wichita state university interfaith prayer space proposal 2016

1 Wichita State University Interfaith Prayer Space Proposal 2016 The following proposal is based on the research of interfaith prayer spaces across the United States, the initial request conducted by former Student Body President Matthew Conklin and former Campus Issues Chair Afshan Khan, in addition to meetings Chaired by Senior Assistant Dean/Assistant to the President for Diversity Dr. Marche Fleming-Randle consisting of the following members: Associate Vice President of Student Engagement/Dean of Students, Christine Schneikart-Luebbe Interim Director of the Rhatigan Student Center, Kevin Konda Student Government Association President, Joseph Shepard Student Government Association Vice President, Taben Azad Student Government Association Chief of Staff, Katie Deutsch Student Government Association Administrative Assistant, Carla Mann

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Wichita State University Interfaith Prayer Space Proposal


The following proposal is based on the research of interfaith prayer spaces across the United States, the initial request conducted by former Student Body President Matthew Conklin and former Campus Issues Chair Afshan Khan, in addition to meetings Chaired by Senior Assistant Dean/Assistant to the President for Diversity Dr. Marche Fleming-Randle consisting of the following members:

Associate Vice President of Student Engagement/Dean of Students, Christine Schneikart-Luebbe

Interim Director of the Rhatigan Student Center, Kevin Konda Student Government Association President, Joseph Shepard

Student Government Association Vice President, Taben Azad Student Government Association Chief of Staff, Katie Deutsch

Student Government Association Administrative Assistant, Carla Mann

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Executive Summary

Upon the President’s Executive Team (PET) approval, we request a formal response to this proposal as well as the additions to the University Policies and Procedures be made by the respective groups listed below by the following dates: Formal Response to Interfaith Prayer Space Proposal from the President’s Diversity Council (PDC) Due Date: September 7th, 2016 Formal Response to Interfaith Prayer Space Proposal from the General Counsel Due Date: October 1st, 2016 Formal Response to Interfaith Prayer Space Proposal from the President’s Executive Team (PET) Due Date: October 1st, 2016

The implementation of this proposal shall take place during the month of October 2016 with completion and finalization of the proposal in November 2016.

Chapel Renovation Budget

Proposal Budget Items Amount Cost Notes: Security Camera 3 $859.00 Quote provided by Captain Herl Lockers 36 $0.00 Donated by the RSC Fluorescent Lighting 2x20’ $3,122.15 Motion sensor, along chapel sides Signage 1 $360.75 Quote provided by Physical Plant Wash Station 1 $5,500.00 Funded by the RSC

Total = $9,841.90

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Objective & Proposal

Members of the committee mentioned on the first page of the proposal have been tasked to assess the needs of the student religious population of Wichita State University and have worked diligently over the last two months to further develop an all-inclusive chapel that can be utilized to the full extent of an interfaith prayer space. As noted in “Historical Context” section below, this work began in 2013 and has carried forward since then. This proposal was drafted by Taben Azad, Wichita State University Student Government Association Vice President and was presented to and reviewed by student leaders of campus religious organizations, the members of the Chapel Use Committee in addition to Dr. Marche Flemming-Randle, Kevin Konda and Christine Schneikart-Luebbe. This proposal shall serve to provide guidance concerning the use of the Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel.

History of the Chapel

Attached below is the context behind the renovations of the chapel followed by the community backlash from the 2015 Fall Semester. This is a brief outline of the response of members of the student body and the administration from 2013 to the present day. 2013-2014: Campus Issues Chair Afshan Khan tasked with researching student needs and formulating a solution to accommodate the diverse faith practices of the Wichita State community. September 2014: Concerns were expressed about the Chapel’s accessibility issues that could prevent any structural renovations to SGA President Matthew Conklin by members of Physical Plant, Facilities Planning, and University Reservations. October 25, 2014: Meeting held in Chapel with key members of the University consisting of Eric King (Director of Facilities Planning), Emily Patterson (Assistant Director of Facilities Planning), Woodrow DePontier (Director of Physical Plant), Maria Ciski (Director of University Reservations), Chandler Williams (Global Faith in Action), and Esra Barut (Student Association for Interfaith Dialogue). Consensus was reached that the best action moving forward was removing all of the pews. Cost of renovation would be $4,400 (quote provided by Physical Plant). November 5, 2014: 57th Session of Student Senate passes R-57-006 Recognition of the Interfaith Prayer Space Initiative unanimously, clearly demonstrating the Senate’s endorsement of proposal. November 14, 2014: SGA President Matthew Conklin meets with President Bardo and Executive Director of Operations Andrew Schlapp. Mr. Schlapp explains concerns that renovating the Chapel results in perceived political risk to the University.

