wickham bishops parish magazine march 2019

Produced by St Bartholomew’s Church www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine March 2019

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Produced by St Bartholomew’s Church


Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine March 2019

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Thank you to Paula Wiseman for supplying the beautiful front cover photograph

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Church Services for March At St Bartholomew’s and St Nicholas

SUNDAY 3 Sunday next before Lent 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Holy Communion 4.00 pm Messy Church MONDAY 4 8.30 am Parish Prayers (at St Bartholomew’s) ASH WEDNESDAY 6 10.15 am Holy Communion with Ashing 7.30 pm Holy Communion with Ashing SUNDAY 10 Lent 1 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Holy Communion WEDNESDAY 13 10.15 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 17 Lent 2 No 8.00 a.m. Communion 9.00 am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Lt Braxted 10.30 am Sunday Praise Service (followed by the APCM – Annual Parochial Church Meeting) WEDNESDAY 20 10.15 am Holy Communion at Braxted Place Chapel SUNDAY 24 Lent 3 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 10.30 am Holy Communion WEDNESDAY 27 10.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 31 Mothering Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Service including baptism. A service of Holy Communion will be held after the main service.

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Parish Register

Baptisms Joshua Douglas Metcalfe 2nd February 2019 Jake Antony Long 24th February 2019 Marriages None Funerals None

Revd Hilary Le Sève Priest in Charge

The Rectory, 1 Church Road, Wickham Bishops CM8 3LA [email protected]

01621 892867 Hilary’s day off is Friday.

Revd Derek Clark Priest / Curate

The Leas Farm Wickham Bishops Road Hatfield Peverel CM3 2JL

01245 380619 01245 380627 (with answer phone)

Barry Cousins Churchwarden

3 Harvey Road Great Totham CM9 8QA

[email protected]

01621 891355

Graham Wingrove Churchwarden

8 Arbour Lane Wickham Bishops CM8 3NS

07398 025442

Peter Bates

10 Church Green Wickham Bishops


Magazine Editor [email protected]

Kath Adkins Church Hall Bookings

[email protected] 01621-891143

Parish Contacts

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Letter from Reverend Hilary

When morale is low and society increasingly privatized and security-obsessed, people tend to focus on the betterment of their own circumstances because it seems inappropriate time to spend effort and wealth on the public good. This is the case today (take the case of the current ECC Library Consultation) and was in biblical times. The Old Testament prophet Haggai asks: ‘Is it a time for you yourselves to live in your panelled houses, while this house [the Temple in Jerusalem] lies in ruins? ‘. With governments under financial pressure it is unsurprising that politicians and officials must look to eliminate from public ledgers some outgoings. The harm is not least to our cultural heritage.

The Christian community is founded on the command by Jesus to physically come together and to break bread (eat) together. We know in our own families that sharing meals can bond us; that’s why we gather for anniversaries and festivals. Eye to eye contact, singing together, handshakes and hugs affirm who we are as human beings. We occupy real space, human warmth and share to the benefit of ourselves and others.

This month besides the regular Sunday morning services in church (including a baptism on Mothering Sunday), gatherings at St Bartholomew’s will include the fabulous bi-monthly Monday afternoon Drop-in where sharing chat and light refreshments in an airy hall are a great way to spend a winter’s afternoon with others. Messy Church on first Sundays of the month at 4.00pm brings together families for creativity, food and celebration. It is lovely to see a growing community of families many of whom now come most months so if you have not experienced it yet, do come along. Edward Bears and the Youth Club (parent-run and thriving) provide key meeting points for the demographic they serve. The hall is used by the public for all sorts of group activities as well as private parties.

Open 9am – 5pm daily our village church provides a place where we can be without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Whether in solitude or in company our ‘public’ spaces, essential and unique, have a timeless value that transcends changes in technology, and which would be sorely missed if ploughed under and paved over. As local change is accommodated let us be mindful of the impact of our private choices on public well-being and seek, in our own ordinary ways, to support where we can.

