wildlife fertility controlwildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the...

Wildlife Fertility Control THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY Technical Review 02-2 2002

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Page 1: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species

Wildlife Fertility Control

THE WILDLIFE SOCIETYTechnical Review 02-2


Page 2: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species


The Wildlife Society

Members of The Technical Committee on Wildlife Contraception

Kathleen A. Fagerstone (Chair)USDA/APHIS/Wildlife ServicesNational Wildlife Research Center4101 LaPorte Ave.Fort Collins, CO 80521-2154

Michael A. Coffey National Park Service5013 Overhill Dr.Fort Collins, CO 80526

Paul D. CurtisDept. of Natural ResourcesRoom 114, Fernow HallCornell UniversityIthaca, NY 14853

Richard A. DolbeerUSDA/APHIS/WS/NWRCc/o Plum Brook Station6100 Columbus Ave.Sandusky, OH 4487

Gary J. KillianPennsylvania State UniversityDept. Dairy and Animal ScienceUniversity Park, PA 16802

Lowell A. MillerUSDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC4101 LaPorte Ave.Fort Collins, CO 80521-2154

Linda M. WilmotFDA/Center for Veterinary MedicineMetro Park North II7500 Standish PlaceRockville, MD 20855

Edited by Roy Kirkpatrick

The Wildlife Society5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 200

Bethesda, Maryland 20814

Technical Review 02-2July 2002

Page 3: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species
Page 4: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species


The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dan Baker, Bob Garrott, and Roy Kirkpatrick inediting drafts of this manuscript. Final copyediting and layout were performed by The Wildlife Society editorialstaff.

Cover photo by Kathleen Fagerstone.


Presidents of The Wildlife Society occasionally appoint ad hoc committees to study and report on selectedconservation issues. The reports ordinarily appear in 2 related series called either Technical Review (formerly"White Paper") or Position Statement. The review papers present technical information and the views of theappointed committee members, but not necessarily the views of their employers. Position statements are basedon the review papers, and the preliminary versions ordinarily are published in The Wildlifer for comment bySociety members. Following the comment period, revision, and Council's approval, the statements are publishedas official positions of The Wildlife Society.

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This report may be cited as: Fagerstone, K. A., M. A. Coffey, P. D. Curtis, R. A. Dolbeer, G. J. Killian, L. A.Miller, and L. M. Wilmot. 2002. Wildlife fertility control. Wildl. Soc. Tech. Rev. 02-2, 29 pp.


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Page 6: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species

Table of Contents


FOREWord ...............................................................................................................................................................................iiiAcknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................................................iiiEXECUTIVE SUMMARy .......................................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................................1BIOLOGICAL FEASIBILITY ................................................................................................................................................3PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD WILDLIFE FERTILITY CONTROL AGENTS ..............................................................4

Public Involvement Strategies for Making Wildlife Management Decisions ......................................................................4Identifying Public Acceptance of Wildlife Fertility Control ................................................................................................5

POLICY AND THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ...........................................................................................................6Federal/State Agency Management ........................................................................................................................................6What Information Is Needed Prior to Wildlife Contraception? ............................................................................................6Tools Available to Aid in the Decision Process ...................................................................................................................6

REGULATION OF WILDLIFE CONTRACEPTION DRUGS ...............................................................................................7ECONOMICAL PRACTICALITY ..........................................................................................................................................8

Product Development ............................................................................................................................................................8Cost of Implementing Fertility Control Programs ..............................................................................................................8

Immunocontraceptive Vaccines ..........................................................................................................................................8Oral Delivery of Immunocontraceptive Vaccines ..............................................................................................................9Oral Delivery of Chemical Contraceptives .......................................................................................................................10

HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES ..........................................................................................................................................11Health Effects on Target Animals .......................................................................................................................................11Risks to Nontarget Animals ................................................................................................................................................14Risks to Humans .................................................................................................................................................................14

REVIEW OF CURRENT TECHNOLOGY FOR WILDLIFE CONTRACEPTION ...........................................................15Steroids/Hormones ...............................................................................................................................................................15Natural Plant Compounds .................................................................................................................................................16Avian Contraceptives ............................................................................................................................................................16Immunocontraceptive Vaccines .........................................................................................................................................17

Zona Pellucida ..................................................................................................................................................................18Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) .....................................................................................................................18Sperm Antibodies ..............................................................................................................................................................19Chorionic Gonadotropin ...................................................................................................................................................19

Contraception Without Steroids or Immunological Methods ............................................................................................19Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonist .......................................................................................................19Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)—Toxin Conjugate ......................................................................................19

SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................................20LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................................................................21TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................................................26

Table 1. List of Acronyms ...............................................................................................................................................26Table 2. Estimated relative efficiency of reproductive and lethal control based on numbers remaining after 3 years

from an initially stable population of 1,000 individuals in which reproductive or survival rate is reducedannually by 50% (using population models presented in Dolbeer 1998) ..........................................................27

Table 3. Potential adverse effects of antifertility agents ..................................................................................................28

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Page 8: Wildlife Fertility ControlWildlife fertility control has been less successful than hoped in the past, partly due to failure to understand reproductive strategies of targeted species


A number of wildlife species have become overabundanteither locally or regionally in North America, includingwhite-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Canada geese(Branta canadensis), coyotes (Canis latrans), variousblackbird (Icterinae and Sturnus vulgaris) and gull (Larus)species, and double crested cormorants (Phalacrocoraxauritus). These and other overabundant species cause amyriad of conflicts with humans, ranging from minornuisance problems to serious habitat and crop destruction,spread of disease, and collisions with vehicles and aircraft.Traditional population management techniques foroverabundant wildlife such as hunting and trappingincreasingly are restricted or infeasible in parks andsuburban areas. Thus, wildlife managers and administratorsare being urged by a growing segment of the public to applywildlife fertility control to manage populations ofoverabundant free-ranging wildlife.

Wildlife fertility control has been less successful thanhoped in the past, partly due to failure to understandreproductive strategies of targeted species. With anincreasing research focus on contraceptive development,and more knowledge of animal reproductive systems andbehaviors, fertility control as a technology is rapidlyadvancing. Wildlife fertility control is currently beingtested in several species on a small scale and willundoubtedly hold a place as a wildlife managementtechnique in the future. Major hurdles still includedevelopment of cost-effective delivery systems for effectiveproducts, public and natural resource agency acceptance offertility control as a wildlife management practice, andcommercialization of vaccines or baits. There are currentlyno contraceptive products available for commercial use.Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) files have beenestablished for several fertility control products. Thisallows for interstate transport of the investigational drug foruse in studies to support the drug’s approval. For a NewAnimal Drug to be approved, a drug sponsor must provideevidence of safety and substantial evidence of effectivenessin the target species. Environmental, human food, usersafety, chemistry, and manufacturing issues must also beadequately addressed. Because contraceptive products forwildlife use will be a minor market, and the cost ofobtaining authorization for their use by the FDA will behigh, drug manufacturers will be reluctant to developproducts on their own. Therefore, natural resource agenciesmay need to be involved in product development. Productdevelopment is a nontraditional role for wildlifemanagement agencies, but one that will be required ifcontraceptive products are to be used in anything other thana research context.

Wildlife agencies and biologists have been reluctant toacknowledge the potential applicability of fertility control formanaging wildlife populations, in part because thetechniques available have been publicized as a replacementfor sport hunting. In reality, it is doubtful if the cost orefficiency of delivery for contraceptive techniques wouldallow their use on free-ranging game populations outside ofurban areas where hunting is typically prohibited anyway.The current techniques often have proved uneconomical orinfeasible for practical implementation even in small,localized populations of game species such as deer.Furthermore, the species for which contraceptives primarilyhave been tested (long-lived species such as deer and horses)are those least suited for population reduction through use offertility control. From the perspective of populationdynamics, infertility agents are best suited for managementof short-lived, highly fecund wildlife populations such asrodents and small birds.

Despite the high cost and sometimes questionable feasibilityof present contraceptive programs, more and morecommunities are opting to fund reproductive control ofwildlife populations such as deer. Wildlife managementagencies are increasingly willing to view fertility control asan alternative to other management tools for nongamespecies and for game species in areas where hunting isalready restricted. Public forums discussing the advantagesand disadvantages of various management techniques will bemore important in the future. The challenges for wildlifemanagers will be (1) to integrate potentially valuablecontraceptive technologies with more conventional methodsof wildlife population management and (2) to provide thepublic with accurate information about the length of timerequired for fertility control to reduce populations of long-lived species such as deer relative to lethal control.


Wild animals are valuable natural resources and vitalcomponents of a healthy ecosystem. Wildlife provideseconomic, recreational and aesthetic benefits, and to manypeople, the knowledge that wildlife exists is a positivebenefit in itself. The rich wildlife resources in the UnitedStates are an important part of our heritage. For the last 70or more years, wildlife conservation agencies have focusedon conserving and even increasing populations of manyspecies of wildlife in the United States. In many cases, suchas for the white-tailed deer and the Canada goose, theseconservation efforts have been extremely successful, to thepoint where these species are locally overabundant.

Although wildlife abundance is desirable in most cases,some populations may reach undesirably high levels and

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cause either ecological damage or human–wildlife conflicts.If these populations are allowed to increase unregulated,they may adversely affect the overall health of thepopulation or of other species sharing the ecosystem or mayresult in an unacceptable degree of environmentaldegradation. These populations also may result in anunacceptable level of human–animal conflict. Conflicts caninclude damage to agricultural commodities throughdepredations of livestock, crops, or forest resources.Buildings and other structures and properties can bedamaged by nesting, burrowing, feeding or other wildlifeactivities. Damage can be relatively minor or can be severeenough to affect the livelihood of producers or propertyowners. Overabundant wildlife also can cause human healthand safety issues; wildlife aircraft strikes and deer–vehiclecollisions have increased at alarming rates. There isincreasing concern about the potential for wildlife diseasetransmission to humans and livestock (e.g., Lyme disease,tuberculosis, pseudorabies, West Nile virus, chronic wastingdisease). Many of the problems associated withoverabundant wildlife occur in areas recently converted bysuburban development or in parks or preserves. In many ofthese areas, regulation of some wildlife populations throughconventional means, such as hunting, translocation, culling,or habitat modification has not been effective or feasible, oris precluded because of human presence.

The general public has a positive attitude toward wildlifethat can only be sustained if managers are able to minimizethe negative impacts of overabundant wildlife. Prevention ofthe many and varied types of wildlife damage that occur inthe United States involves an integrated pest managementapproach by federal, state and private landowners. The needfor wildlife management is increasing as people continue toencroach upon natural habitats and human–wildlife conflictsbecome more frequent. At the same time, the public isbecoming intolerant of perceived inhumane means ofcontrol. A growing interest in nonlethal methods forpopulation control of nuisance or damaging wildlife specieshas fostered research in wildlife contraception. Becausefertility control acts by reducing birth rates, rather than byincreasing mortality rates, it is perceived by the public asbeing more humane and morally acceptable thanconventional population control methods.

There are a number of complex technical, biological,economic and legal issues that will need to be addressedbefore infertility agents can be used widely in fieldsituations. Some of these issues deal with the technologyitself. If contraception is to become a successful wildlifemanagement tool, the vaccines or infertility compounds willfirst need to be effective in inducing infertility. The mostimportant fundamental for success in inducing infertility in a

particular species is development of an understanding of thereproductive behavior and physiology of that species and theuse of that knowledge to select the most suitable infertilityagent. Examples of the reproductive behaviors that need tobe considered are (1) is the species a seasonal or year-roundbreeder?, (2) is it monogamous or polygamous?, (3) is itmonestrus or multiestrus?, and (4) does it need a specificvegetation, temperature, or landscape to be successful inreproduction? Each of these factors may impact theeffectiveness of a particular infertility agent. Infertilityagents also will have to be safe for the animals being treated,for nontarget animals, and for the human population and theenvironment. They will need to be cost effective relative toother methods of population management, meaning that theymust be easily deliverable to large numbers of free-ranginganimals in the target populations. Legally, they must beauthorized through a regulatory agency such as the Food andDrug Administration (FDA), and they must be usedaccording to the statutes and regulations set forth by federaland state agencies. In addition, they need to be sociallyacceptable for that particular use.

The American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians(AAWV) stated in a 1993 resolution that fertility controlmay be an acceptable means of population regulation infree-ranging wild animals if the following conditions aremet.

1) The compound does not affect the health of target speciesand humans.

2) A risk assessment is completed delineating potentialeffects on nontarget species.

3) The application is limited to site-specific, well-definedsubpopulations or populations.

4) The application does not alter the gene pool of thespecies.

