william branham - scandinavian boy raised from the dead (updated)

www.williambranhamstorehouse.com SCANDINAVIAN CAMPAIGN STUDY COMPILED BY THE MIDNIGHT CRY © 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved Please refer to our website for the Terms of Use

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William Branham received a vision of a countryside that was strange to him where a little boy was lying on the ground with his clothes a torn and his body was broken up. He was dead. In the vision, the little boy was restored to life and for two years, Brother Branham testified of the future event across America and Canada. He told listeners to "Write it in your Bible and see if it does not come to pass." It was written into thousands of Bibles and now you can read the account of the extraordinary fulfilment of the vision.


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© 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved Please refer to our website for the Terms of Use

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Scandinavian Campaign 1950





Carefully catalogued and available on five DVD’s

for US$24.95, delivered to your door. Christ shows Himself alive in our generation! Jesus Christ had more success through William Branham’s Ministry than He did through His own, such was the extent and the wonderment of the miraculous that accompanied this modern day prophetic ministry which even overshadowed the legendary Old Testament Seers of the Bible. William Branham single-handedly spearheaded the worldwide Healing Revival of the late 1940’s and early 50’s, from which came forth the major ministries of the day such as Oral Roberts, TL Osborn and AA Allen etc., and changed the direction of the full Gospel Christian Church forever. But to what purpose? A prophet to the Gentiles Before the Gospel had been rejected by the Jews and the Holy Ghost had turned to the Gentiles, and long before the Christian Church had lost the power of God that was so ably demonstrated by the early disciples, Jesus spoke of a future prophetic ministry to be sent to “restore all things” in readiness for His second coming, ie., a future forerunner. He went on to warn that generation that they had missed their day of visitation because John the Baptist (Christ’s first forerunner) had “come already and they knew him not.” (Mat 17:11-12). Could history have repeated? Might we also have missed our day of visitation? The most amazing true story ever William Branham’s life story is the most amazing true story of the supernatural you will ever read. It is your chance to update and build your faith to a new level. He left us a Gospel Message to restore God’s people to the original Apostolic faith and power, even to enter into rapturing faith. His Message is today fulfilling it’s purpose to encourage, sustain and transform believers into Christ’s likeness before His return. This vital insight, wisdom and spiritual counsel is for all Christian believers who are earnest in their desire to walk closer with Christ, coming as it does from a man who manifested the love, humility and power of Christ the likes of which has not been known since the Master Himself walked the shores of Galilee. Against the Odds The Jewish nation is back in her homeland after an absence of 1900 years just as their prophets foretold millennia ago. The devout Jews are looking for their Mashiach (Messiah) to return, world social and other conditions are deteriorating rapidly. Evil is taking hold at an alarming rate. The Gentile nations have experienced (and ignored) a God-given, vindicated prophetic ministry which demonstrated the works of Christ more than any has done before. Revival fires are burning low and storm clouds are gathering. What can be next? Bible readers know that at such a time, Jesus Christ promised to return to receive a people who had made themselves ready for His coming (the wise virgins). Christ has shown Himself alive in our day and if you have ears to hear, you should be in haste to prepare because the hour of His return is upon the world. The comprehensive William Branham Storehouse Collection contains;

1186 Anointed Audio ‘Message’ sermons plus transcri bed text. These can now be read or heard by simply clicking a link on an Index. Please note that through the generosity of the people who complied this material, this part of the collection is free of charge to you.



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Scandinavian Campaign 1950



A Powerful Searchable ‘Message Database’ program. Quickly and easily find all references to any topic, word or phrase that interests or concerns you in any Sermon or 20 other associated major Message Publication (including A Man Sent from God, A Prophet Visits South Africa, The Acts of the Prophet, etc.) and the complete text of the King James Version Bible. The William Branham Memorial Photograph Album This new self playing digital album has over 700 catalogued, timeless photos, including some never published before. It is an extensive record of people and places where notable events or miracles occurred. The photos allow you to understand William Branham’s ministry and the Divine Healing revival almost as if you had been there. Meet those who were healed and absorb the background information.

The ‘Tucson Years’ Photograph Album 1963-1965 The arrival of Brother Branham and his family in Tucson in January 1963, began a series of incredible events, the likes of which have no precedent. God visited His servant in amazing ways. Over 200 photos trace these happenings in detail and the photos are accompanied by extensive background information.

Multimedia Experience all of the William Branham film footage, see his unfailing gift of discernment in action, view Rebekah Branham-Smith’s insightful slideshow and marvel at an additional 90 hours of audio and 25 hours of spellbinding video testimony of the miracles and the supernatural from over 30 eyewitnesses, or simply be uplifted by listening to selections of some 400 minutes of anointed campaign singing. The ‘Evidence’ Consider the newspaper reports, the many magazine articles, photographs, documents and eyewitness accounts, the written personal testimonies of healing, the amazing and the miraculous. Be encouraged by the biographies of spiritual giants of bygone eras or study the extensive materials detailing more than twenty five separate significant ‘Places and Events’ associated with William Branham’s ministry. Review the Timeline of the major milestones in William Branham’s life and his seven major prophecies of world events, the first five of which have already been fulfilled in detail. Los Angeles Earthquake Review new information about the ‘Big One’ to come & the judgement prophesised by William Branham.

Inspired Spiritual Insights Over 500 pages of William Branham’s inspired insights have been compiled and catalogued so you can review what he told us to expect and to prepare for as the coming of the Lord draws near. Bonus Items These include over twenty five classic Christian books that are sure to strengthen and encourage, plus various Bible study tools and several premium computer software programs to ensure you can easily access, search and view all the information and to find answers to your questions. Discover what William Branham really taught and believed and how this contributed to his outstanding success.

Study in the privacy of your own home Experience and share the love, humility, faith and hope that so motivated William Branham’s life and permeated his character. The William Branham Storehouse Collection DVD series is a rich, inexhaustible treasure, laden with spiritual food and insights for the hungry soul. Prayerfully listen and study in the privacy of your own home away from other influences – just you and God alone. Draw near and allow Him to lead you into all Truth.

Purchase your copy or find out more at www.williambranhamstorehouse.com

May God bless you abundantly, g{x `|wÇ|z{à VÜç For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. © 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved

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Scandinavian Campaign 1950



SCANDINAVIAN CAMPAIGN Finnish boy, raised from the dead after being fatal ly struck by a car Arriving in Finland, April 14, 1950 From top of stairs; Brother Branham, Howard Branham, Ern Baxter and Jack Moore.


Part of the Branham group when tragedy struck A part of the group which had just left the Puijo Observation mountain tower when tragedy struck.

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After the accident, Brother Branham was surprised to learn that the car had struck another little boy, and had knocked him to the other side of the road. Brother Branham was shown by a vision that this boy would be well also.

Second boy badly injured Brother Branham was shown that

this boy also would live.

Brother Branham is kneeli ng in the front, third from the right. At far left is Sister May Is sacson,

Brother Branham's interpreter in Finland.

Puijo Observation


Kari Holma, the Finnish boy who was tragically killed and then picked up by

the Branham party. When last heard of, he was a policeman in Helsinki, Finland.

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William Branham, a Man Sent from God - CHAPTER 22 - The overseas trip to Scandinavia For nearly three years invitations had been coming to Brother Branham to conduct a series of healing meetings in the Scandinavian countries. Various circumstances had hindered him from making such a journey, although from the beginning he felt assured that these calls were of God. In January, 1950, at the time that the writer rejoined the party, Brother Branham asked him to make arrangements for the trip to Finland. This was a step of faith, as at that time there was no money available for the passage (air tickets one-way were $2200 for a party of five) and in fact, because of certain recent circumstances Brother Branham had some unexpected obligations to meet. Nevertheless, in campaigns held during February and March, sufficient funds came in to meet these obligations and to secure air reservations for the entire party. Early in April, the party (which included besides Brother Branham, Rev. J. Ern Baxter, Rev. Jack Moore, Howard Branham and the writer) upon concluding three days of services at Glad Tidings and Manhattan Center, in New York City, prepared to leave for Europe. April 6, 1950 On April 6, 1950, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the party boarded the large overseas airliner, Flagship Scotland, and took off for London, England. It was on April 6, 1909, that William Branham was born. April 6, 1917, was the day that America relinquished her historical isolationism and entered the European War. Historians tell us that it was on April 6, in the year 30 A.D. that Christ died on the Cross. Perhaps the members of the party might be excused for thinking that April 6, is a day of significance. Moving along over the Atlantic at better than 300 miles per hour, and at an altitude of over 20,000 feet, the plane which carried the party landed on the following mid-morning at the Northolt Airport near London. Several days were spent in visiting historic buildings and shrines of the world's largest city. The climax of the party's stay in that great metropolis was the visit to Wesley's chapel. While there we also saw the Wesley residence, entering last of all the room in which John Wesley prayed every morning at five A.M. Before leaving, we all knelt down and had prayer. It was a moment not to be forgotten. After two days in Paris, which was spent visiting the historic landmarks, we continued our journey to Finland via a Scandinavian airliner. On the 14th of April, we landed at Helsinki where we were met by several ministers including Pastor Manninen, who had given us the invitation, and Sister May Isaacson, our American-born interpreter, whose knowledge of the Finnish language contributed greatly to the success of our meetings in Finland. The first service at the Messuhalli witnessed a crowd of 7000 in attendance. After that, several thousand waited outside all afternoon, standing in a line four deep and a half mile long, so that they might be assured of a seat in the largest auditorium in Finland. During a five day interlude, when the auditorium could not be obtained, the party went north to Kuopio which is not far from the Arctic Circle. Faith was very high in this city and some marvelous miracles took place. One of these was the healing of little Veera Ihalainen, a war orphan, whose photograph is shown elsewhere in this book. She was marvelously delivered from wearing a brace and using crutches, after she had in faith touched the coat of Brother Branham as he passed by. Two or three evenings the people just passed by and Brother Branham said a brief prayer for each one. By the time that each service was over there was a good-sized pile of crutches and canes which had been discarded. Brother Baxter spoke at the afternoon services, and his messages were received with great interest. Brother Moore and the writer took the

