who rapid advice guidelines on pharmacological management

WHO/PSM/PAR/2006.6 WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus

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WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological

management of humans infected with avian influenza A

(H5N1) virus

© World Health Organization 2006

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Executive summary i

Summary of clinical recommendations vii

1 Background 1

2 Scope 3

3 Methods 5

4 Case description

Assessment of possible cases Case description/clinical features


9 9

5 Treatment of H5N1 patients

Oseltamivir Zanamivir Amantadine Rimantadine Combination treatment


11 14 16 20 22

6 Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection

Oseltamivir Zanamivir Amantadine Rimantadine


26 29 32 35

7 Co-interventions for the management of H5N1 patients

Prophylactic antibiotics Steroids and other immunosuppressants Immunoglobulin Ribavirin


39 40 41 41

8 Antiviral drug supply 43

9 Priorities for revision of the guidelines 45

10 Priorities for research 47





Executive summary



Executive summary

The  recent  geographical  spread  of  highly  pathogenic  avian  influenza A  (H5N1)  virus  in poultry  and wild waterfowl  has  increased  opportunities  for  transmission  of  the  virus  to humans.  Outbreaks  in  poultry  have  now  been  accompanied  by  human  cases  in  nine countries. To date, human  cases have  remained  rare and  sporadic, but  the disease  is very severe and  the case  fatality  is high. With  the H5N1 virus now confirmed  in birds  in more than  50  countries,  additional  sporadic  human  cases  should  be  anticipated.  Although international experts agree that antiviral drugs should be considered for treatment of H5N1 patients and also for chemoprophylaxis, the efficacy and effectiveness of these management options have not been systematically assessed. Guidance on their use is needed worldwide.  From 28–29 March 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) assembled an international panel of clinicians experienced in the treatment of H5N1 patients, infectious disease experts, public health officers and methodologists  to develop  rapid advice  for  the pharmacological management  of  patients with H5N1  infection.  To  develop  evidence‐based  guidelines,  the panel used a transparent methodological guideline process, based on the GRADE approach, that  included  evaluation  of  existing  systematic  reviews,  literature  searches  and  expert consultation. The  resulting guidelines  separate  strong  from weak  recommendations  for or against a  specific action and assign  four categories of quality of evidence  (high, moderate, low and very low).  The  panel  considered  several  different  specific  patient  and  exposure  groups  and made  a number of  strong  recommendations  for or against  specific actions  regarding  the  treatment and  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1  virus  infection. All  recommendations  are  specific  to  the current pre‐pandemic  situation. Recommendations were based on  careful  consideration of the  benefits,  harms,  burdens  and  cost  of  interventions.  Risk  categorizations  for  exposure were  developed  to  assist  countries  in  prioritizing  the  use  of  antiviral  drugs where  their availability  is  limited.  Overall,  the  quality  of  the  underlying  evidence  for  all recommendations was very low. No data from controlled clinical trials of H5N1 infection are available. The existing evidence is based on small observational case series of H5N1 patients, results  from  in vitro and animal model studies of H5N1, or  the extrapolation of data  from high quality studies conducted to evaluate the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of normal, or “seasonal”,  influenza. These shortcomings highlight the need for further research. While the quality of the evidence for some of the critical outcomes was moderate or low, the overall quality of evidence on which  to base a summary assessment was very  low  for all antiviral drugs. Differences exist in the quality of evidence for individual critical outcomes among the various antiviral drugs (see annex 3 for gradings and ratings).1  

                                                      1 Based on the GRADE approach to grading the quality of evidence, the critical outcome with the lowest quality of evidence determines the overall quality assessment.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Brief summary of recommendations

This  advice  pertains  only  to  influenza A  (H5N1)  infections  in  the  current  pre‐pandemic situation.  Recommendations will  be  updated  as  new  information  becomes  available  or  if there  is  evidence  for  sustained  human‐to‐human  transmission  of H5N1  or  another  novel avian  influenza  virus  emerges. Whenever  feasible,  sequential  clinical  data  collection  and virological  sampling  (for  analysis  at WHO‐designated  laboratories)  should  be  performed during treatment or should apparent failures of chemoprophylaxis occur.   Self‐medication in the absence of appropriate clinical or public health advice is discouraged. When  considering  chemoprophylaxis  for  H5N1  infection,  priority  should  be  given  to standard  infection  control  practices.  This  includes  protection  of  health  care workers  and individuals  involved  in  eradication  of  animals  infected  with  H5N1  virus  as  well  as household contacts of H5N1 patients.  As stated above, the quality of the evidence for the following recommendations is very low and this  is mainly the result of the availability of only very  indirect data from high quality studies in seasonal influenza. For treatment of patients with confirmed or strongly suspected human  infection with  the H5N1  virus, where  neuraminidase  inhibitors  are  available  for therapy:   

• Clinicians  should  administer  oseltamivir  treatment  (strong  recommendation); zanamivir might be used  as  an alternative  (weak  recommendation). The quality of evidence if considered on a continuum rather than in four categories is lower for the use of zanamivir compared to oseltamivir.  

• In  these patients, clinicians should not administer amantadine or rimantadine alone as a first‐line treatment (strong recommendation). 

• Clinicians might administer a combination of a neuraminidase  inhibitor and an M2 inhibitor if local surveillance data show that the H5N1 virus is known or likely to be susceptible  (weak  recommendation), but  this should only be done  in  the context of prospective data collection. 

 For  treatment  of  patients  with  confirmed  or  strongly  suspected  H5N1  infection,  where neuraminidase inhibitors are not available for therapy:  

• Clinicians might  administer  amantadine  or  rimantadine  as  a  first‐line  treatment  if local surveillance data show that the H5N1 virus is known or likely to be susceptible to these drugs (weak recommendation). 

 In  general,  decisions  to  initiate  antiviral  chemoprophylaxis  should  be  guided  by  the  risk stratification described below. Stratification is based on observational data for reported cases of human H5N1 infection and on high quality data from studies of seasonal influenza.  

Executive summary


High risk exposure groups are currently defined as: • Household  or  close  family  contacts1 of  a  strongly  suspected  or  confirmed  H5N1 

patient, because of potential exposure to a common environmental or poultry source as well as exposure to the index case. 

 Moderate risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments (including animal disposal)  if personal protective equipment may not have been used properly. 

• Individuals with unprotected and very close direct exposure2 to sick or dead animals infected with the H5N1 virus or to particular birds that have been directly implicated in human cases. 

• Health  care personnel  in  close  contact with  strongly  suspected or  confirmed H5N1 patients,  for  example  during  intubation  or  performing  tracheal  suctioning,  or delivering  nebulised  drugs,  or  handling  inadequately  screened/sealed  body  fluids without  any  or  with  insufficient  personal  protective  equipment.  This  group  also includes  laboratory  personnel who might  have  an  unprotected  exposure  to  virus‐containing samples.3 

 Low risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Health  care  workers  not  in  close  contact  (distance  greater  than  1  metre)  with  a strongly  suspected  or  confirmed H5N1  patient  and  having  no  direct  contact with infectious material from that patient. 

• Health  care workers who  used  appropriate  personal  protective  equipment  during exposure to H5N1 patients. 

• Personnel involved in culling non‐infected or likely non‐infected animal populations as a control measure. 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments  (including  animal  disposal),  who  used  proper  personal  protective equipment.  


                                                      1 A close contact may be defined as an individual sharing a household with, or remaining unprotected whilst within speaking distance (< 1 metre) of, or in the care of, a patient with confirmed or strongly suspected H5N1 infection.

2 Examples of high risk exposure based on confirmed transmission to humans include: unprotected exposure to infected animal products such as consumption of blood from H5N1 infected ducks; preparation of food or other products from infected animals (e.g. plucking feathers); or prolonged exposure to infected birds in a confined space, such as playing with pets.

3 This definition of moderate risk is based on very few cases recognized under these situations to date. As circumstances may change rapidly, it would be reasonable to consider the moderate and high risk groups together for prophylaxis decisions. If a particular patient has been implicated in possible human-to-human transmission, then these examples of exposures could be defined as high risk.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Where neuraminidase inhibitors are available: • In  high  risk  exposure  groups,  including  pregnant  women,  oseltamivir  should  be 

administered as chemoprophylaxis, continuing  for 7–10 days after  the  last exposure (strong  recommendation);  zanamivir  could  be  used  in  the  same  way  (strong recommendation) as an alternative.  

• In moderate risk exposure groups, including pregnant women, oseltamivir might be administered as chemoprophylaxis, continuing  for 7‐10 days after  the  last exposure (weak  recommendation);  zanamivir  might  be  used  in  the  same  way  (weak recommendation). 

• In  low  risk  exposure  groups  oseltamivir  or  zanamivir  should  probably  not  be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation). Pregnant women in the low  risk  group  should  not  receive  oseltamivir  or  zanamivir  for  chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation). 

• Amantadine or rimantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation). 

 Where neuraminidase inhibitors are not available: 

• In  high  or moderate  risk  exposure  groups,  amantadine  or  rimantadine might  be administered  for chemoprophylaxis  if  local surveillance data show  that  the virus  is known or likely to be susceptible to these drugs (weak recommendation). 

• In  low  risk  exposure  groups,  amantadine  and  rimantadine  should  not  be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation). 

• In  pregnant women,  amantadine  and  rimantadine  should  not  be  administered  for chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation). 

• In  the  elderly,  people  with  impaired  renal  function  and  individuals  receiving neuropsychiatric  medication  or  with  neuropsychiatric  or  seizure  disorders, amantadine  should  not  be  administered  for  chemoprophylaxis  (strong recommendation). 

 The  panel  also  considered  the  question  of  antibiotic  use  in H5N1  patients  and made  the following general recommendations:  

• In  patients  with  severe  community‐acquired  pneumonia  regardless  of  the geographical  location,  clinicians  should  follow  appropriate  clinical  practice guidelines (strong recommendation). 

• In patients with  confirmed or  strongly  suspected H5N1  infection who do not need mechanical ventilation and have no other indication for antibiotics, clinicians should not administer prophylactic antibiotics (strong recommendation). 

• In  patients  with  confirmed  or  strongly  suspected  H5N1  infection  who  need mechanical  ventilation,  clinicians  should  follow  clinical  practice  guidelines  for  the prevention  or  treatment  of  ventilator‐associated  or  hospital‐acquired  pneumonia (strong recommendation). 


Executive summary


Other  co‐interventions  considered  were:  routine  use  of  corticosteroids,  use  of immunoglobulin  and  interferon,  and  also  of  ribavirin.  There  was  no  basis  to  make  a recommendation for use of any of these medicines outside the context of a randomized trial, but ribavirin particularly should not be used in pregnant women (strong recommendation).  Generally,  the  recommendations  have  been  developed  to  be  as  specific  and  detailed  as possible without  losing  sight of  the user‐friendliness of  this document  and  the  individual recommendations.  The  panel  encourages  feedback  on  all  aspects  of  these  guidelines, including their applicability in individual countries.  The panel developed a number of  clinical and basic  research  recommendations  that  could help  augment  the  currently  sparse  direct  evidence.  Emergence  of  new  influenza A  viral subtypes  or  a  change  in  the  pathogenicity  or  transmissibility  of  the  H5N1  virus,  the development of new pharmacological agents or the availability of important clinical research data will necessitate an update of these guidelines. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



Summary of clinical recommendations



Summary of clinical recommendations

Brief description of methodology used for grading the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations (see the section on methods) 

 The evidence was assessed according to the methodology described by the GRADE working group.  Briefly,  in  this  system  the  quality  of  evidence  is  classified  as  “high”,  “moderate”, “low” or “very low” based on methodological characteristics of the available evidence for a specific health care problem. The definition of each is provided below.  

 • High: Further research is very unlikely to change confidence in the estimate of effect.  • Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on confidence in the 

estimate of effect and may change the estimate. • Low: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on confidence in the 

estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate. • Very low: Any estimate of effect is very uncertain.  Recommendations are classified as “strong” or “weak”  recommendations, as delineated  in the GRADE methodology. “Strong” recommendations can be interpreted as:  •  Most individuals should receive the intervention. •  Most well  informed  individuals would want  the  recommended course of action and 

only a small proportion would not. •  The recommendation could unequivocally be used for policy making.  “Weak” recommendations can be interpreted as:  •  The majority of well informed individuals would want the suggested course of action, 

but an appreciable proportion would not. •  Values and preferences vary widely. •  Policy making will require extensive debates and involvement of many stakeholders. 

  While the quality of the evidence for some of the critical outcomes was moderate or low, the overall quality of  evidence on which  to base  a  summary  assessment was very  low  for  all antiviral drugs. Differences  in  the quality of evidence exist  for  individual critical outcomes among the various antiviral drugs (see annex 3 for gradings and ratings).1  

                                                      1 Based on the GRADE approach to grading the quality of evidence, the critical outcome with the lowest quality of evidence determines the overall quality assessment.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



Self-medication in the absence of appropriate clinical or public health advice is discouraged.

Context: Treatment of patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in a non-pandemic situation where neuraminidase inhibitors are available for therapy.

Rec 01: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected H5N1 infection, clinicians should administer oseltamivir treatment as soon as possible (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case fatality. It places relatively low values on adverse reactions, the development of resistance and costs of treatment. Despite the lack of controlled treatment data for H5N1, this is a strong recommendation, in part, because there is a lack of known effective alternative pharmacological  interventions at  this  time. The recommendation applies  to adults,  including pregnant women and children. Until further information becomes available, the current treatment regimen for H5N1 is as recommended for early  treatment of adults, special patient groups (e.g.  those with renal insufficiency) and children with seasonal influenza. 

Rec 02: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, clinicians might administer zanamivir (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with  high  case  fatality.  It  places  a  relatively  low  value  on  adverse  effects (including  bronchospasm),  the  potential  development  of  resistance  and  costs  of treatment. The bioavailability of zanamivir outside of the respiratory tract  is  lower than  that  of  oseltamivir.  Zanamivir  may  be  active  against  some  strains  of oseltamivir resistant H5N1 virus. The recommendation applies to adults, including pregnant women and children. Use of zanamivir  requires  that patients are able  to use  the diskhaler device. Until  further  information becomes available,  the  current treatment  regimen  for  (H5N1)  infection  is  the  same  as  recommended  for  early treatment of adults and children with seasonal influenza.  

 Although the quality of evidence when considered on a continuum is lower for the use of zanamivir compared to oseltamivir, the overall quality of evidence in the four category grading system is very low for both interventions. 

Rec 03: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available, clinicians should not administer amantadine alone as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected human infection with avian influenza H5N1 (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  Although  recognizing  that  the  illness  is  severe,  this  recommendation places a high value on the potential development of resistance and avoiding adverse effects. This is a strong recommendation in part, because of the availability of other options for treatment that may be more effective.  

Summary of clinical recommendations


Rec 04: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer amantadine as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a  relatively  low value on adverse effects and  the  development  of  resistance  in  a  situation  without  alternative pharmacological treatment. Until further information becomes available, the current treatment  regimen  for  (H5N1)  infection  is  the  same  as  recommended  for  early treatment  of  adults  and  children with  seasonal  influenza. The use  of  amantadine should  be  guided  by  knowledge  about  local  resistance  patterns,  and  special consideration  of  the  benefits  and  harms  in  patients  at  higher  risk  for  adverse outcomes (e.g. pregnant patients).  

Rec 05: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available, clinicians should not administer rimantadine alone as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  Although  recognizing  that  the  illness  is  severe,  this  recommendation places a high value on the potential development of resistance and avoiding adverse effects. This is a strong recommendation in part, because of the availability of other options for treatment that may be more effective.  

Rec 06: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer rimantadine as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a  relatively  low value on adverse effects and  the development  of  resistance. The  use  of  rimantadine  should  be  guided  by knowledge about local antiviral resistance patterns, and special consideration of the benefits, harms, burdens and cost  in patients at higher  risk  for adverse outcomes. Rimantadine has generally a more favorable side effect profile than amantadine.  

Rec 07: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer a combination of neuraminidase inhibitor and M2 inhibitor to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence). This should only be done in the context of prospective data collection.

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a relatively  low value on adverse effects, the potential development of resistance and costs associated with therapy. The use of  combination  therapy  should  be  guided  by  knowledge  about  local  antiviral resistance patterns under  special  consideration  for  the  benefits  and downsides  in patients of higher risk  for adverse outcomes. Combination  therapy should only be carried out if detailed and standardized clinical and virological data collection is in place at the start of therapy (prospective data collection). Clinicians should carefully determine  which  patients  (e.g.  severely  ill  patients)  could  receive  combination therapy.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Chemoprophylaxis Antiviral  chemoprophylaxis  should  generally  be  considered  according  to  the  risk stratification described below. It is based on observational data for reported cases of human H5N1 infection and on high quality data from studies of seasonal influenza.  High risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Household  or  close  family  contacts1 of  a  strongly  suspected  or  confirmed  H5N1 patient, because of potential exposure to a common environmental or poultry source as well as exposure to the index case. 

 Moderate risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments (including animal disposal)  if personal protective equipment may not have been used properly. 

• Individuals with unprotected and very close direct exposure2 to sick or dead animals infected with the H5N1 virus or to particular birds that have been directly implicated in human cases. 

• Health  care personnel  in  close  contact with  strongly  suspected or  confirmed H5N1 patients,  for  example  during  intubation  or  performing  tracheal  suctioning,  or delivering  nebulised  drugs,  or  handling  inadequately  screened/sealed  body  fluids without  any  or  with  insufficient  personal  protective  equipment.  This  group  also includes  laboratory  personnel who might  have  an  unprotected  exposure  to  virus‐containing samples.3 

 Low risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Health  care  workers  not  in  close  contact  (distance  greater  than  1  metre)  with  a strongly  suspected  or  confirmed H5N1  patient  and  having  no  direct  contact with infectious material from that patient. 

• Health  care workers who  used  appropriate  personal  protective  equipment  during exposure to H5N1 patients. 

• Personnel involved in culling non‐infected or likely non‐infected animal populations as a control measure. 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments  (including  animal  disposal),  who  used  proper  personal  protective equipment.  

                                                      1 A close contact may be defined as an individual sharing a household with, or remaining unprotected whilst within speaking distance (< 1 metre) of, or in the care of, a patient with confirmed or strongly suspected H5N1 infection.

2 Examples of high risk exposure based on confirmed transmission to humans include: unprotected exposure to infected animal products such as consumption of blood from H5N1 infected ducks; preparation of food or other products from infected animals (e.g. plucking feathers); or prolonged exposure to infected birds in a confined space, such as playing with pets.

3 This definition of moderate risk is based on very few cases recognized under these situations to date. As circumstances may change rapidly, it would be reasonable to consider the moderate and high risk groups together for prophylaxis decisions. If a particular patient has been implicated in possible human-to-human transmission, then these examples of exposures could be defined as high risk.

Summary of clinical recommendations


In the present absence of sustained human‐to‐human transmission, the general population is not considered at risk. 

Rec 08: In high risk exposure groups oseltamivir should be administered as chemoprophylaxis continuing for 7-10 days after the last known exposure (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last  known  exposure. Oseltamivir has  been used  for  as  long  as  8 weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza.  The  dose  of  oseltamivir  for  H5N1 chemoprophylaxis should be that used in seasonal influenza. This recommendation also applies to pregnant women in the high risk exposure group. 

Rec 09: In moderate risk exposure groups oseltamivir might be administered as chemoprophylaxis, continuing for 7-10 days after the last known exposure (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality . It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last  known  exposure. Oseltamivir has  been used  for  as  long  as  8 weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza.  The  dose  of  oseltamivir  for  H5N1 chemoprophylaxis should be that used in seasonal influenza. This recommendation applies to pregnant women in the moderate risk exposure group. 

Rec 10: In low risk exposure groups oseltamivir should probably not be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  effects, potential development of resistance and cost. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Rec 11: Pregnant women in the low exposure risk groups should not receive oseltamivir for chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  possible  but uncertain harm associated with oseltamivir chemoprophylaxis during pregnancy. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Rec 12: In high risk exposure groups zanamivir should be administered as chemoprophylaxis, continuing for 7-10 days after the last known exposure (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last known exposure. The dose of zanamivir should be that used for seasonal influenza  chemoprophylaxis.  The  bioavailability  of  zanamivir  outside  of  the 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


respiratory tract is lower than that of oseltamivir. Zanamivir may be active against some  strains  of  oseltamivir‐resistant  H5N1  virus.  Consequently,  it  might  be  a reasonable  choice  for  health  care  workers  with  a  high‐risk  exposure  to  an oseltamivir‐treated H5N1  patient.  This  recommendation  also  applies  to  pregnant women who have high risk exposure. 

Rec 13: In moderate risk exposure groups, zanamivir might be administered as chemoprophylaxis, continuing for 7-10 days after the last known exposure (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible  after  exposure  status  is  known  and  continued  for  7  to  10 days  after  last known exposure. The bioavailability of zanamivir outside of the respiratory tract is lower  than  that  of  oseltamivir.  Zanamivir may  be  active  against  some  strains  of oseltamivir  resistant H5N1  virus.  This  recommendation  also  applies  to  pregnant women in the moderate risk exposure group. 

Rec 14: In low risk exposure groups zanamivir should probably not be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  effects, possible development of resistance and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Rec 15: Pregnant women in the low risk exposure group should not receive zanamivir for chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  possible  but uncertain harm associated with zanamivir during pregnancy. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Rec 16: If the virus is known or likely to be an M2 inhibitor resistant H5N1 virus, amantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on avoiding adverse effects in a situation when no drug efficacy would be expected.  

Rec 17: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, amantadine might be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in high or moderate risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  does  not  apply  to  pregnant women,  the  elderly, people  with  impaired  renal  function  and  individuals  receiving  neuropsychiatric medication or with neuropsychiatric or seizure disorders. It places a high value on preventing  an  illness with  high  case  fatality.  It  places  a  relatively  low  value  on adverse  effects,  development  of  resistance  and  cost.  Administration  of chemoprophylaxis should begin as soon as possible after exposure status is known for 7‐10 days after the last known exposure. Amantadine has been used for as long 

Summary of clinical recommendations


as  6 weeks  for  chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza A.  This  recommendation applies when neuraminidase inhibitors are not available or have limited availability.  

Rec 18: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and even if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, amantadine should probably not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in low risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  events, development of resistance, and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the  low risk of H5N1 disease. 

Rec 19: In pregnant women, the elderly, people with impaired renal function and individuals receiving neuropsychiatric medication or with neuropsychiatric or seizure disorders amantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Rec 20: If the virus is known or likely to be M2 inhibitor resistant H5N1 virus, rimantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on avoiding adverse effects in a situation when no drug efficacy would be expected.  

Rec 21: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, rimantadine might be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in high or moderate risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure  status  is known and  continued  for 7‐10 days after  the  last known  exposure.  Rimantadine  has  been  used  for  as  long  as  7  weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza  A.  This  recommendation  applies  when neuraminidase  inhibitors  are  not  available  or  have  limited  availability.  This recommendation does not apply to pregnant women. 

Rec 22: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and even if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, rimantadine should probably not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in low risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  events, development of resistance, and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the  low risk of H5N1 disease. 

Rec 23: In pregnant women rimantadine should not be administered for chemoprophylaxis of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Rec 24: In patients with severe community acquired pneumonia regardless of the geographical location, clinicians should follow appropriate clinical practice guidelines (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: The choice of antibiotics should be based on knowledge of local pathogens, other  co‐morbidities  and  resistance  patterns.  Hospitals  should  have  local  antimicrobial  surveillance  data  that  can  be  used  to  inform  the  choice.  Further  advice  about  monitoring  antimicrobial  resistance  is  available  in the  WHO  Global  Strategy  for  Containment  of  Antimicrobial  Resistance,  at  http://www.who.int/drugresistance/WHO_Global_Strategy_English.pdf.  Local standard treatment guidelines should be updated regularly. 

Rec 25: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus who do not need mechanical ventilation and have no other indication for antibiotics, clinicians should not administer prophylactic antibiotics (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: This is a strong recommendation in part because there is no evidence that antibiotic chemoprophylaxis reduces the risk of bacterial superinfection in H5N1 or seasonal  influenza,  whether  or  not  the  patients  require  mechanical  ventilation. Antibiotics are likely to select for resistant bacteria, if superinfection occurs. Thus, at present  there  are  no  known  clinical  net  benefits  from  chemoprophylaxis  with antibiotics. 

Rec 26: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus who need mechanical ventilation, clinicians should follow clinical practice guidelines for the prevention or treatment of ventilator associated or hospital acquired pneumonia (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: As  the  risk  for  bacterial  infection  in mechanically  ventilated patients  is increased,  this  recommendation places  a high value on  avoiding  consequences of proven  or  suspected  bacterial  infection  and  a  low  value  on  adverse  effects  of antibiotics,  the  development  of  resistance,  and  cost. Appropriate  broad  spectrum antibiotic  therapy  should  be  instituted with  a  commitment  to  tailor  antibiotics  as soon as possible on the basis of serial clinical and anti‐microbiologic data. 

Rec 27: In pregnant patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, clinicians should not administer ribavirin as treatment or chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places  a high  value  on  avoiding  the high  risk  of teratogenic effects of ribavirin during pregnancy. 




1. Background

Human cases of infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus were first reported in Hong Kong SAR  in 1997 (18 cases) and again  in 2003 (2 cases). In the present outbreak of human cases, which began  in December 2003, more  than 200  cases have been  reported  from nine countries  in Asia, Europe, northern Africa, and  the Middle‐East. Human cases are directly linked  to  the  presence  of  the  virus  in  birds,  and  this  geographical  presence  is  now considerable. An updated record of cases and their outcomes and of affected countries can be found at http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/country/en/.   Of  all  influenza  A  viruses  that  circulate  in  birds,  the H5N1  virus  is  of  greatest  present concern for human health for two main reasons. First, the H5N1 virus has caused by far the greatest number of human cases of very severe disease and the greatest number of deaths. A second implication for human health, of far greater concern, is the risk that the H5N1 virus – if given enough opportunities – could develop the characteristics to start another  influenza pandemic. The virus has met all prerequisites for the start of a pandemic save one: an ability to spread efficiently and sustainably among humans. While H5N1 is presently the influenza A virus of greatest concern,  the possibility  that other avian  influenza A viruses, known  to infect humans, might cause a pandemic cannot be ruled out.  At  present,  infection with  influenza  A(H5N1)  virus  is  primarily  a  disease  of  birds.  The species barrier is substantial: the virus does not easily infect humans. Nonetheless, with the virus now  reported  in domestic or wild birds  in more  than 50  countries,  sporadic human cases will almost certainly continue to occur. Few guidelines for the clinical management of such  patients  have  been  published.  In  February  2004,  WHO  published  interim  clinical guidelines.  These  guidelines were  updated  in  September  2005  (WHO Writing Committee 2005)  following an expert  consultation. The purpose of  the present document  is  to  review and  update  recommendations  on  clinical  case management  of  patients  infected with  the H5N1 virus as well as to review and update recommendations on the use of antiviral drugs as chemoprophylaxis. The guidelines apply to the current situation  in which no efficient or sustained human‐to‐human transmission of the virus is known to be occurring.   The  document  is  addressed  primarily  to  clinicians managing H5N1  cases  or  advising  on management of specific populations potentially at risk of the disease. It is likely that it will be used by health care managers and policy makers. It has been prepared as a “rapid advice” document,  and  therefore  has  a  defined  scope,  based  on  clinical  questions  that  have  been raised  by  health  care  teams  managing  H5N1  patients.  While  it  does  not  cover  all interventions  that may  be  relevant,  it will  be  updated  and  expanded  as  experience  and evidence accumulate from reported cases and from formal clinical trials or animal research. In addition, the current picture could change given the propensity of all influenza A viruses to mutate rapidly and unpredictably. Such a change would also necessitate updating of the guidelines.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


A  fundamental  first‐line  approach  to  the  clinical  management  of  patients  with  H5N1  avian  influenza  is  to  ensure  that  appropriate  infection  control  procedures  are  in  place  in  health  care  systems  and  are  used  by  all  involved  in  managing  animal  or  human  disease  or  suspected  cases.  Specific  guidelines  for  infection  control  procedures  are  described  in  a  parallel  document:  Influenza  A  (H5N1):  WHO  Interim  Infection  Control  Guidelines  for  Health  Care  Facilities,  2004) (http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/Guidelines_for_health_care_facilities.pdf) and are  therefore not  included here. However,  it should be assumed  that  for all recommendations  about  pharmacological  treatments  that  are  described  here,  the recommendations on  infection control procedure and practice apply and are critical  to  the management of H5N1 patients.   