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Women’s Christian Fellowship ... It was a full house in January when our Chairman Liz, welcomed members and visitors to the first meeting of 2019.

Our speaker Mr Paul Strong, is the very talented organist at St Bartholomew's Church and his talk was entitled, "What Organists do on their holidays!"

A very intrigued audience listened while Paul gave a quick illustrated résumé of his career, and the Churches and Cathedrals he has played in, ranging in size from the mighty organs at St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey in London, to the lovely Church at Little Braxted. Following this, we were not surprised to hear that, what Paul did on his holidays, was to visit more organs in places such as Blenheim and Alexandra Palaces, Eton College and various Oxford Colleges and museums. This was all beautifully illustrated and some slides had brilliant musical accompaniment. A very interesting afternoon indeed.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 27th March at the usual time of 2.30pm when we will be hearing from Mrs Kathy Butler on her life - 'Volunteering in the Charity Sector'. Do come.

Denise Yelland

Parochial Church Council The Parish of St. Bartholomew’s Wickham Bishops

and St. Nicholas’ Little Braxted

Notice of Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Sunday 17th March 12 pm at St. Bartholomew’s

All those on the Church electoral roll are invited to attend

For further information contact the PCC Secretary –

[email protected]

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Drop-in For Tea and Cake

On the second and fourth Monday afternoons.

We meet from 2.30pm to 4pm


Transport is available - please ask Sue

We look forward to seeing you - Sue (892032)

Help Required …

For St Bartholomew’s Church Memorial Garden

There are a number of loyal volunteers who already help to look after

the Memorial Garden from April to October. There is no heavy

gardening just light duties such as watering, dead-heading roses,

weeding, hoeing, clearing dead flowers from the inset vases etc.

If you could spare an hour on a couple of occasions over the summer

please contact Denise on 891937 or by e-mail to

[email protected] by 11 March 2019.

Thank you.

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JAZZ at Wickham Bishops Village Hall

Next Meeting:

9th March 2019

The Alan Gresty Jazz Band with special guest Pete Neighbour

from the USA on Clarinet

Bring your own refreshments. Seating is at tables and reserved.

Start time 7.30pm.

Contact Peter on 07548 775777

to book your seat

The Arts Society Blackwater

Thursday 7th March 2019

Silk Road:

A Textile Journey

Chris Alexander

Visitors welcome - all enquiries to

Jennifer Allen 01621 891589

Meetings are normally held at the Wickham Bishops Village Hall at 11 am

Visit our website www.theartssocietyblackwater.org.uk

BHSA Jazz Club - A Thank You … We would like to thank all who have supported the Jazz Concerts in Wickham Bishops Village Hall over the past 3 years. With the help of Roy Stoakes and others, we have run these after Derek Watson retired. We had previously helped Derek who had been running the Jazz concerts since 1989 and who was retiring due to ill health.

At the time we considered that the Jazz Club was too successful to be let go and that we could continue to organise it for a few years; we also decided that all proceeds would be donated to Village Hall Funds. We have raised a total of £19,237, plus £4,411 from raffles which has been donated to local children’s charities.

We have now decided to take a back seat and future concerts will be managed by another jazz fan, Peter Hughes, and proceeds will continue to be donated to Village Hall funds. I hope that you will continue to give Peter your support, as will we .

Thank you all once again.

June and Gordon Greenleaf.

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We are looking for new members to

join us.

We meet on Wednesdays from 2 pm - 4 pm at

St. Bartholomew’s Church Hall and are a friendly,

informal group with varying abilities.

Please contact

Jenny on 01621 891246 or Rita on 01621 891130.

We look forward to meeting you.

Wickham Bishops Men's

Badminton Club

We are a social badminton club and play at Wickham Bishops

Village Hall on Tuesday evenings at 8pm and welcome new players

of all standards.

First few weeks are free and

yearly subs are £60.

Just turn up on the night or email Bill on [email protected]

for more information.