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morning services, and prayed especially for the deaf mutes and the blind. As many as seven or eight were healed at a time, one after another. One boy learned words so fast that he was used as an interpreter to communicate with the others who were prayed for. One incident that highly intrigued the audience was that the deaf mutes when their ears were opened could learn English words as fast as Finnish. One event, which will never be forgotten by the members of the party, and which happened while they were at Kuopio, was the raising to life of a child that was run over and killed in an automobile accident, the circumstances of which had been previously shown to Brother Branham in a vision. We shall let Pastor Vilho Soininen, of Kuopio, relate this remarkable incident:


"On Friday afternoon a remarkable and startling incident took place which meant much to Brother Branham and to those of us who happened to be its witnesses. Three carloads of us made an unforgettable trip to nearby Puijo Observation Tower situated on a beautiful scenic elevation. The outing was one of the most precious I can remember, because of the blessing of God upon us. Then as we were returning from Puijo, a terrible accident occurred. A car ahead was unable to avoid striking two small boys, who ran out into the street in front of it, throwing one down on the sidewalk, and the other five yards away into a field. One unconscious boy was carried into a car just ahead of us and the other, Kari Holma, was lifted into our car and placed in the arms of Brother Branham and Miss Isaacson who were sitting in the back seat. Brothers Moore and Lindsay were in the front seat with me. "As we hurried to the hospital, I asked through Miss Isaacson, the interpreter, how the boy was. Brother Branham, with his finger on the boy's pulse, answered that the boy seemed to be dead, since the pulse did not beat at all. Then Brother Branham placed his hand over the boy's heart and realized that it was not functioning. He further checked the boy's respiration and could detect no breath. Then he knelt down on the floor of the car and began to pray. And Brothers Lindsay and Moore prayed, too, that the Lord would have mercy. As we neared the hospital, about five or six minutes later, I glanced back, and to my surprise, the boy opened his eyes. As we carried the boy into the hospital, he began to cry, and I realized that a miracle had taken place. "The other boy had been brought in a little earlier and was still unconscious. As I was taking my guests back to their hotel, Brother Branham said to me, 'Do not worry! The boy, who was in our car, will surely live.'" "At that time Brother Branham had no assurance that the other boy would live, but on Sunday evening he assured me on the basis of a vision which he had seen early Sunday morning, that he, too, would live. At the exact time that Brother Branham was telling me this at his hotel, the boy lay dying at the hospital. However, according to the statement of the doctor, that night there was a change for the better, although on the 28th of April as I write this, he still occasionally lapses into unconsciousness. (A later statement received declared that the boy had fully recovered.) The boy, who was in my car, Kari, was dismissed from the hospital in just three days, and is feeling very well considering the circumstances. "In the Friday evening service Brother Branham told us about the vision which he had seen in America two years ago, and which had been fulfilled that afternoon when he had prayed for the dead boy. The angel had appeared to him that evening before the service and had reminded him of this vision which he had seen two years earlier, and which he had at that time told to thousands. Now it was fulfilled. Brother Branham's coming to Kuopio was in the eternal plan of God! We of the

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Kuopio Elim Assembly wondered why the Lord was so good to us that He granted to just us the gracious privilege of receiving His servant." The night we left Kuopio a great crowd of people assembled at the station and sang in their usual minor key, the beautiful Finnish songs. As the train pulled away from the depot, the singing gradually died away, but the pleasant memories of the days spent in Kuopio will not be soon forgotten.