2. Scope

The  target  audience  of  these  guidelines  is  primarily  health  care  professionals managing H5N1 patients or advising on management of specific populations potentially at risk of the disease, but health care policy makers and public health officers have also been considered. National programmes and treatment guideline groups may also wish to use the document as the basis  for  implementation or development of  locally adapted guidelines  (see annex 1 – Adaptation of guidelines).  

 The  clinical  questions  covered  by  this  document  were  developed  in  consultation  with clinicians  from a variety of countries  involved  in  the management of H5N1 patients. They can be summarized briefly as:  

• Should clinicians use the antiviral drugs that are currently available for the treatment of H5N1 patients? What are the benefits, harms, burdens and cost of each currently available alternative? Can all patient groups be treated in the same way? What dose of the medicine should be used and for how long?  

• Should  clinicians  use  the  antiviral  drugs  that  are  currently  available  for chemoprophylaxis in persons who may be at risk of contracting avian influenza? In the  context  of prevention, what  are  the  benefits, harms,  burdens  and  cost  of  each currently  available  alternative? Are  there particular population groups who  are  at greater or  lesser  risk of  the disease,  and  if  so,  should  the use of  the medicines be modified?  

• If there is limited availability of antiviral drugs, should the use of these medicines be prioritized and should other medicines be used?  

• What additional pharmacological treatments might be of benefit in the treatment of H5N1  patients?  Should  antibiotics  be  used  prophylactically? What  is  the  role  of corticosteroids, immunoglobulin and interferon? What is the role of ribavirin? 

 These questions have been  considered  in  the  context of  the  current  situation  in which no efficient  or  sustained  human‐to‐human  transmission  of  the  H5N1  virus  is  known  to  be occurring, and no evidence indicates that a pandemic is imminent. A change in this situation would  require  modification  of  the  recommendations.  The  recommendations  in  this document do not apply to treatment or chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza.  These  guidelines  do  not  provide  recommendations  on  use  of  ventilators,  isolation procedures,  vaccination  and  other  public  health  interventions,  although  these  will  be included in later versions. However, recommendations on the use of particular therapies that are  covered  in  the  document must  be  considered  together with  infection  control, which remains a primary strategy for the control of outbreaks. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus





3. Methods

This  document  was  prepared  according  to  a  modification  of  the  WHO  Guidelines  for Guidelines  (WHO  2003),  as  a  “rapid  advice” guideline document,  taking  into  account  the need  for advice  to be provided urgently. Complete details of  the methods are provided  in annex 2; a brief summary is provided below.  The  clinical  questions  and  scope  of  these  guidelines  were  defined  in  consultation  with clinicians managing H5N1 patients. WHO commissioned an independent academic centre to compile  summaries  of  evidence,  based  on  systematic  reviews  and  health  technology assessments  (see  annex  3)  according  to  the GRADE methodology  described  in  the WHO Guidelines for Guidelines. Published animal and in vitro studies were also summarized. The summaries of evidence were then peer reviewed and corrections and comments incorporated by the expert panel. If no relevant systematic reviews were found for specific interventions, evidence  summaries  could  not  be  completed  in  the  time  available.  In  such  cases, recommendations which graded the quality of the evidence could not be made (antibiotics, other co‐interventions).  A  guideline  panel  comprising  international  scientists  and  experts  in  clinical  treatment  of avian  and  seasonal  influenza,  guideline  methodology,  basic  research,  policy  making, pharmacology and virology was  convened  from 28–29 March 2006  (see annex 4  for  list of participants and annex 5 for conflict of interest declarations). The panel was asked to identify critical clinical outcomes as a basis for making the recommendations. Mortality, duration of hospitalization,  incidence of  lower respiratory  tract complications, antiviral drug resistance and  serious adverse effects were  rated as  critical outcomes  in  the assessment of  treatment interventions  for H5N1 patients. For  chemoprophylaxis,  influenza  cases, outbreak  control, drug  resistance and  serious adverse effects were  rated as  critical outcomes. The  impact of chemoprophylaxis on these outcomes formed the basis of considerations used when reaching conclusions. All  outcomes  reported  in  the  clinical  trials  are  summarized  in  the  evidence profiles set out in annex 3.  The  evidence was  assessed  according  to  the methodology  described  in GRADE  (GRADE Working Group 2004) In this system evidence is classified as “high” , “moderate”, “low” or “ʹvery low”. Definitions are as follows:  

• High: Further research is very unlikely to change confidence in the estimate of effect.  

• Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate.  

• Low: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate.  

• Very low: Any estimate of effect is very uncertain.  


WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Factors  considered  when  classifying  evidence  are  the  study  design  and  rigour  of  its execution,  the  consistency of  results, how well  the  evidence  can be directly applied  to  the patients,  the  interventions,  the  outcomes,  the  comparator, whether  the data  are  sparse  or imprecise and whether a potential  for reporting bias exists. No controlled clinical  trials are presently available for H5N1 patients. In addition it is uncertain whether the evidence that is available  for seasonal  influenza can be directly applied  to patients  infected with  the H5N1 virus,  as  the  biology  of  this  disease  appears  to  be  different  from  infection with  seasonal influenza virus. The data available from pre‐clinical studies of H5N1 infection were used to inform this consideration. It is important to note that a group of trials may constitute “high quality”  evidence  for one question, but because of uncertainty  about  their  applicability or directness, can be regarded as “very low” quality evidence for a different question. While the quality of  the evidence  for some of  the critical outcomes was moderate or  low,  the overall quality of evidence on which  to base a summary assessment was very  low  for all antiviral drugs. Differences exist in the quality of evidence for individual critical outcomes among the various antiviral drugs (see annex 3 for gradings and ratings).1   The  panel  reviewed  the  evidence  summaries  and  the  draft  guidelines  and  made recommendations.  Consensus  was  reached  on  nearly  all  recommendations,  but  one recommendation  required  voting  about  the  strength  of  the  recommendation  (weak  as opposed  to strong) and one required voting about whether a weak recommendation or no recommendation should be made.  Formulating the recommendations included explicit consideration of the quality of evidence, benefits, harms, burdens, costs and values and preferences, described  in the ”Remarks” for each recommendation. ”Values” are the desirability or preference that individuals exhibit for a particular health state. Individuals usually assign less value to and have less preference for more  impaired  health  states  (e.g.  death  or  dependency  after  a  stroke)  compared  to  other health states (e.g. full health or having a very mild stroke without serious sequelae). In this document,  the  term “values” refers  to  the relative worth or  importance of a health state or consequences (benefits, harms, burdens and costs) of a decision.   Very little information about costs of treatment or chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 was available to  the panel. For  this guideline  the main cost consideration was  the acquisition cost of  the antiviral drugs. Estimates of current acquisition costs are set out in section 8 on drug supply.  Recommendations are classified as “strong” or “weak” recommendations, as recommended in the GRADE methodology. “Strong” recommendations can be interpreted as:  

• Most  individuals  should  receive  the  intervention,  assuming  that  they  have  been informed about and understand its benefits, harms and burdens. 

• Most  individuals would want  the  recommended course of action and only a small proportion would not. 

• The recommendation could unequivocally be used for policy making. 

                                                       1 Based on the GRADE approach to grading the quality of evidence, the critical outcome with the lowest quality of evidence determines the overall quality assessment.



“Weak” recommendations can be interpreted as:  

• The majority  of  individuals  would  want  the  suggested  course  of  action,  but  an appreciable proportion would not. 

• Values and preferences vary widely. 

• Policy making will require extensive debates and involvement of many stakeholders. 

 Specific  recommendations  about  antiviral  drugs  are  presented  in  two  sections: recommendations  for  treatment  of  H5N1  patients  and  recommendations  for chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection. For recommendations pertaining to chemoprophylaxis, an  exposure‐based  assessment  of  risk  was  developed,  based  on  observational  data  for reported  cases  of  H5N1  infection  and  corresponding  information  on  viral  transmission. General recommendations about the use of co‐interventions are given  in a separate section. Full details of the methods are set out in annex 2.   Rapidly  changing  information  about  this  disease  may  require  frequent  updating  of  the guidelines. The first revision may occur in not more than 12 months following publication of this document. The main factors that will influence the timing of the update include: whether significant  new  scientific  evidence  becomes  available,  the  availability  of  new  antiviral medicines or a change in the pathogenicity or transmissibility of H5N1 viruses, including the emergence of a pandemic virus.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



Case description



4. Case description

Assessment of possible cases1

Investigations of most laboratory‐confirmed cases of human H5N1 infection have identified direct  contact with  infected  birds  as  the most  likely  source  of  exposure. When  assessing possible  cases,  the  level  of  clinical  suspicion  should  be  heightened  for  persons  showing influenza‐like illness, especially with fever and symptoms in the lower respiratory tract, who have  a  history  of  direct  contact  with  poultry  or  wild  birds  (generally  sick  or  dead unvaccinated  poultry)  in  an  area where  confirmed  outbreaks  of  highly  pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza are occurring. 

Case description/clinical features

Like most emerging diseases, H5N1 avian  influenza virus  infections  in humans are poorly understood. Clinical data from H5N1 cases in 1997 and the current outbreak are beginning to provide a picture of the clinical features of disease, but much remains to be learned. In many patients,  the  disease  caused  by  the H5N1  virus  follows  an  unusually  aggressive  clinical course, with rapid deterioration and high fatality.  The  incubation period  for H5N1  in people may be  longer  than  that  for seasonal  influenza, which is around two to three days. Current data for H5N1 virus infection suggest a similar incubation period but ranging up to eight days and rarely longer (periods as long as 17 days have  been  reported). However,  the  possibility  of multiple  exposures  to  the H5N1  virus makes it difficult to define the incubation period precisely. WHO currently recommends that an H5N1 incubation period of seven days be used for field investigations and the monitoring of patient contacts.  Initial  symptoms  include  a high  fever, usually with  a  temperature higher  than  38°C,  and influenza‐like  symptoms. Diarrhoea,  vomiting,  abdominal  pain,  chest  pain,  and  bleeding from  the  nose  and  gums  have  also  been  reported  as  early  symptoms  in  some  patients. Watery diarrhoea without  blood  appears  to  be more  common with H5N1  virus  infection than in seasonal influenza.   However, in many patients the rapid development of lower respiratory tract symptoms is a common feature that causes them to first seek treatment. On present evidence, difficulty  in breathing develops around  five days  following  the  first  symptoms. Respiratory distress, a hoarse  voice,  and  a  crackling  sound  when  inhaling  are  commonly  reported.  Sputum production  is variable and sometimes bloody. Recently, blood‐tinted  respiratory secretions have been observed  in Turkey. Almost all H5N1 patients develop pneumonia. During  the 1997 Hong Kong SAR outbreak, all severely ill patients had primary viral pneumonia, which 

                                                      1 Adapted from the WHO Fact sheet on Avian Influenza http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/avian_influenza/en/index.html

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


did not  respond  to antibiotics. Limited data on patients  in  the  current outbreak  suggest a primary  viral  pneumonia  with  H5N1  virus  infection,  usually  without  microbiological evidence  of  bacterial  superinfection  at  presentation.  Turkish  clinicians  have  also  reported pneumonia  as  a  consistent  feature  in  severe  cases;  as  elsewhere,  these  patients  did  not respond to treatment with antibiotics.  The spectrum of clinical symptoms may, however, be broader, and not all confirmed H5N1 patients have presented with respiratory symptoms. In two patients from southern Viet Nam, the clinical diagnosis was acute encephalopathy; neither patient had respiratory symptoms at  presentation.  In  another  case,  from  Thailand,  the  patient  presented  with  fever  and diarrhoea, but no respiratory symptoms. However, all patients had radiographic evidence of lower respiratory tract disease and a recent history of direct exposure to infected poultry.  In patients infected with the H5N1 virus, clinical deterioration is rapid. In Thailand, the time between onset of illness to the development of acute respiratory distress was around six days, with  a  range  of  four  to  13  days.  In  severe  cases  in  Turkey,  clinicians  have  observed respiratory  failure  three  to  five  days  after  symptom  onset.  Another  common  feature  is multiorgan  dysfunction.  Common  laboratory  abnormalities  include  leukopenia  (mainly lymphopenia), mild‐to‐moderate  thrombocytopenia,  elevated  aminotransferases,  and  some instances of disseminated intravascular coagulation.   According to reports from Viet Nam, Thailand and Turkey, chest radiograph (CXR) findings have  been  consistently  abnormal  on  admission.  Chest  radiographs  have  typically  shown consolidation,  often  bilateral  and  multifocal.  In  addition,  patchy  lobar  and  interstitial infiltrates have been described a median of 7 days after onset of symptoms (range 3‐17 days) (Chotpitayasunondh 2005; Hien and Farrar, personal communication). Pleural effusions have been  less  commonly  reported with  cavitation,  in  the  absence  of  superinfection,  being  an occasional finding in Vietnamese patients. 


Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs



5. Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs

The following recommendations for use of antiviral drugs for the treatment of H5N1 patients apply  to  the  current  situation  defined  by  the  absence  of  efficient  or  sustained  human‐to‐human transmission.   At  present,  no  controlled  clinical  trials  have  evaluated  treatment  or  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1 patients. The  evidence  on which  the  recommendations  are  based  is predominantly derived from studies of infection with human influenza viruses during seasonal epidemics, and  is  thus  indirect.  In addition,  the majority of  these  studies  focus on  early  treatment of uncomplicated  human  influenza  in  otherwise  healthy  adults  in which  infection  has  been acquired  following  human‐to‐human  transmission.  So  far,  most  patients  with  H5N1 infection have presented late in the course of illness and were hospitalized after the onset of severe disease. Many of those infected with the H5N1 virus have been children. This patient profile  increases  uncertainty  about  the  generalizability  of  the  evidence  to H5N1  patients. Summaries of evidence used to make the recommendations are set out in Annex 3. Where a GRADE evaluation of the available literature has been possible, this is displayed in evidence profiles and a corresponding summary of findings.  The panel  rated mortality, duration of hospitalization,  incidence of  lower  respiratory  tract complications, resistance and serious adverse effects as critical outcomes for the assessment of  treatment  interventions  for H5N1 patients. While  the  quality  of  the  evidence  for  some critical outcomes was moderate or  low,  the overall quality of evidence on which  to base a summary  assessment was  very  low  for  all  antiviral  drugs.  Differences  in  the  quality  of evidence  exist  for  individual  critical  outcomes  between  the  various  antiviral  drugs  (see annex 3 for gradings and ratings).1   Self‐medication with  antivirals,  in  the  absence  of  appropriate  clinical  or  public  health advice, is discouraged. 

5.1 Should H5N1 patients receive treatment with oseltamivir?

Summary of findings  No clinical trial has evaluated oseltamivir in the treatment of H5N1 patients.   Four systematic reviews and health technology assessments (HTA) reporting 5 studies of the use  of  oseltamivir  in  seasonal  influenza  were  identified  (see  annex  3).  These  studies examined the use of oseltamivir in otherwise healthy adults, high risk adults or children for treatment of seasonal  influenza.  In  these  trials, oseltamivir  treatment was generally started 

                                                      1 Based on the GRADE approach to grading the quality of evidence, the critical outcome with the lowest quality of evidence determines the overall quality assessment.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


early in the disease (within 48 hours of symptom onset). Children up to 1 year of age were not  included. The duration of  treatment was up  to 5 days. The  studies were conducted  in several  countries  in  the  northern  and  southern  hemispheres,  but  resource‐poor  countries were not represented.  There are  three  published  case  series  describing  H5N1  patients  treated  with  oseltamivir (Beigel 2005, Hien 2004, Chotpitayasunondh 2005).1  There are many  in vitro and animal studies of the effects of oseltamivir on the H5N1 virus (see annex 3). 

Benefits There are too few events in the reported studies to provide evidence of benefit of oseltamivir on mortality or duration of hospitalization in either seasonal influenza or H5N1 infection. In seasonal  influenza  lower  respiratory  tract  complications  (including  pneumonia)  were reduced (RR 0.15, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.69) in a series of 5 similarly designed trials (n = 1644) that addressed  this  outcome  in  otherwise healthy  adults with  seasonal  influenza  (Kaiser  et  al, 2003), but there were only 11 events. This same analysis also reported a significant reduction (RR  0.40,  95% CI  0.18  to  0.88)  in  all‐cause hospitalizations within  30 days  of diagnosis  in oseltamivir recipients compared to placebo, but this finding was based on a total of 27 events (18  out  of  1063  patients  treated with  placebo  compared with  9  out  of  1350  treated with oseltamivir).2 The most  recent  case  series  describes  37 H5N1  patients,  of whom  25 were treated with oseltamivir (19 deaths) and 12 described as not being treated with oseltamivir (9 deaths) (Beigel 2005). Treatment regimens differed across these patients beginning between day 4 to 22 of illness. 

Harms Serious  adverse  events  and  drug  resistance  were  generally  not  reported  in  systematic reviews  of  oseltamivir  use  in  adults with  seasonal  influenza.  There  have  been  2  trials  in paediatric populations that reported very few adverse events (RR 2.00, 95% CI 0.61 to 6.61). However, reporting of harms is often complicated by withdrawals of patients from trials due to  adverse  events  that  are  not  fully described  in published  reports. Data  from  regulatory trials  submitted  by  the manufacturer  to  the US  Food  and Drug Administration  included nausea and vomiting as the most frequent adverse event  in both children and adults (FDA label  information, Dutkowski  2003). Rare  cases  of  anaphylaxis  and  serious  skin  reactions were also reported during post‐marketing experience with oseltamivir. Spontaneous reports to  WHO  of  adverse  reactions  listed  644  reports  of  adverse  reactions,  but  there  is  no assessment  of  causality  or  severity  of  these  events  in  relation  to  oseltamivir.  The  most commonly  reported  adverse  event was  nausea  (n  =  110  cases).  There were  86  reports  of exposure  to  oseltamivir  in  pregnancy  (maternal  exposure)  recorded  on  the  Roche  Drug Safety database as at 31 March 2005. Twenty‐five of these women were either lost to follow up or the outcome of the pregnancy was unknown. For 33 women, the pregnancy was still                                                       1 There has been an additional published fatal case report of a pregnant woman with human infection of avian influenza H5N1, who did not receive antiviral therapy (Shu 2006).

2 A recent report of 8 cases (6 of these had complete data) described that 3 H5N1 patients who had cleared pharyngeal viral RNA by the end of 5 days treatment with oseltamivir survived. Three patients whose pharyngeal samples remained positive despite therapy died, two of whom had emergence of osletamivir-resistant variants (de Jong NEJM 2005).

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


ongoing.  Among  the  remainder  there  were  2  reports  of  birth  defects  and  4  cases  of spontaneous abortion. Three cases of resistance to oseltamivir developing after treatment of H5N1 patients have been published (Le 2005, De Jong 2005). 

Treatment considerations Available formulations:

Oseltamivir phosphate is available as a capsule containing 75 mg oseltamivir for oral use, in the form of oseltamivir phosphate, and as a powder for oral suspension.  Treatment regimen: Patients with  renal  impairment,  i.e. a creatinine clearance between 10 and 30 ml/min, who are being considered for oseltamivir treatment require dose reduction. Based on unpublished pharmacokinetic data  from  the manufacturer, a dose of 75 mg once daily could be used  in these  patients.  There  is  no  recommendation  for  dose  reduction  in  patients with  hepatic disease. Patients with severe gastrointestinal symptoms may have reduced oral absorption of oseltamivir but this has not been studied. There is currently no empirical evidence to suggest the use of a  loading dose or higher doses of oseltamivir  in patients with severe disease but increased doses and duration of  treatment have been suggested as a strategy  to reduce  the risk  for development of drug  resistance. Patients who vomit within one hour of  ingestion might be given an additional dose of 75 mg, but this is based on physiological considerations. There  are  no  documented  differences  in  the metabolism  of  the  drug  for  different  ethnic groups.  The recommended dose for seasonal influenza is 75 mg twice daily in adults or the following weight‐adjusted doses in children for 5 days (CDC 2006a, CDC 2006b and appropriate FDA label).   

• Children 1 year of age or older: weight‐adjusted doses 

• 30mg twice daily for ≤ 15 kg 

• 45mg twice daily for >15 to 23 kg 

• 60mg twice daily for >23 to 40kg 

• 75mg twice daily for >40kg 

 Currently there is a single published observational study that reported use of oseltamivir in 47 children under one year of age and showed no significant adverse effects (Tamura 2005). 

Other research and basic research findings for H5N1 patients One  study  has  evaluated  the  effect  of  oseltamivir  on  neuraminidase  and  viral  replication using H5N1 isolates from humans. Two additional studies using H5N1 isolated from ducks evaluated the effect of oseltamivir on viral replication (see annex 3).  Consistent animal data from three studies in mice indicate that high‐dose oseltamivir treatment increased survival in this animal model.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Conclusion Oseltamivir treatment may be of net clinical benefit in H5N1 patients. However, there are no clinical  trials  directly  dealing with  human H5N1  infection;  based  on  the GRADE  quality criteria, the evidence is of very low quality. This assessment of possible net benefit is based on  extrapolation  from  studies  performed  in  populations  with  seasonal  influenza  and consideration of other research data. 

Clinical recommendation1 

Rec 01: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected H5N1 infection, clinicians should administer oseltamivir treatment as soon as possible (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case fatality. It places relatively low values on adverse reactions, the development of resistance and costs of treatment. Despite the lack of controlled treatment data for H5N1, this is a strong recommendation, in part, because there is a lack of known effective alternative pharmacological  interventions at  this  time. The recommendation applies  to adults,  including pregnant women and children. Until further information becomes available, the current treatment regimen for H5N1 is as recommended for early  treatment of adults, special patient groups (e.g.  those with renal insufficiency) and children with seasonal influenza. 

5.2. Should H5N1 patients receive treatment with zanamivir?

Summary of findings No clinical trial or case study has evaluated zanamivir in the treatment of H5N1 patients.  There were 4 systematic reviews and HTAs (annex 3) that examined the use of zanamivir in otherwise healthy  adults, high  risk  adults or  children  for  treatment of  seasonal  influenza. The doses  of  inhaled  zanamivir  in  the  studies were  10 mg  twice  and  four  times daily  in adults  and  children  for  up  to  5  days.  There were  3  studies  evaluating  both  inhaled  and intranasal zanamivir in combination; however the intranasal formulation is not available for clinical use. The studies were conducted  in several countries  in  the northern and southern hemispheres.   There are very few studies describing animal and in vitro data about the effects of zanamivir on  the H5N1  virus. Zanamivir  is  active  in  vitro  and  in  vivo  against  oseltamivir‐resistant H5N1 virus that contains the H274Y mutation (Le 2005). 

                                                      1 The panel voted on whether this recommendation should be strong or weak and there was one abstention and one dissenting vote out of thirteen.

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Benefits There are too few events in the reported studies to provide evidence of a benefit of zanamivir treatment on mortality or duration of hospitalization  in either  seasonal  influenza of H5N1 infection. Lower respiratory tract complications (pneumonia) were not significantly reduced (OR 0.83, 95% CI 0 .24 to 2.26) in 3 trials (n = 2299 patients with 46 events) that described this outcome  in otherwise healthy  adults with  seasonal  influenza  (Jefferson  2006, Monto  1999, Puhakka 2003, MIST 1998).  

Harms The  identified systematic reviews did not provide  informative evidence on serious adverse events.  Data  submitted  by  the  manufacturer  to  the  US  Food  and  Drug  Administration reported  headache  and  nausea  as  the most  frequent  adverse  events  in  both  children  and adults.  This  report  also  included  warnings  regarding  an  increased  incidence  of bronchospasm; patients with  airway disease  appear  to be  at  increased  risk  for  this  severe adverse reaction (FDA note. JAMA Sept 13 2003). Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions to the WHO listed 253 cases of adverse reactions, but there is no assessment of causality or severity of  these events  in relation  to zanamivir. Headache was one of  the most  frequently reported biologically plausible adverse reactions (n = 22). There are four case reports of use of zanamivir during pregnancy  that report  three spontaneous abortions and one death but there was  no  assessment  of  causality. No  information  on  resistance  of H5N1  viruses  to zanamivir exists.  

Treatment considerations Available formulations:

Zanamivir is available for oral inhalation only, using a diskhaler device.   Zanamivir has been  approved by  the US Food  and Drug Administration  for  treatment of influenza  in  individuals  aged  ≥  7  years. No dose  adjustment  for  patients with  hepatic  or renal impairment is recommended.   The recommended treatment dose for inhaled zanamivir in seasonal influenza is 10 mg twice daily for 5 days, in adults and children ≥ 7 years (CDC 2006a, CDC 2006b).    The  ability  to  deliver  inhaled  zanamivir  to  sites  of  viral  replication  in  the  context  of pneumonia  or  serious  lower  respiratory  tract  disease  is  uncertain.  It  is  also  unknown whether  inhaled  zanamivir  achieves  sufficient  blood  and  tissue  levels  to  inhibit  virus replication outside  the  respiratory  tract. The bioavailability of  inhaled zanamivir  in adults ranges from 4% to 17%, compared to an average of 2% after ingestion (Glaxo Wellcome 2001, FDA approved  label).  Inhaled zanamivir might be appropriate  in  those patients unable  to take oral medications, including oseltamivir. 