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January 2015: SGA President Matthew Conklin constituent meeting with President Bardo, where President Conklin presented the proposal again and was advised to meet with Mr. Schlapp. February 20, 2015: Meeting with Mr. Schlapp resulted in the same mentioning of the political risk for the University’s relationship with the State Legislature. Suggestions to use the RSC were made by Mr. Schlapp. March 4, 2015: President Bardo supports the recommendation made by Mr. Schlapp. March 10, 2015: Town hall meeting held in Chapel to engage campus constituents and local religious leaders representing diverse faith backgrounds. Consensus was that renovations were most preferred. March 11, 2015: University Supreme Court convened a hearing to address a student petition concerning whether the chapel’s current configuration prevents the religious practices of every student. Court ruled that the Chapel violated the Student Bill of Rights and that there was not any actionable evidence that the University had been preventing renovations. March 17, 2015: SGA President Matthew Conklin’s Requesting of University Action on the Interfaith Prayer Space Initiative sent to Provost Vizzini, Wade Robinson, Andrew Schlapp and President Bardo. Request includes signatures of approval from Jonathan Flesher of Campus Ministries, Reverend Sally C. Fahrenthold, and Gerald L. Durley of the NAACP. March 23, 2015: President Bardo responds to above memo from President Conklin and states that as long as the basic structure of the Chapel is not changed, removing the pews should not present a problem. Vice President Wade Robinson tasked to reconstitute the Grace Memorial Chapel Use Committee. October 2, 2015: Backlash from community members learning about Chapel renovation from several alumni. October 3, 2015: Response from WSU student to above backlash and other members of the University in support of the Chapel renovations. October 6, 2015: Statement from SGA President Joseph Shepard about Grace Memorial Chapel. October 8, 2015: Statement from WSU President John Bardo about Grace Memorial Chapel that not enough consideration was given to the renovation despite approval in March. SGA #WSUPrayer campaign also takes place to promote the inclusiveness of the Chapel.

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October 8, 2015: Statement from WSU President John Bardo on hateful speech and the First Amendment. President Bardo apologizes that students felt attacked after receiving hateful comments from the backlash. October 30, 2015: Grace Memorial Chapel Town Hall to inform the community on the history of the chapel and the renovation process in addition to allowing a forum for the community to address concerns and take part in the ongoing conversation. November 12, 2015: Wichita State holds diversity forum after racially charged incidents at University of Missouri. November 13, 2015: Meeting with President Bardo, Dr. Marche Flemming-Randle and members of Muslim Student Association. Recap of the discussion involved: - 6 Storage Bins: placed in a clean storage room for usage and available today. - Work Order placed for lights. - Camera(s) are in the progress. February 16, 2016: Email from Campus Issues Chair Azad sent to Dr. Sexton in regards to when the Chapel Committee would be meeting. No response received. March 16, 2016: Email from President Shepard sent to Dr. Sexton in regards to status of the Chapel committee and if there has been any new information in regards to the Chapel. March 16, 2016: Response from Dr. Sexton to above email from President Shepard stating that there has not been a scheduled meeting but would be “in the works” to “follow up on some of the items we discussed last semester and all of the items which have been implemented already.” June 1, 2016: President informs SGA Cabinet about the possibility of creating a separate space in the RSC for students to pray. Email sent to Dr. Sexton from Vice President Azad in regards to whether or not the Chapel committee was able to meet in the Spring, when the proposal to create a separate space in the RSC was initiated, and what the progress was with the Chapel committee moving forward. June 1, 2016: Dr. Sexton responds to above email stated that he will respond by the end of the week. June 6, 2016: Follow up by Vice President Azad to above email asking for his response by the end of the week. June 6, 2016: Email from Dr. Sexton notifying that he has received the email above and will respond accordingly.

