wicca: a beginner's guide to earth magic (living wicca


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WiccaA Beginner’s Guide

to Earth Magic


Copyright © 2014 Kardia ZoeAll rights reserved.

DEDICATIONThis book is dedicated to you, my reader. You

are my true source of inspiration andmotivation to continue writing. I love sharingmy insight into Wicca with you and it is my

hope that you’ll experience the same magic onthis path that I do. If you find the informationhelpful, please help me in return by leaving a

review for this book on Amazon. Thank you somuch! Peace and health be with you, Kardiahttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QSPXTMW

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe information in this book draws from ourpopular Living Wicca Today e-publications,articles Kardia has written over the past ten

years for the Inner Circle newsletter andmaterial written for our website:

http://wicca.com .


Working With MagicGenerating Positive MagicAvoiding Negative Magic

Developing a Magical MindA SIMPLE MAGIC EXERCISE

Creating Sacred SpaceYour Altar

Your Magical ToolsIncreasing Your Magical Energy

GroundingRaising EnergyCasting Circles

Elements and Elementals

The Power of the Humble GrassWicca & Witchcraft Glossary


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Working With MagicAs you find your connection to the Earthand all that is natural, and alive in theuniverse, your life will take on amagical air. Magic begins to flow as youlive in balance with the rhythms ofnature and know that you are a vitalforce within that flow.You will find Magic everywhere!“In everything that is life is the lawwritten. You find it in the grass, in thetree, in the river, in the mountain, in thebirds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea;but seek it chiefly in yourselves.”Excerpt from an ancient manuscript, TheTeachings of the Elect

Wicca, like most spiritual paths, teachesthat the Divine is within us and ineverything around us. You are a part ofthis supreme universal power andMAGIC IS ALREADY WITHIN YOU!What you imagine, you have the powerto create! With magic you can createyour dreams, heal your world, love yourlife and find the peace that lives in everyhuman heart. Are you ready to startliving a magical life?

Generating Positive MagicYou were meant to live a magical life.While it may not as be as simple aswaving a magic wand and saying a fewspecial words, the process is not ascomplicated or mysterious as manypeople believe.Wiccans and Pagans know that Divineenergy exists in all things. It's in plants,stones, colors, sounds, movements,words, and it is continually flowingthrough our lives every day.Earth Magic is natural magic and it is atwork all around you whether you chooseto formally "practice" it or not. Whenyou learn how it works, it can help youdraw more positive energy into your life

and allow you to shield yourself fromsome of the negative energy.This process is natural, not supernatural,and we all have the ability to direct theflow of this energy. Getting the outcomeyou desire is primarily a matter oftraining your mind.Have you ever focused your thoughts ona goal and verbalized what you neededor wanted, only to be disappointed whennothing happened? You may have beensending out mixed messages. Forexample, at some point in our lives, mostof us have sent forth words or thoughtsthat we wanted better health or money topay bills. What we were actually feelingat the time was ill or broke!

If what you are thinking and feeling arenot in sync, how you truly FEEL willalways decide the outcome. Byvisualizing in your mind what it feelslike to have vibrant health or to pay yourbills in full, you are sending forth theactual type of energy you want returnedto you. It's essential that both yourthoughts AND feelings reflect what youwant to draw into your life.You can change the type of energy that isflowing into your life by simplychanging the energy you are sending outinto the world. Okay, maybe this is notalways a “simple” thing to do, but it isessential if you want to start living life atits fullest. No magical ritual or spell

will ever work properly for you if youdon’t sync your thoughts and feelingsfirst.Whenever you complain about your job,lack of funds, low energy or poortreatment you have received, thefrustration you send out into the worldwill draw more things back into yourlife to complain about.On the other hand, when you start findingthings to be grateful for, the Universeresponds quickly by filling your life withmore things to be thankful for. Start withlittle things. Be thankful for the hot cupof coffee you had time for in themorning. Be thankful for catching the busto work or finding a parking space right

in front of the store. Be thankful that youhave a job or the days you have off. Bethankful for the meal you share withfamily or friends. There is no shortageof things to be thankful for.Start today and put this Universal powerto the test by sending out only the type ofenergy you want multiplied. As youbegin to experience new blessings you’llcome to understand that the power tochange your world has always beeninside you and you’ll be well on yourway to living a magical life!

Avoiding Negative MagicThanks in part to popular movies onwitchcraft and misguided superstitionsthat are still being spread today, somebelieve that magic is only possessed by"chosen" ones. Others have concludedthat Magic is evil and should not betampered with. Neither of thesestatements are accurate.Magic is a natural energy or power. It isalready within you and in everythingaround you. By learning how to draw onthis natural energy in a positive way, youcan bring about incredible change inyour life.When magic gets portrayed as asupernatural force or power, it causes

concern that if a mistake is made orsomething is done wrong, bad things canhappen. It is important to understand thatwe are not talking about a supernaturalpower, but rather a natural energy that isalready within you and in everythingaround you. It responds to ALL yourthoughts and feelings whether you wantit to or not.By controlling the type of energy(thoughts and feelings) you send forthinto the world, you control the type ofenergy that flows back into your life.Understanding and obeying thisUniversal Law is the first step toachieving the life you have alwaysdreamed about. In Wicca, this is known

as the Law of Three or the Three-foldLaw. A line from the Wiccan Rede givesus this wise advice:"Mind the Three-fold Laws youshould, three times bad and threetimes good."Today, most of us know this as theUniversal Law of Attraction. It’s simplya reminder that whatever type of energyyou send forth into the Universe willtend to come back to you three-fold!The Rede concludes with the line:"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"Keep this in mind and practiceresponsibly. Be aware that if you try touse Magic to influence or control others

in any way, it can result in that type ofenergy returning three-fold. You can bestprotect yourself from drawing unwantednegative energy into your life by notsending any out!I cannot stress enough that you shouldonly send forth the type of thoughts andfeelings you want to multiply in yourlife.Tips to Remember: If the magic in yourlife is not working the way you want itto, focus on changing the type of energyyou are sending out. Make sure yourthoughts and feelings are in sync so thatyour message is clear, and if they arenot, know that the FEELINGS you sendout will ultimately determine what the

Universe returns to you.

Developing a Magical Mind“Do not think because it cannot beseen, that thought has no power. I tellyou truly, the lightning that cleaves themighty oak, or the quaking that opensup cracks in the earth, these are as theplay of children compared with thepower of thought.”(Excerpt from an ancient manuscriptcalled the Teachings of the Elect)In part 2 of this book, we will cover thetraditional tools used in rituals andspells. While these tools can certainlyinfluence magical power, for the mostpart, it's the user who gives them theirpower, and not the other way around.You already have within you the ability

to create a magical life for yourself andyour MIND is your most powerfulmagical tool!“All that we are is a result of what wehave thought.” BuddhaBut conditioning your mind to alwaysgenerate the proper signals can bechallenging. As you worry about thebills you need to pay, a health issue or arelationship that is not exactly what youwant, the Universe is faithfullyresponding by sending you more of whatyou are focused on.If you want to change yourcircumstances, you must first changeyour thinking. Start each day byexpressing your gratitude for all the little

blessings in your life and you will soondiscover you have much more to begrateful for.Since the Universe does notcommunicate with us through merewords, your words or thoughts will needto inspire intense feelings within you forthem to be effective. When your thoughtsand feelings are in sync, this sends aclear message to the Universe.Imagine in your mind what it wouldactually FEEL like to have what youdesire and express your sincere gratitudeto the Goddess and God for sending youthese things. When the images in yourmind are clear enough to generate thefeeling of vibrant health, happiness,

peace or whatever it is you are seeking,you will begin to draw more of thesethings into your life.If you're not getting the results you want,take a closer look at ALL your thoughtsand feelings. Are you expressinggratitude for the blessings in your life, orare you complaining about lack ofmoney, low energy or the negativeenergy others are sending your way? Youare in complete control of the thoughtsand feelings you send out. Make surethey are what you want to see multipliedin your life.As is recorded in the Blue Book of ourforefathers, true Magic is 'The art andscience of changing states of mind at

will.”This is why I encourage individuals tocreate their own magic rituals andspells. You will experience the bestresults if what you desire comes fromyour heart. Don’t simply utter words ormimic the actions of another person. Letthe Divine know how YOU feel about anissue or event.


