wild, free +! glowing€¦ · experiences to get you unstuck + living more freely + fully. +...


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+  Glowing



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What’s Inside?

Intro 3 How to use this book 4 SECTION 1: GET INSPIRED What do I know? 6 10 tips // tricks // habits 8 SECTION 2: GET WORKING The Circle of Life 19 What if You Fly? 25 Find Your Why 26 Love List 27 SECTION 3: GET GLOWING Easy does it 31 Bombshell Glow tips 32 A Little Love Note 34

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There are stars in your eyes… …butterflies in your belly… I’ve got them, too. I want to help you shine even brighter, honeybee. But first, let me introduce myself. I’m Dana Gatziolis and I’m a healthy lifestylist, speaker, writer, coach, singer/songwriter + seeker. I help fun-loving, driven + insightful women out of living a half-filled life into a life and a body that they truly love. I believe that each of us are born with a unique calling, but it’s easy for us to lose our way – to allow our insecurities to hold us back from living fully, freely + authentically. I believe that in order for us to step up + shine, we’ve gotta be well. This eBook serves as an entrée for the ideas, conversations, support + wisdom that I share from my digital front porch (danagatziolis.com) and in my coaching programs. My hope is that it sparks something within you, gets you inspired and desiring more. Grab yourself a cup of tea, a pen + paper, get cozy and dive into the words on the pages that follow. With love + gratitude, Dana xo

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How to use this book The beauty of this book lays in the work that you put into it. Take an afternoon, an evening or a few minutes each day to dive into it. Print it up – or get a lovely journal to record all of your thoughts + feelings. The most important thing is that you lean into the work – actually do it! Pause where you feel you need to and dive deeper where the work demands it. + SECTION 1: GET INSPIRED is designed to get you inspired, thinking differently + expanding your perspective. Through a list of ten of my favorite life lessons + tips, you’ll begin to crack open a little bit + see the realm of possibility that lays before you. + SECTION 2: GET WORKING is all about getting down to business. We’ll go through a series of exercises and journaling experiences to get you unstuck + living more freely + fully. + SECTION 3: GET GLOWING is a space for you to reflect and find clarity on your next move. You’ll map out your inspired action steps to get your life moving in the direction you want. I’ll also give you some of my favorite bombshell beauty tips for getting that glow from head to toe. Because we all want to glow on the inside + out right?!


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So, what do I know about creating a life + a body I love?

Scoot a little closer, love. It’s story time. At the age of 9, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disease involving the digestive system. It doesn’t take much to imagine the kinds of symptoms associated with it. It ain’t pretty. Right after graduating from college, I was brought to the point where the only option for me was to have my entire colon removed, leaving me with a permanent ileostomy bag attached to my lower abdomen. As a young woman who has struggled with body image issues for as long as I can remember, I know what it’s like to feel as if I were stuck on a broken merry-go-round. I just wanted to feel beautiful and comfortable in my own skin. Add an ileostomy bag to the picture, and I just about threw the cards in. No one would want to touch me with a 10-foot pole. How could anyone ever love me? How could I ever love me? After one long night of wrestling with God from my hospital room, I realized that I was most afraid to lose my ability to love + be loved. With this realization, I was overcome with a sense of peace. Although I wasn’t completely sure of the how, I knew that all of the pain that I had gone through wouldn’t be in vain. As I awoke in the recovery room after my 9-hour surgery, I knew that my new life was just beginning. I couldn’t run away from my l ife anymore, I had to claim it . I wanted nothing more than to be “normal” and not deal with this disease. But, I somehow knew that there was beauty in the brokenness. I knew that this experience would allow me to

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become a more loving person, even more capable of compassion and connection. I came to be cured, I left healed. I was filled with a childlike sense of wonder. I truly find beauty in everyone that I meet and every place that I go. I’ve found that the more I embrace my desire for wanderlust, the more beautiful my life becomes. With my heart as my compass, I’ve created a beautiful life, I know that my heart will never lead me astray. I became even more grateful for the gift of wellness. My body is a gift, and the more connected I am to my body, the more connected I am to my purpose. It sounds silly, but I feel like I’m in love when I’m eating well, sweating each day, getting enough sleep, following my heart, spending time with loved ones, and creating space for expression, prayer, and reflection. The more wonder, wander + wellness that I add into my life, the more beautiful I feel in my own skin. I want nothing more than to help you create the perfect recipe for a life you can’t get enough of. A life that makes you feel truly b-e-a-utiful. I ’m here to help you create the freedom to become the person that you know you’re meant to be: a woman that’s so in love with her l i fe that she can’t help but inspire others with her presence alone. You are f i l led with l ight, love, and beauty - the world needs you to shine. xo, Dana