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June 10, 2016: Email from Dr. Sexton with responses to questions posed by Vice President Azad asked on June 1, 2016. Dr. Sexton states that the committee did not meet during the Spring and that they did meet twice in the Fall. He also explains that the proposal to create a space in the RSC was not relayed to him and that the move forward with the committee was to meet once a semester. June 10, 2016: Reply from President Shepard asking Dr. Sexton to ask Dr. Bardo of what the process of establishing a separate space would look like on campus and how SGA can be of assistance. June 10, 2016: Reply from Dr. Sexton to above request stating that he would follow up with President Bardo at his next meeting with him. June 10, 2016: Reply from Christine asking Dr. Sexton to let Vice President Azad know of the date of when Dr. Sexton’s next meeting with Dr. Bardo would be. June 10, 2016: Reply from Dr. Sexton to above request stating that he would check the next week as it has been moved and rescheduled.

June 13, 2016: Email from Dr. Marche informing President Shepard, Vice President Azad, Christine, Dr. Sexton, Kevin Konda and Carla Mann that she would be the official contact person on the Interfaith Prayer Space including a plan of action and tentative timeline. June 13, 2016: Reply to the above email by Vice President Azad asking Dr. Sexton to still provide clarification on the suggestion of creating a separate space in the RSC. June 13, 2016: Reply from above email by Dr. Sexton stating that he will get back to Vice President Azad as soon as he has a chance to visit with the President (No further reply from Dr. Sexton after this email). July 10, 2016: A series of weekly meetings beginning this date to discuss a plan of action with the goal of completing a proposal to be reviewed by the President’s Executive Team (PET) and General Counsel. August 30, 2016: Meeting held in the Chapel and RSC 221 to discuss with student organizations and members of the proposed Chapel Committee to discuss the proposal draft and any comments they may have. List of individuals present is included in the appendix.

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Chapel Use Committee Members

The table below indicates the newly-proposed members of the Chapel Use Committee. This is a change from the previous composition of the committee. The total membership of the committee is 10 members, 7 being faculty/staff and 3 being students. The SGA Campus Issues Chair will be in charge of meeting with religious organizations on campus and gathering their feedback on the chapel for the foreseeable future.

Chapel Use Committee Last Name First Name Department Vizzini Tony Vice President of Student Affairs Schneikart-Luebbe Christine Associate Vice President & Dean of Students Konda Kevin Interim Director of the RSC King Eric Director of Facilities Planning DePontier Woodrow Director of Physical Plant Carrithers Deanna President’s Diversity Council Matson Ron Faculty Member Shepard Joseph SGA President Azad Taben SGA Vice President Sirois Grace SGA Campus Issues

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Purpose for Renovations of Chapel

The following reasons encompass why renovations to the chapel are a better solution than creating an entirely new space and/or meditation room outside of the chapel or within the RSC.

1. “Separate but equal” also applies to an additional space in the Rhatigan: a. Creating a new space in the RSC would exclude different faiths from public spaces

(the chapel). b. Further fuels the idea that the chapel belongs to Christian groups rather than all. c. Two spaces make it unlikely for there to be true “interfaith dialogue” if religious

groups isolate and segregate accordingly. 2. Chapel provides better space options than RSC rooms.

a. RSC rooms considering as per Kevin: RSC 203, 207, 142- All have large numbers of reservations in the building. 2015-2016 reservations statistics are as follows:

i. Room 203: 483 bookings. ii. Room 207: 324 bookings. iii. Room 142: 328 bookings.

b. Chance of less revenue for the RSC as a result of less reservations of one of the rooms mentioned above.

c. RSC room sizes are smaller in scale than the chapel and does not provide a sense of privacy with transparent windows which diminish the spirituality of prayer.

d. Noise level at student center impedes quiet meditation for students seeking to pray in silent setting.

