why is conducting a successful job search so difficult?


Post on 21-Oct-2014




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In this presentation, Boyer Management Group identifies why conducting a successful job search in America is so difficult, whether you are a recently graduated student or an experienced worker. having a clear understanding of the causes behind this problem, which plagues millions of Americans, is the first step to identifying solutions the average person can use to shorten their job search.


Page 1: Why is Conducting a Successful Job Search So Difficult?

Why is Job

Search So Darn

Difficult… …for college grads and experienced


Page 2: Why is Conducting a Successful Job Search So Difficult?

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How Important are Jobs to People?

The Gallup Organization said it was the Number One or Two Issue in America since November 2008.

The PEW Research center says it is of concern to 84% of the people as a key issue this year(second only to the economy).

Right Management reported that 86% of people surveyed were seeking new employment this year.

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Job Search Rules Change Rapidly

State-of-the-art today will become tomorrow’s discarded approaches.

Key drivers:


Rise and fall of fertile methods

A lack of jobs growth

Globalization and ample available workforce

Excessive underemployment in most age groups, with the labor participation rate at pre-1978 lows, and trending lower.

People have unrealistic expectations about how to conduct an effective search, expecting it to take a few weeks or months.

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Most Colleges Don’t Teach Job Search

On average, high school students spend about 300 hours educating

themselves on where they will spend their next 4 years.

300 hours education

4 Year



On average, college graduates receive about 8 hours of education on conducting a job search where they will spend their next 40 years.

40 years spent

in working





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Career Services Isn’t Typically Well Resourced

What is a good student to faculty ratio? 25:1? 20:1? Lower?

What is the average student to career services ratio? 2,370:1, according to NACE (2014) .

2,370:1 ratio is for the number of enrolled students per full-time careers professional and does not include alumni.

Alumni are turning to their alma maters for help in job search more than ever.

Besides, student-driven approaches rarely work with so much competing for student mindshare.

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The average adult worker changes jobs about every 4.5 years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics tracking.

They may assume what worked the last time will work today.

They haven’t changed jobs enough to have built up a knowledge base of what to do.

Ineffective adult job search strategies:

Ask friends, most of whom don’t know the current job seeking methods and trends.

Search on the Internet find advice, much of which is outdated.

Wing it…(the “spray and pray” method)

How Does the Adult Worker Learn It?

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What Do Job Seekers Actually Know?

Since 2010 we’ve been measuring job search competence using two proprietary assessments:

GEPA for college students & recent grads

JSRA for experienced professionals & skilled workers

Over 350,000 data points

Key conclusion – without the right job search education and training, job seekers will continue to fall behind in the race for the best job.

Link: http://bit.ly/1nvnfgU

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Wayne Gretzky’s Powerful Little Secret

What made Wayne Gretzky the Greatest Hockey Player Ever?

“I never skate where the puck is, but instead I skate to where the puck will be.”

A 2014 copyright means the book was written in 2011 or 2012 and may be out of date.

Job seekers need to see the emerging trends and direct their search towards where the “puck will be.”

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Top 7 Things Students Need to Learn Early

Begin teaching in their FIRST year in school:

1. Workplace behaviors (“Workplace Capabilities”).

2. Networking – build professional contacts (One a Day).

3. Complete LinkedIn profile – how recruiters mine talent.

4. Building experience (marketable skills) – from classes, volunteering, service-learning, jobs, activities…

5. Building experience inventory of how each skill produced measurable results to benefit others (employer, team, classmate).

6. Personal, professional branding – you are how people see you.

7. Professional communications skills (written, oral, grammar, pronunciation, language, spelling, messaging).


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The Bottom Line – Essential Skill #8

Director, College Career Center

“ Being hired today is almost a science in

itself. All the stuff you have to navigate

just to get near the top of an employer’s

list. It’s not enough just to have a

degree…you have to have the skills

necessary to get hired so you can put

that degree to work.”

Essentially, job search education is a teach-

them-to-fish skill, so they can feed them-

selves for a lifetime.

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Welcome to Employment 2014-2016

What will the employment world look like?

High unemployment, especially the 22-29 age group:

Projected 18-22% unemployment into 2017.

Competing with grads who have 5-7 years’ work experience.

A career search will take much longer than job seekers expect.

People aren’t nearly as prepared as they believe they are.

Persistently high underemployment could be as high as 50% of workers:

Working multiple part-time, temporary, and contract jobs.

Not working in their field of study, degree, or interest.

Sources: 2013/2014 statistics from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Association of Colleges & Employers, WSJ

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What is the Value of a Shorter Job Search?

If someone cuts just seven weeks off a job search at a…

$20,000 salary

$27,000 with


7 weeks is worth


$30,000 salary

$40,500 with


7 weeks is worth


$40,000 salary

$54,000 with


7 weeks is worth


$50,000 salary

$67,500 with


7 weeks is worth


$70,000 salary

$94,500 with


7 weeks is worth


$90,000 salary

$121,500 with


7 weeks is worth


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Good News Despite The Challenges

In a job search, you just have to outrun your competition!

My two good friends, Harry and Larry are backpacking enthusiasts who have driven their SUV as far into the Colorado wilderness as the roads go.

They are about 5 miles from their SUV when suddenly up pops an angry bear about 400 yards away! They see him, and he sees them. Immediately Harry drops to his knees and pulls his Nike sneakers out of his backpack and laces them up. Larry looks down at Harry and says, “Dude, you think a pair of Nikes is gonna let you outrun the bear?” Harry replies, “No man…I just gotta outrun you.”

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Outrun Larry in Your Job Search!

When you can execute a job search better than Larry, you get the job.

Let BMG help you outrun Larry and achieve success in your career and job search.

2 world-class assessment-plus-textbook offerings:

GEPA for college students & recent grads

JSRA for experienced professionals & skilled workers

More than 2,100 career & job search best practices are explained in each downloadable e-textbook.

To get started on a more effective job search, please visit:

