wikitology wikipedia as an ontology

Wikitolog Wikitolog y y Wikipedia as an Wikipedia as an Ontology Ontology Zareen Syed and Anupam Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County James Mayfield, Paul McNamee and Christine Piatko JHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence Tim Finin, UMBC

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Wikitology Wikipedia as an Ontology. Tim Finin, UMBC. Zareen Syed and Anupam Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County James Mayfield, Paul McNamee and Christine Piatko JHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Wikitology Wikipedia as an Ontology

WikitologyWikitologyWikipedia as an OntologyWikipedia as an Ontology

Zareen Syed and Anupam Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County

James Mayfield, Paul McNamee and Christine PiatkoJHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence

Tim Finin, UMBC

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• Introduction• Wikipedia as an ontology• Applications• Discussion• Conclusion

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Wikis and Knowledge• Wikis are a great way to collaborate on knowledge encoding– Wikipedia is an archetype for this, but there

are many examples• Ongoing research is exploring how to integrate this with structured knowledge– DBpedia, Semantic Media Wiki, Freebase, etc.

• I’ll describe an approach we’ve taken and experiments in using it– We came at this from an IR/HLT perspective

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Wikipedia data in RDF

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Populating Freebase KB

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Populating Powerset’s KB

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AskWiki uses Wikipedia for QA

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With sometimes surprising results

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TrueKnowledge mines Wikipedia

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Wikipedia pages as tags

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We are exploring an approach to deriving an ontology from Wikipedia that is useful in a variety of language processing tasks

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Our original problem (2006)• Problem: describe what an analyst has been working on to support collaboration

• Idea: track documents she reads and map these to terms in an ontology, aggregate to produce a short list of topics

• Approach: use Wikipedia articles as ontology terms, use document-article similarity for the mapping, and spreading activation for aggregation

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What’s a document about?Two common approaches:

(1) Select words and phrases using TF-IDF that characterize the document

(2) Map document to a list of terms from a controlled vocabulary or ontology

(1) is flexible and does not require creating and maintaining an ontology

(2) can tie documents to a rich knowledge base

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Wikitology !• Using Wikipedia as an ontology offers the best of both approaches– each article (~3M) is a concept in the ontology– terms linked via Wikipedia’s category system

(~200k) and inter-article links– Lots of structured and semi-structured data

• It’s a consensus ontology created and maintained by a diverse community

• Broad coverage, multilingual, very current• Overall content quality is high

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Wikitology features• Terms have unique IDs (URLs) and are “self describing” for people

• Underlying graphs provide structure and associations: categories, article links, disambiguation, aliases (redirects), …

• Article history contains useful meta-data for trust, provenance, controversy, …

• External sources provide more info (e.g., Google’s PageRank)

• Annotated with structured data from DBpedia, Freebase, Geonames & LOD

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Problems as an OntologyTreating Wikipedia as an ontology reveals many problems•Uncategorized and miscategorized articles•Single document in too many categories:

– George W. Bush is included in about 30 categories

•Links between articles belonging to very different categories

– John F. Kennedy has a link for “coincidence theory” which belongs to the Mathematical Analysis/ Topology/Fixed Points

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Problems as an Ontology•Article links in text are not “typed”•Uneven category articulation

– Some categories are under represented where as others have many articles

•Administrative categories, e.g.– Clean up from Sep 2006– Articles with unsourced statements

•Over-linking, e.g.– A mention of United States linked to the

page United_states– Mentions of 1949 linked to the year 1949

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Problems as an OntologyWikipedia’s infobox templates have great potential for have several problems•Multiple templates for same class•Multiple attribute names for same property

– E.g., six attributes for a person’s birth date•Attributes lack domains or datatypes

– E.g., value can be string or link

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Wikitology 1, 2, 3

• We’ve addressed some of of these problems in developing Wikitology

• The development has been driven by several use cases and applications

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Wikitology Use Cases• Identifying user context in a collaboration system from documents viewed (2006)

• Improve IR accuracy of by adding Wikitology tags to documents (2007)

• Cross document co-reference resolution for named entities in text (2008)

• Knowledge Base population from text (2009)

• Improve Web search engine by tagging documents and queries (2009)

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Wikitology 1.0 (2007)• Structured Data

– Specialized concepts (article titles)– Generalized concepts (category titles)– Inter-category and -article links as relations

between concepts– Article-category links as relations between

specialized and generalized concepts• Un-Structured Data

– Article text• Algorithms to remove useless categor-

ies and links, infer categories, and select, rank and aggregate concepts using the hybrid knowledge base

Human input& editing


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Experiments• Goal: given one or more documents, compute

a ranked list of the top Wikipedia articles and/or categories that describe it.

