why barhama is unworshipable

WHY BARHAMA IS NOT BELIEVED NOT TO DESERVE WORSHIPPING Barhama is believed to be a Hypostasis of Hindu Trinity. But this God is not worshipped by Hindus. Even lower gods and goddesses are worshipped . But an important Hypostasis of Hindu Triune God Barhaman [ Param Barmh,Barmh] is not worshipped. There is always a question. In this paper it is tried to investigate. HISTORY:= It is a fact that in entire Indian Subcontinent there are 3 or 4 temples where Barhama is still worshipped. This is an evidence that once there was a sect in Hinduism which Worshipped Barhama as there is Vaishnavism and Shaivism. But this sect began to decrease in number and was finally extinct with exception of few persons in entire Indian Subcontinent. THEOLOGICAL REASONS:= There are several theological reasons invented by the worshippers of rival hypostases of Indian Trinity. 1] It is said that Barhama once denied the Superiority of Shiu/Shiva over himself and as a punishment he no longer deserves to be worshipped.

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Post on 06-Nov-2015




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WHY BARHAMA IS NOT BELIEVED NOT TO DESERVE WORSHIPPING Barhama is believed to be a Hypostasis of Hindu Trinity.But this God is not worshipped by Hindus. Even lower gods and goddesses are worshipped . But an important Hypostasis of Hindu Triune God Barhaman [ Param Barmh,Barmh] is not worshipped.There is always a question.In this paper it is tried to investigate.HISTORY:=It is a fact that in entire Indian Subcontinent there are 3 or 4 temples where Barhama is still worshipped.This is an evidence that once there was a sect in Hinduism which Worshipped Barhama as there is Vaishnavismand Shaivism. But this sect began to decrease in number and was finally extinct with exception of few persons in entire Indian Subcontinent.


There are several theological reasons invented by the worshippers of rival hypostases of Indian Trinity.1] It is said that Barhama once denied the Superiority of Shiu/Shiva over himself and as a punishment he no longer deserves to be worshipped.As a punishment for saying disgracing words Barhama also lost one of his heads.2]It is said Barhama raped his own daughter Saraswati/Shatarupa and the deserving of worshipping was ceased as a punishment.3] Barhama sexually abducted Parbati the spouse of Shiva or Sheu , and as a punishment he lost the deserving of worshipping. 4] . , According to Bhavishya Purana 'Daityas' or Demons worshipped Brahma and therefore the 'devas' of heaven could not defeat them. He was no more worshipped by humans.In order to mislead the daityas from the worship of Brahma, Vishnu appeared on Earth, as Buddha and Mahavira. With various arguments he convinced the Daityas to leave the worship of Brahma. Having left the worship of Brahma, the daityas lost power and were hence defeated.This suggest that if worshipping of Baramaha is revived then the worshipper will go out of control of Other Hypostases of God say Shiva or Vishnu or other gods of Hindunism.So the Deservedness of Worshipping of Barhama was made to ceased as a precaution. 5] Barhama makes elusions as well and due to this reason he lost the deservedness to be worshipped.6] Barhama was cursed for some reason so he lost the deservedness..[But this is a weak answer , In Christianity they believed that Christ was cursed [as according to Pulus\Paul]but this did not make him unworshipable.So being cursed cannot be a powerfull reason. Details required??] .Some more reason of being cursed:=I] Barhama married Gayatri, [a Gurjar girl] and was cursed by Saraswati[Barhamas Spouse and Daughter]ii] It is said that Brahma was very liberal with granting boons and is easily pleased when prayed to without any thought [since he was not omniscient] as to who is praying and asking him for a boon, even granting boons to the demons .That is why he was cursed sinse other hypostases did not liked granting boons so easily.iii], Brahma is not worshiped because of a curse by the great sage Brahmarishi Bhrigu.Story:= Once a great fire-sacrifice (yajna) was being organised on Earth with Bhrigu being the high priest. It was decided that the greatest among all Gods would be made the presiding deity. Bhrigu then set off to find the greatest among the Trimurti. When he went to Brahma, he was so immersed in the music played by Saraswati that he could hardly hear Bhrigu's calls. The enraged Bhrigu then cursed Brahma that no person on Earth would ever invoke him or worship him again.Iv] Barhama was cursed for lying, about the measurement of lingum of Shiva.

Philosophical Reasons:-1]Some say that Barhama is Barhaman there fore cannot be worshipped directly. But this is a lame excuse since Barhama is not Barmh [Hindu Trinity or Godhead] in the least sense but a Hypostasis of this Trinity.So this philosophical reason is groundless .2] A second view of why Brahma is does not deserve to be worshipped, is that Brahma's role as the creator is over. It is left to Vishnu to preserve the world and Shiva to continue its path of cosmic reincarnation. This is a powerful reason.Barhama has become totally inert and Idle. He is not going to answer prayers or to listen to prayers. It is just like to worship a Jar of milk which is quite useless.[Some say that after he lost one of his heads he is continuously reading texs of 4 vidas and is doing nothing els].Sectarian reason:=Barhama resembled Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrians and as a cultural conflict Aryans began to dislike Barhama. A SUGGESTED REASON:=Some might have thought that Ravana was an incarnation of Barhama that is why his worshipped was abandoned.Historical Activity:=It is quite evident that Anti Barhama activities are very old and stories against Barhamas character were made in olden times in order to discourage Barhama s worshipping.There may be some political reasons as well. But any such political activity may be prehistorical and cannot be discussed with certainty.Pehaps some political reasons in North India contracted the sect . As the Barhama temple at Pushkar was made in 14 th century it may be the case that Barhama worshippers were in form of a group resisting the Worshippers of Shiva and Vishnu in till 14 th century, and all the Sanskrit works against Barhama faild to stop them. A FIELD OF RESEARCH:=As few temples of Barhama still exist , one may go to discuss the matter with their priests who still worship this hypostasis [Barhama] of Indian triune God [Barmh or Barhaman].Let they be asked why they still worship Barhama , and if the have some books of their religion or sect let them bring them in public.Also one may ask their opinion about the portions of Hindu books which condemn Barhama worshipping.If debates between worshipper of Barhama and Worshippers of Shiva or Worshippers of Vishnu or both are held one may resurrect the ANCIENT DEBATED about the Barhama Worshipping.