who are you (3)

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    Who are you?

    What are you passionate about?

    What are the achievements you are most proud of?

    What are you most grateful for in life? (Day 14 of Live a Better Life in 30 Days rogram is about e!pressing


    What are the most important things to you in life?

    $o% %ould you describe yourself?

    What are your values? What do you represent? What do you %ant to embody? (&n Day 1' of Live a Better

    Life in 30 Days rogram you %ill identify your values"#


    Do you love yourself?

    * Why or Why not?

    $o% can you love yourself more today?

    What is your ideal self? What does it mean to be your highest self?

    Loo+ at your life no%" ,re you living the life of your dreams?

    -f you have one year left to live %hat %ould you do?

    -f you have one month left to live %hat %ould you do?

    -f you have one %ee+ left to live %hat %ould you do?-f you have one day left to live %hat %ould you do?

    -f you have an hour left to live %hat %ould you do?

    -f you have one minute left to live %hat %ould you do?


    What %ould you do today if there is no more tomorro%?

    What are the biggest things you.ve learned in life to date?

    What advice %ould you give to yourself 3 years ago?


    -f you are yourself 1 year from the future ho% %ould you advise the you no%? (&n Day of Live a Better

    Life in 30 Days rogram %e travel to the future to give advice to the us today"#

    -s there something you.re still holding on to? -s it time to let it go?

    What are you busy %ith today? Will this matter 1 year from no%? 3 years? ' years?

    What are your uadrant tas+s?

    What opportunities are you loo+ing for?

    $o% can you create these opportunities?

    What are your biggest goals and dreams?

    What.s stopping you from pursuing them? *Why? $o% can you overcome them?

    -f you are to do something for free for the rest of your life %hat %ould you %ant to do?

    What %ould you do if you cannot fail2 if there are no limitations in money resources time or net%or+s?irl %ith balloons

    What do you %ant to achieve 1 year from no%?

    * 3 years?

    * ' years?

    * 10 years?

    $o% important are these goals to you?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    What if these goals are doubled? ripled? 5agnified by 10? $o% %ould you feel? Would you prefer to achiev

    these or your previous goals?

    Who are the people %ho have achieved similar goals? * What can you learn from them?

    ,re you putting any parts of your life on hold? * Why?

    What.s the top priority in your life right no%?

    What are you doing about it?

    -f you %ere to die tomorro% %hat %ould be your biggest regret? What can you do no% to ma+e sure that

    doesn.t happen?

    6or every e!perience you get7 What are the biggest things you have learned?

    $o% can you do this better the ne!t time?

    -f you have 1 million dollars %hat %ill you do %ith it?

    5oney notes

    Do you love your 8ob?

    What is your ideal career?

    $o% can you start creating your ideal career starting today?

    What is your ideal diet?

    What do you need to do to achieve your ideal diet?

    What is your ideal home li+e?What do you need to do to achieve your ideal home?

    What is your ideal physical loo+?

    What do you need to do to achieve your ideal physical loo+?

    What is your ideal life?

    What can you do to start living your ideal life?

    What %ould you %ant to say to yourself 1 year in the future?

    * 3 years?

    * ' years?

    * 10 years?Birthday

    What do you fear most in life?

    -s there anything you are running a%ay from?

    ,re you settling for less than %hat you are %orth? * Why?

    What is your inner dialogue li+e? (Day 9 of Be a Better 5e in 30 Days rogram is about uncovering your

    limiting thoughts"#

    What limiting beliefs are you holding on to?

    ,re they helping you achieve your goals?

    -f not is it time to let them go?

    What empo%ering beliefs can you ta+e on to help you achieve your goals?

    What bad habits do you %ant to brea+?What good habits do you %ant to cultivate?

    What are the biggest actions you can ta+e no% to create the biggest results in your life?

    Where are you living right no% : the past future or present?

    ,re you living your life to the fullest right no%?

    What is the meaning of life?

    What is your purpose in life? Why do you e!ist? What is your mission?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)



    $o% can you ma+e your life more meaningful starting today?

    What drives you?

    What are the times you are most inspired most motivated most charged up?

    What did you do during those times? $o% can you do more of that starting today?

    $o% can you change someone.s life for the better today?

