l DIKk. -P. O. Boi to). TtttpaoM tty


H. L. & CO.,

Rooms it-i- t,

BLOCK.Ttliphont ii.Go W. Piir Tl. nF. W. BiardtlM p. O. Boi nt


Office: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex,Honolulu, H. I.

Sketches and Correct Estimates furnishat Short Notice. 1441 .


in and Goal.

QtiMtn RtrnAt. WntiAlnln

W. H. Barth H. W. BAtift.

Galvanized Iron Skylights andMetal Roofing,

Conductor Pipe and Gutter Wo.Rlctudi Stmt. ULQumo ini Mtrditit. HotuWa

WJofchlnr promptly ttmdJ ts.MTel. White P.O. B.x27f.

H. F.

ISTo of old stand. on Kl.igttreet. Orden left at either shop, or office,

it John Nott's itore, Klnir. street, will foromp attention. Mi-t- f


on shipment oflatest










'Is&S, h&FliZ&'a wo d on


Architects, Contractors Bolldeff.



and Builder.

HOWARD TRAIN,Architect?.







Doalors Lumbor


Booolnlo Sheet Metal Works;Ventilators,




saleNew for










Now oilier subjects than3)

iiiSfLadies' Muslin Underwear.

Our stock of this is very complete and choice, we buyingonly of the very best makers'with the most advanced ideas andstyles. This siock is worthy of inspection.



Shirt Waists.Have just pi iced on sale another line of

ladies' waists, in both colors and- - wnite, com-prising everj thing that is latest and new; andwhat is of some importance, they are markedright.

For the benefit of tourists who come hereunprepared with suitable clothing adapted t3this climate, we would say that ourshi t waitsand our resdy-ma-de skirts of linen and coveitcloth, etc., should piove a boon.


We have lust received direct from New York, a verv choice line of the 1.1

NECKWEAR. not olJ nunberselected, rnd have

in ruv 01




Fort Street.

In the lor. Tnese have been wvmic--to be appreciated..

careiuuy selected uents





11X 1


Page 4: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots







il'pf'-'-P-- ,1-tii- i. ' .' "". """J- "" iff'- -

fV. i YA tfvtyr ;F--vVTHR EVENING nurjTjKTIN: HONOLOLn. H. I., TUBSDW JDNE 12 190 .

Evening Bulletin.Publlflfce Krcry Day except Sunday,

at le King Street. Honolulu,II. I., by tho



i Telephone 250Tost Ofllce Box 718

TUESDAY JUNE 12, 1000.

If (JoTernor Dole Is considering rcrl-ous- ly

the name of F A. Uosmer as Su-

perintendent of Public Instruction, howill find that the public will endorsetho appointment. Mr. Homier may beclassed as an aggrsuslvo "yonnr; Amer-

ican," a thorough gentleman, and hisloyalty to Mr. Dole's causo would crr-tatn- ly

recommend him to the officialllfo which must necessarily be friendlyto the Chief Executive.


The convention of native Hawallanscloned Saturday night with tho politi-

cal harpies of the morning organ, engaged In trying to force Hawallans intoa race war, utterly discredited and dis-

honored. Tho Hawallans by their dig-

nity of speech and conservative actionhare upheld their reputation forstrength of character and won tho gen-

eral approval of tho citizens of tho Ter-ritory. Tho nntl-hnol- e cry has como,not from tho lips of native Hawallans,but from a factional mouthpleco thaturged Congress to make a race distinc-tion with class legislation, that firstraised the color line antagonism, thatnurtured raco prejudice and has donaall In Its waning power to fan Intoflame an Impossible spark of racotiatred.

The natlvo Hawallans are to be con-

gratulated on the falrmlnded, conser-

vative course they havo pursued.Throughout tho United States with Its

s, German-American- s,

Swedish-American- s, etc., nono of thepolitical activities as voiced by Indi-

viduals or In convention offers more orbetter proof of patriotic loyalty to thonation than has this convention of Hawai-

ian-Americans. Granted tho rightof franchise their determination Is touse It carefully and with full under-standin- g.

When a former foreign people enter upon the responsibilities ofAmerican citizenship In such a broadminded, thoughtful spirit, they munot.In exercising their rights, go farastray from the fulfillment of thefoundation principles of the Great Ro

pni,..e to which they give-- allegiance.


To what lengths tho manufacturersof the antl-haol- e campaign aro drivenIs evidenced by tho effort made by themorning organ to cast discredit uponthe young Hawallans disposed to with-

hold from taking part In flag raisingceremonies at tho High School. It Is

cruel, cowardly, despicable to Inter-

pret the sentiment of these young Ha-

wallans as an outcropping of localpolitics. The attack Is unjustified byfacts, dovold of tho gentlemanly

of thnt national sentimentfound In tho heart of every citizen ofevery nation large or small. One banonly to recall tho day of tho flag rais-ing at the Executive building, thewords of regret expressed by foiclgn-er- a,

the cheer for tho new flag temper-ed with sadncBS becauso of their lovefor the flag that went down.

Let those whoso debased and sordidmind cannot grasp tho tender btso-clatlo-

that cluster around a flag thatIs lowered forever be first to Impute asinister motive In tho hesitation to vo-

ciferously cheer, to eagerly grasp thohalyards of tho flag that bespeaks Ha-

waii's new birth. Such Imputation docsnot come from tho heart of honestAmericanism, nor docs It And responseIn the hearts of tho American people.

Tho pcoplo of theso Islands havo thedeepest respecttor tho Hawallans who,with honest loyalty accept tho newsituation, but cannot for tho tlmo be-

ing overcomes tho feelings of rcvereucofor a national Individuality that haspassed Into history with tho loweringof Us emblem. Though tho futureoffers greater, grander and better, thomemories of the past linger und can-not, should not be forced Into oblivionby tbo harsh, heartless sneer of poli-

tical harpies seeking to discredit themotives of tho Hawullans, nn honest,loyal kindly people

Recent Dcuths.Mrs. Ed. SafTery, a native of Olowalu,

Maul, died In Honolulu on Saturday atthe acg of 70.

U. 8. Gossage, a native of California,dlod at the Queen's hospital last Thurs-day. His age was 27 years, ami thocause of death heart trouble.

Mist Margaret H. Rees, nn EitglUhnurse aged 21 years, died at the resi-dence of Albion P. Clark, King street,on Saturday. She had been employedIn Victoria hospital, and her death wasthrough drinking bichloride of mer-cury Dy mistake.

Five MilesOf Picture


Have just been received. Also a new lot of FRAMES and

EASELS. We make Picture Frames to order, and lroin our

large stock of Mouldings can suit any taste.

The Pacific Hardware Co,LIMITED

Fort. Street

tXr J IVER JOHNSTON pafl? IdB. 2I One of the Most Popular Wheels 't

. in mo cast is we ; rj



HERE ARE ITS PRICES:2 B- Medium Grade J40

High Grade 45

" "" "g jfChalnless 75 53


Pacific Cjfilo Co.


tli WNOASNHOni5IAia-Wftrr-



One Mlrless. Talt and Watson W. BSteam Engine Diameter of cylinder 15incnes, stroxe 3 reet.

One Four Roller Mill steel gear,25J4"x4ft. 7ln. lone.

One Diffusion Batterv Complete fidcells) capacity 50 tons.

Une triple fctfect 350 2" tubes 4 ft.7 Inches lone.

Une Small steam Juice Pump.One 7 ft. Vacuum Pan X In. CoDDer

Colls too' capacity 5 tons.une b it. vacuum ran 2 in. copper

Colls 150' capacity 7 tons.Duplex Blake Feed Pumo wate' cylin

der 4Hxi2". Steam Blake Feed Pump-wa- ter

cylinder 7KXI2" suction pipe 4"discharge 2,steamplpe i,V.

One New 16 ft. Tubular Boiler 6 ft.diameter, 74-- 4 Inch tubes.

1 wo HiaKe vacuum Pumps 12x18Inches.

One Blake Vacuum Pump 14x18 Inches.One Tatum and Bowen Enelne 10x12

Inches with shaft, Rear and frictionclutches, driving vacuum pump.

Six Weston CentrMugals, shaft andpulleys and 22' mixer.

One Molasses Plunger Pump 4x12".driven by belt and pulley from centrifugalshaft.

One Putnam Lathe. 8 ft. bed. 20"swing.

sundry coolers, Mill fltt ngs &c. &c.For particulars annlv to

MESSRS. C. BREWER & CO., LTD.ijocrnn

Brass rods for sash curtains

also larger rods and fittings for

regular windows and doors.Curtain chains for holding

back the curtains.May all be had at


Hotel street.


Thursdny, Juno 14th. being a Government holiday, tho Government SchoolsIn Honolulu will bo closed on that day.

By Order of tho Department of Pub-lic Instruction.

C. T. RODGERS,Secretary.

lG55-- 2t

Ofllco of tho Collector General ofCustoms, Honolulu, H. I., Juno 9,1000.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATnil outstanding bills for services, sup-plies needed at this ofllco on any account up to Juno 14, 1900, on whichdate tho undersigned will ceano to beCollector General of Hawaiian Customs, must be presented to the under-signed for settlement by tho proporofficers not later than June 30, 1900.

Notice Is also given that all sumsduo to this office for pilotage, wharfage, harbor dues, etc, accruing prior toJuno 14, 1900, must be paid to the un-

dersigned on or before June 30, 1900.E. R. STACKABLE,

Collector General of Customs.Approved:(Signed.) S. M. DAMON,

Minister of Finance.lC5G--


Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, aro hereby notifiedthat the hours for Irrigation purposesare from 0 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from4to C o'clock p. m.

ANDREW BROWN,Superintendent Water Works.

Approved by A. YOUNG.Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, June 14, 1899.1244-t- f


JUNE u. BEING ADMISSION flAY.all Government Offices tnroughout theIslands will close on that dy.

ALEXANDER YOUNG,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office. June 8, uco. 1 55413


FIRST To bo absolutely PURE OLIVEUIU.

