wildflowers2014 8pp a4.qxd:- 18/2/14 09:38 page 4 wildflower · 2015-08-21 · bluebell...

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Page 1: Wildflowers2014 8pp A4.qxd:- 18/2/14 09:38 Page 4 Wildflower · 2015-08-21 · Bluebell Hyacinthoides non ... Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Poa Pratensis Strong Creeping Red Fescue

WildflowerM I XT U R ES


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Page 2: Wildflowers2014 8pp A4.qxd:- 18/2/14 09:38 Page 4 Wildflower · 2015-08-21 · Bluebell Hyacinthoides non ... Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Poa Pratensis Strong Creeping Red Fescue

A carefully selectedmixture suitable forshaded areas andwoodlands.

Betony Stachys offincinalis

BluebellHyacinthoides non –scripta

FoxgloveDigitalis purpurea

Garlic MustardAlliaria petiolata

Hedge BedstrawGalium mollugo

Hedge WoundwortStachys slyvatica

Nettle LeavedBellflower Campanulatrachelium

Red CampionSilene dioica

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

Wild AngelicaAngelica sylvestris

Wood AvensGeum urbanum

Wood SageTeucriumscorodonia

Suitable for damp,moist and wet soilsalso on saturatedbanks of ponds,streams, rivers andditches.

BetonyStachys offincinalis

Greater BirdsfootTrefoil Lotus uliginosus

KnapweedCentaurea nigra

Meadow ButtercupRanunculas acris

Meadow SweetFilipendula ulmaria

Oxeye DaisyLeucanthemumvulgare

Purple LoosestrifeLythrum salicaria

Ragged RobinLychnis flos - cuculi

Red CampionSilene dioica

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

SneezewortAchillea ptarmica

Water AvensGuem rivale

This mixture shouldbe sown on all claysoils and uses speciestypically found on thissoil type.

Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatus

Bulbous ButtercupRanunculusbolbosus

Common VetchVicia sativa

KnapweedCentaurea nigra

Ladys BedstrawGalium verum

Lesser TrefoilLotus corniculatus

Oxeye DaisyLecanthemumvulgare

Salad BurnetSanguisorba minor

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

TeaselDipsacus fullonum

Wild Carrot Daucus carota

On soils overlyinglimestone or chalk,particular types offlowers can be found,and these arecontained in thiscarefully selectedblend of species.

AgrimonyAgrionia eupatoria

BetonyStachys offiicinalis

Black MedickMedicago lupulina

Common BirdsfootTrefoil Lotuscorniculatus

Common KnapweedCentaurea nigra

CowslipPrimula veris

DandelionTaraxacum officinale

Field ScabiousKnautia arvensis

Greater KnapweedCentaurea scabiosa

Hoary PlantainPlantago media

Kidney VetchAnthyllis vulneraria

Oxeye DaisyLecanthemumvulgare

Salad BurnetSanguisorba minor

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

Wild BasilClinopodium vulgare

Wild CarrotDaucus carota

Wild MignonetteReseda lutea

YarrowAchillea millefolium

Yellow - RattleRhinanthus minor


Shaded Areas


Wetland Soils


Lime / Calcareous Soils


Clay Soils

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

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Wild Flower Management Guidelines

Select a weed-free site of low fertility.

Fertiliser should not be used, since broad-leaved andgrass weeds, together with cultivated grassescontained in standard mixtures, can be highlycompetitive on fertile soils. This can adverselyaffect seed germination, establishment andsubsequent growth. However, increased grasscutting can help to counteract over-competitivegrowth.

Control weeds before sowing. Annual weeds may behoed, buried or killed with a contact herbicide.Perennial weeds should be eradicated by atranslocated glyphosate-based herbicide.

Sow mixtures either from early March to early May,or from early August to mid-September. This willensure optimum establishment of most species.

Cultivate the ground to provide a fine, weed-freeseed bed. Firm if necessary.

Take care to sow evenly, at the recommended rate.Thoroughly mixing one part seed with four parts drysand makes it more easily distributed.

Rake the seed in lightly with a spring-tined rake andfirm the soil by treading or, preferably, rolling. Thisensures that the seed comes into contact withmoisture in the soil.

