why time management is important

Why Time Management Is Important We've all heard the saying "time is money", and that phrase is essentially true. Unfortunately, time doesn't always equal money though. Time is continually passing but that doesn't mean you are continually making money, this depends on how you manage your time and what you do with it. Here are 9 reasons time management is important. 9 Reasons Why Time Management is Important 1. Time is limited Everyone gets the same amount of time each day, and it's limited, therefore it's important to make the most of your time if you ever want to be more than average at the workplace. 2. Accomplish more with less effort By taking control of your time, you're able to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to higher efficiency since you never lose momentum. Imagine running a mile where you stop every 5 seconds, this would cause you to become exhausted very quickly and take much longer to complete the run. 3. Make better decisions There are many choices in life and often-times we're faced with many choices to choose from at the same time. When you practice good time management, you have more time to breathe; this allows you to determine which choices are the best to make. When you feel pressed for time and have to make a decision, you're more likely to jump to conclusions and not fully consider the different options; this leads to poor decision making. 4. Be more successful Time management is the key to success; it allows you to take control of your life rather than follow the flow of others. You accomplish more, you make better decisions, and you work more efficiently; this leads to a more successful life. 5. Learn more When you control your time and work more efficiently, you're able to learn more and increase your experience faster. There's a reason some students graduate earlier than others, so imagine implementing time management throughout your entire career. You'll not only stand out from the rest, but you'll gain experience must faster and be able to move up in life a lot sooner. 6. Reduce stress One of the main causes of stress is due to people feeling rushed. The phrase "I have so much to do and so little time to do it" is generally spoken with frustration which leads to stress. With good time management, you know how much time you have, how long it will take to get your tasks done, you accomplish more, and have more free time. This gives you more breathing room,

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Time Management


Page 1: Why Time Management is Important

Why Time Management Is Important

We've all heard the saying "time is money", and that phrase is essentially true. Unfortunately, time doesn't always equal money though. Time is continually passing but that doesn't mean you are continually making money, this depends on how you manage your time and what you do with it. Here are 9 reasons time management is important.9 Reasons Why Time Management is Important

1. Time is limitedEveryone gets the same amount of time each day, and it's limited, therefore it's important to make the most of your time if you ever want to be more than average at the workplace.

2. Accomplish more with less effortBy taking control of your time, you're able to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to higher efficiency since you never lose momentum. Imagine running a mile where you stop every 5 seconds, this would cause you to become exhausted very quickly and take much longer to complete the run.

3. Make better decisionsThere are many choices in life and often-times we're faced with many choices to choose from at the same time. When you practice good time management, you have more time to breathe; this allows you to determine which choices are the best to make.When you feel pressed for time and have to make a decision, you're more likely to jump to conclusions and not fully consider the different options; this leads to poor decision making.

4. Be more successfulTime management is the key to success; it allows you to take control of your life rather than follow the flow of others. You accomplish more, you make better decisions, and you work more efficiently; this leads to a more successful life.

5. Learn moreWhen you control your time and work more efficiently, you're able to learn more and increase your experience faster. There's a reason some students graduate earlier than others, so imagine implementing time management throughout your entire career. You'll not only stand out from the rest, but you'll gain experience must faster and be able to move up in life a lot sooner.

6. Reduce stressOne of the main causes of stress is due to people feeling rushed. The phrase "I have so much to do and so little time to do it" is generally spoken with frustration which leads to stress. With good time management, you know how much time you have, how long it will take to get your tasks done, you accomplish more, and have more free time. This gives you more breathing room, which reduces the feeling of being rushed, which in turn leads to less frustration and stress.

7. Higher quality workWe all need some free time to relax and unwind but, unfortunately, many of us don't get much free time because we're too busy trying to keep up with our daily activities and work load. By implementing time management skills, you are able to get more done in a shorter period of time leading to more free time.

8. Creates disciplineWhen you practice good time management in your life, you are less likely to procrastinate. Time management leads to higher productivity and leads to a disciplined life.Creating a Positive Cycle with Time Management

Page 2: Why Time Management is Important

Not only are there an abundance of reasons as to why time management is important, but there is a multiplicative benefit of time management. Implementing good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which leads to lower stress, which increases your attention span and increases your work quality, which leads to more success. Each benefit of time management improves another aspect of your life and it keeps going in a constant cycle.So why is time management important? Well because, it makes you happier, more successful, live a fuller life, and live stress-free.

