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Will You Survive an EMP? By Mark The Prepper Guy

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Page 1: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

Will You Survive an EMP?

By Mark The Prepper Guy

Page 2: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

Will You Survive an EMP?

As Preppers, we won't know the answer to this question until after an EMP, if you're still alive,then I guess the answer is yes, but the big question is what do you do to survive long-term after the power go off?

If a nuclear device designed to emit EMP were exploded 250 to 300 miles up over the middle of the country, it would disable the electronics in the entire United States, says Nordling, president and CEO of Minneapolis-based Emprimus.

“That would disable the entire electric grid. It would disable communications, it would disable fuel manufacturing and production, it would disable hospitals and medicines, it would disable 911 call centers, and all First Response vehicles”.

Unfortunately, many people will die after an EMP that are in critical care units at hospitals or that have pacemakers, these are unfortunate circumstances that we cannot prepare for.

• Water treatment facilities, food storage facilities, everything would be gone

• Financial records would be wiped out. Your investments would be gone

• Your medical records and prescriptions would be zapped

• Supermarkets won't open, Telephones, Radio and Television dead

• Banks and ATMs would shut down, credit cards would become useless

• Hospital operating rooms would close

That would be on our infrastructure and all the things we as Americans count on daily. But what about personally? How would an EMP effect the livesof our Families?

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Page 3: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

While vehicles made before 1970 might still work,they would be useless. That s because gasoline could’not be obtained, and newer cars and trucks, disabled by the pulse, would block the roads and highways. In most cases, the damage to chips would be permanent. Because tow trucks would not operate,cars would never be cleared from roads.

“People say it would bring us back to the 1800s, but it’s worse than that because in the 1800s there was a much larger sector that did farming and produced food, and there weren’t so many people living in inner core cities,” Nordling says. “All that has changed.”

If you are still alive after the balloon goes up,what you do next will determine if you survive long-term. Based on information from military and scientific experts over 90% of America's populationwill die within the first year. These deaths will be from Violence, Starvation, and Sickness.

The vast majority of Americans would die from starvation or disease or would freeze to death, according to William Graham, who was chairman of the bipartisan congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack. Yet at a hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security on July 21, Graham testified that the government has done virtually nothing to address the effects of such an attack on the civil sector.

Unfortunately, that is easier said than done, most utilities are publicly owned and that means that customers would need to Opt-in to much higher rates.

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Page 4: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

Some Not so fun facts:

The effects would be nothing short of disastrous,literally the end of the world as we know it for usand our Families.

• All unhardened Home electrical devices would be left useless

• Forget about your Computers, Smart Phones and the Internet

• Home Heating and AC and Most Hot water systems will cease.

• Everything, from the Refrigerator, Stove and Microwave in your kitchen

• Semi-trucks that carry food across the country, would be non-functioning

• Our country could effectively be invaded within a matter of months, as most of the population would be wiped out and the government and military infrastructures in disarray

I consider an EMP as one of the most significant threats we face. The recovery period from a collapse of this magnitude would be counted in decades, not years, thus, for those who are prepping for a worst-case scenario, consider long “ ”term sustainability planning when planning for an EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It).

So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not weeks or months.

You must know as Fact, that F.E.M.A. National Guard Troops, Police and First Response Units Will not Show up , not because they don't care, because ” ”their equipment will not work, and for the same reason you can't go to work.

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Page 5: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

My Tips to Stay alive and Thrive.

1. Listen to my Podcast PGP040: How to enjoy lifeafter an EMP

2. Allow your Normalcy Bias to be as dead as yourelectronics

3. Embrace your Wish come True to live a life of“ ”a Mountain Man 100 years ago, we all wish for a simpler life

4. Remember the Pioneers, they moved West with all the same Threats of Death, but without AR15's and Colt 1911's

5. While the Power is still on, learn to preservemeat, and how to make Pemmican and Jerky

6. Learn how to read Body Language from a distance and trust No One, NO ONE

7. Stop starring at your cell phone and wonderingwhy the car quite and the 500 cars behind you are not Honking their horns

8. Get your shit and Start Walking HOME

On that Long Walk Home, think about all the things you will need to do once there.

Hopefully, you have some preps set aside, fill your bathtubs with water, because when the power isout the pumps don't fill the tanks and you don't get water. Empty your drawers, set them on the floor, and line them with plastic, or large garbagebags that won't leak, and then fill them with water, fill any canteens and containers that you can carry.

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Page 6: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

Use this water only when what is still coming outof your sinks and faucets quitss magically spewing water, or, until the gravity-fed system runs out, keep all your bottled water for your long journey.