At our meeting in February, we listened to a most interesting talk on

‘Seasonal Container Gardening’ from Andrew Babicz. We also held a

very brief Annual General Meeting at which the outgoing committee

were re-elected and were joined by two new members.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th March at 7.30 pm in

the Church Hall, when our guest speaker will be Gillian Regan talking

about ‘Peru: its people, places and plants’. Visitors are very welcome

to join us to share a glass or two of wine and listen to the talk.

Club members can benefit from discounts at two local garden centres,

half price seeds from Kings Seeds and bulk orders on composts, etc.

Plus, of course, lots of advice from fellow gardeners who often have

surplus plants to give away.

For more details please email [email protected] or telephone Stewart on


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Paul Strong, recently appointed as organist, seeks to create a welcoming and supportive environment for local people to join and develop their musical talents. We would be very interested in hearing from singers who seek to sing regularly or on an occasional basis (for example on Easter Day). Likewise, musicians (classical or contemporary) are invited to get in touch as we seek to develop our services, not least that on the third Sunday in the hall.

Witham Choral’s Night at the Opera ...

Witham Choral will be entering the world of opera at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday 6 April 2019 at Witham Public Hall.

Musical Director, Patrick McCarthy, told us: “Coming from an operatic background myself, it will be a great pleasure to conduct Witham Choral and the Colchester Philharmonic in ‘A Night at the Opera!’ It will bring back happy memories.”

Soloists Gill Wilson (soprano), Elaine Henson (mezzo) and John Pierce (tenor) will be performing well-known arias such as Mozart’s Queen of the Night, the Habanera from Bizet’s Carmen and Puccini’s Nessun Dorma.

Chairman Stephen Northfield commented, “I am looking forward to singing the famous Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves and The Anvil Chorus! It will be a splendid evening full of much-loved familiar melodies.”

Tickets: £13 (£5 full-time education) are available from Witham Public Hall 0345 017 8717, www.withampublichall.co.uk or from choir members or 01245 380958 or at the door. Doors open at 7.00 p.m.

If you are interested in singing with Witham Choral just go along to Witham URC at 7.45 p.m. on a Tuesday night or telephone 01245 380958 for more details.


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Wickham Bishops Flower Club ...

We look forward to seeing members and friends on Tuesday, 26th March at 7.30pm in Great Totham Village Hall when Vicki Hease's demonstration is called 'Treasured Moments - part 2'. I wonder if any of Vicki's moments will be similar to any of ours! Don't forget the flower of the month competition now we are beginning to have flowers in our gardens.

Christine Walker

Churchyard Spring Clear Up

This will take place on Saturday 13th April from 9:30 onwards.

Please bring your own tools and stout gloves.

There will be the famous bacon sandwich for all volunteers.

Chelmsford Park and Ride ...

If you use the Chelmsford Park and Ride scheme, Essex County Council would like you to complete a short survey on proposals for changes to the ticketing options and fares offered at Chelmsford Park and Ride services, and on Saturday opening at the Chelmer Valley site.

You can access the survey at :


The survey closes on 22nd March.

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Wickham Bishops Women’s Institute ...

We held our usual members’ meeting in preparation of what is to come during this, our 100 years membership of the Women's Institute, and what an exciting year we have ahead. Our "Good as New" sale hoped to raise some much needed funds for us, and was a success.

In March our speaker will be Kate Brighton who will be talking about and demonstrating "Belly Dancing for Beginners" and the competition of the month "My favourite scarf".

We would like to invite new members to join our group which is held on the last Thursday of the month at The Church Hall, St. Bartholomew's Church between 2pm - 4pm and we always welcome any visiting members and guests that come along to see if we can offer something that they are interested in.

Please don't forget our walking group - we meet on a Monday morning across the road from the Village Hall at 09:30 and walk around the village and surrounding area for about an hour.

Our craft group meets at the Church Hall 2pm - 4pm on Friday afternoon and anything goes. Whether it’s sewing, knitting, cross-stitch, if you come along you will be made welcome and you never know, you may learn a new skill or inspire someone with your project.