Here is a simple magical technique youmay wish to try. To help you achieveyour goal (magical or otherwise), find aword or short phase which sums up whatit is that you want to accomplish. Writethe word (or phrase) down 10 timeseach day until you achieve success.

Creating Sacred SpaceMagical energy is everywhere, but itsflow can be altered, or evenunknowingly blocked by thoughts orsurroundings. Having a special area thatyou can retreat to, whether inside oroutdoors, can make a big differencewhen it comes to your magical energy. Ifmagic does not seem to be working foryou as it should, you can encourage it toflow freely again with a few simplechanges in your surroundings.A good place to start is in your home.There is an old proverb that suggests"home is where the heart is" and becausemagic always comes from the heart, yourhome should be considered a natural

source of magic. At the very least, it's asacred and powerful place with a roofand walls that shield you from theelements. The door protects those withinfrom unwanted intrusions. You may notbe able to control what goes on outsideyour home, but within its walls, youhave some freedom to create the worldyou want to live in.Your home, or at least some small areawithin it, should give you a feeling ofcomfort and peace when you enter, nomatter how chaotic the day's work orfamily life has been. You can createbeauty, enchantment and natural magic inyour home by bringing a little of natureindoors.

Change the energy of a room withseasonal decorations. Use sweet-smelling flowers in Spring, bowls offresh fruit or herbs in the Summer, setout pumpkins and colored leaves inAutumn or baskets of pinecones andevergreen branches in Winter. Thesesymbols of the season are beautiful andusually inexpensive or free.The wise Wiccan will follow nature'scue and use natural decor in their hometo accent each season. This bringsmagical energies into the home and helpsreconnect those within to the energies ofthe natural world.NOTE: It's always best to decorate withlive plants, as they can bring a healthy

energy and vibration to your home, butsilk plants or even prints and artwork ofthe outdoors can also help the mindconnect with nature. If you decide to useartificial greenery, try to have at leastone potted plant in the mix.Small water fountains, or even bubblingfish tanks are nice additions too, as theyprovide the soothing sound of runningwater and bring the magical energies ofwater into your home. DVD's of naturesounds can also create a relaxingatmosphere.If you grow flowers or herbs, you canbring in fresh cut roses, lavender, orsage to hang in your kitchen. Theiraromas can invoke the element of air.

For the element of earth, simply gatheran assortment of pebbles, or set out yourcollection of stones and crystals in aceramic bowl.Lighting candles would add the elementof fire, bringing all four elements intothe room.These are all small things, but they canhave a big impact on your energy leveland peace of mind... and THAT willhave an influence on the flow of magicalenergies in your life.When the weather permits, open a dooror window to invite in fresh air. Themagical energies of Air can also beinfluenced with aromatherapy. Thispower is something that many of us

overlook in our busy lives, but it haslong been used to influence our mood.When we enter our home the first thingthat greets us is the aroma. Essential oilslike sweet orange and clove spice canbe used to create a warm refreshingatmosphere on cold dreary winter day.Aromas can help lift our spirit and willencourage family and friends to relaxand linger in a cozy, inviting atmosphere.Candles fragranced with essential oilcan be used to give your home a pleasantambience and aroma. You can also add6-8 drops of your favorite scent to waterin a diffuser or simply place the dropsdirectly into a bowl of boiling water. Ifyou place a drop or two of oil on a cold

light bulb, the fragrance will fill theroom as the bulb warms up. Three orfour drops of your favorite essential oilon a cotton ball can add a hint offragrance to a drawer or cupboard inyour home.NOTE: You can read more on the use ofherbal, crystal and candle magic in Book#3 of the Living Wicca Today Series,Wicca: A Beginner’s Guide to CastingSpells.Finally, we highly recommend that youallow your Mother Earth to bless yourkitchen with an assortment ofunprocessed foods. Her bountiful gifts ofliving foods can help improve yourhealth and increase your lifespan.

Spiritual leaders from many differentpaths also believe that these foodsactually enhance our ability tocommunicate with the Divine.The bottom line is, the more ways youfind to connect with Nature, the moreopportunities the Divine has to offer youwisdom, healing and true spiritualfulfillment!Many of these tips can also be used togenerate magical energy in your office atwork or even in your car to make yourcommuting more enjoyable.Today, look for simple ways to bring thebeauty of Nature into your home. Startwith one room, or even a corner in aroom, and build a magical atmosphere

that will create a feeling of comfort,peace and happiness when you enter thespace. This will help the magicalenergies to flow freely through your life.

Your AltarYour altar is a place of power andmagic. It's also a place for you toexpress your faith and to do yourspiritual or magical work. SomeWiccans maintain an altar as adecorative space in their home orgarden, but most will set it up anddismantled it for each ritual.You may want to have a round altar torepresent the Goddess, or you mightprefer a square one that is symbolic ofthe elements. Either is fine. It can be setup on any flat surface. A small table isnice, but even a cardboard box willwork in a pinch.If you are outdoors, you can use any

available flat space, including theground, a log, a stump, or a large rock.During outdoor rituals a fire issometimes used for the altar.The exact layout is a matter of personalpreference. Use your imagination whensetting up your altar. If you don't have allthe traditional items, use a nature-basedaltar plan. A round stone might representthe Goddess, or a seashell can work inplace of a cup or chalice, and a smallbranch makes a wonderful wand torepresent the God.Tools sacred to the Goddess, like thecup or cauldron, are usually placed onthe left, while symbols of the God, suchas the wand or athame, are placed on the

right. Flowers and the censer arecommonly placed in the center so thearoma and smoke can be offered up toboth Deities. In some traditions the altaris set up facing North which isassociated with the Earth, but othersprefer to set it up facing East, where theSun and Moon rise.Don't get so wrapped up in the details ofsetting up your altar that you miss the joyof celebration with the Goddess andGod. These are simply traditions. As faras the Deities are concerned, there is noright or wrong way to commune withthem. They welcome all with open arms.An altar can be simple, perhaps holdingonly a flower and a candle on a small

stump outside. Or it can be elaborate,with a full size table, a special altarcloth, candles, ritual tools, incense,herbs or flowers, and statues of theirGod and Goddess. The choice is yours.In his book, Wicca: A Guide for theSolitary Practitioner, Scott Cunninghamdescribes the Wiccan altar and ritual thisway: "Though we may setup images ofthe Goddess and God, we're not idolworshippers. We don't believe that agiven statue or pile of rocks actually isthe deity represented. And although wereverence nature, we don't worshiptrees or birds or stones. We simplydelight in seeing them asmanifestations of the universal creative

forces-the Goddess and God. The altarand the magic circle in which it standsis a personal construction and it shouldbe pleasing to you."I believe that when we feel happyinside, the Divine is happy too!

Your Magical ToolsTools can be helpful in creating amagical life. In Wicca, certain objectsare traditionally used in ritual to helpinvoke the Deities, banish negativity, ordirect energy. Your Craft tools can helpyou create the proper frame of mind oratmosphere for your magical work. Theydon't need to be elaborate, but theyshould be special to you.To better understand the role your toolsplay, think back to a time when youdressed up for a job interview or animportant social event. What you woremade you feel better about yourself, andthus improved your chances for asuccessful outcome. You knew that your

clothes didn't really have magicalpowers, but there was no question thathaving the right outfit and accessoriesboosted your self-confidence, and THATis why these things are important.Magical tools work the same way. Theyare a part of our rituals because they canhelp us focus our thoughts and generatethe ideal atmosphere to work in.Below you will find a list of the mostcommon tools and their general uses.While these items are not required topractice Wicca, you may want to collectsome of them to enrich your rituals. Youcan shop for these tools in our MagicalStore, or search through antique andsecond-hand shops for them. Some

prefer to make their tools and infusethem with a little of their own energy.In addition to the standard tools like theathame, cauldron or broom, use toolssuch as relaxing nature sounds andmusic, fragrance or aromatherapy, andcandles, stones, pendants or even wands,to help you focus your thoughts. Justremember, these are ONLY tools, andnot the real source of your power.

