why cloud erp is important for business - actouch technologies


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Page 1: Why Cloud ERP is Important for Business - AcTouch Technologies

AcTouch Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. Email id: [email protected], Contact Phone : +91 080 2662 9236

Why Cloud ERP is important for Business.

Now a day every business owners are aware of cloud solutions and its probable business solutions. They use Gmail, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. and they don’t know its on CLOUD and but they see the benefits. The current awareness programs and new technologies helped many young generation business owner’s intention to move to Cloud ERP as they feel that some competent person to take care of the IT infrastructure, while they can focus to grow the business. So why Cloud ERP is important for business? During our sales activities and outbound calls, we meet many prospects who are terrified by ERP implementation and they are scared even to talk about Cloud ERP and its implementation. 1. Bad ERP implementation. Many large ERP companies sell the user licenses to customers. But

the not having a good implementation partner will kill the implementation, because he is happy to collect the money, but forgets to implement. Who owns customers success?

2. Bad customization. Running their Accounting software as ERP with customizations. 3. Other business owners, Accountants and Consultants have given them bad advice to go

against cloud ERP as these people don’t know the value. But always happy to give a FREE advice.

4. Many Hardware vendors use the fear of customers to sell their expensive hardware, as they are aware that this customer is a “cash cow”.

5. IT person in the company is afraid that Cloud ERP will make him to loose his job. So he will give the reason of “Data Security”. Truth is many companies share their financial details to their CA or Auditor over email or pen drive. So where is the data security?

During our meeting, our prospects always ask the same question. “Why should I buy your Cloud ERP Solutions?” What’s driving the necessity of Cloud ERP solutions? It’s increased Business competition, reduction of margins, lack of resources etc. Businesses that adopt technology and spread its wings are surviving. Old method of sales is not working. During the sales process, we came with many answers that have been justified to customers. We explain them and got a consensus and won the deal. Let me give some of our best answers “FREE”

1. Reduced TCO – Total cost of ownership. You can save 40% to 50% of your annual IT budget. Many software vendors create a fear in the mind of Business owners that keep your data with you, so that no one can steal it. They are forced to buy

a. New Hardware b. New PCs of higher end to run the new software. c. Put new network cables and others. d. Buy the licensed software like Windows, MS SQL etc

Page 2: Why Cloud ERP is Important for Business - AcTouch Technologies

AcTouch Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. Email id: [email protected], Contact Phone : +91 080 2662 9236

e. Now suddenly a new IT person required to take backup, maintenance etc Now you check the cost of this and you know how much you will save from moving to Cloud ERP. For a Cloud ERP solution to run, you need the following 1. Any device that has Internet browser to run and see. 2. Internet connections

That’s all. Now you are ready to travel around and make world at your feet.

2. Better ROI – Return on Investments

Once you define a good process that gives more benefits and improves productivity. Reduction of unwanted process, data duplication is reduced. Now you see the immediate benefits. We become your personalized IT team, who works for you 24X7 and you pay only for the services. No annual salary hikes, no annual appraisal, no employee tracking, no benefits.

3. Helps to define a process and makes people accountable for their activities – gives a mental piece and avoids “fear of unknown”

a. By having a process that avoids repetitions and makes sure that everyone is on the same page to do and complete the work

b. No more asking for Reports. All the reports are at your finger tips

4. Alerts and workflows a. Track your payments and receipts b. Track the receipts and don’t miss any payments c. Find the items that are stocked and forgotten. Don’t waste money that’s landed as

your inventory d. Find the slow moving items and sell them before their EXIPRY dates

5. Define business workflows a. Payment approval b. Purchase approval workflows c. Payment receipt workflows. d. Control the user access control and from where to access the data. A major security

needs Customer’s who resisted the changes, slowly started seeing the benefits and today nearly 15% of our customers have brought their second business or family business on AcTouch.com. Few of our customers claim that they started saving nearly 60% of their time is being saved and their productivity has improved by 50%. Call us at 080 2662 9236 to discuss more or email us at [email protected]