Water with a fine spray. This will avoid disturbing thesurface of the soil. Keep the area well-watered andfree from any unwanted plants.

Cut the sward every six to eight weeks during thefirst year after sowing and remove the cuttings. Thiswill prevent the grass from over growing the slowergrowing wild flowers.

In the following years, cut in early spring, beforegrowth starts, and in October, after all wild flowerseeds have been shed.

Remove the cuttings.

J F M�








� Sowing possible � Optimum sowing window


All our AWF Wild Flower Mixtures contain 80% grasses and 20% native British produced wild flowers

Browntop Bent Agrostis capillarisChewings Fescue Festuca rubra commutataCrested Dogstail Cynosurus cristatusSheeps Fescue Festuca ovina

Slender Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra litoralisSmooth Stalked Meadow Grass Poa PratensisStrong Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra rubra

80% Grasses

We have carefully formulated our wild flower mixtures tomeet a number of different habitats and soil types. This canrange from a sandy soil to a hedgerow habitat. Low maintenance grass species (see panel below) areincluded in the mixture to act as a nurse crop in the early

years of establishment and growth. The grasses helpsuppress weed invasion, whilst allowing the wild flowers toflourish.All our AWF mixtures contain 20% native British producedwild flowers and 80% grasses (see below for details).

Mixture Composition

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The flowers selected inthis mixture naturallyoccur on soilscharacterised by a lowpH, which allows you toproduce a flowery swardon a range of acid soils.

Common BirdsfootTrefoil Lotus corniculatus

Common KnapweedCentaurea nigra

Common SorrelRumex acetosella

Common ToadflaxLinaria vulgaris

Common VetchVicia sativa

DandelionTaraxacum officinale

Devils Bit ScabiousSuccisa pratensis

Lady’s BedstrawGalium verum

Meadow ButtercupRanunculas acris

Musk MallowMalva moschata

Oxeye DaisyLecanthemumvulgare

St Johns WortHypericumperforatum

Ragged RobinLychnis flos - cuculi

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

White CampionSilene alba

Wild BasilClinopodium vulgare

Yellow RattleRhinanthus minor

This mixture is suitablefor establishing flowerygrassland on allloam/alluvial type soilsand can produce a richdiverse sward.

BetonyStachys offincinalis

Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatus

Bulbous ButtercupRanunculusbolbosus

CatsearHypochaeris radicta

CowslipPrimula veris

Common KnapweedCentaurea nigra

Lady’s Bedstraw Galium verum

Oxeye Daisy Lecanthemumvulgare

Salad BurnetSanguisorba minor

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

White CampionSilene alba

On free drainingsandy soils we advisethe use of thismixture to recreate ameadow typical forthis soil type.

Black MedickMedicago lupulina

Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatus

KnapweedCentaurea nigra

DandelionTaraxacum officinale

Field Forget me notMyosotis arvensis

Hoary PlantainPlantago media

Kidney VetchAnthyllis vulneraria

Lady’s BedstrawGalium verum

Musk MallowMalva moschata

Oxeye DaisyLecanthemumvulgare

Perforate St JohnsWort Hypericumperforatum

Ribwort Plantain Plantego lanceolata

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

Vipers BuglossEchium vulgare

Wild mignonetteReseda luteola

White CampionSilene alba

Wild CarrotDaucus carota

Wild MignonetteReseda lutea

YarrowAchillea millefolium

Yellow RattleRhinanthus minor

Suitable for field andwoodland margins.

BetonyStachys offincinalis

Common KnapweedCentaurea nigra

Garlic MustardAlliaria petiolata

Hairy St JohnsWortHypericum hirsutum

Hedge BedstrawGalium mollugo

Hedge WoundwortStachys sylvatica

Red CampionSilene dioica

Self HealPrunella vulgaris

TeaselDipsacus fullonum

Wood AvensGeum urbanum

YarrowAchillea millefolium


Loam / AlluvialSoils




Sandy Soils


Acid Soils

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

Sowing rate 3-5g/m2Pack size 1kilo

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Cornfield Annuals Mixture Management GuidelinesAs the name suggests, Cornfield mixtures have been developed to re-create the traditional wild flowers thatused to thrive in cereal fields prior to the advent of modern farming practices and their reliance on herbicides.