Other research and basic research findings Two  studies have evaluated  the effect of zanamivir on neuraminidase  inhibition and viral replication using H5N1 virus isolate from humans. An additional study using H5N1 viruses isolated  from  ducks  evaluated  the  effect  of  zanamivir  on  viral  replication  (see  annex  3). 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Consistent  animal  data  from  three  studies  in  mice  indicate  that  zanamivir  treatment increased  survival  in  this  animal model. Zanamivir  is  active  in  vitro  and  in  vivo  against oseltamivir‐resistant H5N1 virus that contains the H274Y mutation. Inhaled zanamivir may have lower bioavailability in organ systems other than the respiratory tract (Wong and Yuen 2006).  

Conclusion No direct data are available on  the use of zanamivir  to  treat H5N1 patients. While  there  is evidence of net clinical benefit of inhaled zanamivir in patients with seasonal influenza, the quality  of  evidence when  considered  on  a  continuum  is  lower  for  the  use  of  zanamivir compared to oseltamivir. However, based on the four category GRADE approach, the overall quality of evidence is very low for both interventions. 

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 02: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, clinicians might administer zanamivir (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with  high  case  fatality.  It  places  a  relatively  low  value  on  adverse  effects (including  bronchospasm),  the  potential  development  of  resistance  and  costs  of treatment. The bioavailability of zanamivir outside of the respiratory tract  is  lower than  that  of  oseltamivir.  Zanamivir  may  be  active  against  some  strains  of oseltamivir resistant H5N1 virus. The recommendation applies to adults, including pregnant women and children. Use of zanamivir  requires  that patients are able  to use  the diskhaler device. Until  further  information becomes available,  the  current treatment  regimen  for  (H5N1)  infection  is  the  same  as  recommended  for  early treatment of adults and children with seasonal influenza.  

 Although the quality of evidence when considered on a continuum is lower for the use of zanamivir compared to oseltamivir, the overall quality of evidence in the four category grading system is very low for both interventions. 

5.3 Should H5N1 patients receive treatment with amantadine?

Summary of findings No controlled clinical trial has evaluated amantadine for the treatment of H5N1 infection.    There were 3 systematic reviews and HTAs (annex 3) that examined the use of amantadine in otherwise healthy adults, high risk adults or children for treatment of seasonal influenza A. The doses of amantadine in the studies were 100 mg once daily and 100 mg twice daily in adults  for up  to 10 days. The  studies were  conducted  in  several  countries  in  the northern hemisphere, but resource‐poor countries were not represented.   

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


There are case study data for 10 patients in whom amantadine was used for the treatment of H5N1 infection (Beigel 2005). All four of the patients who received amantadine within 5 days of  symptom onset  survived,  and  two of  the  six patients who were  treated after 5 days of illness  survived.  Six  of  the  eight  patients who  did  not  receive  amantadine  survived. No conclusions can be reached from these uncontrolled clinical data.   Two  studies  reported  clade  1 H5N1  viruses  isolated  from  humans  in  Thailand  and  from birds  in  South‐east Asia  carrying M2  inhibitor  resistance mutations.  Few  in  vitro  studies were  found  that described  the effects of amantadine on H5N1 virus and no animal studies about the effects of amantadine on H5N1 virus were identified. 

Benefits There is insufficient evidence in the reported studies to evaluate the benefit of amantadine on mortality or duration of hospitalization in either seasonal influenza or H5N1 infection. Data obtained from 3 small trials of individuals with seasonal influenza A suggest no reduction in influenza A viral shedding associated with amantadine  treatment  (RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.72  to 1.27). 

Harms There  are  limited  data  on  serious  adverse  events  described  in  the  systematic  reviews highlighting  the  limitations  of  systematic  reviews  and  published  randomized  controlled trials  in  reporting  adverse  events.  The  Cochrane  review  of  amantadine  treatment  and chemoprophylaxis  in  seasonal  influenza  reports no  significant difference  in  the number of mild adverse effects (gastrointestinal and central nervous system) between the treatment and placebo groups but  it  focused on  randomized controlled  trials. The data  submitted by  the manufacturer  to  the  US  Food  and  Drug  Administration  reported  nausea,  dizziness (lightheadedness) and  insomnia as  the most  frequent adverse  events  in both  children and adults. Observational  studies  and  case  reports  have documented  increased  frequencies  of moderate  to  severe  central  nervous  system  side  effects,  including  hallucinosis,  delirium, psychosis,  altered mentation,  and  coma  in  elderly  subjects,  those with  renal  insufficiency, and  those  receiving  concurrent  psychoactive  medications,  as  well  as  increased  seizure activity  in  those  patients with  pre‐existing  disorders.  Spontaneous  reporting  to WHO  of adverse  reactions  listed  1863  reports  of  adverse  reactions,  but  there  is  no  assessment  of causality or severity of these events in relation to amantadine. The most commonly reported adverse  event  was  hallucinations  (n  =  389  cases).  There  are  two  case  reports  of  use  of amantadine during pregnancy. In one of these cases spontaneous abortion occurred although the mother was also receiving two other additional medications; no assessment of causality was carried out.   The development of resistance is a frequent problem with amantadine. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Treatment considerations Available formulations:

Amantadine is available in tablet 100 mg, capsule and syrup form. 

The  recommended  treatment dose of amantadine  in  seasonal  influenza A  is 100 mg  twice daily in adults and children between 10 and 65 years of age, for 5 days (CDC 2006a). In the elderly over 65 and in other populations in some jurisdictions, a once‐daily dose of 100 mg is recommended.1 

In children under 10 (CDC 2006a (table 1)) 

• 1–9 years: 5mg/kg/day (not to exceed 150 mg per day, in 2 divided doses) • 10–12 years: 100mg twice daily  

 In patients with renal impairment (See FDA approved label):  Creatinine clearance (ml/min/1.73 m2)  Dose 

• 30–50          200 mg 1st day and 100 mg each day thereafter • 15–29          200 mg 1st day and 100 mg on alternate days • <15          200 mg every 7 days 

 The recommended dosage for patients on haemodialysis is 200 mg every 7 days.   Amantadine  should  be  used  with  caution  in  patients  receiving  treatment  with neuropsychiatric  drugs  and  patients  with  seizure  disorders,  where  the  potential  risks outweigh the benefits. This drug should not be used by women who are breastfeeding. Poor adherence rates secondary to adverse effects have been reported with amantadine use.  

Other research and basic research findings Clade 1 H5N1 virus  isolated  from humans  in Thailand and  from birds  in South‐east Asia carries mutations associated with resistance to M2 inhibitors. However. these mutations have not yet been identified in clade 2 H5N1 viruses isolated from the Peopleʹs Republic of China.   High‐level  resistance  is  readily  selected  by  growth  of  human  influenza  A  virus  in  the presence  of  amantadine  in  vitro  and  in  vivo  and  confers  cross‐resistance  to  other  M2 inhibitors. While all contemporary pandemic strains of human influenza A virus have been susceptible,  the  frequency  of  resistance  in  community  H3N2  isolates  has  increased dramatically, now exceeding 90% in North America (Bright JAMA CDC), and many clade 1 H5N1 virus also show de novo resistance. Resistance has been found in H1N1 viruses from the pre‐amantadine era (Hayden 1996, Bean 1992, Abed 2005, Hay 1996).   No animal studies of H5N1 virus and the effects of amantadine were identified.  

                                                      1 The recommended regimen in the British National Formulary (BNF) and in Japan is 100mg od for patients > 10yrs of age.

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Conclusion Amantadine  appears  not  to  be  of  greater  net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  in  the treatment  of  H5N1  infection  compared  to  the  neuraminidase  inhibitors  where  these medicines  are  available. Drug  resistance  is  a major  limitation. However,  amantadine may have  net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  in  the  treatment  of  H5N1  infection  when neuraminidase  inhibitors  are  not  available  and  the H5N1  virus  is  known  or  likely  to  be susceptible to amantadine. There are no clinical trials dealing with amantadine treatment in H5N1 patients. This assessment of possible net benefit under certain circumstances is based on  extrapolations  from  studies  performed  in  populations with  seasonal  influenza A  and includes  consideration of  likely development of drug  resistance and  the  incidence of  toxic effects. 

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 03: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available, clinicians should not administer amantadine alone as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected human infection with avian influenza H5N1 (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  Although  recognizing  that  the  illness  is  severe,  this  recommendation places a high value on the potential development of resistance and avoiding adverse effects. This is a strong recommendation in part because of the availability of other options for treatment that may be more effective.  

Rec 04: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer amantadine as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a  relatively  low value on adverse effects and  the  development  of  resistance  in  a  situation  without  alternative pharmacological treatment. Until further information becomes available, the current treatment  regimen  for  H5N1  infection  is  the  same  as  recommended  for  early treatment  of  adults  and  children with  seasonal  influenza. The use  of  amantadine should  be  guided  by  knowledge  about  local  resistance  patterns,  and  special consideration  of  the  benefits  and  harms  in  patients  at  higher  risk  for  adverse outcomes (e.g. pregnant patients).  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


5.4 Should H5N1 patients receive treatment with rimantadine?

Summary of findings No clinical trial or case study has evaluated rimantadine treatment of H5N1 infection.  Two systematic reviews (annex 3) were identified that examined the use of rimantadine for the  treatment  of  seasonal  influenza  A  in  otherwise  healthy  adults,  high  risk  adults  or children. The doses of rimantadine in the studies were 200 mg once daily and 150 mg twice daily in adults for up to 10 days. The studies were conducted in the USA.  Two  studies  reported  clade  1 H5N1  viruses  isolated  from  humans  in  Thailand  and  from birds  in South‐east Asia carrying M2  inhibitor  resistance mutations. There are  few  in vitro studies about the effects of rimantadine on H5N1 virus and no animal studies describing the effects  of  rimantadine  on  H5N1  virus.  Animal  and  in  vitro  studies  have  shown  the development of cross‐resistance  to  the M2  inhibitors  in human  influenza A virus grown  in the presence of these compounds (Abed 2005, Hay 1996, Hayden 1996). 

Benefits There  is  insufficient evidence  in the reported studies to evaluate the benefit of rimantadine on  mortality  or  duration  of  hospitalization  in  either  seasonal  influenza  A  or  H5N1 infection.  Data from 3 small trials of individuals with seasonal influenza A suggest there is no evidence of a statistically significant reduction  in  influenza A viral shedding associated with rimantadine treatment (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.22 to 2.07). 

Harms Similarly  to  the description of adverse  events with amantidine use,  there are very  limited data on serious adverse events described in the systematic reviews. The Cochrane review of rimantadine use  in  influenza A  shows no  significant difference  in  the number  of  adverse effects  (gastrointestinal and  central nervous  system) occurring  in  the  treatment or placebo groups but the data from randomized trials are  limited. In addition, the review showed no significant difference in the number of adverse effects when rimantadine was compared with amantadine.  The  data  submitted  by  the  manufacturer  to  the  US  Food  and  Drug Administration  reported  nausea,  vomiting,  dizziness  and  insomnia  as  the most  frequent adverse events. Spontaneous reporting to WHO of adverse reactions includes 182 reports of adverse  reactions,  but  there  is  no  assessment  of  causality  or  severity  of  these  events  in relation to rimantadine. The most commonly reported adverse event was convulsions (n = 21), with a further 17 reported with grand mal convulsions. However, observational studies have shown  that  the  incidence  of  adverse  central  nervous  system  effects was  significantly  less with  rimantadine  than  with  amantadine  (Dolin  1982).  No  case  reports  on  the  use  of rimantadine during pregnancy exist.  

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Treatment considerations Available formulations:

Rimantadine is available in tablet and syrup form.  The recommended treatment dose of rimantadine in seasonal influenza A is 100 mg twice a day for adults and children over 12 years of age (CDC 2006a, CDC 2006b). In patients with severe  hepatic  dysfunction,  renal  failure  (creatinine  clearance  of  10 ml/min)  and  elderly nursing  home  patients,  a  dose  reduction  to  100  mg  daily  is  recommended.  There  are currently  no  data  available  regarding  the  safety  of  rimantadine  in  patients with  renal  or hepatic impairment (see FDA approved label) 

Other research and basic research findings One study evaluated the effect of rimantadine on viral replication using H5N1 isolates from humans, and demonstrated no effect. One additional study using multiple strains of H5N1 virus  also  evaluated  the  effect of  rimantadine on viral  replication. High‐level  resistance  is readily  selected  by  growth  of human  influenza A  virus  in  the presence  of  amantadine  in vitro and in vivo and confers cross‐resistance to other M2 inhibitors. No data were available from animal studies of H5N1 virus and rimantadine.  

Conclusion Although  there are no comparative clinical  trials,  rimantadine appears not  to be of greater net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  in  the  treatment  of  H5N1  infection  than  the neuraminidase inhibitors, when these drugs are available. However, rimantadine may be of net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  in  the  treatment  of  H5N1  infection  when neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and the virus is known or likely to be susceptible. In  this  situation  the use of  rimantadine may be preferable  to amantadine, given  the more favourable  side‐effect  profile  (Dolin  1982).  There  are  no  clinical  trials  dealing  with rimantadine treatment in H5N1 patients. This assessment of possible net benefit is based on extrapolations  from  studies  performed  in  populations  with  seasonal  influenza  A  and includes  consideration of  likely development of drug  resistance and  the  incidence of  toxic effects. 

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 05: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available, clinicians should not administer rimantadine alone as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  Although  recognizing  that  the  illness  is  severe,  this  recommendation places a high value on the potential development of resistance and avoiding adverse effects. This is a strong recommendation in part because of the availability of other options for treatment that may be more effective.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Rec 06: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer rimantadine as a first-line treatment to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a  relatively  low value on adverse effects and  the development  of  resistance. The  use  of  rimantadine  should  be  guided  by knowledge about local antiviral resistance patterns, and special consideration of the benefits, harms, burdens and cost  in patients at higher  risk  for adverse outcomes. Rimantadine has generally a more favorable side effect profile than amantadine.  

5.5 Should H5N1 patients receive combination treatment of M2 inhibitors and neuraminidase inhibitors?

Summary of findings No  clinical  trial  or  case  study  has  evaluated  the  combination  of  M2  inhibitors  and neuraminidase inhibitors in the treatment of H5N1 infection.  No  systematic  review has  examined  the  combination of M2  inhibitors  and neuraminidase inhibitors  in  the  treatment of H5N1  infection. The review  identified one small randomized controlled trial that compared nebulized zanamivir (16 mg four times daily) and rimantadine (100 mg once or twice daily administered to hospitalized patients with seasonal influenza A only) to rimantadine and placebo in the USA. The study was terminated after enrollment of 41 patients and approximately 40 percent of patients were  lost  to  follow‐up  (9 of 20  in  the combined treatment group and 7 of 21  in the rimantadine group) (Ison 2003, Madren 1995, Leneva 2000, Govorkova 2004). Nebulized zanamivir is not currently available.  Few  animal  and  in  vitro  studies  describe  the  effects  of  combination  treatment  of H5N1 infection.  Oral  administration  of  oseltamivir,  in  combination  with  rimantadine  in  mice infected with avian  influenza A  (H9N2) virus  reduced  the number of deaths.  In vitro and animal model  studies  with  human  influenza  A  (H1N1  and  H3N2)  viruses  suggest  that combining neuraminidase  inhibitors and rimantadine exerts an additive or synergistic anti‐influenza effect for viruses that are susceptible to both agents (see annex 3).  

Benefits There  are  too  few  data  to  assess  any  benefit  of  combination  treatment  on mortality  or duration  of  hospitalization  in  either  seasonal  influenza  or  H5N1  infection.  There are  no published case  reports of H5N1  infection  treated with a combination of M2  inhibitors and neuraminidase  inhibitors.  Thus,  there  is  no  evidence  beyond  what  is  known  for monotherapy with either of these agents to evaluate any effect on H5N1 infection.  

Treatment of H5N1 patients: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Harms The  harms  seen  for monotherapy  are  described  in  the  relevant  sections  and  are  likely  to apply  to  combination  therapy.  Based  on  the  known  pharmacology,  no  additive  effect  on adverse  effects  might  be  expected,  although  increased  gastrointestinal  intolerance  is  a possibility with combinations of M2  inhibitors and oseltamivir.  In addition,  the severity of H5N1 illness must be taken into account when considering possible benefits and harms. The one  small  randomized control  trial  in patients with seasonal  influenza suffered  from  large numbers of drop outs, but it is not possible to determine whether these were due to adverse effects. No information on resistance of H5N1 virus to combination therapy exists, but H5N1 virus resistant to the M2 inhibitors is known to exist.  

Treatment considerations Treatment considerations and available formulations for monotherapy have been described in the relevant sections. These apply for combination therapy. 

Other research and basic research findings Animal studies of human influenza viruses, examining combinations of oseltamivir and M2 inhibitors, showed synergistic effects (see annex 3). 

Conclusion There  are  no  direct  data  from  the  use  of  combination  therapy  of  M2  inhibitors  and neuraminidase  inhibitors  in H5N1 patients. There  is no  evidence  of net  clinical benefit  of combination therapy in patients with seasonal influenza A.  

Clinical recommendations1 

Rec 07: If neuraminidase inhibitors are available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, clinicians might administer a combination of neuraminidase inhibitor and M2 inhibitor to patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence). This should only be done in the context of prospective data collection.

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of death in an illness with a high case  fatality.  It places a relatively  low value on adverse effects, the potential development of resistance and costs associated with therapy. The use of  combination  therapy  should  be  guided  by  knowledge  about  local  antiviral resistance patterns under  special  consideration  for  the  benefits  and downsides  in patients of higher risk  for adverse outcomes. Combination  therapy should only be carried out if detailed and standardized clinical and virological data collection is in place at the start of therapy (prospective data collection). Clinicians should carefully determine  which  patients  (e.g.  severely  ill  patients)  could  receive  combination therapy.  

                                                      1 The panel voted on whether a weak recommendation or no recommendation should be given and there were three dissenting votes out of thirteen.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs



6. Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs

An exposure‐based assessment of risk has been devised to evaluate the net clinical benefits of antiviral  chemoprophylaxis.  Decisions  to  initiate  antiviral  chemoprophylaxis  should generally be guided by the risk stratification described below. The stratification is based on observational  data  for  reported  cases  of H5N1  infection  and  on  high  quality  data  from studies of seasonal influenza.   High risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Household  or  close  family  contacts1 of  a  strongly  suspected  or  confirmed  H5N1 patient, because of potential exposure to a common environmental or poultry source as well as exposure to the index case 

 Moderate risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments (including animal disposal)  if personal protective equipment may not have been used properly. 

• Individuals with unprotected and very close direct exposure2 to sick or dead animals infected with the H5N1 virus or to particular birds that have been directly implicated in human cases. 

• Health  care personnel  in  close  contact with  strongly  suspected or  confirmed H5N1 patients,  for  example  during  intubation  or  performing  tracheal  suctioning,  or delivering  nebulised  drugs,  or  handling  inadequately  screened/sealed  body  fluids without  any  or  with  insufficient  personal  protective  equipment.  This  group  also includes  laboratory  personnel who might  have  an  unprotected  exposure  to  virus‐containing samples.3 

 Low risk exposure groups are currently defined as: 

• Health  care  workers  not  in  close  contact  (distance  greater  than  1  metre)  with  a strongly  suspected  or  confirmed H5N1  patient  and  having  no  direct  contact with infectious material from that patient. 

                                                      1 A close contact may be defined as an individual sharing a household with, or remaining unprotected whilst within speaking distance (< 1 metre) of, or in the care of, a patient with confirmed or strongly suspected H5N1 infection.

2 Examples of high risk exposure based on confirmed transmission to humans include: unprotected exposure to infected animal products such as consumption of blood from H5N1 infected ducks; preparation of food or other products from infected animals (e.g. plucking feathers); or prolonged exposure to infected birds in a confined space, such as playing with pets.

3 This definition of moderate risk is based on very few cases recognized under these situations to date. As circumstances may change rapidly, it would be reasonable to consider the moderate and high risk groups together for prophylaxis decisions. If a particular patient has been implicated in possible human-to-human transmission, then these examples of exposures could be defined as high risk.

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


• Health  care workers who  used  appropriate  personal  protective  equipment  during exposure to H5N1 patients. 

• Personnel involved in culling non‐infected or likely non‐infected animal populations as a control measure. 

• Personnel  involved  in  handling  sick  animals  or  decontaminating  affected environments  (including  animal  disposal),  who  used  proper  personal  protective equipment.  

In  the present absence of  sustained human‐to‐human  transmission of  the H5N1 virus,  the general population  is not  considered at  risk. The observed  clustering of  some H5N1  cases within families has raised the possibility of genetic susceptibility to the virus. Once an H5N1 patient  has  been  identified,  an  urgent  epidemiological  field  investigation  should  be undertaken and follow up of close contacts should be initiated.  The  panel  rated  outbreak  control,  drug  resistance  and  serious  adverse  effects  as  critical outcomes  in  the  assessment  of  prophylactic  interventions  for H5N1  infection. While  the quality of  the evidence  for some of  the critical outcomes was moderate or  low,  the overall quality of evidence on which  to base a summary assessment was very  low  for all antiviral drugs. Differences exist in the quality of evidence for individual critical outcomes among the various antiviral drugs (see annex 3 for gradings and ratings).1  

6.1 Should oseltamivir be used for the chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection?

Summary of findings No clinical trial has evaluated oseltamivir for chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection.   Two systematic reviews and HTAs (annex 3) have examined chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza with oseltamivir for 1  to 6 weeks  in otherwise healthy adults, high risk adults or children  including  household  contacts. The doses  of  oseltamivir  in  the  individual  studies varied  between  the  trials.  The  studies  were  conducted  in  the  northern  hemisphere  and resource‐poor countries were not represented.   The  animal  and  in  vitro  data  about  the  effects  of  oseltamivir  on  H5N1  infection  were described above in the section on treatment of H5N1 infection. 

Benefits Three  randomized  controlled  trials  investigating  the  effect  of  oral  oseltamivir  on  post‐exposure  influenza  incidence  found  large  reductions  in  laboratory‐confirmed  influenza (relative risk reductions of 50% to 89%). No differences in prophylactic efficacy were found between  75 mg  once  daily  and  75 mg  twice  daily  dosing  in  seasonal  influenza  in  adults (Hayden 1999). One trial  in  the elderly found a relative risk reduction of 92% but  included only 13 events. No significant effect on influenza‐like illnesses was seen in these three trials. 

                                                      1 Based on the GRADE approach to grading the quality of evidence, the critical outcome with the lowest quality of evidence determines the overall quality assessment.

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Two trials studied the effects of oseltamivir used as chemoprophylaxis, in which household contacts of influenza cases received chemoprophylaxis for 7 to 10 days after exposure to an index case  (Welliver 2001, Hayden 2004). Effects on mortality were not reported, nor were effects on viral shedding and outbreak control, but prevention of influenza illness would be expected  to  reduce  likelihood  of  influenza‐associated  complications,  hospitalizations,  and mortality.  No  information  on  potential  cost  savings  from  effective  chemoprophylaxis  of seasonal influenza was reported and therefore potential cost savings in chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  cannot  be  inferred.  There  is  no  controlled  trial  evidence  about  the  effects  of  post‐exposure chemoprophylaxis in health care workers potentially exposed to the H5N1 virus or workers  handling  dead  or  diseased  birds  or  engaged  in  the  decontamination  of  animal environments. 

Harms Information about resistance to oseltamivir and serious adverse events was not reported  in the systematic reviews. Information reported by the manufacturer to the US Food and Drug Administration  included  an  increased  incidence  of  nausea  in  patients  receiving chemoprophylaxis (7% versus 3%). As described in the section on treatment with oseltamivir, three  cases  of  resistance  to  oseltamivir  developing  after  treatment  in  patients with  avian influenza A (H5N1) have been described.   Other harms relating to treatment with oseltamivir are reported in section 5.1. 

Considerations for chemoprophylaxis  Available formulations:

Oseltamivir phosphate is available as a capsule containing 75 mg oseltamivir for oral use, in the form of oseltamivir phosphate, and as a powder for oral suspension.  When  considering  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1  infection, high priority  should  be  given  to standard  infection  control  practices.  These  practices  can  protect  health  care workers  and household  contacts  as  well  as  individuals  involved  in  decontamination  of  animals.  The recommended  chemoprophylaxis  dose  is  75 mg  once  daily  in  adults  and  the  following weight‐adjusted doses in children, for 7–10 days:  

• Children 1 year of age or older: weight‐adjusted doses 

• 30  mg once daily for ≤ 15 kg 

• 45  mg once daily for >15 to 23 kg 

• 60  mg once daily for >23 to 40 kg 

• 75  mg once daily for >40 kg 

 There  is  no  evidence  available  for  the  chemoprophylactic  use  of  oseltamivir  in  children under 1 year of age.   

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Chemoprophylaxis courses should begin as soon as possible after exposure status is known and be used continuously for 7 to 10 days after the last known exposure. Although based on indirect evidence from seasonal influenza, chemoprophylaxis with oseltamivir for periods of up to 8 weeks is considered safe.  

Other research and basic research findings These findings have been described in section 5.1.  

Conclusion The evidence for pharmacological chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  infection with oseltamivir  in exposed  and  unexposed  individuals  is  of  very  low  quality  and  indirect.  However, oseltamivir  has  shown  large  effects  on  influenza  incidence  as  post‐exposure chemoprophylaxis for seasonal influenza and is active as pre‐exposure prophylaxis in animal models of H5N1  infection. Oseltamivir might effectively provide an  important reduction  in H5N1  virus  transmission. This  view  is  based  on  extrapolation  from  studies performed  in populations with seasonal influenza.  

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 08: In high risk exposure groups, oseltamivir should be administered as chemoprophylaxis continuing for 7–10 days after the last known exposure (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last  known  exposure. Oseltamivir has  been used  for  as  long  as  8 weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza.  The  dose  of  oseltamivir  for  H5N1 chemoprophylaxis should be that used in seasonal influenza. This recommendation also applies to pregnant women in the high risk exposure group. 

Rec 09: In moderate risk exposure groups, oseltamivir might be administered as chemoprophylaxis continuing for 7–10 days after the last known exposure (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality . It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last  known  exposure. Oseltamivir has  been used  for  as  long  as  8 weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza.  The  dose  of  oseltamivir  for  H5N1 chemoprophylaxis should be that used in seasonal influenza. This recommendation applies to pregnant women in the moderate risk exposure group. 

Rec 10: In low risk exposure groups, oseltamivir should probably not be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  effects, potential development of resistance and cost. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Rec 11: Pregnant women in the low exposure risk groups should not receive oseltamivir for chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  possible  but uncertain harm associated with oseltamivir chemoprophylaxis during pregnancy. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

6.2 Should zanamivir be used for the chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection?

Summary of findings No clinical trial has evaluated zanamivir for chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection.   Three systematic reviews and HTAs (annex 3) have examined chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza with inhaled zanamivir for 5 to 28 days in otherwise healthy adults and high risk groups, including close contacts of index cases. The studies were conducted in the northern hemisphere and resource‐poor countries were not represented.   The animal and  in vitro data about  the effects of zanamivir on H5N1 virus were described above in the corresponding section on treatment of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. 