SECOND To glvo perfect satisfactionto tho consumer.

THIRD To not becomo rancid on tneBhclf, It kept in the package.

The manufacturer offers to par II nofor uny bottlo of GIfford'a Olive Oil inoriginal package, found to contain anyadulteration.


.A-- t All Grooera.

fleorv Walcrhouse k Co

Quern Struct



To Our Friends and Patrons.


and as we extend the season's greetingwe would like to havo you think of usfirst when you contcmplato the pur-chase of your

Spring ClothingIP YOU HAVE DEEN a customer of

The Kash In former yean, we willwant to continue your patronage; butIf you aro not within the fold and havonever been, you will make a mistake.If you will favor us with a call, If yoawill allow us to show you our springbeauties In Suits, Shirts, Hats, etc., wearc sure of winning you to the extentof giving us a trial this season. Ourname receives consideration among allfashionable dressers, and Is a guaran-tee of tho best CLOTHING and

GOODS.AT RIGHT PRICES.What you will buy of us will bo right,it must be right.

HERE YOU WILL SEE IN OURClothing fine tailoring at its best; hereyou will And qualities as represented,and prices in every Instance the lowestconsistent with the grade of our gar-ments. We will refund you yourmoney on nny article purchased of usthat Is not entirely satisfactory. Whenyou arc satisfied and pleased we shallbe, but not before. Yes. we are mak-ing a bid for your trade. Can we haveIt? SINCERELY YOURS.

The "Kash,"Telephones 676 and 06.

P. O. Box 558.




Opportunity is given to purchase liManoa Valley a beau Iful situated prope'tcontaining all the necessary essentials fota homestead and where healthful cllma'tand picturesque scenery are In the mldsiof historic surroundings and all In contactwith Improved grounds, planteo withvarious foreign frul s as well as suppllecwith fruit trees Indigenous to HawaiiThe acreage of 45.64 acres In fee simpleand 31.16 acres under long and favorableleases.

Included In the Imi rovements on thifee simple portion Is a roomy, moderrdwelllng house furnished with sanltarjand other conveniences; there Is also sit-

uated thereon a roomy carriage shedancstables.

The celebrated Walakeakua (Water olthe Gods) Falls Is In near proximity, andthe cool, clear, spatkllng water therefromflows through the grounds, supplyingample opportunity for Increased Irrigationto the acreage already planted and whichIs capable of considerable Improvement.

For further information apply to J. HBoyd, Interior Department.

Honolulu, March 28, 1900. 1493-t- l


Hawaiian - Opera - HouseSATURDAY EVENING,JUNE 10, AT 7j30 O'CLOCK.

Children will ll tickets at 50c.Each hnMrr nf a tlrUr mint f

Truii, 111C11015 vo i.iu . ana secure anadmission tlckt. Reserved Seats 25c extra

Box nlan ntvn WPnNPQnAV MflPN.ING, June 13, at 9 oVIock. iSJjtd

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

: We will be pleased to fur-

nish estimates forcomplete Electric

Lighting Plants and for long dis-

tance transmission of Electric Power.

Office: 46 Merchant St.

Hawaiian AutomobileCo., Ltd.

Assessments have been called on theAssessable Stock 1 f Ihls company as tobecome cue and payabeat the office ofUistle & Cooke, Ltd., on

June 1st, 1900, 10 per cent. (1 10.00 pershare;; delinquent Julv 31st, 1900.

July 1st. 1900, 15 per cent. ( 1 5.00 pershare); aellnquent July 31st.

W. A. BOWbN, Treasurer.Hawaiian Automobile Co., Lt'd.


IASSESSMENT N0TIC3.Stockholder nr hrSt nntir.H tl.q i.

Third Assessment of 5 per cent or tw andone-hal- f dollars per share on the CapitalStock of THE INTER ISLAND TELE-GRAPH CO., LTD., Is due and payab'eJune st, at the office of the undersigned.411 Fort SlfMlt. .1. H PIQUEDActr.Treas. Inter Island Telegraph Co.,

L.IIIII1CU,Honolulu, June I, too. 155

Hurrah for Admission Day, June 14,

1776 - Hurrah for July 4, -- 1900


I to 6pounds.

The I.



Day Building. Beretanla St., near Central Fire StationHas received a large stock of

FIREWORKSColored Fire, Red, Green and Blue.

: Assorted cases for family display at very low prices.

American Flags, from 4 feet to 40 feet. Hawaiian Fla?s,all sizes Festoonine, Decoration. Bunting, American Shields.Lithographs of Washington, Grant, McKinley, Dwey, Lin-

coln, Sneridan and all Celebrities, Badges, Ribbons, etc. '

P. O Box 535Telephone 478


Good Air. Good View. Gooq Health,

A special invitation is .extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site


hh "W

X. L.


tJmW" rt"

H H.prices, terms,

HEIGHTVia Maxima f

Kaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or GrandBoulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all poiuis, as also scenic and marine views olexquisite grandeur at every

Electric Railway.Contracts for material, and the work of

construction, equipping and installation placed in the hands of.,competent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June

1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting, heating and other purpose,to our home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains laid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connectionTwill be --granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, orthe names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all theresidence of Honolulu.

-H-H- -

For further information,the office of

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.

TTsTe -- Tatcli "Willie TTovl SleeioBOWER'S MERCHANT PATROL ANDCONFIDENTIAL AdENCY ........... ...

Reliable Wtchmn furnlihed for stores croD.rtvconfidential work torti. B"' 'nce fumlihed. Detecthe

Office Room 4 Model Block ?8.O. BOX 28.


The liniforclcrnMl ti.ivtnrr ftile K..Melected As. gnee of the Estate of J. J.Coombs, a bankrupt notice herebyRiven to all creditors of said J. J. Coombsto present their claims to the underslcnedat the office of Hons St Coke, Walluku,Maui, H. I., within six months fom thisdate, the same will be forever barred.And all those Indebted to said J. J.Coombs are hereby required to make Im-

mediate settlement of such Indebtednesstome.

Dated at Walluku, Maul, this 24th dayof May, tooo.

IAMP;tAssignee of the Estate of J. J. Coombs a

unmiuyi. 544lu

6 25



- -W-etc., apply at


have been let



nj an ol ill

- - - -P.- -






the tenth assessment of tan (10) pwcent on the capital stock of the Hono-lulu Rapid Transit ft Land Companywill be due and payable to J. aFisher, Treasurer, at 411 Fort street(upstairs,) Honolulu, on the 2d dayof April Inst The share upon wtuekan assessment may remain unpaid af-ter thirty days from said date, will bedeclared delinquent

J. A. OILMAN.Secretary H. R. T. L. Oa.

Honolulu, April Id. JJOt.HK-t- f J

Page 5: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots



Per ex Diamond Head; Schr.

Transit and E. B. Sutton.

A Large Assortment of



Colorado Engine, Machine,1

Car Box, Cylinder, W. S. Lard,

Sperm and Cocoanut Oil; Cor-bolineu- m,

Coal Tar, StockholmTar, Rosin, Sulphur, Waste,Anti-Color- ic sectional Pipe

. Coverings, assorted sizes to

' 4 inches and Plaster in Bags.

B. S. Anvils, B. S. Drills and

Forges, Hay and Fodder Cut-

ters, Boiled and Raw Linseed

Oil, Asphaltum in barrels, Car-

riage and Furniture Varnbh ol

best quality, Ready Mixed

Paints, White Lead, White

Zinc, and assorted Colors both

ground in Oil and in Japan.

Galv. Iron Buckets assorted

sizes.Galv. Iron Tubs assorted


Please call and examine for


fh6 Hawaiian Hardw&ie Go,

Ftrtttrett. epposJUSpreckels1 Bank.






will help you to do It.



therefore our bid Is atwava the loettauta there r no better rooJs nuJe than thoiewtsell

; When you are (Ulnc up the old store orplanning new one consult us regarding bow todo It la atyle.

: Besides Signs and Display Futures we areprepared to figure wltn you on any k.nd ol Interiorfinish or furniiure In the wa of office or store fixturespartition shelving etc., In hard woods ol all kinds.

Plant and designs for the asking of







Hotel St near Fort, Honolulu,

Garden Lanal LunchPrice List.

i Cup English Rieakfast Tea. . . . $ tentsi -- up rurr Kina Hawaii; 5 "1 Small Cup Chocolate 5 "1 LareeCuo Chocolate (Including

cream and sugarl 10 "Fried Ham and tees (2) 25 "2 Fresh bgRS Fried or Bol ed 10 "1 Plaleeacn, Bread and Butter,

Doughnuts. Hot Buns, Snails,Toasts, fakes Prune, AppleSauce or Guava Jelly 5 "

2 Cold Sliced Ham Sandwiches. . . 10 "2 Deviled Ham Sandwkhts to "2 Sardine Sandwiches 10 "2 American Cheese Sandwiches.. 10 "t Plate Boston Baked Beans, Hot. 10 "1 Tin Chicken Tamales, Hot 20 "1 Glass Fresh Milk 10 "1 lass lalnSoda 5 "t Glas Ice Cream Sooa 10 "1 Dlnh Ice Cream ....is "

Strawberries and Cream In SeasonSherbets and Ice Cream In quantities

maue to ora-- r.



A large assortment just received.

Make your selection early.

You will WANT ONE for


Wall, Nichols Co,, Ltd.



Lowers Cooke,





Mining Machinery. EnginesRledler Pumps,

Compressors, Boilers.Tanks, Metal Screens.

Hock Crushers, etc.HENRY A. ALLEN.

Mechanical and Electrical tngli.eetTel. 869. Representative.411 Fort street, up stalra 15)7

Kona Sugar C0.1 Ltd.ASSESSMENT NOTiCE.

Notice Is hereby given that AssessmentNo. 9, of 10 pel cent on the assessablestock of the Kona Sugar Co., Ltd., Is nowdu: and payable.

Honolulu, June 4, tooo.F. W. MCCHESNEY,

1550W1 Treasurer.