5) Short- and long-term effects on population dynamics,including age structure and behavioral effects, areevaluated through modeling and monitoring.

6) The program is evaluated by regulatory and wildlifemanagement agencies before use, with full publicparticipation.

7) Costs of the fertility control program are borne by theorganizations or public that benefit from the program.

The position of the AAWV reflects most of the concerns ofboth wildlife managers and the general public regarding useof contraception to manage wildlife populations.

The purpose of this technical review is to summarize pastwildlife contraception efforts, discuss the current state ofresearch and where the research is headed, and examine thefeasibility of field use for contraceptives. Specifically, can

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the techniques proposed be used safely, economically, andwithin legal state and federal mandates? Many contentiousissues have been raised regarding use of infertility agents formanaging wildlife populations (Bomford 1990). Thefollowing sections will address each of these issues,followed by a review of the current status of wildlife fertilitycontrol products. A list of acronyms is provided in Table 1.


The use of infertility agents to control populations of wildanimals may offer an alternative to the use of populationreduction by increasing mortality. However, whetherfertility control is biologically feasible for a particularspecies and population depends on a number of parameters(Curtis et al. 1997a, Nielsen et al. 1997), including whetherthe population is “open” or “closed,” population numbers,sex ratios, age structure, and estimated rate of increase andmortality of the concerned species. Also required is anestimate of the number of animals in the population that willrequire treatment and for how long.

Dolbeer (1998) used population models to compare therelative efficiency (i.e., % decline in population size relativeto number of animals sterilized or removed) of reproductivecontrol and lethal control in managing wildlife populations.The predicted relative efficiencies of lethal and reproductivecontrol for various wildlife species (Table 2) can begeneralized based on adult survival rate (ASR) and age atwhich animals reproduce. For species in which females firstreproduce at 1 and 2 years, lethal control will be moreefficient than reproductive control in reducing populationswhen the ASR is greater than about 0.56 and 0.23,respectively. For species in which females first reproduce at3 years, lethal control always will be more efficient thanreproductive control in reducing populations. In general,this means that reproductive control will be most effective inmanaging smaller wildlife species such as black rats (Rattusrattus), brown-headed cowbirds (Molothus ater) and red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) with high reproductive rates(i.e., reproducing at early age, large litter or clutch size) andlow survival rates. Knipling and McGuire (1972) developeda theoretical model demonstrating that if 70% of male andfemale rats could be sterilized for three generations (1 year)the entire population would be eliminated.

Conversely, reproductive control will be much less efficientthan lethal control in managing populations for largerspecies such as deer (Odocoileus spp.), coyotes (Canislatrans), Canada geese (Branta canadensis), and gulls(Larus spp.) that do not typically reproduce until 2–4 yearsof age and have smaller litter or clutch sizes than mostrodents and small birds. These population simulations

(Dolbeer 1998) demonstrated that for many wildlife speciesin need of population management, such as deer and Canadageese, lethal control will be more efficient than reproductivecontrol in reducing population levels. For example, inwhite-tailed deer, which have a low reproductive rate and alife span from 10 to 12 years, fertility control alone willprobably not be effective in reducing the population. Withan estimated annual mortality rate of 20% for roadkill andother losses, a deer herd treated only with contraceptiveswould remain at a high population level for several yearsafter initiation of a contraception program. From a practicalstandpoint, it would be better to reduce the deer herd to adesired number by some other management technique, thenapply fertility control to stabilize herd growth (Nielsen et al.1997). The proportion of deer that would have to be treatedwith fertility control agents would depend on averagereproductive rates and the female age structure of the herd.

Curtis et al. (1998) used 4 years (1993–96) of culling datafrom the Irondequoit, New York deer herd to study thebiological feasibility of contraceptive applications. Theage and sex structure of the population was simulated usingan automated program for reconstructing deer populations(Moen et al. 1986). The program established an initialbreeding population of the size necessary to supporthuman-related mortality (i.e., culling, deer–vehiclecollisions), and natural deer mortality with a biologicallyreasonable sex and age structure. Simulated annualreproduction and losses contributed to changes in the sexand age structure in successive years. This simulationproduced an initial preculling population size of 905 deerin 1993, and fall deer populations in subsequent years of852, 702, and 457 deer for 1994–96, respectively (Curtis etal. 1998). Next, the number of females culled each yearwas divided by the weighted mean reproductive rate for thepopulation to determine the number of females that wouldhave to be treated with fertility control agents to removetheir potential fawns from the population; the number offemales to be treated was twice the number culled becauseof the male:female fawn sex ratio. The total was dividedby 0.89 to account for the 89% efficacy observed forcontraceptive vaccines delivered via dart gun. Theproportion of female deer in the simulated population thatrequired treatment in any given year varied from 29–100%(Curtis et al. 1998). This wide variation was directlyrelated to the number of female deer culled in relation tochanging deer numbers and shifts in the population age andsex structure over time. In 1 year, more females in thesimulated herd required treatment with contraceptives thanwere actually available. This example raises concernsabout the biological feasibility of wildlife fertility controlin long-lived species when agents are delivered via dartrifle.

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From the perspective of population dynamics, efforts fordeveloping infertility agents to manage wildlife populationsshould focus on those species for which the concept is mostlikely to be successful, such as rodents and small birds. Thisfinding conflicts with the growing public desire for nonlethalmethods such as reproductive control to solve human–wildlife conflicts in larger, long-lived species. Furthermore,if infertility agents are developed and used on long-livedspecies such as deer and geese, biologists need to be honestwith the public about the inefficiencies of this approach andthe length of time required for such strategies to reducepopulations relative to lethal control.


Changes in sociopolitical values have resulted in more of thepublic wanting to be included in wildlife managementdecisions today than at any other time since the advent ofapplied wildlife management in North America (Curtis andRichmond 1992, Curtis et al. 1997). Citizens want toparticipate in setting objectives for management and inapproving the methods for accomplishing those objectives.The decision-making process is no longer just a decisionmade by the manager. Today’s decision must bring togetherall concerned parties—federal, state, private citizens, andspecial interest groups. Whether we call this process“stakeholder groups,” “citizen task forces,” “committeeaction groups,” or “human dimensions,” it is a break fromthe traditional way of managing wildlife. Wildlifemanagement agencies are now working within a newparadigm for management that strives to integrate thebiological and human dimensions of wildlife managementfor improved decision making (Decker et al. 1992). Thiscontemporary paradigm recognizes that decision makingoccurs in an environment with sociocultural, economic,physical, legal, and administrative aspects, as well asbiological components (Decker et al. 1992, Slate et al.,1992). Agencies recognize that people representing a varietyof views are legitimate stakeholders in management, and thepublic is demanding to have their concerns addressed—oneof which is that managers seek nonlethal means for themanagement of wildlife. Nowhere is this more evident thanin the area of wildlife contraception as a potentialmanagement tool. Gill (1993) stated that “given the natureand potential polarity of the wildlife contraception issue,wildlife agencies will have to behave proactively byprojecting themselves into their future.” Kania and Conover(1991) emphasized that wildlife agencies should respond tothese societal changes rather than resist them, thusenhancing the value of the wildlife resource for all people.In fact Schmidt (1992) argued that natural resource

management decisions, previously thought to be defined byscience and economics, are now driven by human values.

The purpose of this discussion is to describe publicinvolvement in wildlife management decisions withparticular reference to wildlife fertility control. Because fewstudies have focused on identification and explanation ofpeople’s beliefs and attitudes toward wildlife fertilitycontrol, the public involvement aspects are reviewed indetail.

Public Involvement Strategies for Making WildlifeManagement Decisions

Sanborn et al. (1994) conducted a survey of 134 state,regional, and national agencies and organizations in theUnited States, and determined that most lacked a policyrelating to contraception in wildlife management. Only 9%of state wildlife agencies had an established policy,compared to 39% of 54 environmental and animal activistgroups. Sanborn et al. (1994) also indicated that the firststep in gaining public acceptance of wildlife fertility controlis to convince the public that this is a viable wildlifemanagement tool. None of the groups surveyed indicatedthat wildlife fertility control was a practical managementoption at that time.

Beliefs and values that influence the acceptability of wildlifefertility control should be considered early in the researchand development process, before too much time and moneyare invested in approaches that may later prove to be morallyor ethically unacceptable. For example, Turner et al. (1992)noted that female white-tailed deer treated with a porcinezona pellucida (PZP) vaccine continued to exhibit estrouscycles after not becoming pregnant. These changes in deerreproductive biology, and their potential to change behaviorand energetics, could raise ethical and managementquestions, and may influence stakeholders’ perceptions ofthis contraceptive technique. Stakeholders must understandthe full range of effects that different contraceptive methodsmay have on wildlife populations before making decisions toaccept or reject their use.

People’s beliefs and attitudes about wildlife are formed,exist, and change in a context of broader attitudes and valuesconcerning several domains of their lives. Wildlife-associated attitudes and values also are related to othermajor world views, such as appropriate human interactionwith the environment, religious beliefs, beliefs about safetyand security of family and community, and beliefs aboutindividual freedom of choice in dealing with problems (i.e.,those caused by wildlife). Based on studies by the HumanDimensions Research Unit in the Department of NaturalResources at Cornell University, a Wildlife Attitudes and

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Values Scale (Purdy and Decker 1989) was developed andapplied in over a dozen situations. This work identified theexistence of three broad dimensions of public attitudestoward wildlife: wildlife use, wildlife preservation, andwildlife damage/nuisance tolerance. The attitudes andbeliefs toward wildlife damage/nuisance tolerance varywidely. Thresholds exist for tolerance of wildlife-causedproblems depending upon economic or health and safetyrisks. For example, some people will incur high levels ofeconomic losses from wildlife before they find the tradeofftips toward damage abatement or lethal control. However,when the perceived risk of health and safety problemsassociated with wildlife (e.g., rabies, Lyme disease, motorvehicle accidents, etc.) reach even modest levels, toleranceof wildlife causing the risk is reduced markedly (Stout et al.1993). It is likely that people will change their attitudestoward fertility control if perceived risks of economic loss,or health and safety impacts, exceed tolerance thresholds.

Increasingly the wildlife management profession is findingthat public-involvement techniques are helpful in reachingcommunity consensus on controversial wildlife managementissues (McAninch and Parker 1991, McMullin and Nielsen1991, Nelson 1992, Curtis et al. 1993, Stout et al. 1993). Ifconceived carefully and implemented effectively, citizenparticipation strategies present educational opportunities,improve the agency image as being responsive tostakeholder needs, and lead to more acceptable decisionsand actions to solve management problems (Stout et al.1993). Several models have been used to involve citizens inwildlife management decisions (McAninch and Parker 1991,Curtis et al. 1993), and these may be adapted to fit othersituations. In a New York deer contraceptive study, the workof citizen task forces was greatly enhanced by theavailability of systematically collected human-dimensionsdata gathered from the community at large and frommembers of specific stakeholder groups. Evaluation ofparticipants involved with ongoing task forces can improvecommunication and is invaluable for effectively managingthe process (Stout et al. 1992).

Involving communities in wildlife management decisionshas led to the evolution of comanagement (Schusler 1999),which was defined by the World Conservation Congress in1996 as “A partnership in which governmental agencies,local communities and resource users, nongovernmentalorganizations, and other stakeholders share, as appropriate toeach context, the authority and responsibility for themanagement of a specific territory or set of resources.”Proponents of comanagement believe it is more appropriate,efficient, and equitable than more conventional governmentcontrol. An example of a comanagement approach is deercontraception research in the Town of Irondequoit, NY,

where funding and political support were provided by theNew York State Department of Environmental Conservation(through a direct, line-item appropriation from the New YorkState Legislature) as well as by the local community.

Identifying Public Acceptance of Wildlife FertilityControl

Wildlife managers considering the use of contraception forresolving wildlife problems need knowledge of the specificattitudes held by stakeholders in a given managementsituation. Currently, insufficient research is available thatdescribes public attitudes toward wildlife fertility control.The Town of Irondequoit was selected as the site for an in-depth study because of a long-standing deer-managementcontroversy surrounding Durand Eastman Park andimplementation of a public involvement process for settingdeer management objectives (Curtis et al. 1993). Inaddition, the NY Department of Environmental Conservationand the College of Environmental Science and Forestry atState University of New York are conducting anexperimental field application of fertility control vaccines inthis community (Nielsen et al. 1997).