3. Chapel itself can sustain new developments listed in prior meeting. a. Physical Renovations/Additions:

i. ADA Compliance ii. Wash Stations iii. Shelving iv. Security Camera

b. Procedural Additions: i. Awareness/Educational Component ii. Committee Membership Addition iii. Reservation/Scheduling Use

Rhatigan Student Center Wash Station

Currently there are warning signs throughout campus to prohibit students from using restrooms as wash stations due to the fact that this is a safety hazard to individuals performing ablution and others using the restroom. Several universities with an interfaith prayer space contain ablution resources which are recommended for different religious groups. The ability of students to utilize the chapel for religious/meditative purposes is contingent on their ability to perform these common ablution washing practices. With this in mind, it was determined that a wash station within the chapel would be unfeasible to construct. Kevin Konda with the assistance of Don Burris have proposed the purchasing of a single wash station from the company “WuduMate” based in the United Kingdom. This porcelain product would have a touch free spout feature and would be ADA compliant by having a movable seat to allow certain individuals with disabilities to use the wash

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station. The location of this wash station would be in the family restroom on the north end of the RSC which is conveniently the closest to the chapel. The RSC Board of Directors during its August 11, 2016 meeting voted unanimously to the budget of $6000 for the wash station unit price and costs indicated below which is contingent on the approval of this proposal by the PET. Estimated Cost: Wash Station Unit: $1400 Installation: $3600 Hands Free Faucet: $500 Sales Tax: $500 *Includes core drilling, mixing valves, all other plumbing supplies and labor to install.

Camera Security Feed

On July 20th, 2016 members of the committee met with Captain Corey Herl and Chief Sara Morris to discuss the footage that is recorded on the security cameras both on the exterior of the chapel and the interior. The meeting minutes are as follows: 1. How much film is recorded: Captain Herl informed us that the footage that they have is contingent on the amount of footage that is recorded. The current footage dates back to 2 months ago at the very least, however UPD is able to save history when it is pertinent to a case for example. The footage can range much farther back than two months as well as less than two months based on how much motion and actual capture it does with the imaging. It is rarely seen that there is less than a month of data. 2. How are the cameras activated: Captain Herl informed us that the cameras are motion activated and only records and is activated when it picks up motion. Simple motion such as the grass in the pond in the front is picked up during the day time for example. 3. Who monitors the camera feeds: Chief Morris informed us that none of the camera feeds are monitored live but only during specific locations during specific events such as Koch Arena during basketball games. It is only when a report is filed that the feeds are reviewed so long that they are filed in a timely manner. The cameras serve as an investigative tool more than anything else by UPD. 4. Who is able to see the footage: Chief Morris informed us that dispatchers and detectives are able to view the footage. Officers also are certainly able to ask to pull up the footage and view it. 5. Follow Up/Recommendations:

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- Taben will be visiting the inside of the chapel when is clearly dark to request the feed from UPD to see if the interior is able to pick up visible footage during the night time. *Will be done at the beginning of Fall semester once chapel hours are extended. -Captain Herl informed us that he will start the appropriate measures to contact the different groups to recommend either the addition of a second exterior camera or to place the current exterior camera at a different orientation. This may take some time as he will have to wait on the response of others. *Quote was received on August 22, 2016. - Contacting General Counsel was recommended by both Chief Morris and Captain Herl to make sure that privacy is not legally violated by those using the chapel. *Contacted August 9, 2016 and response is listed in Appendix. Estimated Cost: Outdoor Camera: $859.00

Chapel Lighting

The lighting of the chapel has been described by several individuals to be low-dimmed and dark in the general vicinity. Based on this, it was tasked to Kevin Konda to explore options to improve the lighting of the chapel. Don Burris discovered that the two options to provide linear lighting on each side of the chapel that has a motion sensor feature which detects when a person walks into the building. Current lighting at the chapel requires an individual to flip on the light switches at the back of the chapel on the stage. As mentioned in the “ADA Compliance” section, because the stage is elevated, certain individuals with disabilities are therefore unable to turn on/off the lights when needed. Estimated Cost: Fluorescent: $2,845.30 LED: $3,122.15 Determined by Jeremy Page from Atlas Electric LLC In reference to current practices, the LED option better aligns with the lighting that the University utilizes in key buildings such as the Rhatigan Student Center. LED lighting also provides for better long-term sustainability than the use of fluorescent.