For any further information please contact our secretary: Sharon O'Connell 01621 891631.

Wickham Bishops “Over 60’s” Club ... Our meeting on the 1st of February kicked off the new year with a new image; unfortunately owning to bad weather ( a promise of snow ) and illness meant that we were short on numbers but the rest of us had the most enjoyable afternoon playing bingo with a cup of tea and biscuits.

Thanks to Chris for driving from Colchester to make it.

I am looking forward to seeing you all next month. New members are more than welcome on the first Friday of every month in the village hall at 2-15pm - see you there.

Win Lawrence

Note from the Editor: Congratulations to Win who recently celebrated her 89th birthday.

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Update on the Library ... Three Parish Councillors have held a series of informal meetings to consider the ways in which our village may retain the library, if not in its present form, as a place for community use. This group will be expanded to include representatives of neighbouring parishes who are willing to support this initiative, and a few local residents.

We hope to call a public meeting and invite Essex Councillor Sue Barker (Cabinet Member whose brief includes the Library Service) to address residents and answer questions. We will also invite our local MP, Priti Patel, to attend as she has expressed support for the idea of a community hub and is being kept informed of our progress. The date of this meeting is likely to be after the local elections on 2nd May, but will depend on the availability of the invitees, and may fall such that it cannot be announced in this magazine, so please check either of the websites listed below.

What next?

Evidence has been seen that proves that Essex CC bought the old school and its land from the church in 1972, though we are still investigating the original ownership of the land. We are asking Maldon District Council for their support as part of their social welfare initiative.

We would welcome ideas from the community as to possible uses for the building, should we be able to take it over. We do not wish to draw groups away from either the Village Hall or the Church Hall, but to offer opportunities to smaller groups which currently do not exist. Ideas could include a Scrabble Club, a Family History and Ancestry Group, a History of Wickham Bishops display, Adult Reading Group, Children’s Story Time, an exhibition space and a Reminiscence Tea Time. If you would like to make more suggestions, please email Peter Bates via the Parish Council email: [email protected]

As part of the preparation of a business plan, we need to compile a register of volunteers to run the service, maintain and clean the building and assist the groups that use the facility. To add your name to the register, please email Peter as above.

To find out more, please view the websites at

www.wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org www.facebook.com/WickhamBishopsParishCouncil

or attend a Council Meeting or Saturday Surgery

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Wickham Bishops Neighbourhood Plan (2016- 2029)


The Plan has been developed by Wickham Bishops Parish Council

The Draft Plan can be seen on-line at www.wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org or in hard copy in the library, the Church or at local businesses

You can ask for a copy by emailing [email protected] Have your say – comment on the Draft Plan by

Taking the survey on-line at https://kwiksurveys.com/s/X4YID526

Taking the survey at the library or the church where there are printed copies

Emailing the Parish Council at [email protected]

Writing to the Parish Council at: The Village Hall Church Road Wickham Bishops Witham, Essex CM8 3JZ

The Draft Plan will be available for you to read and comment on for 6 weeks Your comments must be received by 11 March 2019

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News from Great Totham Primary School


Year 6 Ancient Greek Day Monday 14th January saw Year 6 enjoy an Ancient Greek Day. During

the course of the day, the children had the pleasure of experiencing

a day in the life of an ancient Athenian. The wide range of super

activities completed consisted of: making mosaic imagery, soap

carving, charm bracelet making and creating many more

extraordinary artefacts, all while in fabulous costumes! At the end of

the day, the children enjoyed going to the ancient Greek theatre. It

was in fact just the children fully immersed in becoming the actors.

They delivered delightful productions on the stage of the school hall.

Whilst watching their peers perform, Year 6 was able to enjoy some

ancient Greek delicacies such as honey cake and feta cheese with

olives. Of course all of this would not be possible without the amazing

staff that organised and played important roles. Thank you to

teachers, teaching assistants and parent helpers as well as the

fabulous History Off The Page company. Written by India and Jessica — Year 6

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Tournament - 7th February 2019 2nd Place: On a bitterly cold

and extremely windy February

day, our newly formed Tag

Rugby team competed in the

Colchester and Blackwater

School Sport Partnership

tournament at Mersea Rugby

Club. There were 12 teams

competing - we played 5

matches, winning all but one

continued overpage ...