To learn about public attitudes toward deer managementalternatives in Irondequoit, a mail survey of property ownerswas conducted (Lauber and Knuth 1998). The surveyincluded several questions concerning contraceptivemanagement of a locally overabundant deer herd. Thequestionnaire was sent to 1,494 Irondequoit residents, and 890useable responses were received. The community wasdivided on the preferred approaches for managing the deerherd. About 27% of respondents supported contraception,24% supported lethal control (e.g., bait and shoot), 18%wanted trap and transfer of deer, and 13% supported othernonlethal approaches (Lauber and Knuth 1998). Compared torespondents who favored lethal control, people who supporteddeer contraception placed a higher emphasis on humaneness,protecting other wildlife and pets, minimizing violence, andchoosing politically acceptable methods. Contraceptionsupporters perceived this technique to be more effective andreliable, faster, less expensive, more humane, and morewidely supported in the community than residents whosupported other deer management methods. For respondentswho opposed contraception, maximizing hunting opportunityand speed in reducing the size of the deer herd were moreimportant considerations. Respondents who supported lethalcontrol also wanted to minimize management costs (Curtis etal. 1997). Respondents who were interested in increasingdeer-hunting opportunities and reducing economic costsgenerally were opposed to contraception.

Community support for any deer management action, lethalor nonlethal, will require significant public education (Stout

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et al. 1997), and it may be necessary to build consent formanagement among several stakeholder groups withdivergent viewpoints (Curtis and Hauber 1997). Addressingthe social conflicts associated with overabundant wildlifemay be much more difficult than managing the biologicalaspects of population management.


Federal/State Agency Management

Hunting and trapping traditionally have been the primarymanagement tools for controlling populations of manyspecies of wildlife. During the past 20 years, changes inwildlife distributions and density have increased thefrequency of human–wildlife interactions in the urban–suburban environment and in city, county, state and federalpark lands where regulated public hunting or trapping arenot permitted by law. As a result, managers are seekingalternative means to manage wildlife, and use ofcontraceptives increasingly is being advocated as a wildlifemanagement tool.

What Information Is Needed Prior to WildlifeContraception?

Prior to implementation of any wildlife contraceptionprogram, managers need to have a considerable amount ofinformation/data at their disposal to aid in the decisionprocess. A paramount piece of information required is thelegal status of a species and site. In general it is the stateand federal agencies that have primary responsibility for themanagement of wildlife. Each branch of the federalgovernment and each state and local government has aunique set of statutes and regulations (Guynn 1997) that maybe applicable and that managers must be aware of prior toimplementing a wildlife contraceptive program. Theseinclude the FDA regulatory requirements and permits for useof the contraceptive; field use of a contraceptive must occurunder an Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) permitor a New Animal Drug (NAD) authorization. If thecontraceptive project is conducted on federal lands, usesfederal funds, or is conducted by federal employees, theNational Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that theaction be evaluated for potential adverse impacts on humansand the natural environment. Depending on the scope of thecontraceptive project, the project may require anEnvironmental Assessment or an Environmental ImpactStatement or can be “categorically excluded” (actions do nothave a significant effect on the quality of the humanenvironment and do not require an EnvironmentalAssessment of an Environmental Impact Statement). Whenthe project involves bird species protected under the

Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the U.S. Fish and WildlifeService (FWS) must be contacted prior to use of anantifertility agent. If potential exists for an endangeredspecies to be exposed to the agent, a consultation with theFWS may be required by the Endangered Species Act.Activities involving resident wildlife (i.e., those protected bystate laws) are regulated by the respective state agencies andrequire appropriate authorizations. There also are state-specific environmental policy/protection laws andregulations, state laws relating to the conditions and use ofdrugs and/or vaccines, and other state wildlife and publichealth requirements. Additionally, other local laws andregulations often place further restrictions on managementactivities.

Wildlife management in the United States and the methodsused for management of wildlife and of certain nonwildlifespecies (i.e., wild horses [Equus caballus], feral burros[Equus asinus], and bison [Bison bison]) are largelydependent on the management goals and objectives of theagency with delegated legal management authority. Thegoals and objectives of management may vary among statesand among federal agencies. To further confuse the issue,management authority and the responsibility forimplementing management actions may vary, with one ormore bureaus, departments, or agencies having responsibilitywithin each state or the federal government. The question ofland ownership adds even greater confusion; lands can beowned by cities, counties, states, federal agencies or privatecitizens. In the case of game farms, there also is a questionof whether or not certain wildlife is publicly or privatelyowned.

Therefore the first question to be asked before acontraception program is implemented is “Who has theauthority over this group of animals?” Once that isestablished, the specific goals and management objectives ofthe contraceptive program must be clearly defined andarticulated, i.e., why are we doing this and what is it that wewant to achieve? Caughley and Sinclair (1994) suggestanswering the following questions: Where do we want togo? Can we get there? Will we know when we havearrived? How do we get there? What disadvantages orpenalties accrue? What benefits are gained? Will thebenefits exceed the penalties?

Tools Available to Aid in the Decision Process

As stated above, management policies, goals and objectivesdiffer from agency to agency. Generally, agency policies arecouched in broad terms that provide little more that ageneral guide for managers. Goals provide ideal ends oreffects and give direction and purpose; they provide limits tothe range of potential objectives. Objectives are statements

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of specific conditions to be achieved. In considering whatgoals or objectives are appropriate, managers must considersocial, political, biological and economic factors. Althoughconsensus on agency management policies, goals, andobjectives may not be possible, consent may be obtainable(Curtis and Hauber 1997). We recommend that as an aid inthe decision process managers prepare an objective—actionmatrix in which possible objectives are ranked againstfeasible actions to determine how each action is likely tomeet each objective (Norton 1988). Managers can thenassess whether or not an objective can be met by each actionof a particular management problem. Another matrix thatmanagers may use to aid in the decision-making process isone examining possible management actions against criteriaof feasibility (Bomford 1988). These matrixes will assistmanagers in determining whether the use of wildlifecontraceptives as a management or research action istechnically and biologically feasible, and socially, politically,and economically acceptable. If feasible and acceptable, canall the legal, regulatory, and permit requirements be met, andcan the goals and objectives of the agency be met?

Managers could consider using a decision and alternativekey (Coffey and Johnston 1997) developed using anintegrated pest management (IPM) approach for managingwhite-tailed deer. The IPM alternative managementapproach uses problem-solving based on identified orsuspected ecological, economic, sociological, and politicalconsequences. The process starts with clearly defined goalsand objectives for management and a decision key providesa guide for managers to ensure that specific and necessaryactions are completed. A “No” answer to any questionprecludes going to the next step until the previous step oraction is completed. Once the decision key has beencompleted, managers proceed to the alternative key, whichprovides for a selected list of alternatives ranging from thosethat have the least ecological, economic, sociological, andpolitical impacts to those that are the most difficult toimplement. In most cases wildlife contraceptive problemsmay be resolved by combining alternatives or components ofalternatives and by cooperating with other federal, state, andlocal agencies, and the private sector.


An unapproved new animal drug is unsafe within themeaning of Section 512 of the Federal Food Drug andCosmetic Act (FFDCA). It is illegal to transport unapproveddrugs in interstate commerce. Therefore, it will benecessary to gain approval of wildlife contraception drugsintended to curtail population growth of “nuisance” wildlife.Veterinary drugs are approved by the Center for Veterinary

Medicine of the Food and Drug Administration(CVM/FDA). As defined by the FFDCA, drugs are “articlesintended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment,or prevention of disease in man or other animals;and...articles (other than food) intended to affect thestructure or any function of the body of man or otheranimals....” Veterinary biological products, which are “foruse in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases inanimals,” on the other hand, are licensed by theBiotechnology, Biologics and Environmental Protection ofthe Center for Veterinary Biologics of the Animal and PlantHealth Inspection Service (APHIS) of U. S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) under the Virus, Serum, Toxin Act(1913). Pregnancy is not considered a disease; therefore,development of products, including vaccines, for thisindication falls outside of USDA jurisdiction. Likewise,regulation of animal drugs falls outside jurisdiction of theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA isresponsible for regulating pesticides under the FederalInsecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Regulations regarding the investigational use of new animaldrugs are set forth in 21 Code of Federal Regulations(CFR) 511 and the regulations describing the new animaldrug application are set forth in 21 CFR 514. The processbegins with the establishment of an Investigational NewAnimal Drug (INAD) exemption. This allows for theinterstate transport of an unapproved new animal drug foruse in safety and effectiveness studies conducted to supportthe drug’s approval. To support a new animal drugapproval, a drug sponsor must provide substantial evidenceof a drug’s effectiveness through adequate and wellcontrolled studies. The safety of the drug in the targetspecies also must be proven. In addition, the drug must bemanufactured under Good Manufacturing Practices of FDAto assure its identity, strength, quality, and purity frombatch to batch. Environmental, human food, and usersafety issues also must be addressed. Finally, a suitablelabel is produced and a Freedom of Information Summary(required by FDA) written. The new animal drug approvalprocess can take several years depending on the quality ofthe information submitted to support the drug’s approval,the time needed to generate that information, and the statusof the manufacturing facility employed to manufacture thedrug.

CVM/FDA recognizes that novel approaches to the approvalof wildlife contraceptives may be necessary because ofpublic ownership of wildlife, intrinsic value of such animalsto society, and the difficulty in collecting data under lessthan ideal conditions. However, the current standards forapproval of wildlife drugs, including contraceptives, areidentical to those for other new animal drugs. As noted

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above, drugs approved for wildlife contraception must belabeled according to FDA regulations and policies. Thesedrugs will most likely bear an “Rx” or prescription legend,thereby limiting use by or under the direction of a licensedveterinarian for several reasons. These include the specialtraining that may be necessary to ensure the humanetreatment of the animals (i.e., knowledge of darting,trapping, and other capture methods) and the possible dangerto the person administering the product if it is not handledproperly. Furthermore, the “Rx” status may limit theadverse impact on the environment and will provide controlsto minimize the potential for inappropriate usage. CVMmay consider allowing those involved in the practice ofwildlife management to use the drugs also. All new animaldrugs are monitored postapproval for the occurrence ofadverse events. Appropriate labeling changes are made, ifnecessary.

Anyone can sponsor a drug approval package. However,sponsors are generally pharmaceutical firms because of themonetary resources needed to conduct safety andeffectiveness studies and to maintain acceptable chemistryand manufacturing standards. Nevertheless, multipleorganizations may work together in drug development tomeet FDA requirements. There are currently no fertilitycontrol agents for wildlife that have received approval byFDA and that are commercially available in the U.S.


In addition to being biologically feasible for reducingpopulations of the target species, infertility agents will needto be economically practical to use. The economicpracticality involves development and authorization of thecontraceptive drug, as well as assessment of all costs oftreatment, including personnel, equipment, contraceptivevaccines, and other equipment and supplies.

Product Development

The cost of obtaining authorization by the FDA can be veryhigh for use of new infertility drugs such as contraceptivevaccines. A survey developed by the Animal Health Institute(Mark Wood, Animal Health Institute, personalcommunication) indicated that companies average 11 yearsand spend an average of $22 million to develop and bring anew animal drug to market. The cost and time ofdevelopment are less (about $2 million and 4.5 years) fornew veterinary biologicals, but still are high. These highcosts may prevent the majority of infertility agents frombeing developed commercially, because profits are not large(87% of all animal drugs have individual sales of less than$1 million a year), and wildlife are only a minor portion ofthe animal drug market. Infertility agents targeting potential

food species, such as deer and geese, will potentially costmore to register than those targeting nonfood speciesbecause of concerns for human safety. A companyinterested in developing a wildlife infertility agent mustcompare the developmental costs to the eventual monetaryreturns. The more radical the product (e.g., a recombinantbacteria delivering a contraceptive vaccine) the higher thecost for registering the product. Research is increasinglyfocusing on products already licensed by USDA or FDA forother purposes. An infertility agent that has already passedFDA scrutiny for its proposed use (such as a commercialagricultural product) will cost less to develop as an approvedproduct for contraceptive use. Examples include Lutalyse®,which is an FDA-approved drug for synchronizing estrusand terminating pregnancy in several species of animals usedfor human food, but which also is a potential fertility controlagent for white-tailed deer (DeNicola et al. 1997b), andnicarbazin, an FDA-approved drug for the control ofcoccidiosis in broiler chickens, but which is being tested as afertility control agent for pest species of birds.

There are currently no fertility control agents for wildlifethat have received approval by FDA and are commerciallyavailable in the U.S. Several agencies and organizationscurrently hold INAD exemptions allowing interstatetransport of the unapproved drugs for use in studies tosupport the safety and efficacy of those drugs. For example,research is being conducted by the USDA under INADexemption numbers for Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH) and Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP) immunoc-ontraceptive vaccines, for the cholesterol inhibitorDiazaCon, and for the avian reproductive inhibitor,nicarbazin. All are classified as investigational drugs.