• Basic metric: document similarity between Wikipedia article and document(s)

• Variations: role of categories, eliminating uninteresting articles, use of spreading activation, using similarity scores, weighing links, number of spreading activation pulses, individual or set of query documents, etc, etc.

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Method 1


similar to

Cosine similarity

Similar Wikipedia Articles

Using Wikipedia article text & categories to predict concepts

0.2 0.10.8



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Method 1


similar to

Cosine similarity

Wikipedia Category Graph

Similar Wikipedia Articles0.2 0.1





Using Wikipedia article text & categories to predict concepts

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Method 1


similar to

Rank Categories 1. Links2. Cosine similarity

Cosine similarity

Wikipedia Category Graph

Similar Wikipedia Articles0.2 0.1







Using Wikipedia article text & categories to predict concepts

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Method 2


Similar to

Cosine similarity

Wikipedia Category Graph

Using spreading activation on category link graph to get aggregated concepts

0.2 0.1





Ranked Concepts based

on Final Activation Score


Spreading Activation


ij OI




Input Function

Output Function

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Method 3

kAO j



Similar To

Ranked Concepts based on Final Activation Score

Spreading Activation

Threshold: Ignore Spreading Activation to articles with less than 0.4 Cosine similarity score

Edge Weights: Cosine similarity between linkedarticles

Wikipedia Article Links Graph

Using spreading activation on article link graph

Node Input Function

Node Output Function

ijij wOIi Output


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Evaluation• An initial informal evaluation compared results against our own judgments

• Used to select promising combinations of ideas and parameter settings

• Formal evaluation: – Selected Wikipedia articles for testing;

remove from Lucene index and graphs– For each, use methods to predict categories

and linked articles– Compare results using precision and recall

to known categories and linked articles introduction wikitology applications discussion conclusion

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Method 1Ranking Categories Directly

Method 2 (2 pulses)Spreading Activation on Category

links Graph

Method 3 (2 pulses)Spreading Activation on Article

Links Graph










Test Document Titles in the Set: (Wikipedia Articles)Crop_rotation Permaculture Beneficial_insectsNeem Lady_BirdPrinciples_of_Organic_AgricultureRhizobiaBiointensiveInter croppingGreen_manure

ExamplePrediction for Set of Test Documents

Concept not in the Category Hierarchy

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Category prediction evaluation

• Spreading activation with two pulses worked best• Only considering articles with similarity > 0.5 was

a good threshold

Avg. Similarity Threshold

Precision Average Precision Recall F-Measure

M1 SA1 SA2 M1 (1)

M1 (2)

SA1 SA2 M1 SA1 SA2 M1 SA1 SA2

0 0.24 0.3 0.32 0.61 0.65 0.6 0.74 0.81 0.93 0.97 0.38 0.45 0.49 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.33 0.62 0.65 0.61 0.75 0.81 0.93 0.97 0.38 0.46 0.49 0.2 0.29 0.34 0.37 0.66 0.69 0.67 0.78 0.85 0.95 0.97 0.43 0.5 0.53 0.3 0.36 0.43 0.47 0.76 0.81 0.77 0.85 0.91 0.97 0.99 0.51 0.6 0.64 0.4 0.42 0.52 0.57 0.87 0.92 0.88 0.95 0.95 0.98 1 0.58 0.68 0.73 0.5 0.45 0.57 0.62 0.91 0.96 0.92 0.98 0.94 0.97 1 0.61 0.72 0.77 0.6 0.55 0.63 0.68 0.92 1 0.97 1 1 1 1 0.71 0.77 0.81 0.7 0.55 0.63 0.68 0.92 1 0.97 1 1 1 1 0.71 0.77 0.81 0.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Article prediction evaluation

• Spreading activation with one pulse worked best• Only considering articles with similarity > 0.5

was a good threshold

Avg. Similarity Threshold

Precision Average Precision

Recall F-Measure

0 0.28 0.5 0.53 0.31

0.1 0.28 0.5 0.53 0.31

0.2 0.32 0.56 0.58 0.35

0.3 0.41 0.69 0.66 0.44

0.4 0.51 0.85 0.79 0.56

0.5 0.59 0.94 0.88 0.67

0.6 0.53 0.91 0.9 0.63

0.7 0.66 1 1 0.79

0.8 0.67 1 1 0.8

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Improving IR performance (2008-09)• Improving IR performance for a collection by adding semantic terms to documents