    Who are the ' people you spend the most time %ith?

    ,re these people enabling you or holding you bac+?

    ;eading boo+ on a field

    What elf# Where can you meet peopl

    %ho embody these

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    4" What are your fundamental life values?

    '" Who are the 3 most important people in your life?

    9" What is your biggest dream?

    =" $o% much are you ready to sacrifice for your dream to come true?

    " What are the 3 things in your life that you %ould li+e to change?

    C" When %as the last time you laughed out loud?

    10" What are you grateful for?

    1" -f you %o+e up tomorro% %ith no fear %hat %ould you do first?

    " What %as your biggest %orry five years ago do you still feel the same about it at this minute?

    3" What advice %ould you give the ' year old you.?

    4" Ean you picture the child you once %ere %hat %ere they really good at?

    '" Who did you last gossip about ho% do you feel about it no%?

    9" What promises have you never carried through for yourself?

    =" -f you could change one la% of your country %hat %ould it be?

    " $ave you ever e!pected love in return.? Did you get it?

    C" Do you play to %or+ or %or+ to play?

    10" When did you last laugh so much it hurt?11" What.s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen %ith your o%n eyes?

    1" When did you last say than+ you and sincerely mean it?

    13" What.s your number one priority?

    14" Who do you need to get in touch %ith because it.s been to long?

    1'" What relationships have ended? But you can.t let go?

    19" Who do you blame?

    1=" ,re you a starter or a finisher?

    1" When did you last do something for nothing in return?

    1C" When did your heart last s+ip a beat.? Why?

    0" Where %ould you ta+e a road trip?

    1" Who in your life do you %ish you.d met sooner?

    " Do you al%ays %ant the ans%er to %hat are you thin+ing about?.

    3" $o% are things going for you no%?

    4" When did you last tal+ yourself out of something %hen deep do%n you %anted to do it?

    '" Do you live your life around days of the %ee+?

    9" $o% do 5ondays feel for you?

    =" -f you could spend ten minutes %ith your hero. alive or dead %hat %ould you as+ them?

    " -s a year past more important than the ne!t hour to come?

    C" Do your practice self love. or self loathing.?30" What.s your greatest achievement to date?

    31" What scares you about your future? Does it matter if it isn.t even here yet?

    3" What must you do daily to +eep yourself sane. ?

    33" $o% many hours a %ee+ do you spend %atching tele and on the internet? $o% many hours do you spend

    alone %ith you?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    34" -f %e all died at 3' %hat have you still to do? What did you miss?

    3'" -f you had to move country tomorro% %here %ould you go?

    39" Why does piFFa come in a s

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    ='" $o% long are you going to be dead?

    =9" What ris+ do you need to ta+e?

    ==" -f money %ere no concern %hat %ould you do for the rest of your life?

    =" What.s your earliest memory of achievement?

    =C" What are you than+ful for this moment?

    0" Where in your life do you give up accountability?

    1" What does it feel li+e to change?

    " What (or %hom# drains your energy %hy do you let it happen?

    3" -s tomorro% really another day?

    4" Who.s permission are you %anting on to achieve your goals? Will it actually come?

    '" Do you need to see things before you believe them?

    9" -f your life %ere a ) programme %hat %ould it be?

    =" When did you last argue %ith yourself? Was it purposeful?

    " -f you could tal+ to everyone in the %orld for ' minutes %hat %ould you say?

    C" Would you defend a loved one if you %ere brea+ing the la%?

    C0" When did you last lie and regret it?

    C1" Would you ris+ ma+ing a mista+e?

    C" When did you last say something and automatically regret it?C3" When did you last spea+ %ell of you?

    C4" When is the right time to start a ne% goal?

    C'" Ean you hear your enemies tal+ about you? What are they saying?

    C9" What in your life e!hilarates you? Do you do enough of it?

    C=" Would you rather be poor and healthy or rich and ill?

    C" -f you could learn a ne% s+ill today %hat %ould it be?

    CC" Do you have any

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    19" ,re you more li+ely to avoid conflict or engage it head@on?

    1=" What %as the most recent compliment you.ve received and savoured?

    1" What is something about yourself that you hope %ill change but probably never %ill?