Cost of Implementing Fertility Control Programs

Immunocontraceptive VaccinesAlthough infertility agents may show effectiveness inlaboratory or pen situations, economical methods ofmanufacturing and delivering the agent to the animals areneeded before they will be widely used. A potential hurdlein the development of a zona pellucida contraceptive vaccineis the difficulty in purifying sufficient quantities of theprotein, making the cost of the vaccine high (about $50 perdose); large scale production could potentially be achievedthrough recombinant DNA technology and geneticengineering. Also, use of currently availableimmunocontraceptive vaccines is costly, because theyrequire both an initial dose and a subsequent booster dose toachieve adequate contraceptive effect, and annual boosterinoculations may be required. Presently the vaccines areinjectable only by hand or by a biobullet or dart gun. Theseremote delivery systems have certain advantages (Kreeger1997): (1) they target specific animals; (2) they can

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administer a dose on a body weight basis; and (3) they candeliver solid, semisolid, or liquid formulations. However,they also have inherent disadvantages: treatment cost ishigh; personnel must locate and approach target animals;they can be used only on large animals; and they arecomplex, noisy and require experienced personnel toemploy.

The current vaccines also use Freund’s adjuvant; because ofconcerns by FDA about the safety of this adjuvant, huntableanimals must be eartagged with a “Do Not Consume”notice. Turner et al. (1997) found that a 2-injection protocolpresented logistical and economic problems for use in feralhorses because of the need to keep horses gathered togetherfor 3–4 weeks to give a second injection. They estimatedthat a single injection with the current PZP vaccine would beeffective in only about 20–28% of the vaccinated horses inthe first year. After a booster in subsequent years theyestimated that efficacy should increase to about 90%. Curtiset al. (1998) also demonstrated that the 2-shot paradigm ofvaccinating deer (and ear tagging as required by the FDA forcurrent products) is too labor intensive and costly to be apractical solution for reducing deer populations. During thefield study of PZP and GnRH vaccines in New York State,183 deer were captured and tagged at an average cost of$136/deer for fuel and equipment, and 11.2 hrs/deer forlabor, which totaled about $250 for each deer marked (Curtiset al. 1998). Capture and marking accounted for about 28%of the estimated program costs. Costs to administercontraceptive vaccines to a herd of about 300 deer wereapproximately $80,000 per year.

A single-shot, dart or biobullet-delivered vaccine is neededto make immunocontraception programs economically andlogistically feasible. Research currently being conductedcooperatively by the National Wildlife Research Center ofAPHIS and Pennsylvania State University has demonstratedthat a single-shot PZP vaccine mixed with a newlydeveloped adjuvant and delivered to deer by dart or biobulletmay effectively cause infertility in deer, possibly formultiple years. The new adjuvant also may eliminate therequirement that vaccinated deer be ear-tagged, makingimmunocontraception using PZP a feasible approach forsome sites. Brown et al. (1997a) tested a single shot PZPvaccine called SpayVac on gray seals (Halicoerus grypus)and suggested the single-shot vaccine may be effective formultiple years.

Even with capture and tagging costs removed, however,funding for labor and vaccine expenses in the New Yorkdeer study still totaled more than $180,000 over 4 years.According to the Cornell simulation, more than 400 femaledeer would require multiple vaccine treatments to match the

effects of culling. A field study conducted to determine theactual feasibility of using contraceptive vaccines to regulatenumbers of free-ranging deer (Nielsen et al. 1997, Rudolphet al. 2000) in Irondequoit, indicated that, at least for deer, itwill be extremely expensive to treat enough individuals toregulate population growth as long as fertility control agentsneed to be delivered by dart-gun to individual animals. Andif the problem associated with the deer herd is serious, acontraceptive program may not reduce that problem quicklyenough, as all the adult deer are still present. As indicatedabove, it may be preferable to cull a herd to a goalpopulation size, then dart a portion of the remaining femaleswith contraceptive vaccines to inhibit or slow herd growth(Nielsen et al. 1997). If a community decides to usecontraceptive vaccines to control deer numbers, it needs torealize this requires a long-term commitment of funding andpersonnel and careful planning to ensure that the fiscal andhuman resources are available to support the work over thelong term.

Oral Delivery of Immunocontraceptive VaccinesThere are 2 facets to drug delivery that present challenges towildlife managers—getting the agent into the animal, andcontrolling its release to maximize efficacy. The methods ofdelivery may need to be as varied as the species targeted,because no single technology will be able to satisfy all theconcerns of efficacy, economics, and animal and humansafety. A practical and cost-effective means to deliver avaccine to some populations of free-roaming animals is byoral delivery (Miller 1997a). However, oral delivery is adifficult technology to develop and would increase theUSDA and FDA regulatory involvement because it is a newand unproven technology. There also would be a need toprove that oral vaccines are safe in the environment and thatthey will not adversely affect nontarget species. Althoughthere is a great need in third world countries for human oralvaccines because of the lack of physicians to administerinjectables, little money is currently being spent by drugcompanies on oral vaccine research. Because much of thetechnology wildlife researchers use comes from humaninfertility studies, it is not expected that oralimmunocontraceptive vaccines will be available soon.

The ideal oral delivery system will need the ability to (1) survive the acidic stomach, (2) be taken up into thebloodstream from the intestines, and (3) cause a strongimmune response (Mestecky and McGee 1989, McGhee etal. 1992, Walker 1994). Live microorganisms such asattenuated (noninfective) forms of Mycobacterium bovis ,Vibrio cholerae, some strains of Salmonella, and E. colihave some of these properties (Attridge et al. 1997) andcould be coupled to contraceptive vaccines. In a live viralvector, inserted DNA would synthesize the vaccine protein

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as the virus multiplied in the host animal, therebyvaccinating the host animal. In a bacterial vector, arecombinant bacteria genetically rendered harmless coulddeliver an immunocontraceptive protein. AttenuatedBacillus calmette guerin (BCG) bacterium (which is widelyused as an oral tuberculosis vaccine in its nonrecombinantform) and double gene-deleted Salmonella typhi bacillus areconsidered safe, are economical to produce, and are used inhuman vaccine delivery applications. However, there havebeen few field uses of recombinant bacterial and viralvectors. Oral vaccination of wildlife is currently being usedin the U.S. to halt the spread of rabies in wildlifepopulations in Texas and in the northeastern states using avaccinia virus genetically engineered to deliver a rabiesvaccine. And Miller et al. (1999a) demonstrated thelaboratory feasibility of oral vaccination using the BCGbacterium. There is considerable reluctance in the U.S. touse a live vector to deliver a contraceptive vaccine; thus,little research is being conducted in this area.

In contrast to U.S. researchers, scientists in Australia andNew Zealand are looking at self-sustaining infectiousbiological vectors such as genetically modified myxomaviruses (Tyndale-Biscoe 1997), bacteria, or nematodes tospread contraceptive vaccines. This approach has raisedwidespread concern from the public and from othercountries because of the difficulty in containing theinfectious vector, a difficulty underscored by the recentspread of rabbit calicivirus from an island quarantine area tothe Australian mainland. There are a number of issuesregarding the international consequences of introducing anagent designed for a species that is a pest in one country buta desirable species in another. A recent development inAustralia raises an additional concern about geneticallymanipulated infectious vectors (Nowak 2001). As part of astudy aimed at creating a contraceptive vaccine, researchersfrom Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and IndustrialResearch Organization (CSIRO) and the Australian NationalUniversity inserted into a mousepox virus a gene thatcreates large amounts of interleukin 4 (IL-4), a moleculethat occurs naturally in the body. The mousepox virusprovided the oral delivery system for the vaccine and thegene for IL-4 was added to boost antibody production.Surprisingly, the modified virus totally suppressed theimmune response to the mousepox virus. Althoughmousepox normally causes only mild symptoms, with theadded IL-4 gene it became lethal; the engineered virus alsoappeared unnaturally resistant to attempts to vaccinate themice.

Because of the concerns of releasing bacterial and viralmaterial into the environment, APHIS/USDA is researchinginserting contraceptive vaccines into baker’s yeast, and other

scientists are researching the use of genetically engineeredplants as vectors (Arntzen et al. 1994, Greenhouse et al.1999). Although both of these technologies are in the initialresearch phase, they have the potential to provide a safevaccine delivery system. These technologies couldtheoretically be used to grow the vaccine in the laboratory;the vaccine then could to be delivered as an expressedcontraceptive protein or in oral form.

The use of encapsulation may potentially provide acceptableoral delivery of vaccines by protecting the protein vaccinefrom the harsh environment of the stomach. Synthesizedvectors, such as biodegradable microspheres (slow releaseantigen-delivery systems), and liposomes (spherical,artificial lipid membranes), can theoretically protect thevaccines and deliver them to the mucosal immune cells.Researchers (Alving et al. 1986, Holmgren et al. 1993,Hornquist et al. 1994) have synthesized liposomes (lipidmembranes) that incorporate bacterial receptors that promotebinding to the intestinal epithelial cells. Contraceptivevaccines can potentially be delivered to the bloodstreamwhile encapsulated in these liposomes. Miller andFagerstone (2000) tested an adhesive liposome containing aGnRH immunocontraceptive as an oral vaccine in wildNorway rats. They achieved an inconsistent oral response,with 50% percent of the rats showing antibody titers and asignificant reduction in serum testosterone, but the other50% showing no antibody titer.

Oral Delivery of Chemical ContraceptivesChemical contraceptives such as steroids and nicarbazin canbe delivered orally in a bait. The problem with this methodof delivery is getting adequate bait acceptance. An exampleof the difficulty in developing an adequate delivery systemfor wildlife is the development of nicarbazin for infertilitycontrol for Canada geese. Canada geese are monogamousand territorial during the breeding and nesting season,making this species vulnerable to induced infertility(Kennelly and Converse 1997). When fed on a regular basis,nicarbazin reduces hatchability of eggs. In many areas,urban geese are accustomed to being fed, so it was assumedthat development of a nicarbazin bait to be fed regularlyduring the breeding season would be relatively easy.However, the nicarbazin has an astringent taste that geesefind aversive, so its taste must be masked to achieveadequate consumption. Also, geese during the nestingperiod go from group feeding to individual feeding aroundnests and from grains to green grasses, so it is difficult to geta product to them consistently and in sufficient amounts. Acontrolled-release system such as a grit treated withnicarbazin may be required to deliver a product to thisspecies, which would further increase the difficulty and costof developing an effective contraceptive product.

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Health Effects on Target Animals

One of the issues faced by policy makers when makingdecisions on whether infertility agents are a reasonableapproach for wildlife population control will be effects ofcontraceptives on the health of the target species (Guynn1997). Effects on the target species include not only thephysiological effect of the contraceptive on individuals, butalso how the treated individuals affect the dynamics of thepopulation. These data are difficult to obtain becausewildlife do not lend themselves to intensive study asindividuals or as populations. Nevertheless, studies willneed to be conducted to define potential benefits and adverseeffects.

One issue of concern to wildlife managers is the reversibilityof infertility agents. There is considerable disagreementamong scientists regarding the advisability of reversibility,depending on the species targeted and the intendedpopulation effect. In some cases, such as with invasivespecies (nonnative exotics), an irreversible contraceptive isdesirable. In other cases where yearly managementstrategies may be important, a short-term effect may bepreferred. In many cases it would be an advantage if thecontraceptive effect lasted several years but was thenreversible to decrease risk of nontarget hazards and toincrease management options.

Most of the infertility agents discussed in this technical revieware reversible. However, there is a large variation in the lengthof time that they are effective. Most of the steroid compoundsneed to be continuously fed to be effective—discontinuingfeeding causes rapid reversibility. Other oral compounds(nicarbazin and DiazaCon) being studied as contraceptiveagents must be fed frequently and do not have long-lastingeffects. Therefore, developing methods to deliver thesecompounds efficiently to animals will be critical. Fortunately,many of the overabundant species that wildlife managers areconcerned about are seasonal breeders in which these shortlasting compounds may be useful. The two immuno-contraceptive vaccines (PZP and GnRH) are both reversible,but after a longer period of time. The PZP vaccine can beeffective for 1–4 years before the contraceptive effect wears off,whereas the GnRH vaccine is effective only for 1–2 years.

The picture of how contraceptives affect overall animalphysiology is far from complete. Data are needed fromcontrolled studies of wildlife that have been treated withcontraceptives to better understand how these agents mayaffect reproductive behavior, reproductive status, animalhealth and interactions among herd members. Observationsshould be made on individuals for periods of several years to

better understand both the short and long-term physiologicaland behavioral responses that may occur as a result ofcontraceptive treatment.