Common Craft ToolsAthame: A ritual blade, usually doubleedged, with a black or dark handle. Thetwo sides symbolize the God and theGoddess, coming together at the point tojoin the spiritual and mundane worlds. It

is never used to cut anything on thephysical plane. This tool is only used todirect energy that is raised during ritesand spells. It is most often associatedwith the element of air and the eastquarter, but some associate it with fireand the south. Coven members can sharemany of the ritual tools, but the athame isalways personal. The sword is a largerversion of the ritual knife or athame, andstories of magical swords seem to bequite common in mythic literature!Bells: Often used to invoke directionalenergies, to ring in the sunrise on aSabbat, or to invoke the Goddess inritual. Some believe they can be rung toward off evil spells and spirits, and

many others use them to evoke goodenergies or bring good luck. You canplace them in cupboards or hang them ona door to guard your home, or ring themin ritual to signal a spell's beginning orend. Any type of bell can be used.Besom: A witch's broom is still used inWicca today. Some begin rituals bysweeping the energy out of the circlespace (indoors or out) before drawingthe circle. The bristles do not need totouch the ground. While brushing, simplyvisualize the broom sweeping the area topurify it for your ritual workings. Thebroom was traditionally thought to be apowerful tool against curses andpractitioners of evil magic. Some

believed that laying a broom across thedoorway could block any spells sent tothe house or to those in it. Some also usethe broom to raise energy in a circle.The broom is most often associated withearth and the north, but some traditionslink it to air and the east.Book of Shadows: Also called a BOS,is a witch's book of spells, rituals andmagical lore. It's your personal magicaljournal and can be one of your mostvaluable tools.Boline or Bolline: A white-handledknife used in magic or ritual. Unlike theAthame, which is only used in ritual, thisis a working knife. It may be used to cutwands, cords, sacred herbs, flowers, or

to inscribe symbols onto wood, candlesor wax.Candles: Candles are used at most allWiccan rituals and celebrations. You canplace candles on the altar to representthe God and Goddess, to mark thequarters, or simply to help set the moodfor something magical. We suggest youkeep a good supply on hand at all times.Candles represent fire and the south.Cauldron: This tool symbolizes theGoddess or feminine aspect of theDivine and the waters of rebirth. Thecauldron is an ancient vessel used forcooking and brew making. It is thecontainer in which magicaltransformations take place. It is also

symbolic of the element of Water. Celticlegends about Kerridwen's cauldronhave influenced some Wiccan traditions.The cauldron can also be used as a toolfor scrying (gazing) if you fill it withwater and stare down into its depths.Chalice or Cup: A ritual tool, thechalice represents the female principalsof creation. It is used to drink from,especially in rituals where femininesymbolism is important. The chalice canbe made from most anything. Feel free touse one made from glass, ceramic, woodor metal. The chalice is most oftenassociated with water and the west.Crystal Sphere: The quartz crystalsphere has been used in Divination since

ancient times. Most crystal balls on themarket today are glass or plastic.Genuine quartz crystal spheres can bedetermined by their inclusions orirregularities. Larger crystals are beyondmost budgets, as they often retail forseveral hundred dollars. Small crystalscan be effective too. The diviner simplygazes into the ball until images appear inthe mind or in the depths of the crystal,revealing the information they areseeking. Some use the crystal ball at FullMoon rituals, and believe that exposureto moonlight can increase its ability toinspire our psychic powers.Grimoire: A magical workbookcontaining ritual information, magical

properties of natural objects andpreparation of ritual equipment. Oftenused interchangeably with Book ofShadows.Incense: You can burn herbs, oils, orother aromatic items to scent the airduring acts of magic and ritual. Incensepurifies the ritual space and you canconsecrate items being used in ritual bypassing them through the smoke. Anytype of incense and censer (burner) canbe used in a Wiccan ritual. The incenserepresents fire and air, as well as southand east.Pentacle: A circle surrounding a five-pointed, upright star (pentagram). Wornas a symbol of a witch's beliefs. The

five points represent the Earth, Air, Fire,Water and Spirit. This symbol is oftenworn as a pendant or placed on theWiccan altar. Some also hang Pentaclesover doors and windows to provideprotection for those within.Wand: The wand has been used forthousands of years in both magic andreligious rites. This tool is often used toinvoke the Goddess and God. It is alsoused to direct energy, to draw magicalsymbols on the ground, or even to stirbrew in a cauldron. For some Wiccans itrepresents the element of Air and it's asymbol of the God or masculine aspectof the Divine. The length and type ofwood vary by tradition, so feel free to

cut yours as long or as short as you like.You may also want to strip the bark orcarve magical symbols into your wand.The choice is yours.NOTE: At the end of this book I havelisted a glossary of additional Wicca andWitchcraft terms and their definitions. Ihope you will find this reference helpfulas you continue your studies.TIP: Don’t be too concerned if you lackthe proper candles, aromas or othersuggested tools for magical work, Focuson sending out positive thoughts andfeelings. The words you utter or thetools you use in your magical rituals,will not affect the results nearly as muchas the actual thoughts and feelings you

send forth into the Universe.You won't fail at magic because youused the wrong color candle or differentincense than suggested. Alwaysremember that wands, candles, oils andother items are simply used to help youfocus your thoughts and set the mood formagical activities.

Increasing Your MagicalEnergy

No matter what path we choose to walk,Mother Earth has an effect on our lives.We have all been refreshed by the feel ofsoft grass beneath our feet, the freshoutdoor air and the warmth of the sun onour face or the cool waters of a lake orstream."Always have the Brothers of Lightlived where rejoice the angels of theEarthly Mother: near rivers, neartrees, near flowers, near the music ofbirds; where sun and rain may embracethe body, which is the temple of thespirit.” The Teachings of the Elect

Most are satisfied with this naturalexchange of energy, and they will gooutdoors to recharge whenever they findtime to. But in Wicca, you can learnmethods to draw on and amplify thisDivine energy whenever you need it.As you learn how to work with thisenergy, always be respectful of thepowers and spirits of our Mother Earth.You are not trying to control the forcesof nature and bend them to your will.You are simply working WITH them toinfluence the direction they flow throughyour life.If you are raising energy for spellworkor magical purposes, you know howimportant it is to follow the Harm None

rule and remember the Three-fold Law.To consistently insure the best results,you may also want to focus your work onwhat you can GIVE to the Earth andthose around you.As the three-fold law teaches, the morepositive energy you send out, the moreyou get back. You simply can't out-givethe Universe. Thoughts and energy sentforth from a giving or loving heart willalways multiply and return to you inkind.On the other hand, if you allow yourmind to simply focus on what you needor want, you may end up multiplyingyour needs and wants. This is why manyget discouraged with spellwork and

magic. They send forth the wrong type ofthoughts and energy and then wonderwhy the results were not what theyexpected. Keep in mind that anytimeyou worry about negative or harmfulenergies, you give them added power. Ifyou worry too much, you can actuallydraw more negative energy into yourlife.So, as you begin any energy work, if youwant positive results, always make sureyou are sending forth positive thoughtsAND feelings. Fill your mind withpeaceful and relaxing images. Imaginewhat it feels like to already have theresults you desire. Without clear,positive thoughts that generate positive

feelings, negative energies can easilyslip in and affect your results.Finally, don't expect magical results tohappen overnight. With a strong will andsolid visualization skills, you canachieve what others believe isimpossible. But, as with the muscles inyour physical body, the strength of yourthoughts or mind must be developedover time.It will take practice. The more youexercise your visualization skills, thestronger your mind becomes. Thestronger your mind or intent is, the moreeffective your magic will be. Some willfind it easier than others, but ALL arecapable of developing these skills!