Gordon Lindsay Editor of the Voice Of Healing

In Collaboration with William Branham

A Prophet Visits South Africa – Chapter 4 Now, I have just a moment to give you a testimony before we start praying for the sick. Once in America, while I was riding on a train going South to meet Brother Bosworth, I received a vision. I saw a little boy lying on the ground with his clothes all torn. I saw rocks and trees; it was a strange country. His little body was all broken up, and there he was dead. That night in the meeting I told the people about this vision. I said, "Write it in your Bible and see if it does not come to pass." A few days later they took me to a small boy who had drowned in an irrigation ditch. But he wasn't the boy I saw in the vision, who was about eight or ten years old and had been killed by an accident. This boy who was drowned was a little fellow, black headed, well dressed. He wasn't the child. Across America and Canada I testified and told them, "Write it in your Bible." It was written in thousands of Bibles. I told them that when the vision was fulfilled and the boy came back to life, it would appear in "The Voice of Healing." In April, 1950, while we were in Finland, we left Helsinki and went up to Kuopio. A group of us had been up to a lookout tower from where we could see Russian territory. I had been fasting much and said to my managers, "Something is going to happen." On the road down we came upon the scene of an accident. A car had struck two boys. One had been knocked on his side and thrown up against a tree, crushing his head and his ribs. The car, going about seventy miles per hour, hit the other boy right forward, rolled him up under the car and threw him out behind the back wheel up into the air. Some twenty minutes later we arrived. There was a great crowd of people. They had him laid out with his coat over his face. Mr. Lindsay and the others went out and looked at him, but I could not go. I thought of my own boy and my heart was sad. Finally they asked, "Why don't you go?" So I did. When I looked at the little boy, they had taken the coat off his face, my heart almost failed. I thought of little Billy Paul thousands of miles away from me. All of them were weeping. I started to turn, when I felt a hand on me. I said, "I do not understand what this is." (Some of the people standing there said, "There is the miracle man from the States. Let us see what he will do." See how people do not understand.) I turned around and said, "It seems like I have seen that boy somewhere. Let's look again." And they raised his coat again. I said, "I have seen that boy." I was so excited, I could not place him at first. I said to the ministers, "Is he a member of your churches?" "No," they said. Then I realized he was the boy that I had seen in a vision back in America about a year and a half before.

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You will never know how I felt. There weren't enough devils in torment who could hold him. I said, "Get around and you shall see the glory of the Lord." I knelt down just the way it was shown me in the vision and prayed: "Almighty God, in my homeland some year and a half ago, You showed me this boy and You told me that he would rise." There he laid, all broken up, and I said, "Oh, Lord, hear the prayer of Your servant. And now death--you can hold him no longer, for Jesus Christ gave a promise that this boy shall live." The boy rose to his feet, alive and normal. There stood the businessmen, the important men of the city. I have statements from them confirming this, signed by a notary public.

Julius Stadsklev

Veera Ihalainen healed and delivered from brace and crutches

Caught by the camera at a service in Finland, Brother Branham stands by one of the many children whose healing was wrought through

his prayers.

The little girl is Veera Ihalainen, an 11 year old war orphan with one leg shorter than the other. She was marvellously delivered from having to wear a cruel brace and crutches - such was her faith that she only desired to

touch Brother Branham's coat.

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Tent at Ornskoldsvik Branham Healing Campaign near the Arctic regions of Northern Sweden. Note the fleet of busses in the background.

BROTHER BRANHAM REFERS TO THE ‘SCANDINAVIAN CAMPAIG N’ HEALINGS IN VARIOUS SERMONS; DO.YOU.NOW.BELIEVE_ OWENSBORO.KY FRIDAY_ 53-1106 13 On the road down I told Brother Bosworth and many of them, we was in a big tent meeting. A little boy was down there holding a tent meeting and sent for me come down and help him. He was in an awful strain. I went down to get him two or three days. And while we were there, I made that statement, I said, "There's going to be a little boy, he's laying in the country where there's a lot of evergreens; and there's lapped over rock. And the little boy will be about eight years old, very, dressed like I dressed when I was a little boy, little short clothes up here, and little waist that buttoned around." I said, "Great big long stockings that come up. And his little foot was run through the sock like that, and he's was all mashed up by an automobile. He had brown crock cut hair, we call it, and--and big brown eyes. They were set. His little mouth was twisted over, and he was about eight years old." They wrote it down. I said, "Put it on the flyleaf of your Bible." Like I'm telling you put this on the flyleaf of your Bible. I said, "See if that doesn't happen." 14 A few days after that, Brother Bosworth, he taken me up there to a little boy had been drowned in a irrigation ditch. And the little boy's father... There was several thousand people attended the meeting, and they taking me up there. They wouldn't let the undertaker take the little fellow until he was... I looked at him. But he was about five years old, well-dressed, was black-headed, he wasn't the child at all. So I offered prayer for consolation for the father and mother, that God would help them, and the little boy was buried.

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Two years later I was in Finland, I'd just come from... Went over... King George had sent me two cablegrams. I have them at my home, with his seal and so forth, letters, to pray for him. For this Mr. Leeman had been healed of multiple sclerosis out of Fort Wayne. 15 While on the testimony, Brother Bosworth, I don't know whether I've ever said this. When the night the picture was taken down there, of the Angel of the Lord, Brother Bosworth, two days afterwards brought me a--a picture of Florence Nightingale. Her grandmother founded the Red Cross in England. Many of you has heard of Florence Nightingale, the mother of the Red Cross. She was in Durban, South Africa, which South Africa is British controlled, and the woman weighed approximately sixty pounds, with cancer, on the duodenum, duodenum, cancer of the stomach. And she sent for me to come pray for her. I had two airplane tickets sent. Well, I couldn't go. Brother Bosworth brought me the picture, the telegram, and I laid it on the floor, and we prayed, and I said, "Lord, if You'll heal her, I'll go to Africa." 16 And I just prayed the prayer, went home, forgot about it. When I went in to London, the day that we arrived on the International Airport in London, on our road to the Scandinavian country and to pray for the king... I heard them page me. And Mr. Baxter, Mr. Lindsay, many of these men that you people know, was with me. And they went in, and it was the Anglican minister. They brought Miss Florence Nightingale from South Africa, how she knowed, less it was through the crown, I couldn't know yet. But she knew we was going to land there that day. And she come in about fifteen minutes before we did, and I couldn't even get the woman... They couldn't get the woman out of the plane, they thought she was dead then. And I said, "Well, there's thousands of people between here and the plane. I couldn't get to it. I'm going down to Buckingham Palace, then to Westminster Abbey, and then I'll--I'll be at the Piccadilly Hotel, you come get me, we'll go have prayer for her." 17 And when we got up to there, of course, the night passed on and I didn't get in till late. Next morning we come, and we went to have prayer for Mrs. Nightingale. they said, "She's just living." Christian friends, if I live to be an old man, I'll never forget the experience that was. In London, it was in April, very damp, fog everywhere. We went upstairs to the place where they packed her stretcher, near the parsonage of a big Anglican church. And in the room set her doctor, two nurses, two or three ministers when the campaign manager--managers and myself walked in. And I walked over; they had a white sheet laying over her. And I said, "How do you do." And they all got up. And I said, "Is--is this the patient?" And I said, "How do you do. Are you Miss Nightingale?" 18 I could see her lips moving, but friends, it looked like a corpse laying there or--or skeleton. Her head... The part where your head goes together there's no flesh on her, just the skin down against the bone. And I said, "How do you do." I reached out my hand to shake hands with her. The nurse said, "Brother Branham, she couldn't raise her hand." Well, she was crying. And she... I... The nurse got down to hear what she was saying, then she told me. She said, "She wants you to ask God to let her die." She couldn't die. And said, "Reverend Branham, she's prayed and said if ever she could get to where you was, that God would heal her." 19 Now, that's faith. How could I ask God to let the woman die? Now, here's her testimony in the book. I--I couldn't do that. So she wanted me to see her body, the nurse said. And when they

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pulled the sheet down off of her body... Friends, we are a mixed audience; you listen to your doctor; I'm your brother. It was a disgrace to look to see how a woman could be in that... The bosom here, had sunk to her ribs, and the stomach wasn't--was just about that flat. And the rings was almost meeting in the ring of her hip here, the flesh. And her limbs up here wasn't but about that big around. Now, Mrs. Georgie Carter, which will be here tomorrow, next day, one, from over here at Milltown, laid nine years and six months in the bed with TB, which was healed, vision. I didn't even know where the place was, and Lord sent me down there, and she was healed. She was a little bitty woman; she weighed only about thirty-five pounds. But this woman was a woman almost six foot tall. And there she laid, couldn't move her hands or nothing. 20 They picked up her hands, 'cause she wanted to shake my hand. When I took a hold of her hand, it was just like that, hard. I thought, "O God, a mortal being laying in that shape." So I said, "Can we pray?" And all the ministers gathered. I looked at the doctor, and I said... Said, "Not a thing, Brother Branham, can be done. It's a... The malignancy has gone plumb all over her." Said, "She hasn't eaten for," I forget how many months, and they give her glucose in her veins, till they collapsed, and they couldn't even give her veins. Said, "We don't know why--how she's living, how she breathes." 21 And I knelt down, great God of Heaven, Who stands... We stand in His Presence tonight, His Word laying before me. There's a window about that high; it was up, kind of warm in the room. And I knelt to pray and I started the prayer of, "Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, and Author of Everlasting Life," I said, "send Thy blessing into this room for this poor mortal." And when I started to pray, a little dove come flying through the bushes and lit on the windowsill about that far from where I was praying. Well, I... Not new thing, when I've only been there about twelve hours or a little more. I thought the little dove was just a pet, you know, that was around the house. And I just continued to pray. And when I got finished praying and asked God to help her (I couldn't ask to let her die,) and that He would be merciful to her... And when I... All the time I praying, this little dove, very restless, of unrest, walking up-and-down going, "Coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo." Why, you know how little doves kinda mournfully goes, walking back and forth on the window about as wide as this little table. 22 About ten people were present to watch it. And I noticed all the ministers stopped praying, every one. When I said, "Amen," the little fellow took his flight back out to the bushes. Well, I raised up, and of course, was weeping a little, all of us. And the ministers begin to say, "Did you notice that dove?" And I started to ask if it was just a pet dove. And I had no more that I could say, and knowed no more what I was going to say, but all of a sudden, something burst through and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, she'll live and not die." She weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds now in perfect health. That opened the way to Africa and started a revival. 23 In Finland we was coming down off the mountain that day, I'd been fasting for several days. [A brother says, "Just a few weeks ago I saw a letter from that woman, she's well and helping, working hard for other folks."--Ed.] Miss Florence Nightingale. Less than six months, she was well, gained her weight. I've got her picture, it's in the book. Oh, we haven't got any of those books, I'm sorry, called "A Prophet Visits Africa." They're out of print now; we sold several thousand of them. And we just got our finance to go overseas, and we haven't got the finance to put more books out;

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that's the reason we haven't got them. But we got the other book back there of the story of this little boy. 24 And now, friends, these are not mythical stories, their addresses everything, and who you can contact and royalty, and everything, doctors and so forth, to see if it's truth. If you would doubt it, you're welcome to write to the people. Coming down off the mountain, I said to Brother Lindsay, and to Brother Moore, many of them, I said, "Seems to me something is fixing to happen." Said, "What is it, Brother Branham?" I said, "I don't know." And in the meeting that way that's the reason... I don't want to be an isolationist, stay away from the people. But when that anointing once strikes, it isn't--it isn't... Just looks like It's near all the time. There's something; it's another world, like two worlds, you break over into this world and this world, and you--you stay in it too long, you hardly know just... Now, when leaving the platform, when It comes on, I feel like, oh, I was up in the heavens. But when It's off of me, I feel good. But in-between those times, it's seems like you're just stepping off the world. You--you can't walk, and you--you hear pe... I don't know how you do feel. No need of me trying to explain it. You can't explain God; you got to believe God. It's not... You can't explain it; it's by faith. 25 So coming down the highway in Finland, a used foreign car, about five years old, would probably cost two thousand dollars or more. Gasoline is over a dollar a gallon. So you can imagine, very few cars. We had twenty-five thousand in Messuhalli and I think there was three cars setting outside. They walk or ride bicycles or best way they can get there. And so when I was coming down out of Kuopio... We went up over the Iron Curtain, and coming down through Kuopio, just before we get into the city where we was to have the meeting... Well, we'd been one night already in there, or two nights, and they just taken me up to this tower where the Germans and Russians come over and bombed Finland out. 26 Well, coming down the road, I noticed a great crowd of people. And a--a American made thirty-five model Ford hit two little boys coming home from school. The people live in the city, have their farms out, then come back in the city. Had struck two little boys, hit one under the chin... They started, flung one one way and one the other. They grabbed each other's hands and the car driver lost control, and had hit one and threw him against the tree and broke his little neck in there. And the other one, it run over him, mashed him under the wheels and kicked him way up in the air and threw his coat off of him, and he fell on the grass plat. The doctor had been there and pronounced him dead. The other little boy, they thought was still alive, and another car had picked him up and took him on to the--the hospital, such as it was. 27 And we come up. Well, Sister Isaacson, Brother Lindsay, Brother Jack Moore, many of you know those men, and editor of "The Voice of Healing," and all them was right along to watch it. And they went over to look at the little boy. I set in the car. Because I've got a little boy here myself, Billy Paul, was over home and it'd been months since I seen him, and I didn't want to look at a little dead boy at that time. So they said, Brother Lindsay come back, and weeping like a baby, said, "Brother Branham, you ought to see it."