Benefits Two  randomized  controlled  trials  investigating  the  effect  of  inhaled  zanamivir  on  post‐exposure  influenza  incidence  in  healthy  adults  found  large  reductions  in  laboratory‐confirmed  influenza  (OR 0.19, 95% CI 0.09  to 0.38). A  similar effect was seen  in 2  trials of seasonal chemoprophylaxis.   Influenza‐like  illnesses  was  not  reported  as  an  outcome  in  the  post‐exposure chemoprophylaxis  trials  and  there was no  significant  reduction  in  the number of  cases of influenza‐like illness with chemoprophylaxis using inhaled zanamivir.   Another trial assessing the combination of both intranasal and inhaled zanamivir in healthy adults  showed  no  additive  benefit.  A  similar  study  of  combined  inhaled  and  intranasal chemoprophylaxis  in  elderly  and  high‐risk  adults  showed  no  significant  reduction  in  the number of laboratory‐confirmed cases of seasonal influenza or influenza‐like illness.   Effects on mortality were not reported  in any of the studies. Information on viral shedding and outbreak control was not reported although this outcome was considered critical for the evaluation of zanamivir as chemoprophylaxis.  No  information on potential savings of chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  infection was reported. There  is  no  evidence  about  the  effects  of  post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  in  health  care workers potentially exposed  to  the H5N1 virus or workers  involved  in decontamination of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Harms No prophylaxis failures due to drug‐resistant virus have been recognized to date, including when  zanamivir  has  been  used  for  both  treatment  and  post‐exposure  prophylaxis  in  the same households (Hayden 2000). The number of trial withdrawals was reported in one study of chemoprophylaxis of  seasonal  influenza with  inhaled zanamivir. This  study showed no significant difference between the number of withdrawals in treatment and placebo arms. As described in the section on treatment with zanamivir, no information on resistance of H5N1 virus to zanamivir exists.   Other harms relating to treatment with zanamivir are reported in section 5.1. 

Considerations for chemoprophylaxis Available formulations:

Zanamivir  is  available  for  oral  inhalation  only,  using  a  diskhaler  device. Nebulized  and intranasal formulations of zanamivir have been used in clinical trials but are not available for clinical use. 

When considering chemoprophylaxis of infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, high priority  should  be  given  to  standard  infection  control  practices.  These  practices  protect health  care workers and  individuals  involved  in disposal of animals as well as household contacts. The recommended dose of inhaled zanamivir in individuals aged 5 years and over is 10 mg once daily as chemoprophylaxis (FDA press release 20061). The duration of use of zanamivir has ranged from 5 to 28 days in healthy adults. Courses should begin as soon as possible after exposure status is known and be used continuously for 7 to 10 days after last known exposure.  

Other research and basic research findings These findings have been described in section 6.2.  

Conclusion The evidence  for pharmacological  chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  infection with zanamivir  in exposed and unexposed individuals is of very low quality and indirect. However, zanamivir, when  used  as  post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  against  seasonal  influenza,  has  shown relatively  large  reductions  in  the  incidence of  influenza  cases. Zanamivir might effectively provide  an  important  reduction  in  cases  of  H5N1  infection.  This  view  is  based  on extrapolation from studies performed in populations with seasonal influenza.  

                                                      1 US Food and Drug Administration (2006). FDA News: FDA Approves a Second Drug for the Prevention of Influenza A and B in Adults and Children http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2006/NEW01341.html.

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Clinical recommendations 

Rec 12: In high risk exposure groups zanamivir should be administered as chemoprophylaxis continuing for 7–10 days after the last known exposure (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status  is known and be used continuously  for 7  to 10 days after  last  known  exposure.  The  dose  of  zanamivir  should  be  that  used  for  the chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza. The bioavailability of zanamivir outside of the  respiratory  tract  is  lower  than  that  of  oseltamivir.  Zanamivir may  be  active against some strains of oseltamivir‐resistant H5N1 virus. Consequently, it might be a  reasonable  choice  for  health  care  workers  with  a  high‐risk  exposure  to  an oseltamivir‐treated H5N1  patient.  This  recommendation  also  applies  to  pregnant women who have high risk exposure. 

Rec 13: In moderate risk exposure groups, zanamivir might be administered as chemoprophylaxis continuing for 7–10 days after the last known exposure (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status is known and be continued for 7 to 10 days after the last  known  exposure.  The  bioavailability  of  zanamivir  outside  of  the  respiratory tract is lower than that of oseltamivir. Zanamivir may be active against some strains of oseltamivir‐resistant H5N1 virus. This recommendation also applies to pregnant women in the moderate risk exposure group. 

Rec 14: In low risk exposure groups, zanamivir should probably not be administered for chemoprophylaxis (weak recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  effects, possible development of resistance and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

Rec 15: Pregnant women in the low risk exposure group should not receive zanamivir for chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  possible  but uncertain harm associated with zanamivir during pregnancy. It places a lower value on preventing the low risk of H5N1 disease.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


6.3 Should amantadine be used for the chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection?

Summary of findings No  clinical  trial  has  evaluated  amantadine  for  post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1 infection.   Three systematic reviews and HTAs (annex 3) have examined chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza A with amantadine for 20 days to 6 weeks in otherwise healthy adults, the elderly, children with  learning difficulties and high‐risk children  (data  for  the elderly and children came  from  studies  conducted  in  a  residential  environment). The dose  of  amantadine was typically 100 mg  twice daily. The studies were conducted  in  the northern hemisphere and resource‐poor countries were not represented.   Observational studies have shown transmission of resistant human influenza A viruses from treated  persons  to  close  contacts  in  nursing  homes  due  to  failures  of  drug  prophylaxis (Houck 1995, Mast 1991).   As stated previously, clade 1 H5N1 viruses isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in  South‐east  Asia  have  been  shown  to  carry  M2  inhibitor  resistance  mutations  for amantadine. The animal and  in vitro data about  the effects of amantadine on H5N1 virus were described above in the section on treatment of H5N1 infection. 

Benefits Eleven randomized controlled  trials  investigating  the effect of oral amantadine on seasonal influenza  A  incidence  in  healthy  adults  found  large  reductions  in  laboratory‐confirmed influenza A  (relative  risk  reductions of  35%  to  76%). A  significant  effect on  influenza‐like illnesses  in healthy adults was seen  in  fifteen  trials  reporting  this outcome, with a  relative risk reduction of 13% to 36%. Effects on mortality were not reported. Only one trial reported on viral shedding, showing a relative risk reduction of 13% to 47%.  No  information on potential savings of chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  infection was reported. There  is  no  evidence  for  the  use  of  amantadine  as  post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  for H5N1  infection  in  any  population,  including  health  care workers  or workers  involved  in decontamination of H5N1 virus.  

Harms Use of amantadine is associated with adverse effects on both the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Six trials of chemoprophylaxis in healthy adults reported a relative risk of  withdrawal  due  to  adverse  effects  of  between  1.5  and  3.7  in  the  group  receiving amantadine. The risk of adverse effects is higher in chemoprophylaxis arms and they occur earlier. Further harms relating to treatment with amantadine are reported in section 5.3. 

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Considerations for chemoprophylaxis Available formulations:

Amantadine is available in tablet 100 mg, capsule and syrup form. 

When  considering  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1  infection, high priority  should  be  given  to standard  infection  control  practices.  These  practices  protect  health  care  workers  and household contacts as well as individuals involved in decontamination of animals.   The recommended chemoprophylactic dose of amantadine in seasonal influenza A is 100 mg twice daily in adults and children between the ages of 10 and 65 years for 7 to 10 days after the last known exposure (CDC 2006a, CDC 2006b). In the elderly over 65 years of age, a once daily dose of 100 mg is recommended.  In children under 10 years of age (CDC 2006a table 1)  

• 1–9 years: 5 mg/kg/day (not to exceed 150mg per day, in 2 divided doses) • 10–12 years: 100 mg twice daily  

In patients with renal impairment (See FDA approved label):  Creatinine clearance (ml/min/1.73 m2)  Dose 

• 30–50          200 mg 1st day and 100 mg each day thereafter • 15–29          200 mg 1st day and 100 mg on alternate days • <15          200mg every 7 days 

 The recommended dosage for patients on haemodialysis is 200 mg every 7 days.   Amantadine should be used in caution in patients receiving treatment with neuropsychiatric drugs and patients with seizure disorders, where  the potential risks outweigh  the benefits. The  drug  should  not  be  used  by  women  who  are  breastfeeding.  Poor  adherence  rates secondary to adverse effects have been reported with amantadine use. 

Other research and basic research findings These findings have been described in section 5.3.  

Conclusion The evidence for pharmacological chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection with amantadine in exposed  and  unexposed  individuals  is  of  very  low  quality  because  it  is  indirect. While studies of amantadine chemoprophylaxis have shown a reduction in the number of seasonal influenza A  cases,  there  is  a  possibility  of  antiviral  resistance  developing  rapidly where amantadine  treatment  is  used  in  conjunction  with  amantadine  chemoprophylaxis.  In addition, there is a higher incidence of adverse effects associated with amantadine use.   

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Amantadine  appears  not  to  be  of  greater  net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  for chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection compared to the neuraminidase inhibitors when these medicines are available. However, amantadine may have net  clinical benefit as a  first‐line agent  for  chemoprophylaxis  of  H5N1  infection  when  neuraminidase  inhibitors  are  not available  and  the  virus  is  known  or  likely  to  be  susceptible.  This  view  is  based  on extrapolation from studies performed in populations with seasonal influenza A.  

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 16: If the virus is known or likely to be an M2 inhibitor resistant H5N1 virus, amantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on avoiding adverse effects in a situation when no drug efficacy would be expected.  

Rec 17: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, amantadine might be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in high or moderate risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  does  not  apply  to  pregnant women,  the  elderly, people  with  impaired  renal  function  and  individuals  receiving  neuropsychiatric medication or with neuropsychiatric or seizure disorders. It places a high value on preventing  an  illness with  high  case  fatality.  It  places  a  relatively  low  value  on adverse  effects,  development  of  resistance  and  cost.  Administration  of chemoprophylaxis should begin as soon as possible after exposure status is known and be continued  for 7  to 10 days after  the  last known exposure. Amantadine has been used for as long as 6 weeks for chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza A. This recommendation applies when neuraminidase  inhibitors are not available or have limited availability.  

Rec 18: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and even if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, amantadine should probably not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in low risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  events, development of resistance, and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the  low risk of H5N1 disease. 

Rec 19: In pregnant women, the elderly, people with impaired renal function and individuals receiving neuropsychiatric medication or with neuropsychiatric or seizure disorders amantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


6.4 Should rimantadine be used for the chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection?

Summary of findings No  clinical  trial  has  evaluated  rimantadine  for  post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  of H5N1 infection.   Two systematic reviews (annex 3) have examined chemoprophylaxis of seasonal influenza A with rimantadine for up to 6 weeks  in otherwise healthy adults (no data were reported for the  elderly,  high  risk  groups  or  children).  The  studies  were  conducted  in  the  northern hemisphere and resource‐poor countries were not represented.   A  randomized  controlled  trial  by  Hayden  et  al  in  seasonal  influenza  H3N2  showed transmission  of  resistant  human  influenza  A  viruses  from  treated  persons  to  household contacts due to failure of drug prophylaxis (Hayden et al 1989).   As stated previously, clade 1 H5N1 viruses isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in  South‐east  Asia  have  been  shown  to  carry  M2  inhibitor  resistance  mutations  for rimantadine. The animal and  in vitro data about  the effects of rimantadine on H5N1 virus were described above in the section on treatment of H5N1 infection.  

Benefits   Three  randomized controlled  trials  investigating  the effect of oral  rimantadine on seasonal influenza  A  incidence  in  healthy  adults  found  no  significant  reduction  in  laboratory‐confirmed cases of  influenza A cases or  influenza‐like  illness. Effects on mortality were not reported. No trial reported on viral shedding or provided  information on potential savings of chemoprophylaxis of H5N1  infection. There  is no evidence for the use of rimantadine as post‐exposure  chemoprophylaxis  for H5N1  infection  in  any  population,  including  health care workers potentially exposed to the H5N1 virus or workers involved in decontamination of H5N1 virus.  

Harms Three trials of chemoprophylaxis in healthy adults showed no significant difference in terms of withdrawals  due  to  adverse  effects  between  the  group  receiving  rimantadine  and  the placebo  arm.  Further  harms  relating  to  treatment  with  rimantadine  are  reported  in section 5.4. 

Considerations for chemoprophylaxis Available formulations:

Rimantadine is available in tablet and syrup form.  When  considering  chemoprophylaxis  for H5N1  infection, high priority  should be given  to standard  infection control practices. These practices protect health care workers, household contacts and individuals involved in decontamination of animals.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Rimantadine  has  been  used  for  as  long  as  7  weeks  for  chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal influenza A at doses of 100 mg  twice daily  in adults and children over 10 years of age.  In patients with  severe  hepatic dysfunction,  renal  failure  (creatinine  clearance  of  10 ml/min) and elderly nursing home patients, a dose reduction to 100 mg daily is recommended. There are currently no data available regarding the safety of rimantadine during multiple dosing in subjects with renal or hepatic impairment (see FDA approved label). In children less than 10 years of age, rimantadine should be administered once a day, at a dose of 5 mg/kg but not exceeding 150 mg, in two divided doses. 

Other research and basic research findings These findings have been described in section 5.4.  

Conclusion The evidence for pharmacological chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection with rimantadine in exposed  and  unexposed  individuals  is  of  very  low  quality  and  very  indirect.  Studies  of rimantadine  chemoprophylaxis  have  not  shown  a  reduction  in  the  number  of  cases  of seasonal influenza A. There is a possibility of antiviral resistance developing rapidly where rimantadine treatment is used in conjunction with rimantadine chemoprophylaxis.  Rimantadine  appears  not  to  be  of  greater  net  clinical  benefit  as  a  first‐line  agent  for chemoprophylaxis  of  H5N1  infection  compared  to  neuraminidase  inhibitors  when  these medicines are available. However, rimantadine could have net clinical benefit as a first‐line agent  for prophylaxis  of H5N1  infection when neuraminidase  inhibitors  are not  available and the H5N1 virus is known or likely to be susceptible. This view is based on extrapolation from studies performed in populations with seasonal influenza.  

Clinical recommendations 

Rec 20: If the H5N1 virus is known or likely to be M2 inhibitor resistant, rimantadine should not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This recommendation places a high value on avoiding adverse effects in a situation when no drug efficacy would be expected.  

Rec 21: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and especially if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, rimantadine might be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in high or moderate risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places a high value on preventing an  illness with high case fatality. It places a relatively low value on adverse effects, development of resistance and  cost. Administration of  chemoprophylaxis  should begin as  soon as possible after exposure status is known and be continued for 7 to 10 days after the last  known  exposure.  Rimantadine  has  been  used  for  as  long  as  7  weeks  for chemoprophylaxis  of  seasonal  influenza  A.  This  recommendation  applies  when neuraminidase  inhibitors  are  not  available  or  have  limited  availability.  This recommendation does not apply to pregnant women. 

Chemoprophylaxis of H5N1 infection: recommendations for use of antiviral drugs


Rec 22: If neuraminidase inhibitors are not available and even if the virus is known or likely to be susceptible, rimantadine should probably not be administered as chemoprophylaxis against human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in low risk exposure groups (weak recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks:  This  recommendation  places  a  high  value  on  avoiding  adverse  events, development of resistance, and cost. It places a  lower value on preventing the  low risk of H5N1 disease. 

Rec 23: In pregnant women rimantadine should not be administered for chemoprophylaxis of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence).

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Co-interventions for the management of H5N1 patients



7. Co-interventions for the management of H5N1 patients

The  recommendations  in  this  section  have  been  developed  differently  from  those  in  the sections on antiviral drugs, as priority was given  to  the assessment of antiviral drugs. The panel did not make formal judgements about the quality of the evidence for most of the co‐interventions  described  below.  However,  when  there  was  consensus  about  the  informal assessment  of  the  evidence  regarding  benefits,  harms  and  burdens,  the  panel  made recommendations without quality grading. Full details are described in annex 2. 

7.1 Should H5N1 patients be treated with prophylactic antibiotics? Is it possible to make general recommendations about specific antibiotics?

There  are  no  systematic  reviews  that  summarize  the  effectiveness  of  broad‐spectrum antibiotics for prevention of secondary pneumonia in patients with primary viral pneumonia. However,  many  countries  and  specialist  societies  have  developed  standard  treatment guidelines  for  the  use  of  antibiotics  as  empirical  treatment  of  community‐acquired  and hospital‐acquired  pneumonia  and  some  general  principles  can  be  recommended  (see annex 7).   Most  hospitalized H5N1  patients  have  received  empirical  treatment with  broad‐spectrum antibiotics.  Arguments  favouring  this  intervention  are  uncertainty  about  the  cause  of infection at the time of presentation as well as the possible prevention of secondary bacterial infection. There are  limited microbiological data available  from H5N1 cases which suggest that  the  process  is  primarily  a  viral  pneumonia without  bacterial  superinfection  although there have been 3 cases of hospital‐acquired gram‐negative pneumonia in ventilated patients in Viet Nam. 

Rec 24: In patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia regardless of the geographical location, clinicians should follow appropriate clinical practice guidelines (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: The choice of antibiotics should be based on knowledge of local pathogens, other  co‐morbidities  and  resistance  patterns.  Hospitals  should  have  local  antimicrobial  surveillance  data  that  can  be  used  to  inform  the  choice.  Further  advice  about  monitoring  antimicrobial  resistance  is  available  in  the  WHO  Global  Strategy  for  Containment  of  Antimicrobial  Resistance,  at  http://www.who.int/drugresistance/WHO_Global_Strategy_English.pdf.  Local standard treatment guidelines should be updated regularly. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Rec 25: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus who do not need mechanical ventilation and have no other indication for antibiotics, clinicians should not administer prophylactic antibiotics (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: This is a strong recommendation in part because there is no evidence that antibiotic chemoprophylaxis reduces the risk of bacterial superinfection in H5N1 or seasonal  influenza,  whether  or  not  the  patients  require  mechanical  ventilation. Antibiotics are likely to select for resistant bacteria, if superinfection occurs. Thus, at present  there  are  no  known  net  clinical  benefits  from  chemoprophylaxis  with antibiotics. 

Rec 26: In patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus who need mechanical ventilation, clinicians should follow clinical practice guidelines for the prevention or treatment of ventilator associated or hospital acquired pneumonia (strong recommendation, the panel has not judged the quality of the evidence for this recommendation).

Remarks: As  the  risk  for  bacterial  infection  in mechanically  ventilated patients  is increased,  this  recommendation places  a high value on  avoiding  consequences of proven  or  suspected  bacterial  infection  and  a  low  value  on  adverse  effects  of antibiotics,  the  development  of  resistance,  and  cost. Appropriate  broad  spectrum antibiotic  therapy  should  be  instituted with  a  commitment  to  tailor  antibiotics  as soon as possible on the basis of serial clinical and anti‐microbiologic data. 

 Specific  recommendations on antibiotics need  to consider  the variation  in patterns of drug resistance; Annex 7 lists examples of national standard treatment guidelines for pneumonia.  

7.2 Should steroids and other immunosuppressants be used in the treatment of H5N1 patients?

Corticosteroids  have  been  used  frequently  in  patients  with  H5N1  disease.  Of  the  cases reported up to the end of 2005, 25 from a total of 55 cases were treated with varying doses. There is no clear evidence of benefits; in a very small randomized trial in Viet Nam, 4 out of 4  H5N1  patients  treated  with  steroids  died.  There  is  currently  no  basis  to  make  a recommendation for the use of corticosteroids in the management of acute H5N1 disease in humans, and there may be theoretical reasons to be cautious in using immunosuppressants in patients with viral  illness. Sequelae and complications such as shock may require use of corticosteroids independent of H5N1 virus infection.   Interferon alpha has been suggested as another possible co‐intervention in the management of H5N1 disease, on the theoretical basis that it has antiviral and immunomodulatory activities. However, interferon alpha can cause anaemia, hypotension and leucopenia as well as other adverse effects, and  limited  in vitro data  suggest  that H5N1 virus may be  resistant  to  the antiviral effects of interferons. There is therefore currently no basis for use of interferon alpha in patients with H5N1 disease outside the context of a randomized controlled trial. 

Co-interventions for the management of H5N1 patients


7.3 Should immunoglobulin be used in the treatment of H5N1 patients?

Pooled human  immunoglobulin has  also  been  considered  as  a possible  co‐intervention  in patients with H5N1  disease,  on  the  theoretical  grounds  that  the  immune  response may contribute  to  the  pathogenesis  of  the  disease  and  that  immunoglobulin may modify  the immune response. There is no direct or in vitro evidence that this is the case in H5N1 disease and pooled human immunoglobulin is highly unlikely to contain specific antibodies against H5N1  virus.  Pooled  immunoglobulin  can  carry  a  risk  of  blood‐borne  infection.  There  is therefore currently no basis  for  the use of  immunoglobulin  in patients with H5N1 disease outside the context of a randomized controlled trial.  

7.4 Should ribavirin be used in the treatment of H5N1 patients?

Ribavirin has been used as a co‐intervention  in the management of H5N1 patients in Hong Kong SAR and Viet Nam. In Viet Nam the use of relatively low doses of oral ribavirin was not associated with any obvious benefit. Although one  in vitro study, using duck and gull H5N1 strains, has shown that ribavirin was highly effective against viral replication, its use in seasonal influenza and H5N1 infection has been not systematically reviewed. In addition, ribavirin‐induced side effects, including hemolytic anaemia, have been seen in patients with SARS‐associated coronarvirus (SARS‐CoV) infection (Knowles 2003). 

There  is  therefore  currently  no  basis  to  make  a  recommendation  regarding  the  use  of ribavirin  in  the management  of H5N1  disease  in  adults.  In  the  case  of  pregnant women, however, there is evidence for teratogenic effects of ribavirin during pregnancy.  

Rec 27: In pregnant patients with confirmed or strongly suspected infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, clinicians should not administer ribavirin as treatment or chemoprophylaxis (strong recommendation, very low quality evidence).

Remarks: This  recommendation places  a high  value  on  avoiding  the high  risk  of teratogenic effects of ribavirin during pregnancy. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



Antiviral drug supply



8. Antiviral drug supply

The availability of antiviral drugs, particularly oseltamivir, has been the subject of significant public discussion. Supplies, particularly of oseltamivir, have been limited but it is anticipated that  this  situation  may  change  over  the  next  year.  The  table  below  lists  the  current registration status (as of April 2006) of oseltamivir, zanamivir, amantadine and rimantadine in major markets, and prices of each medicine for one course of treatment in major markets. This is an indicative list only.  Any product being considered  for  supply or  stockpiling needs  to be  registered/licensed  in the  country  of  supply.  Registration/licensing  is  the  only way  to  guarantee  the  adequate quality of a given product. Countries and clinicians need to be aware that the high demand for antiviral drugs has resulted in some incidents of counterfeit drugs being marketed.   If a product is not registered in the country in which it is to be used, for example in the case of emergency supply to treat patients with confirmed or suspected H5N1 infection, clinicians may have to obtain approval from the local drug regulatory authority to use the product for emergency purposes. Each country should have a legislative mechanism to allow emergency use of unregistered medicines. Consideration should also be given, where appropriate, to the possible  use  of  flexible  packaging,  in  order  to  optimize  ease  of dispensing  and minimize potential wastage. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


Table 1

Product Manufacturer(s) examples

Generics available?

Approved indications

Drug regulatory authority

Indicative range of prices

Amantadine hydrochloride 100mg capsules

Endo Laboratories1, Alliance2

yes Chemoprophylaxis and treatment of signs and symptoms of infection caused by various strains of influenza A viruses

UK, US FDA, national authorities in Europe, Japan MHLW

US$ 6-11 for 5 capsules (US, UK)

Oseltamivir 75 mg capsules; powder for reconstitution as 60mg/5mL suspension

Roche (innovator)

Limited; licensing agreements in India

Treatment of uncomplicated acute illness due to influenza A virus infection in patients 1 year and older; and chemoprophylaxis of influenza A in patients 1 year and older (over 13 years in Japan)


Highly variable. For stockpiling, range currently from €12-15 per pack of 10 capsules. US$ 90.60 per pack of 10 capsules (US community pharmacy price)

Rimantadine 100mg tablets

Forest yes Chemoprophylaxis and treatment of signs and symptoms of infection caused by various strains of influenza A viruses

US FDA, national authorities in Europe

US$ 25 for 10 tablets (USA)

Zanamivir diskhaler (dry powder fro inhalations disks, 5mg per disk)

GlaxoWellcome no Treatment of uncomplicated influenza A in patients over 7 years (over 5 years in Japan); for prevention of influenza A in adults and children 5 years of age and older.3


US$ 74-871; £252 for 5 disks

1USA, 2United Kingdom, 3Approved in the USA only on 29 March 2006.


Priorities for revision of the guidelines



9. Priorities for revision of the guidelines

Plans for updating the guidelines

Guidelines  are  living documents. To  remain useful,  they need  to be updated  regularly  as new information becomes available. A revision of this document will be needed if any of the following events occur:  

• major new research is published (particularly randomized controlled trials of any of the antiviral drugs or observational studies); 

• new antiviral drugs becoming available; 

• there is a change in the pathogenicity or transmissibility of the H5N1 virus, especially one that requires re‐evaluation of the risk categories used in the document. 

Independent of these three criteria, an update of the guidelines, including a complete review of new evidence, is planned no later than April 2007.  

Updating or adapting recommendations locally

The methods used to develop the guidelines are transparent. It will therefore be possible to update  the  contents  by  simply  re‐running  the  search  described  in  the  annex  on methods (section  Search  strategy,  annex  3).  The  recommendations  have  been  developed  to  be  as specific  and  detailed  as  possible  without  losing  sight  of  the  user‐friendliness  of  this document  and  the  individual  recommendations.  The  panel  encourages  feedback  on  all aspects  of  these  guidelines  including  their  applicability  in  individual  countries.  This feedback will  be  considered when  revising  the  document.  The  guidelines  have  also  been designed  in  a way  that  facilitates  this  process,  should  users  need  to update  or  adapt  the recommendations before WHO has itself updated them globally. 

Inclusion of additional information

As  stated previously,  these guidelines  cover a  limited number of  clinical questions. Many other  questions  pertaining  to  the management  of H5N1  patients  have  been  identified  as potentially  important. WHO will develop  a process  to  catalogue  and prioritize  additional questions  to  be  included  in  subsequent  revisions.  Topics  that were  identified  during  the consultation as potential priorities for update and additional evidence reviews include:  

• Definition  of  the  existence  (or  not)  of  asymptomatic  H5N1  virus  infection (i.e. seropositive without symptoms). 

• Detailed recommendations on the optimal use of personal protection equipment. 

• Use of antiviral drugs during a pandemic . 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


• Refinement  of  recommendations  on  the  use  of  antimicrobials  in  the  treatment  of secondary bacterial pneumonia.  