GroundingThe thoughts that you hold in your mindhave a significant impact on what youwill experience during magical work.Each day, your thoughts and actions areaffected by the energy of the places yougo and the people you see. It's always agood idea to clear any negative beliefsor feelings you may be holding aboutyourself and others before you beginritual or spellwork. Grounding is a greatway to remove negativity and excessenergy from your mind and body.In Wicca, grounding can be described asthe process of getting rid of negative orexcess energy by pouring it into theEarth (the ground). The Earth is a great

purifier. You can then draw energy backout of the ground to renew yourself. Theenergy you draw from it is clean energy.By taking some of her energy, you makeyourself more like your Mother Earth,and your connection can help youbecome stronger, more focused andcalm.One popular method of grounding is toimagine you are a tree. Visualize rootsextending from your feet into the ground,then allow all negative energy to flowout through your roots. When you havereleased your negative thoughts andfeelings into the ground, then draw freshenergy in just like a tree would draw inwater.

Some prefer to sit on the ground andplace their hands on the Earth as theyimagine roots extending from theirfingertips into the ground. You can alsoliterally hug a tree. The strength of thetree connects you to the Earth and allowsyou to release your energy into it whereit can flow down the tree into the earth.Just remember to draw clean, freshenergy back into yourself after youground your old energy. If you forget toreset your energy levels you may simplyfeel drained.Another tradition suggests that you pickup a stone and release your negativeenergies into it, then toss it into a lake orpool of water where the unwanted

energy can be washed away. Some havefound that a simple bath or showerworks to wash away stress and helpthem ground.Many different methods work well forreleasing negative energies. Most willinvolve a bit of visualization to clear themind. How well a method works for youwill depend on how easy it is for you tovisualize the results. You may need toexperiment to find what works best foryou.A passage from a 2000 year oldmanuscript records several Essenes menkneeling at a tree they believed the life-force or energy of the Divine flowedthrough. It’s a beautiful image.

“...there he knelt at the place where theroots, gnarled and hoary with age,spread over the river edge. And theSons of Light knelt also, and they didtouch with reverence the trunk of theancient tree, for it was taught to themthat the trees are the Brothers of theSons of Men. For their mother is thesame, the Earthly Mother, whose bloodruns in the sap of the tree and in thebody of the Son of Man.”

Raising EnergyIn Wicca, energy and nature are one.Mother Earth can help you renew yourenergy when you become attuned tonature. Divine energy naturally flowsthrough everything. It connects us to eachother and to the world we live in. Thisenergy can be directed by your thoughts,feelings and activities, so it's importantto learn exactly what increases or drainsit.Your mind simply needs to visualize orsense the Earth and it will naturallybegin to draw energy from theconnection you have to her. Sometimesthis may only take a few short minutes.However, when life is extra tough, or if

the actions of others seem to be drainingyour energy, you may need prolonged ormultiple sessions to truly refresh yourspirit.Reach out as much as you need to. Yourown spirit must be strong if you hope tobanish the unwanted spirits or negativeenergies in your life.The Divine has always existed in Natureand always will. You can count onMother Earth to be there for you, waitingto lift your spirit and comfort you. HerDivine energy is far stronger than that ofany individual, and if you stay connectedto her, she will help you find the strengthto face all conflicts or challenges in yourlife.

The methods you use to raise energy aresimilar to those used to ground it. Youcan amplify your energy by visualizing itentering your body as you draw it fromthe Earth.Some see themselves as a tree drawingenergy from the ground. Others imagineher energy entering and flowing throughtheir body as they drink a glass of wateror juice.Whenever I consume fresh fruit, I thinkabout the life-energy of the living foodentering my body and merging with myown. Spiritual leaders from manydifferent paths also believe that livingfoods (fresh fruits and vegetables)actually enhance our ability to

communicate with the Divine. If this istrue, then consuming Mother Earth'sliving foods can help raise both physicaland spiritual energy.No single method works for everyone.Use whatever combination of methodsyou are most comfortable with to drawenergy from the Earth. As you send forthyour intentions in rituals and magicalwork, don't forget to give back to theEarth and those around you, and alwaysbe thankful for strength and power givento you.

Casting CirclesIn Wicca, the circle is used to create asacred space in which we can welcomeand honor the Goddess and God. Ritualsand magical workings usually take placewithin such a circle. While otherreligions use a building such as a churchor temple to hold worship, Wiccans andPagans can cast a circle any place theychoose.In ancient times, some of our ancestorsworshiped in stone circles, while othersmet in sacred groves or meadows. At thepoint in history when Pagan rites wereoutlawed, most practioners grewsecretive about their rituals. Some beganto practice only under the cover of

darkness. Others began practicingindoors. Wicca has inherited thesetraditions. Many today still practiceindoors, and while that is acceptable, it'sideal to hold the rites outside wheneverpossible, surrounded by Nature with theSun or Moon shinning down on you!The circle defines your ritual area and isintended to create a sacred space for youto work in. It is a space to contain yourpositive personal power, while shuttingout any distracting energies. Hollywoodhas dramatized this idea to suggest thecircle is for keeping out evil spirits orentities that may appear. You are simplycreating a sphere of positive energy towork in. What you want to leave outside

the circle are all the negative ordistracting energies that have pursuedyou during the day.The circle is made with personal powerthat is felt or visualized as streamingfrom the body. In some traditions aCircle is physically marked on theground, while in others it is merelyvisualized. Those who outline theircircle may lay stones, flowers or objectson the ground to form their sacred space,or they may simply use a cord or mark acircle on the floor with chalk or salt.A solitary practitioner may be able towork in a space as small as 3 to 5 feet indiameter, but any comfortable size isfine. In most traditions the circle is

oriented to the four quarters withcandles or other markers at the north,south, east and west points.If you choose to use candles, greenrepresents the Earth and is traditionallyplaced to the North, yellow is placed inthe East to represent Air, red or orangesymbolizes Fire in the South, and blue isplaced in the West to represent Water.The pentacle, a bowl of salt or earth mayalso be placed to the North, which is therealm of Earth. The censer and incenseor fresh flowers are commonly assignedto the East to acknowledge the realm ofAir. To the South, a burning candlerepresents Fire. Finally, a cup or bowlof water can be placed in the West of the

circle, which is the realm of Water.These objects represent the fourelements. If you prefer, they may also beplaced on the altar in the center of yourcircle, in their corresponding directions.A ceremonial circle is a place in whichpositive energy and power are kept in,and negative energy is kept out. Somelike to use a broom to symbolicallysweep the area where the circle will be.Before starting your ritual, you may wantto purify yourself as well. Some do thisby taking a cleansing bath or shower.Others may simply sprinkle themselveswith clean water to symbolize thecleansing.If you intend to raise energy for a

magical purpose, your Circle will allowyou to focus on drawing in the energy,and it will contain it until you direct it toits purpose. It also works as a protectivebarrier to minimize outside distractions.When you are in the correct frame ofmind to do ritual, everything outsideyour Circle seems to fade away. In thebeginning, you don't need to be overlyconcerned about how strong you castyour circle. If you can see the circlewhen you look at it, it's strong enough todo the job. In time, you will be able tocast your circle with no visual aids. Asyou develop your visualization skills,your circle should feel more and morereal to you.

This is the basic framework for casting acircle. What you do inside your circle isbetween you and the Divine. This is yoursacred space, a place to connect andcommune with the Divine. Speak to theGod and Goddess from your heart. Sendout energy that is loving, giving andthankful, and watch as your Deitiesrespond in kind!