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And I said, "I don't want to see it." So finally, Something told me, "Go look at the boy." And I went over to take a look at the little fellow, and I looked at him and I thought, "Oh, mercy," I turned my head and started walk away. They had the coat over the baby; they couldn't move it. The law in Finland, the parents had to come there first and give orders to move the baby. And they went the country, and I was thinking, "How that father and mother is going to feel now when they come in and that little boy laying there dead. Out of the... come from their field from working." 28 And everybody works in Finland, the women wear great big thick dresses, big boots, and everything. They don't have nice dainty clothes that we Americans have. They all... Happen to be this suit come from Finland; you can see how thick and heavy it is, that's summer, winter and all. And so when we come down, I started to walk back, and as I walked away from the little boy, I felt Somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I looked around; I thought it was Brother Moore, or some of them. And there was nobody around me. And the hand was still laying on my shoulder. Why, I wondered how that was. Well, I happened to think it might... I walked back towards the little boy, and when I started back towards the little boy (I was going away from him), when I started back, the hand got--went off of my shoulder. And I said, "Can I look at that little boy again?" And Mrs. Isaacson asked the man who was given the guardian, the officer. And he pulled the coat back, and I looked at that little boy, and I seen that little foot run through the sock, those little waists, panty waists, we call them, you know and... here. I seen the little brown hair, crock cut like. I looked up, and here come a ridge running down, like that, of lap rock with evergreen trees growing around. I said, "Thank You, Lord." Oh, you'll never know how you feel. There it was. I said, "Brother Moore, come here. Brother Lindsay." Said, "What's the matter?" 29 I said, "Turn to the flyleaf in your Bible and look at that little boy." See, just like this is written right here. And I had it written, in, oh, I guess, thousands of Bibles across the United States and Canada, having people to write it down like I'm having them write this down. And see if it... Just watch it come to pass. I said... Brother Moore said, "Let's see. A lapland where rocks are laying, evergreen trees, little socks. Why," said, "Brother Branham, there's the boy." I said, "That's him. There he lays." Oh, my, when God has spoke it, all devils in hell can't stop it. God's done said so. I turned around; I said, "Now, let everyone know." 30 Now, they just fixing the little boy then to put him in this car. I said, "Let everyone know to keep quiet." And the main man of the city, which was the chief man, which was equivalent to the mayor here in the city... I said, "Now, everyone be reverent and just wait a minute." And I knelt down and prayed, and asked God to confirm His Word which He had spoken. And God Who is my Judge, in five minutes from then the little boy jumped up and was running and screaming on top of his voice, alive. 31 The other little lad... I just haven't the time to catch that. I will tomorrow night, on what happened to the other little lad. I remember, one thing I will have time. The second night from then, I seen something sweet happen. I was going into the place, and coming down the road for six city blocks, there was about thirty abreast, people standing.

