why you-need-affiliate hd-today


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Post on 12-May-2015



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http://eleanorluvs.com/affiliatehd Lets play a game True or false? You make the most money when you spot an untapped opportunity... and milk it for all its worth. True or false? True, obviously! The problem is... Unless you stumble upon something yourself, nobody is going to give away their secrets... especially for free. That's why I was SHOCKED first... but then I grabbed a pen and started to scribble frantically... Because Jason Fladlien laid out a complete set of ideas... that are going to make me quite a bit of cash before the summer is over. Completely cutting edge... yet beginner friendly. And when I say beginner... I mean someone without a list, without a reputation and so on. ONE CATCH, though. You have to watch it now... because it goes away on June 26th at 11:59 PM Pacific. And when it's gone, it's gone. Click here to watch it now http://eleanorluvs.com/affiliatehd P.S. Almost everybody misses these vital points right now... but they'll catch up soon enough. So make sure you're two steps ahead - watch this free workshop now!


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3 Things About Affiliate MarketingYour Favorite Guru Won't Tell You

Why, thanks to a huge shift in the marketplace, new affiliate marketers without

a list, experience and a product of their own can finally make it big!

Hi, my name is Jason Fladlien.

And thanks to a huge shift in marketplace that's still ignored by everyone but few

savvy marketers...

My business partner Wilson Mattos and I recently made $254,081.50 in just 7 days

in pure affiliate commissions. (And we still keep getting unexpected wire transfers

of up to $100,000 every now and then thanks to continuity payments... nice!)

... That's not just a fluke.

Ever since I've discovered the shift I'm going to reveal to you (and more importantly,

how it applies to YOUR affiliate campaigns!), Wilson and I have been constantly

leading affiliate leaderboards - with relatively little effort.

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For example, we've made $50k+ in commissions and crushed other affiliates on

a #1 Clickbank product.

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And now I can do it all over and over again... whenever I want.


By taking almost unfair advantage of a couple of changes in the marketplace.

The 3 Fundamental Changes(that make gurus uneasy... and 'little guys' ecstatic!)

1. The money is NOT in the list anymore2. A new breed of marketers are going to make all the money3. ... And being big is a disadvantage

First of all, the size of your email list doesn't matter anymore. In fact, if you

don't have an email list at all... you're going to be fine.

For example, I've outsold affiliates with lists 10 times the size of my list... and

only a percentage of my sales came from my own list anyway.

Here's why.

Email Marketing Is Dying!

You don't have to look further than world's most popular email service, Gmail...

... To see the writing on the wall.

Did you know that they're about to introduce an update that's gonna lump together

all the emails from marketers into a tab called 'Promotions'?

The open and click-through rates of promotional emails (which aren't that

spectacular to begin with...) are going to fall even further.

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What We Do Differently...

Have you thought about Skype as an unstoppable marketing machine? Probably

not, right?

Wilson and I have been building Skype groups for the last year... and while email

marketers struggle to get 20%+ delivery and open rates...

We've been enjoying almost 100% delivery rate (and 80% of these messages

were read minutes after we sent them!).

That's just one thing you can apply right now that's guaranteed to make you more

money. But...

This Goes Even Deeper!

Thanks to massive changes to how we communicate with each other online...

The usual approach of shoving down your affiliate link down as many peoples'

throats as possible isn't gonna work - no matter what you use.

You can't spam people with your affiliate link on Facebook, Twitter, Skype,

Google+, heck, even Dropbox... and expect them to buy.

That's why...

A New Breed Of Affiliate Marketers Is About To Emerge

(And They're Going To Become Filthy Rich, Too!)

... And you can be among them.

Before we start... Let me clear something up.

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The Biggest Affiliate Marketing Myth Since The

Beginning Of Time Is...

... That you can magically make thousands of dollars just sharing your affiliate link

everywhere you darn please for 5 minutes a day and make a truckload of cash.

Here's the thing... affiliate marketing is NOT an excuse to be LAZY.

Sure, people sell it on the premise that "it's easy, everything has been done for you,

blah blah blah"...

That's a load of BS... and there's certainly no money in being lazy.

The money is in creating value.

For example...

• You could help someone get results FASTER

• You could help someone get results EASIER

• And you could help someone get BETTER results

... with whatever it is you're promoting as an affiliate.

So instead of doing what everyone else does...

