who am i : part 1 what am i here for

Who am I? Part 1 : What am I doing here? Bugs Tan Persatuan Buddha Hilir Perak Teluk Intan 10 th Oct 2015

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Who am I?Part 1 : What am I doing here?Bugs TanPersatuan Buddha Hilir PerakTeluk Intan 10th Oct 2015


Powerful person?Professional?Good husband?Saya siapa?

Handsome man?


Leng loi..!!?Good person?Saya kamu?

Angle without wings?


couch potato?Who are you?

Professional Mahjong player?

Karaoke singer?

Marathon runner?


Whats going on?

What is the purpose of life?Where did I come from?Where do I go when I dies?Why cant I be happy all the time?Neighbor has a better car than mine. @#$!*&?!Why Ajib kor so thick skin?Why I get hungry?Why Ringgit keep dropping?Why people chop head?1MDB One Malaysia Dalam Bahaya!Why am I born?Why people call us Cina babi?Why must work whole life long?Why money is always not enough?Why Malaysia lost to UAE 10-0?Sentiasa confused#*&^!@?Why do I feel happy and next moment Im not?


Many people are lostThey have no idea whats going on

People are confused and does not know what are they here for

Have one idea whats going on6

We want potek maybe

Some got old and could only hold on to old memories

Obviously we dont even ask why are we born and what are our purpose in life


Shuatao Leng Badminton Club


Now lets see what the intellectuals in the West has to says about this


What the Bleep do we know?

So what did the Buddha say?


Question from SubhaIn early Buddhist scriptures, Subha, the son of an eminent Brahmin asks the Buddha why some people are rich while others are poor, why some are long-lived while some are short-lived and so on.

The Buddha responded:

Human beings are owners of their actions, heirs of their actions, they originate from their actions, are bound to their actions, have their actions as their refuge. It is action that distinguishes beings as inferior and superior.

Buddha was a great scientistHe spent 45 years teaching the Dhamma.

And along the way he has told us the mechanics of how a human being are put together


PARTS of a chariotSaid the Buddha

In the Samyutta Nikaya, the Buddha was recorded as saying that just as the word chariot existed on the basis of the various parts put together to form a chariot.

Similary, the concept of human being exists when the five aggregates are bundle into one to form a man


Panca Kandhas



TIP: Suffering is extinguished by relinquishing attachment to aggregates

Human being is made-up of 5 aggregates1. Rupa - Body forms2. Vinnana - Consciousness

3. Sanna - Perceptions and cognitions

4. Vedana - Feelings and sensations

5. Sankhara - Mental formation and volition




1. Rupa Aggregate of matter

TIP: Rupa being the body is the easiest to be identified. Try pinching yourself



2. Vinnana - Consciousness

TIP: Vinnana is a prerequisite for the arising of craving (tanha).

Eyes for sightNose for smellEars for hearingTongue for tasteBody for touchThe mind receives the information and this is where it is processed and thus bring about consciousness.

The senses that we experiences goes to our mind where it is send to match with those in our memory bank.

Here, it recalls all the past memories and once the senses matches the past memories, we feet it's real and we recognise.

This feeling of "real" make us function as human being in the conventional world.

But in reality the "real" feeling is only a perception.

Now you see me. Now you dont3. Sanna - Perceptions

Off your first purchase with this promo code: 4. feelings (typed in at the bottom of the cart)1.pleasant feelings 2.un-pleasant feelings 3.both pleasant and unpleasant feelings



Sankhara are natural phenomena. They are our "thoughts" developed in our mind. These thoughts appeared and disappeared in our mind as long as we are a human being. This appearing and disappearing of thoughts happens at the speed of nano seconds. It is set in motion from the time we are born till the day we die.

This flow of thoughts is automatic and runs like a non-stop movie in our mind. We cant prevent it from appearing or disappearing in our mind but we can halt-it temporarily when we need to concentrate on our work.

When we are thinking we are engaging our mind to focus on what we want it to concentrate. Here is where kamma is created. If you have good thoughts, you create good kamma and if have evil thoughts, bad kamma will follow.

5. Sankhara Mental formation and volition

TIP: if one can understand such nature, then you can understand the working of Anicca

Arrow ProcessWhy use graphics from PowerPointing.com?5 aggregatesWhen we are absorbed into meditation, the five aggregates are set in motion. When we reach some states of consciousness that we often hear about under the calling transcendental, beyond conceptual thought, union with the divine, or anything whatsoever, those are still aggregates being set in motion.

Whether we are thinking, talking, making a move, experiencing some pain, a itchy or neutral sensation, these are the five aggregates, which are set in motionAny experience that we can do, in any field whatsoever, in any manner whatsoever, where ever or whenever we do it, these are still aggregates being set in motion. 5 aggregates 5 aggregates5 aggregates5 aggregates

Five aggregates are set in motionWhen nibbnais known, whennibbnais reached, as soon asnibbnais observed, these are still the five aggregates being set in motionUpon perceiving a sensation, whatever it is, as soon as we are aware of something, in reality the five aggregates are set in motion

The goal of a Buddhist The purpose of life


Panna Naranam Ratanam Wisdom is mans precious Gem

The goal of a Buddhist is to cultivate so that he could attainments wisdom, so he could see the truth. The Buddha spent many years educating and guiding monastic and lay communities so that people can see the truth for themselves. The Buddha called this anusasani patihariya - The miracle of education and, thats the only miracle He approved

Digha Nikaya Sutta no. 11 kalama sutta


To educate ourselves, We have to do our own experiments, trial and error and research


Kalama SuttaThe Buddhas chatter of free inquiry

Ehi passiko (come and see)

Welcoming careful examination at all stage of path to enlightenment

Like a gold smith, he do a test to see if it is really gold The BuddhaSix Methods:Visual Inspection, Bite Test, Magnet Test, Density Test, Ceramic Plate Test, Nitric Acid TestHow do we know what is good for us?

Like a gold smith, he do a test to see if it is gold The Buddha28

Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are good; these things are not blameable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.'Do not go upon what has beenacquired by repeated hearing,nor upontradition,nor uponrumor,nor uponwhat is in a scripture,nor uponsurmise,nor upon anaxiom, (anaxiomis a truth without controversy)nor uponspecious reasoning,nor upon abias towards a notion that has been pondered over,nor uponanother's seeming ability,nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."


3 Characteristic of a human being





Anatta - Non-selfThe Buddha teaches that both "we ourselves" and everything else in this world are compound phenomena, which just come into existence temporarily when conditions are right, continue to exist for a time, changing continually disintegrate or decomposed and are no longer in existence.

Sabbe Sankhara aniccaSabbe Sankhara dukhaSabbe dhamma anatta

Which mean;

All compound phenomena are impermanent

All compound phenomena are suffering

All phenomena are non-self

TIP: if one can understand such nature, then you can understand the working of Anicca


We shall continue tomorrow.End of part 1


Who am I?Part 2 : How to lead a meaningful life?Bugs TanPersatuan Buddha Hilir PerakTeluk Intan 10th Oct 2015


Master Lu


Question to ask:-What do you think is the womans problem?

What is the right thing for her to do? What else do you notice?

Sambung besok pagi..


Thank youSee you tomorrow

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