Elements and Elementals“I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is aHoly Scroll ... teach how once again toread from the living pages of the EarthlyMother. For in everything that is life isthe law written. It is written in the grass,in the trees, in rivers, mountains, birdsof the sky and fishes of the sea.”(Excerpt from The Essene Teachings ofthe Elect)

The ElementsEarth, Air, Fire and Water are the fourelements of nature honored by manypaths. Ancient myths and traditions tellus that these four Divine Spirits orElements were sent to the earth while it

was still being formed, to bring aboutorder out of chaos. These four elementsare said to link man to nature, and theDivine.The four elements are still accepted inmagic, for they are more closely linkedwith emotions, the human psyche, andwith nature than are modern explanationsof the world. These “magical” Earthelements are also of some importance inastrology. Many occultists think of themagical elements as forces, or as“qualities” of energy; especially withinthe astral world.Each element has a symbol and color.(Common symbols are -- fire: a trianglepointing up; air: a triangle pointing up

and with a horizontal line through themiddle of it; water: a triangle pointingdown; earth: a triangle pointing downand with a horizontal line through themiddle of it.) Colors of the elements are-- earth: brown and green; water: blue;fire: red; air: yellow. The elements areoften used in magic ritual.Magic sees relationships between things.These relationships are called'correspondences'. Although magicalcorrespondences are not literally equalto one another, you can think of them thatway (such as gold equals sun). Thus onething or symbol can be used to suggestanother. This is important in magic,because surrounding yourself with

multiple correspondences can enhancethe senses.The magical elements also havecorrespondences with the four suits oftarot cards, the four quarters (directionsof the universe as used in magic ritual)and the Archangels.

Element CorrespondenceTable

Element Suit QuarterArchangelEarthWaterFireAir




Astrological signs also correspond withthe elements. Taurus, Virgo, and

Capricorn are earth signs. Cancer,Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs.Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs.Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are airsigns.

ElementalsElementals can be defined as the spiritsthat inhabit Nature. They are the life-force in all living things, and they existin the four elements of earth, air, fire,and water, as well as in all the planetsand stars above. The belief in theirexistence was almost universal in theancient times. Interest in them wasespecially high in the Middle Ages whenpractitioners of alchemy and magicsought to acquire nature's secrets and

control her forces. Today, this belief stillexists among those who believe that allthings possess life.Sometimes fairies and gnomes areincluded in the elemental category, alongwith elves and household spirits such asbrownies and goblins. Elementals aresaid to be ruled by higher spirits. Insome Witchcraft traditions these higherbeings are referred to as Lords of theWatchtowers, the Guardians, or theMighty Ones. Most Elementals areviewed as benevolent forms that helpmaintain natural harmony.Elementals are usually viewed asfriendly little spirits of nature. But theyare thought by some to be entities of the

astral plane, and they are occasionallydescribed as evil or mischievous. Thesetroublesome entities are usuallyassociated with ritual magic andbelieved to be sent on psychic attacks bymagicians. Artificially createdelementals are commonly called thought-forms. They are non-physical entitiesthat exist only in the mental or astralplane.As we mentioned above, worrying aboutnegative or harmful energies will onlygive them power. Fill your mind withpositive, peaceful and loving thoughts,until there is simply no room fornegative energies. Harmful thought-forms sent out by others will tend to

bounce off and fade away if your ownenergy is strong. Refer back to PART 4of this book whenever you need tips onhow to raise your energy! For additional reading about workingwith the Elements we recommend WiccaElemental Magic by Lisa Chamberlain

The Power of the HumbleGrass

Below are two excerpts from an ancientwriting that I thought you might enjoy. They teach the importance of the humblegrass which is one of the precious giftsfrom the Divine that we tend to take forgranted. I hope it gives you a new way tolook at, not only the grass beneath yourfeet, but all the amazing gifts andblessings that your Mother Earth offersyou!"...And I did moisten a handful of wheatthat the angel of Water entered into it.The angel of Air did also embrace it,and the angel of Sun, and the power ofthe three angels awakened also the

angel of Life within the wheat, andsprout and root were born in eachgrain. Then I put the awakened wheatinto the soil of the angel of Earth, andthe power of the Earthly Mother andall her angels entered into the wheat,and when the sun had risen four timesthe grains had become grass. I tell youtruly, there is no greater miracle thanthis."The “angels” or messengers of Earth,Air, Fire (Sun) and Water can awakenthe your life force as well. Theseelements have the power to energizeyour body, clear your mind and renewyour spirit. Connect with them daily fora truly magical life!

"...that most precious gift of yourEarthly Mother is the grass beneathyour feet, even that grass which youtread upon without thought. Humbleand meek is the angel of Earth, for shehas no wings to fly, nor golden rays oflight to pierce the mist. But great is herstrength and vast is her domain, for shecovers the earth with her power, andwithout her the Sons of Men would beno more, for no man can live withoutthe grass, the trees and the plants ofthe Earthly Mother."Today, let your heart be full of joy andgratitude as you walk through the softgrass and commune with your EarthlyMother!

Wicca & Witchcraft GlossaryIn this section you will find a convenientglossary of words commonly used in thepractice of Wicca & Witchcraft.Understanding the meaning of thesewords will prove helpful in your studiesas you continue to learn about the OldWays. Adept: An individual who throughserious study and accomplishments isconsidered highly proficient in aparticular magical system.Akasha Spirit: The fifth element, theomnipresent spiritual power thatpermeates the universe.

Alchemy: A branch of High Magicdeveloped in the Middle Ages whichsought to magically and/or chemicallyturn base metals into gold.Altar: A special, flat surface set asideexclusively for magickal workings orreligious acknowledgment.Amulet: A magically charged objectwhich deflects specific, usually negativeenergies. A protective object.Ankh: An Egyptian hieroglyphic widelyused as a symbol of life, love, andreincarnation. It is a cross with a loopedtop.Arcana: The two halves of a tarot deck.The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps,the Minor Arcana consists of 56 suitcards (sometimes called the lesser or

lower Arcana).Aspect: The particular principle or partof the Creative Life Force being workedwith or acknowledged at any one time.Asperger: A bundle of fresh herbs or aperforated object used to sprinkle waterduring or preceding ritual, forpurification purposes.Astral Plane: A place which isgenerally conceptualized as an invisibleparallel world which remains unseenfrom our own solid world of form.Astral Travel/Projection: The processof separating your astral body from yourphysical one to accomplish travel in theastral plane or dream time.Astrology: The study of and belief in theeffects the movements and placements of

planets and other heavenly bodies haveon the lives and behavior of humanbeings.Athame: A cleansed and consecratedritual blade. Usually double edged, andblack handled. It is never used to cutanything on the physical plane.Pronounced several ways: Ah-THAM-ee ATH-ah-may ah-THAW-may.Aura: The life-energy field whichsurrounds all living things.Automatic Writing: Form of divinationwhere the channeler uses a pen, paperand an altered state of consciousness toreceive messages.Balefire: A fire lit for magickalpurposes, usually outdoors. They aretraditional on Yule, Beltane, and

Midsummer.Bane: That which destroys life, which ispoisonous, destructive, dangerous.Banish: To magically end something orexorcise unwanted entities. To rid thepresence of.Bells: Often used as ritual tools. Theycan be used to invoke directionalenergies, to ring in the sunrise on aSabbat, or to frighten away faeries andbaneful spirits.Besom: A witch's broom.Bi-Location: A type of astral projectionduring which you maintain awareness ofyour present surroundings.Bind: To magically restrain something orsomeone.Blue Moon - Whenever there are two