Time management is of great importance to your personal life and career success. It teaches you how to manage

your time effectively and make the most of it. Here are a few of the reasons why it is so important, and how it can help you use and manage your time more advantageously: 1. Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for later use. Everyone has the exact same amount of time each day. Time not well used cannot be retrieved. 2. Most people feel like they have too much to do and not enough time. They blame lack of time for their poor finances, unachieved goals, stress, bad relationships and not exercising their body. Wise time management can help you find the time for what you desire to do or need to do. 3. You need time to get what you want out of life. Waiting for more free time to appear is losing the game of life. Through time management you can “create” the time you need, and not just wait for it to come. By planning your time wisely, you will have more time to do more things. 4. Time management will help you set up your priorities. 5. Time is limited to 24 hours a day, so plan your life wisely. 6. Time management helps you make conscious choices, so you can spend more of your time doing things that are important and valuable to you. 7. You can learn to find the time for the things that are important to you. Even a small amount of time once a day, or even once a week, will take you closer to your goals, and you will be surprised at the progress you make. 8. You become more productive using improved time management skills and tools, and can accomplish more with less effort and time. Time management can help you reduce wasted time and energy, help you become more creative and productive, and enable you to do the right thing at the right time. This will of course lead to more balance and fulfillment in your life. 9. Life today presents so many distractions that it is so easy to lose time on unimportant activities. Ask yourself, is watching this or that TV program, reading this or that gossip or participating in a certain activity is going to add anything to your life. Is the time spent on a particular activity well spent, or is just a waste of time and energy? 10. Life puts in front of everyone so many choices each day, and the question is, do you follow what appears on your way, or do you consciously choose what you want to do? Do you allow external distractions deter you from your goal, or do you use willpower and self discipline to walk toward your goal in a straight line, without wasting time and energy? 11. Some inner detachment and inner peace is of great help in managing your time effectively. If you avoid expending too much emotional and mental energy on what people say and think about you, and if you stay calm in spite of distractions or difficulties, you can save a lot of time and energy, which you can spend on better and more rewarding activities.

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There are may things you can do and tools to use to manage your time effectively. There is a lot of time wasted each day, which can be put to better uses. There are changes you can make to effectively increase the time you have at your disposal every day. Thinking, planning, finding out how others manage their time, and reading books and articles on time management, will develop these skills and give you good ideas. Among the many changes you can make to manage your time better there is one that is important and easily available, and that is getting up early in the morning. Give up watching TV late at night and go to sleep a little earlier. It will then be easier to wake up earlier. Even 15 minutes would be great. It is a time of quietude, before everyone else wakes up, which you can devote to doing things, for which you have no time during the day, such as reading, meditating, exercising or planning your day. To get rid of the feeling that you have much to do and not enough time, feel and think as if you have all the time in the world. This will help you feel calm and enable you to focus on what you are doing, without stress and strain. This is not being indifferent and lazy. You should at the same time plan your time well, not waste it on useless matters, do everything you can at the best of your ability, never procrastinate, act with discipline and focus on what you are doing.

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Why is time management important you ask? Because it is the number one skill you need to learn if you want to become succesfull.Without time management you let yourself over to coincidence. You won't steer your life and you'll eventually do what others want you to do.If you study and practice time management you take your life in your own hands. Your in control and you decide where you want to go to.Practicing time management has lots of benefits. Once you get the hang of it, you can work more, learn faster and play more.

You gain extra productive hoursBecause of better time management, you gain extra productive hours. You tend to be more disciplined when at work instead of talking about gossip with your co-workers or aimlessly browsing the internet.Image if you had 1 extra productive hour in a day. that's 5 extra hours in a working week and around 250 hours in a whole year, that's 6 extra weeks of work in a whole year.Image what you could do in all that extra time. You'll be much more successfull than your coworkers and competitors who don't use time management skills.