    1C" ,re you a creature of habit? A!plain"

    0" ,re you high maintenance? A!plain"

    1" When %as the last time you really pushed yourself to your physical limits?

    " Do you have a %hole lot of ac

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    What is your occupation?

    Write a full physical description of yourself" Jou might %ant to consider factors such as7 height %eight race

    hair and eye color style of dress and any tattoos scars or distinguishing mar+s"

    o %hich social class do you belong?

    Do you have any allergies diseases or other physical %ea+nesses?

    ,re you right@ or left@handed?

    What does your voice sound li+e?

    What %ords andor phrases do you use very fre

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    What are your political vie%s?

    What are your vie%s on se!?

    ,re you able to +ill? Knder %hat circumstances do you find +illing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

    -n your opinion %hat is the most evil thing any human being could do?

    Do you believe in the e!istence of soul mates andor true love?

    What do you believe ma+es a successful life?

    $o% honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i"e" do you hide your true self from others and in %hat


    Do you have any biases or pre8udices?

    -s there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

    Who or %hat if anything %ould you die for (or other%ise go to e!tremes for#?

    art '7 ;elationships With &thers

    -n general ho% do you treat others (politely rudely by +eeping them at a distance etc"#? Does your treatmen

    of them change depending on ho% %ell you +no% them and if so ho%?

    Who is the most important person in your life and %hy?

    Who is the person you respect the most and %hy?

    Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people"

    Do you have a spouse or significant other? -f so describe this person"$ave you ever been in love? -f so describe %hat happened"

    What do you loo+ for in a potential lover?

    $o% close are you to your family?

    $ave you started your o%n family? -f so describe them" -f not do you %ant to? Why or %hy not?

    Who %ould you turn to if you %ere in desperate need of help?

    Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who and %hy?

    -f you died or %ent missing %ho %ould miss you?

    Who is the person you despise the most and %hy?

    Do you tend to argue %ith people or avoid conflict?

    Do you tend to ta+e on leadership roles in social situations?

    Do you li+e interacting %ith large groups of people? Why or %hy not?

    Do you care %hat others thin+ of you?

    art 97 Li+es ,nd Disli+es

    What isare your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

    What is your most treasured possession?

    What is your favorite color?

    What is your favorite food?

    What if anything do you li+e to read?

    What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music movies art etc"#?Do you smo+e drin+ or use drugs? -f so %hy? Do you %ant to aturday night?

    What ma+es you laugh?

    What if anything shoc+s or offends you?

    What %ould you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

    $o% do you deal %ith stress?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    ,re you spontaneous or do you al%ays need to have a plan?

    What are your pet peeves?

    art =7 >elf -mages ,nd Atc"

    Describe the routine of a normal day for you" $o% do you feel %hen this routine is disrupted?

    What is your greatest strength as a person?

    What is your greatest %ea+ness?

    -f you could change one thing about yourself %hat %ould it be?

    ,re you generally introverted or e!troverted?

    ,re you generally organiFed or messy?

     ame three things you consider yourself to be very good at and three things you consider yourself to be very

     bad at"

    Do you li+e yourself?

    What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that ; characters do

    ,re your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (-f so detail both se

    of reasons"""#

    What goal do you most %ant to accomplish in your lifetime?

    Where do you see yourself in ' years?

    -f you could choose ho% %ould you %ant to die?-f you +ne% you %ere going to die in 4 hours name three things you %ould do in the time you had left"

    What is the one thing for %hich you %ould most li+e to be remembered after your death?

    What three %ords best describe your personality?

    What three %ords %ould others probably use to describe you?

    -f you could %hat advice %ould you the player give to your character? (Jou might even %ant to spea+ as if

    or she %ere sitting right here in front of you and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice"""#

    Who is your hero?

    -f you could live any%here %here %ould it be?

    What is your biggest fear?

    What is your favorite family vacation?

    What %ould you change about yourself if you could?

    What really ma+es you angry?

    What motivates you to %or+ hard?

    What is your favorite thing about your career?

    What is your biggest complaint about your 8ob?

    What is your proudest accomplishment?

    What is your childMs proudest accomplishment?

    What is your favorite boo+ to read?

    What ma+es you laugh the most?What %as the last movie you %ent to? What did you thin+?