You look for people who are already about to buy something... and you make it

easier to buy through you... than it is to for them to buy on their own.

You can do that in ANY niche... and I can guarantee that you're going to see

amazing results.

But perhaps the MOST important point that everyone seems to miss is...

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Once You Figure Out How To Add Value...

People Will WELCOME Your Messages

No Matter How You Send Them!

The future belongs to the 'social affiliate marketer'.

In other words... the more channels you use to communicate with prospects, and

the more value you add (it can be as simple as explaining the order process to

them!).. the more sales you'll make. Pretty straightforward, right?

"Little Hinges That Swing Big Doors"

The last insight I want to share is that being big is actually a disadvantage. It

prevents you from being nimble.

Remember Myspace? Blockbuster? Yahoo?

And to succeed as an affiliate marketer... you have to be pretty nimble -

especially now.

Here's why.

I estimate that the opportunity window is going to be open for 8-10 months.

Some small timers will get rich... some will watch from the sidelines... and some will

still try and build their email list.

So if you start taking massive action NOW...

If you mold yourself to be that 'social affiliate marketer' that truly GETS the changes

we're going through...

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You're going to make A LOT of money.

Now... Lets talk business.

How YOU Can 'Exploit' All Of This To Get QUICK


If someone hits you with massive, dazzling proof and tons of new information like I

just did...

You immediately assume there's a snowball's chance in hell you're going to

make $250k+ as an affiliate... while taking action on few simple principles.

Your Hunch Is Dead On.

These results are NOT typical. I don't think even your favorite guru's favorite guru is

making that kind of money.


The lasting change that is happening right now... makes it possible for you to make

a killing as an affiliate. Even without a list, without experience and... without really

selling, either.

Even if you won't make $250k+ in a week (yet!), even 1% of that is $2,500. Now


... Realistic, attainable income that can take care of more than one bill.

... That is completely within your reach. With one caveat... If you truly grasp what's

going on online right now - and take advantage of it.

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In Fact, My Techniques Are Going To Make One

Lucky Marketer Close To 1/4 Million Dollars THIS


I could talk all day long, but the proof is in the pudding, right?

Check this out:

I'm about to make Zane Miller close to a 1/4 million dollars this year...

And all it took was one Skype conversation a few days back.

I told him to start building a Google+ community related to one specific topic. I also

explained how he could easily join other communities to "leech" members because

they will add him to THEIR circles.

And then I broke down for him how he could build this community for free... with

aggregated content that can be easily be pulled from Google News, he can easily

have 5,000 potential buyers and high quality leads in his circle by year end.

It's easy... once you know exactly how.

Anyone can implement this strategy (and others that I'm going to reveal...) and get

amazing results.

How would you like this strategy, served on a silver platter?

Would you like to learn our methodical approach to Skype marketing?

What about ALL the tricks that let some of our affiliates to exploit the change...

even though they aren't aware of it?

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How would you like to get your hands on the best darn affiliate course ever

created... and discover methods that let a lot of people make money in 30 days

or less?


AffiliateHD... If You Truly Want To Succeed As An Affiliate Marketer ASAP!

(Interactive Training Program)

I know that what I have here is a bit of an investment up front...

It's the SMARTEST investment I know that you can make with your money...

AND with your time.

In AffiliateHD, you're going to access all my methods, techniques and tricks that

have allowed me to make huge paydays as an affiliate...

... and while this is cutting edge stuff.. I'm going to keep it 100% relevant to

someone new!

So if you don't have tons of experience, a huge email list, or any other kind of

following... I'm going to teach you how you can build your affiliate empire from


Oh and if you're worried about how much money you're going to invest beyond the

price of the course...

If money's tight, you can make do with just your own domain name and hosting.

That's like $10 for a domain and $10 a month for hosting.

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A 50% commission of a $299 sale a year will pay for that... and obviously we're

going to focus on how to make a TRUCKLOAD more sales than just one.

AffiliateHD Is Designed To Make It

Near Impossible To Fail!

... You're going to get exact, clear instructions (and never more than you can

realistically digest and implement!)

AffiliateHD will automatically unlock one module per week. It's going to take

you about an hour, maybe hour and a half to go through it... and then some hours

to implement all the stuff.

Of course, you won't fall behind no matter what. This isn't high school, so if real

life interferes.. it's fine. Just get back on track to making money as soon as humanly


12 Value Packed Modules: A Sneak Peek

Module #1: Make Back Your Investment In 1 Hour Or Less

The first module is called "Affiliate Profits Quickstart" where I will show you how to

make back your investment in AffiliateHD in 1 month or less.

