whose story is this, anyway?

by Mike Flaherty • illustrated by Oriol Vidal

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Post on 25-Jul-2016




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What’s this book about? That depends on who you ask. Our humble narrator thinks he’s got a great story for you, but he barely begins before he’s interrupted . . . by a scallywag pirate with a thrilling legend of mermaids and sea monsters! Soon an entire cast of colorful characters—including a hungry dinosaur, an alien bent on world domination, and a heroic knight—derails the boy’s saga. Everyone has a tale to tell—but if they can all get on the same page, this might turn out to be the best story ever! Mike Flaherty is an author and occasional hockey coach trying to keep up with his two kids and rather voracious cats. This is his first book. Mike lives in New Albany, OH. Oriol Vidal is an illustrator and storyboard artist based in Barcelona, Spain.


by Mike Flaherty • illustrated by Oriol Vidal

$14.95Can. $16.95

ISBN 978-1-4549-1608-6

9 781 45 4 91 6086

5 1 4 9 5>

Manufactured in China

W hat’s this book about? That depends on who you ask.

Our humble narrator thinks he’s got a great story for you, but he barely begins before he’s interrupted . . . by a scallywag pirate with a thrilling legend of mermaids and sea monsters! Soon a cast of colorful characters—including a hungry dinosaur, an alien bent on world domination, and a heroic knight—derails the boy’s saga. Everyone has a tale to tell, but if they can all get on the same page, this might turn out to be the best story ever!

MIKE FLAHERTY’s secret lair is hidden somewhere in New Albany, Ohio. He would be the world’s next greatest super-villain, if he could figure out how to get his Doomsday Device working. Until then, he’ll just keep writing stories.

ORIOL VIDAL is an illustrator and storyboard artist based in Barcelona, Spain. He graduated from U.B. Barcelona with a degree in Fine Arts. Including illustrating books and magazines, Oriol has worked in animation where he developed character designs and storyboards for clients in the US, France, UK, South Korea, and Spain. He happily works and lives with his little daughter, his wife, his cat, and his rowdy budgie.

Flaherty • Vidal



You want to hear a story? I’ve got a great one.

Why is it great? Because it’s all about me.

Arr, if ye don’t mind, ye be interruptin’ The Legend of Salty Pete.

Hey, what’s going on here?

I’m sorry, but this story is about me.

Ye? A landlubber? Who be wantin’ to hear a story about that? Tell me, be there mermaids in yer story?


Giant creatures from the briny deep?

No, but I have a cat.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. My story doesn’t have dinosaurs.





Oh, brother. What now?


You have got to be kidding me . . .

I am Sir Knightly! Gather, and heed my epic

tale of gallant knights, foul dragons, and fair maidens!





It’s my story, and it’s only about me.


And maybe a little part about Emperor Falafel, but everybody else:



Whew, finally. Now we can get back to my story. Where were we? Oh, yeah, the beach. So . . .

Wait a second, did you just yawn? This isn’t a bedtime story.

Are you . . . bored?

Don’t you want to hear about me? Emperor Falafel? Isn’t that exciting?

Let me guess. You’d rather hear a story

with pirates and knights or aliens and dinosaurs.

I guess those guys did have some pretty cool stories, too.

Alright, fine . . .

May 2016

What’s this book about? That depends on who you ask. Our humble narrator thinks he’s got a great story for you, but he barely begins before he’s interrupted . . . by a

scallywag pirate with a thrilling legend of mermaids and sea monsters! Soon an entire cast of colorful characters—including a hungry dinosaur, an alien bent on world domination, and a heroic knight—derails the boy’s saga. Everyone has a tale to tell—but if they can all

get on the same page, this might turn out to be the best story ever!

Mike Flaherty is an author and occasional hockey coach trying to keep up with his two kids and rather voracious cats. His secret lair is hidden somewhere in New Albany, OH, and he would be the world’s greatest super-villain if he could figure out how to get his Doomsday Device working. Until then, he’ll just keep writing stories. Oriol Vidal is an illustrator and storyboard artist based in Barcelona, Spain. He graduated from UB Barcelona with a degree in Fine Arts. Including illustrating books and magazines, Oriol has worked in animation where he developed character designs and storyboards for clients in the US, France, UK, South Korea, and Spain. He happily works and lives with his little daughter, his wife, his cat, and his rowdy budgie.

For more information, contact Joshua Redlich at (646) 688-2484 or [email protected]

DISCLAIMERReviewers are reminded that changes may be made in this uncorrected proof before books are printed. If any material from the book is to be quoted in a review, the quotation should be checked against the final bound book. Dates, prices, and manufacturing details are subject to change or cancellation without notice.

May 2016Juvenile / Picture Books$14.95 ($16.95 Canada)Hardcover w/Jacket8 ½" × 10 7⁄8" • 40 pages ISBN: 9781454916086

• National print and online publicity campaign• Trade advertising campaign• Activity and Writing Kit available• Blog tour• Goodreads giveaway

• Local store, school, and library events in author’s hometown of New Albany, OH