Your efficiency and productivity increaseYou work harder in the same timespan as an other man. More work done, means more things learned. Therefore you'll gather much more experience than others for the same time invested.You'll learn faster how to do your work faster. You're more focused and therefore you pay more attention to your work. You'll progress more rapidly than without using time management skills.

You have more control over your lifeWhen you practice time management, you can control the way your life goes. You have a better perception of what work you can do and what work will be done.You are better organized and prevent deadlines from becoming a problem. Deadline emergencies are unknown to you, instead you spend your time relaxing when others are stressing about work.Don't be afraid that you'll become rigide and stiff with your time. It'll actually be the opposite. You'll gain more freedom because you're less dependent of outside events to control your time. Now, you control your time and not someone else.

Spend More time for enjoymentIf you love life, you need to practice time management. Because it allows you to enjoy life to the fullest, do what you want to do and experience what you want to experience.Because your work hours are much more productive, you can actually work less while achieving more. This results in more free time to spend with your family and doing leisure activities.You'll also learn about the importance of good relaxation. Resulting in better enjoyment and more energy to do your work.'Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is life!'~Benjamin FranklinTo repeat the question: Why is time management important?And the answer: It's the cornerstone to begin living a successfull life and make your dreams come true.

Page 5: Why Time Management is Important

The Importance of Time Management

by Max Bachara

Time is one of the major stress factors that managers face today. Managers have to deal with

deadlines and other time constraints on a daily basis. More often than not there is too much to do and

not enough time to do it. Because of the time constraints, managers need to learn how to maximize

their time at work by doing more important tasks in the time they have and learn to put aside the less

important tasks. The emphasis of the importance of time is big. As one text puts it, "We have time, keep

time , buy time, save time, waste time, kill time, pass time, give time, take time, and make time"

(Whetten, 1995, 113). Every field deals with different levels of time stress so; therefore, there are

several methods of time management that can prove to be useful for these fields. These methods can be

as simple as remembering to make "To-Do" lists or can be more difficult to learn because of the

complexity of the methods. Learning better time management skills will help the manager efficiently

work through the stressful tasks that they encounter. By working smarter rather than working harder,

managers may realize how much time they have been wasting. Once somebody knows how to manage

their time, they will be able to maximize what they do to accomplish more at work and, thereby, reduce


The most basic way to start hammering away at the problem of losing time is by getting into a routine of making "To-Do" lists and daily reminders. Although this may sound simple, this method is easily criticized. Some have found that this process often fails due to "habituation" the process, whereby, people have a lessening sensitivity to this procedure. They go on to compare this method to eating. They ask, "Why do we lose the flavor of food after a few bites? Because our taste receptors get used to it." Why then would we fail to notice these lists and these little reminders? This is answered by the author, "Because we "habituate" ourselves to them as part of the regular environment and simply forget to notice them" (English, 1989, 77). This is argued by another source but looks at it in a different way. Making "To-Do" lists is a common-sense rule that simply means that you need to do some planning in advance each day. This is a way to not have to rely on your memory each day when you have multiple tasks to do. When managing time, it is suggested that you have only one list, not multiple list on separate scraps of paper (Whetten, 1995). A good procedure to follow when using "To-Do" lists is to put them in a place where they will pop up when you may forget to do them, like in your wallet or on your computer screen. By doing this, you will not simply overlook them because you are used to them being there. They will be brought to your attention because they are in obvious spots.

Another method of effective time management handles daily tasks by prioritizing them. By doing this you would want to separate your tasks in order of importance and deal with them one at a time. When this is done, managers should complete these tasks in order not skipping from one to another leaving some partially finished. Something else to be considered is delegating the less important task to subordinates to insure that will get done. It is acceptable to handle minor tasks occasionally while completing the larger task; it is just not suggested to go from one big task to another. These little tasks require little time and

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thought so they really should not mess up this cycle (Whetten, 1995). Another suggestion is to use your best time to do your most important tasks. The reason for this is obvious. Because you will do your best work on the most important task, and the less important tasks will not require the amount of energy or thought to complete, you will have reached your goal of doing your best work on the most important task.