A number of adverse effects have been postulated for the useof chemical contraception and immunocontraception on thebehavioral and physiological responses of wildlife (Table 3).These include potentially adverse effects on individuals, aswell as adverse affects on populations, such as changes inthe social hierarchy among males and females, feedingbehavior, energy expenditure, local shifts in population, andincreases or decreases in animal movement. What should beemphasized about many of the potentially adverse effectslisted in the table is the word potential. For many of theeffects, we lack sufficient data from controlled studiesinvolving the wildlife species being treated withcontraceptives. Often inferences are made from case studiesof one or two animals, or from one species to another. Inonly a few studies have the potentially adverse effects beenobserved and their incidence quantified. Health data ontreated individuals are available for some compounds andsome species (Table 3) but are not widely available for allinfertility agents. Nettles (1997) provided a comprehensivereview of possible adverse health effects of infertility agents.The steroidal compounds showed potentially harmful effectson pregnant females, inhibition of parturition or dystocia,changes in ovarian function, impaired lactation, impairmentof fertility of offspring, changes in secondary sexcharacteristics, and late abortions. However, a problem withassessing the information currently available is that it isoften contradictory. For example, early reports usingdiethylstilbestrol (DES) for contraception have beenassociated with the potentially adverse affects listed in Table3 under chemical sterilants as reviewed by Nettles (1997).However, many subsequent studies using DES and othercontraceptive steroids administered via slow releasesubcutaneous implants or biobullets have found these to beeffective without adverse effects (as reviewed by Kesler1997 and Warren et al. 1997).

Two of the few compounds for which health data arecurrently being gathered are the immunocontraceptiveproducts PZP and GnRH. In two long-term immuno-contraceptive studies involving PZP and GnRH on white-tailed deer (Miller et al. 1999b, Miller et al. 2000), animalswere observed for reproductive behavior, animal health,interactions among individuals, hormonal status, antibodytiters and other blood parameters, body measurements, andearly pregnancy determination by ultrasound and laterconfirmation with fawning rates. These intensive studies oftreated animals and controls have enabled a fairly completepicture of the physiological and behavioral response of theindividual treatment.

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GnRH immunocontraceptive treatments of white-tailed deerled to reduced progesterone concentrations, altered estrusbehavior, contraception, failure to maintain pregnancyfollowing conception, and reduced fawning rates (Miller etal. 2000). Infertility lasted up to 2 years without a boosterinjection. GnRH immunized bucks demonstrated no sexualactivity when paired with control females. Depending onthe immunization schedule, antlers either dropped early orremained in velvet. Necropsies of recently vaccinated deershowed that ovaries looked normal, although the GnRHvaccine did not block folliculogenesis in all ovaries asexpected (F. Quimby and P. D. Curtis; Cornell Univ.,personal communication).

Numerous studies have been conducted on use of PZP(Turner et al. 1996, 1997; McShea et al. 1997; Warren et al.1997; Miller et al. 1999b, 2000). Collectively, these studieshave included detailed evaluations of long-term effectivenessand health effects on individuals of this treatment (Miller etal. 1999b, 2001), as well as quantitative data from limitedfield applications (Turner et al. 1997, Warren et al. 1997,McShea et al. 1997). A 9-year study of PZP-injected deer atPennsylvania State University showed vaccinated deerreturned to fertility within 4 to 7 years after vaccinationsceased (Miller et al. 2000). A long-term blood chemistrysurvey study on PZP immunized deer found no statisticallysignificant health changes in vaccinated deer (Miller et al.2001). Over a 4-year period, the health of control andtreated deer were compared using measurements of bodyweight, serum cholesterol, and blood serum chemistryprofiles. Although weights of treated deer were slightly lessthan control deer (probably because of early pregnancy ofcontrols), no significant differences were found, suggestingthat the health of the PZP-treated deer was not affected bylong-term immunocontraceptive treatment (Miller et al.2001). Necropsies on 15 deer vaccinated with PZP during a2-year study at Seneca Army Depot, New York, are inprogress; for deer recently injected with PZP (P. D. Curtisand F. Quimby; Cornell University, personalcommunication), some abnormalities were associated withthe ovaries and uterus, including mild inflammation,swelling and localized degeneration of ovarian tissues.Nettles (1997) in his health effects review, also citedpotential ovarian damage in horses, rodents, and rabbits.However, the fact that the PZP infertility is reversibleimplies that ovarian damage is reversible as well.

Other health data on PZP will be required prior to regulatoryapproval and widespread use of the product. The Food andDrug Administration requires that standardized TargetAnimal Safety and Drug Tolerance studies (Guideline 33 ofthe FDA Target Animal Safety Guidelines for New AnimalDrugs) be conducted using the final drug formulation and

method of administration to determine potential healthproblems for target species. For a Target Animal SafetyStudy, female deer would need to be injected with 3 timesthe standard dose of PZP for 3 consecutive days, followedthrough the fawning season, and then necropsied todetermine any toxic effect of high multiple doses. For aDrug Tolerance Test, female deer would be injected one timewith 10 times the standard dose of PZP, followed throughthe fawning season, and then necropsied to determine anytoxic effect of the very high dose.

Another expectation of many wildlife managers is that, inaddition to being safe for treated individuals, contraceptivesshould induce infertility without affecting social behavior.As reproduction itself is a “social behavior,” this is a difficultrequest and may be impossible or unnecessary in somesituations. Behavioral responses to infertility agents arevariable. Contragestion (interference with early pregnancy)vaccines and some steroidal compounds cause disruption ofimplantation, pregnancy, or estrous cycles. Immuno-contraception vaccines GnRH and PZP both result in somebehavioral changes (Garrott 1995). The PZP vaccine canaffect social behavior in some species by increasing thenumber of times a mare or doe comes into estrus (estrus wasoccasionally extended into February for white-tailed deer),thereby prolonging the breeding season and potentiallyresulting in late summer or autumn births. Care must betaken with this product to ensure that the contraceptiveactivity lasts throughout the breeding season to avoid youngbeing born when environmental conditions are unsuitable foroffspring survival. On the other hand, PZP-inducedinfertility could have minimal behavioral effects on a speciessuch as the coyote, which is a monestrous animal. TheGnRH vaccine causes total reduction of sexual function inboth males and females, which could be either a desirable orundesirable effect in deer, but in coyotes could potentiallyhave the effect of reducing the pair bond between the coyotepair. It should be recognized that multiple cycles, failure tomaintain implantation of the fertilized egg, and femalessitting on eggs that never hatch are all variations foundnaturally and in most cases may not be of concern.

The infertility vaccine using human chorionic gonadotropin(βhCG) currently being tested in India is a good example ofa vaccine with little effect on social or sexual behavior. Thevaccine prevents progesterone production and subsequentimplantation of the egg in the uterine wall (Talwar and Gaur1987). If similar tropic hormones can be identified inwildlife, they could provide species specific vaccines withfew behavioral effects.

In addition to the physiological and behavioral effects ofcontraceptives on individuals, potentially adverse impacts of

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their use on wildlife populations also have been an area ofconcern (Nettles 1997). Controlled studies, althoughessential for establishing the physiological and behavioralresponses to contraceptive agents, also may be of value forpredicting how populations of treated animals may respondand for developing risk assessments for the contraceptivesused. Even the best human and veterinary drugs are knownto have some adverse effects in a small percentage of thepopulation. Without knowing the incidence of the adverseeffects in a wildlife population treated with contraceptives, itis not possible to assess whether the adverse effect issignificant or a reasonable trade-off for the benefits derivedfrom the contraceptive’s use.

Table 3 may be misleading, because it leaves theimpression that adverse effects arise from contraceptiveuse without considering that the adverse impacts may beoffset by beneficial effects. For example, increased energyexpenditure is cited as a potentially adverse effect inpopulations treated with some contraceptives such as PZP,because female deer repeatedly show estrus (Turner et al.1996, 1997; McShea et al. 1997; Miller et al. 1999b).Although increased activity of females in estrus is welldocumented, energy expenditure for this activity could beoffset by the reduced expenditure of energy of not beingpregnant. In terms of survival, it is the net energyexpenditure of the treated animal that is important, notisolated increases or decreases. However, these datagenerally are not available because assessing net energyexpenditure for individuals presents a difficult challengeunder controlled conditions, let alone in a free-roamingpopulation treated with contraceptives. For example, iffemale deer were treated with the GnRH immuno-contraceptive, one would predict their energy expenditurewould be less because females would not be pursued bymales and would not invest energy in pregnancy orlactation. However, untreated bucks could potentiallyexpend more energy in pursuit of females outside of therange of the target population. If both males and femaleswere treated in the target population with the GnRHimmunocontraceptive, one would predict little if anyexpenditure of energy for sexual activity or gestation and anet decrease in energy expenditures compared tonontreated populations. The problem with theoreticalenergy expenditure assessments is that data are often notavailable to define how much positive or negativeinfluence each of the known and unknown factorscontribute to the outcome of the energy expenditureequation.

Contraceptives often are described as affecting the socialhierarchy of an animal population (Table 3), but the socialchange may not be truly adverse. For example, although

the social hierarchy of populations treated with the GnRHimmunocontraceptives may differ from that of untreatedpopulations during the breeding season, it may not differfrom that during the nonbreeding season. Table 3 alsoincludes vasectomy (Kennelly and Converse 1997) andhunting as approaches that have been used to limitpopulation growth to illustrate that they too have potentialadverse effects. If males are vasectomized, socialhierarchy may be maintained, but repeated estrous cyclesand extended breeding seasons would be predicted forfemales that fail to conceive. Therefore, an increase inenergy expenditure would be expected for the populations.Hunting is the conventional method of population controlfor game species of wildlife, which may have adverseeffects similar to population control with contraceptives.Although adverse effects on individuals are minimal ifdeath occurs quickly, animals that are injured, butsuccessfully avoid the hunter, may subsequently die fromthe injury or infection. Culling males or females from awildlife population will likely change the social hierarchyand the potential genetic pool. The social reshuffling thattakes place also may result in increased energyexpenditure.

Regardless of the method considered for population control,there is clearly some difficulty in assessing the true impactof each of these potentially adverse effects on animalpopulations and nontarget species. Although some of thehypotheses regarding adverse effects may be reasonable,most have not been tested experimentally on the species inquestion, and in most instances observations have not beenmade under field conditions to support or refute theirvalidity. Moreover, without detailed observations it is notpossible to know how many potentially interacting factorswithin an animal population will be affected by aperturbation. It is likely that the validity of the health andpopulation concerns will become apparent only by actualtesting of contraceptives under semi–free-ranging fieldconditions that will enable data to be gathered for analysisand modeling (Bomford and O’Brien 1997).

The management of wildlife overpopulation through use ofcontraceptives is a goal that has achieved some success,particularly in populations limited in number andgeographically isolated. However, for large free-roamingpopulations the challenge to find an ideal contraceptive thatwill render the target species reversibly infertile withoutsome effects on social hierarchy or aspects of individual orpopulation biology may not be achievable. Policy makerswill likely be faced with the fact that some changes thatoccur in response to a contraceptive treatment will beadverse, but are less so than the consequences ofoverpopulation of the target species.

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Risks to Nontarget Animals

Ideally, all infertility techniques would be species specific.However, this goal is proving difficult to attain. Steroids arecommon to many species; additionally, some of the steroidcontraceptives accumulate in body tissue and could havesecondary effects on predators. The current immuno-contraceptive vaccines have only limited specificity. TheGnRH molecule is present in both birds and mammals;however, avian and mammalian GnRH are different,providing some specificity between classes. Much ofspecies specificity in normal mammalian reproduction isrelated to sperm binding to the zona pellucida, yetimmunizing against porcine zona pellucida (PZP) results ininfertility across most mammalian species other than cats(Jewgenow 2000) and rodents. Rodent zona pellucida isunique among mammals; therefore PZP is not effective as acontraceptive in rodents (Miller et al. 1997b), and rodentzona pellucida contraceptives should not affect othernontarget mammals. The bird contraceptives nicarbazin andconjugated linoleic acid act on the egg and would not affectmammals.