Tho Orphcura tonightD. H. Kahaulcllo returns homo In tho

Clnudlno this afterloon.h. D. Tlmmnns of tho Star Is con-nnc- d

to his home with Illness.Tho Maun a Loa will not sail for

Kona nnd Kau until 10 n. m. tomorrow.Tho American Messenger service

wants five hoys. Sco Want column onpage 8.

Tho Dckura-Myc- rs wedding Is takingplace In St Andrew's Catncural thisafternoon.

Tho I. X. L. has fireworks of everydescription for June 14th and July 4th.See their ad In this Issue.

If you are Interested In wheels, readtho change In the Pacific Cycie Co.'s adon tho lourth pago of this Issue.

Tho program of races to bo run un-der tho auspices of the Hawaiian Jock-ey Club appears on pago 8 today .

One or more good pressmen nrewanted nt tho Itobert Grieve Publish-ing Co. Seo Wnnt column on pago 8.

David Kuplhe gavo n luau at hishomo In Kallhl yesterday. There weroa large number of his friends present,

A inrcwcll luau to Wm. Edmonds ofKnhulul was given by Mrs. Do Fries atthe homo of Miss Kcomakanl lastnight.

Attention Is called to the notice fromthe local steamship companies In re-gard to war tax stamps on shipping re-ceipts.

Thero was a concert nnd da'nee nt thoMormon settlement In Lale last even-ing. Several Honolulu people weroguests.

The O. R. & L. Co. did good businesson Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Alarge number of peoplo went down thoroad for nn outing.

A meeting of tho Cabinet Is calledfor this afternoon, which Is easily In-

ferred to bo for tho purposo of con-sidering Territorial appointments.

All the officers of President Dole'sstaff aro sending in their resignations.This Is dono presumably with a view totheir reappointment on .- -0 staff ofGovernor Dole.

A special thanksgiving service fordeliverance from the plague was htudat 9 a. m. yesterday at the CatholicCathedral. Thursday elaborate feastday services will be held.

Halelwa, or the "Beautiful House,"the new Walalua hotel, cannot bo sur-passed as a quiet resting place and isa beautiful spot that should not 1)3

mlcsed by tourists on any considera-tion.

It was stated in tho Bulletin thatJ .A. Gllman was to be auditor of theWalklkl Land and Loan Association,which Is an error, as Clarence H. Cookeof the Bank of Hawaii has accepted thoresponsibility.

Judge Davis this morning denied thomotion of tho Canadian-Australia- n Co.for a new trial of Jennie Alexander'scase in which $5000 damages weroawarded it The caso will now go tothe Supreme Court.

A Japanese bicyclist and hack No.n (Chase, urivcr,) collided at tho cor-ner of Fort and King streets this af-

ternoon. Tho Japanese got a cut overthe noeo and his wheel was badlysmashed. Chase says tho fault wasthat of the bicyclist The latter re-

fused to talk about tho mattor.

Passengers Top HHoRev. S. L .Desha, and four children,

Chaa. Williams and 2 daughters. Rev.S. P. Perry and wife. Rev. . W. Hill,Chae. M. Lo Dlond, Rev. C. A. Austin,yies L. Wells. Mrs. C. B. Wells, M.O'ShaughncBsy, Theo. Wolff, T. Kura- -moto. Y. Tasaka. H. Milk, Miss AllcoWeight, Mr. Stone, R. J. Smlrl, A.Lindsay, T. II. Hughes, J S. Low, AhCaew, H. J. On Tal, Mrs. E. Sandersand daughtnr. Miss E. Kaobl, Rev. S.W. Kekiipwk. T. F. Sedgwick, D. Lycur- -gua, J. Lycurgus, M. F. McDonald, John'1. Daker, Paul Iscnbcrg, C. Henoch,IflBs J. Peeemcycr, Mrs. J. B. Castleand servant, Miss M. D. Jones, Mrs.Buchanot.. J. W. Mason, Dr. W. L.More, wife, child and maid, I. Living-ston- e

and 11C on ucck.

-- -



- T'"'waflw,

And sec our snappy Hue of"NOCKABOUT Shoes

: AT POPULAR PRICES:This is one of them.




Men's Well Made Unlaundried Shirts - - 3Jc

Men's No. 400 Wachusett

Unlaundried Shirts - - ft)c

Men's Troy Night Shirts ?0c

Men's Extra quality

Night Shirts - - --

Boys' Unlaundried Shirts --

Boys' Night Gowns -



Men's Seventy-fiv- e Cent

Quality Balbriggan

Underwear - - - - - ?0c

All kinds of Dry Goods at Popular Prices.

A Hot Weather Combination.


:: See them in the large display window.

The blue flame stove is in operation, and runs from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.

without any attention. The fuel costs one cent per hour per burner.


WW. Dimond & Co., Ltd.Cstt Anantj fM ful CtAiia Cti,lrs4 in,t Dairlftn Dln CUma. lflMa fill

Stoves, Primus Stoves, Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators, Double-Coate- d Granite

Ad s"kand11 111 iiiiiiiJiiriki Alpaca





-$-5.00 UP.

Repairing of All Kinds


Cor. Fort arid Beretania.

T H E--


Tbe New Morning Dally Paper

Will be issued on or about Jun15th next from the office of "ThoRobert Grieve Publishing Company,Lt'd.," 118 Merchant Street.

Rates.Ptr Month, delivered bv mall or

carrier anywhere In Hawaii.-.- .. .75Per Quarter 2.00Per Year 8.00

Payable Invariably In advance.

Subscriptions and advertisementsfor THE HONOLULU REPUB-LICAN, daily or weekly editions,will be received at the BusinessOffice from and after this dateFor Advertising Rates apply to

GPORGE MANSON,Business Manager.


DAMIENWCIATIONDepot Office, Bbcrldan street, near

IadepeLdence Park.TEL. NO. WHITE 241.

Town Office, Fort street, oppositeCatholic School.TEL. NO. 699.

No 1 Bum For Sau.

Delivered twice dally to any part ofCity. M


Don't waste money; go to practicalwatchmaker. Cleaning, fi.se Mlspring, f1.50. Alt work warranted

m F.LUCAS,Gold and Silver Smith,

30$ Hotel street, nr. Benson, Smith it Co1481

For the Wet WeatherLadies' and Gents' CRAVA-NETT- E


Also CRAVANETTE by the Yard-Bla- ck and Assorted



APRON. Linen Wraps In Great Variety. At

E. W. Jordan,No. 10 ort Street.



Honolulu I!l!ill lean






t rt r$ i 1














Page 6: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots

h '




--wsr- r- - lm,H( H t



Frederick W. Hankey,ATTORNEY-A- T -- LAW.

Love Building, Fort St.Rooms 4 and' .


Irancis J. Berry,TTORNEY-AT-LAW- .

Rwu j and 4. Love Hull ding, Fort St.m

QA. h. C Atkinson and A. F. Judd, Jr.)

ATKINSON & JUDD,Attorneys andCounsellors at Law.

Mkt oror Bishop & Co.'s Bank, cor.Kaakuianu and Merchant Streeta.

xTmooants"stewatit, andAttornoy andfTonnPollof at Law. It

rrogrcM Block opposite CatholicCkmrck. Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I. The

Telephone 1122


JmU Building. Telephone 213


trornev at Law andNotary .Public.

Kaahumanu Street.

.1. M. KANEAKUA,Attorney and Counsellor at

LawOSce: In the Occidental ttoiei,

aorner of King and Alnkca Streets,Bonotnlu.

Jtf. C Acftl. Enoch Johnson.ikOHI&.TOHNSON,

Attorneys and Counselorsat Iiaw.

Office No. .J West King StreetTelephone 884.

F. M. BltOOKS.

Attorney at LawScrrctels Building. Fort Street.





Sorewins. Physicians tod Oflntlsts.

DR. H h. CubDtRr,Ol N.w Voik.

Beret ni Snicti oppositeMiiwxtiiin H.tel.

Office Hours: 9:10:1. in. to 12111.; 2-- 4

n. tt'.: 7 8 p. in.Re'tncf I V nir. Vi.tii 5trt.

Dixciihch of Childrensi f ( ty

OK. E. u WATERH0USEOffice and Rtsldrmt: King St.,ricar 'lipai. : : : : : : r : : : :

OrncE Hours. 8 to a. m.1 10 1 p n.11 8 PM.


itLtl'HUNfc ,011, Wllirt:. X55

A. C WALL, D. D. S.,G. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

Love Building, Fort Street.Hours; 8 to 4. Telephone 431.

Dr, W. j. Galbraiih.Office and Hesidence: Bcretnnln and

Alaca otifctu.OtSce Horns: 9 to 10 a. m.; 2 to I

p. m.; t 10 S p. 111.



Hawaiian Hotel.)Telephone 51U P. O. Box 601.

Office buurg. 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3

J. bo., 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m.


Dentist.Offlce; 202 Hotel Street.Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.

MLJ. I. SINCLAIR"School Street, between Emma and Fort.

Boar: 9 to 10 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m.f to I p. .; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.


SU and Bond Bravn?

116 Merchant Strtct.A. J. CAMPBELL,

Stool and Bond Brokerof tt Hosatnli Stock Excoug,

Qtuen street, oppoalto UnionFeed Company.

Mjt P.O.Boijm.


to STOMACH , &'net


makes Impure blooJ. Constipation, belch-ing, nervousness. Insomnh, palpitation

biliousness are dancer signals thatvour stomach Is Incompetent th.it It Isdoing poor work. Don't experiment give

Hostetter's aiomacn tuners, anu De

well. Trv It for malaria or fever and ague.result will astound you Get It at any

drug store and see that a Prlvato Revenue tttnmp cover? me necK or me oouie.There l HOSTBTTER'SNothing STOMACHAooci BITTERS.

Real Estate and Insurance.

L.Lb'K and BHRKiSUpGE k$p




Etna Fire Insurance cokpamof Hartford,


Members Stock and Pond Exchange.


