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Why Government Matters? AP Government Lecture #1

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Page 1: Why Government Matters? - Plainfield South High Schoolpshs.psd202.org/documents/dshuman/1535029103.pdf · 2018-08-23 · Why Government Matters: The oldest purpose of government is

Why Government Matters?

AP Government

Lecture #1

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• What is Politics?

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Break it down into two


• Poly =

• Ticks =

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• Politics = The struggle over power or

influence within organizations that

allocate benefits or privileges

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Why Government Matters:

The oldest purpose of government is to

maintain order by protecting members of

society from violence and criminal


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Why have a


• Maintain social

order-preserve life,

liberty and protect


• John Locke vs.

Thomas Hobbes

• State of nature

• Locke-people are

naturally good – can

govern themselves

• Hobbes-people are


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Natural Rights

• https://www.yout




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John Locke Primary Source

• Two Treatises of


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Social Contract

• Government will

protect it’s

people and the

people will obey

the government

(follow laws

implemented by


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Popular Sovereignty

• The national government

has the right to govern its

people as it wishes,

without interference from

other nations - People

control themselves within

the boundaries of a


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Limited Government

• The principle

that the powers

of government

should be

limited, usually

by institutional


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Republic and

Republicanism• A republic is a

society who


individuals to

represent a

population in

the government

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Which is Better???

• To live under a

government that


individuals to do

whatever they

please OR to live

under one that

enforces strict

law and order?

• To let all citizens

keep the same

share of their

income OR to tax

wealthier people

at a higher rate

to fund programs

for poorer


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Freedom • Freedom OF:

absence of

constraints on


(freedom of

speech or

freedom of


• Freedom FROM:

immunity (fear

and want)

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• Preserving life

• Preserving the social order of people

• Which can change

• Can use police power: the authority of a government to maintain order and safeguard citizen’s health, morals, safety, and welfare

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• The idea that every citizen is entitled to certain benefits of government, that the government should guarantee its citizens adequate housing, employment, medical care, and income as a matter of rights

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• http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2017/



• Freedom vs. Order?

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Eminent Domain

• A power of the federal government

to take private property for public

use in return for “just compensation”

offered to the landowner

• 5th amendment gives federal gov.

this power

This shows Freedom v. Equality

Transfer of Property

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Page 24: Why Government Matters? - Plainfield South High Schoolpshs.psd202.org/documents/dshuman/1535029103.pdf · 2018-08-23 · Why Government Matters: The oldest purpose of government is

Eminent Domain Link

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T


• (60 Minutes Clip)

Kello Case Follow up

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


Page 25: Why Government Matters? - Plainfield South High Schoolpshs.psd202.org/documents/dshuman/1535029103.pdf · 2018-08-23 · Why Government Matters: The oldest purpose of government is

What is a Democracy?

• Democracy-rule by the people

• Direct Democracy-A government in which all or most citizens participate directly

• Representative Democracy-A government in which leaders make decisions by winning a competitive struggle for the popular votes

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Other Forms of


Totalitarian – A form of government

that controls all aspects of political

and social life in a nation

Authoritarianism- A type of regime in

which only the government itself is

fully controlled by the ruler. Social

and economic institutions exist that

are not under the governments control

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Other Forms of


• Aristrocracy – Rule by the “best”

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Procedural Democratic Theory

• Everyone should participate in decision making (universal participation)

• All votes should be counted equally (political equality)

• Majority rule (50% plus one-quorum)

• Government responsiveness to public opinion

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Substantive View of Democracy

• Focuses on the substance of gov’t

policies, not the procedures

followed in making the policies

• Bill of Rights

• Civil Rights/Civil Liberties

• What has been done in the past,

not necessarily of what the

government should do?

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Four different Schools of Thought

about political elites and how

power is distributed in America’s

Representative Democracy

• Majoritarianism

• Power Elite

• Bureaucratic

• Pluralist

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Majoritarianism• elected officials

are the delegates of the people, acts as the people (or a majority of them) would act were there a popular vote

• Elected Officials should do what the people want!

Democracy for Everyone!

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Power Elite Theory

• View that the government is dominated by a few top leaders, most of whom are outside of government

• Corporate leaders, top military officers, labor union officials

• Enjoy great advantages in wealth, status, etc.

Democracy for

the few!

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How is political power distributed?

• Majoritarian politics-elected officials

are the delegates of the people, acts as

the people (or a majority of them)

would act were there a popular vote

• Elite-persons who possess a

disproportionate share of the some

valued resource, like money or power

Page 37: Why Government Matters? - Plainfield South High Schoolpshs.psd202.org/documents/dshuman/1535029103.pdf · 2018-08-23 · Why Government Matters: The oldest purpose of government is

Ideologies most recognized in

U.S. Government

• Conservatives-limited role for government –more emphasis on individual responsibility –promotes the private sector over government

• Liberals-positive government action – promotes equality in opportunity

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Less Recognized

Ideologies in American

Society Libertarian

- free market


-less gov

regulation of

social values and

moral decisions

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Ideologies that exist

Communism – A revolutionary variant of socialism that favors a partisan dictatorship, government control of all enterprises and the replacement of free markets by central planning

Fascism – A twentieth- century ideology-often totalitarian – that exalts the national collective united behind an absolute ruler. Fascism rejects liberal individualism, values action over rational deliberation and glorifies war

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What about YOU??? Where

does your political ideology


• Where do your ideas come from?

• Where you live?

• Parents?Environment?

• Part of the country?

• Activity!