In the absence of species specificity, one needs to beconcerned about effects on nontarget species (Guynn 1997).When contraceptives are used for population control, thepotential threat to nontarget species is dependent largely onthe method used to administer the contraceptive to the targetspecies (Table 3). Effective delivery of contraceptives to thetarget species may prove to be as difficult as developing aneffective contraceptive. Delivery mechanisms such asinjection, darting, or implanting require direct contact withanimals, and are practical only in targeting specificpopulations of limited numbers. If properly implemented,there is virtually no chance of nontarget species receivingthe treatment. In contrast, although the use of oral baitdelivery systems offers a way to treat larger, free-roamingpopulations at lower cost (Asa 1997), the risk ofunintentional treatment of nontarget species increasessignificantly. Therefore, if an oral contraceptive deliverysystem is not designed to be limited to the target species,then nontarget species could become infertile as well. Forexample, a decade of research toward development of aprototype delivery device for oral raccoon rabies vaccination(Rupprecht et al. 1987) in the eastern U.S. resulted in afishmeal polymer bait readily consumed by raccoons, yet ahigh percentage of other carnivores and some rodents alsoconsumed baits (Rupprecht et al. 1992). When vaccinatingagainst disease, consumption of vaccine baits by nontargetspecies presents few problems. However, contraceptionshould be limited to the target species and thus the deliverysystem for contraceptive baits should be designed to excludenontargets. To illustrate, if one wanted to orally causeinfertility in female white-tailed deer, an elevated bait station

could be designed to exclude nontarget species and allow adoe to put its head between the bars, but exclude the rack ofa buck. In some instances, low levels of effects on nontargetspecies may be an acceptable risk, much as a low level ofnontarget risk is inherent in use of most pesticides.

The use of infectious biological vectors to delivercontraceptive vaccines also could affect nontarget species ifthe infectious organism was not specific to the host species(Tyndale-Biscoe 1997). The risks associated withdissemination of a biological vector to unintended targetpopulations and nontarget species may be too great at thistime to warrant serious consideration for wildlifecontraception. However, this approach is under activeconsideration in Australia for control of feral rabbitpopulations (Holland 1999).

Risks to Humans

Contraceptives used on huntable species of wildlife pose anadditional safety consideration—safety to humans who mayconsume them. This risk is minimized by regulatoryrequirements of approval for drugs. Before granting an INADapplication, the FDA examines the potential for human healthrisk and requires adequate data precluding risk prior toallowing human consumption. For compounds thataccumulate in body tissue and could have secondary effects,such as some of the steroid contraceptives, approval wouldnot be granted for use to cause infertility in food animals suchas deer and Canada geese without adequate data on chemicalwithdrawal times. Immunocontraception vaccines providefew risks for consumptive use of dosed wildlife; an animalthat has been vaccinated contains antibodies that preventreproduction in addition to millions of other antibodies, all ofwhich are harmless to the organism that digests them—likeany other proteinaceous food consisting of amino acids. TheFDA is more concerned about the Freund’s adjuvant currentlyused with immunocontraceptive vaccines than they are aboutthe protein vaccine. An adjuvant is a compound added to thevaccine to increase the immune response. For contraceptivevaccines to be successful, long lasting titers to thecontraceptive antigen must be achieved. To achieve thesehigh titers, the most immunogenic contraceptive protein mustbe combined with the best possible adjuvant. Previously, theonly adjuvants that have provided high and long lastingimmunocontraceptive responses have been Freund’s Completeadjuvant (FCA) and a modified FCA produced byCalbiochem. Both adjuvants contain mycobacteria; the waxycoat of the mycobacteria activates the phagocytic cells toingest the mycobacteria and present the immunocontraceptiveantigen to the immune system. The presence of mineral oil,an indigestible compound, further promotes the antigenresponse by slowing the degradation of the vaccine. Thesequalities make FCA extremely effective.

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The FDA has objected to the use of FCA for three reasons.First, the FDA has had concerns for false-positive TB skintests in deer treated with contraceptive vaccines containingFCA (M. tuberculosis). Second, FDA expressed concernabout the potential carcinogenicity of FCA as it relates to thehuman food safety of edible products derived from treatedanimals. Third, FDA was concerned about the presence ofgranulomatous lesions caused by FCA at the injection site.Based on the latter two concerns, FDA has required thatfood animals, such as deer, that are treated with FCA ormodified FCA be marked with a tag prohibiting humanconsumption. APHIS/USDA has recently developed a newadjuvant that appears to be as effective as FCA while havingfew of the negative side effects. APHIS is requesting thatthe FDA allow the new adjuvant to be used inimmunocontraceptive vaccines without the requirement thatanimals be marked with a tag prohibiting humanconsumption.

Two of the three infertility agents being researched for birds(nicarbazin and CLA) are authorized by the FDA for use inbroiler chickens and also should have low risk. The thirdcompound potentially proposed for birds, DiazaCon, wasinitially designed to be given to humans to lower serumcholesterol levels and therefore, should present minimalhazard for human consumption at levels that would bepotentially present in animal tissues.



Chemical contraception through the use of syntheticsteroids, estrogens, and progestins was investigated widelyduring the 1960’s and 1970’s in many species, such ascoyotes (Balser 1964; Brusman et al. 1968), pigeons(Columba livia, Woulfe 1970), red-winged blackbirds(Agelaius phoeniceus, Guarino and Schafer 1973), rats(Garrison and Johns 1975), coturnix quail (Coturnixcoturnix, Schafer et al. 1977), and deer (Matschke 1977a,1977b, 1980; Roughton 1979). More recently, androgenshave also been tested for use in male rodents and wolves(Asa 1997). These steroid hormones act by interfering withovulation or implantation of the egg in females and byimpairing spermatogenesis in males.

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a synthetic estrogen that showedsome success in reducing fertility in female coyotes andfoxes (Vulpes vulpes) (Balser 1964, Linhart and Enders1964, Linhart et al. 1968); it was considered to be of limitedvalue, however, because its use required precise timing of

administration in relation to the breeding cycle. DES hadvariable effects in voles, interrupting early pregnancy orcausing sterility or delayed sexual maturity of femaleoffspring when fed late in pregnancy or during lactation(German 1980). DES curtailed all reproduction of prairiedogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) when fed during the peakbreeding period (Garrett and Franklin 1983). Oral doses ofDES successfully interrupted pregnancy in white-tailed deer(Matschke 1977a), but the does rebred and showed pooracceptance of subsequent baits, leading to poor efficacy.Because it accumulates in body tissue, DES presentedhazards to predators consuming treated animals and wasnever registered with the EPA. Mestranol is another orallyactive estrogen tested for rodent, rabbit, and bird control.The half life of mestranol is less than 6 hours, so retention infood chains is not a problem (Sturtevant 1970, 1971), but ithas caused bait shyness. Mestranol was somewhatsuccessful in reducing fertility in birds when force-fed in agrit or sprayed on eggs.

One of the more promising uses of steroids for contraceptionin wildlife has been the delivery of norgestomet (a potentprogesterone approved by FDA for use in cattle for estrussynchronization, Darling 1993) to black-tailed deer(Odocoileus hemionus) using a biobullet (Jacobsen et al.1995). The 10 treated does failed to exhibit estrous behaviorand 2 treated bucks exhibited no sexual behavior for 1 year.Additional studies with white-tailed deer (DeNicola et al.1997a) confirmed the contraceptive effect of the implant.

Agents that cause the failure of the fertilized egg to implantin the uterine wall, or agents that interfere with themaintenance of early pregnancy, are called contragestiveagents. Given later on in gestation, the technology could beconsidered abortifacient. Progesterone is the main hormoneinvolved in maintaining pregnancy. Progesteroneantagonists, which can be given orally, compete forprogesterone binding sites but do not induce the biologicalactivity needed to maintain pregnancy. These antagonistsmay prove valuable as orally delivered contraceptives orcontragestive agents. Progesterone antagonists (which aredifficult for the body to degrade and excrete) can be fedmonthly as contraceptives or once in early pregnancy tointerrupt pregnancy. They act by causing a sufficientdisruption in the uterine lining to prevent implantation (Gaoand Short 1994). The controversial RU486 (mifepristone)was evaluated for effectiveness as a contragestive agent incoyotes (DeLiberto et al. 1998) without success.

Lutalyse®, produced by Upjohn (prostaglandin PGF2α), isroutinely used in feedlot cattle during the first 100 days ofgestation and will cause abortion within 35 days of injection.DeNicola et al. (1997b) and Waddell et al. (2001) reduced

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fertility in white-tailed deer by injecting Lutalyse.Depending on the gestational time of administration, thetechnology could be considered either contragestive orabortifacient. Lutalyse is available only in an injectableform. Several other synthetic progestins (which preventovulation in female mammals and inhibit testicular activityin males) have been identified as having potential as wildlifeinfertility agents. Levonorgestrel (norgestrel) is the activecomponent of the Norplant® implant approved for humanuse as a contraceptive implant by FDA (McCauley andGeller 1992); it has been used in zoos but was not effectivein deer (Plotka and Seal 1989, White et al. 1994).Norethindron acetate is used in combination withethynylestradiol as an oral contraceptive in humans but hasnot been effective in suppressing estrus in heifers (Kesler1997). Megestrol acetate is marketed in Europe as Ovarid®

(Kirkpatrick 1989) and in the U.S. as Megace® andOvaban® and is sometimes used as a contraceptive indomestic dogs and cats. It showed only weak effects onferal cats (McDonald 1980) and no effect on white-taileddeer (Matschke 1977b). Medroxyprogesterone acetate(Provera®) has been used in zoos. Melengestrol acetate(MGA) is the steroidal compound most widely tested inwildlife and is approved by FDA for use in cattle as a dailyadministration (Zimbelman and Smith 1966) for suppressionor synchronization of estrus, increased weight gain, andimproved feed efficiency (Bennett 1993). It inhibitedreproduction in white-tailed deer when ingested daily(Roughton 1979) or implanted (Bell and Peterle 1975,Plotka and Seal 1989). MGA implants have been used byzoos for about 20 years, but recent findings of uterinepathology in felids have raised concerns about its use(Kazensky et al. 1998).

Some steroid hormone preparations target males rather thanfemales (Asa 1997). Bisdiamine is a compound thatselectively interferes with spermatogenesis but nottestosterone production. When administered in ground meatdaily to gray wolves it suppressed spermatogenesis withoutaffecting mating behavior. Indenopyridine also blocks spermproduction; it has been tested only in rodents. Alpha-chlorohydrin (Epibloc®), a male chemosterilant, wasapproved by the EPA for use as a rat control agent in 1982(Bowerman and Brooks 1971, Ericsson 1982, Andrews andBelknap 1983), but is no longer marketed. At low doses itcaused temporary sterilization, with time to recovery offertilization dependent on dose. A single high dose causedpermanent sterility but showed toxic effects. In addition, ratshave a promiscuous mating system, so targeting only malesoffered little promise as a population control technique.

Despite more than four decades of effort, research has yet todevelop and implement an effective wildlife damage

management program based on the use of steroid hormonesto inhibit reproduction in overabundant animals (Kennellyand Converse 1997). Steroids have the advantage that theycan be fed orally or implanted, and they have been shown tobe effective for some species. However, none of thesesteroids has proven practical as a wildlife management toolfor various reasons. Orally, they are effective for only ashort period and need repetitive applications, making themcostly and impractical in most field situations. AlthoughMGA is effective as an implant for several seasons(Matschke 1980), the large implant requires capturinganimals and performing minor surgery. Some of thesteroids, such as DES, persist in tissue and in the food chain,making them unsatisfactory from an environmental point ofview. They can also have deleterious health effects ontreated animals and potentially on predators that eat treatedanimals (discussed earlier under health effects).

Natural Plant Compounds

The livestock industry has been concerned for some timeabout naturally occurring plant compounds that can result inlowered reproductive rates in domestic herds (James et al.1994). Phytoestrogens naturally occur in over 300 plantspecies (Shemesh and Shore 1994). A constant source ofestrogen interferes with normal estrous cycles in mostanimals, and phytoestrogens exert many of the same effectsas estrogen, even though their chemical structure is quitedifferent. Another source of reproductive loss in cattle isendophyte-infected tall fescue. Ergot peptide alkaloidsproduced by the endophyte are suggested as the primarycause of the reduced reproduction (Porter and Thompson1991). Vasoconstrictive effects and neurohormonalimbalances are thought to be the principal mechanisms for the reproductive losses (Browning et al. 1998).Bromocriptine (cabergoline) is a derivative of the alkaloidergot family that acts as an enzyme inhibitor of prolactin.The lactation-blocking effects have been tested on kangaroos(Tyndale-Biscoe et al. 1990) by injection into lactatingfemales. Bromocriptine is currently being tested in coyotesby the NWRC. Plant estrogens and toxins show somepromise in causing infertility in overabundant animals, butmuch more research on them will be necessary.

Avian Contraceptives

Two compounds have been tested in the past for sterilizingmale red-winged blackbirds: triethylenemelamine (TEM)and ThioTEPA (Davis 1961, Vandenbergh and Davis 1962,Guarino and Schafer 1973, Potvin et al. 1982). Bothchemicals caused some reduction in hatching rates, butstudies did not show an overall population reduction.