Ptrtlcultr attention given to purchut ul itlo olHiwallin Sueor Stock.

Lotnt NUtlto4. Cotters ni ronl(e Slocitmi Roait.

403 Cnlilornin St.,San Francisco, Cal. 117a

W. C. ACH1 & CO.,

irokriro & Dealers

RE A INSTATECST We Will fin, or a. isl Eatatoit

I) psits of the gronp.py We will Hell rrupeilifsonlieseoD.t;)p nosunisjloam

OFFICE, 10 West King Street


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


Twelve Chineso Granite HltohlnjPost, p each.

Property In town.HOUSES TO LKT.

t.'r. mossmanReal Estate Agen.

Abstractor andSearcher of Titles . . .

Loans negotiatedRents collected.

Campbell Building,Merchant street



Plantation Work a Specialty.1233


Stock and Bond BrokerMtmtxr ot Hawaiian Stock Eicmog..,

Molneniy Uliiok. fort h root .



Member Honolulu stock Exchange.Room 801, Judd Building.


Real Estate BrokerFlnncll Agnt ud Collector

No. 0 Bethel Bt, near P. O.fM TlptM4!.

At the Orplieum.A truly "holiday house" Raw the

of "Fra Dlavolo" at tliolast night. Tho first appear-

ance of Mr. Grafton Baker, the tenor,was of Bomo Interest of course nnd ap-parently no ono was disappointed. Thefirst number In which ho figured, a duowith Zcrllna was given an encore,something that happens very seldom.Mr. Baker has a beautiful, clear, sweettenor voice with n, good range. Thoupper volco being of a full brilliantquality In solos and valuable In en-

sembles. Mr. Baker was a favoritefrom the start nnd no doubt will re-

main so to the end.Mr. doff sang Dlavolo beautifully

nnd Miss Ladd was very sweet as Zor-Hn- a.

Mr. Wolff plenscd tin- - nmllencu sisBeppo.

Miss Fill rburn was nn excellent LadyAllcnsh and Mr. Branson a splcnd'dLord Allcnsh. Their duct In the first

received a merited encore.With the old f.ivoritcs In th? cant

n new ono In tho Bhnpe of a hand-som- o

and satisfactory tenor the per-

formance wus nil anyone could reason-ably nsk

Gomtalves, p&otocraphcr, Beretnnlanear Alapal !s g'.vlng away ono 16x20crayon portrait with $5 worth of pho-tos.

M liH HTTlCrllVT

Wc Havo Just Received a LargeShipment of These Lights

Thee lamps burn In such a manner thatthf combustli n Is almost perfect nnd for

this reasn the light is magnificentlybrilliant, smokel-s- s and odorless.

The amps are absolutely safe It beingsimply Impossible to explode.

If vou are tired of the bother of ord'narylamps, If you wish to rid yourself of

the r ere, the above will appeal to youvery strongly. When coupled witheconomy the appeal Is Irreslstable.

The Anfilc Lump accomplishes perfectlllumlnitlnn. U presents an opportunityof securing a light that is easily operated

and more brilliant than gas oreiectrUtvwith no more heat at a mre fraction oftheir cost. It pr 'Vldrs a lamp for

Homes, stores, offics, factories, halls,libraries, hotels and churches, that Is idealIn every way.

1 he public Is cordially Invited to calland inspect these lamps.

The j H. IXi vies & Co.,LIAIITED.

Mercliants and Commission Agents.

"notice.To Our FnRlMfSpe.iklrR Filenc"s:

The Chinese merchants and residents oftlte Haw.tlUn Is .md. represented bv theundesigned, elnj; desirous of pr vldmgfor tliorm-Kl- i and compreheti-slv- o

education in Et g ish, raised In pledgesfrjm August to Decembe', uinclent fundsto iutifv them In uniertnklng to eretcomni"dlous buildings fr p se inKamaketa. The contract was let ar.dtne main builJingpartlally completed,when the plag e oroke out andInterrupted the wo k. As you wellknow, our countrtmrn have been thegreaiest suffereis from th s epidemic andthe fire-- , con ected with it. Con equentlytltose wliognerou-l- sit"scribed towardthe .choul entetp'ise, being called upon todonate large sums for the re lef o theirfellowcounttMiien who have sufferedseverely Irom 'he fire, find ilime Ives un-able to lu'fill their pledges at pr sent. Them .In building Is now on the p hit of com-pletion, ar.n the ontrac'or, himself home--le s, k in great neeJ or lus moni-y- .

In thli emergency and be au e we be-

lieve vou that our motlvrs inundertaking til's enteiprlse were philan-thropic, our oijeU a commend ible me,and tlut we are In no wl.e at tult for thestraits in which we now find ourselves:we therefore snlLit sich contributions toour present r.eeJs as our willallow. J .ill c sn or pledges tj WongKwal, Box nu, Hono'ulu.

Very respect. u ly yturs.WONG KWAI.CHU GhM.

i55'mi L. AHLO.Comittlss'oner's Snle oj Real Es-

tate, Situate in Honolulu,lland o? Oiihu.

Pursuant to an maJe by Honorable R. D.SU iman. SeconJ JuJr o( ih Circuit Courtofthertrt JuJI-la- l Circuit, filed th- - j,lh day ot April. A.D. tooo In a cause entllleJ Hawaii Land Co.. Ltd.,a enr oration, against alaumlno lt Keaxnal Ik),llakala (w), Kimkaooo I ). K.punlkea Ik), Kahikitawa Iki and Kml (w), a m nor by r Gujrdlan adintra rony marai, uma ) a minor by her GuardIan ad litem Nakaumano and llnopll (w) tie und

as Conmls.loner duly n pointed KlIlepoMlorsaieai fuwi. u. iiim. ub eit to c nfirroationby the Court on SATURDAY, June jj, tooo. at uocl ck i oon. at the tnjuka .nlr nee to ejudlclaiytiulldinir a I ttut piece or pa'd o1 laxd tuate onthe mauka side otKinRsbeei at Kralia Katalama,In th. Clly of Islam I t ahu, beln apart ill l;oal Patent Numinrr io3 Land CommissionAward Number sj to Kaau t e same being m re tullydescilb dlntwocenalndee s o con.eyanc to wit:tit Kaua t;i I oik a Nap hueko u rec rded In theOldie ot the Rep .traro C meyanc In llbr 6I'ane 5: t) Lnlka Napahu.kolu to Hawaii Landl.nmpany, Limit. J, recorded In the Omce ol theKeEl.trar ot nneyan.e In Llb.r 108 Hace e8.bounded and described as loll. s.

h h omaka .na ma ke Hi I Hem. Il,k. till meKo-- nh kl a e holo in. Ak ..14 knm , i.ni m. u

Kon hlkij Hem.6iS Kom. 081 Kaul ma ke klhl I

koe a Ha e ma k. iiKnuiKil ma kehhl IkoelaHalema. II m. 66 Kom. ,,6 Kaul. ma keAlanul. Hem o k. 0.O0 Kaul ma ka Konoh kl.!,,m..M,!4oMli- - "' Kaul' m k Konoh kl. "em.6VS IHk. 8Kaul. ma ke Konohlkl. k. 81 Hlk. .74Kaui. ma ke Konoh kl. Ak 77 Kom. .70 Kaul. me keKnnohki. Ak 77 Hlk. fo l.ni m. l. irn.nkii,.Hem. Mil k .77 Kaul. ma ke Konohlkl. k. 71 Hlk..78 Kaul. ma ke Konohikl a penel ka III tka,Terms n ale r cish In U. b. Gold. Deeds atthe expense ol purchasers.

For 1. h r iriau .r. arFly to Messrs. Achl &Johnson, or

GE? 'GE LUCAS. Commissioner.Dated, Honolulu, June .th, 1900. iss.tlll jjd

flints, Frokers nnd Jni.hr

w. OJrwin&BeiLimited

AGENTS FORWestern Sugar Roflnry Co., of San

Fractlsco.Baldwin Locomotive Worlte, of

Bhiladclphia, Penru, U. S. A.Newell Universal MU1 Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N. Oblnndt & Co.'s Chemical Fertili-

zer.Alex. Cross & Sons, high grade Fer-

tilisers for Cone and Coffee,need's Steam Plp Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOB SALEI'arafflno Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints

and Papers; Lucol and LinseedOils, raw nnd boiled.

Indurlne (a cold-wat- er paint), lawhlto and colors,

filter Press Cloths, Cement, Limennd nrlcks.


iiotvoijjjv.Commission Merchant,


Tti.EwaPiotallCo.Th Walalua AtrtculiTil Co., L t.The Kohata Sugar CoTlit Walamea Sugar till Co.Ttit Koloa Agricultural Co.Tbt Fulton Iron Wotkf. St. too!. Hi,Tho Standard Oil Co.The Goo. F. Blake Steaa Pomps.Wttton't Centrifugals

i no now engiana Lite insurajce u,iuTtM iCtni Flto Int. Co. ol Heritor!, C'Th. Alliance Assurance Co M Loelot

Alexander BalticSUGAR



Agents lor the California and 0rii-- ti

Steamship Company.



m. G. Irwin & cfMHITID).

Wm. O. Irwin.. President and ManagerClaus Spreckcls Vice President.W. M. Glffnrd ..Second Vice President.H. M. Whitney Jr. .... Treas. and See.Geo. J. Boss Auditor

3ujst Factor.AMD

Commission A79KiMriTii of ran


TliBVon Hamm-Yo- nr g Co.,Lli!

Importers andCommissionMerchants s


Lancashire Insurance Co.The Balolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Engine Co.Domestic Sewing Macr nejBto

BREWER C0 LTDUueen street, Honolulu H.I

A fronts torHawaiian Agricultural Co;any, Am.rlraa li,ompanv. Ookala Suear Plant. Co.. Onomea ia.