• Query with blind relevance feedback may benefit from the semantic terms

• Initial evaluation with NIST TREC 2005 collection in collaboration with Paul McNamee, JHU HLTCOE

• Ongoing: integration into RiverGlass MORAG search engine

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Improving IR performance

... Alan Turing, described as a brilliant mathematician and a key figure in the breaking of the Nazis' Enigma codes. Prof IJ Good says it is as well that British security was unaware of Turing's homosexuality, otherwise he might have been fired 'and we might have lost the war'. In 1950 Turing wrote the seminal paper 'Computing Machinery And Intelligence', but in 1954 killed himself ...

Turing_machine, Turing_test, Church_Turing_thesis, Halting_problem, Computable_number, Bombe, Alan_Turing, Recusion_theory, Formal_methods, Computational_models, Theory_of_computation, Theoretical_computer_science, Artificial_Intelligence

Doc: FT921-4598 (3/9/92)

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Evaluation• Mixed results on NIST evaluation

• Slightly worse on mean average precision

• Slightly better for precision at 10

MAP P@10

base 0.2076 0.4207

Base + rf 0.2470 0.4480

Concepts + rf 0.2400 0.4553

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Information Extraction• Problem: resolve entities found by a named entity recognition system across documents to a KB entries

• ACE 2008: NIST run Automatic Extrac-tion Conference is focused on this task – We were part of a team lead by JHU

Human Language Technology Center of Excellence

– Use Wikitology to map document entities to KB entities

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Wikitology 2.0 (2008)

WordNetYagoHuman input & editingDatabases

Freebase KB



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Named Entity RecognitionTimothy F. Geithner, who as president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank oversaw many of the nation’s most powerful financial institutions, stunned the group with the audacity of his answer. He proposed asking Congress to give the president broad power to guarantee all the debt in the banking system, according to two participants, including Michele Davis, then an assistant Treasury secretary.

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Named Entity RecognitionTimothy F. Geithner, who as president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank oversaw many of the nation’s most powerful financial institutions, stunned the group with the audacity of his answer. He proposed asking Congress to give the president broad power to guarantee all the debt in the banking system, according to two participants, including Michele Davis, then an assistant Treasury secretary.

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Open Calais

Free NER service that returns results in RDF

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Global Coreference Task• Start with entities and relations produced by a within document

extraction system– Produce ‘Global’ clusters for PERSON and ORGANIZATION entities

– Only evaluate over instances of entities with a name• Challenges:

– Very limited development data • ACE released 49 files in English, none in Arabic• MITRE released English ACE05 corpus, but annotation is noisy and data has few

ambiguous entities

– Within document mistakes are propagated to cross-document system– 10K document evaluation set required work on scalability of


William Wallace (living British Lord)

William Wallace (of Braveheart fame)

Abu Abbas aka Muhammad Zaydan aka Muhammad Abbas

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Global Coreference Resolution Approach• Serif for intra-document processing• Entity Filtering

– Collect all pairs of SERIF entities– Filter entity pairs with heuristics (e.g.,

string similarity of mentions) to get high-recall set of pairs significantly smaller than n2 possible pairs

• Feature generation• Training

– Train SVM to identify coreferent pairs• Entity Clustering

– Cluster predicted pairs– Each connected component forms a

global entity• Relation Identification

– Every pair of SERIF-identified relations whose types are identical and whose endpoints are coreferent are deemed to be coreferent

Entity Clusters: Abu MazenMahmoud Abbas

Muhammed Abbas Abu AbbasPalestinian Leader

convicted terrorist

Filtered Pairs: E1, E2 (shared word) E1, E3 (shared word) E2, E3 (known alias)

Features: E1, E2: character overlap: 5 E1, E2: distinct Freebase entities: true E1, E3: character overlap: 3E1, E3: distinct Freebase entities: false ….

Document Entities:

E2: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ...