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1. Surround yourself with soul sisters … When you spend time with people who are out there living life the way you want to – you subconsciously draw on that big energy to catapult your own big dreams. Hang around other bright sparks who motivate + support you – the ones that will give you power to keep going when you’re faltering. I know this can be tough to do, whether it’s online or in person. Take a deep breath, throw your shoulders back, shine your heart _ reach out to those soul sisters you’ve been admiring from afar. Drop them a line, walk up and say hi. Tell them you admire their work + would love to get a cup of coffee sometime. I’ve met some of the coolest people that I know that way. I love going out of my comfort zone to approach someone who I think just rocks. It’s always worth it. People love to be complimented, so why not go make someone’s day? Your soul sisters are waiting for you – go get ‘em, gorgeous.

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2. Get super clear on what you want … You know all about the Law of Attraction – right? You can attract whatever it is that you want; it’s true. But, watching The Secret a million times isn’t going to get you there, honey. While I love watching that movie from time to time, I have come to understand that there is a lot more depth to the law of attraction – and it takes a few more steps to make it work in your life. Crystal clear clarity is like a jolt of electricity for your soul. When you’re clear about what you want life will always rise up to meet you. It’s a gorgeous cycle and the good news is that getting there is easy as pie. Step 1: Declare your desires. Write them down – each and every day. Create a vision board, put them on post-it notes…you get the idea. Step 2: Dream daily. When you wake up, in the shower, at the traffic lights, see yourself in your desires + dreams as you go through each day. Don’t just think about your desires – really feel them. Get yourself into a place where you feel a tingle in your belly, and you’re in a place of knowing that you already have what you want. How would you feel if you accomplished your dream? Find ways to feel that way each and every day. And it will come.

“Where the mind goes, energy flows.” Just when you need it, the right people will show up, you’ll manifest a pay raise, you’ll get an incredible opportunity – everything lifts. I’ve witnessed this happening in action in my life so many times. It’s truly my number one tip for creating a life that you want.

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3. Feel the fear + do it anyway … Doing something new can be super scary. What if I fail? What if I get it wrong? What if I disappoint everyone? Fear forces you out of your warm, comfy down comforter bed and is guaranteed to bring up all of your resistance and insecurities. But guess what? That’s a really good thing. When you’re moving towards your calling, challenges are inevitable, so do yourself a favor and expect them! You’ll make mistakes + have to leap through obstacles. But, keep that childlike faith tucked in your back pocket. That way, when you go through the obstacles, you’ll know that you’re on the right path. Fear is truly a catalyst for exponential growth. In all honesty, we should be more afraid of living life from our comfy, cushy comfort zones. If we make that our reality for too long, then we stop looking beyond what feels possible. Lean into your fear. Play the edge of your comfort zone. Take inspired action. Screw up right now. Start before you’re ready. Grab the life you were born to live with both hands. Dig it out of the dirt, shine it up + TAKE it – it’s yours.

Do it now. Do it now. Do it now.

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4. Sift out the gold, little lady …

Anthony Robbins says that “success leaves clues.” So I want you to get your little gold miner boots on and sift through your days to find the success – on a regular basis. Whether you do this nightly, weekly or quarterly is up to you. As long as you’re doing it, you’ll feel a shift. Keeping score of your wins – big or small – reinforces positive behavior which will push you to create more beauty, more success, more magic, all the time. Light a candle, make yourself a cup of tea + ask yourself:

When did I kick butt this week? What did I learn? What am I grateful for? What are my challenges? Who can help me? What am I looking forward to this week? What will I accomplish this week?

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5. Do what you say you’re going to do …

Have you ever had a flaky friend? Over the years I’ve met a lot of people who tend to be a little flaky. We make plans and then they just don’t show up or they show up – 45 minutes late. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people, but there’s something about it that just doesn’t feel right. I believe that every relationship is a mirror. So, I decided to redirect that tinge of annoyance on myself. Where do I show up as a “flake” in my own life? Do I make people wait on me? Do I put off my own goals and show up late to my own life? Yep. I’ve done it all! I’ve made a conscious decision to learn from my friends and from myself to not flake out. The best way that I’ve learned to ensure that this doesn’t happen is to listen that that little voice in the back of my head. If it’s saying “NO” then I need to act upon it. I’ll politely decline the request or reschedule for a time that feels a little better in my soul. Pay attention to your words. Are you constantly saying you’re going to do {insert awesome goal here} and reliably unreliable about it? Ahem…I’ve been there. This year I’ve made it my personal goal to say what I mean and mean what I say. I won’t say I’m going to do something unless I’m uber confident that it’s something I’m going to get done. Be a woman of your word. You’ll gain so much more momentum, others will trust you, and best of all – you’ll be able to rely on yourself.