Interfering with egg laying or the hatchability of the eggappears to be the best approach to reducing reproductive

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capacity in birds. Egg addling, including shaking, freezingpuncturing, or oiling the eggs in the nest, effectively reducesegg hatchability (Pochop et al. 1998). Egg oiling with cornoil is allowed by the EPA under a (FIFRA) 25b exemptionfor natural products, and is being used to reducereproduction in Canada geese (and gulls. However, thismethod is labor intensive and probably useful only in small-scale operations.

Ornitrol (DiazaCon) is a cholesterol mimic that has a similarchemical structure as cholesterol (Miller and Fagerstone2000). DiazaCon has two possible modes of action; it mayinhibit the formation of cholesterol, or it may inhibit sidechain cleavage of cholesterol. In both cases, formation ofpregnenolone (the parent compound of all steroid hormones)is reduced, preventing formation of testosterone andprogesterone. DiazaCon persists in the body because theside chain cannot be cleaved, preventing it from beingexcreted like cholesterol, so its reproductive inhibitioneffects can last up to several months. As Ornitrol, it wasregistered in the late 1960’s with the EPA as an oral pigeonreproductive inhibitor, but the registration was cancelled in1993. Although the drug was effective in reducing egglaying and egg hatchability (Woulfe 1968), the pigeon is ayear-around breeder and long-term usage of the compoundbecame expensive. Also this product had undesirable healtheffects on the birds (Lofts et al. 1968), because cholesterol isnecessary for body functions in addition to production ofreproductive hormones. Ornitrol also showed some successin reducing fertility in red-winged blackbirds (Fringer andGranett 1970, Lacombe et al. 1987). The compound needsto be applied over several days before breeding occurs. Inrecent tests, Yoder (2000) found the compound effective inreducing egg laying and egg hatchability up to 4 months incoturnix quail after feeding it for 10 days. This compound(renamed DiazaCon) is authorized for experimental use infield situations by APHIS under an INAD applicationthrough the FDA. It may prove useful in controlling thereproduction of seasonal breeding species such as theCanada goose when fed just prior to breeding in the spring.During the summer, DiazaCon would be cleared from thesystem, allowing animals to be hunted in the fall and tobreed normally the next season. DiazaCon is not speciesspecific, and potentially could be effective in mammalian aswell as avian species.

Nicarbazin (NCZ) was developed in the 1950’s as acompound that controlled coccidiosis (an avian disease) andimproved weight gain and feed efficiency in broilerchickens. If accidentally fed to breeder or layer hens, NCZcauses reduction in hatchability and egg laying, apparentlydue to increased vitelline membrane permeability, whichdestroys the conditions necessary for viable development of

the embryo (Jones et al. 1990). Fertilization is not affectedby Nicarbazin (Hughes et al. 1991). Nicarbazin has severalpotential advantages as an antifertility agent. Although notspecies specific, it is specific to egg layers, the compound iscleared from the body within about 48 hours, and theinfertility effect is reversible. Nicarbazin is FDA-approvedfor the control of coccidiosis in broiler chickens throughKoffolk, Inc.; therefore, many required safety and toxicitystudies have been completed. A disadvantage of thecompound is that it has to be fed for several days prior toegg laying; thus delivery would be a problem in the field.Also, formulations or delivery methods would have to bedeveloped to limit ingestion by nontarget bird species.Nicarbazin is currently being successfully tested on Canadageese in penned and field situations by the NWRC under anFDA INAD. The ideal dose rate would allow the female tolay eggs and sit on them, but prevent hatching, which is arelatively common occurrence in nature.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) also is being tested for itspotential to reduce avian reproduction. CLA is used as afeed additive to increase weight gain and feed efficiency inbroiler chickens (Chin et al. 1994). Chickens with low gradeinfections produce prostaglandin, which stimulates a feverand muscle catabolism, resulting in weight loss of up to10%. CLA prevents the synthesis of prostaglandin andsubsequent weight loss after infections (Miller et al. 1994).CLA is sold in health food stores as an antioxidant andpromoted to reduce the loss of muscle in the elderly thatresults from low grade infections (Pariza 1993). When fedto laying chickens, CLA reduces hatchability by causingsolidification of the yolk at refrigerator temperatures(Cooney 1995). In theory, when the clutch is being laid inthe spring, the bird does not incubate the nest until theclutch is complete. As the temperature drops during thenight the yolk of unincubated eggs from CLA-fed birdssolidifies, interfering with the hatchability of the eggs. CLAis specific to avian species and its infertility effect isreversible. It needs to be fed for 10 or more days. A limitedfield trial with Canada geese was ineffective (S. Craven,University of Wisconsin, personal communication), but withfurther research the compound could have utility in coldclimates.

Immunocontraceptive Vaccines

Much of the recent infertility research has centered aroundimmunocontraceptive vaccines. The principle behind thevaccines involves using the animal’s immune system toproduce antibodies against gamete proteins, reproductivehormones, and other proteins essential for reproduction.These antibodies interfere with the normal physiologicalactivity of the reproductive agents (Talwar and Gaur 1987).This approach is a natural process in the sense that

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antibodies induced in the target animal interfere withreproduction without the need for constant or repetitivetreatment with synthetic compounds; initial treatments canbe effective for 1 to 4 years (Turner and Kirkpatrick 1991,Miller et al. 1999b).

Reproduction can be blocked at many sites in the reproductiveprocess using vaccines. A vaccine can affect both sexes byblocking GnRH and preventing the release of essentialreproductive hormones. A vaccine can selectively affectfemales by barring sperm penetration of the zona pellucida.Embryo development can potentially be hindered by preventingimplantation and development of the fertilized egg viaantibodies to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) or tosimilar tropic hormones in other species. Sperm proteins alsocan be targeted by vaccines. Most use of immuno-contraceptives has been applied to white-tailed deer (Garrott1995) and feral horses (Turner and Kirkpatrick 1991); however,this technology could also be applied to other wildlife speciessuch as rodents, pest species of birds, coyotes, and foxes(Miller et al. 1998) if suitable delivery systems are developed.

Zona PellucidaReproduction in female mammals can be prevented byantibodies that bar sperm penetration of the zona pellucidaof an ovulated egg by binding either to the zona pellucida orto the sperm. Zona pellucida is an acellular glycoproteinlayer located between the oocyte and the granulosa cells onthe outer surface of the egg. Antibodies to this glycoproteinlayer result in infertility either by blocking the sperm frombinding to and penetrating the zona pellucida layer or byinterference with oocyte maturation, leading to the death ofthe developing oocyte (Dunbar and Schwoebel 1988). Thezona pellucida vaccine in use today comes from the pigovary—Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP). PZP vaccine hasbeen used to produce immunocontraception in numerousspecies, including dogs (Mahi-Brown et al. 1985), baboons(Dunbar 1989), coyotes (Miller 1995, Deliberto et al. 1998),and burros (Equus asinus, Turner et al. 1996). Mostresearch has been on wild horses (Kirkpatrick et al. 1990,Garrott et al. 1992) and white-tailed deer (Turner et al. 1992,1996, Miller et al. 1999b).

The contraceptive effect is titer dependent. Injecting with aninitial and a booster dose of PZP vaccine is effective incausing infertility in deer and horses for several years.Miller et al. (1999b) achieved 89% reduction in fawningduring 2 years of active immunization and 76% reduction infawning over the 7-year study. A 2-year study by CornellUniversity and the NWRC, conducted at the Seneca ArmyDepot, demonstrated that the same contraceptive effect canbe achieved in deer by using darts to administer an initialand a booster vaccination.

As an injected protein broken down in the body, PZP doesnot enter the food chain. Also, its effects are reversible aftershort-term use. Disadvantages are that PZP is not speciesspecific and is effective in reducing fertility in mostmammals tested other than rodents (Miller et al. 1997b) andcats (Jewgenow et al. 2000), which have very different zonapellucida antigenic determinants. Because of the similarityof effects for most mammal species, care must be taken inthe delivery system to provide the vaccine only to the targetanimal. The PZP vaccine induces multiestrus in female deerand feral horses, which could result in late season births ifantibody titers drop below a critical threshold.

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)Another active area of research (Jones 1983, Griffin 1992) isuse of GnRH immunocontraceptive vaccine to inhibit thereproductive activity of both sexes by causing developmentof antibodies blocking GnRH. Antibodies to GnRH reducethe circulating level of biologically active GnRH, therebyreducing the subsequent release of gonadotropic hormones,leading to atrophy of the gonads and concomitant infertilityof both sexes (Miller et al. 1997b). GnRH as a contraceptivevaccine has been researched in domestic farm animals forover 10 years, but little research has been done on wildlifespecies. Two forms of GnRH (avian and mammalian) have been identified (Sad et al. 1993, Meloen et al. 1994).GnRH contraceptive vaccines have been evaluated asimmunocastration agents in pets (Ladd et al. 1994), cattle(Robertson 1982, Adams and Adams 1992), horses (Rabb etal. 1990), sheep (Schanbacher 1982), and swine (Meloen etal.1994). Miller et al. (1997b) immunized Norway rats withGnRH and created 100% infertility in both males andfemales. Miller et al. (2000) recently completed a long-termstudy on the effect of GnRH on white-tailed deer thatdemonstrated an 86% reduction in fawning during activeimmunization and a 74% reduction over 5 years.

GnRH is not species specific, although the presence ofdifferent avian and mammalian forms of GnRH wouldreduce the number of susceptible nontarget species.Mammalian GnRH is effective in reducing fertility in mostmammals, including rodents. Its contraceptive effects last 1to 2 years without boosting and are reversible. GnRHaffects social behavior by reducing the sexual activity ofboth sexes. It is presently available only in injectable formand, like PZP, requires an initial and a booster injection.GnRH treatment may be a useful technique where sexualactivity itself creates human–wildlife conflicts. In deer,where fall sexual activity has been associated with increaseddeer–vehicle collisions, GnRH could potentially reducedamage by reducing deer movement related to sexualactivity. In cases where tame male deer have been fed in apark setting, GnRH also could reduce danger of aggressive

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behavior to humans during the fall rut. However, for somespecies reducing sexual behavior may not be advantageous;for example GnRH could potentially reduce pair bonds inanimals like coyotes (DeLiberto et al. 1998).

Sperm AntibodiesSperm vaccines are promising because they can potentiallydisrupt fertility in females as well as in males. Sperm headglycoproteins that bind to zona pellucida have beenidentified. If these glycoproteins are used as vaccines,antibodies are produced in the female and are available tobind to sperm present in the oviduct, preventing conceptionby blocking the sperm from binding to the zona pellucidasurrounding the egg. Sperm protein immunocontraception isbeing investigated for contraception in the red fox and therabbit in Australia (Tyndale-Biscoe 1991, Morell 1993,Bradley 1997).

Chorionic GonadotropinHuman chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by theimplanting embryo in humans, induces the corpus luteum onthe ovary to continue production of the hormoneprogesterone required for the maintenance of pregnancy.Antibodies to hCG reduce the activity of this hormone,interfering with the maintenance of the uterine lining, andthereby preclude successful implantation of the fertilizedegg, which sloughs off and is reabsorbed (Stevens 1992).An hCG vaccine would induce infertility with little effect onthe social and sexual behavior of the species involved.Contraception clinical trials are underway at the NationalInstitute of New Delhi testing effectiveness of a hCGvaccine on fertile women (Talwar et al. 1994). Primates andhorses are the only two mammals known to use CG(chorionic gonadotropin) as a key tropic reproductivehormone. It is possible that feral horse numbers, which havebecome a problem on Bureau of Land Management (BLM)lands, could be reduced by fertility reduction throughinducing antibodies to CG. Many species use other tropichormones to maintain the implanted embryo, and all areprobably involved with controlling the common gestationalhormone progesterone. Because of apparent differencesamong species in tropic hormones, vaccines against thesehormones may provide the best possibility of speciesspecificity if these hormones can be identified.

Contraception Without Steroids or Immunological Methods

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) AgonistGonadotropin releasing hormone is an endogenousdecapeptide neurohormone with an obligatory role inreproduction. This hormone is synthesized and secreted inthe hypothalamus of the brain and selectively stimulates thepituitary gonadotroph cells to release 2 importantreproductive hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

and luteinizing hormone (LH). These latter 2 hormonescontrol proper functioning of the ovaries in the female andthe testes in the male. The structure of GnRH has beendetermined (Matsuo et al. 1971) and numerous superactiveanalogs of the hormone (agonists) have been synthesized(Vale et al. 1976). The GnRH agonist analogs mostcommonly used to clinically suppress the pituitary-gonadalaxis include leuprolide, buserelin, nafarelin, and histrelin.These analogues are 15 to 200 times more active thannaturally occurring GnRH (Conn and Crowley 1991).