This coaching program will more than pay for itself and become free to you

very quickly if you take action on what I teach you.

My number #1 goal is for you to make back your money and turn a profit with this

coaching program in less than 5 weeks!

I know some tricks to accomplish this - I will show you exactly the lowest of the low

hanging fruit so you can immediately set up your business.

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The Easiest Way I Can Make You Money Quickly...

Is our free 'social media' hack that will let you connect to Skype.

In Module 1, I'm going to give you your own "Skype-powered" marketing process...

and show you how easy it is to get as many as 300 people to your first Skype group

using the "big 5 social media sites" strategy.

Module 1 is built upon a philosophy that I have infused into my own Internet

Marketing career:

"You Will Learn While You Earn!"

This is pretty much a 'quick fix' module that's designed get you that first boost of

confidence by making you at least enough money to cover the costs of this

course... and more!

Anyhow, let's check out Module #2...

Module #2: The Long Term Approach That Can Still Make You$1,000 Sales Like Clockwork Quickly!

I will show you how with no following, no reputation, no list, or anything other than

the plan I hand to you...

... You can go in and make 5 to 10 sales off the next big high ticket marketing

launch in almost any niche.

Usually, these launches are at the $1997 price point, and you make 50%

commissions, so how would 6 or 7 sales at $998.50 commission a piece within the

next 2 months sound to you.

... Just follow the plan I give you in Module 2!

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While You Were Busy Working On Modules 1 & 2...

... As a byproduct, you've already laid a lot of groundwork to your passive income.

Unlike any other affiliate course... We're building assets that you can capitalize

on over and over again.

(Assets like that Skype group!)

Modules #3 And #4: Expand Your Audience

Modules 3 and 4 are about each and every effective way you can build your

audience to supercharge all of your affiliate promotions. Most specifically I break

down once and for all...

How you can go "direct to newsfeed" advertising on Facebook... even to

people who you're not connected to!

Plus, the Google+ communities secret that I'm fairly confident will make Zane

$250k in the next 12 months. (The beauty of this is it's untapped!)

With this, you won't need any more traffic sources... because you'll be easily

able to get more traffic than you can handle with just these 2 methods!

Modules #5 And #6: Reach Them Everywhere

Enter Modules 5 and 6. In these two modules I will show you the piece of the puzzle

that everyone else is missing.

And this is how you're going to beat other affiliates because they don't take

advantage of this!

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Basically these modules provide you with tools, systems and plans of how to reach

your prospects everywhere... through Youtube, Dropbox, Facebook, Skype,

Google+... whatever they might be using.

This means A LOT of traction for your promotions!

Module #7: Leveraging Your Assets

Module 7 is where things get really interesting. Now you're ready to take advantage

of one of the most opportune things that until now, wasn't even remotely possible...

but now it is!

You'll be able to get other affiliates to mail through YOUR LINK because of

one simple bonus package strategy you can set up in a few hours!

I will show you how to do this... as well as the nuances involved to make the

tracking work perfectly and seamlessly.

Module #8 And #9: Let The Experts Work For You

In these modules, I'm going to teach you how to create an "event based affiliate

marketing launch" where you get 5 to 7 big named marketers to mail their list... and

each promote their own product through your affiliate link.

It's like the good old interview model... except that it works today and gets

incredible results to almost everyone who does it.

Plus, you're going to discover why it's actually really easy to get the experts agree

to this... (there's something in it for them that they CRAVE! and no, it's not

"reputation", "exposure" or whatever)

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Modules #10 And #11: Scaling And Outsourcing

Scaling is important, because the more money you make, the more challenging it

becomes to keep your time cost down.

You want to build something that you can add onto that will support the additional

LOAD you add to it.

In these modules, you're going to learn every secret of scaling your affiliate

business up to whatever level you desire...

While spending as little time as possible on active day to day work stuff.

Module #12 - The Exit Plan

I'm assuming you want to retire one day, and not run this business up until you

find yourself on your deathbed.

Once you get your affiliate marketing business up and running, over time the shift

becomes to build it until it's self sustaining, and then eventually until someone pays

you a huge lump sum (or monthly installments) to acquire it from you.