    What did you %ant to be %hen you %ere small?

    What does your child %ant to be %hen heshe gro%s up?

    -f you could choose to do anything for a day %hat %ould it be?

    What is your favorite game or sport to %atch and play?

    Would you rather ride a bi+e ride a horse or drive a car?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    What %ould you sing at Iarao+e night?

    What t%o radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?

    Which %ould you rather do7 %ash dishes mo% the la%n clean the bathroom or vacuum the house?

    -f you could hire someone to help you %ould it be %ith cleaning coo+ing or yard %or+?

    -f you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life %hat %ould it be?

    Who is your favorite author?

    arty imeN et your group organiFed %ith an online sign upN

     9" $ave you ever had a nic+name? What is it?

      =" Do you li+e or disli+e surprises? Why or %hy not?

      " -n the evening %ould you rather play a game visit a relative %atch a movie or read?

      C" Would you rather vacation in $a%aii or ,las+a and %hy?

    5a!imiFe Jour 6undraising" Elic+ to vie% -nfographic 30" Would you rather %in the lottery or %or+ at the

     perfect 8ob? ,nd %hy?

      31" Who %ould you %ant to be stranded %ith on a deserted island?

      3" -f money %as no ob8ect %hat %ould you do all day?

      33" -f you could go bac+ in time %hat year %ould you travel to?

      34" $o% %ould your friends describe you?

      3'" What are your hobbies?  39" What is the best gift you have been given?

      3=" What is the %orst gift you have received?

      3" ,side from necessities %hat one thing could you not go a day %ithout?

      3C" List t%o pet peeves"

      40" Where do you see yourself in five years?

      41" $o% many pairs of shoes do you o%n?

      4" -f you %ere a super@hero %hat po%ers %ould you have?

      43" What %ould you do if you %on the lottery?

      44" What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air boat train bus car etc"#

      4'" WhatMs your favorite Foo animal?

      49" -f you could go bac+ in time to change one thing %hat %ould it be?

      4=" -f you could share a meal %ith any 4 individuals living or dead %ho %ould they be?

      4" $o% many pillo%s do you sleep %ith?

      4C" WhatMs the longest youMve gone %ithout sleep (and %hy#?

      '0" WhatMs the tallest building youMve been to the top in?

    lan you family meal office potluc+ team party and more" A >,;AD"

    '1" Would you rather trade intelligence for loo+s or loo+s for intelligence?

      '" $o% often do you buy clothes?  '3" $ave you ever had a secret admirer?

      '4" WhatMs your favorite holiday?

      ''" WhatMs the most daring thing youMve ever done?

      '9" What %as the last thing you recorded on )?

      '=" What %as the last boo+ you read?

      '" WhatMs your favorite type of foreign food?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


      'C" ,re you a clean or messy person?

      90" Who %ould you %ant to play you in a movie of your life?

      91" $o% long does it ta+e you to get ready in the morning?

      9" What +itchen appliance do you use every day?

      93" WhatMs your favorite fast food chain?

      94" WhatMs your favorite family recipe?

      9'" Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

      99" WhatMs your favorite family tradition?

      9=" What is your favorite childhood memory?

      9" WhatMs your favorite movie?

      9C" $o% old %ere you %hen you learned >anta %asnMt real? $o% did you find out?

      =0" -s your glass half full or half empty?

      =1" WhatMs the craFiest thing you.ve done in the name of love?

      =" What three items %ould you ta+e %ith you on a deserted island?

      =3" What %as your favorite sub8ect in school?

      =4" WhatMs the most unusual thing youMve ever eaten?

      ='" Do you collect anything?

    roup 6undraising has never been easierN Ehec+ out our 6undraising ;esources"

    =9" -s there anything you %ished %ould come bac+ into fashion?

      ==" ,re you an introvert or an e!trovert?

      =" Which of the five senses %ould you say is your strongest?

      =C" $ave you ever had a surprise party? (that %as an actual surprise#

      0" ,re you related or distantly related to anyone famous?

      1" What do you do to +eep fit?

      " Does your family have a GmottoH : spo+en or unspo+en?

      3" -f you %ere ruler of your o%n country %hat %ould be the first la% you %ould introduce?