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6. Celebrate others + love like crazy …

Jealousy is a natural thing that happens when we see someone rocking out at life. But, don’t let yourself be overcome with jealousy. The cool flip side of jealousy is that it means that you are being shown what is possible for you. If you’re jealous of someone, look at what it is exactly that you’re jealous of – and then see it as a glimpse of what can be possible for you. Once you leave the wah-wah realm of jealousy, you can enter into the realm of possibility – of celebrating others + yourself. What you notice and celebrate in others always shows up more often in your own life. In addition, make sure to shower the ones that you already love so dearly with soooo much love. You are a vessel of unconditional love, tap into that source + give it away freely. Tell people how much you love them – exactly what it is about them that makes you love them. You get what you give, darling.

Be a best friend, tell the truth + overuse ‘I love you.’ Never let your praying knees get lazy and


Send love notes, comment/share/hug people for their awesome work. Count your blessings that the world is filled with so many beautiful souls that inspire you to rise up and SHINE.

“Just as much as we see in others, we have in

ourselves.” –William Hazlitt

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7. Practice radical gratitude …

The more that you start flexing your gratitude muscle, the more you’ll unconsciously attract more to be grateful for. Start today by finding five things to be grateful for and either jotting them down in a journal before bed, sharing them with a partner, or running them through your head while on a jog. Give your gratitude context by thinking about why you are so thankful. “I’m grateful I have my health that allows me to experience the world in its fullness, like I did today on my morning jog.” I’m not joking about this gratitude stuff, it really works! It’s so important to me that I pronounce my gratitude to the world in my I L ike It , I Love It posts each week on danagatziolis.com ! Join me there to expand upon the power of your gratitude!

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8. Drop the drama, lil mama …

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to drop into the drama mode. Everything is out of whack, you get overwhelmed and your thoughts go out of control! I’ve been there – and still have these days, but I’ve got a trick that’ll help you drop the drama. Write down everything that you have on your plate and then divide it up into the things I can control and the things I can’t control (that stuff can go right now!). Then, with your list of things you can control, tighten it up from most important to things that can probably wait. You just trimmed the fat on that crazy to-do list. Take your refined list and feel good that these can get done in a timely fashion. Another thing I’d like to mention is confidence. We all get nervous. Insecurity doesn’t discriminate, so putting yourself out there and daring to do what it is that your heart desires can be very scary – even for the big doers. The next time self doubt creeps in, start thinking about the contribution that you’re making to the world and how others will benefit. Think about how lovely it is that you’re serving them with your authentic self.

Drama. Dropped.

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9. Self-care to the max …

Block out time, send yourself reminders and refuse to compromise on self-care time. Your soul and body depend on it. I know it can be really hard to understand that taking care of yourself must be the most important thing you do – but once you accept this and figure this out, you’ll see how your life begins to change. We cannot expect to serve others and make the world a brighter place if we’re not feeling amazing ourselves. Whether it’s exercising, cooking a nutrient bursting meal, meditating, journaling, stretching out, or getting beautified, make it happen, babe! Self-care to the max has a sneaky way of effecting the way that you live your entire life – from your relationships to your happiness, so pay yourself the same respect you pay others by showing yourself the same love.

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10. Start before you’re ready …

I’ll do X once Y is completed. Excuse my language, but darling, that’s BS. This is a little dose of tough love (delivered to you with sprinkles on top and a big bear hug, obvi). When it comes to claiming the life that you know you were meant to live, to making it happen, to stepping into your authentic self: Just START. Stop procrastinating. Stop making excuses. Get off the couch. Stop the Netflix reruns. Create something. Learn as you go. Plunge in. Start before you’re ready. Reality check? There will NEVER be a perfect time. It’s a load of BS! You holding back from being who you are meant to be does not serve the world in any way. It’s actually almost selfish to not step into your full power – because you’re robbing the world of the gifts that God wants you to offer. How’s that for motivation?

Start now. Start before you’re ready. You are enough. You are worthy. You ROCK.

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The Circle of Life One of my favorite tools that I use when coaching clients is something that I was given while training to become a certified health coach at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It’s called The Circle of Life. It’s amazing how this simple tool can help us reflect on what is and isn’t working in our lives. Have you noticed that when you’re miserable with your job or in a relationship, you might turn to food to numb the pain? I’ve done it! You could be eating a perfect diet, but you haven’t felt creative since you were on the dance team in high school. In order to take the very best care of ourselves, we need a holistic approach. Give it ago and observe the thoughts and feelings that come up when you move through each area of your life.

