why political ads on television will always be unfair

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  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    Why Political AdsWhy Political Ads

    on Television willon Television will

    Always be UnfairAlways be UnfairAnd how we can finallyAnd how we can finallybe free of thembe free of them

    Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    2Copyright 2011

    An Introduction

    Candidates have a right to Free Speech just the same

    as anyone else in this country. However there issomething inherently dysfunctional about political

    advertising on television.

    Its not new its always been dysfunctional. It keeps

    getting worse and worse yet remarkably politicians still

    think they need it and voters still pay attention. We predict

    this may be coming to end very soon. It will end for two

    reasons; 1 because it is beyond annoying and we now

    have many more choices in how we view television choices that allow us to bypass annoying ads, 2

    because TV advertising for politics has always been

    unfair and is getting worse. Lets examine why.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    3Copyright 2011

    The Daisy Ad told us that Senator Goldwater would nuke

    the planet if elected. Peace-loving Lyndon Johnson then

    proceeded to plunge us headlong into the Vietnam war.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    4Copyright 2011

    Reason 1

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because noteveryone can afford to have ads.

    Despite several attempts over the years to help with this

    obvious inequality the few safeguards we have (campaign

    finance laws and matching funding) are fast eroding as a

    result of the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court

    last year.

    The Court has ruled that any laws restricting unlimitedspending somehow bar the free speech of billionaires and

    multi-nationals. The free speech of folks like us was

    conveniently overlooked in that decision.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    5Copyright 2011

    Reason 2

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because 30

    seconds will never be enough time to present ameaningful amount of information.

    Taking complex issues and crafting messages directed

    towards some sort of collective 5th

    grade cognitive leveland then shoving that simplified thought into 30 seconds

    does everyone a great disservice the candidate, the

    public, the nation all of us.

    Contrary to popular mythology, the American public is notstupid and we should be treated as such. The issues

    deserve more discussion and candidates should be

    vetted and tested

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    6Copyright 2011

    The typical 30 second political television advertisement isfilled with terms designed to provoke extreme

    psychological reactions. Why because who has time to

    sort out an issue in 30 seconds?

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    7Copyright 2011

    Reason 3

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because 30seconds is not enough time to establish any sort of policy

    message but it is just enough time to craft a simplified

    negative accusation.

    The attack ad is the backbone of all political advertising in

    America today. At some point in the near future it is

    reasonable to expect that nearly all political TV ads will

    become negative.

    Thats not fair to us, to the issues, to our political system.

    It is a quirky outcome related to the cost and nature of the

    television medium but it should not drive our process

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    Copyright 2011

    Reason 4

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because itturns many off from participating in politics altogether.

    Anything that is partially or totally designed to dishearten

    or disgust people into not voting is inherently unfair both

    to those people and the system as a whole.

    There are many people now in the political business who

    count on voter disgust to help reduce voter turnout in

    areas where that might help their causes or candidates.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    9Copyright 2011

    No one said Negative political ads on TV were intelligent

    in fact the contrary is almost universally the case.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    10Copyright 2011

    Reason 5

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because TVads will never advance the national dialog or debate.

    History has shown this to be true. Ads often become

    excuses for dialog or debate instead of the issues or

    positions themselves. This only further distracts the public

    from a real debate and allows candidates to evade ever

    having to fully explain themselves.

    This is getting worse with the 2010 being one of theworst elections on record in terms of understanding just

    what it was candidates were saying theyd do if elected.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    11Copyright 2011

    Reason 6

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because it islowering our collective IQ.

    Political Advertising has directly or indirectly lowered our

    collective expectations for how our political system should

    operate and how intelligent our candidates should be.

    It has lowered the standards for discourse and behavior

    as well. This is unfair to us and to future generations and

    it is downright embarrassing.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    12Copyright 2011

    We have a choice we can help end political ads on

    television by not watching them and by demanding there

    be an intelligent, adult discussion of the issues.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    13Copyright 2011

    Reason 7

    Political Advertising on Television is unfair because it

    seldom if ever tells us what politicians will actually do ifthey are elected.

    If we were to take a survey of any 100 political ads

    chosen at random, what chance if any would we have of

    predicting the actions of a candidate based upon the

    inane messages broadcast in their TV ads ? Answer

    almost none.

    There is a term called Truth in Advertising it is meant toassess companies making claims about products. It has

    never been applied to politicians but in an effort to make

    sure that never happens, political ads are generally

    devoid of any claims.

  • 8/6/2019 Why Political Ads on Television will always be Unfair


    14Copyright 2011


    No one likes political ads besides the consultants who

    produce them and the networks that run them. While theydo represent a fiscal stimulus for one industry every few

    years they do far more harm than go.

    So how can we end this dysfunctional practice ? Thereare several choices or approaches:

    1 We can stop watching them.

    2 We can demand candidates stop running them.

    3 We can ask all politicians to agree to a standardcanon of ethics on political communication and behavior.

    Other professions provide such guidelines why cant

    this one?