Chapel Locker Storage

To allow students, faculty and staff the opportunity to store their religious items throughout the duration of the day, it has been recommended to establish a framework for users of the interfaith prayer space to securely keep their religious items without notice. The RSC has graciously donated the lockers in storage which were initially a part of the Bookstore. A total of 36 individual lockers would be included and positioned along the wooden pillars of the chapel near the back. The

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dimensions of the lockers would roughly 6 feet by 8 feet by 1 ½ feet. These lockers have been confirmed to be ADA compliant by Grady Landrum from the Office of Disability Services.

Implementation Plan

The Chapel Committee respectfully requests that President Bardo institutionally recognize the interfaith prayer space by giving his signature of approval on the policy addition in addition to releasing a statement on Shocker Blast and both the Wichita State University and President Bardo Facebook and Twitter pages. In addition to this, submitting a piece to be sent to both the Sunflower and Wichita Eagle is also requested to inform the community of the recognition of the interfaith prayer space. The committee also requests the President’s presence during the Interfaith Prayer Space Week outlined below in addition to requesting his attendance to the ribbon cutting on the first day of this week.

University Policies and Procedures:

The Chapel Use Committee requests that the following mandates are added to the University Policies and Procedures: 11.26 / Use of University Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel (Effective Date: October 1st, 2016) Purpose: To state University policy with regard to usage of University Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel by University and non-University groups. Preamble: The University has the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for individuals who utilize the Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel which serves as an interfaith prayer space to all. This policy is intended to provide guidance regarding the use of the chapel to both University and non-University groups. It is expected that students, faculty, staff, University affiliates, and visitors to campus will comply with the mandates of this proposal. Members of the University community are encouraged to dutifully inform others about the proposal to enhance awareness of and increase understanding with the purpose of an interfaith prayer space in addition to adhering to the guidelines listed below. Policy Statement: 1. Users are responsible for maintaining the chapel as an interfaith prayer space for all. Restoring

the chapel to its original state after normal use or an event reservation is the duty of the individual or group using the chapel.

2. All personal and group materials are to be removed from the space after use and can be stored in the lockers throughout the duration of the day. Lockers shall be cleaned out at the midterm point and end of each semester with a two-week prior notice displayed in the chapel.

3. Furniture such as the organ and chairs must remain in the facility and restored to the original position after the use of the building.

4. Non-religious groups using the chapel should adhere to all the policies and guidelines including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, other campus organizations, and visitors using the chapel.

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5. No food or beverages are allowed within the chapel unless otherwise authorized by Event Services.

6. Symbols of faith must be removed after each individual or group usage to make sure that the chapel remains religiously neutral.

Respect for Others: All users are expected to exercise respect and tolerance for the integrity of each other's beliefs, cultures and traditions. This means: 1. As the interfaith prayer space is used for prayer/meditation and religious observances by

different groups, please respect the requirement for a peaceful, quiet atmosphere when deemed necessary or appropriate given the event.

2. Respecting the freedom of individuals within the purview of the law to express their beliefs and convictions in prayer and meditation.

3. Always avoiding violence in relationships including: violent action, language, threats, manipulation, or the misuse of any kind of power.

4. Not misrepresenting or disparaging other beliefs and practices. 5. Not actively seeking to persuade others to join their faith. (See “Proselytizing Policy” below) 6. Not seeking to direct others on how to exercise their faith. Proselytizing Policy: The University does not allow any individuals or organizations both within or outside the University to proselytize persons using facilities, programs or activities controlled by the University. Proselytization shall be defined as any effort to influence people’s faith convictions, choices, or commitments in ways that de-personalize or deprive them of their inherent value as individuals. This includes the use of any exploitive techniques or manipulative appeals which bypass a person’s critical abilities; play on psychological or other weaknesses; use physical coercion, moral compulsion, psychological pressure, inducements for conversion, or exploit a lack of education. Additional activities that might be indicators of proselytizing include, but are not limited to:

1. Making unjust or uncharitable references to others’ beliefs and practices; 2. Comparing faith traditions by emphasizing only the achievements and ideals of one, and the

weaknesses and practical problems of the other; 3. Using advertising or promotional techniques that might bring undue pressure on persons; 4. Ignoring the religious realities and identities of other faith traditions or their particular

approaches to pastoral practice. This policy shall not be interpreted to discourage or inhibit the ability of members of the University and community to share and discuss religious values or beliefs amongst each other. There should be no pressure, direct or indirect, to engage someone in worship, religious study, discussion or faith sharing. If an individual decides to leave the group or its activities, they possess the right to do so freely without harassment or pressure to stay. The University reserves the right to limit or restrict the on-campus activity of any individual or organization whose purposes are in direct opposition to the University’s proselytizing policy. Who May Use University Facilities: Campus organizations and departments are given priority over non-campus groups when requests for space are in conflict. University Event Services reserves the right to cancel reservations if they

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conflict in any way with the University's use of the building. University Event Services reserves the right to change the reservation to other rooms or facilities with the understanding that, if possible, comparable facilities will be provided when a change is necessary. University Event Services will notify the group or individual whose reservation is being changed as soon as possible. Any organization wishing to do recruiting on campus must have authorization from the Career Services Office. Political meetings may be held in campus facilities within the constraints of applicable Board of Regents and University policies. Decorations: Any physical changes to the scheduled facilities involving equipment, decorations or stage property must be approved by University Event Services. Any unauthorized adjustments will be corrected at the expense of the organization using the facilities. All organizations are responsible for the removal of all decorations and props immediately after the event, unless other arrangements have been made in advance with University Event Services Manager. Safety: Reservations for University space are approved on the assumption that the building will not be used in excess of the normal seating capacity and will be used as normally equipped. It is further agreed that the posted safety and fire regulations will be followed. Aisles leading to exit doors must be kept clear and unobstructed. During the period of use, exit doors will not be fastened or obstructed and must be easily opened from the inside. Police: Individuals or groups using University facilities may be required to employ University police officers for events held in University facilities. The University Police Chief and the person responsible for the facility where an event is to be held will determine whether security is required. Conduct: Incumbent on all persons is the responsibility to observe the University's rules of orderly conduct and the laws of the larger community of which the University is a part. In the matter of actions on public issues, the following procedures are sanctioned by the University: speaking one's opinion, petitioning, distributing literature, peacefully assembling and holding meetings, using persuasion of ideas and other actions within the bounds of orderly and lawful procedures. Misconduct: Infringement on the rights of others, acts or threats of violence to persons, destruction of property, disruption or other interferences with the normal functioning of the University and its personnel, and other disorderly and unlawful acts will not be permitted. Any event may be terminated if the safety of the participants or the facility is threatened. Damages: The sponsoring organization and its officers or sponsoring individuals, are financially responsible for any damage resulting to the building or equipment as a result of maliciousness or negligence on the part of any officer of the organization or individuals participating in the event. Complaints: Individuals or groups using the chapel who would like to report about any policy violations should be submitted to the Chapel Committee for resolution.

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Implementation: This policy shall be included in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University. The Provost and Senior Vice President shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy. Effective Date: October 1st, 2016 Annual Interfaith Prayer Space Week: Monday, October 3rd What: Ribbon Cutting Where: Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel When: 6:00 PM Tuesday, October 4th What: Documentary Screening Where: RSC When: 6:00 PM Wednesday, October 5th What: Senate Meeting with promotion of #WSUPrayer campaign Where: Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel When: 6:30 PM Thursday, October 6th What: Panelist Discussion Where: Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel When: 6:00 PM

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Marketing The following recommendations have been suggested to promote the space:

1. Establishing proper signage on the outside of the chapel to indicate it is an “Interfaith Prayer Space”.

2. Creation of an Interfaith Prayer Space Wichita.edu page to include: a. History of Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel. b. History of the interfaith prayer space student-led proposal, implementation, and

controversy to follow. c. Reasons to stand behind space for need of acceptance and inclusion. d. Update of the renovations provided in this proposal. e. Include imaging and overview of promotion week mentioned above. f. Reservation link. g. Pictures and video content of students using the chapel for various purposes such as

for prayer, RSO meetings, wedding ceremonies, and etc. 3. Announce on President Bardo’s Twitter account the grand opening event with a ribbon-

cutting ceremony in addition to other avenues provided by Strategic Communications. 4. Recommend to Shocker Navigators to mention the interfaith prayer space in their tours with

prospective students.