• Refinement of recommendations on the use of corticosteroids. 

• Review of evidence for ribavirin as a co‐intervention in the management of influenza. 


Priorities for research



10. Priorities for research

General comments

These  recommendations  for  research arise  from  the guideline process  in which a need  for more  data  was  identified.  Such  needs  were  identified  often.  There  is  an  overarching requirement  for  systematic  high  quality  data  collection  in  H5N1  patients.  In  addition, systems for pharmacovigilance need to be  in place for all of the medications recommended for  use  in  this  document.  The  gaps  in  the  evidence  are  summarized  below  as  research recommendations,  to  facilitate  those  in  a  position  to  provide  such  information,  either  by routine  collection of data or by  the design and  execution of  specific  research projects and programmes to answer these research questions.   Classification of a clinical recommendation as based on low or very low evidence clearly indicates an area in need of more evidence through systematic research.  

Specific research questions

Neuraminidase inhibitors in the treatment of H5N1 infection   Priority research questions in relation to the use of neuraminidase inhibitors in the treatment of H5N1 infection include:  

• Comparative  clinical  trials  of  neuraminidase  inhibitors  in  H5N1  patients,  or systematic prospective data collection in patients who are treated with these drugs. 

• Development of additional neuraminidase inhibitors including long‐acting agents. 

• Studies of dose regimens including: - duration of treatment  - higher dose treatment - use of loading doses  - treatment of children under 1 year of age - treatment of pregnant women. 

• Efficacy and  safety of  these drugs  in  combination with other  treatments, especially the M2 inhibitors. 

• Interaction of antiviral drugs with antiretroviral treatment. 

• Systematic collection of data on adverse effects.  

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus


• For zanamivir specifically: 

- studies of alternate formulations  - the pharmacokinetics of potential long‐acting forms or intravenous or 

nebulised routes of administration - use of the product in patients with pneumonic disease - the potential development of drug resistance. 

 Neuraminidase inhibitors as chemoprophylaxis for H5N1 infection  

• Comparative  clinical  trials  of  neuraminidase  inhibitors  when  used  as chemoprophylaxis  for H5N1  infection,  or  systematic  prospective data  collection  in populations in which chemoprophylaxis is used. 

• Studies of dose regimens including;  

- duration of chemoprophylaxis – in particular use of long‐term prophylaxis in groups with a high risk of exposure  

- higher dose chemoprophylaxis - prophylaxis of children under 1 year of age - prophylaxis of pregnant women. 

• Systematic collection of data on adverse effects. 

 M2 inhibitors Generally  the  same  questions  apply,  but  in  addition,  the  following  research  is  needed specifically for M2 inhibitors:   

• Efficacy and safety  in combination with other drugs (e.g. neuraminidase  inhibitors), especially in areas where virus strains resistant to the neuraminidase inhibitors have been detected. 

• Whether  the  development  of  resistance  to  amantadine  is  reduced  by  combination therapy. 

 Co‐interventions, including antibiotics There are no data about antibiotic co‐interventions in H5N1 infections. Research is needed to guide:  

• Choice of antibiotic; 

• Route of administration;  

• Duration of antibiotic;  

• Loading dose;  

Priorities for research


• and questions of subgroups of patients using antibiotic co‐interventions: 

- pregnant women; - treatment of children under 1 year of age; - severity; and - whether ventilated. 

For other co‐interventions, questions pertain to: 

- the safety and efficacy of steroids and other immunosuppressants, immunoglobulin; 

- the optimal dosage regimen, if effective; - use in subgroups of patients, including pregnant women and children. 

 Although randomized controlled trials would provide the most reliable estimates of efficacy, they may not always be possible in the context of a relatively rare disease. However, they can be  facilitated  by  the  development  of  a  clinical  network  and  agreed  protocols.  Where randomized controlled trials are not possible, standardized collection of case data would be useful.  In addition  to efficacy data,  safety data are urgently needed, particularly  regarding use of antiviral drugs for chemoprophylaxis in different populations. Health care professionals are encouraged  to  report  suspected  adverse  reactions  to  their  national  adverse  drug  reaction reporting unit, and also to the manufacturer of the product concerned. 

WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus



WHO/PSM/PAR/2006.6 Annexes




WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with avian

influenza A (H5N1) virus

Annex 1: Adaptation or localisation of guidelines .................................................................2

Annex 2: Methods used to prepare guidelines .....................................................................3

Annex 3: Evidence summaries and summaries of findings tables............................................8

Annex 4: Panel members ...............................................................................................54

Annex 5: Conflicts of interest..........................................................................................56

Annex 6: Data collection forms .......................................................................................57

Annex 7: List of examples of national guidelines................................................................58

Annex 8: Table of recommended dosages.........................................................................59

Annex 9: Examples of clinical algorithms..........................................................................62





Annex 1: Adaptation or localisation of guidelines

The ministry of health should take the lead in the process of adapting or localising these treatment guidelines if local versions are needed. Depending on when such a process takes place, the steps involved should include: 

• Appointing a guideline committee comprising clinicians and methodologists • Determining the scope of the guidelines  • Defining the clinical questions to be addressed • Updating the evidence tables if necessary  • Reviewing the recommendations in the guidelines. The recommendations may need 

to be modified at a national level, depending on the local values, availability of drugs and costs 

• Disseminating the guidelines , with a “use by” date • Developing a method to obtain feedback and plans for review and update. 




Annex 2: Methods used to prepare guidelines

The WHO Guidelines on the clinical management of humans infected by influenza A (H5N1) were prepared according to a modification of the WHO Guideline for Guidelines. Given the urgent need for the guidelines as a response to increasing numbers of human cases of avian influenza, the development of the document was undertaken by the WHO secretariat rather than by a full Guidelines Technical Group. The questions to be addressed by the guidelines were identified on the basis of clinical input and requests from clinicians managing patients with  avian  influenza. An  external  group was  contracted  to  compile  evidence  summaries from  secondary  sources  according  to  the GRADE methodology  and  the  approach used  is described below in “Preparation of Background Documentation”. Search strategies used for identifying  relevant  systematic  reviews  and  health  technology  assessments  are  described below.  The  evidence was  assessed  according  to  the methodology  described  in GRADE  (GRADE Working Group 2003). In this system evidence is classified as “high” , “moderate”, “low” or “very low”. The definition of each is listed below.   

• High: Further  research  is very unlikely  to change our confidence  in  the estimate of effect.  

• Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate.  

• Low: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate.  

• Very low: Any estimate of effect is very uncertain.   Factors  that  are  considered  in  classifying  evidence  are:  the  study design  and  rigour of  its execution,  the consistency of  results and how well  the evidence can be directly applied  to patients, interventions, outcomes and comparator.   Other important factors are whether the data are sparse or  imprecise and whether  there  is potential  for  reporting bias.  For human patients with avian influenza H5N1, there are currently no clinical trials in patients with the disease, which  immediately raises uncertainty about whether  the evidence  that  is available for seasonal influenza can be directly applied. It is important to note that a group of trials can be  “high  quality”  evidence  for  one  question,  but because  of  uncertainty  about  their applicability or directness, can be “very low” quality evidence for a different question.  The recommendations were drafted according to the GRADE method for assessing quality of evidence  and  strength  of  recommendations.  A  guideline  panel  comprising  international scientists  and  experts  in  clinical  treatment  of  avian  and  seasonal  influenza,  guideline methodology, basic  research, policy making, pharmacology and virology was convened  in March  2006  (see  annex  4  for  list  of  members  and  annex  5  for  conflict  of  interest declarations ).  The panel was asked to identify critical clinical outcomes for the purposes of making  the  recommendations. Mortality,  duration  of  hospitalization,  incidence  of  lower respiratory  tract complications,  resistance and serious adverse effects were  rated as critical outcomes  in  the  assessment  of  treatment  interventions  for  human  infection  with  avian 



influenza  H5N1.  For  chemoprophylaxis,  outbreak  control,  drug  resistance  and  serious adverse effects were rated as critical outcomes. All outcomes reported in the clinical trials are summarized in the evidence profiles, set out in annex 3.  The  panel  reviewed  the  evidence  summaries  and  the  draft  guidelines  and  made recommendations. For all except one recommendation consensus was reached.   Formulation  of  the  recommendations   included  explicit  consideration  of  the  quality  of evidence,  benefits,  harms,  burdens,  costs  and  values  and  preferences,  described  in  the “Remarks”  for  each  recommendation.  “Values”  are  the  desirability  or  preference  that individuals exhibit for a particular health state.  Individuals usually assign less value to and have less preference for more impaired health states (e.g. death or dependency after a stroke) compared to other health states (e.g. full health or having a very mild stroke without serious sequelae). In this document, the term “values” refers to the relative worth or importance of a health state or consequences (benefits, harms and costs) of a decision.   Very  little  information about  costs of  treatment or  chemoprophylaxis was available  to  the panel,  so  for  this  guideline  the main  cost  consideration  was  the  acquisition  cost  of  the antiviral drugs. Estimates of current acquisition costs are in Section 8 on drug supply.  Recommendations are classified as “strong” or “weak” recommendations, as recommended in the GRADE methodology. “Strong“ recommendations can be interpreted as:  

• Most individuals should receive the intervention  

• Most well informed individuals would want the recommended course of action and only a small proportion would not 

• Could unequivocally be used for policy making  

 “Weak“ recommendations can be interpreted as:  

• The majority of well informed individuals would want the suggested course of action, but an appreciable proportion would not 

• Values and preferences vary widely 

• Policy making will require extensive debates and involvement of many stakeholders 

 After  the meeting,  the  guidelines were  revised  by  the WHO  secretariat  according  to  the recommendations from the panel and circulated to the panel members and other experts for peer review. Comments were reviewed by the Chair of the guidelines group and the WHO secretariat and were incorporated into the final version. A record of comments not included was kept and is available on request, with reasons for the rejections.  It is anticipated that the clinical literature will be reviewed in 6 months time (i.e. no later than October 2006)  to determine whether  there  is any new evidence  that warrants an update of the information in these guidelines. If necessary the panel will be reconvened to review and update the recommendations.



Preparation of the background documentation

Background  documentation  was  prepared  in  order  to  assist  the  WHO  Rapid  Advice Guidelines  Group  on  Avian  Influenza  in  its  task  of  updating  earlier  guidance  on  the treatment and prophylaxis of avian influenza H5N1 infection in humans.  Summaries  of  the  best  available  evidence were prepared  to  inform  six primary  questions regarding the treatment and prophylaxis of H5N1:  

• Should oseltamivir be used for treatment or prophylaxis? 

• Should zanamivir be used for treatment or prophylaxis? 

• Should amantadine or rimantadine be used for treatment or prophylaxis? 

• Should ribavirin be used for treatment? 

• Should corticosteroids, immunoglobulin or interferon be used for treatment? 

• Should broad spectrum antibiotics be used for the prevention of secondary pneumonia? 

 Additional questions included what the dose and length of treatment should be, particularly for oseltamivir, and what the mode of delivery should be, particularly for zanamivir. 

Identification of important outcomes

A  list of potential outcomes  to be considered by  the panel was  initially developed by  two reviewers. The  team preparing  the  evidence  summaries  independently  scored  the  relative importance  of  each  outcome  from  1‐9, where  7‐9  indicated  the  outcome was  critical  for  a decision, 4‐6 indicated it was important, and 1‐3 indicated it was not important. Because the relative  importance  of  some  outcomes  depended  on whether  a  drug was  being  used  for treatment  or prophylaxis  and whether  there was human‐to‐human  transmission,  this was done  for  four  scenarios.  The  individual  scores  were  discussed  and  disagreements  were resolved  by  consensus.  Outcomes  were  included  roughly  in  order  of  their  relative importance in evidence tables; outcomes that were considered not important (a score of 3 or less) were not included.     A similar exercise was undertaken by  the Guidelines Group prior  to  their meeting and  the Cochrane Consumers network was  consulted  through  their electronic discussion  list. Both were asked  to  identify additional  important outcomes not  included  in  the  list of potential outcomes identified by the team that prepared the background documentation. 

Search strategy

The search strategy aimed to identify for systematic reviews, recent randomized trials (2005‐6) for the treatment and prophylaxis of any influenza, and case series, animal studies and in vitro studies for the treatment of H5N1.  For systematic reviews, the Cochrane Library (Issue 1, 2006) was searched for records with influenza  in the title, and PubMed for records with  influenza  in the title using the research methodology filter for systematic reviews: (influenza) AND systematic [sb] Field: Title.  



For randomized controlled trials PubMed was searched using the following search strategy:  influenza Field: Title, Limits: Publication Date  from  2005  to  2006, Randomized Controlled Trial (publication type).  In  vitro  and  animal  studies  of  the  effectiveness  of  compounds  against H5N1  virus were identified using PubMed  searches. The  terms  “zanamivir or oseltamivir or  amantadine or rimantadine or  interferon or  ribavirin” and “H5N1 or avian  influenza” were used  in each search.   The term “in vitro” was added to the first search to identify  in vitro studies and the limit  “animal” was  applied  to  the  first  search  to  identify  studies  of  these  treatments  in animals.  Published case‐series of H5N1 infection in humans were identified with a search of PubMed using  the  terms “H5N1” and  limited  to  case  series and human  studies. For  case‐series  data,  articles  with  the  most  complete  data  were  selected  and  no  patients  were duplicated.  References  of  all  papers  were  scanned  for  additional  relevant  studies.  All searches were conducted between 17 and 21 February 2006.   Draft summaries of the evidence were sent to the members of the Guidelines Group prior to the meeting  and  they were  asked  to  identify  any  important  evidence  that  had  not  been included.  Drafts  were  also  sent  to  four  clinical  experts  for  review  and  to  identify  any important evidence that was missing. 

Selection criteria, data collection and judgments

Systematic  reviews were used  to  summarize  the  evidence  from  randomized  trials  for  any influenza. Titles  identified  from  the  searches  for  reviews were assessed and  the quality of relevant  reviews was  screened by  two  reviewers using a  checklist. For each question data were  extracted for all of the outcomes that were judged to be important, beginning with the most recent review of good quality, and supplementing that with additional data from other good quality reviews that addressed the same question.   Evidence  profiles  were  created  using  the  GRADE  approach,  using  the  GRADE  profiler software  (v1.12).  Using  this  approach,  assessments  of  the  quality  of  evidence  for  each important outcome take into account the study design, limitations of the studies, consistency of  the  evidence  across  studies,  the  directness  of  the  evidence,  and  the  precision  of  the estimate.  A liberal approach to assessment of study limitations was taken and the quality of evidence was  not  lowered  because  of  reporting  limitations,  such  as  not  clearly  reporting whether  there was  concealment  of  allocation  in  trials.  Three main  criteria were  used  for assessing trial  limitations: concealment of allocation, blinding and follow‐up. If most of the evidence for an outcome (based on the weight given to each study in the meta‐analysis) came from trials that did not have serious limitations, the overall assessment for that outcome was that there were no important limitations.  Because  all  of  the  evidence  from  trials  was  indirect  for  H5N1,  that  is,  it  was  for  other influenza, there was major uncertainty about its applicability for H5N1, and this lowered the confidence  in  the estimates of effect for H5N1 for all of  the  important outcomes other  than side effects, which could be expected to be the same. This does not mean that the trials were of  low quality, but  the quality of  the evidence  from  (non‐H5N1  influenza) clinical  trials  is low for addressing questions about the management of H5N1 influenza.  



For  minor  adverse  effects  occurring  in  the  context  of  treatment  there  was  also  some uncertainty about  the  directness  of  the  evidence  because  it  was  uncertain  whether  the outcomes reported were adverse effects or symptoms of influenza.  If  data  were  available  estimates  of  the  relative  effect  for  continuous  outcomes,  such  as duration of disease, were calculated by dividing  the weighted mean difference  (WMD) by the weighted average of  the mean  for  the  control group; using  the percent of  information that each mean difference contributed to the WMD as the weight. All estimates of effect size were expressed as  relative  risk  if  it  is possible  to calculate  it  from  the data provided, with absolute risk estimates included where appropriate.   One reviewer extracted data from  the reviews and prepared drafts of  the evidence profiles with detailed footnotes explaining the judgments that were made.  These were checked by at least  one  other  member  of  the  team  and  discussed  with  the  team  that  prepared  the background documentation.   The quality of outcomes measured in each animal study was judged based on the whether or not  1)  pathogenicity  of  the  virus  was  tested  in  the  model,  2)  statistical  methods  were adequate,  and  3)  a  significant  effect was demonstrated.   The  quality  of measures used  to determine inhibition of virus replication for each in vitro study was not evaluated.  Information  on  virus  strain,  compound,  assay,  comparisons,  outcome  of  viral  replication inhibition, outcome of neuraminidase inhibition and conclusions were extracted from each in vitro  study.    Information  on  virus  strain,  animal model,  treatment,  regimen,  numbers  in experimental  and  control  group,  outcome  of  survival,  outcome  of  viral  titer,  outcome  of resistance  measurements  and  conclusion  were  extracted  from  each  animal  study.  Information on  treatment, dose,  regimen, number  treated and not  treated, outcomes, place and year of case series, authors’ remarks and conclusion was extracted from the human case series. A description of  illness  for each case‐series was obtained  from  the review article by the Writing Committee of  the WHO Consultation on Human  Influenza A/H5. One person extracted  these data  and  a  second person  verified  the  extracted data. Any  inconsistencies were discussed and resolved by consensus. This  information was used  to supplement data from non‐H5N1 clinical trials.    All of the evidence profiles and additional tables were sent to four external clinical experts and  all  of  the members  of  the Guidelines Group  for  review  prior  to  the meeting  of  the Guidelines Group. 

Summary of findings tables

The key findings for each question for which non‐H5N1 clinical trial evidence was available were  summarized  in  tables with  the most  important  findings  from  the  systematic  reviews together with additional information specific to H5N1 from case reports, animal studies and in‐vitro studies.  



Annex 3: Evidence summaries and summaries of findings tables



GRADE evidence profile 1 .........................................................................................9 Summary of findings 1...........................................................................................13


GRADE evidence profile 2 .......................................................................................14 Summary of findings 2...........................................................................................17


GRADE evidence profile 3 .......................................................................................18 Summary of findings 3...........................................................................................21


GRADE evidence profile 4 .......................................................................................22 Summary of findings 4...........................................................................................24


GRADE evidence profile 5 .......................................................................................25 Summary of findings 5...........................................................................................27




GRADE evidence profile 6 .......................................................................................28 Summary of findings 6...........................................................................................32


GRADE evidence profile 7 .......................................................................................33 Summary of findings 7...........................................................................................38


GRADE evidence profile 8 .......................................................................................39 Summary of findings 8...........................................................................................42


GRADE evidence profile 9 .......................................................................................43 Summary of findings 9...........................................................................................45


GRADE evidence profile 10 .....................................................................................46 Summary of findings 10 .........................................................................................48




GRADE evidence profile 1 Author(s): Meetali Kakad Date: 28.02.2006 

QUESTION: Should oral oseltamivir (5 day course, variable dosages 75mg od or bd or 150mg bd) be used for treatment of avian influenza (H5N1) in healthy individuals? 

Patient or population: Clinically and laboratory confirmed avian influenza infection in healthy adults (18‐65 yrs of age). Settings: Studies undertaken in Japan, China, Europe and the USA. Systematic reviews:  

a. (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. b. (DH 01) Husereau DR, Brady B, McGeer A. Oseltamivir for the treatment of suspected influenza: a clinical and economic assessment. Ottawa: Canadian Coordinating Office for Health 

Technology Assessment; 2001. Technology Report no 21.  c. (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).  

QUESTION: Should oral oseltamivir (5 day course: 75 mg bd) be used for treatment of avian influenza (H5N1) in high risk adult groups? Patient or population: Clinically and laboratory confirmed avian influenza infection in high‐risk patients (>65 yrs of age or with chronic lung disease) Settings: Studies undertaken in multiple sites in the northern hemisphere and the USA. Systematic reviews:  

a. (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).  

b. (DH 01) Husereau DR, Brady B, McGeer A. Oseltamivir for the treatment of suspected influenza: a clinical and economic assessment. Ottawa: Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment; 2001. Technology Report no 21. 

QUESTION: Should oral oseltamivir (5 day course: 2mg/kg, max dose 100mg) be used for treatment of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? Patient or population: Clinically and laboratory confirmed avian influenza infection in children (1 to 12 yrs of age) Settings: Studies undertaken in US, Canada and multiple sites in the northern and southern hemisphere Systematic reviews:   

a. (NM 03) Matheson NJ, Symmonds‐Abrahams M, Sheikh A, Shepperd S, Harnden A. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in children. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003. Issue 3. Art No: CD002744. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002744.  

b. (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).  

 NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 




No of studies(Ref)

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther

considerationsOseltamivir Placebo

Relative(95% CI)

Absolute(95% CI)


0 - - - - - - - - - 9

5(TJ 06)

Randomised trial

No limitations One trial only Major uncertainty (-2)1

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)

- - OR 0.22(0.02 to 2.16)

- ⊕Very low


0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

5(TJ 06)

Randomised trial

No limitations One trial only Major uncertainty (-2)1

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)2



RR 0.149(0.03 to 0.69)

- ⊕Very low



(TJ 06)(DT 03)

Randomised trials

No limitations4 Important inconsistency(-1)5

Major uncertainty (-2)1

- - - HR 1.303

(1.13 to 1.50)- ⊕

Very low5


(TJ 06)Randomised trials

No limitations -7 Major uncertainty (-2)1

None - - - WMD -0.738

(-0.99 to -0.47)⊕⊕


0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

09 - - - - - - - - - - 7


(TJ 06)Randomised trials

No limitations -12 Some uncertainty (-1)13

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)14

- - OR range15

(0.56 to 1.80)- ⊕⊕


0 - - - - - - - - - - 4


Summary of findings

Cost of drugs

Outbreak control


Serious adverse effects (Mention of significant or serious adverse effects)

Minor adverse effects 10 (number and seriousness of adverse effects)

Viral shedding (Mean nasal titre of excreted virus at 24h)

Duration of disease (Time to alleviation of symptoms/median time to resolution of symptoms – influenza cases only)

Duration of hospitalization

LRTI (Pneumonia - influenza cases only)

Healthy adults:

Hospitalisation (Hospitalisations from influenza – influenza cases only)

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect





No of studies(Ref)

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther

considerationsOseltamivir Placebo

Relative(95% CI)

Absolute(95% CI)

Quality assessmentSummary of findings

No of patients Effect

Quality Importance


2(Includes 1 study of asthmatic children)(NM03)

2(Includes 1 study of asthmatic children)(NM03)

2(Includes 1 study of asthmatic children)(NM03)


Some uncertainty (-1)17

OR range21

(0.77 to 1.68)

RR 2.00(0.60 to 6.69)


Major uncertainty (-2)1


1(Elderly > 65 yrs)(DH01)

2High risk(DH 01)

⊕Very low

WMD -10.9. (hours)

(-45.0 to 23.2)

⊕Very low

Major uncertainty (-2)1

⊕Very low

Major uncertainty (-2)1

RR 0.73(0.04 to 11.81)

Duration of disease (Time to alleviation of symptoms/median time to resolution of symptoms – influenza cases only)

Randomised trials

No limitations -18 Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 16

341Major uncertainty (-2)1

5 (all unpublished) High risk(DT 03)




- - -Randomised trials

No limitations -17 Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 3

8/ 514 4 / 515 -

Minor adverse effects 14 (number and seriousness of adverse effects)

All children:

Duration of disease (Time to alleviation of symptoms/median time to resolution of symptoms – influenza cases only)

Randomised trials

No limitations -17 - 514 51519 - WMD -10.3 to - 36 (hours)20

0/77 - -

All other adults:

Mortality (Number of deaths – all causes)

Randomised trial

No limitations Only one trial Imprecise or sparse data (-1)16



Serious adverse effects (Mention of significant or serious adverse effects)

Randomised trials

No limitations -17 No uncertainty

Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 16

3878 -

Imprecise or sparse data(-1)16

1/149 3/173 -

Hospitalisation (Hospitalisations due to complications – influenza cases only)

Randomised trials

No limitations -17



Footnotes: 1. There is major uncertainty regarding the applicability of the evidence with regards to avian influenza. 2. The confidence intervals are relatively wide and the event rate is very low. The data were from a single large trial (1644 observations). 3. An additional unpublished trial (WV15730a) from the Turner HTA was included here. The Turner HTA reported the median number of hours to alleviation of symptoms: the pooled result for the three trials of 75mg oseltamivir bd vs

placebo included, was a median difference reported of -33.1 (-47.1 to -19.1) (Treanor 2000, Nicholson 2000, WV15730 (unpublished). 4. The Jefferson Lancet review mentioned that quality assessment of one review was difficult due to lack of translation of parts of the text (Kashiwagi 2000a). Another study (Li 2000) was described as badly reported. The HTA carried

out JAHAD scoring but did not exclude on the grounds of low scoring – only randomized, double blinded trials were included and thus it was felt that a quality threshold was maintained. Assessment of limitations was therefore relatively difficult.

5. The UK HTA utilized 4 of the 5 studies included here and the results presented in terms of median time to alleviation of symptoms show significant heterogeneity. 6. The two studies included here had their data converted with respect to nasal viral titres into means and standard deviations to be consistent with other studies and to allow meta-analysis. The effect of this conversion was assessed

with a sensitivity analysis. 7. It was not possible to assess the consistency of these two trials as the individual results were not reported in the review – nor was an analysis of heterogeneity reported. Both studies recruited from a population of healthy adults

using similar symptoms as entry criteria - though not identical (as reported in the review). The WMD reported is significant in comparison with placebo and both studies were of similar sizes but it is not possible to comment on any weighting they were given in the meta-analysis.

8. The review showed that whilst treatment significantly diminished viral titres, it did not suppress viral excretion, irrespective of dose – though there were insufficient data to comment on the effects on nasal excretion of viruses of higher doses of medication. The two studies included here both assessed Oseltamivir at different dosages vs placebo (75 mg od or bd (Nicholson 2000) and 75mg bd or 150 mg bd (Treanor 2000).