Co., Honomu Sugar G., Walluku Sugai Co., HuSugar Co , Haleakala Parh Co., Molokal (taaoPlanter'! Line ban H iscoPaclrtt bat. kr .It Co.'a Line ot Boawn Packets


O. M. Cooko, President; Qeorge I:RobortHou, Managur; E. F. BlabojTreasurer and Sucrotary Col. W I

Allen, Audit r; P. O. Jonoa, H. Wathouse, Gou. R. Cartor, Blrectorw.


djueial Munaaer of

rbi RqnUablf Life Asaujance hvOiit

0 th OnlUid tituteiitcr (lie Uswi:sIslanrtH

(jFi.i adonham trert H.rM. PHILLlPa jc .;i

WholeaulB Importera and VoLben

faropean and America Dry .

Ko t and Qaeen Streets



Qor. Port and Oueon Htreetn Houolu.

Honolulu Iron Works C

Improved nnd modern SUGAR MA-CHINERY of every capacity and de-scription mado to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPES for Irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular atten-tion paid to JOB WORK, and repairsexecuted at shortest notice.





Capital.... $400,000 ...San

OFFIGKRS AND DIRECTORS!Ciiaj). M. Cookk, President. Han

P. C. Jonks, ut

C. H. Cooks, Caahlor.F. C. ATitKnroN,. Assistant CashlM

Honry waterhoueo,.Tom May,

F. W. Maefarlane,E. D. Tenney,

JA. Mocandit- o-

Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Coport-Jon- s, Trusts, Individuals, and wllcarefully and promptly attend to olbusiness connected with banking of

to It. Sell and purchase ForelgtKaohange, Issue Letters of Credit.


Ordinary and Term Deposits receivedand Intorext allowed in accordance wltkrules and conditions printed In. Pa todbooks, coplos of which may be kadi aapplication.

The First kirn MOF HAWAII, LTD.

Incorporated Under tho Laws of tkRepublic of Hawaii.

Authorized Capital,. $1,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Capital 500,000

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown , PresidentM. P. Robinson nt

YV. O. Cooper CnshlcE. M. Boyd Secretar)

Directors Cecil Brown, Mark iRobinBon, Bruce Cartwrlght, V7. OCooper and H. M. Von Holt

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-Callt-

nla Bank, Limited.Chicago Tho Merchants Loan tn

TruBt Company.New York J, & W. Soligman ft Coa

pany.London The Anglo-Calltorn- n

Bank, Limited.Paris Socletle Generate.Hamburg M. M. Warburg ft Jor

pany.Hongkong and Tokonama Th

Chartered Bank of India, Auitralhand China.

Australia The Union Bank ot A.utralla. Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Gerbruder Meyer.

Exchange bought and sold LetterCredit Issued on all parts of theworld.

Beer and Wine Dealers.


WiiiB Mil Limor Dealers.Agents tor the Bottled Rainier Beer ot Seattle

NO. 19 NUTJANTJ 8TRBKTFoster Block. Honolulu. Hawaiian Ulawdi.

P. O. Boa iir. Mutual Telephone y8.




o2rQuefn utrnet, Honolulu, H

wAlM Soda Water Co., L'c

ISMplnnado,nrner Allot) & Fort Sit., Honolulu

HOLLI8TER & CO.,Agunte


You will find it at the cornerof Hotel and Bethel streets.

Headquarters for ALL theSports and Race Horse Men.

A No. 1 Liquors a specialty.

B. Lemon and F. Woodmanwill attend to the WANTS ofthe Weary.

Seattle Beer kept at a Tem-perature Unequalled in Town.

John Dewar, Kellock's AA.Green River and Old Govern-ment Whiskies and the vervbest of everything else. tjia

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE112 Hotel htbkkt,



Bl tkfitt.

UtAUS BFMOE1L8. Wk.w 1hwi

lilhnrf SJnitDflroT h

BANKERS.unMnttiti ..." i, -- ..


rranoiico Ag$nUTuK NevadaNational Bank or. 8aw Fkanoisoo

Francisco The Novada NationalBank of San Francisco

London Tho Union Bank of LondonLtd.,

Nbw York American Exchange Na.tional Bank.

Chicago Merobante Natlconl BankParis Credit Lyonnaln.Berlin Drosdnen Bank.Honkono and Yokohama Honk.ng a

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nl!W ZKAUVND AMD AUHTHAIJA llnnV

New Zoaland.Victoria and Vanoouvkr Bank r

British Noriil. AmerttM.Tmtaci i General Mm ud Eictaize Buiin

Depouts Kectived. Loaai mado on Atproved Securltj. Coaimerclal and TraTelctbCredits Issued. Bills of Xxchange bouKbt

sold.Ooijjctiowb gnonrrur Aocourtbd To..

Xstsblfc&ed 1868


Transact & General Baskinguid iiixcnangu Jouoinoss.

Commercial and Traveler'Letters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- e

in all the principal citieiif tho world.

Intorost allowed after Juh1, 1898, on lixod deposits 3

months 3 per cent., 6 month3J per cent., 12 months 4

por cent.

nwrne cje.


Saving Dopottlts wlU bereceived and Interest allowed by thilBank at fonr and one-ha- lf per cent.per annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Regulations may be obtained nn application.

umce ac uanK Dunuing on Merchantstreet.


Pioneer Bui ding andLoan Association.

ASSETS. DEC. 31, 1891, 1112.677.17.

Money loaned on approved security.A Savings Bank for montblv deposit.Houses built on the monthly Install-

ment pir .

Twentieth .Serl - of Stock Is nowopened.

OFFICERS T. F. Lansing, Presi-dent; S. B. Rose, Vlco President; C. B.Gray, Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary.

DIRECTORS T. F. Lansing, S. RRose, A. V. Gear, A. W. Keech, HenrySmith, J. L. McLean, J. D. Holt. C. B.Gray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. GEAR,Secretary.

Chamber of Commerce rooms.Offlce Hours: 12:301:30 p. bi.

Tge YokohBraB gpecie Bank;


Subscribed Capital .... Yen 24,000.000Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000,000Reserved Fund Yen 8,000,000

Tbe Bank buys and receives for eoKlection Bills of Exchange, Issues Draftsand Letters of Credit, ana transactsa general banking business.


riied Deposit tor ta Bontba, a pel real i. aOa Find Deposit tor 6 monttii, JH "On Filed Deposit tor aoe, j

INTEREST ALLOWEDBv the Heal Oflce, at Yokohama, oa Curreaiba

eosit, t ... M per dayOil tted Deposit for is months, sH per cent p. a.

New ReDstllc Building, ill lim SL, UssoIp i

FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and Superintending:

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Floetro Hydraulic Power Transmission!REPORTS AND ESTIMATESFURNISHED. . . ,

With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Quoen street.OIllco nor, to Po aloe. 1228

Ji R1E8 T. TAYLOR,M. Am. Soc. C. B.


Hydraulic Engineer,806Jndd Block. Tele. 688

SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Block, Hotel Streot

Joseph Fernandez, Prop's


Page 7: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots

Lines of

.Oceanic Steamship Company

TIMEThe Fine PaMQMer Btoamera

Cjoavo Thin Pott m Horoundor.

From San Francisco:mniPOSA..., .....,... lunt mRictRALIA July 4

uOAM.... ...,.. July ilStSTfcALfA .. Auf i

In connection wth ihe of (he above BtoBmera, the Agents. ore prepared to ine, to intending passengers, coupon through(iokets by any railroad from San Franciv. to all in theUnited States, and from Now York by any Atoamahip lino to allEuropean ports.

For ifnrther particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agenta

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co, 0 Toyo Risen Kaisna

, ,,.... Steaawtolttt abort cot0anit will call at Hoaololu aJ faart this port on or atom aW ,....datet below rationed i..,.

1 For Japan and China:fiidfc " J JTntkonf Manl June jiCttni Junaio,Der'c July IMrpoe Mru .July itRio i Jarwlra July 16

Cortle Aug iAmerlcaMaru Aug toI'tkine Aug 18

Guile AuejSlltrtgVtrie Maru...... Sept 5

For central Information atpiy 10

H. Hackfeld &


of lilt abort lint, runntnc In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.Mown Vancouver, B. C. and Sydnty, N. S. W.. and call In r at Victoria. C. C, Honolulu and Brttbantire UVK AT on or about the date below tuttd, rli i

IKOM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C.For Brlabaot and Sydney 1

,..", I Aorangl June 0,, I Warrlmoo July 7,', , I Mlowera Aug. 4

aWThrough tlckelt laautd from Honolulu to Canada, United Statta and Europt. For Freight andrattaf am all general information, apply 10

Theo. H.Davle8&Co.,Ltd., Gcn'lAfecnts.

American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Co.VRECT SERVICE BETWEEN


from to San Fraatlsco:U



&Agents, Honolahiro.

H. CO.,

SteamsbiD Co, Ltd.

Tke Klnau will sail fromHit em 7th at 8 m.,and other ports of call twelve hours

or arriving InSaturday morning, Juno 9th.

I11.0 Tuesdaythe 12th, will ho received the Claud-Jn- o

Friday, Juno 8th. On JuneT2th, tho will sail nt 12

will sail fromMaul a day of time, arriv-ing (a Honolulu Saturday morning,June 9th.

EXCURSION IHLO FOR 4thhalf rato. Tho stmr.

KINAU will sail from HonoluluMonday, July 2d, at 12 m, touching atway ports this trip day of

regular time. Round trip toHllo and ,12.60, nrst class, in-

tending passengers aro requestedtook early. Freight will bo receivedthe Claudino wharf on Friday,29th.

CLAUDINE will sail fromon Monday, July 2d, at m.,

and provided twenty tickets nro soldfrom Maul to Hllo and returnat (12.50 sue will proceed to Hllo,

Maui ports Tuesday,la Hllo on tho morning of tho

Leaving Hllo at midnight oftho Fourth, will nrrlvo at Kahulul on


J.J.WILLIAMS,!ir,i u



Visitors cordially invited tccall and Inspect our gallery of life6lze royal photos, from

to date.At the Old StandOn Fort






TABLE.This Lino Will t anc

For San raisco.nuoilfAUA j?.!AUTRAUA . . . . , V V ' Jilrt ,1ALAMEDA j'Zll

Oceanic S. 8. Jn.

