who wants to be a christianaire ?

First person to call in and answer correctly wins!!!

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Post on 25-Jan-2016




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Who wants to be a Christianaire ?. First person to call in and answer correctly wins!!!. 1. All religions offer salvation from something. What does Jesus save us from?. suffering Moral Ignorance escape from the cycle of Samsara Sin. Buddhism – suffering= Maya Islam – Moral Ignorance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

First person to call in and answer correctly wins!!!

Page 2: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

1. All religions offer salvation from something. What does Jesus save us from?

A)sufferingB)Moral IgnoranceC)escape from the cycle of

Samsara D)Sin

Page 3: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

A)Buddhism – suffering= Maya B) Islam – Moral IgnoranceC)Hinduism – escape from the

cycle of Samsara D)Sin

Sin effects not just others but also our relationship with God. Fractured relationships….

Only someone who is divine and human is capable of doing anything to mend the gap created by sin.

Page 4: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

How does Christ save us? Why not clapping his hands or snapping his

fingers?Covenants are a lifelong relationship. On the

cross God offers himself in the person of his only begotten Son for our redemption.

Only death can usher us out of an old covenant and into a new covenant.

Crucifixion is the greatest moment of love the world has ever seen.

Signs of our redemption.Vale of the temple torn in two.Josephus records the gate collapses. Darkness and an earthquake.

Page 5: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Why do you confess your sins to a priest? A) Cause you are guilty, you know it and God

will smite you if you don’t B) Jesus has a “gun” to your head and he will

get his boys after you C) It is therapeutic and comforting D) it is often described as “whispering into

the ears of Christ.”

Page 6: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Why do you confess your sins to a priest? Because that is what Christ asks us to do implicitly in the Gospels.

1. The human element as well is therapeutic and comforting.

2. Confession is often described as “whispering into the ears of Christ.”

Page 7: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Why do Catholics worship wafers?

A) We believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

B) We believe that Jesus is symbolically present in the Eucharist.

C) We believe that it was cheaper to worship wafers than loafs of bread

D) We really enjoy the taste of eggo waffles! Yum!

Page 8: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Biblical based…John 6:52-66 the Eucharistic Discourse that

shocked his Jewish audience.Matthew 26:26-28 the Last Supper where Jesus

says, “This is my body…this is my blood.”1st Corinthians 11:23-27, “…whoever eats the

bread or drinks the cup in an unworthy manner profanes the body and blood of the Lord.”

Page 9: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Why do you worship Mary?A) Cause she rocks! Cause she is the mother of God

B) She gave birth in a stable….props

C) She was spoken to by an angel

D)We venerate Mary or honor her we do not worship her.

Page 10: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Ever Virgin: Greek word for brother and sister is “adelphois which can be translated cousin”

Immaculate Conception Luke 1:28 “full of grace” - no room for sin.

Saved by being preserved from sin.

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Page 12: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

Can we prove Jesus’ existence? How?A. We cannot prove His existence because

there is no historical record. B. We can prove His existence only through

the use of the Bible C. We can prove His existence through the use

of the Bible and through historians D. Yes we can because I saw Him.

Page 13: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

True or False Catholics believe that the

Catholic Church is the Apostolic Church?

Page 14: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

True! But a loaded questionWas Jesus God or a good kind teacher?The true Church….

All Catholic doctrines are explicitly or implicitly supported by Scripture

Take a look of the authority of the Pope Church as early as 107 A.D. referred to as

catholic church Sacraments one faith etc.

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Page 16: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

A Jehovah Witness came to my door and asked if I knew that Noah’s Ark happened. What was my

response?A) Noah who?B) I responded with “Yes, of course all of the

Bible is meant to be understood literally”C) “If it happened or didn’t happen my faith

does not rest on that story but in the Resurrection of Christ”

D) I have no freakin’ idea

Page 17: Who wants to be a  Christianaire ?

All the stories in the Bible are true, but not all are intended to be read as history.

The Bible sometimes aims to give a historical chronicle of real events that really occurred. At other times it employs poetry, myth, or fiction in order to convey the truth according to that genre.

Remember it is a love letter written to YOU! From God through people He inspired to tell you an important message…. That the Creator of the Universe loves you SOOOO MUCH that he sent his Son to die on a cross for you so that you may experience Salvation (repaired right relationships) so you may come to love him today and forever!!

Pick up the Love Letter (aka Holy Bible) it may scare the hell out of you.

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