why should organizations shift to wfh agents to conduct cati surveys?

Change is the only constant. The world we live in is changing everyday.

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Post on 14-Jun-2021




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CATI surveys conducted using remote wfh agents provide financial benefits along with increase in respondent experience. Read on to understand why you should adopt WFH agents along with flexible CATI software. For more details: https://www.voxco.com/cati-survey/


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Change is the only constant. The world we live in is changing everyday.

The economy too is changing. It’s the era of the Hybrid economy. It’s all about maximizing the strengths of each approach and minimizing weaknesses to obtain optimal output.

We are living in a Hybrid Economy Now


The world was gradually shifting from the office environment to the work from home environment. The arrival of Covid has only sped up the process.

Agencies around the world are adapting to WFH agents for conducting CATI surveys.

If we don’t change with time, we are left behind. Polling agencies have realised this and are adapting to the changing scenario by making the shift to remote working.

While adapting to the remote working model, it is also essential for polling agencies to use flexible phone survey software balance both sides of the traditional equation - reduce capital expenditures and at the same time, not compromise on quality.

The one who will adapt best to the changing scenario - the remote working method in this case -

will stay ahead of the competition while using cost effective phone survey software

Shifting to the remote work environment definitely has its perks - cost savings of upto 10k, higher productivity and higher agent satisfaction as well.

With features like flexible hosting for both on premise and cloud, flexible pricing with subscription pay as you use models and up to date security and compliance , Voxco CATI Survey will help you adapt to the changing scenario seamlessly

Help agents make the switch to remote working easier with Voxco CATI Survey. Train agents via the platform, assign training modules according to their performance and ensure better employee engagement.

Some of the biggest names in the polling world place their faith in Voxco

Three million calls over two months and 50,000 completed interviews. Voxco’s phone survey software ensured Siena College’s 2018 Pre-Election Polling study was a success.

Siena college ran their study in collaboration with The NYT Upshot. It was a logistically-complex project involving several call centers, with new questions added all along the way, over the course of a short time frame. However, Voxco CATI Survey had all bases covered and ensured uninterrupted service.

Social Research giants like NORC have entrusted Voxco with delivering the right phone survey software and professional support to conduct their large scale surveys.

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