E1: Abu Abbas was arrested …

E3: … election of Abu Mazen

E4: … president George Bush

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Wikitology tagging• Using Serif’s output, we produced an entity document for each entity.Included the entity’s name, nominal and pronom-inal mentions, APF type and subtype, and words in a window around the mentions

• We tagged entity documents using Wiki-tology producing vectors of (1) terms and (2) categories for the entity

• We used the vectors to compute fea-tures measuring entity pair similarity/dissimilarity

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Entity Document & Tags<DOC><DOCNO>ABC19980430.1830.0091.LDC2000T44-E2 <DOCNO><TEXT>Webb HubbellPERIndividualNAM: "Hubbell” "Hubbells” "Webb Hubbell” "Webb_Hubbell"NAM: "Mr . " "friend” "income"PRO: "he” "him” "his" , . abc's accountant after again ago all alleges alone also and

arranged attorney avoid been before being betray but came can cat charges cheating circle clearly close concluded conspiracy cooperate counsel counsel's department did disgrace do dog dollars earned eightynine enough evasion feel financial firm first four friend friends going got grand happening has he help him hi s hope house hubbell hubbells hundred hush income increase independent indict indicted indictment inner investigating jackie jackie_judd jail jordan judd jury justice kantor ken knew lady late law left lie little make many mickey mid money mr my nineteen nineties ninetyfour not nothing now office other others paying peter_jennings president's pressure pressured probe prosecutors questions reported reveal rock saddened said schemed seen seven since starr statement such tax taxes tell them they thousand time today ultimately vernon washington webb webb_hubbell were what's whether which white whitewater why wife years


Wikitology article tag vector

Webster_Hubbell 1.000 Hubbell_Trading_Post National Historic Site 0.379 United_States_v._Hubbell 0.377 Hubbell_Center 0.226 Whitewater_controversy 0.222

Wikitology category tag vector

Clinton_administration_controversies 0.204 American_political_scandals 0.204 Living_people 0.201 1949_births 0.167 People_from_Arkansas 0.167 Arkansas_politicians 0.167 American_tax_evaders 0.167 Arkansas_lawyers 0.167

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Wikitology derived features• Seven features measured entity similarity using

cosine similarity of various length article or category vectors

• Five features measured entity dissimilarity:• two PER entities match different Wikitology persons• two entities match Wikitology tags in a disambiguation set• two ORG entities match different Wikitology organizations• two PER entities match different Wikitology persons,

weighted by 1-abs(score1-score2)• two ORG entities match different Wikitology orgs,

weighted by 1-abs(score1-score2)

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COE Features• Character-level features

– Exact Match of NAM mentions• Longest mention exact match• Some mention exact match• Multiple mention exact match• All mention exact match

– Partial Match• Dice score, character bigrams• Dice score, longest mention

character bigrams• Last word of longest string match

– Matching nominals and pronominals

• Exact match• Multiple exact match• All match• Dice score of mention strings

• Document-level features– Words

• Dice score, words in document• Dice score, words around mentions• Cosine score, words in document• Cosine score, words around

mentions– Entities

• Dice score, entities in document• Dice score, entities around mentions

• Metadata features– Speech/text– News/non-news– Same document– Social context features

• Heuristic• Probabilistic

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More COE Features

• KB features - instances– Known alias

• Also derived aliases from test collection– BBN name match– Famous singleton

• KB features - semantic match– Entity type match– Sex match– Number match– Occupation match– Fuzzy occupation match– Nationality match– Spouse match– Parent match– Sibling match

• KB features - ontology– Wikitology

• Top Wikitology category matches• Top Wikitology article matches• Different top Wikitology person• Different top Wikitology

organization• Top Wikitology categories in

disambiguation set– Reuters topics

• Cosine score, words in document• Cosine score, words around

mentions– Thesaurus concepts

• Cosine score, words in document• Cosine score, words around


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Clustering• Approach

– Assign score to each entity pair (SVM or heuristic)– Eliminate pairs whose score does not exceed

threshold (0.95 for SVM runs)– Identify connected components in resulting graph

• Large clusters– AP (good)– Clinton (bad; conflates William and Hillary)– Sources of large clusters varied

• Connected components clustering• SERIF errors• Insufficient features to distinguish separate entities

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Features with High F1 scores• Recall that F1 = 2*P*R/(P+R)• Variants of exact name match, in general,

especially: a name mention in one entity exactly matches one in the other (83.1%)

• Cosine similarity of the vectors of top Wikitology article matches (75.1%)

• Top Wikitology article for the two entities matched (38.1%)

• An entity contained a mention that was a known alias of a mention found in the other (47.5%)