Pituitary gonadotrophs can be made unresponsive to GnRHby administering an agonist of GnRH in a continuousmanner. Prolonged, continuous infusion of a GnRH agonist,especially at high concentrations, results in desensitizationand suppression of gonadotropin secretion and loss ofgonadal function (Clayton et al. 1979). However, whenadministration of the GnRH agonist is discontinued, fertilityreturns. The practicality of this approach is thereforedependent on the development of a long-acting, slow-releaseformulation that can be delivered remotely. Recently, apractical mode of delivery using subcutaneous orintermuscular implants has overcome the need for constantmechanical infusion of the agonist. Slow releaseformulations of GnRH agonist are now commerciallyavailable and have been shown to be effective in suppressinggonadal function for up to 6 months in some species.Continuous treatment with a GnRH agonist will inhibitovulation in females of several species (Nett et al. 1981,Adams and Adams 1986, Khalid et al. 1989), including dogs(Vickery et al. 1989), cattle (Herschler and Vickery 1981),sheep (McNeilly and Fraser 1987), horses (Montovan et al.1990), and stumptailed monkeys (Fraser 1983). Similarstudies for wild ungulates are more limited. Continuous,subcutaneous infusion of HistrelinTM via osmotic minipumpinhibited LH secretion and ovulation in female white-taileddeer for 14 days (Becker and Katz 1995). Leuprolideadministered as a subdermal matrix implant was effective insuppressing LH secretion and pregnancy for one breedingseason in captive mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and elk(Cervus elaphus, Baker et al. 2000). No negative behavioralor physiological side effects were reported in theseinvestigations.

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)—Toxin ConjugateFor most wild ungulate applications, a single dose, long-acting contraceptive offers the most promising technologyfor population management (Hobbs et al. 2000). Apromising new nonsteroidal, nonimmunological approach topermanent contraception involves linking synthetic analogsof GnRH to cytotoxins. By coupling a superactive analog ofGnRH to a cytotoxin, it is possible to specifically target thattoxin to LH- and FSH-secreting cells in the anterior pituitary

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gland. GnRH is responsible for secretion of LH and FSH inboth males and females, and its structure is highly conservedacross species. Therefore, a single GnRH-toxin conjugatehas the potential to induce sterility in both sexes andnumerous vertebrate species.

There are many natural cytotoxins available for conjugatingto the GnRH molecule. Many toxins are composed of twosubunits, a toxin subunit and a binding subunit. The bindingsubunit of most toxins interacts with a protein on the surfaceof cells. Once binding has occurred, the toxin is internalizedvia endocytosis, and the binding unit dissociates from thetoxic subunit in lysosomes. The toxic subunit then crossesthe lysosomal membrane and enters the cytoplasm of thecell. Within 24 hours a single toxin molecule can inactivatemost (if not all) of the two million EF-2 molecules in atypical animal cell; when the cell is unable to make protein,it dies. To target the toxin to a specific cell type (rather thanall cells) within the body, the binding subunit of the toxincan be removed and replaced by a molecule that will bind toonly one cell type, in this case an analog of GnRH. Thiswill target the toxin to gonadotropin-secreting cells in theanterior pituitary. This approach has several potentialadvantages over other methods of contraception: (1) a singletreatment may permanently sterilize an animal; (2) thetreatment should be effective in both males and females andin all vertebrate species; (3) the GnRH-toxin conjugate ismetabolized from the body within 24 hours of treatment; (4) the proteinaceous nature of the GnRH-toxin conjugateeliminates the possibility of passage through the food chain;(5) the small volume required for effective contraceptionwould facilitate microencapsulation and administration bysyringe dart or biobullets.

At present, clinical trials are being conducted with dogs,cats, sheep, mule deer, and elk to evaluate the effectivenessof ribosome-inhibiting proteins extracted from plants astoxins for permanently deactivating pituitary gonadotrophcells. To date, no long-term investigations have beenconducted to evaluate the effective duration of GnRH-toxinconjugate in suppressing gonadotroph function. Preliminaryresults in female mule deer indicate that GnRH-toxinconjugate will suppress LH secretion for up to 6 months(Baker et al. 1999). Safety studies have not been reported.Since there are GnRH receptors in other sites in the body,toxicity could be a potential problem with this technique.


As we study the habits of most overabundant species, wegenerally find that they are adaptable to multiple andchanging environments. That is why their populationsincrease in spite of a rapidly changing landscape. Wildlife

contraceptive programs have been less successful than hopedin the past due to a lack of long-acting fertility controlagents, as well as failure to understand mating strategies andrelated behavior patterns of species targeted for reproductivecontrol. With an increasing research focus on contraceptivedevelopment, and knowledge of animal reproductive systemsand behaviors, fertility control as a technology is advancingrapidly. Major hurdles still include development of cost-effective delivery systems for effective products,commercialization of vaccines or baits, and publicacceptance of fertility control as a wildlife managementpractice.

Warren (1995), in a discussion of factors relevant to thepractical and logistical implementation of contraceptives forcontrolling wildlife, correctly pointed out that contraceptivedevelopment requires a team approach involving laboratoryscientists (e.g., immunologists, molecular biologists,reproductive physiologists) to develop the contraceptivetechniques and wildlife biologists to develop deliverysystems and methods to measure field efficacy and safety.Although laboratory scientists have made remarkableprogress over the last 10 years in techniques development,the partnership with wildlife biologists and wildlifemanagement agencies is just beginning.

There are currently no contraceptive products available forcommercial use, and there are many barriers to overcomebefore commercial use will occur. Several products havebeen given an INAD number by the FDA allowing use underresearch protocols in laboratory studies, pen studies, and inlimited field situations with small numbers of animals. Butbefore contraceptives can be used by wildlife managers otherthan researchers, FDA will undoubtedly require thatmanufacturers of products obtain a NADA, which willrequire additional health and safety trials, efficacy trials, andfinal manufacturing methods. Because contraceptiveproducts for wildlife use will be a minor market, and thecost of obtaining authorization for their use by the FDA willbe high, drug manufacturers will be reluctant to developproducts on their own. Researchers, wildlife managers, andmanagement agencies will need to be involved indevelopment of products along with the drug manufacturers.Development could occur by (1) focusing on productsalready licensed by FDA for other purposes, which will costless to develop as an approved product for infertility use, (2) building partnerships with drug manufacturers to developlucrative alternative uses such as animal production or petneutering, or (3) providing direct funding and support fordevelopment. Product development is a nontraditional rolefor wildlife management agencies, but one that will berequired if contraceptive products are to be used in anythingother than a research context.

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For any wildlife contraceptive product, there will be anumber of health and behavior-related issues concerning useon target and nontarget species and effects on humans. First,infertility agents should have few adverse health effects ontarget animals. Second, they should not affect nontargetspecies adversely. Because technology is not currentlyavailable to make infertility agents species specific, deliverysystems should be developed to limit effects on nontargetspecies. Third, treated food animals must be safe for humanconsumption. Products used on huntable species of wildlifecould pose potential risks to humans who consume them.These risks are minimized by regulatory requirements ofapproval for drugs through the FDA. Fourth, infertilityagents should result in little negative social effect on thetarget species, recognizing that because reproduction itself isa “social behavior,” this is a difficult request and may beimpossible or unnecessary in some situations. Fifth, forcertain cases the infertility effect should be reversible. Mostof the infertility agents discussed in this paper are reversible,but there is a large variation in the length of time that theyare effective. Because much of the health and populationinformation currently available is based on limited studiesand conjecture, further controlled studies are needed toevaluate the physiological effects of specific contraceptiveson individuals and populations of a target species. Resultsfrom these studies should provide reliable information forrisk assessment so agencies involved with wildlifemanagement are able to make informed decisions for policyimplementation.

An additional hurdle to overcome before use ofcontraceptives is an accepted wildlife management practiceis the attitude of wildlife management agencies. Manywildlife agencies and biologists have been reluctant toacknowledge the potential applicability of fertility controlfor managing wildlife populations (Warren 1995). In part,this is because the techniques available have been publicizedas a replacement for sport hunting. In reality, it is doubtfulif the cost of delivery for contraceptive techniques wouldallow their use on free-ranging game populations. Thecurrent techniques often have been uneconomical orinfeasible for practical implementation even in smalllocalized populations of game species such as deer. And thespecies for which contraceptives have been primarily tested(long-lived species such as deer and horses) are those thatare least suited for population reduction through use offertility control. From the perspective of populationdynamics, infertility agents are best suited for managementof short-lived, highly fecund wildlife populations such asrodents and small birds.

This finding conflicts with the growing public desire fornonlethal methods such as reproductive control to solve

human wildlife conflicts. Despite the high cost andsometimes questionable feasibility of present contraceptiveprograms, more and more communities are opting to fundreproductive control of wildlife populations such as deer.Wildlife management agencies are increasingly being forcedto consider the views of the public, as the public isdemanding a voice in wildlife management, even to thepoint of filing lawsuits and passing local and statereferendums. The public views contraceptives as a positivealternative to other management tools, and managers areincreasingly being forced to become active partners with thepublic in developing practical applications for thistechnology. Public forums discussing the advantages anddisadvantages of various management techniques will bemore important in the future. The challenge for wildlifemanagers for many species will be to integrate potentiallyvaluable contraceptive technologies with more conventionalmethods of wildlife population management. Furthermore,if infertility agents are developed and used on long-livedspecies such as deer and geese, biologists need to be honestwith the public about the inefficiencies of this approach andthe length of time required for such strategies to reducepopulations relative to lethal control.

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Table 1. List of Acronyms

Acronym Compound Term

AAWV American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians

APHIS/USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/U.S Department of Agriculture

ASR adult survival rate

BCG Bacillus calmette guerin

BLM Bureau of Land Management

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CG chorionic gonadotrophin

CLA conjugated linoleic acid

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

DES diethylstilbestrol

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

FCA Freund’s complete adjuvant

CVM/FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine/Food andDrug Administration

Acronym Compound Term

FFDCA Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

FSH follicle stimulating hormone

FWS Fish and Wildlife Service

GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone

hCG human chorionic gonadotrophin

INAD Investigational New Animal Drug

IPM integrated pest management

LH luteinizing hormone

MGA melengestrol acetate

NADA New Animal Drug Application

NCZ nicarbazin

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

NWRC National Wildlife Research Center

PZP porcine zona pellucida

TEM triethylenemelamine

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Table 2. Estimated relative efficiency of reproductive and lethal control based on numbers remaining after 3 years from aninitially stable population of 1,000 individuals in which reproductive or survival rate is reduced annually by 50% (usingpopulation models presented in Dolbeer 1998).

Number remaining after 3 years Relative efficiencya of lethalLethal to reproductive control

Reproductive control (LC) (RC/LC) after 3 years

Species control (RC) > Age 0b > Age 1c >Age 0b > Age 1c

Fruit bat (Pteropus giganteus) 731 125 191 5.8 3.8

Laughing gull (Larus atricilla) 720 125 180 5.8 4.0

Double crested cormorant 673 125 183 5.4 3.7

White-tailed deer 639 125 212 5.1 3.0

Beaver (Castor canadensis) 624 125 199 5.0 3.1

Canada goose 607 125 193 4.9 3.1

Coyote 486 125 264 3.9 1.8

Common grackle (Quiscalus quiscala) 460 125 349 3.7 1.7

Brown-headed cowbird 338 125 462 2.7 1.3

Red-billed quelea 368 125 421 2.9 0.7

Black rat 97d (406)e 307c 675d 0.3c 0.6d

a Efficiency ratios presented are specific to population status after 3 years and will increase during additional years of treatment.b Survival reduced 50% for age classes > 0.c Survival reduced 50% for age classes > 1.d Survival and reproduction of adults (>3 months old) reduced 3 times/year.e Survival and reproduction of adults (>3 months old) reduced 1 time/year.

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Wildlife Fertility Control 29Ta


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THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, Maryland 20814

The Wildlife Society is the association of wildlife professionals dedicated to excellence in wildlifestewardship through science and education. The goals of The Wildlife Society are to: develop andmaintain professional standards for wildlife research and management; enhance knowledge andtechnical capabilities of wildlife managers; advance professional stewardship of wildlife resourcesand their habitats; advocate use of sound biological information for wildlife policy and manage-ment decisions; and increase public awareness and appreciation of wildlife management. TheWildlife Society, founded in 1937, is a nonprofit organization whose members include researchscientists, educators, resource managers, administrators, communications specialists, conservationlaw enforcement officers, and students from more than 70 countries.