9. There was no distinction made between mild and serious adverse effects by the reviewers and there was no mention in the review of the presence or absence of any serious adverse effects being reported by any of the studies. 10. The adverse effects were defined as cough, headache, diarrhoea, nasal symptoms, nausea and "all types". 11. The 3 studies included to assess the adverse effects of oseltamivir treatment, used a treatment dose of 150mg of oseltamivir. For the assessment of other outcomes, studies using both 75mg and 150mg treatment doses were

included. 12. It was difficult to comment on the consistency of the results, as the results from the individual trials were not reported in this review. An odds ratio was reported for each outcome. In addition, several of the adverse effects

outcomes only include 1 study in the analysis. 13. There is some uncertainty of directness here, due to the overlapping nature of the side effects of oseltamivir and the actual symptoms of influenza, making it difficult to accurately differentiate them from each other. 14. There were relatively small denominators and few studies included to assess each outcome. The numbers involved in the studies are potentially too small to adequately demonstrate their frequency. The CIs reported were wide and

all crossed 1, expect nausea. 15. The only significant adverse effect reported was for nausea 1.80 (0.73 to 4.41). 1 study reported an “all types” category of adverse events, with a non-significant OR 0.67 (0.43 to 1.05). 16. The confidence intervals are wide and include both important benefits and important harms. 17. Due to the very small number of trials included it was very difficult to comment on consistency of results. 18. There is reasonable heterogeneity between the study populations. Some of the trials include healthy elderly over 65 years, whilst the others include those with chronic respiratory disease over the age of 13 years. However it was

not possible to comment on the consistency of the results because individual results were not published in the Turner HTA. 19. The numbers and the WMD are from table 4 in the Matheson Review. 20. The patient numbers and WMD (the overall reduction in median time to resolution of symptoms in confirmed influenza) are from the Matheson Cochrane Review. This review includes a study of oseltamivir treatment in “at risk”

children (with asthma) for whom the reduction in time to resolution of symptoms was not statistically significant. It should be noted that a much higher proportion of children (19%) were vaccinated in this study in comparison with the other (3%).

21. The only significant adverse effect reported amongst children was for vomiting OR 1.68 (1.15 to 2.47).  



Summary of findings 1

SCENARIO: Should oseltamivir be used for treatment of patients hospitalised with avian influenza (H5N1)?   Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Hospitalised, clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Le 2005, de Jong 2005, McKimm‐Breschin 2003 and Hurt 2004. Clinical trial data:    trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in the USA, China, Canada, Europe and Japan under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.   

Mortality 0.64(33 to 100%)

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials amongst healthy adults1

Duration of hospitalization (days)2

0 - - 0 - - -

Duration of disease (fever)2 0 - - 22073


(3.89 to 6.0 days)4

- ⊕ 5

Very low

Resistance 2 - H5N1 was isolated from 2 patients in Viet Nam who died, who had been treated with oseltamivir. Viral isolates had an H274 neuraminidase base substitution which was associated with high level oseltamivir resistance in vitro. H274Y has also been shown to confer oseltamivir resistance in an animal model.

(2) - - No evidence of widespread naturally-occurring resistance reported for non-H5N1 viruses.

Serious adverse effects2 0 - - 0 - - -


Avian Influenza H5N1 Evidence

Quality Comments

Seasonal Influenza Evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

Number of studies

Risk without treatment


effect(95% CI)

Cost of drugs per patient 0 - -

Risk without


No of participants(No of trials)

-0 - -


1. In a single trial of healthy elderly participants, there was one death recorded in the placebo arm (n=91) with no deaths occurring in the treatment arm (n=77). No cause of death was given. 2. These data are indirect (i.e. for non-avian influenza) and thus only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 3. This is the total number of participants for these 5 trials, confirmed from 3 sources, the ITT population was 1720. The ITTI population was 1404. 4. These data are based on 4 studies and the median time to resolution of symptoms. 5. Major uncertainty about the directness of the evidence, in addition there was significant inconsistency between the results of the studies.



GRADE evidence profile 2 Author(s): Gunn E Vist Date: 2006 02 28 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir be used for treatment (5 day treatment) of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? Patient or population: Otherwise healthy adults with confirmed influenza1. Settings: America and Europe (A/H3N2 (56%), and B virus (44%), 417 patients), Europe (A/H3N2, 356 patients), Japan (A/H3N2, 116 patients), North America and Europe (A/H3N2 and A/H1N1, 1256 patients), Finland (A/H3N2 and A/H1N1, 588 patients), Australia, New Zealand and South Africa (A/H3N2, 455 patients), Canada (A/H3, 35 patients). Systematic reviews: 

a)  (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13.  b)  (TJ 99) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Deeks J, Rivetti D. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults. The Cochrane Database of systematic reviews. 1999, 

Issue 2. Art. No.;CD001265.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001265.  c)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir be used for treatment (5 day treatment) of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly people and adults at risk? Patient or population: People over the age of 65 years and adults with chromic conditions with confirmed influenza (results similar in ITT group)  Setting: (Australia, New Zealand and America (39 persons), Canada, USA and 11 European countries (70 patients), 17 countries including from all 5 continents (276 elderly with asthma or COPD), Canada, Finland, UK, USA (10 patients).  Systematic review:  

a)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir be used for treatment (5 day treatment) of avian influenza (H5N1) in children?  Patient or population: Children with confirmed influenza (results similar in ITT groups) Setting: 67 sites in US, Canada, Europe/Israel (471 children 5 to 12 years) Systematic review:  a)  (NJM 03) Matheson NJ, Symmonds‐Abrahams M, Sheikh A, Shepperd S, Harnden A. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in children. The Cochrane Database 

of Systematic Reviews 2003. Issue 3. Art No: CD002744. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002744.  b)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).   NOTE:  These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 



Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

0 - - - - - - - - - - 9

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

3(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty(-2)2

Sparse or imprecise data (-1)3

- - OR 0.73(0.24 to 2.26)

- ⊕Very low

7(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty(-2)2

None - Median 2.3 days

HR 1.33(1.29 to 1.37)

- ⊕⊕Low

2(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty(-2)2

None - - - WMD -0.40(-0.75 to -0.06)



0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

4(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Some uncertainty (-1)4

Sparse or imprecise data (-1)3

- - OR range5

(0.63 to 1.40) All CIs cross 1

- ⊕⊕Low

0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

6(DT 03)

Randomised trial

No limitations No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty(-2)2

Sparse or imprecise data (-1)8



OR 0.69(0.10 to 3.64)

- ⊕Very low

5(DT 03)

Randomised trial

No limitations No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty(-2)2

None - Range6.5 to 11.5


- Median difference-1.99 days

(-3.08 to -0.90)


Summary of findings

Time to alleviation of symptoms (Follow up: 28 days)

Inhaled treatment in elderly and at risk adults:Lower respiratory tract disease (Bronchitis and pneumonia) (Follow up: 28 days)

Cost of drugs


Serious adverse events

Minor adverse effects (Cough, headache, diarrhoea, nasal symptoms, nausea) (Follow up: 28 days)

Outbreak control


Viral shedding (Mean nasal viral titre at 24 h (concentration). Better indicated by: lower scores)

Time to alleviation of symptoms (Follow up: 28 days)


QualityNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther



Quality assessmentNo of patients

Inhaled treatment in otherwise healthy adults:

Mortality rates

Duration of hospitalisation

Lower respiratory tract disease (Bronchitis and pneumonia) (Follow up: 28 days)




No of studies

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther



Relative(95% CI)

Absolute(95% CI)

Sparse or imprecise data

1/164 2/182 ⊕

Sparse or imprecise data

Median difference-1.25 days

(-0.5 to -2.0)

Sparse or imprecise data

OR 3.32 ⊕⊕⊕

(-1)3 (0.13 to 81.97) Moderate

Some uncertainty

Sparse or imprecise data

48/224 65/247 OR 0.76 ⊕⊕

(-1)4 (-1)3 (21%) (26%) (0.50 to 1.17) Low

⊕Very low

Major uncertainty (-2)2

Major uncertainty (-2)2


1(DT 03)


1(NJM 03)

1(NJM 03)

Quality assessmentSummary of findings


Inhaled treatment in children:

Lower respiratory tract disease (Bronchitis and pneumonia) (Follow up: 28 days)

Minor adverse effects (Any adverse events) (Follow up: 28 days)

Randomised trial

No serious limitations

Only one study -

Serious adverse events (Follow up: 28 days, for children there were no withdrawal in either group)

Randomised trial

No serious limitations

Only one study Direct 1/224 0/247 -

Time to alleviation of symptoms (Follow up: 28 days)

Randomised trial

No limitation Only one trial Median 5 days



Randomised trial

No limitations No important inconsistency


No of patients Effect


(<1%) Very low

Median 4 days

OR 0.55(0.01 to 10.72)

(-1)3 (<1%)



1. Otherwise healthy patients with influenza symptoms have similar results (Time to alleviation of symptoms HR 1,24 (95% confidence interval: 1,13 to 1,36). 2. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza. 3. The confidence intervals include both important benefits and important harms. 4. Some uncertainty regarding the outcome measure which overlaps with some of the symptoms of influenza. 5. The range of OR are presented, the list of mild adverse events are from the same studies and collating them would be double counting.



Summary of findings 2

SCENARIO: Should zanamivir be used for treatment of patients hospitalised with avian influenza (H5N1)?  Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Hospitalised, clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  McKimm‐Breschin 2003 and Hurt 2004. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, USA, and South Africa under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.  

No. participants

Relative effect

(No of trials) (95% CI)


(33 to 100%)

Duration of hospitalisation (days)

0 - 0 - - -

2117 Median HR 1.33 ⊕⊕

(7) 2.3 days (1.29 to 1.37) Low1

Resistance 1 - No evidence of resistance reported for H5N1. Viral isolates with the H274 neuraminidase base substitution which confers high level oseltamivir resistance are zanamivir sensitive in vitro.

0 - - - No evidence of resistance reported for non-H5N1 viruses.

Serious adverse effects 0 - 0 - -


Avian influenza H5N1 evidence

Risk without treatment


Seasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

Number of studies

Risk without treatment

Comments Comments

Mortality 0 Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in Hong Kong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials.

Time to alleviation of symptoms (days)

0 -



1. These data are indirect and only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1).



GRADE evidence profile 3

Author(s): Meetali Kakad Date: 27.02.2006 

QUESTION: Should oral amantadine be used for treatment of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults1? Patient or population: Clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza in healthy adults (16‐65 yrs) 1. Settings: Studies undertaken in UK, US, Hungary and Japan ‐ some of which were under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks. Systematic reviews: 

a) (TJ 04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 3.  

b)  (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. c) (DT 03)  Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).   NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 




No of studies

Relative Absolute

(Ref) (95% CI) (95% CI)

0 - - - - - - - - - 9

1 WMD - 0.90 ⊕(TJ 04)

(TJ 06)

10 WMD -0.99 ⊕⊕(TJ 04)

(TJ 06)

38 RR 0.96 ⊕(TJ 06)

(TJ 04)

0 - - - - - - - - - 4

010 - - - - - - - - - 7

811 0/253 0/299 ⊕⊕⊕ 7(TJ 04) (0%) (0%) Moderate

4 RR range ⊕

(TJ 06) 0.77 to 1.34 Very low

(TJ 04) (-1)14 (-1)15 (-1)16

0 - - - - - - - - - 4 TJ 06 states there are 10 different datasets from the 7 references cited

(0.72 to 1.27) Very low

(-2.20 to 0.40) Very low

(-1.26 to -0.71) Low

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect

QualityLimitations Placebo

Summary of findings


Duration of hospitalization (Number of days)

Consistency DirectnessOther


250 292

-Randomised trials

No limitations2 Only one trial3 Imprecise or sparse data (-1)5

20 16

Outbreak control


No limitations


Viral shedding (Laboratory based assessment of viral shedding at 5 days)

- Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 9

- - -

Serious adverse effects (Mention of significant or serious adverse effects)

No limitations No important inconsistency

No uncertainty

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)12

- No difference

Randomised trials

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)17


Minor adverse effects (grouped into gastrointestinal, increased CNS activity, decreased CNS activity, dermatological cases)13

(number and seriousness of adverse effects)

- -Serious limitations

Important inconsistency

Some uncertainty




Cost of drugs

Randomised trials

Randomised trials



Randomised trials



Major uncertainty (-2)7

Major uncertainty (-2)7

Major uncertainty (-2)7

Duration of fever (Number of days with a fever of 37 C or more)

No limitations6 No important inconsistency






9. The size of the included studies is small and the confidence intervals include 1. 10. No studies included in the review looked at resistance. In the text a reference to Aoki 1998 is mentioned, which was subsequently excluded. In addition a preventative trial excluded from the review (Hayden 1989) looked at

rimantidine resistance. 11. Out of the 10 treatment trials included pertaining to amantadine: 8 mentioned no serious/significant adverse effect or stated that no adverse effects were reported with amantadine use. Younkin 1983 lacked clarity over which type of

adverse events occurred. Mate 1970 only used a pre-trial study of 50 soldiers to look at adverse events, not the main study. 12. As some serious adverse events occur infrequently, the numbers involved in these studies may be too small to detect these. 13. Four categories were used in the review: (i) gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and constipation); (ii) increased central nervous system (CNS) activity (insomnia, restlessness, light headedness,

nervousness and concentration problems); (iii) decreased CNS activity (malaise, depression, fatigue, vertigo and feeling drunk); (iv) dermatological changes (urticaria and rash). 14. Several of the trials gave no description of allocation and concealment methods. One of the trials had unclear follow-up for 353 participants. 15. For gastrointestinal side effects there was significant heterogeneity between the 3 studies included. Two Japanese studies by the same PI had results in opposite directions (one showing increased GI side effects and the other showing

decreased) (p=0.02 for heterogeneity, I2=81%). 16. There is substantial overlap between the symptoms of influenza and the adverse effects of amantadine. 17. There are wide confidence intervals for GI, increased CNS and dermatologic side effects with results from the same two studies (Kitamoto 1968 and 1970) having results in opposite directions for each of these.  

1. The Turner HTA searched for studies assessing amantadine treatment in the elderly (>65 years) and children (<18 years). They identified 2 studies that included treatment of the elderly but neither of these met the inclusion criteria (no subgroup data was presented). They identified 4 studies for treatment in children but 2 were excluded as no subgroup data were presented. The 2 studies included were Japanese trials (Kitamoto 1968 (n=54) , Kitamoto 1970 (n=50)) which were assessed as being of low methodological quality and no further data was presented in the HTA.

2. This study was really a cluster-randomised trial, but had to be treated as though individually randomised by the reviewers because of a lack of information on the clusters. 3. There are so few studies included that it was not possible to comment on the consistency between studies. No heterogeneity calculations were possible. 4. 1 study 1969 Hong Kong influenza in seven military units in Hungary. Major uncertainty about the applicability of this evidence to outbreaks of avian influenza. 5. One large study of prevention and treatment (4740 participants) with just 36 hospitalised participants. Confidence interval crosses 0. 6. Several of the trials did not use intention to treat analysis where individuals dropped out of studies and did not justify the reason for this. Only one of the trials gave a detailed description of how allocation concealment was achieved. 7. Major uncertainty regarding the applicability of the evidence to outbreaks of avian influenza. 8. Viral shedding was not an outcome formally reported in the 2004 Cochrane review but was added in the Jefferson Lancet review.



Summary of findings 3

SCENARIO: Should amantadine be used for treatment of patients hospitalised with avian influenza (H5N1)? Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Hospitalised, clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Ilyushina 2005 and Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in UK US, Hungary and Japan under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.  


(No of trials) (Range) (95% CI)

542 ⊕⊕(7) Low3

2009 ⊕⊕⊕(6) Moderate4

Cost of drugs per patient

- - - 0 - -

Very low3, 4

Avian influenza H5N1 evidenceSeasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

No deaths reported in trials. 64%(33 to 100%)

- -


Outcome Relative effect Comments

Mortality Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in Hong Kong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

- - - -

Number of studies

Risk without treatment


14% reduction

No of participants

Risk without treatment


(1)6.6 days(SD 2.1)

Cluster randomised trial during 1969 Hong Kong influenza epidemic in 7 military units in Hungary. Results are for subgroup of hospitalised soldiers. Data not available for length of hospitalisation for avian influenza.

Duration of disease (fever)1

- - - (1.9 to 3.9 days)

33% reduction

Duration of hospitalization (days)1


Resistance H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in South-East Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations.

-2 - - -

0% - Serious adverse effects1

- - -


1. These data are indirect (i.e. for non-avian influenza) and thus only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 2. Hospitalised patients out of a total of 4740 participants in the trial. 3. Major uncertainty about the directness of the evidence. 4. Imprecise or sparse data.



GRADE evidence profile 4

Author(s): Meetali Kakad Date: 15.02.2006 

QUESTION: Should rimantadine be used for the treatment of avian influenza in healthy adults (H5N1)? Patient or population: Clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza in healthy adults. Settings: Various locations in the USA Systematic reviews: 

a. (TJ06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13.  b. (TJ04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic 

Reviews 2004, Issue 3.   NOTE:  These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 



Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

0 - - - - - - - - - - 9

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

3 WMD -1.27 ⊕

(TJ 04) (-1.71 to -0.76) Very low

(TJ 06)

34 RR 0.67 ⊕(TJ 06)

(TJ 04)

0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

3 0/46 0/58 ⊕⊕⊕

(TJ 04) (0%) (0%) Moderate

2 OR Range ⊕⊕

(TJ 04) 0.22 to 1.00 Low

0 - - - - - - - - - - 4



Major uncertainty (-2)6

Some uncertainty (-1)11

Summary of findings

Minor adverse effects (grouped into gastrointestinal, increased CNS activity, decreased CNS activity, dermatological cases )9

Randomised trials

No limitations -10 Imprecise or sparse data (-1)12

- - -

Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 8

no difference

Cost of drugs

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

No uncertainty

(0.22 to 2.07)

Outbreak control


Serious adverse effects (Mention of significant or serious adverse effects)

Major uncertainty (-2)2

Viral shedding (Laboratory based assessment of viral shedding )

Randomised trial

No limitations - 5 Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 7

- - -

Mortality rates

Duration of hospitalisation

Duration of fever (Number of days with a fever of 37 C or more)

Randomised trials

No limitations1 No important inconsistency

Imprecise or sparse data (-1) 3

27 37 -


considerationsRimantadine Placebo

Very low

ImportanceNo of studies Design Limitations Consistency

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect




3. Only small one study carried out in the US.

5. Three small studies were included but the individual results were not formally presented in review and thus it is not possible to comment on consistency. 6. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to outbreaks of avian influenza. 7. The numbers in the studies included were very small and the confidence interval reported includes both benefits and harms. 8. Given that serious adverse effects may occur infrequently the size of the included trials are not large enough to adequately assess the risk. 9. Four categories were used in the review: (i) gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and constipation); (ii) increased central nervous system (CNS) activity (insomnia, restlessness, lightheadedness,

nervousness and concentration problems); (iii) decreased CNS activity (malaise, depression, fatigue, vertigo and feeling drunk); (iv) dermatological changes (urticaria and rash). 10. There are so few studies included that it was not possible to comment on the consistency between studies. No heterogeneity calculations were possible. 11. There is substantial overlap between the adverse effects of rimantadine and the symptoms of influenza, leading to potential difficulties in assessment of adverse effects.

1. Hayden 1986 gave no description of treatment allocation or allocation concealment. 2. Studies carried out in US in various settings. Major uncertainty regarding the applicability of the evidence to outbreaks of avian influenza.

4. Viral shedding was not an outcome formally presented in the 2004 Cochrane review (but noted in review text as being an outcome measure in one of the preventative trials included in the review - Hayden 1986) but was included in the 2006 Lancet review.

12. Only 2 studies with 45 participants (26 of whom received rimantadine, according to the analysis 05.03 in the review) reported any adverse effects - of which there were only 5 reported in total.



Summary of findings 4

SCENARIO: Should rimantadine be used for treatment of patients hospitalised with avian influenza (H5N1)?   Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Hospitalised, clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in US under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.   

(No of trials) (Range) (95% CI)64%

(33 to 100%)

Duration of hospitalization (days)1

0 - - 0 - - - Data not available for length of hospitalisation for avian influenza or other non-avian influenzae.

131 ⊕(3) Very low3, 4

Resistance 2 - H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in Southeast Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations.

- - - -

104 ⊕⊕⊕(3) Moderate3

Cost of drugs per patient

0 - - 0 - - -

Seasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

Number of studies

Risk without treatment

Comments Comments


Avian influenza H5N1 evidence

Mortality No deaths reported in trials. Control group risk based on total mortality rate.


- - - No deaths reported in trials.

Serious adverse effects1

0 - - 0% -

Duration of disease (fever)1


No of participants

Risk without treatment

Relative effect

(1.9 to 2.8 days)2 -


- -



1. These data are indirect (i.e. for non-avian influenza) and thus only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 2. These values were only available from two studies included in the 2004 Cochrane review which does not include Rabinovich 1969. 3. Major uncertainty about the directness of the evidence. 4. Imprecise or sparse data.



GRADE evidence profile 5 Author(s): Meetali Kakad Date: 27.02.2006 

QUESTION: Should oral amantadine versus oral rimantadine be used for the treatment of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? Patient or population: Clinically and serologically confirmed avian influenza in healthy adults (16‐65 years)1. Settings: Various study settings in the US Systematic reviews: 

d) (TJ 04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 3.  

e) (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13.   NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 




Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

0 - - - - - - - - - - 9

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

Major uncertainty

WMD 0.24 ⊕ 5

(-2)2 (-0.56 to 0.96) Very low

0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

0 - - - - - - - - - - 4

0 - - - - - - - - - - 7

2 0/34 0/39 ⊕⊕⊕(TJ 06)(TJ 04)

(0%) (0%) Moderate

1(TJ 06)(TJ 04)

Randomised trial

No limitations Only one trial Some uncertainty (-1)8

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)9

- - RR 14.67(0.88 to 245.22)10

- ⊕⊕Low


Summary of findings

Minor adverse effects (grouped into gastrointestinal, increased CNS activity, decreased CNS activity, dermatological cases)7

(number and seriousness of adverse effects Follow up: )

Serious adverse effects (Mention of significant or serious adverse effects )Imprecise or sparse data (-1)6

- No difference

Viral shedding

Outbreak control)


Randomised trials

No limitations -5 No uncertainty)

Duration of hospitalisation

Duration of disease (Number of days with a fever of 37 C or more) Randomised trial

No limitations One one trial Imprecise or sparse data (-1)3

20 20 -1(TJ 06)(TJ 04)

Other considerations

Amantadine Rimantadine


ImportanceNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect




6. There were only 2 small studies where amantadine and rimantadine were directly compared. As serious adverse events occur infrequently, the numbers involved in these studies may be too small to adequately demonstrate their frequency.

7. Four categories were used in the review: (i) gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and constipation); (ii) increased central nervous system (CNS) activity (insomnia, restlessness, lightheadedness, nervousness and concentration problems); (iii) decreased CNS activity (malaise, depression, fatigue, vertigo and feeling drunk); (iv) dermatological changes (urticaria and rash).

8. There is substantial overlap between the adverse effects of the drugs used and the symptoms of influenza and therefore some uncertainty in differentiating accurately between the two. 9. Only 1 study (Van Voris) with a small number of participants - 14 of whom received amantadine and 19 of whom received rimantadine - reported minor adverse effects in 5 individuals. 10. This is based on one study of 33 individuals (n=14 in the amantadine group, n=19 in the rimantadine group). 5 individuals in the amantadine group experienced decreased CNS activity related adverse effects. No gastrointestinal,

dermatological or increased CNS activity adverse effects were noted.

1. No studies were found comparing amantadine vs rimantadine treatment in subgroups such as the elderly, individuals with chronic disease or children. 2. Studies carried out in US in various settings. Major uncertainty regarding the applicability of the evidence to outbreaks of avian influenza. 3. Only one relatively small study included and the confidence interval for weighted mean difference spans 0. 4. The total WMD for duration of fever for rimantadine vs placebo is -1.27 (-1.77, -0.77) and for amantadine vs placebo is -0.99 (-1.26, -0.71). The confidence incidence intervals for these two results overlap implying there is no

significant difference on the effect on duration of fever, between the two drugs. This is confirmed by the data comparing amantadine vs rimantadine, which also shows no significant difference. 5. Due to the very small number of studies included and the small number of participants, it was not possibly to comment on consistency of results.



Summary of findings 5

SCENARIO: Should oral amantadine versus oral rimantadine be used for treatment of patients hospitalised with avian influenza (H5N1)? Transmission:  No human to human transmission. Patient or population: Hospitalised, clinical and serologically confirmed cases of avian influenza. Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Ilyushina 2005 and Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in US under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.  


(33 to 100%)

Duration of hospitalization (days)1

0 - - 0 - - - Data not available for length of hospitalisation for avian influenza or other non-avian influenzae.

40 0.85 days ⊕(1) (SD 1.22) Very low2, 3

Resistance 2 - H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in Southeast Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations

- - - -

73 ⊕⊕⊕(2) Moderate3

Cost of drugs per patient 0 - - 0 - - -

Seasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)


Avian influenza H5N1 evidence

CommentsRisk in

comparator group

No of participants(No of trials)

Relative effect

(95% CI)

- - No deaths reported in trials. Mortality Control group risk based on total mortality rate.


- -


of studiesRisk without




Serious adverse effects1 0 - - 0% -

Duration of disease (fever)1




1. These data are indirect (i.e. for non-avian influenza) and thus only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 2. Major uncertainty about the directness of the evidence. 3. Imprecise or sparse data.



GRADE evidence profile 6

Author(s): Meetali Kakad Date: 27.02.2006 

QUESTION: Should oral oseltamivir be used for post exposure prophylaxis of avian influenza (H5N1)? Patient or population: household contacts of avian flu index case, >1 year old 1,2 Settings: Studies undertaken in the US (A/H3N2) and Japan (H3N2 & H3N1) Systematic reviews: 

a. (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13.  b. (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). 

QUESTION: Should oseltamivir (75mg) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)? Patient or population: Healthy unvaccinated adults (18‐65) and elderly predominantly vaccinated individuals in a residential home setting.  Settings: Studies undertaken in the US (A/H3N2) and Japan (H3N2 & H3N1) Systematic reviews: 

a. (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13.  b. (DT 03)  Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).  

QUESTION: Should oseltamivir (150mg) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)? Patient or population: Healthy unvaccinated adults.  Settings: Studies undertaken in the US (A/H3N2) and Europe Systematic reviews:. 

a. (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. b. (DT 03)  Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35).   

NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 






Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

Major uncertainty

RR range ⊕⊕ 8

(-2)4 (0.11 to 0.32)5 Low

- - - - - - - - - - 6

- - - - - - - - - - 5

- - - - - - - - - - 6

- - - - - - - - - - 6

- - - - - - - - - - 7

Major uncertainty

⊕⊕ 7

(-2)4 Low

- - - - - - - - - - 7

5/494 2/461 ⊕⊕⊕ 6(1%) (< 1%) Moderate

Withdrawals from the trial


Summary of findings

Randomised trial


(DT 03)

No limitations -Only one trial No uncertainty7

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)8


Serious adverse effects


-3 None -6 -62

(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations


Outbreak control


Resistance (Follow up: 5 and 7 days)

- -



All populations (PEP):

Influenza cases (Laboratory confirmed clinical influenza Follow up: 25 and 30 days)


(TJ 06)

Randomised trial

No limitations 3


considerationsOseltamivir Placebo

No of patients Effect

QualityNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency

Quality assessment


Duration of hospitalisation


Duration of disease


Viral shedding




Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

Major uncertainty

RR 1.2810 ⊕ 8

(-2)4 (0.45 to 3.66) Very low

Major uncertainty

RR 0.39 ⊕⊕ 6

(-2)4 (0.18 to 0.85) Low

1/276 12/272 OR 0.0811 ⊕⊕

(0.4%) (4.4%) (0.01 to 0.61) Low

- - - - - - - - - - 7

Some uncertainty

OR range15 ⊕⊕

(-1)14 (0.58 to 2.28) Low

Major uncertainty

RR 1.00 ⊕ 8

(-2)4 (0.25 to 3.95) Very low

7/520 25/51916 RR 0.2717 ⊕⊕ 6(1.3%) (4.8%) (0.11 to 0.67) Low


- - - - - - - - - - 7

7/520 10/519 ⊕⊕⊕ 6

(1.3%) (1.9%) Moderate


(DT 03)

Randomised trial

No uncertainty

Major uncertainty


Serious adverse effects


Withdrawals from trial (Follow up: 8 weeks),

Summary of findings


considerationsOseltamivir Placebo


No limitations Only one trial - -

(TJ 06)

(DT 03)

Randomised trial

No limitations


Influenza cases (Laboratory confirmed clinical influenza Follow up: 6 weeks)

1 Only one trial None -

Only one trial Imprecise or sparse data (-1)9

- -1

(TJ 06)

Randomised trial

No limitations

All populations (Prophylaxis 150mg):

Influenza like illness cases ( Follow up: 6 weeks )

Minor adverse effects 13


Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)9


Serious adverse effects


Randomised No limitations Only one trial None

(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations No important inconsistency

Influenza cases (Laboratory confirmed clinical influenza Follow up: 6 to 8 weeks)

2 None

No important inconsistency

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)9

- -2

(TJ 06)

Randomised trials

No limitations

Influenza like illness cases ( Follow up: 6 to 8 weeks )

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect

QualityNo of studies

Design Consistency

All populations (Prophylaxis 75mg):

Major uncertainty (-2)4

1Elderly(80% vaccinated)(DT 03)

Imprecise or sparse data (-1)19




4. There is major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza. 5. The RR range quoted is based on protective efficacy for individual contacts as reported in the text of the individual studies. Hayden et al report that viral circulation was present during the study period (both influenza A and B)

which meant that effectiveness was high. Neither study reported the background rate of infection in the community, nor the viral strains, though both influenza A and B were co-circulating. 6. In the text of the Lancet review it is stated that neither trial reported the onset of viral resistance after 5 days (Hayden 2004) and 7 days (Welliver 2001), at doses of 75mg bd and od respectively. 7. It was not explicitly stated in the Turner HTA, the reasons for withdrawal from the study. Thus it is difficult to comment on the directness. 8. It is possible that one trial is inadequate to demonstrate the potential withdrawal rate due to adverse effects, due to insufficient numbers. 9. The confidence intervals include both substantial harms and benefits. 10. This is reported as efficacy in the Lancet review. The RR reported here is for influenza cases. The Lancet review reports an additional category - influenza cases (asymptomatic) for which the RR was 0.73 (0.43 to 1.26). 11. The numbers in the table are for the entire study population. 80% of the study population were vaccinated and the OR for the vaccinated subgroup was 0.09 (0.001 to 0.67). 12. Serious adverse effects are not mentioned in the Lancet review explicitly for oseltamivir 75mg used as prophylaxis. The HTA records adverse effects solely for zanamivir but suggests the data for oseltamivir were insufficient for

their analyses. The number of trial withdrawals for Hayden 1999 is included but the reasons for withdrawal are not stated, with the withdrawals being higher in the placebo group (4%) than the prophylaxis group (3%). The withdrawals in the treatment arm were not split by dosage.

13. These included nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, others, withdrawals due to gastrointestinal side effects. 14. There is considerable variation in definition and measurement of mild adverse effects between trials. 15. Most of the CIs for the ORs reported on adverse effects are wide and also span 1. Nausea is the only statistically significant result OR 1.79 (1.10-2.93), though the confidence interval is also rather wide. 16. The number of patients comes from the HTA report and is derived from one trial (Hayden 1999). 17. This is reported as efficacy in the Lancet review. The RR reported here is for influenza cases. The Lancet review reports an additional category, influenza cases (asymptomatic) for which the RR was 0.67 (0.35 to 1.28). The HTA

report gives odds ratios for lab confirmed influenza cases, with a pooled OR of 0.26 (0.08 to 0.51). 18. The data reported here is from the Turner HTA. The data from the original study (Hayden 1999) reported withdrawals due to intercurrent illness and adverse effects. The number of withdrawals was 7 out of 520 in the treatment

arm and 10 out of 519 in the placebo arm. 19. This is potentially debatable - as whilst there was only one study, it was a large one (n=1599, though 520 participants were given 75mg od). It is not possible to comment on imprecision from the data given but it appears that

withdrawal rates were similar in all three groups.

1. The dosages used varied: 75mg od for 7 days or 75mg bd for 10 days in adults. Dosages for children were adjusted according to age-group. 2. Hayden et al 2004 gave post-exposure prophylaxis to household contacts aged > 1 year. The other study was a cluster RCT assessing post-exposure prophylaxis in households where there had been an influenza index case. The age

range of the population was from 12 to 85 years, with 13% having previously been vaccinated. In addition around 40% of the contacts had pre-existing chronic diseases (Welliver 2001). 3. Due to the small number of trials it is difficult to comment on the consistency of the results.



Summary of findings 6

SCENARIO: Should oseltamivir be used for prevention or post‐exposure prophylaxis of avian influenza (H5N1)1?  Transmission:  No human to human transmission. Patient or population: Household contacts of cases with presenting with symptoms of avian influenza2 Information sources: 

Avian influenza data: Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Le 2005, de Jong 2005, McKimm‐Breschin 2003 and Hurt 2004. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Europe, North America and Japan under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks.  

(No of trials) (Range) (95% CI)64%

(33 to 100%)

17743 RR range ⊕⊕ 4

(2) (0.11 to 0.32) Low

Duration of hospitalisation (days)3

0 - - 0 - -

Duration of disease (time to alleviation of symptoms)5

0 - - 0 - -


9623 2/461 ⊕⊕⊕ 6

(1) (< 1%) ModerateCost of drugs per patient

0 - - 0 - - -

Avian influenza H5N1 evidenceSeasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

Outcome No of participants

Risk without treatment

Relative effect

Number of


Risk without treatment

Comments Quality Comments

Mortality 0 - - -

Prevention of influenza cases

0 - - Data shown refer to post-exposure prophylaxis within a household setting.

Resistance 2 - H5N1 was isolated from 2 patients in Viet Nam who died, who had been treated with oseltamivir. Viral isolates had an H274 neuraminidase base substitution, which was associated with high-level oseltamivir resistance in vitro. H274Y has also been shown to confer oseltamivir resistance in an animal model.

- - No evidence of widespread naturally occurring resistance reported for non-H5N1 viruses.

-# trial withdrawals 0 - -


1. The dosages used for PEP were 75mg od for 7 days and 75mg bd for 10 days in adults. The dosages varied according to age-group for children. 2. Index cases were classified as those presenting with influenza-like illness during a documented community outbreak in one instance and presenting within 48 hours of cough and coryza. 3. This number refers to the total original number of participants in the PEP trial(s) included here. 4. Major uncertainty about the directness of the evidence, in addition there was significant inconsistency between the results of the studies. 5. These data are indirect (i.e. for non-avian influenza) and thus only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 6. It is possible that the numbers included in the study were too small to adequately demonstrate the true withdrawal rate.



GRADE evidence profile 7

Author(s): Gunn E Vist Date: 2006 02 28 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir (preventive treatment given for 5 days) be used for post exposure prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)? Patient or population: Household setting Settings: Canada and USA (575 persons), Canada, Finland, UK, USA (837 persons). Systematic review: Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir (preventive treatment given for 5 days or 6 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? 

Patient or population: Healthy adults Settings: Europe and North America (A/H3N2, 573 persons), USA (A/H3N2, 1107 persons) Systematic review:  

a)  (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. [E1] b)  (TJ 99) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Deeks J, Rivetti D. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults. The Cochrane Database of systematic reviews. 1999, 

Issue 2. Art. No.;CD001265.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001265. [E5] c)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir (preventive treatment given for 5 days or 6 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly and at risk adults? 

No additional information available 

QUESTION: Should inhaled zanamivir (preventive treatment given for 5 days or 6 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? 

No additional information available 



QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir (0.32 mg, preventive treatment given for 5 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? 

Patient or population: Healthy adults  Settings: Europe and North America (A/H3N2, 573 persons) Systematic review:  

a)  (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. [E1] b)  (TJ 99)  Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Deeks J, Rivetti D. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults. The Cochrane Database of systematic reviews. 1999, 

Issue 2. Art. No.;CD001265.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001265. [E5] c)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir (0.32 mg, preventive treatment given for 5 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly and at risk adults? 

No additional information available 

QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir  be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? No additional information available  

QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir (0.32 mg) combined with inhaled zanamivir (10 mg) (treatment given for 5 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? 

Patient or population: Healthy adults Settings: Europe and North America (A/H3N2, 573 persons) Systematic review:  

a)  (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. [E1] b)  (TJ 99)  Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Deeks J, Rivetti D. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults. The Cochrane Database of systematic reviews. 1999, 

Issue 2. Art. No.; CD001265.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001265. [E5] c)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 



QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir (0.32 mg) combined with inhaled zanamivir (10 mg) (treatment given for 5 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly and at risk adults? 

Patient or population: Elderly at residential home Settings: USA (52 persons) Systematic review:  

a)  (DT 03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should intranasal zanamivir (0.32 mg) combined with inhaled zanamivir (10 mg) (treatment given for 5 days) be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? 

No additional information available  

NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 


NOTE: This first table may be confusing because the systematic reviews have grouped trials in different ways. Therefore one study by Kaiser et al, 2000, is also included in the second table. 



Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

2 10/558 49/567 RR 0.21 ⊕⊕(DT 03) (2%) (9%) (0.11 to 0.42) Low

2 RR 0.38 ⊕⊕ 8(TJ 06) (0.17 to 0.85) Low

2 RR 1.51 ⊕(TJ 06) (0.77 to 2.95) Very low

1 RR 1.63 ⊕⊕ 6(TJ 06) (0.99 to 2.67) Low

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 5

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

2 16/1130 24/1135 RR 0.67 ⊕⊕⊕ 6

(DT 03) (2%) (2%) (0.36 to 1.25) Moderate

2 60/1130 54/1135 ⊕⊕⊕

(DT 03) (5%) (5%) Moderate

0 - - - - - - - - - 5

ImportanceNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect


Other considerations

Inhaled zanamivir


All (post exposure households)

Post-exposure prophylaxis on chances of laboratory confirmed influenza

Randomised trial

No serious limitations

No important inconsistency

None -Major uncertainty (-2)1

Inhaled prevention in healthy adults

Influenza cases (Follow up: 21 days)

Randomised controlled trials

No serious limitations

No important consistency

None - 6%2 -Major uncertainty(-2)1

Influenza like illness cases (Follow up: 21 days)

Randomised controlled trials

No serious limitations

No important consistency

Sparse or imprecise data (-1)3

- -Major uncertainty(-2)1

Asymptomatic influenza cases (Follow up: 28 days)

Randomised controlled trials

No serious limitations

Only one study None - -Major uncertainty(-2)1

Mortality rates

Duration of hospitalisation

Duration of fever

Viral shedding

Outbreak control


# trial withdrawals

Randomised trials

No important inconsistency

No uncertainty None -Serious limitation (-1)4

# individuals with adverse events to treatment

Randomised trials

No important inconsistency

No uncertainty None - -Serious limitation (-1)4

Cost of drugs

Summary of findings




Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

1 RR 0.22 ⊕ 8(TJ 06) (0.08 to 0.58) Very low

0 - - - - - - - - -

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 5

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - -

0 - - - - - - - - - 5

1 OR 0.15 ⊕ 8

(DT 03) (0.006 to 4.01) Very low

1 OR 0.15 ⊕

(DT 03) (0.006 to 4.01) Very low

0 - - - - - - - - -

Major uncertainty (-2)1

Major uncertainty (-2)1

Intranasal combined with inhaled prevention in healthy adults

Influenza cases (Follow up: 21 days)

Randomised controlled trials

No serious limitations

Only one trial Major uncertainty (-2)1

Sparse or imprecise data (-1)6

- 6% -

Influenza like illness cases

Mortality rates

Quality assessment

Duration of hospitalisation

Viral shedding

Outbreak control


Serious adverse effects

Minor adverse effects

Cost of drugs

Intranasal combined with inhaled prevention in elderly and at risk adults

Influenza cases (Follow up: 14 days)

Randomised controlled trials

Serious limitation (-1)4

Only one study Sparse or imprecise data(-1)3

0/35 1/17 -

Influenza like illness cases (Follow up: 14 days)

Randomised controlled trials

Serious limitation (-1)4

Only one study Sparse or imprecise data(-1)3

0/35 1/17 -

# patients with adverse events to treatment

Summary of findings

No of patients Effect

Quality ImportanceNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther




1. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza. 2. Only one of the trial reported influenza cases in the control group, this study included 1/3 of people and reported the control group influenza to be 6%. 3. The confidence intervals include both important benefits and important harms. 4. Jadad score 4/5. 5. Sparse or imprecise data, only one study and confidence interval includes both large benefits and large harms. 6. Sparse or imprecise data, only one study.



Summary of findings 7

SCENARIO: Should zanamivir be used for prevention or post exposure prophylaxis of avian influenza (H5N1)? Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Healthy adults Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  McKimm‐Breschin 2003 and Hurt 2004. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, USA, and South Africa under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks. Resistance data taken from in vitro studies.  


No. participants

Relative effect

(No of trials) (95% CI)64%

(33 to 100%)

2 RR 0.38 ⊕⊕

(1125) (0.17 to 0.85)


Duration of hospitalization

0 - 0 - - -

Duration of disease

0 - 0 - - -

Resistance 1 - No evidence of resistance reported for H5N1. Viral isolates with the H274 neuraminidase base substitution which confers high level oseltamivir resistance are zanamivir sensitive in vitro.

2 - - - No evidence of resistance reported for non-H5N1 viruses.

3 ⊕⊕⊕

(2265) Moderate2

Cost of drugs per patient

0 - - - - - -

Avian influenza H5N1 evidenceSeasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)Outcome Number

of studies

Risk without treatment


without treatment

Quality Comments

Mortality 0 Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in Hong Kong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials.

Prevention of Influenza cases

0 - 6% The data shown refer to a mixture of post-exposure prophylaxis in a household setting and prevention in closed communities.

2% No difference

# trial withdrawals

0 -


1. These data are indirect and only a proxy measure for what might be expected for avian influenza (H5N1). 2. Serious limitations, reported Jadad score was 4/5.



GRADE evidence profile 8

Author(s): Gunn E Vist Date: 2006 02 28 

QUESTION: Should oral amantidine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? Patient or population: Healthy adults  Settings: USA (H3N2 and H1N1, 450 participants), USA (A/USSR/77, 139 paramedic recruits), USA (H1N1, 286 students), Hungary (Hong Kong influenza 1969, 4760 soldiers), Romania (Hong Kong influenza 1969, 215 individuals), Finland (Hong kong influenza 1969, 391 students), Finland (H1N1, 192 military recruits), USA (A/USSR/90/77, 444 students), USA (H1N1, H3N2, B/USSR/100/83, 476 hospital personnel),  UK (H1N1, 536 young males), Sweden (Leningrad 65, 96 volunteers), USA (4183 military personnel), USA (2650 military recruits), Czechoslovakia (H3N2, 1133 students), England ((Hong Kong/1’768, 297 volunteers), Soviet Union (Hong Kong/68, 8267students), USA (A2/Japan305/57, 794 inmates) Systematic review:  

a)   (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. [E1] b)   (TJ 04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic 

Reviews. 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.;CD001169.pub2.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001169. [E]  c)   (DT03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and 

B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should oral amantidine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly? Patient or population: Elderly people Settings: Finland (H1N1, 188 institutionalised elderly people, 100 mg/ day), UK (54 elderly at hospital, 200 mg/ day) Systematic review:  

a)   (DT03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

QUESTION: Should oral amantidine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? Patient or population: Children  Settings: USA (A2, 159 institutionalised children with learning difficulties, doses 70 mg/day, or 105 mg/ day or 35 followed by 140 mg/ day), USA (293 children with learning difficulties who lived in a home for children, 60 or 100 mg/ day), USA (40 residential asthmatic children, 200 mg/day) Systematic review:  

a)   (DT03) Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Systematic review and economic decision modeling for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Health Technology Assessment 2003;7(35). [E3] 

 NOTE:   These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 




Relative Absolute

(95% CI) (95% CI)

Important inconsistency

Major uncertainty

146/2396 280/2249 RR 0.39 ⊕ 8

(-1)3 (-2)4 (6%) (12%) (0.24 to 0.65) Very low

Serious limitations

Major uncertainty

2489/9481 2651/8015 RR 0.75 ⊕

(-1)6 (-2)4 (26%) (33%) (0.64 to 0.87) Very low

0 - - - - - - - - - 6

0 - - - - - - - - - 5

0 - - - - - - - - - 6


Major uncertainty

Sparse or imprecise data

RR 0.68 ⊕ 6

(-2)4 (-1)8 (0.53 to 0.87) Very low

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

0 - - - - - - - - - 7

6 68/1154 27/1122 RR 2.39 ⊕⊕⊕⊕ 6

(TJ04) (6%) (2%) (1.54 to 3.71)9 High

0 - - - - - - - - - 5


Serious limitations

Major uncertainty

6/25 11/29 ⊕ 8

(-1)11 (-2)4 (24%) (38%) Very low


Sparse or imprecise data

5/94 2/101 ⊕⊕⊕ 6

(-1) (5%) (2%) Moderate


Serious limitations

Major uncertainty

Sparse or imprecise data

⊕ 8

(-1)12 (-2)4 (-1)13 Very low


Serious limitations

Sparse or imprecise data

(-1)14 (-1)13 Very low


Major uncertainty

Sparse or imprecise data

⊕ 8

(-2)4 (-1)13 Very low


(TJ06, TJ04)


(TJ06, TJ04)

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect

QualityNo of studies

Design Limitations Consistency DirectnessOther



Healthy adults:

Influenza cases (Follow up: 3 to 7 weeks)Randomised trials

No serious limitations2

None -

Influenza like illness cases (Follow up: 10 days to 9 weeks)Randomised trials

Important inconsistency (-1)7

None -

Mortality rates

Duration of hospitalisation

Duration of fever

Viral shedding (Viral assays from nasal washouts) (Follow up: 6 weeks)- -

Outbreak control

Randomised trial

No serious limitations

Only one study -

Cost of drug


Serious adverse effects

Withdrawals due to adverse effects (Follow up: 4,5 days to 7 weeks)9

Randomised trial

No serious limitations10

No important inconsistency

Direct None -

Elderly people:

Influenza cases (Follow up: 25 days)Randomised trial

Only one study None - -

- -

Withdrawals due to treatment (Follow up: 9 weeks)Randomised trials

No serious limitations

Only one study Direct - -

(2% and 3%)

8/20 - -

Minor adverse events (Follow up: 5 months)Randomised trial

Only one study Direct 7/154 7/139 -

Randomised trial

Serious limitations (-1)15

Only one study 7/20


Summary of findings

Children at risk:

Influenza cases (Follow up: 4 weeks)


Children with learning difficulties:

Influenza cases (Follow up: 4 weeks to 5 months)Randomised trials

No important inconsistency

(12% and 9%)





5. Oral amantadine was given in 200 mg per day (100 mg twice daily) in all but three studies, one where one additional arm was given 100 mg and two where all participants were given 100 mg.

7. Unexplained heterogeneity (I2= 90%).

15. Reported (DT 03) Jadad score 2/5.

1. Oral amantadine was given in 200 mg per day (100 mg twice daily) in all but two studies, one where one additional arm was given 100 mg and one where all participants were given 100 mg. 2. Eight of the 11 trials were well designed and conducted (71% weight) so the overall judgement is No serious limitations. We note, however, that two of the trials (Dolin 1982 and Quarles 1981) had serious limitations because of

large number of drop outs and losses to follow up, and one trial had very serious limitations (Kantor 1980) because of poor compliance with study protocol and reported numbers inconsistent and data for 29 participants were not presented.

3. Unexplained heterogeneity (I2=80%). 4. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza.

6. Six of the 15 trials (50% weight, 78% of the participants) had serious limitations to the internal validity of the studies. Three of the trials (Dolin 1982, Quarles 1981, Smorodintsev 1970) had large drop out rates or losses to follow up, three studies (Peckinpaugh/1 (two studies) and Peckinpaugh/2) only presented results in histograms so those results are estimates, and two trials (Peckinpaugh/2 and Smorodintsev 1970) had contradictions in the text.

8. Sparse or imprecise data, only one study reported with maximum 479 participants included. Additionally, the Table 1 in (Jefferson 2006) presenting results of viral shedding only lists 79 observations. Unsure if this outcome only measured in 79 of the participants or if a typo has occurred.

9. Serious adverse effects are not mentioned in Jefferson 2006 explicitly, however Jefferson 2004 reported significantly more gastrointestinal adverse events (5 RCTs, I2=47%, RR 2.39 (1.32 to 4.32) with amantadine than with placebo. And a significant increased CNS activity (9 RCTs, I2=67%, RR 2.25 (1,39 to 3,64).

10. Three of the 6 trials were well designed and conducted (56% weight) so the overall judgement is No serious limitations. We note, however, that two of the trials (Dolin 1982 and Quarles 1981) had serious limitations because of large number of drop outs and losses to follow up, and one trial had limitations (Hayden 1981) because there were inconsistencies between text and tables.

11. The Jadad score reported by DT 03 was 2/5. 12. The Jadad scores reported by DT 03 were 0 and 3. 13. Only small studies with few events. 14. Reported (DT 03) Jadad score 3/5.



Summary of findings 8

SCENARIO: Should amantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)?  Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Healthy adults Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Ilyushina 2005 and Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, USA, and South Africa under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks. Resistance data taken from in vitro studies.  


No. participants

Relative effect

(No of trials) (95% CI)64%

(33 to 100%)

4645 RR 0.39 ⊕

(11) (0.24 to 0.65) Very low1

Duration of hospitalization

0 - 0 - - -

Duration of disease 0 - 0 - - -

Resistance 2 - H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in Southeast Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations.

0 - - -

2276 RR 2,39 ⊕⊕⊕⊕(6) (1.54 to 3.71) High

Avian influenza H5N1 evidenceSeasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)Outcome

Number of studies

Risk without treatment

CommentsRisk without

treatmentQuality Comments

Mortality 0 Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in Hong Kong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials.

Influenza cases 0 - 12%

2%# trial withdrawals 0 -


1. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza and unexplained heterogeneity.



GRADE evidence profile 9

Author(s): Gunn E Vist Date: 2006 02 28 

QUESTION: Should oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? Patient or population: Healthy adults. Settings: USA (H3N2, 228 volunteers), USA (H3N2 and H1N1, 450 participants), USA (A/USSR/90/77, 444 students). Systematic review:  

a)   (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. [E1] b)   (TJ 04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic 

Reviews. 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.; CD001169.pub2.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001169.  

QUESTION: Should oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly people and at risk adults?  No additional information available. 

QUESTION: Should oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children? No additional information available. 

 NOTE:  These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 




Absolute(95% CI)

831 ⊕

(TJ06, TJ04) Very low

31 ⊕

(TJ06, TJ04) Very low

1 ⊕ 6(TJ06) Very low

0 - 6

0 - 5

0 - 6

0 - 7

0 - 7

0 - 7

0 - 7

3 ⊕⊕⊕⊕ 6(TJ06, TJ04) High

0 -

Sparse or imprecisedata (-1)6





RR 0.28

(0.08 to 1.08)




considerationsInfluenza cases (Follow up: 6 weeks)

Important inconsistency (-1)3

Major uncertainty(-2)4

Major uncertainty(-2)4

RR 1.39

(0.45 to 4.27)

-Influenza like illness cases (Follow up: 6 weeks)

Randomised trials No serious limitations2

Important inconsistency (-1)5



RR 0.65

(0.35 to 1.20)


-Asymptomatic influenza cases (Follow up: 6 weeks)

Randomised trial No serious limitations

Only one trial Major uncertainty(-2)4

- -

- - - -- - - -


Duration of hospitalisation - - - - - - - -

- -

Duration of fever - - - - - - -

- - -

Viral shedding - - - - - -

- - - -- - - -

Mortality rates


Summary of findings


Outbreak control - - - - -

Serious adverse effects - - - - - - - -

Withdrawals due to adverse effects (Follow up: 6 weeks)6

Randomised trial No serious limitations2

No important inconsistency

Direct None 13/312(4%)


RR 1.10 (0.50 to 2.42)


Cost of drug - - - - - - - -

No of studies

QualityEffectNo of patients

Oral rimantidine ControlRelative

(95% CI)Limitations Consistency

Quality assessment

Randomised trials No serious limitations2




1. Oral rimantadine was given in 200 mg per day (100 mg twice daily) in two studies, and 100 mg per day in one study. 2. Two of the three trials were well designed and conducted (68 % weight) so the overall judgement is No serious limitations. We note, however, that one of the trials (Quarles 1981) had serious limitations because of large number of

losses to follow up. 3. Unexplained heterogeneity (I2=77%). 4. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza. 5. Unexplained heterogeneity (I2= 83%). 6. Only one trial with confidence intervals including both important benefits and important harms. 7. Serious adverse effects are not mentioned in Jefferson 2006 explicitly, however Jefferson 2004 reported significantly more gastrointestinal adverse events (2 RCTs, I2=0%, RR 4.04 (1.37 to 11.88)) with rimantadine than with

placebo. And all adverse events (2 RCTs, I2=0%, RR 1.72 (1.14 to 2.59).



Summary of findings 9

SCENARIO: Should rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)?  Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Healthy adults Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, USA and South Africa under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks. Resistance data taken from in vitro studies.    

No. participants Relative effect

(No of trials) (95% CI)64%

(33 to 100%)

688 RR 0.28 ⊕(3) (0.08 to 1.08) Very low1

Duration of hospitalization

0 - 0 - - -

Duration of disease 0 - 0 - - -

Resistance 2 - H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in Southeast Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations.

0 - - -

3 RR 1.10 ⊕⊕⊕⊕(625) (0.50 to 2.42) High

Avian influenza H5N1 evidenceSeasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)Outcome

Number of studies

Risk without treatment


without treatment

Quality Comments

Mortality 0 Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in Hong Kong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials.

Influenza cases 0 - 16%

4%# trial withdrawals 0 -



1. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza.



GRADE evidence profile 10

Author(s): Gunn E Vist Date: 2006 02 28 

QUESTION: Should oral amantadine versus oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in otherwise healthy adults? Patient or population: Healthy adults Settings: USA (H3N2, 228 volunteers), USA (A/USSR/90/77, 444 students), USA (251 volunteers) Systematic review:  

a)   (TJ 06) Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, DiPietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. Lancet 2006; 367:303‐13. b)   (TJ 04) Jefferson T, Deeks JJ, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Rudin M. Amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating influenza A in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic 

Reviews. 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.;CD001169.pub2.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001169, (Jefferson 2004).  

