why you must hire a foreclosure attorney as fast as possible

Why You Must Hire a Foreclosure Attorney as Fast as Possible

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Why You Must Hire a Foreclosure Attorney as Fast as Possible

Why You Must Hire a Foreclosure Attorney as

Fast as Possible

Page 2: Why You Must Hire a Foreclosure Attorney as Fast as Possible

• Losing your home is no less than a nightmare.

• Yet, if you act wisely at the right time you can save your home, which is threatened by foreclosure.

• The more you wait, the worse the situation can get.

Page 3: Why You Must Hire a Foreclosure Attorney as Fast as Possible

What’s the first thing to do?

• Take legal help…fast. • Hire a good

Prince George’s County foreclosure attorney. • He or she can help you in proceeding with the case. A

good attorney can also help you negotiate with the lender to avert unpleasant consequences of a foreclosure sale.

• Time matters in this case. The quicker you hire a lawyer, the lesser you are in trouble.

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What if you don’t hire a lawyer and do nothing about foreclosure?

• Your lender contacts you to know the reason for delay in payment.

• You get a notice of default from your lender.• Your lender hires a lawyer and files a foreclosure

complaint.• You get a copy of complaint from the court with

usually 30 days time to answer it.

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• If you fail to answer, the lender’s lawyer files a motion for default judgment.

• The court approves the motion. The sheriff gets an order of sale from the court.

• Your home gets an appraisal of its value. • Your home is sold. • The process does not end here. This is what happens

after you lose your home:• The court gives a judgment of sale. It orders a new

deed for your home’s buyer.

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• The buyer has a right to possess your home now. He or she can ask the sheriff to evict you.

• Your lawyer attains a deficiency judgment against you. This is for any discrepancy between whatever amount you owed on mortgage and the foreclosure sale price of the house.

• If you wish to avoid all this torment, hire a competent Prince George’s County foreclosure attorney. Remember, the whole foreclosure process, from filing to entering judgment of sale, is against you.

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• Moreover, the whole process can occur within 60 days. So, you haven’t much time to contemplate. You must hire a lawyer as soon as you receive foreclosure complaint from the court.

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Avoid these mistakes:

• According to foreclosure lawyers, you must never ignore lenders’ calls. The truth is: no lender wants to file a foreclosure. This is a costly process, as the lender themselves need to hire an attorney.

• Most lenders are willing to help you find a solution for your monetary crisis that is crippling you in making payments.

• However, in the case that foreclosure is indispensable you must immediately hire a foreclosure lawyer.

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• An experienced lawyer defends you and also works with your lender. He or she can take help from a certified housing counselor to find an alternative to foreclosure.

• In case you wish to file for bankruptcy, you need to contact a good Prince George County’s bankruptcy law firm for the best legal advice in this case.

• Whatever legal step you decide to take, you must have a qualified lawyer by your side. He or she will guide you in each step of the legal process.

• Legal notices from the court often put the receiver under stress. Ignorance or inappropriate knowledge about the law makes a person take the wrong step. Moreover, you must keep your emotional side at the backseat while taking legal decisions.

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• Lawyers not only give you legal aid, but also see to it that you work more from the head than the heart in this case.

• Good lawyers are known to provide moral support too. They not only help you save your home, but also help to keep your confidence, as the news of losing your home can break you.

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Contact Us

1801 McCormick Drive Suite 150Largo Maryland, 20774Office - 301.358.3271Fax - 877.728.7744

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