What may be the best way to work through time stress is to insure that you do your tasks both effectively and efficiently. Overload and lack of control are the two greatest sources of time stress for managers (Whetten, 1995). This alone makes effective time management difficult. People have to be able to distinguish and spend their time on the so-called important matters that they face daily. People should be able to realize that the results of their work is what matters not the methods that they focused on (Chesser, 1994). The ability to say "no" to tasks and other affairs that are not really important when time is not on your side is an effective time management skill. By turning things down and staying committed to your task will save time because you will be able to complete this task in the time you have allotted. The effectiveness of time management is based on if you accomplish what you set forth to accomplish in the time allotted.

How tasks are accomplished relates to the efficiency of time use. Using time efficiently would be doing more in a day without wasting time. Meetings are often a source of wasted time for managers due to the talk that goes on before and after the meetings about "the kids" or "my new car" and other non-work related topics. Some suggestions to eliminate this poor time use is doing things as simple as setting time limits for meetings and holding routine meetings when people are expected to be on time and return back to work immediately following the meeting. By doing this, people may get into a routine of coming in, discussing and listening, and leaving to get straight back to work. Other suggestions for efficient time use is to hold short meetings with the speaker standing up. This helps keep meetings short because getting comfortable usually helps prolong meetings (Whetten, 1995). When delegating, having subordinates suggest the solutions to problems helps save time because it distributes the task and relieves the manager of all the decision making.

Another area to focus on to save time is to do whatever is possible to so-called "curb interruptions" (Lebov, 1980). These interruptions are usually short in length (5-10 minutes) but seem to build up and have a roll over affect on each other. One of these interruptions is a drop-in visitor. These people usually stop by to tell of their past weekend or something the sort. Although common and acceptable, when these visitors come in it is a reason why people fall behind in their time allowed for a task to be completed. Another one of these interruptions is unimportant telephone calls. Many times people call or get a call from a companion to discuss things that are not work related and like the drop-in visitor, crucial time could be wasted. By making these phone calls during lunch breaks, would be a better way to get both things done more efficiently. Meetings, as discussed before, are just another area where crucial time can be wasted if the meeting goes off track for any reason. Because it would be virtually impossible to eliminate these interruptions, cutting them down could save a manager several hours a week to attack the tasks that are causing them stress.

A book titled, If You Haven't Got The Time To Do It Right, When Will You Find The Time To Do It Over?, addresses the importance of time management. This book points out the importance of, first of all, getting organized in a work space, making your day work for you by getting out of the day what you want to instead of letting the day determine what you get done (Mayer, 1990). The only way to get out of a day what you want out of it is to go into the day organized and under control. People often panic when they are faced with deadlines and time constraints to get things done but this is often their first mistake. By panicking, people put the stress on themselves. They should instead learn when it is possible to delegate some of the little tasks that are not as important or they cannot get into it.

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Procrastination is a habit managers must change in order to use better time management "Procrastination is by far the biggest waster of time, no matter what your job" (Mayer, 1990, 73). Procrastination is a thing that we all do, but the fact is that we procrastinate so often that many things never get done. Some people think because they put in 50-60 hour work weeks that they are not procrastinators. However, if they find themselves putting things off until the last minute or that if they do not tackle a task and believe it will go away or somebody will pick it up for them or if they hope for more time to complete tasks or think that they could have done a better job if they did have more time, "...they are a procrastinator!" (Mayer, 1990, 74). By stopping yourself from putting things off and using time so it can benefit them, many people may be able to get on the right track to better time management.

Managing time is important for managers for various reasons. Getting tasks done right the first time saves the manager useful time that can be used on other tasks. Saving this time means saving time for the company. While time is an enemy for some, people who know how to use time wisely can truly say that time is on their side. Using effective time management practices will help ensure quality use of time as well as efficiency. If managers are aware of what tasks are important for themselves and their company and do not waste time on unimportant matters, they will have that extra time to focus on high priority matters. Getting time on your side is a major stress reducing procedure. Once somebody learns to manage their time in a way that fits their ways they will be able to overlook the obstacle that time had previously placed on them. Many people often simply overlook or fail to realize why they feel pressured by time (Mayer, 1990). If they can sit down and take the time to attempt to fix the problem, they can be on their way to having more time to work their tasks the right way without the stress of not having time on their side.