widenet u: how to write well


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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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The Secrets to Great Writing

“When asked, “How do you write?” I invariably answer, “One word at a time,” and the answer is

invariably dismissed. But that is all it is. It sounds

too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of

China, if you will: one stone at a time, man.

That’s all. One stone at a time”—Stephen King

The Secrets to Great Writing0Read and write every day

0Write honestly and simply

0Less is best

0Be mindful of grammar

0Write it, and leave it

0Open yourself to criticism

Read and Write Everyday

0 If you want to be an effective writer, you have to write.

0 It doesn’t matter what, just do it.

0 Not everyone is Hemingway. We have to practice.

0 The more you write, the better writer you become.

0 Read!

0 Don’t read just books. Read blogs and articles, especially those that relate to your business.

0 Opens you to different writing styles, vocabulary, and information.

0 Let style influence your voice.

0 It’s okay to imitate writers you like, but do it in your own voice.

Honest and Simple Writing

“Write the best story you can, and write it as straight as you can.”—Ernest Hemingway

Honest and Simple Writing

0 Write honestly.

0 Write only what is true. Do not embellish.

0 Write only what is helpful.

0 Use simple vocabulary

0 Complex words can make you sound detached.

0 Have a conversation with your audience.

0 Writing is communicating.

0 Don’t fill space with useless words.

0 Adverbs, adjectives, and unnecessary descriptors.

Honest and Simple Writing

0 Say: The little, brown handbook was on the table.

0 Don’t say: The diminutive compendium with a chestnut façade subsisted upon the lectern.

0 Say: While at the zoo, we saw an elephant.

0 Don’t say: While at the zoo, that was filled with animals, we saw an elephant that was really big.

0 Say: The car is unique

0 Don’t say: The car is fairly unique.

Less Is Best

0 People don’t read long prose on the Internet.

0 Instead, people “scan” the blog for information.

0 Make it scannable by breaking the blog into sections, and utilizing multiple headers.

0 Get to the point, and stay on topic.

0 Don’t “bury the lede” with useless information.

0 Say what needs to be said and stop.

0 There is such a thing as too brief.

Example of a Scannable Blog

Notice the headers. These allow people to scan for the information they are looking for.

Also notice that the blog is broken up into smaller paragraphs.

Scannable blogs help capture readers, and make it more likely they will read the whole article.


“A man’s grammar, like Caesar’s wife, should not only be pure, but above suspicion of impurity.”—Edgar Allen Poe


0 Bad grammar ruins credibility.0 Grammar mistakes bounce web visitors. 0 It’s distracting and muddies your message.0 It will cost you money.

0 Make use of available resources.0 Little, Brown Handbook0 AP Style Guide0 grammarbook.com

0 Always have an extra set of eyes.0 You WILL miss grammar mistakes in your own writing.0 Have someone proof and edit 0 WideNet rule: three sets of eyes.

Common Grammar Errors

0 You’re: A contraction of you and are. Ex: You’re going to have blast at WideNet U.

0 Your: Denotes possession. Ex: That is your book.

0 There: Denotes a place or location or state of being. Ex: He is over there. There is no way I’m going in that haunted house.

0 Their: Plural. Denotes possession. Ex: Those kids need to take their medicine.

0 They’re: A contraction of they and are. Ex: They’re going to the game tomorrow

Common Grammar Errors

0 Affect: Denotes an action or verb. Ex: How does this affect the campaign?

0 Effect: Denotes a result or ability to cause a result: Ex: These are the side effects.

0 Loose: Denotes a state of being. Opposite of tight. Ex: My shoe is loose.

0 Lose: Denotes something lost: Ex: I lose my keys all the time.

0 Its: Denotes possession. Ex: This website has its problems.

0 It’s: A contraction of it and is. Ex: It’s cold outside.

Comma Usage

0 Use them in a series.

0 Ex: There is a bike, a car, and a freezer in my garage.

0 Use them after introductory clauses.

0 Ex: When it’s time to go to bed, Big Bird can sleep almost anywhere.

0 Use them before a conjunction if a full sentence follows the conjunction.

0 Ex: I want to go home, but I don’t want to leave just yet.

0Use them when addressing someone.

0 Ex: Let’s eat, Bill.

Write It and Leave It

0 Focus first on finishing. 0 Don’t overthink your writing. Just write.

0 Give yourself plenty of time between when you start writing and when it’s due.

0 Leave it.0 Once you finish a piece. Step away for at least a day, and re-

read it with fresh eyes.

0 This will help you catch mistakes in grammar and adjust for better flow and syntax.

0 Never write to publish immediately. 0 Hurried writing opens the door for misinformation and error.

Open Yourself to Criticism

0 Accept this one cardinal truth: Not everyone will like your writing. 0 Ignore the negativity. Some people are critics for the sake of

being critics. Pay them no attention.

0 Learn to see criticism as a good thing.0 Writing is an ongoing practice. There is always room for


0 You don’t have to accept everyone’s criticism, but be open to it

0 Seek criticism yourself0 Find someone who will be honest with you about your

writing, and have them review it.

0 This will make you stronger.

E-mail and Memo Etiquette

0 Always be professional. 0 Sets a consistent, mature tone for the workplace.0 In rare cases, you can be more relaxed.0 Safest thing to do is remain as professional as possible.

0 Be extremely brief.0 No need for descriptions. 0 Get to point immediately.

0 NEVER use slang, emoticons, or acronyms.0 Ex: YOLO, LOL, =), That’s a dope quarterly report, homie.

0 Always use proper titles, greetings, and closings.0 Mr., Mrs., Ms.0 Sincerely, Regards, etc.