Full Moons in one calendar month, thesecond is referred to as a Blue Moon.Book of Shadows: A witch's book ofspells, rituals, magickal lore. Much akinto a magickal cookbook. Also known asa BOS.Boline: A white-handled knife, used inmagick and ritual for purposes such ascutting herbs or piercing a pomegranate.Burning Times: Reference to ahistorical time from around 1000 C.E.through the 17th century when it is saidthat up to nine million people weretortured and burned by church and publicofficials on the assumption that theywere the Christian version of Witches.This turned into an extremely profitableventure, as all land and property was

seized from the accused individual andportions given to the accuser (in rewardfashion) and the remainder seized by thechurch officials. Historians indicate thatthe majority of people tortured andmurdered were woman and children.Call: Invoking Divine forces.Calling the Quarters - Verbal orsymbolic acknowledgment of the FourElements (Earth, Air, Fire Water) in aritual environment.Cauldron: Linked to witchcraft in thepopular mind, this symbolizes theGoddess, the waters of rebirth.Censer: A heat-proof container in whichincense is burned. It is associated withthe element air.Ceremonial Magick: A highly codified

magickal tradition based upon Kabbala,the Jewish-Gnostic mystical teachings.Chakras: Seven major energy vortexesfound in the human body. Each is usuallyassociated with a color. They are: crown- white; third-eye - purple; throat - blue;chest - pink or green; navel - yellow;abdomen - orange; groin - red. Smallervortexes are located in the hands andfeet as well.Chalice: A ritual tool. It represents thefemale principals of creation.Channeling: A New Age practicewherein you allow a discarnate entity to"borrow" your body to speak to otherseither through automatic writing orverbally.Chaplet: A crown for the head usually

made of flowers and worn at Beltane.Charge: The Originally written inmodern form by Doreen Valiente, it is astory of the message from Goddess toHer children.Charging: To infuse an object withpersonal power.Charms: Either an amulet or talismanthat has been charmed by saying anincantation over it and instilling it withenergy for a specific task.Circle: Sacred space wherein all magickis to be worked and all ritual contained.It holds ritual energy until the Witch isready to release it.Cleansing: Removing negative energiesfrom an object or space.Collective Unconsciousness: Term used

to describe the sentient connection of allliving things, past and present. See alsoAkashic Records.Coming of Age Ritual: At age 13 forboys, and at the time of a girl's firstmenses, Pagan children are seen asspiritual adults. The ritual celebratestheir new maturity. Generally this is theage when they are permitted membershipin covens.Cone of Power: Psychic energy raisedand focused by either an individual orgroup mind (coven) to achieve a definitepurpose.Conscious Mind: The analytical,materially-based, rational half of ourconsciousness. The part of our mind thatis at work while we balance our

checkbooks, theorize, communicate, andperform other acts related to the physicalworld.Consecration: The act of blessing anobject or place by instilling it withpositive energy.Correspondence - An item that has amagickal association. Correspondencesinclude: days, planets, moon phases,herbs, oils, colors, gemstones, Zodiacsigns, hours, etc.Coven: A group of thirteen or fewerwitches that work together in anorganized fashion for positive magickalendeavors or to perform religiousceremonies.Covenstead: The meeting place ofwitches, often a fixed building or place

where the witch can feel safe and athome.Craft: WitchcraftCrone: Aspect of the Goddessrepresented by the old woman.Symbolized by the waning moon, thecarrion crow, the cauldron, the colorblack. Her Sabbats are Mabon andSamhain.Cross-Quarter Days: Refers to Sabbatsnot falling on the solstices or equinoxes.Days of Power: See Sabbat. They canalso be days triggered by astrologicaloccurrences - your birthday, a woman'smenstrual cycle, yourdedication/initiation anniversary.Dedication: The process where anindividual accepts the Craft as their path

and vows to study and learn all that isnecessary to reach adept ship. It is aconscious preparation to acceptsomething new into your life and stickwith it, regardless of the highs and lowsthat may follow.Deosil: Clockwise, the direction inwhich the shadow on a sundial moves asthe Sun "moves" across the sky. Deosilis symbolic of life, positive magick,positive energies.Dirk: Ritual knife of the Scottishtradition.Divination: The magickal art of usingtools and symbols to gather informationfrom the Collective Unconsciousness.This can be on people, places, thingsand events past, present, and future.

Divine Power: The pure energy thatexists within the Goddess and God. Thelife force, the ultimate source of allthings.Dowsing: The divinatory art of using apendulum or stick to find the actuallocation of a person, place, thing, orelement.Drawing Down the Moon: A ritualperformed during the Full Moon bywitches to empower themselves andunite their essence with a particulardeity, usually the Goddess.Drawing Down the Sun: Lesser-knownand lesser-used companion ritual toDrawing Down the Moon in which theessence of the Sun God is drawn into thebody of a male witch.

Duality: The opposite of polarity. Whenused as a religious term, it separates twoopposites such as good and evil andplaces those characteristics into twocompletely separate God-forms.Earth Magick: The energy that existswithin stones, herbs, flames, wind, andother natural objects.Earth Plane: Metaphor for your normalwaking consciousness, or for theeveryday, solid world we live in.Elements: Usually: Earth, air, fire,water. The building blocks of theuniverse. Everything that exists containsone or more of these energies. Someinclude a fifth element- spirit or Akasha.Elementals: Archetypical spirit beingsassociated with one of the four elements.

Elementals are sometimes calledFaeries.Enchantment: A magickal object thatmust be kept absolutely secret andhidden from all human eyes and affects ahidden aura. They must be charmed first.Gems and magickal writing are gooditems to use.Eostre's Eggs: Colored, decorated eggsof Ostara; named for the TeutonicGoddess Eostre. AKA Easter eggs.Esbat: A gathering or ritual usuallyoccurring on the Full Moon anddedicated to the Goddess in her lunaraspect.Evocation: To call something out fromwithin.Faerie: See Elemental

Faerie Burgh: Mound of earth whichcovers a faerie colony's undergroundhome.Familiar: An animal that has a spiritualbone with a witch; many times a familywitch. Familiars can also be entities thatdwell on the astral plane.Fascination: A mental effort to controlanother animal or person's mind. Alsoknown as "mind-bending". Oftenconsidered unethical.Folklore: Traditional sayings, cures,faerie tales, and folk wisdom of aparticular locale which is separate fromtheir mythology.Folk Magick: The Practice of projectingpersonal power, as well as the energieswithin natural objects such as herbs, and

crystals, to bring about needed changes.Gaea/Gaia: Mother Earth.God: Masculine aspect of deity.Goddess: Feminine aspect of deity.Grain Dolly: Figure usually woven atImbolc from dried sheaves of graincollected at the previous harvest. Thedolly is traditionally burned at Yule anda new one made the following Imbolc.Great Rite: Symbolic sexual union(also sacred marriage) of the Goddessand God that is enacted at Beltane inmany traditions, and other Sabbats inother traditions. It symbolizes the primalact of creation from which all lifecomes.Green Man: Another name for the GodGrimoire: A magickal workbook

containing ritual information, formulae,magickal properties of natural objectsand preparation of ritual equipment.Often used interchangeably with Book ofShadows.Grounding: To disperse excess energygenerated during magickal work bysending it into the earth. It also meansthe process of centering one's self in thephysical world both before and after anyritual or astral experience.Grove: Synonymous with coven.Guardians: Ceremonial magicians usethe Guardians of the Watchtowers orFour Quarters. Some witches use them,too.Hand Fasting: A Pagan wedding.Herbalism: Art of using herbs to

facilitate human needs both magicallyand medicinally.Higher Self: That part of us whichconnects our corporeal minds to theCollective Unconscious and with thedivine knowledge of the universe.Hiving Off: This term is used for asmall coven which splits off from alarger one. Sometimes this is done tokeep the gatherings of a manageablesize, other times covens split overphilosophical differences.Horned God: One of the most prevalentGod-images in Paganism. NOT Satan orthe Devil!!!Initiation: A process whereby anindividual is introduced or admitted intoa coven. Usually a ritual occasion. Not

to be confused with dedication.Incense: Ritual burning of herbs, oils, orother aromatic items to scent the airduring acts of magick and ritual, and tobetter help the witch attune to the goal ofthe working.Invocation: To bring something in fromwithout.Karma: The belief that one's thoughtsand deeds can either be counted againstthem or added to their spiritual pathacross several life times.Kabbala: Mystical teaching from theJewish-Gnostic tradition. CeremonialMagick and the Alexandrian traditionsare based in these teachings. Also,Qabala.Labrys: A double-headed ax which

symbolizes the Goddess in Her Lunaraspect. Has roots in ancient Crete.Left-Hand Path: Refers to the practiceof using magick to control others, tochange the will of others, for personalgain. Generally frowned upon by trueWiccans and Witch's. Dark Magick.Libation: Ritually given portion of foodor drink to a deity, nature spirit, or ghost.Macrocosm: The world around us.Magick/Magic: The projection ofnatural energies (such as personalpower) to bring about needed change.Magic is the process of raising thisenergy, giving it purpose, and releasingit. Some choose to spell magic with a"K" on the end. This spelling was madepopular by Aleister Crowley in the