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Great Totham Women’s Institute ...

At our February meeting we welcomed Marion Pettet whose talk was entitled ‘A Peek Behind the Scenes.’ She spoke about her sixteen years working with the Chelmsford Ballet Company. Although an amateur group she told us of the importance of good staging, lighting effects and excellent costumes all of which contributed to very professional standards in their performances.

In March we have a return visit from Eve Regelous whose topic will be ‘Everything Stops for Tea’.

Visitors are welcome at our meetings, held on the second Thursday of the month at Great Totham Village Hall. Information is on the website www.greattothamwi.weebly.com or email [email protected]

match which placed us in the semi-finals - we played Birch who were

said to be the best in the competition but remarkably we beat them

in a close match. In the final we played against Kelvedon but lost 3-0

– giving us runner up position. This was such a good and unexpected

result considering our team consisted of three Year 4’s in this year

5/6 tournament! One of the Mersea Rugby coaches who refereed

several of our matches told Annie she was the best support player

he’d seen this year including in the International matches this past


Dates for the Diary

Saturday 11th May 2019 – Sponsored Walk

Friday 12th July 2019 – 5.00 – 8.00pm - Summer Fete

Friday 27th September 2019 – Golf Day

Please contact the school office for further details

British Summer Time

Starts on Sunday 31st March at 1 a.m.

Remember to put your clock forward

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From the Parish Council … The Council held a regular monthly meeting on the 5th February and a

Planning Committee meeting on the 15th February. The minutes of both

meetings can be read on the Parish Council website which is


The annual ‘Litter-Pick’ will be held on Saturday 27th April. More details

next month. Cllrs Mundell and Nicholas have devised and installed several

dog waste bag dispensers, affixed to some of the dog waste bins.

The Council holds a ‘Saturday Surgery’ in the Village Library, on the third

Saturday in the month, from 10.30 to 11.30 am. Residents are invited to

‘drop-in’ to discuss any matter of concern, in confidence if necessary.

The next general meeting will be held on the 5th March 2019 and the

Finance and Planning Committees will meet on Friday 15th March.

Residents are invited to attend and may speak during the ‘Public Forum’

section of either meeting. Councillors may be contacted individually, or via

the Parish Clerk on 07542 190176, or by email

[email protected]

In Perspective … I am grateful to Polly Wheaton for supplying the following cutting:

ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL recently opened an account with a Hemel Hempstead firm and when asked to supply a trade reference gave, rather charmingly, the name of its organ builder, J W Walker of Suffolk.

In due course, a credit questionnaire arrived at Walker’s offices and the firm’s director, Bruce Walker, wrote in reply:

“Rochester Cathedral is the regional headquarters of an organisation founded originally in Rome, some 2000 years ago . . . and we can understand your anxiety about the avowedly non-trading nature of the organisation but this does not seem to us to be any disadvantage.

They are very confident of the future, though their prospectus does declare that they will go into voluntary liquidation when their Principal eventually returns. We believe, in fact, that this same Principal will be interested in our own stewardship at that time, as well as in yours “

The credit rating was granted !

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Farleigh Hospice launches new Hospice Outreach Project … Farleigh Hospice is proud to launch the Hospice Outreach Project (HOP)

vehicle, designed to deliver hospice care directly to the community. This new

bespoke vehicle will provide accessible information and support to people who

are ill, bereaved, or worried about someone who is.

The HOP will serve a community of 377,000, including Chelmsford, Braintree,

Maldon, South Woodham Ferrers, Witham and the surrounding villages.