For San Francisco:Doric ..June itNippon MaruRio de Janeiro ..Jan ytCoptic , ..Ju'y toAmerica Maru ..jury ijPeking July 17Gaelic A" 4Hongkong Maru ..Aug itChina . Alt atDoric .. . Angel

Co., Ltd., Agents.

wibip Cipaov

FROM SYDNEY BRISBANE.For Victoria and Vancouver (B.C.):

Miowera jsiy 4I Aorangl Aag. 1





From Portland . . .


aH la!SK3nKbJ H m

'VSSorftSan Francisco: 8:00 M., 10:00

A. M., 6:00 P M.Leave Portland: 9:17 M., 9:00 M.Through without Change.Only THREE DAYS Chicago.9nly FOUR DAYS New: Palace Sleepers Buffet,

Smoking and Library withBirber Shop and Pleasant ReadingRooms

Dining Cars (MealsFree Reclining Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.

J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,street, Portland, Oregon.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, Genral Agent,No. i Montgomery St., San Francisco.

E.L.LOMAX.G.P.SrT.A.,1472 Omaha, Nebraska.


From and After January 18

TRAINS.STATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) ellr Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. PJwHonolulu T.'to 11:0, 1:15 1:10Pearl City.... l.oj 11:40Ewe Mill I: io:ot it.00 4S 6:10Walanat 10:50 4I4SWalalua 11:1sKahuku ia:iaSTATIONS, Dally(Inward) Sun. Dally

A.M. AM.armn. ........ JH5 a.oi

Walalua :io t.joWalanat Tito j:I

wa Mill ,:so (10, 4:1aPaailClty J.OJ 1110 4:3a

onolalu .jo ?. .'F. C. Smith, Qen'l Pass. 1

Agent.O. P. Dbnibon , Superintendent

First steamer to be dispatched New York Honolulu via6. 6. "AMERICAN" on or about August 1st b followed by a eteoacr

evenr other month.Freight received at Company's wharf, Brooklyn, all times by IghteK

t tii can." general Information, apply ;



Thursday, Juno p.

nhoad regular tlmo, IIo-aolu- la

Freight destined for onon

wharf onnlnnu m ns

UEual.Stmr. CLaUuImE

ports ahead



on a aheadtho tickets



Stmr. Ho-nolulu 5 p.


leaving on arriv-ingFourth.


i. iapixoi



Street a


at Arrivo





Leave A.

A. P.

toto York.


135 Third


ti. Sun, ti. Sun.




Ctlnest) aM Japanese Firms.

NlagudD Boardfflan,


Uomestlc Servants, Sailors and General


Office Hours: g a. m. to 3 p. m

Telephone 917.

P. O. Box 862.

Room 1, Spreokela Bloobl6r

Y. MASUDA,Ponraits

Done in Crayon or OilPictures Framed In any style.Framed Pictures for sale.

......New Mouldings for Frames havearrived.

King and Alapai streets,near nonoiuiu SIOCK Yards.




Is PrepareditoHupply nt Bhort NoticeRTONE FOR BTJILDINQPURPOriES


At Lowest Prices Plettso apply 01leave orders t office of

J L. Knuluknu,1401 Bethel street. rtiHuka I. O.


Watchmaker and Jowollor


213K King street 1277


A. r. OZAWA, Manager.


Ttatnorarv Offlca: Room, tun.f.ira CnnL.i. 1.1.11..--rng.Tel. 344.



124 King Street, Opposite John Nett'sHONOLULU, H. I.

Claaalag, Dy.lif and Rtpalrlag a Ite4alyM

' Y. MAN SINGHas ReaoTd Proa Fort Street t innnuaan atreet, opp. uoe iust,


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,A Frai Asionarrr op ApiCAn, Eouiadjt.uiLn .Luin vm HAND

N. ji Nuuanu meet. Huaoltla. H. I.

Good werk aal f ti at guaraatccdv.iomei Cleaned aal Kenalrtl


RRfir.PBV iNn PDRQU CDIllxcalways on hand. FRESH PINEAPHLESiui 31'cliji orucr, ana CALir- - jkniaFRUITS by every steamer and also ISL- -

miuDuncn, uenvery rree. 1 el. 303


Cut and Growing PlantsSprays Bouquets

Weddlng& Funeral Design

ON SHORT NOTICELarge Variety of Roses and Other Plants


PIKKE & CO.,Union St., above Hotel.

The World RegisterKeeps the Caah while you aro huty,

Try ono o

Hook Prices

On Marble and Granite,


Fences and LawnFurnitnre.

eaw'D Iron Fence and Monumental Co,

641 King Street.

PASSENGERS ARRIVED.From itho Orient, per 0. & 0. S. 8.

Doric, on routo to San Fmnclsco, Juno11 L. Achard, W. L. Ackland, W.Alexander. R. M, Andrews. S. J. Ualley,J. H. IleUs, Mrs. E. II. Draddock, Mas-ter V. Uradduck, Mls3 Gertrude IJrcm-nc- r,

W. S. Carletdn, Mrs. W. S. Carlo-to- n

and child, F. U. Curtis, Lieut. II.W. Carpenter. U. S. M. C, Paul Door-man, II. Estinghatiscn, Col. Frnscr, R,A., Mrs. W. M Fisher, Mrs. A. Forrest,Mrs. C. F. Snow, child and servant, Dr.O. H. Tlldcn, Mrs. S. II. Warner, Rev.A. A. Fulton, Mrs. A. A. Fulton andchild, Miss Draco Fulton, Master IL W.Fulton, Master II. W .Fulton, Mrs. H.Orovc and maid, Rev. II. II. Otiy, Mrs.II. H. Guy and child, Master BernardGuy, A. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Hamilton,Miss Edna Z. Hamilton C. E. R. Han-dr- o,

V. L. Harris, John tllnkol, Mrs.John Hlnkcl, 0. R. Home, MasterYoung Wnh Hoon, V. II. Jones, J.Spocrn, Miss Young Lai, Mrs. II. Wil-son, Young Cum Yuen, Mrs. A. P. Low-rl- e,

Mrs. McLean, J. F. Olesen, Yce 01,Mrs, E. P. Osborne, child and servant,Bishop S. E. Partridge, MIbs M. E. Pen-ney, Miss M. Robins, Mrs. HughBoardman, Mrs. E. A. Sargent and ser-vant, MIbs Sargent, Master Sargent, C.D. Sins ,Mrs. C. D. Sins and maid, II.Stlnorcs, M .L. Sncad, J, C. W. Schroo-de- r,

Mrs. N. Vlclrn, Mrs. M. Wright.

PER S. S. AUSTRALIA.Just landed a fnlt lino of grapes, ap-

ples, oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage,cauliflower, cranberries, burbank andred potatoes, iates, salmon, floundors,halibut, crabs, Eastern and Californiaoysters (in tin and shell,) turkeys,chickens, ducks, quail. A .all line ofcanned goods. CAMARINOS' REFRI-GERATOR

dUATl'Lh, IlhJtiK.The ever popular italnior Deer (a be-

coming a household word and "willyou have a glass of beuttle," Is moreofteo heard than anything else. TheCmerlou Saloon has the beer on tap ortn bottles.

TO CURE A COLUllfe ONE DAY.Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund the money If itfalls to cure. E. W Grove's signatureta on each box. 26 cents.


been thinking of

1900Boxes of Prang's

Water Color Paints

for the

CHILDREN?For Sale by

Hawaiian News Co,,Limited

Merchant Stnt

Coney- - EstateLANDS.


INGLOTS on Nt-a- nu Avenue, at Nlo

lopa, Nuuanu Valley for sale. Apply teJ. M ANSARRAT,

Cartwrlght Block--, erchant streetii8


P RINTING 1 Prepared to fill or.RODUlED V der.o until 4 p. m.ROHPILY ' Saturdays. . . .


COMPANY, Limited.

Queen Street,Corner of Fort Street

VIhenYouWaiiuuR.!!RING UP TUF

C-I- a- U-- D

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


Sta'.lo 'Phone, 47"Uacv. Mtand 'Phonos, 310 and 7T;.



Obia, Alroba and Pine Firewood

Oat and tiplit (ready for the Stove),Also,



Lowest Prices, delivered to any panthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,SI Queen Street.

12, IHOO.

Catton, Neill33 IT .O-.- I

Boilermakers : :

A.g.t,s ror..- -

The - General - ElectrlWs


R1SD0N IRON WOEKS,San Franolsoo,

ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS.tiih Duty Pumping Machinery,

Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines. Cane Can,Vacuum Pans, and all machinery for the cumi lete equipment of Sugar Mills.


Fresh Oysters,Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Plums,

Fresh Cauliflower, Fresh Celery, Fresh Turnips,SMOKED - SALMON - AND - HALIBUT

Grimsby Bloaters, Dates, Figs, Lemons, Etc., Etc,: FOR :





Bandwlehea Lunokaea.

Do you know that tbe

RlfER.tbe official whisky

of the United States Navy Hospitals?

C. & Co.. Ltd.,

For Sandwiches

CUokan Loaf,OoUageLoaf,

Teal Loaf,

illoe tbin. Serra oold, BieeUent for

faUphrma 119.





Guitar,and TJkulelo.

myMr. of Wall, Co.,will hae of my


13 : Berettxxiia. : St


sueet Tel. X114. UM

B. K.

of ' .itar, Mandolin, Zltharand Taro Patch.

Orders to be left cure of Wall, Nichols

at Mnslo do. 'a, 126.

Co., Ltd.ZLST IE IB 5, Sand KttmUlnftm.

I'ft, WiVMM.t




and Luncheon.

Ham Loaf,Beef Loaf

and 9m try


W. Peacock

Chas. Huatace,

Carriage MakerGeneral Repairing.