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The Circle of Life

What does YOUR life look like? 1. Place a dot on the line in each category to indicate your level of

satisfaction within each area. Place a dot at the center of the circle to indicate dissatisfaction, or on the periphery to indicate satisfaction. Most people fall somewhere in between. (see example)

2. Connect the dots to see your Circle of Life.

3. Identify imbalances. Determine where to spend more time and energy to create balance.

©2013 Integrative Nutrition, Inc. Used with permission. No further copying and/or re-publication is authorized.


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What are you grateful for? Gratitude is the key to unlocking contagious joy, abundance and happiness in your life. It brings our awareness to everything we already have, which is always enough. Reflect back on your Circle of Life and use the next couple of pages to think about what you’re grateful for in each area of your life. What are you thankful for? What lights up your life? What feels expansive? How are you blessed?

…………………… Creativity + Self-expression F inances Career Education Health

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Physical Activity Home cooking Home environment Relationships Social L ife Joy Spir itual ity

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Where are you a bit stuck? Oh my! Honeybee, I can feel your joy from here! Gratitude journaling is like a shot of fireball for your soul … but way healthier ;) Now, let’s go ahead and take a look at the areas in your life where you weren’t feeling so satisfied. Where do you feel constricted? What isn’t working? What are you resisting? What’s stopping you from moving forward? Don’t judge what comes up here. Just observe it. They are opportunities for growth and don’t define you by any means.

…………………… Creativity + Self-expression F inances Career Education Health

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Physical Activity Home cooking Home environment Relationships Social L ife Joy Spir itual ity

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What if you fly? We’re constantly given thoughts and ideas from our childhood to our current age about who we are and about the world we live in. These thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. Our positive beliefs create a limitless reality. But, most of us have reached adulthood with some limiting beliefs. In this space, we’re held back by fear. The good news is that we have the power to change these beliefs. What you believe is what you will get. What if your negative beliefs weren’t the truth? What if life was limitless? What if you are stronger than you think? … What if you fly? +If you let go of your disempowering beliefs, what will happen? +What will it cost you? +What will be the benefits of releasing them? +What’s necessary for you to believe in order to move forward with your one wild + precious life?

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Find your Why Resistance is capable of making us feel foggy, frustrated and uninspired. We can’t move forward and we resist showing up to our lives. Resistance can appear in our lifestyle habits, food choices, relationships, finances, spirituality, career … This is tied closely with motivation. A lot of people get frustrated that they lack motivation for things that they really want to get done. But, what’s interesting is that may times our fear of success can be more frightening than our fear of failure. You might want to lose weight or start a blog. But, you keep doing things that sabotage your goals … making you more frustrated with yourself. But why do we do this? Come back to the source. What’s the reason that you want to lose weight? Start a blog? Get that job? Find a relationship? WHY do you want what you want? WHY is choosing healthy foods important to you? WHY is this goal so meaningful to you? Dig a little deeper than blaming yourself for having a “lack of motivation.” Feel what it would feel like to achieve your goal – make it feel like home.

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Love List This is another trick I have up my sleeve that I use when in coaching sessions. I’ve made this list myself and it gives me something that I can read back on when I’m feeling that “stuck” feeling. Your love list is constantly evolving, like you! What does your list look like? What do you love to do? What makes you smile? What could you do all day? What makes you feel most like yourself? What simple pleasures get you gigglin’? Go and do them! Make a commitment to yourself to do something on your list each and every day. Of course, you can’t really expect to hike mountains or cook a three course meal each day but, you can make time to read one of your favorite blogs, do your hair, or shake your tush to some Taylor Swift! The larger things on your love list still need to be important, they just need to be scheduled into your monthly and yearly planner. Carve out the time. Connect with your spirit. Doing what you love and following your heart is food for your soul. Feed it.

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My Love List v I love… v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

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Feel the fear… And do it anyway.

You’ve just done some amazing diggin’ in the dirt, love. Now it’s time for you to take some inspired action, using your heart as a compass. Here’s a little bit of work for you to do to get out of your own way and start glowing in your life. +What would you love to do, but you’re afraid to? +What reward will you get from achieving this goal? How will it make you feel? Who will benefit? {for example: I am terrified to tell my story on this blog” – which is a fear of mine – becomes “I’m so excited to tell my story because it’s a great way to help others to find grace within their own lives…” Give yourself evidence of WHY this goal will reward you + the world!} +What are the steps you need to take to achieve your goal? You don’t need to see the staircase, just the first couple of steps. The rest will come in divine time. Make these action steps real – put them in your planner, stamp them on your fridge – just one step at a time will get you where you’re going.