      4" Who %as your favorite teacher in school and %hy?

      '" What three things do you thin+ of the most each day?

      9" -f you had a %arning label %hat %ould yours say?

      =" What song %ould you say best sums you up?

      " What celebrity %ould you li+e to meet at >tarbuc+s for a cup of coffee?

      C" Who %as your first crush?

    Ehurch usher bible study sign up form otluc+ meal for family sign up Birthday party or e% JearMs

    celebration sign up

     C0" WhatMs the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or +itchen %indo%?  C1" &n a scale of 1@10 ho% funny %ould you say you are?

      C" Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

      C3" What %as your first 8ob?

      C4" -f you could 8oin any past or current music group %hich %ould you %ant to 8oin?

      C'" $o% many languages do you spea+?

      C9" What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


      C=" Who is the most intelligent person you +no%?

      C" -f you had to describe yourself as an animal %hich one %ould it be?

      CC" What is one thing you %ill never do again?

     100" Who +no%s you the best?

    What is your name? 7#

    Do you li+e it?

    -f you could have any name %hat %ould you choose O %hy?

    6avourite band O %hy?

    6avourite singer O %hy?

    Biggest insecurity?

    ,re you a vegetarian?

    ,re you for or against gay rights? %hy?

    WhatMs your favourite song to listen to %hen your upset?

    What do you do to calm yourself do%n %hen your really angry?

    ,re you happy %ith your life?

    Who is your celebrity crush?

    Which celebrity %ould you li+e to hang out %ith for the day? What %ould you do? What %ould you as+

    them?What do you %ant to be %hen your older?

    What is the song you can relate to the most?

    Do you have any memories from %hen you %ere five or younger?

    $o% old are you?

    ,re you a boy or a girl?

    Who is the person %ho means the most to you?

    What is the best choice youMve ever made?

    What is the %orst choice youMve ever made?

    -f you could go bac+ in time %ould you do anything differently?

    -s there anything you regret?

    What are you most loo+ing for%ard to?

    $ave you ever been to a concert? of so %hoMs concert?

    WhatMs your favourite movie?

    Jour inspiration O %hy?

    Who is your celebrity style icon?

    What country are you from?

    Do you li+e living %here you do or %ould you rather live in a different to%nstatecountry?

    $ave you ever had a boyfriendgirlfriend?

    Which celebrity canMt you stand O %hy?Do you li+e the person you are?

    Do you do any sports?

    -f you could be any person in the %orld for a day %ho %ould it be and %hat %ould you do?

    Do you li+e the song Mlittle thingsM by &ne Direction?

    WhatMs your favourite accent on a person that you could listen to all day?

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    ,re you insecure? %hy?

    Do you believe at love at first sight? %hy%hy not?

    Do you believe in god?

    What is your ethnicitybac+ground?

    What is your hair style and colour?

    6irst thing that comes to you mind %hen - say PmangP ?

    What is one thing that you %ould change about yourself if you could?

    $ave you ever been depressed?

    What are your favourite television sho%s to %atch?

    Which television or movie character can you most relate to?

    What is your favourite drin+?

    Do you li+e doc marten boots?

    Do you li+e Ad >heeran?

    What %as the last story you read on

  • 8/19/2019 Who are you (3)


    $ave you ever smo+ed?

    $ave you ever done drugs?

    6avourite ED?

    6avourite piece of clothing you o%n?

    6avourite undiscovered singer?

    What do you li+e in a guygirl?

    What couldnMt you live %ithout?

    Do you li+e ic+i 5ina8?

    WhenMs your birthday? $appy birthday for thenN

    What do you usually do for your birthday?

    Who is one person you %ish you could be closer %ith?

    Wanna be friends? 7D

    6avourite song to dance to?

    6avourite holiday?

    -f you had three %ishes your not aloud to %ish for more %ishes %hat %ould you %ish for?

    Who is one person %ho you thin+ has had a rough time in life and does not deserve it?

    Do you %ant children? if so ho% many?

    &n your si!teenth %ere you able to say P>%eet si!teenth and never been +issedP %ithout lying?What is one %ord to describe you?

    >omething you collect?

    >omething you %ish you o%ned? han+s for ta+ing this surveyN 7#