Chapel Renovation Budget

Proposal Budget Items Amount Cost Notes: Security Camera 3 $859.00 Quote provided by Captain Herl Lockers 36 $0.00 Donated by the RSC Fluorescent Lighting 2x20’ $3,122.15 Motion sensor, along chapel sides Signage 1 $360.75 Quote provided by Physical Plant Wash Station 1 $5,500.00 Funded by the RSC

Total = $9,841.90

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August 30th Meeting with Student Groups and Chapel Committee

On August 30, 2016 members involved with the proposal met with religious organizations and members of the proposed Chapel Committee to discuss the key points of the proposal. The members present at this meeting are listed in Appendix M. Recognized religious organizations on campus were emailed several times during the month of August 2016 in regards meeting to discuss the proposal. Those who were not able to make the meeting are scheduled to meet separately to keep them informed. Individuals/Organizations present include: Recognized Student Organizations Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Called to Greatness Christians on Campus Counsel of Prophecy Navigators Campus Ministry at Wichita State Orthodox Christian Fellowship Muslim Student Association Global Faith in Action Chapel Use Committee Associate Vice President & Dean of Students Chrisine Schneikart-Luebbe Director of the RSC Kevin Konda Director of Facilities Planning Emily Stephens (on behalf of Eric King) Director of Physical Plant DePontier Woodrow President’s Diversity Council Deanna Carrithers Dr. Ron Matson SGA President Joseph Shepard SGA Vice President Taben Azad SGA Campus Issues Grace Sirois

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Conclusion & University Action Requested

The initiative of establishing an interfaith prayer space largely began three years ago. Recommendations based on research indicate the renovations to the Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel would best serve all students on the campus of Wichita State University. The chapel Committee respectfully requests the University provide the resources prescribed in this proposal to adequately develop and maintain the interfaith prayer space to meet the needs of the students. We request that this proposal be sent to the President’s Executive Team (PET) and that it be reviewed and returned no later than October 1st, 2016.

Accept / Reject (Please circle)

Dr. John Bardo, University President, (Date)

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Appendix A- Washing Station

Appendix B- Wash Station RSC Location

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Appendix C- University Police Department Security Feed

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Appendix D- Lighting Quote

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Appendix E- Wash Station Quote

Appendix F- Security Camera Quote

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Appendix G- Exterior Signage Quote

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Appendix H- Locker Storage

Dimensions: 6 feet x 4 feet x 1 ½ feet

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Appendix I- List of Religious Student Organizations

Below includes a list of the religious student organizations that exist on campus for reference. Recognized Student Organizations: Called to Greatness Campus Ministry International of Wichita State University Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Christian Challenge Christians on Campus Counsel of Prophecy Navigators Campus Ministry at Wichita State Orthodox Christian Fellowship Simple Truth The Mission St. Paul’s Newman Center Muslim Student Association Student Association for Interfaith Dialogue Global Faith in Action Atheists and Agnostics

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Appendix J- Senate Resolution

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Appendix K- Emails Between Dr. Sexton and SGA

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Appendix K- Email from Dr. Marche Regarding Proposal

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Appendix L- Emails from General Counsel Regarding Security Cameras

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Appendix M- Interfaith Prayer Space Meeting on August 30, 2016

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http://www.specwash.com/wudumate-r-technical/ https://www.ifyc.org/sites/default/files/u4/Interfaith-Space.pdf https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/83741/20049_ftp.pdf?sequence=1 http://www.uno.edu/student-involvement-leadership/interfaith-room.aspx