It is important to note that this type of mixture is not designed for sowing in or with grass as the flowers willstruggle to compete. The species used also need yearly soil disturbance to germinate and so a grass sward isnot suitable. Once established an annual bed can be maintained for many years.

When to sow:Sow as early as possible – March or April. Alternatively, sow in the early autumn.

Sowing:Cultivate the ground to provide a fine, weed-free seedbed. Firm the ground if necessary. Sow at the rate of 2gm persquare metre. You may find it easier to mix the seed with 4 parts dry sand to 1 part wild flowers. Agitate the bag atregular intervals to ensure that seed does not all congregate at the bottom. The seed should be divided into 2 andsown at right angles so there is an even spread. Rake the seed in lightly.

Maintenance:At the end of the summer, when flowering has finished, ensure that all seed is shaken from the mature plants asyou pull them up. Remove any grass and other unwanted plants from the area before raking it level in order toprovide conditions suitable for germination. Most species will germinate and establish within a few weeks, althoughsome may not appear until the following spring. Some thinning out may be necessary. New seed may need to besown into the area for the first 2 or 3 years to build up a really sound plant population.

Sowing rate 2g/m2

A popular mixture whichrecreates the traditional wildflowers that used to thrive incornfields prior to the adventof modern farming practicesespecially in relation to theirreliance on herbicides.Please note that theseflowers are annuals and needto be sown onto disturbedland for best results.

55% CornCockleAgrostemma githago

17.5% CornMarigoldChrysanthemumsegetum

12.5% CornflowerCentaureacyanus

10% CommonPoppyPapaverrhoeas

5% CornChamomileAnthemisarvensis

Cornfield Annuals

Sowing rate 2g/m2

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Wild flowers are a very important part of the countryside asthey provide a rich, colourful and diverse ecological habitatfor many insects and wildlife.

They also offer great aesthetic value to enhance the naturalbeauty of the British countryside, parkland and gardens.

Over the past 50 years, the number of traditional wild flower meadows hassadly declined which has resulted in a noted decrease of British Insects. In order for pollination to take place, we need the perfect flowers to attractthose all-important bees so they can ensure the plants become fertilised andproduce seeds and fruit. Limagrain’s eight different AWF mixtures and theCornfield Annual Mixture which are listed in this booklet all contain some ofthe recommended plants on the Royal Horticultural Society’s list of plantswhich are ‘Perfect for Pollinators’. You can read more about the need for beeson the RHS website www.rhs.org.uk

Native Wild Flowers are important to all of us

Our range of AWF Wild flower mixtures can be used on manytypes of amenity and agricultural areas including:

Parks, Gardens and Landscape areas:The appearance of these locations can be greatly improvedby having an established wild flower area. The rich andvaried wild flower species give a flowering period fromspring all the way through to autumn creating a colourfulenvironment whilst providing a habitat for wildlife.

Golf Courses:Golf Courses can provide excellent habitats for wild flowersas part of a low maintenance scheme which can help toimprove the biodiversity on the golf course

Highways:Road highway schemes are also very popular sites toestablish wild flowers as they provide areas for insects andwildlife while requiring less mowing and maintenancecompared to 100% grass swards

Agricultural land:Farmers and land owners are now being encouraged toestablish field margins and new areas of wild flowers whichwill help populations of butterflies, bees and other insectsincrease. This also provides habitats for game birds andother wildlife.

Key Uses

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If you would like information on our

range of Amenity Grass seed mixtures

then please visit our website


TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE: All species listed in this leaflet are offered strictlysubject to safe harvest/final certification and remaining unsold on receipt of orders.

All other terms and conditions of sale will be advised by your individual supplier.

To order your wild flowersplease contact:

Limagrain UK Limited. Registered No.1305690 England. Registered Office. Rothwell, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire.

This QR code providesa link to the Limagrain

website via yoursmartphone

Limagrain UK Ltd, Rothwell, Market Rasen,

Lincolnshire LN7 6DT Tel: 01472 371471

[email protected]/amenity

Version 4/June 2013

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