Check Out The Awesome Bonuses!• Dropbox Delivery - all training modules, goodies, references guides, etc. will be sent directly

to Dropbox if you wish to connect with us!

• Google+ Private Community - with direct access to Jason Fladlien and member interaction,networking and all other kinds of good stuff

• Affiliate Tracking Software - to protect your commissions and your links to make sure youmake all the money you're owed as an affiliate marketer!

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"How Much Does It Cost?"

The price tag for similar products is around $2,500.

In fact, AffiliateHD is going to cost $2,499 once the launch is over and we present it

to the general public.

It's not a fake scarcity tactic or anything. If you mark your calendar and come back

later to check out the AffiliateHD.com website... I guarantee that it will cost that.

But since you're an action taker (and I LOVE action takers!)...

... I'm going to make you a VERY SPECIAL offer.

For a LIMITED time only, you can reserve your seat at the wildest ride this year...

that's going to end your money worries, connect all the dots and let you enjoy life...

for just $999.95. Alternatively, you can pick to pay $299.95/month for 4 months.

It doesn't matter which one you pick. It's all the same... So just pick one that suits

you best and lets start making some money together!

Here's A Quick Rundown Of What You're Getting...• Module 1 - Affiliate Profits Quickstart The goal is to make more than your investment

back by the end of the first month, and I'll show you just how to do that through Skype.

• Module 2 - Your Passive Income Foundation Pilfering a handful of $500 to $1000commissions each month by exploiting one single trick.

• Module 3 & 4 - Expand Your Audience How to use the Facebook newsfeed advertisingmethod and Google+ community "syphoning" to build an affiliate machine of influencethat's unstoppable.

• Module 5 & 6 - Reach Them Everywhere How we'll take that newfound audience andblitzkrieg them so we're everywhere they are when they want to purchase something... andtap into their network of friends to grow exponentially.

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• Module 7 - Leveraging Your Assets getting THEM to mail through YOUR LINK because ofone simple bonus package strategy you can set up in a few hours!

• Modules 8 & 9 - Let the Experts Work For You and create an "event based affiliatemarketing launch" where you get 5 to 7 big named marketers to mail their list... and eachpromote their own product through your affiliate link.

• Modules 10 & 11 - Scaling & Outsourcing How to keep increasing your profits whilesimultaneously decreasing your time commitment.

• Module 12 - The Exit Plan how to sell your affiliate business (or chunks of it) and retire.

A Brighter Future Is Just One Decision Away

I'm pretty excited about you.

Because when you look back at all your success...

There's going to be this one decision that you can trace it all back to.

The one decision that finally made sense. That connected the dots. That allowed

you to escape the rat race of your 9-5... and that finally set you up with some

passive income so you can do whatever you want while

...working a manageable amount of hours!

(Notice how I'm NOT promising you $254,251.74 while you sleep. That's NOT

going to happen right now. Maybe in 10 years.)

Most of this stuff can be applied if you have 3 hours a day or even less.

Let's run some numbers...

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Imagine that you only made 1% of what I did in 7 days. I made $254,081.50, so

1% of that would be $2,500+. That's a realistic number... in fact, I'd say it's


Now, if you spent 3 hours per day for 5 days to make that... That's 15 hours.

And $2,500 divided by 15 is roughly $165. That's a very decent hourly wage,

wouldn't you agree?

Here's the decision you're facing.

You can either get in as soon as you can before the special offer ends...

... And strap yourself for a wild yet profitable ride that has the potential of

setting you up for life...

... because you'll get in on the ground floor on what is possibly the biggest

opportunity in years...


You can pass. Maybe you're too busy as it is and maybe you're making loads

and stacks of crispy cash.

Maybe you want to continue chasing the pipe dream others are selling.

Whatever the case...

Know that if you miss this and come back later, you're going to pay $2,499...

unless there's a special offer going (and there won't be for at least a year!)

Are you ready to make the right decision?

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Get AffiliateHD Now!

P.S.: Afraid to invest that much money? After you buy AffiliateHD, mark your

calendar to 29 days from now... and on the 29th day, if you feel you haven't

gotten at least $10,000 real world value out of the course, ask for a no hassle

refund and you'll get every penny you paid back - no questions asked!

P.P.S.: If you've read the letter carefully, you've probably walked away with

at least 3 techniques that you can use immediately... You're going to get that

many in 5 minutes INSIDE the course... yet it won't feel overwhelming because

you'll always be aware of the big picture!