1900's to differentiate it from the stagemagic performed in that time. Somebelieve that Magic is evil and should notbe tampered with, or that it is onlypossessed by "chosen" ones. Both ofthese statements are false.Magic Circle: A sphere constructed ofpersonal power in which rituals areusually performed. Within it the witch isprotected from outside forces. Thesphere extends both above and belowthe surface of the ground.Magical System: The basic set ofguidelines relating to the worship ofspecific Gods and Goddesses or culturaltraditions.Male Mysteries: Pagan study whichattempts to reclaim the power and

mystery of the old Gods for today'sPagan males.Matrifocal: Term used to denote pre-patriarchal life when family clanscentered around and lived near or onclan matriarch.May Pole: Sexual symbol of Beltanerepresenting the phallus.Meditation: Reflection, contemplation-turning inward toward the self, oroutward toward Deity or nature. A quiettime in which the practitioner may eitherdwell upon particular thoughts orsymbols, or allow them to comeunbidden.Megalith: A huge stone monument orstructure. Stonehenge is the best-knownexample of a megalith.

Menhir: A huge stone probably erectedby early peoples for religious, spiritual,or magickal reasons.Microcosm: The world within us.Monotheism: Belief in one supremedeity who has no other forms and/ofdisplays no other aspects.Mother: The aspect of the Goddessrepresenting motherhood, mid-life, andfertility. She is represented by the fullmoon, the egg, the colors red and green.Her Sabbats are Midsummer andLughnasadh.Myth: Cycles Body of lore about anyland or people that makes up theirmythology.New Age: The mixing of metaphysicalpractices with a structured religion.

Nursery Rhyme: Cute doggerel orpoems supposedly written for theamusement of children. Much Pagan lorewas hidden in these ditties during theyears of witch persecutions.Occult: Literal meaning is "hidden" andis broadly applied to a wide range ofmetaphysical topics which lie outsidethe accepted realm of mainstreamtheologies.Occultist: One who practices and orstudies a variety of occult subjects.Ogham: Celtic equivalent of theTeutonic runes. The ancient alphabet ofthe Celtic people.Old Ones: The A term which refers toall aspects of the Goddess and God.Old Religion: A name for Paganism as it

pre-dates Christianity by at least 20,000years. Also referred to as the Old Ways.Pagan/Neo-Pagan: General term forfollowers of Wicca and other magickal,shamanistic, and polytheistic Earth-based religions. Also used to refer topre-Christian religious and magickalsystems.Paganing: When a baby is presented incircle to the Goddess and God, andgiven a craft name which s/he will keepuntil about 13 and can choose their ownat their Coming of Age celebration.Pantheon: A collection or group ofGods and Goddesses in a particularreligious or mythical structure.Pantheism: Belief in many deities whoare really one because they are all

merely aspects of the single creative lifesource. Paganism is pantheistic.Passion Over Ritual: Ritual observedwhen a loved one dies.Past-Life Regression: Act of usingmeditation or guided meditation to passthrough the veil of linear time andperceive experiences encountered in aprevious existence.Path Working: Using astral projection,bi-location, or dream time to accomplisha specific goal. Also called visionquesting.Patriarchal: Term used to apply to theworld since the matrifocal clans thatworshipped Goddesses were supplantedby codified religions that honor all-maledeity(s).

Pendulum: A divinatory deviceconsisting of a string attached to a heavyobject, such as a quartz crystal, root, orring. The free end of the string is held inthe hand, the elbows steadied against aflat surface, and a question is asked. Themovement of the heavy object's swingsdetermines the answer. It is a tool whichcontacts the psychic mind.Pentacle: A circle surrounding a five-pointed, upright star (pentagram). Wornas a symbol of a witch's beliefs. Manywitches consider wearing it inverted tobe blasphemy of their faith and iscommonly associated with Satanism.Pentagram: The basic interlaced five-pointed star, visualized with one pointup. It represents the five elements: Earth,

Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. It is asymbol of power and protection.Personal Power: The energy whichsustains our bodies. It originates withinthe Goddess and God. We first absorb itfrom our biological mother within thewomb, and later from food, water, theMoon and Sun, and other natural objects.Polarity: The concept of equal, oppositeenergies. The Eastern Yin Yang is aperfect example. Yin is cold; yang is hot.Other examples: Goddess/God,night/day, Moon/Sun, birth/death,dark/light, psychic mind/unconsciousmind. Universal balance.Polytheism: Belief in the existence ofmany unrelated deities each with theirown dominion and interests who have no

spiritual or familial relationships to oneanother.Poppets: Anthropomorphic dolls used torepresent certain human beings inmagick spells.Projective Hand: The hand thought tobe the point through which personalpower is sent from the body. Normallythe hand used for manual activities suchas writing, dialing the phone, etc. It isalso the hand in which tools such as theathame and wand are held.Psychic Mind: The subconscious, orunconscious mind, in which we receivepsychic impressions. It is at work whenwe sleep, dream, and meditate. It is ourdirect link with the Divine, and with thelarger, nonphysical world around us.

Psychism: The act of being consciouslypsychic, in which the psychic mind andconscious mind are linked and workingin harmony. Also known as psychicawareness.Quabala: See KabbalaReceptive Hand: The hand throughwhich energy is received into the body.The left hand in right-handed persons,the reverse for left-handed persons.Rede: The Basic tenet of witchcraft."An it harm none, do what thou will.Reincarnation: The process of repeatedincarnations in human form to allowevolution of the sexless, ageless soul.Ritual Ceremony: A specific form ofmovement, a manipulation of objects orinner processes designed to produce

desired effects. In religion ritual isgeared toward union with the Divine. Inmagickal works it produces a specificstate of consciousness that allows themagician to move energy toward neededgoals.Ritual Consciousness: A specific,alternate state of awareness necessary tothe successful practice of magick. Thisstate is achieved through the use ofvisualization and ritual. The consciousmind becomes attuned with the psychicmind, a state in which the magiciansenses energies, gives them purpose, andreleases them toward a specific goal. Itis a heightening of senses, an expandedawareness of the nonphysical world, alinking with nature and with Deity.

Ritual Tools: General name formagickal tools used by a witch ormagician. They vary by tradition andusually represent one of the elements.Runes: A set of symbols used both indivination and magickal work. There areseveral types will different origins-Scandinavian, Norse, Germanic.Sabbat: A witch's festival.Scourge: Small device made fromleather or hemp which resembles a whipand is used in flagellation rites withinsome traditions.Scrying: A method of divination. Togaze at or into an object (a quartz crystalsphere, a pool of water, reflections, acandle flame) to still the conscious mindin order to contact the psychic mind.

Scrying allows the scryer to becomeaware of events prior to their actualoccurrence, as well as to perceive pastor present events through other than thefive senses.Shaman: A man or woman who hasobtained knowledge of the subtlerdimensions of the Earth, usually throughperiods of alternate states ofconsciousness. Various types of ritualallow the shaman to pierce the veil ofthe physical world and to experience therealm of energies. This knowledge lendsthe shaman the power to change his orher world through magick.Shamanism: The practice of shamans,usually ritualistic or magickal in nature,sometimes religious.