Fainting, 'Blacksmithing, Trimming.Pbuotonp, Buggies Hacks Manufactured.


Mandolin, Zither,

n&rDuring absence atomr1"Ames, Nichols

charge pupils.



"Mignon," 720 BereUnla



Oo.,nd Jorpitrom



11 Klni tratn. mart to tho Arlli

Plumbers, Etc.


75 and 79 King StreetTELEPHONE NO 81

NOW Is the tlmo to get leak actbroakages seen to, and yoar

Roofs Put in OrdtBy competent woifcmtv V

For the" PlumbingOn that new house that you nnabout to build or tho alteratioiMiyon are intending to) make oayour property. Call and aee aWand got an eatimate.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Practical Tinsmith and Flnmtftr,

Hhop: Borelanla street, 4 tleon eaatof Punchbowl. Phone 844,

Hour 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.Jobbing promptly attended to.

BJSiK HAAHEO,King street, no. Railroad Depot,

number and TinBm'tfcJBatlBfaotloa cuarantood.

All work proro pUy and omrefall 1attended, to. ttn


-- a

Page 8: WhMTToilf FavSFitechool Teacher? 5B Evening-- Bulletin...CROWDS CHEER GOOD RACES. Record Breaking Meet of the Ha-waiian Jockty Clob. Splendid Haoagmeot Tnroughout-De-tail of Breots


"SWW" ;'..U THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, u. 'I'.. TOMiyAX'oimvia.1900. UKr- -' 48f.. 'a;

Commission Merchants !

MODEL 50:-- A N D





it 33 Queen Strce


in - - QWMW

On WEDNESDAY, June 13,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At my salesro-m- , 3) Queen street, 1 willjell at Pur He Autlon a large I t of

Hxrdwa e, u.r.-- r, Flour, Dry Goods,S' ow Case, Meat Safe, Ice Box, Trunks,etc., etc


tJ Auctioneer.



Auber's Famous Opera

Fra - DiavoloAn Excellent Cast.


First Appearance of


PRICES ioc, 75c and Si.oo.

BOXES 51.25.

Gentlemen are requested to refrain from SmrklngIn tfe Hoses and Sections . B, C. The privilegewill be attended In the other portion of the house.

BANK NOTICE.Customers are Imormej that every

check, dtaft, or ordtr, drawn onorafhrJune 14th, 1900, payable at sight or on

demand must have therein a two-cen- t U.

S. Internal Revenue stamp, cancel cd bythe Initial of the drawer and date of Issue

beicre It will be pild, received on deposit,or taken for col lee Ion.

The negotlatlan or pavment of anycheck, draft, or order, without such can-

celled stamp affixed will be a violation "fthe U. S. Revenue Law and will renderthe maker liable to the prescribed penalty.

Stamps for above purpoes will be sup-

plied to customers at face value by theundersigned, or can be obtained at the U.S Internal Revenue jffice, corntrFort andAllen streets, Honolulu.



IVESSTOCK YARDS LTD.,ilWANTS.Ait. I tbtt column vnll ht inurttd ttif Mail a tint tut imttlim: aj emit two

i'tt tf 3 ctnlt tntvittk, 40 i) ,

aJ (to ri cm monia. TWi ii U ttuNtt Jvfhi ifRif ofrli lit Hotlt 0 Honolulu.




lANTED-O- ne Of more toodPRFSSMEN. ApplW at 8 a. ro. lo ROBERT GRIEVIPUBLISHING COMtthtMStrMt. UlfttntiMTi:h..r.Anj tar rood sewlnr elrla:W arnlv at once. Mf. rambers. Sulllvn Co

ta, opposite Dr. McGrew, Hotel st 1SS2W1

tlANTED-- A Young Mn .bout year old. t'v--

inr vttth os'ents. lor pnsltl n as clerk Musthave fair knowledge ol bookkeeping, State salary.and addiess :j iin7ii iwim


$5.00 per wHk. Call 501 Berstanle St.t)4t.

tlANiTD-- A GOOD SECOND HAND BICYCLEApply at this omce. 5i'- -

UANTED-DETECTI- VE, sllrewd. reliable man InW the principal towns ol the Islinds lor legltl- -... J.t.iu. wArb n,4r tn.fntftlrn. Address II.

C. Webster. Supt. American Detective Association, '

Indlanaplls, Indiana, u. a. a. it"-'- "

CLUB HARHtK ""WANTED-TI- IEwhere you can gel a IINE SIIWEIor

ie. White raroers. ioi King street.Metr pol Han Meat Co, i s miTHE OWL LUNCH AND OYSTER ROOM -

Oysters served In the shell only Try hisfamous Ham and rpg Sanalches ana toneeII stel and Fort street., DICK DALY. Proprietor.


X7ANTED Men to know that they can get shavsdW by a white barber lor 15 cents at H. JEFFs,CioM Fort street, "M- - On im iioo-l- r

LET To rnt a desribU--. large FcONTTO ROOM, furnished, private enfance I om l.m.il,roakilslde, Vineyard street, mldde Hock, tit veenNuuanu anJ River streets. In lulto ol Mrs, D l.


FOR RENT orriCe. Applv to J. M. Monsa'tat.10 Merchant tret. m'

RENT-Ori'l- suitable lor Doctors.FOR Archltec.s. at the Elite bulldlne on llo'ei St.Inquire Hart & Co., Lt JU Hotel t. U'-,-

TO LET-- CO rTAGE 'or one person, Klnau stmtAJdress B u Ho to, im-t- l

TO on Pauoa Road at rrescntoccupied by Mr. T. II. Gltson. Apply to

,, M.S.GRINBAtmgiCO.

TO LET The residence of John Ena at WalKlkl.1 furnished or unfurnished. Large, yard and

house, barn and stables. To let as a whole or In

part For further particulars, applv to JOHN fcNA

at I. I. S. N Cos office. Queen street 1464--

I'liiMMinn nooMs,

FURNISHED ROOM, only S10 month PrivateVineyard St. J doors Queen HoUI.


To Apartments or Part ol a HouseUnfurnished, No 8 .0 tascitove, KIor t.


NE FURNISHED ROOMS at th Fort Street1. .use coiner Fort and VlncvarJ Sts. Every- -

ihlns Two rooms suitable for deniltt ordoitor; ij)6-l-

TO LET First-clas- s Board and Rooms at theAloha House on Fort street. 1 jai-n- t

LOST.I F the person who took a Stearns Bicycle Xo. (.8,5611 belonging to D O Hammtn. flora he Drill SreJwill return same to the California Harness hhopthere will be no qiestlon asked, Otherle hullibe piosecuted as he is known. miwt


COllND--A RAMBLER hICYCLE b'ni; In theI middle of Klnc street opposite tin Optra Houseat 4 a. m. Saturday, June 0. Owner may havesame on I' dentlfylng and paying for advertise-ment and a reward by application at ihisofnee. mwiPOUND At the corner ol King ard Foil StreetsT a BABY'S HOOD and SMALL I'OWDLRHUFF. Owner can obtain same at this office byidentifying thi goods andpiylng fjr this adveillse-men- L

nuCOUND-- A MEDAL for a no yard Hurdle. TheI owner can obtain same by calling at this officeand Identifying It and paying for this advertlse-men- t.

isitfFOR SALE.

I OTSOF LOTS-A- lso HOU-E- AND LOTS" For bale. For Rent, Lease

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.106 Merchant St. Honolulu. II. I.



POR SM.E--ON- E GOJD CARRIA iE HORSERubber Tire Phet 'n. single harness. All first

.lass. Call or addiess J W Club Stables MII-t- f

POR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Iio- oo. CHOICEI HOME. Young str.et. Few days only. Address"J. p." Box i ll.molulu millPOR SALE OR EXCHANGt-Cho- ice HOME.

Youni: street, Jiooo. J D. AVERY, GermanlaLlteolhrc. i52o-t- f

POR SALE $4500. Lease of businessI property on Fort street tt years to run. GroundRent S80 per annum. am.

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.906 Mrnhant street.

SALE-T- WO COTTAGES on Young St.,pposlte L, II. Dee, fcsq Inquire of u. c.

BOA! RDMAN. 1464-- tf

POR SALE-Sic- oo. LOT In best portion of Kallhlsue son jo. !.

WJLI LIAM SAVIDGE.no. ti street.



ONRY to loan on real estate. Applv to Will E.Fisher, Real Estate A; ent and Auctioneer.


OTICE TO BUILDERS-T- he Uilon Express Co.has WHITE SAND FOR SALF. nut'

RUDOLPH DUNCAN states that he Is still In theearth business although he has sold his

Interest In the ballast business.Office: Bethel street la II. R. Hitchcock's law


DR. HUDDY'S Dental Parlors are nowI49)-I- I


Nose Bitten Off,Ktihao, a uatlvo living In Nlolopa,

Nuuanu, had naif his nose bitten oilby another natlvo during a drunkeubrawl at that place Sunday. Tho fighttook place In tho dark and there wasbiting on both sides. The man who bitKuhao's nope off is quite well Knownfor ..10 same trick at different places.Tho victim Is in tho hospital.

& to a- -




Wsathor Durcau, 1'unahou, Juno 12.Tmpcraturo mornlnj; mlnlmtim,

70; Midday maximum, 82.Barometer at a. m. 29.92. Falling.Rainfall .05.new Point 6SIHumidity at a a. m. VI per cent.Diamond Head Signal Station. June

.12. Weather cloudy; wind light NK.

ARRIVALS.Saturday, June

Schr. Eclipse, from Kauai.Schr. Surprise, from Hawaii.Stmr. Helcno, from Kauai.Schr. Golden Gate, from Hawaii.

Sunday, Juno 10.Scdr. Allco Kimball, from Maul.Schr. Ka Mol Wahlnc, from Hawaii.

Monday, Juno 11.Schr. I.uka, from Hawaii.O. ft O. S. S. Doric, from the Orient.

DEPARTURES.Saturday, June 9.

Am. bk. Oakland, Aekerman, for the5ouml.