QUESTION: Should oral amantadine versus oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in elderly people and at risk adults?  

No additional information available 

QUESTION: Should oral amantadine versus oral rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1) in children?  No additional information available 

 NOTE:  These GRADE Evidence Profiles have been completed from multiple sources. The source of the information (referring to one of the systematic reviews listed above) is indicated in the first 

column of the table under the number of studies. The quality of evidence indicates the overall quality of the evidence for the questions specified above, not the quality of the included studies or the systematic reviews. The reasons for the judgments that were made are provided in the footnotes. 





(95% CI)

21 ⊕ 8

(TJ 06, TJ 04) Very low

21 ⊕

(TJ 06, TJ 04) Very low

0 - 6

0 - 5

0 - 6

0 - 6

0 - 7

0 - 7

0 - 7

3 ⊕⊕⊕ 6(TJ 06, TJ 04) Moderate

0 - 5

Quality assessmentNo of patients Effect

Summary of findings

ImportanceOral rimantadine

QualityNo of studies Design


(95% CI)Limitations Consistency Directness

Other considerations

None 52/220


Oral amantidine

Influenza cases (Follow up: 6 weeks)

-RR 0.89

(0.48 to 1.65)



RR 0.88

(0.57 to 1.35)

Influenza like illness cases (Follow up: 6 weeks)

Randomised trials

Serious limitations


No important inconsistency

Major uncertainty




- - - - - - -




Duration of hospitalisation

- - - - - - -

- -

Duration of fever

- - - - - - -

- - -

Viral shedding

- - - - - -

- - - -

- -

- - - - - - - -

30/319 13/312(4%)

Serious adverse effects

- - - - - -

(1.23 to 4.30)-

Cost of drug

Withdrawals due to adverse effects (Follow up: 6 weeks)4

Randomised trial

Serious limitations


No important inconsistency

Direct None

- - - - -

Serious limitations


Major uncertainty


- - -

(9%)RR 2.30







Outbreak control

Randomised trials

No important inconsistency




1. Oral amantadine or oral rimantadine was given in 200 mg per day (100 mg twice daily). 2. Serious limitations because of large drop outs and number of losses to follow up in both studies. 3. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza. 4. Serious adverse effects are not mentioned in Jefferson 2006 explicitly, however Jefferson 2004 reported significantly increased CNS activity (2 RCTs, I2=0%, RR 2.59 (1.54 to 4.35) with amantadine than with rimantadine. 5. Serious limitations because two of the trials (Dolin 1982 and Quarles 1981) had large drop outs and number of losses to follow up and the third trial contained inconsistencies between text and table.



Summary of findings 10

SCENARIO: Should amantadine versus rimantadine be used for prevention of avian influenza (H5N1)? Transmission:  No human to human transmission Patient or population: Healthy adults Information sources:  

Avian influenza data: : Yuen 1998, Chotpitayasunondh 2005, Hien 2004, WHO Writing Committee 2005.   Resistance data:  Ilyushina 2005 and Puthavathana 2005. Clinical trial data: Randomised trials for non‐H5N1 influenza undertaken in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, USA and South Africa under pandemic conditions or seasonal outbreaks. Resistance data taken from in vitro studies.  


No. participants

Relative effect

(No of trials) (95% CI)

Mortality 0 64%(33 to 100%)

Control group risk based on total mortality rate, although 10 (56%) of patients in HongKong were treated with amantadine and others received a range of treatments.

0 - - - No deaths reported in trials.

Influenza cases 0 - 455(2)

- RR 0.89(0.48 to 1.65)

⊕Very low1

Duration of hospitalization

0 - 0 - - -

Duration of disease 0 - 0 - - -

Resistance 2 - H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand and from birds in Southeast Asia carries M2 ion channel resistance mutations.

0 - - -

631 RR 2,30 ⊕⊕⊕

(3) (1.23 to 4.30) Moderate2

# trial withdrawals 0 - -


Avian influenza H5N1 evidence

Risk without treatment


Seasonal influenza evidence

(may provide indirect evidence of potential benefit in avian influenza)

Number of studies

Risk without treatment

Comments Comments



1. Major uncertainty surrounding the applicability of this evidence to avian influenza and serious limitations because of losses to follow up. 2. Serious limitations because of losses to follow up and inconsistencies between tables and text.



Summary of in vitro evidence of treatment for H5N1 human and H5N1 avian influenza Reviewer: Lauren Stockman, Richard Bellamy Search: PubMed searched on 2/17/06 of zanamivir or oseltamivir or amantadine or rimantadine or  interferon or ribavirin treatment plus H5N1 or avian  influenza AND  in vitro, screened abstracts 33 of articles.  Included H1N1 and H3N2 papers as referenced by articles or referred by colleague. All studies measured effects in Madin‐Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line, unless noted.  Data for human strains H1N1 and H3N2 were included when relevant for comparison.  Quality of each study has 

not yet been evaluated.   Zanamivir  

Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/HK/156/97 (H5N1)  

1. ELISA 2. Plaque assay 3. NA inhibition  

1. H5N1 with avian strains  

Inhibited viral replication in all viruses.  Concentrations required in each virus were similar.   

NA was inhibited for all viruses and concentrations required were similar for all viruses 

Zanamivir inhibited both NA activity and virus replication of H5N1 and avian viruses. 

Leneva 2001 

1. A/Duck/MN/1525/81 (H5N1) 2. A/Gull/PA/4175/83 (H5N1) 3. H1N1 (5 strains) 4. H3N2 (12 strains) 

1. Inhibition of cytopathic effect 2. Virus yield reduction 3. Time‐of addition studies 

1. Viruses 2. zanamivir vs. oseltamivir  

Inhibited viral replication in all viruses.  Required concentrations of zanamivir and oseltamivir were similar.  

Not studied  Zanamivir and oseltamivir inhibited virus replication of all viruses. 

Smee 2001 

1. A/HK/156/97 (H5N1)  1. Plaque assay 2. NA inhibition 

None studied  Inhibited viral replication  NA was inhibited  Zanamivir inhibited both NA activity and virus replication  

Gubareva 1998 


Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/HK/156/97 (H5N1)  

1. ELISA 2. NA inhibition 

1. H5N1 vs. H9N2 (A/HK/1974/99) 

Inhibited viral replication of both viruses.  Concentrations required in each virus were similar. 

NA was inhibited for both viruses. Sensitivity of viruses were similar 

Oseltamivir inhibits replication and NA activity of both viruses. Viruses did not differ in sensitivity to drug. 

Leneva 2000 





Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/Thailand/1(KAN‐1) (H5N1) 2. A/Thailand/2(SP‐33) (H5N1) 3. A/Thailand/3(KK‐494) (H5N1) 4. A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1‐like) 5. A/Sydney/05/97(H3N2‐like) 

1. Measurement of viral nucleoprotein by ELISA 

1. Viruses  High concentrations could not inhibit H5N1. H1N1‐like virus could be inhibited completely with low concentrations, H3N2‐like virus was inhibited 50% by low concentration 

Not studied  Thailand H5N1 isolates contained asparagine instead of serine at aa31, indicating resistance to amantadine and rimantadine. Confirmed in vitro. 

Puthavathana 2005 


Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/HWS/33 (H1N1) 2. A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) 3. A/Victoria/3/75 (H3N2) 4. A/New Caldonia/20/99 (H1N1) 4. A/Sydney/05/97 (H3N2) 5. A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) 6. A/Duck/MN/1525/81 (H5N1) 7. A/Gull/PA/4175/83 (H5N1) 

1. Inhibition of viral cytopathic effect 2. NR uptake (for cytotoxicity) 3. Virus yield reduction 

1. Viruses 2. Ribavirin vs. Viramidine (an analog of ribavirin) 

Ribavirin and Viramidine are highly effective against replication of influenza virus. Effect against each virus is similar.  Activity is similar in both drugs but viramidine is less antivirally potent than ribavirin 

Not studied  Both compounds were inhibitory to all the influenza viruses evaluated.  

Sidwell 2005 





Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/HK/156/97 (H5N1) 2. A/HK/483/97 (H5N1) 3. A/HK/486/97 (H5N1) 4. A/CK/HK/W374/97 (H5N1) 5. A/Goose/HK/W374/97 (H5N1) 6. A/HK/1/68 (H3N2) 7. A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) 

1. SJPL cells cultured, pretreated with IFNs and infected with virus.  Virus titer was measured in SJPL cells grown in 96‐well plates. * 

1. Viruses  Replication of H5N1/97 viruses  was not affected by pre‐treatment of IFN‐a, IFN‐gamma, or TNF‐a. Replication in human H3N2, swine and avian influenza viruses was effectively blocked.  

Not studied  All the H5N1/97 Isolates tested escaped the anti‐viral activity of IFN’s and TNF‐a. 

Seo 2004 

*This study used St. Jude porcine lung (SJPL) epithelial cells for antiviral assay.  Uncertain if IFN was present in cells at time of infection, therefore uncertain if this is a valid measure of viral inhibition.  

Combinations of NA inhibitor plus rimantadine (data from H1N1 and H3N2) Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: 

Viral replication inhibition Outcome: 

Neuraminidase (NA) inhibition 

Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) 2. A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) 

1. Extra‐cellular virus yield reduction assay 3. ELISA to determine the cell‐associated virus reduction 

1. zanamivir + rimantadine vs. single drug 2. oseltamivir + rimantadine vs. single drug 

Combination of rimantadine and zanamivir or rimantadine and oseltamivir resulted in complete reduction in H1N2 and H3N2 extracellular viral yield.  Interactions were mainly syngergistic or additive.    

Not studied  Combination treatment with zanamivir or oseltamivir with rimantadine markedly reduces the extracellular H1N1 and H3N2 virus yield. Synergism or additive effects seen at a range of concentrations. 

Govorkova 2004 




Resistance evaluations by in vitro study and/or sequence data  Rimantadine 

Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Outcome: Change in sensitivity 

Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/H3N2 (human, 22 strains with substitution in M2 gene associated with adamantane resistance) 

1. Biological assay, virus replication measured by haemagglutinin titers of supernatant. Susceptibllity  determined by a 4‐fold reduction in haemagglutination titer. 

1. A subset of 22 viruses with substitution in M2 gene vs. viruses with known M2 gene sequences 

Results from screening a subset of viruses for sensitivity confirmed that resistance phenotype correlated 100% with the mutations identified by sequencing. 

Not studied  Not studied  Amantadine and rimantadine resistance was 0.4% in 1994‐1995 to 12.3% in 2003‐2004.  Increase mostly due to resistance in Asia with 61% of resistant viruses isolated since 2003 were from people in Asia. 

Bright 2005 


Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Outcome: Change in sensitivity 

Conclusions  Study ID 

1. A/N1 (human, 139 strains) 2. A/N2 (human, 767 strains) 

1. NA inhibition by fluorescence  2. NA inhibition by chemiluminescent 

1. Viruses 2. zanamivir vs. oseltamivir 

Not studied  N2 viruses were generally more sensitive to oseltamivir than zanamivir.  Slight differences seen between assay types.   N1 viruses were slightly more sensitive to zanamivir than oseltamivir.  Slight differences seen between assay types.  

No altered sensitivity in viruses that  had variations in sequence residues  

H1N1 and H3N2 viruses circulating 1996‐1999 were susceptible to zanamivir and oseltamivir. This is before the drugs were introduced for use in the area. Some variants were seen but no evidence of naturally occurring resistance to these two drugs. 

McKimm‐Breschin 2003 

1. A/H1N1 (human, 235 strains) 2. A/H3N2 (human, 160 strains) 3. A/H1N2 (human, 9 strains) 

1. NA inhibition by fluorescence  

1. N1 vs. N2 2. year of isolation 3. Australasia vs. South East Asia 

Not studied  N1 viruses were more sensitive to zanamivir than oseltamivir. N2 strains were more sensitive to oseltamivir.   Similar susceptibility of Australasia and South East Asia strains. 

No significant decline in sensitivity in Australasia strains by year of isolation.  

After NA inhibitors were in use in the region, no significant impact on susceptibility of viruses to zanamivir or oseltamivir 

Hurt 2004 




Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Outcome: Change in sensitivity 

Conclusions  Study ID 

1. H5N1 variant in Viet Nam patients (H274Y substitution in neuraminidase gene) 

1. isolation by RT‐PCR, then sequence 

N/A  N/A  N/A  Virus with mutations that confir high‐resistance to oseltamivir were  isolated from two patients after treatment with oseltamivir.  

In some patients treatment with oseltamivir incompletely suppresses viral replication. Higher doses, longer duration or other antiviral agents may be necessary.  

de Jong 2005 


Virus  Assay  Comparisons  Outcome: Viral replication inhibition 

Outcome: Neuraminidase (NA) 


Outcome: Change in sensitivity 

Conclusions  Study ID 

1. H5N1 (Avian, 8 strains) 

1. Plaque reduction assay 

1. Amantadine sensitive viruses vs. M2 variants 

Concentrations as high as 100uM failed to inhibit replication of M2 variant strains 

Not studied  A large sample of viruses was screened for gene sequence. No M2 mutant strains among sample of viruses from 1979‐83. But at least some resistance among avian H5, H6, h7 strains from 2000‐04 

31% of H5 and 10.6% of H9 avian strains from southeast Asia isolated in 2000‐04 carried M2 mutations.  Raises concern about the prevalence of amantadine‐resistant strains for pandemic virus 

Ilyushina 2005 





Annex 4: Panel members

Dr Richard Bellamy, Department of Infection and Travel Medicine, James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesborough TS 4 3BW, United Kingdom  Dr John Beigel, National Institute of Health Clinical Center, 6700B Rockledge, MSC 7609, Bethesda, MD, USA   Dr Tawee Chotpitayasunondh, Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, MOPH, 420/8 Rajavithi Road, Payathai, Rajatevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand  Professor Chris Del Mar,  Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland 4229 , Australia  Professor Jeremy Farrar, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City,  Viet Nam  Professor Frederick G. Hayden, Internal Medicine & Pathology, Health Sciences Center University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800473, 22908, Charlottesville, USA  Dr Azim Nagjdaliyev, Children Clinical Hospital N2 ʹKayayevʹ Samad Vurgus str. Baloc 956 AZ 1022 Baku, Azerbaijan  Dr Bülent Özbay, Head of Pulmonary Department, Yuzuncu Yil University Van, YYU Typ Fakültesi, Göoüs Hastalyklary Anabilim Daly, 65300 Van,  Turkey  Associate Professor Holger Schünemann, Italian National Cancer Institute Regina Elena, Rome, Italy & University at Buffalo, 00144 Rome, Italy (Chair of Rapid Advice Guidelines Meeting)  Dr Norio Sugaya, Department of Pediatrics, Keio University Faculty of Medicine, Keiyu Hospital, Minato‐mirai, 3‐7‐3 , Nishi‐ku, Yokohama‐shi, Kanagawa 220‐0012, Japan  Dr Tim Uyeki, Medical Epidemiologist, Influenza Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, MS A‐32, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Cliffton Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30333, USA  Dr Tran Tinh Hien, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam  Dr Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Infectious Diseases Physician, Department of Infectious Disease,  Tourcoing Hospital, Lille Schoole of Medicine, Pavillon Trousseau 135 rue de Président Coty F‐59200 Tourcoing, France 




Dr Richard Bellamy, Department of Infection and Travel Medicine, James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesborough TS 4 3BW, United Kingdom  Dr Meetali Kakad, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, P.O. Box 7004,  St. Olavs plass N‐0130 Oslo, Norway  Dr Andy Oxman, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, P.O. Box 7004,  St. Olavs plass N‐0130 Oslo, Norway  Dr Gunn Vist, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, P.O. Box 7004,  St. Olavs plass N‐0130 Oslo, Norway  Ms. Lauren J. Stockman, Respiratory and Enteric Viruses Branch, MS A‐34, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Atlanta, GA 30333, USA 


Mrs Hanne Bak Pedersen, Technical Services Centre, UNICEF Supply Division, UNICEF Plads, Freeport DK‐2100, Copenhagen 0, Denmark 


Communicable Diseases (CDS) Dr Michael J. Ryan Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)  Dr Keiji Fukuda Dr Alice Croiser Global Influenza Programme (GIP)  Dr Cathy Roth      Medical Officer Dr Nikki Shindo      Medical Officer Dr Gail Thomson          Medical Officer CSR Office for Alert and Response (ARO)  Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens (EDP)   Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals (HTP) Dr Howard A. Zucker,  Assistant Director‐General, HTP  Dr Hans V. Hogerzeil    Medicines Policy and Standards (PSM)  Dr Suzanne Hill       Policy, Access and Rational Use (PAR) 



Annex 5: Conflicts of interest

Potential conflicts of interest of contributors (refers to the period 2002 ‐ 2006)  In the absence of clear guidance in the WHO Guidelines for Guidelines the group discussed the potential conflicts of interest and took the following decisions:  1. The declared interests were professional, rather than personal and/or specific (i.e.  

no shares or personal funding from the companies). 2. The membersʹ professional  expertise generally outweighed the potential conflict of 

interest. 3. The interest was declared to the group and reported in the report.  No  panel  members  were  asked  to  withdraw  from  either  voting  or  recommendation formulation. All other  interests declared do not represent a personal specific  interest  in the medicines under review.  Beigel ‐ investigator (through NIH) on trials with Roche and Biocrest, no personal funding; Del Mar  ‐ funding for  trials  in unrelated  therapeutic area from other companies, not  in  the last 4 years ; Hayden ‐ received multiple research grants for trials of antivirals, vaccines from Roche, Abbots, Biocrest and Merck over the past 4 years ‐ the last of these was in July 2005; Schünemann  ‐  received  research  grants  and  honoraria  from  Pfizer,  Amgen,  Roche  and AstraZeneca  for  development  or  consulting  regarding  of  quality  of  life  instruments  for chronic  respiratory diseases, no personal  funding  (all  funds were deposited  into  research accounts or received by  research group); Sugaya  ‐ has received  travel grant  from Roche  to attend  meeting  on  avian  influenza;  Yazdanpanah  ‐  investigator  on  trials  with  Tibotec Pharmaceutical,  no  personal  funding,  has  received  travel  grants  from  GSK,  Roche, Boehringer,  BMS,  Pfizer,  Abbot,  Gilead  to  attend  scientific  meetings.  The  remaining members of the panel have no conflict of interest relevant to declare. 



Annex 6: Data collection forms

Example of a post-marketing surveillance form

(adapted from the standard CIOMS form and the suspected adverse drug reactions form produced by the Malaysian National Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring) 

Age Wt (kg) Ethnic group(Years)

ADVERSE REACTION DESCRIPTION (including relevant test / laboratory data)

Time to onset of reaction

Date of reaction

Yes No Not applicable

Yes No Not applicable

Outcome Fatal

* including generic name

* Excluding those used to treat the reaction

OTHER RELEVANT HISTORY (include diagnostics, allergies, hepatorenal disfunction, pregancy with date of LMP

Recovered completelyLong term or permanent incapacity/disability







Reaction subsided after drug discontinued or reduced

Reaction appeared after reintroduction of the drug

Date of this reportSuspected adverse reaction form


REPORT number

Additional information1. PATIENT INFORMATION

Date of birth(First, last) Day Month Year




(REG NO & BATCH NO) Start Stop




Annex 7: List of examples of national guidelines

Organization/Country Weblink Reference

American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America


American Thoracic Society. Guidelines for the management of adults with community acquired pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163: 1730–1754.

American Thoracic Society.


Guidelines for the management of adults with hospital acquired, ventilator-associated, and healthcare-associated pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Feb 15;171(4):388-416

British Thoracic Society


Guidelines for the Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia in Adults. 2001 GUIDELINES (pdf) Thorax 2001; 56: (suppl IV)

British Thoracic Society


Guidelines for the Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia in Adults 2004 Update

British Thoracic Society http://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/c2/uploads/paediatriccap.pdf Guidelines for the Management of Community acquired Pneumonia in Childhood. British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee - Thorax 2002; 57: (Suppl I)



Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic Version 12. North Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd; 2003


http://www.infectiologie.com/site/_congres_conf_recommandations.php Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (New update due April 2006 with English language versions to follow)

Japan http://www.jrs.or.jp/quicklink/glsm/guideline/seijinsichu_guide/

The Japanese Respiratory Guidelines for the Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults

Japan http://www.jrs.or.jp/quicklink/glsm/guideline/seijininnai/

The Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for management of hospital-acquired pneumonia (English language versions of these documents will be published at the end of 2006.)


http://www.toraks.org.tr/pnomoni.php Arseven O, Ozlu T, Aydýn G, Baytemur M et al. Working group of respiratory system infections. Pneumonia treatment guideline ( In Turkýsh ). Toraks Dergisi, Vol:3, Supl:3, August 2002:1 - 35


Annex 8: Table of recommended dosages

(adapted  from  Table  1  in  the  CDC  Factsheet:  Antiviral  Agents  for  Influenza:  Background  Information  for  Clinicians  available  at  http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/pdf/antiviralsbackground.pdf  Last revised March 31 2006, last accessed April 6 2006) 



Age Groups (yrs) Agent

Duration 1-6 7-9 10-12 13-64 > 65



5 days 5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in 2 divided doses

5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in 2 divided doses

100mg twice daily for 100mg twice daily

< 100 mg/day


Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7 to 10 days after last known exposure

5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in two divided doses †

5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in two divided doses

100mg twice daily 100mg twice daily

< 100 mg/day



5 days

Not licensed for use Not licensed for use Not licensed for use 100mg twice daily

100 mg/day

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7 days after last known exposure

5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in two divided doses †

5mg/kg/day up to 150 mg in two divided doses †

100mg twice daily 100mg twice daily

100 mg/day


Treatment 5 days Weight adjusted doses: - 30mg twice daily for ≤ 15 kg - 45mg twice daily for >15 to

23 kg - 60mg twice daily for >23 to

40kg - 75mg twice daily for >40kg

Weight adjusted doses: - 30mg twice daily for ≤

15 kg - 45mg twice daily for

>15 to 23 kg - 60mg twice daily for

>23 to 40kg - 75mg twice daily for


Weight adjusted doses: - 30mg twice daily for ≤

15 kg - 45mg twice daily for

>15 to 23 kg - 60mg twice daily for

>23 to 40kg - 75mg twice daily for


75mg twice daily

75mg twice daily

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7-10 days after last known exposure

Dose varies by child's weight as for treatment but administered once daily

Dose varies by child's weight as for treatment but administered once daily

Dose varies by child's weight as for treatment but administered once daily

75mg/day 75mg/day


Treatment 5 days Not licensed for use 10mg (2 inhalations) twice daily

10mg (2 inhalations) twice daily

10mg (2 inhalations) twice daily

10mg (2 inhalations) twice daily

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7-10 days after last known exposure

1-4 yrs: NA

5-6 yrs: 10mg (2 inhalations) once daily

10mg (2 inhalations) once daily

10mg (2 inhalations) once daily

10mg (2 inhalations) once daily

10mg (2 inhalations) once daily


Use of antivirals in patients with renal or hepatic impairment

Agent Duration Renal impairment Hepatic impairment


Treatment 5 days Creatinine clearance (ml/min/1.73 m2) - 30-50 - 15-29 - <15

Dose 200 mg 1st day and 100 mg each day thereafter 200 mg 1st day and 100 mg on alternate days 200mg every 7 days The recommended dosage for patients on haemodialysis is 200 mg every 7 days.

No formal dosage adjustment suggested but care should be exercised in these patients.

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7 days after last known exposure

See above

Rimantadine Treatment 5 days Creatinine clearance

- Less severe renal impairment - <10

Dose Patients should be observed closely and dose reduced or discontinued if required 100mg/day

In patients with severe hepatic dysfunction a reduction in dosage to 100mg/day is recommended

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7 days after last known exposure

See above See above

Oseltamivir Treatment 5 days Creatinine clearance

- 10-30 Dose Patients will require a dose reduction (Unpublished pharmacological data suggests that 75mg od should be used in these patients)

No dosage adjustment

Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure identified and continue for 7 to 10 days after last known exposure

Zanamivir Treatment 5 days No dosage adjustment No dosage adjustment Prophylaxis Begin as soon as exposure

identified and continue for 7 to 10 days after last known exposure

See above See above



Annex 9: Examples of clinical algorithms

The clinical algorithm below was adapted from one devised by Dr Tran Tinh Hien, in use at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.   We recommend  that countries develop  their own guidelines  for  the assessment of human patients  in whom  there  is a suspicion of influenza A(H5N1)  infection.  These  should  include  the  criteria  required  to  initiate  treatment  pending  confirmatory  laboratory  testing.  Such guidelines will reflect geographical location with respect to recent outbreaks of avian influenza H5N1 in birds and the locally available resources. The algorithm used by clinicians in Viet Nam is included here to assist countries with this process.  

Non invasive or invasive assisted ventilation


Living in areas with poultry H5N1 infectionsFever + Cough

Close contact with ill poultry within 7-14 days(preparing of ill birds, handling of fighting cocks

playing with poultry (duck), consumption of duck blood or undercooked poultry products


No Yes

Suspected H5N1 infection

CBC + Chest XR

WBC: normal or highChest XR: normal

WBC<3000/uLChest XR: infiltration

Rx as an upper respiratory infection

Follow up for 72 hrs: repeat CBC & Chest XR daily

Probable H5N1 infection

Isolation / PPERapid tests for Ag detection

Nasopharingeal swabs for PCRBlood culture, AST/ALT/ CD4

Antiviral therapy

WBC: normal or highChest XR: normal

Isolation / PPERapid tests for Ag detection

Nasopharyngeal swabs for PCRRx as an upper respiratory

infectionFollow up for 72 h

repeat CBC & Chest XR dailyIf NIs available, give Oseltamivir or


If NIs unavailable give Amantadineor Rimantadine

If SpO2 < 90%pO2 < 60


Antibiotics As per local guidelines

and organisms

Non invasive or invasive assisted ventilation


Living in areas with poultry H5N1 infectionsFever + Cough

Close contact with ill poultry within 7-14 days(preparing of ill birds, handling of fighting cocks

playing with poultry (duck), consumption of duck blood or undercooked poultry products


No Yes

Suspected H5N1 infection

CBC + Chest XR

WBC: normal or highChest XR: normal

WBC<3000/uLChest XR: infiltration

Rx as an upper respiratory infection

Follow up for 72 hrs: repeat CBC & Chest XR daily

Probable H5N1 infection

Isolation / PPERapid tests for Ag detection

Nasopharingeal swabs for PCRBlood culture, AST/ALT/ CD4

Antiviral therapy

WBC: normal or highChest XR: normal

Isolation / PPERapid tests for Ag detection

Nasopharyngeal swabs for PCRRx as an upper respiratory

infectionFollow up for 72 h

repeat CBC & Chest XR dailyIf NIs available, give Oseltamivir or


If NIs unavailable give Amantadineor Rimantadine

If SpO2 < 90%pO2 < 60


Antibiotics As per local guidelines

and organisms




References cited in main document and evidence profiles


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