You may have two or three days before you have toleave or bug-out, I like to call it Retreat to a fallback position. Consume the food in your refrigerator first, that is perishable, your frozenfood will help keep the refrigerator cooler but after a few days that will thaw out.

By this time hopefully you will have learned a little bit about preserving meat and you can turn your steaks into jerky or pemmican, Bar-B-Q meats that you're not sure about preserving, and eat it first as a farewell meal.

Time is up, and now you must leave, if you stay you will be in a very bad situation with people that are crazy and wanting to hurt you, kill your family or worse and take your stuff. In my opinion, if someone is going to take all of my stuff out of my house I would rather it was me instead of those looter's, either way, you will have to leave your house dead or alive.

Hopefully all of this stuff that you have to do before you leave will have been discussed with yourfamily, so if it takes you a day or more to get home they're not standing around wondering what to do. Use your days at home to explain to your family what you're going to have to do and that everything that was once normal is no longer that way.

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Page 7: Will You Survive an EMP? - PrepperGuy.com · EMP or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). So how do you Survive Long term? Keep in mind that we are talking decades, not

Think about and discuss with your family all of the horrible and heinous things you've seen on TV and in the news, people murdering their neighbors for 2 in change, sociopaths killing family members$ and burying them under the house or in the Rose Garden, gang violence, drug violence and just all-around very evil people.

This is the world we live in now, when there are actually police trying to keep Rule of Law , this “ ”is what is known as the Thin Veneer of society. “ ”

It is a safe bet to assume that the world you nowlive in after an EMP has removed that Thin Veneer ,“ ”and you, and your family are truly yo-yo, (You're On Your Own). With that in mind, you need to realize that those three precious days might only be one, or two days, so do not lollygag and screw around.

Consider everyone you meet as a threat and a potential rapist, robber, murder, liar, thief and criminal, and these are just the people that you may already know.

You must become like all wild animals, if you hear a sound or see someone approaching, you shouldjust leave or hide, learn from things that have farmore survival instinct than we do.

A wild deer doesn't care if you're walking up to it to pet it and give it some berries, or kill and eat it, it will not let you get close enough to find out, and it does not care about social graces.

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If you are truly handicapped, how would you bugout? or survive in a shit hit the fan scenario?

This is just a theory so hear me out, if you are truly immobile or in a wheelchair but can still getaround and kind of do some things for yourself, maybe you may be able to get your caretaker or someone to bug out with you, yes, you will still bea Target, so how do you mitigate those problems andcircumstances?

If you do a little research into psychology you will find that even in prisons, most hardened criminals leave people alone that are insane, talk to themselves, and in general appear to be Bat-shitcrazy.

Therefore, it is my theory that if you act "As If" you are crazy, most people that could potentially harm you MAY try and avoid you all together.

If you feel that you will be forced to hunker down and stay put where you live because of a handicap here are some prepping ideas that you may want to consider. Though this Theory may seem lighthearted, if you give it some serious thought and research you will find that this list May save your life when nothing else will.

People through out history have used Bluffs to “ ”get in or out of situations, and this is a bluff. Your poker face will be the determining factor if this works or not, just like any Bluff.

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1. If you don't have an old worn-out bible, go buyone at a second-hand bookstore, make sure all the pages are dog-eared and notes written all over it.

2. Make sure you have food that you can prepare yourself in the case everyone abandons you, MRE's would be best.

3. Have a gun or a pistol that you can use that is easy to handle, and is not bigger than you are.

4. Hyde supplies where you can get to them, but noone else will find your stash, maybe in plain sight, like under a sofa or chair.

5. Watch a lot of movies with crazy people in them, and start practicing being one of them crazy people,

6. Try to be the crazy person no one wants to be around, but, they will have enough sympathy foryour situation not to kill you.

In a worst-case scenario, and when this plan willneed to be implemented, then I'm sure Society will have completely collapsed, so before all your neighbors abandoned you ask them to stack some deadbodies in your front yard, maybe even in lawn chairs, this will give you someone to preach to helping add to the appearance of your craziness.

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Most looters and murders May ignore you but if they rummage through your house, they will only find the crappy food that you want them to find, this is why you hide all your important supplies somewhere it won't be found, and most likely they won't look if there's enough stuff laying around that they can Grab & Go.

If you are a really good actor you may want to ask them to join your congregation and have a seat outside with your Flock.

This plan will take a lot of practice and study and if you think I'm crazy you can ignore it but, when you're stationary and can't leave, what do youhave to lose? Either way, you might end up being shot, but that's what would happen no matter how you play it.

If you study the psychology of prisoners you willfind that even in general population they will leave people alone that are crazy and religious.

You may actually find another person that is as crazy as you're pretending to be, and that person might help take you away from your situation or work to help you spread the word. In that case, Build a church.

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