Farleigh’s previous outreach vehicle had to be retired due to mechanical and

bodywork failures in 2016. However for over 10 years the HOP was an

instrumental part of the community,

supporting over 50,000 people. It

was therefore vital for the hospice to

raise much needed funds to reinstate

this essential community

service. Over the past three years

the hospice has been working

tirelessly with foundations and local

businesses to raise a staggering


Pedal for The J’s 2019 ... Chelmsford’s popular annual cycle ride, Pedal for The J’s, will be returning to

Admirals Park for the tenth year on Sunday 5th May.

Cyclists have a choice of three rides - 15, 35 and 50 miles - through the

beautiful Essex countryside. If you are a novice rider, the 15 mile route may be

ideal for you. 35 miles is a slightly bigger

challenge and 50 miles is perfect for the

more experienced cyclist - so there really

is a route for everyone. There will also

be activities in Admirals Park to keep the

children entertained!

770 cyclists took part last year, raising

around £30,000 for The J’s Hospice

charity which supports young adults with

life-limiting conditions and their families

across Essex.

Organisers at The J’s hope to raise even more this year and they are very

grateful to Beaulieu in Chelmsford for sponsoring this event for the fifth time.

You can sign up now at www.havenshospices.org.uk/pedal

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Church / Village Thank Yous and Crossovers …

The fine turnout of readers, singers and musicians from the village for

the well-received Nine Lessons and Carols Service in December

highlighted just one of many partnerships that bring people together


With the spring churchyard clean-up of St Bartholomew’s Church

around the corner (April 13th 9.30am – please bring tools), this is an

opportunity to say a big “thank you” to volunteers from across the

villages who maintain the churches and churchyards all year round.

Whether cutting hedges, working with conservationists, vacuuming

floors, arranging flowers, raising funds - it all helps to preserve not just

a place of worship but a community hub, important historically and for

the public good that we share in this village.

Social events include the Drop In, Soup and Roll Lunches, Edward

Bears, Youth Club, Quiz Nights, Lunch at Harvest, the Annual Dinner

and occasional events like Bingo and Tea Parties which light up the


Baptisms, weddings and funerals are all possible because of the time

given by parking attendants, churchwardens and sides people.

This Parish Magazine would not be possible without Peter Bates’ gift of

time (as editor), support through the advertising and the many folk who

hand deliver to every house in the village.

Help to fundraise for the Parish Church at the Spring Fayre on Saturday

23rd March (10.30am – 12 noon) and by coming to the Concert on

Saturday 4th May 2019 7.30pm. Canapés and refreshments will be

served and a repertoire of popular and classical music is being

prepared. (£12 per ticket)

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Back Words …

I would like to encourage you to read the draft Neighbourhood Plan and

complete a survey about it. Councillor Jane Williams and her team have

spent many hours in collecting data, seeking expert advice and compiling

the plan in order to give us, the people of Wickham Bishops, some control

over future development in the village. Now it is up to us to respond and

give our comments on the plan. You can read it and respond online but,

if you prefer to read a paper copy, you can find it at the Library, at the

Church, or even request your own personal copy. It would be excellent if

a majority of residents replied; the closing date for responses is 11th

March, so under two weeks away. There are more details on page 16.

With the unseasonably warm weather that we have experienced in

February, it appears that spring has come early. As Easter Day is

almost as late in the year as it can be, it may feel like mid-summer by the

time it arrives, but don’t be fooled - we have had warm winters followed

by cold springs more than once in recent years.

Best Wishes

© Wickham Bishops & Little Braxted Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Published by the PCC of St Bartholomew Wickham Bishops and St Nicholas Little Braxted. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the PCC nor can the Church guarantee the credentials or performance of any of the advertisers within this publication.

Items for the April 2019 magazine should be submitted to the editor by

Thursday 14th March 2019 Please send items by email if possible to:

[email protected] or place in an envelope marked ‘Parish Magazine’

and deliver to 10 Church Green, Wickham Bishops Priority goes to church events and information connected with Wickham Bishops.

For enquiries regarding distribution of the magazine, please phone

Jayne Jennings on 01621 891396

If you would like to place an advert in this magazine please contact John Baker on [email protected] or Tel. 01621 892928

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