Shillelagh: Magickal tool correspondingto the staff in other traditions. Usuallymade from blackthorn wood.Sigil: Magically oriented seal, sign,glyph, or other device used in amagickal working. Ones you createyourself are the most effective. Sigilscan be used on letters, packages,clothing, etc.Simple Feast: A ritual meal shared withthe Goddess and God.Sky Father: Shamanistic in origin. Itrefers to the sky, or that which is aboveus, as a masculine deity.Skyclad: The act of celebrating orperforming magickal works in the nude.Considered deeply spiritual, NOTsexual.

Solitary: Pagan who works andworships alone.Spell: A magical ritual or concentratedform of energy, usually non-religious innature and often accompanied by spokenwords. It should always be clear,concise, focused and emotional.Spiral: Symbol of coming into being.Staff: Ritual tool which corresponds tothe wand or athame.Subconscious Mind: Part of the mindwhich functions below the levers we areable to access in the course of a normalworking day. This area stores symbolicknowledge, dreams, the most minutedetails of every experience ever had bya person.Summerland: The Pagan Land of the

Dead.Sympathetic Magic: Concept of likesattract. Most common way spells areworked.Talisman: An object charged withpersonal power to attract a specificforce or energy to its bearer.Tarot Cards: Set of 78 cards whichfeature pictures and symbols used toconned the diviner with the collectiveunconscious.Threefold Law: Karmic principle thatenergy that is released is returned threetimes over.Tradition: Branch of paganism followedby any individual Pagan or coven.Trilithon: A stone arch made from twoupright slabs with one lying atop these.

They are featured in Stonehenge.Triple Goddess: One Goddess in all ofher three aspects: Maiden, Mother,Crone.Virgin: Youngest aspect of the TripleGoddess. Also know as the Maiden.Represented by the waxing moon, colorswhite and blue. Her Sabbats are Imbolcand Ostara.Vision Quest: Using astral projection,bi-location, or dream time to accomplisha specific goal. Also called pathworking.Visualization: The process of formingmental images. Magickal visualizationconsists of forming images of neededgoals during ritual. It is also used todirect personal power and natural

energies for various purposes duringmagick, including charging and formingof the magick circle.Wand: Ritual tool brought to the craftfrom ritual magick.Warlock: Antiquated term misused inreference to a male Witch. It means oath-breaker or Liar. Most Pagans, Witch'sfind the term offensive.Web Weaving: Networking with othermagickal people via conversation,writing, e-mail, to gather informationwhich will mutually assist each party.Wheel of the Year: One full cycle of theseasonal year.Wicca: A modern Pagan religion withspiritual roots in the earliest expressionsof reverence for nature. Some major

identifying motifs are: reverence forboth the Goddess and God; acceptanceof reincarnation and magic; ritualobservance of astronomical andagricultural phenomena; and the use ofmagical circles for ritual purposes.Wicce: Synonymous with Wicca. Insome circles, Wicce is used for womenand Wicca is used for men.Widdershins: Counter-clockwisemotion, usually used for negativemagical purposes, or for dispersingnegative energies or conditions such asdisease.Witch: A practitioner of folk magick,particularly that kind relating to herbs,stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. It isused by some Wiccans to describe

themselves. This term has nothing to dowith Satanism.Witchcraft: The craft of the witch-magick, especially magick utilizingpersonal power in conjunction with theenergies within stones, herbs, colors,and other natural objects. This beliefsystem also has nothing to do withSatanism.Yggdrasil: One of the best known Treeof Life symbols. It unites all existencefrom the Underworld, to the Physicalworld.

Excerpt from Book #1 Sabbatsand Children

I was talking to my daughter (now 30)about teaching Wicca to children. Herdad, Herne, believed that being aWiccan or Witch meant you were ahealer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and aprotector of all things. He felt thatwalking the old paths meant "...being inthe presence of Mother Earth's natureand being humbled in reverence."For us, teaching Wicca to children wasnot about teaching spells and rituals. Itwas about helping them connect with ourmother Earth. Our focus should always

be on teaching nature's cycles andrhythms, and helping others, both youngand old, learn to respect, honor andwork with all living things.No one knows more about having funand celebrating the moment than a child.My favorite book on connecting withnature was written by a child. Afterreading a few paragraphs from this bookit was clear that children could teachadults a lot about following a nature-based magical path.Excerpts from this child's writing arelisted below. She grew up in the woodsof western Oregon and in her diary(written when she was 6 - 7 years old)she recorded a world alive with

creatures, fairies, talking trees, andsinging creeks. Here are a few of herwords:The wind ... calls to me to come goexploring. It sings of the things that areto be found under leaves. It whispersthe dreams of the tall fir trees. It doespipe the gentle song the forest sings ongray days. I hear all the voices callingme. I listen...The wind does have many things to tell.He does toss back one's curls so he canwhisper things in one's ears. Today hedid push back my curls three times, thatI might better hear what he did have tosay.“I wave greetings to the plant-bush

folks that do dance all about. Today agrand pine tree did wave its arms tome. And the bush branches patted mycheek in a friendly way.”“Raindrops were beginning to comedown from the sky. Their coming was ina gentle way. I had longs to be out withthem. I so do like to feel the raindropspatter on my head and I like to run runsand hold out my hands to meet them.”For this little girl, something magicalwas always happening right outside herfront door. Most children experience thisenthusiasm for the natural world. Weshould think of ourselves as Leaders ofLearning when we explore our MotherEarth's gifts with them. If we are lucky,

as we share our knowledge of the oldtraditions, moon lore and nature'schanging seasons with our children, theymight teach US something about the truespirit and magic at the heart of thesewonderful celebrations!

One Last ThingThank you for your interest in Wicca andthe Old Ways. If you found this bookhelpful, please help me share thisinformation by posting a short review onAmazon. Your review really does makea difference! Reader feedback hasalways been my greatest source ofinspiration and motivation to keepwriting. I read all the reviewspersonally and use your comments togive you more of what you want.Review Page:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QSPXTMW

If you scan to the end of this book, youwill find a list of the other books onWicca I have written for you. Enjoy!And I’ll be looking forward to reading

your review on Amazon. :)Peace and health be with you,Kardia

P.S. Please feel free to email me withany questions or comments you may haveabout Wicca. I would love to hear from

you! [email protected]


Kardia Zoe is a native Oregonian and co-founder of one of the oldest and largestinformation sites for Wicca and Witchcraft onthe Internet. The website averages over 2,000unique visitors per day and she has beenproviding these guests with guidance since1997.Now, in her Living Wicca Today series, Kardiais sharing her years of insight into this

beautiful Earth religion as she addresses themost frequently asked questions about Wiccaand gives you a clear, accurate understanding ofthe traditional beliefs and practices. Her booksdispel the lingering myths and misconceptionsthat surround this religion, so you can moveforward with confidence on an amazing journeyinto the enchanted world of Wicca.


If you are on Facebook, visit our LivingWicca Today page at:

https://www.facebook.com/living.wicca.todayThis is a great place to connect withothers who practice the Old Ways!

To receive a FREE subscription to the InnerCircle Newsletter visit:

http://wicca.com/publications/free.htmlThis complimentary publication explores theancient spiritual wisdom of Wicca, Witchcraft

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the Inner Circle!

e-Books by Kardia Zoe youmay enjoy!

Book #1 Wiccan & Pagan Holidayshttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PZCMT3O

Book # 2 Wicca: A Beginner’s Guideto Earth Magichttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QSPXTMW

Book #3 Wicca: A Beginner’s Guide toCasting Spells Release


Book # 4 Taking to the Goddess: ThePower if Intuition & Divination - ReleaseDate: March, 2015

Enriching Your Life WithWicca: An Essential Guide to the Wiccan Pathfor Beginners and Solitary Practitioners.

Release Date: September, 2015