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Feature Ablation

A post hoc feature ablation evaluationshowed contribution of KB features

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High Precision Features• High precision/low recall features are useful when applicable

• Features with precision > 95% include:– A name mentioned by each entity matches

exactly one person in Wikipedia– The entities have the same parent– The entities have the same spouse– All name mentions have an exact match

across the two entities– Longest named mention has exact match

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Knowledge Base Population• The 2009 NIST Text Analysis Confer- ence (TAC) will include a new Knowledge Base Population track

• Goal: discover information about named entities (people, organizations, places) and incorporate it into a KB

• TAC KBP has two related tasks:–Entity linking: doc. entity mention -> KB entity –Slot filling: given a document entity mention,

find missing slot values in large corpus

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KBs and IE are Symbiotic


Information Extraction from Text

KB info helps interpret text

IE helps populate KBs

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Planned Extensions• Make greater use of data from Linked Open Data (LOD) resources: DBpedia, Geonames, Freebase

• Replace ad hoc processing of RDF data in Lucene with a triple store

• Add additional graphs (e.g., derived from infobox links and develop algorithms to exploit them

• Develop a better hybrid query creation tools

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Page LinkGraph

CategoryLinks Graph



Application Specific Algorithms

Application Specific Algorithms

Application Specific Algorithms

Wikitology 3.0 (2009)

LinkedSemanticWeb data &ontologies


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Challenges• Wikitology tagging is expensive

– ~3 seconds/document– ACE English: ~150K entities (~24 hr on Bluegrit)– A spreading activation algorithm on the underlying

graphs improves accuracy at even more cost

• Exploit the RDF metadata and data and the underlying graphs– requires reasoning and graph processing

• Extract entities from Wiki text to find more relations– More graph processing

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Wikipedia’s social network• Wikipedia has an implicit ‘social network’ that can help disambiguate PER mentions

• Resolving PER mentions in a short document to KB people who are linked in the KB is good

• The same can be done for the network of ORG and GPE entities

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WSN Data• We extracted 213K people from the DBpedia’s Infobox dataset, ~30K of which participate in an infobox link to another person

• We extracted 875K people from Freebase, 616K of were linked to Wikipedia pages, 431K of which are in one of 4.8M person-person article links

• Consider a document that mentions two people: George Bush and Mr. Quayle

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Which Bush & which Quayle?

Six George Bushes Nine Male Quayles

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A simple closeness metric

Let Si = {two hop neighbors of Si}Cij = |intersection(Si,Sj)| / |union(Si,Sj) |

Cij>0 for six of the 56 possible pairs

0.43 George_H._W._Bush -- Dan_Quayle

0.24 George_W._Bush -- Dan_Quayle

0.18 George_Bush_(biblical_scholar) -- Dan_Quayle

0.02 George_Bush_(biblical_scholar) -- James_C._Quayle

0.02 George_H._W._Bush -- Anthony_Quayle

0.01 George_H._W._Bush -- James_C._Quayle

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Application to TAC KBP

• Using entity network data extracted from Dbpedia and Wikipedia provides evidence to support KBP tasks:– Mapping document mentions into

infobox entities– Mapping potential slot fillers into

infobox entities– Evaluating the coherence of entities

as potential slot fillers

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Next Steps• Construct a Web-based API and demo system to facilitate experimentation

• Process Wikitology updates in real-time• Exploit machine learning to classify pages and improve performance

• Better use of cluster using Hadoop, etc.• Exploit cell technology for spreading activation and other graph-based algorithms– e.g., recognize people by the graph of

relations they are part of

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Dbpedia ontology•Dbpedia 3.2 (Nov 2008) added a manually constructed ontology with– 170 classes in a subsumption hierarchy– 880K instances– 940 properties with domain and range

•A partial, manual mapping was constructed from infobox attributes to these term

•Current domain and range constraints are “loose”


Place 248,000Person 214,000Work 193,000Species 90,000Org. 76,000Building 23,000

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Person56 properties

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Organisation50 properties

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Place110 properties

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Exploiting Linked Data

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Conclusion• Our initial applications shows that the Wikitology idea has merit

• Wikipedia is increasingly being used as a knowledge source of choice

• Easily extendable to other wikis and collaborative KBs, e.g., Intellipedia

• Serious use may require exploiting cluster machines and cell processing

• We need to move beyond Wikipedia to exploit the LOD cloud

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