Am. schr. Mary Dodge, for SanFrancisco.

Dr. S. S. niocmfontcln, Ulelloch, forScuttle.

Am. bis. C. D. Ilrynnt, Collny, for SunFrancisco.

S. S .Aornngl, liny, for tho Colonies.Schr. Albert Meyer, Netlocn, for IMr(

Townsend In ballast.Monday, Juno 11.

U. S. A. T. Sherman, for Munlln.


NOTICE.ruder the United States law on and

nftcr Juno 14th, 1900, all shipping receipts must benr 11 DocumentaryWar Tax Stnmp on tho original, dupli-cate, and triplicate.

Shippers nro requested to tifTix thestamps according to law ns freightcannot bo received otherwise.

Shipping receipts must contain astatement of the contents 'of pnckngcj.INTER-ISLAN- STEAM NAVIGA-

TION CO.. Ltd.Jns. L. McLean, Vlco President.WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.

C. L. Wight, President,lG53-t- f

Sixteenth. Annual - Meeting


lavaiiai Jockey Clnl


Races June M, 1900.Vi Mile, Frec-fo- r nil S100Ti Mile, Hawaiian Hied 100

Mile, Frco-for-a- il ... 1002:30 Class, Trotting nnd Pacing 1001 Mile, Free-for-a- ll 100Gentlemen's Driving Race.open to horses with n record,nnd not confined to members ofthe Jockey uub L0

7. 1U Mllo Dash, Free-for-a- ll .. 150

Entries to closo nt tho olilco of theManufacturing Harness Company onTuesday, Juno 12, 1900, nt 2 o'clock, p.ro.

Entrunco feo to bo ten per cent ofpurso unless otherwise specified.

All races to bo run or trotted undertho rules of tho California Jockey Club,and the National Trotting Association.

All riders nnd drivers to appear Incolors.

At least three to enter and two tostart.

All horses are expecteu to start un-less withdrawn by 9 o'clock n. m. .onjuno 13th, 1900.

General admission, Including grandstand, ? 1.00.

No extra charge for carriages lnsldolnclosure.

Additional chargo of $2.50 for ad-

mission to saddling paddock.Quarter stretch badges, $5.00.Program subject to change.Per order Committee.

PAUu R. ISEMHSIta,Secretary Hawalllan Jockey Club.

1565-2- t

Delinquent - Steel,IN THE

Ho Sopr ro. Ltd.


Iwlllsellat Public Auction, bv or'er ofthe Treasurer, M Ouderklrk, sufficient ofthe following delinquent stock (if theKamaio Sugar Company, Lt'd., to relnvbu e the Company ui less the dellnauen'

paid at the office of the Hawaiian I rust v Investment t--o L'tdHonolulu, H. 1., before the day of sale.

No. No.nnrtlf. Sharesi66..Chas. II. Atherton 00169. F.C Atherton 5028). .L C. ANes 21A4 L , Abies 25,8..L. C. Abies 2),86 L C. Ablet as187 L C, Abies 10288 L, C, Abies 10


PROPS.W.. S. WITHERS, Mgr.,03 W. G. Ashlct- ,0041s Geo. Andrews ,oo

So. P. II Burnett 50x"P H, Burnett so61). P.H.Burnett.... o614 P. H. Burnett..... 106m P. H. Mu mm tots.--P. II Burnett 5

I 1. aiucKiry. 3i..T. Buckley 10a

soo Chas. Uelllna 10sou Chas. Hellln ioao Chas. Bettina so101 (.has. tuiiina iato. Chas, Beillna k

4o capl. w. ij. uennet 50t)i E R. Biven.tr w

o. r. k. mven, ir a1 H.U. Biart ..

7)0 Mrs. C. R. Blake o4JT Jas. H. Boyd too47, Jn. II. Hoyd 15711 y. 11 nerrey i147 J. E Bush.tr 30Hi J. E. B ish. tr soK8J..E. nush.tr 10476 E.S. Boyd .....t it..8 w. Cttivie ,;6S3 J. H. Cummlngs.... , suo7J4 J. 11. (.ummings oj4S9 .Manuel Cook if

61 .a. t61 .A.F Clark61 A. F.Clark it64-- Clark ,47W. L. DIllMV 1)

11,. .W. L. Disney im70, ..W. L. Disney ti704. W. L. Disney n11) (jeo.A. uavls)) uco. a. uavis... is4ot r. L. uortch 50406 F. L. rtoitcti jo407 F. L. Dortch 50607 C.T.Day no719 M. I U044 loojes 1. J. jen

o Mrs. H. Flshel ao76511 A. Franson )3)111. u.iiares 50jojA.ti. Hitchcock ijotii11. k. mien ock 250

Hitchcock 00UO--- R. HlUhcock teai)itl R. IIUchciK 100446-- H. R, Hitchcock 4)o

11. R. Hitchcmk 4)o447 H. R. Hlichcock )oo419 H R. Hitchcock 504)o II, R. Hl'chcnck 4)o71(1 Mis. II. R. Hitchcock 49s7)-- Mls II. C. HlUhcock itu

68 --J At. Howard 9;16, W. A. Henshall 35164-- W. A. H.nshall sj160 Inei llassnn 1516) .. h. II istnn to64-- H. E. Hendricks : 50)io den, Harrhon 10657 J T. Hilbus ;o408 Geo. H'tchvns s409 Geo. Hltc ens 30410 Geo. H tchens so4ii- - Gen. Kitchens s591 II. J. Harrison 10591 H.J Harrison 10)9) H.J. Harris m 10Mi H. J.ll.i rlson ig59S II. J.llanUon 10591) h, J. Harrison 11)i F, A. Jacobs a)

ill R, A. lordan a is1 6 R, A. Jordan 10291 W. H, lohnson 100juO Thos. D. Ingerso'e s

Si J. K. Kahookano as)8) D. II. Ltwlh, Ir 1007)7 (.has. Lucas 609)66- - Geo. Lcurgus. tr i))67 Geo, L)curgus tr 95)68 Goo. LyCurgus, tr i))6y Geo. I ycurguv tr 2)49$ .Mrs. John Lucas 150

Jniin Lucas 230497 w. (1, Muddox 504)111. R. M er 1204V1H. k. Clever 110454 H. R Meyer 110'

.Meyer jojsy A. A. Meer s81 R. W. Maraulay 20

172 Miss Mossman a)42) Wm.Muth '50219 Emmett May 50" "aao 50

J'227' y

129' . aj2)0 a$'2)1' 5

"1)2' JS)T Jennie McLaln 10

421 Mrs. Wm. Mutch so111 Mrs. Wm. Mutch so42).. Mrs. Wm. Mutch 50424 .Mrs. Wm. Mutch 50464 .Jas. P. Morgan 5046s.. Jas. F. Morgan so466 .Jas. P. Morgan 50467. .Jas, F. Morgan so4C8. Jas. F, Morgan s469. Jas F.Morgan so470. Jas, F. Morgan 50478, Jas. F. Morgan s9)0, Jas McCrea'y so4)6. J. D. McVeigh so4)7.. J. D. McVeigh so4)4.. James Nott.Jr as4)S James Nott.Jr 9)604. James Nott.Jr 10109. .W II. Not ss)i9..W. B.Nott 9S204..SamNott s46..S. F. Noll 9589..S.F. Nott 95

710. W. H. Newcomb 50766. W. II. Newcomb 9)414. .W. P. O'Brien 50751. J. M. O'Brien 1(0lit N G Peterson 107i5..Frankl'4Checo 100)66. C. L. Rhodes 95114. J. H. Schnack 100

19. J. H, Schnack 9522. J, H. Schnack at31.. J. II. Sihnack , as38. .M.N Sanders 25" "')9.. 9540.. 25'41.. 91

)2)..Dr.J, Shaw is).. ;;' 95

' S

)1U.. 9582. J. Scully 95" "Si.. 10

7oo,.N.Schoeld 570)..Dr.W. E.Taylor 95i)S..MIss b. Stansbury ss709 Tong Chong 10)78..Mrs. Vlda jo" 'l9-- . 50! 5" '8l.. 50t)o. .11, Vicars 5012)., Geo. Weight 950149,. Win. Wagner 100151., , James Westbrook.... 5017I..W.F. Wilson is177.. Geo. Ward 100184. . Miss K. V. Woodward)8).. '

4o. ,F. B. West...." "Til,. ...." "791.. ....

7).. ; ....",14.. ....

t,8..J. T. Wavson. Jr c

616.. J. S. Walker 50" "007,. 5072, John Wlrud 95

44)'lWlndrath'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.,. 100441. J. K. Burkett , 90" "442,. k,i 90144 . " 107i9..Mrs,M.T. Kluegel 100" "40.. 100" "'41.. 00742,. " 100" "'II.. too

WILL E.FISHER,1554-t- d Auctioneer.

Columbia : ChainlessBICYCLES

$65.00 CashFitted with any Saddle or Gear.


E. 0. HALL


SON, Ltd,


40 Selected ones for $3.00-F-OR SALE AT TH-E-


Coustaiitlv -- Oo-


-- New Shipments Eery Montli.


Navy Contractors.





Real Estate Brokers

and Collectors - -


:: In All Paris of the City ::

Down to SPORT CASH 2 fins lotsKaplolanl Park 1300.

4o-ye- lease, beach,' Walklkl. Houstand Lot, cheap, Kewalo.

Corner Kins: and Bethel streets.


Over 5000 yards of WhiteGoods of every description havebeen placed on sale at a GreatReduction in Price.

Our stock is the largest that can be found intown, easy to make selections,--D- O NOT MISSTHIS SALE


500 pieces of White' LinenLawn in 4 grades, 40 incheswide will also be placed on saleat Special Low Prices, Just thething for this hot spell.

in.Ex-Austra- lia we receive a

large shipment of Table Linensand Napkins direct from themills of Ireland and England.

Pacific Import Co.(INCORPORATED),Fort St. Progress Block


imtaji -




i J