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Easy does it How are you feeling now that we’ve gotten to this point of the book? Are you inspired? Overwhelmed? Both? Take a deep belly breath and observe the thoughts and feelings that come up for you. Write those feelings down. Observe them and love them. Honeybee, remember that change takes time. All you can do right now is be gentle with yourself. Easy does it. Don’t give up when you don’t see major shifts right away. The gift is in being able to see the subtle shifts that add up to major change. Look at life through a lens of Wonder. Lean into any whispered messages you may be overlooking – and the more you take care of yourself – body, mind + soul – the easier it will be to hear the messages that what you want is coming. Most importantly – have fun! Lighten up. Revel in your transformation process and give yourself permission to shine.

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Bombshell Glow Tips Did you know that your outside appearance is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside of your body? Let’s focus on nourishing ourselves from the inside out to achieve The Ultimate Glow. TIP #1 Begin to make fresh, green smoothies and juices, and incorporate them into your daily routine. Green juices and smoothies are so packed with nutrients that they will send your energy through the roof! They’ll help you slim down and give you the clear, glowing skin you’ve always dreamed of. Try out my Blendy Babe Smoothie from the Oops I Did it Again: 7 Days to Daisy Dukes Reset Cleanse!

The Blendy Babe

2 cups almond milk 2 cups baby spinach

1.5 cups frozen blueberries 1 frozen banana

1 tsp Spirulina powder TIP #2 Eat more carbs! Ok, ok…hear me out. Carbs aren’t evil, but sugar is. Sugar is a carb. I know it’s confusing, but not all carbs are created equal. Carbs from fruits and veggies are heavenly, glow-worthy carbs and carbs from highly-processed foods (breads, crackers, pastas) and sugary desserts are bad. Eliminating carbs from your diet is not advised—and actually dangerous. But, you MUST choose the right kind. Eat MORE fruits & veggies and LESS pasta, breads, crackers, and highly processed food.

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TIP #3 Practice yoga to increase blood circulation to the head and face area. Yoga will oxygenate your system and help you achieve a glowing complexion. Try out yoga classes at a local studio or check out my Virtual YogaBabe Studio (in the Wild + Free(bies)). Yoga will not only get your body moving and slimming down, but it will ease your stress level and allow you approach your day from a calmer standpoint. A calm and confident Wildheart is like a breath of fresh air to the world around her. TIP #4 Eat 1 teaspoon of coconut oil per day. I know it sounds crazy—eat oil?! But, coconut oil has an array of benefits. Models often credit their beautiful complexions to consuming coconut oil. It also assists in weight loss by converting fat into fuel. Coconut oil is absorbed directly into the liver and used as energy by our bodies immediately. It helps us feel full longer and stabilizes our blood sugar levels. TIP #5 Decrease the amount of dairy in your diet. Dairy causes an overproduction of mucus in your body. Mucus holds onto toxins and traps them in your body. In desperation to get rid of the toxins that dairy produces, your body produces phlegm, mucus, and pimples. Dairy products clog your body, create an acidic environment, and keep you stuck. Cutting out dairy from your diet will allow you to let go of unwanted weight and your skin will clear up. You’ll even begin to think with more clarity and have more energy! Now what’s not to love about that? Decrease or eliminate dairy from your diet. Replace it with non-dairy alternatives. I love almond milk :)

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A little love note

Hey there, beautiful one. I’m so happy that you’ve gone through this entire workbook. I’m hoping that you felt the love that I poured into it – and I can just feel the shift that you’ve made just from reading these words. You’ve got so much to give, buttercup. Don’t allow your fear to hold you back from living the life you were meant for. You’ve got this. I also wanted to tell you something else that’s pretty special to me. I ’ve been praying for you. Yep. You read that right. As I created this book, I constantly was sending up prayers for you, my reader. My prayer is that you see the beauty and the light that lives within your heart – and that you give yourself permission to shine. But you know what I care about more than anything? What my greatest prayer has been? My greatest wish for you is that you understand how LOVED you are. You are constantly surrounded by love, and if you don’t feel it, I pray that you make little shifts to your perception and allow that love in. I call it God, you can call it whatever you want. It doesn’t matter. You, my dear, are loved beyond measure. My greatest passion is guiding passion-fueled, driven, fun-loving women to create a life and a body that they love…because in order to shine, you’ve gotta be well. To enquire about health coaching, drop me a line at [email protected] … I can’t wait to hear from you! Thank you for being here. All my love, Dana