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In Russia you can't leave your home place where you were born with... over forty miles, without having a visa. Now, when they tell you there's no churches in Russia, that's wrong. They got churches; they got... The communist boycott them and everything, but they still got Christians. What if you killed all the Christians out of America; you'd have no America: same way in Russia. 32 But across the line, after that had been noised abroad through there; and I got the seal of the--of the governor there and everything, right on the paper, standing there watching it when it happened... And that, swept out over the radio. And across from Russia, come those big Russian soldiers. And friends, when they crossed the line and those Finnish ministers standing there, they throwed their arms around their neck and cried like babies. Anything that'll make a Finn put his arm around Russian and a Russian around a Finn, will settle every war. Jesus Christ is the answer. Yes, sir. They had nothing against one another. They wept and cried and hollered, "Jumalan rauhaa," that's "God's peace rest upon you." Russians and Finns with their arms around one another... It'll make American's and Russian's and all the world put their arms around one another. It'll make overalls and a tuxedo suit call one another brother. It'll make silk and calico set together and say, "Sister." It'll do it. The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin and straightens all wrongs, takes all prejudice out, makes new creatures, heals the sick. Amen. 33 Going down that night, and those Russians and Finns standing there at attention, the tears running down their cheeks when they passed... Not because it was me, no, sir. They'd seen God moving. And when I got into the room, there's four little Finnish soldiers, all of them...?... little boys never shaved, little bitty fellows, great long coats on, walking down with their big swords out like that, to keep the people from touching on either side, coming right down the middle of the street, we got it all in pictures, in color. 34 When I walked into the Messuhalli and started down to the right, they was walking along like that, closed the door. And they were singing already: "Only Believe." Brother Baxter and them had been speaking. Twenty-five thousand people had gathered inside, and he was... they were singing "Only Believe" in Finnish for me. And when I did, the girls dormitory door opened, the ladies... And out stepped a little Finnish girl. And that poor little thing, I never felt so sorry for her. I love little kids. I just love them. I just... I got two of my own, and that's the reason I'm going after them tonight. And I just love them. I used to see them all get in. They'd give me some of that old Finnish money, you know, and I'd be out there and buy their candy, and I'd have a string of kids a block long, following me, like that, buying all the candy I could find everywhere, 'cause their money wasn't worth nothing here, you know. And they give me some of that money Kronars and...?... and so forth, and I'd just buy those kids some... Little old ragged hungry looking fellows... 35 And stepping out of there come a little woman--little girl, about twelve years old, and she had two crutches under her arm. She had a big thing around her like this, as a brace. And one limb was limp and shorter than the other. She had no control of this leg. And it set in braces, and around her hip... And a big shoe on with a snap in the toe, a strap went back and went over her shoulder and hooked into this brace back here. And when she'd start to walk, she'd set the crutches out, then she'd throw her little shoulder like that, and just step and pull that leg up and let

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it set out. And that brace... You see, the leg had no control, but the brace would hold her so she could walk. 36 I looked at her standing there, little ragged looking hair, little kind of a half brown and blond hair, ragged cut, looked like it'd been chopped off with scissors. I looked her down, one little dress on, perhaps, nothing under it, her little skirt down here was just as ragged as it could be. Later, I learned she was a little Finnish war orphan. Her mother and daddy had been killed during the time of the war. And she looked at me, and they'd give orders not to say nothing to you on the street. And she thought she'd done something wrong, that child, and she dropped her little head and stood there on there on her little crutches. I seen her little blue eyes look up towards me again. I stopped, and the soldiers motioned. I couldn't speak a word to them. They all spoke Finnish. 37 I told them, "Just a minute." The other two soldiers walked on, then turned to look back to see what was the matter, and I motioned to them. I looked at the child again; she looked at me. I--I just something told me that baby wanted to come over there. I looked at the little thing, and I motioned to her, "Come here." And she took her little crutches under her arm, and she started pulled her little shoulder, and she come out. I just stood still. And she come right out to where I was, like that. I watched to see what the child was going to do. And she stood there with her little head down a few minutes. And I watched, dropping on the floor, little tears, dropping out of them little eyes, dropping down like that. And I thought, "Poor little thing." 38 And she reached over and took a hold of my coat, pulled it up in her little hands, and rubbed it, and her little hands was dirty, and she kissed my coat. She dropped the coat down, pulled out her little ragged skirt and said, "Kiitos." That means "thank you." Little skirt... Looked very polite, said, "Kiitos," looked up, and them little baby blue eyes with tears running down. Oh, my, something swelling in my heart, I thought, "God bless you, honey." I turned and that soldier trying to motion me on, tried to motion her back. And I looked; I seen going walking right down through the room, her walking without crutches. I knowed it would happen; I knowed God would honor that kind of faith. It would have... If I'd have been the lowest hypocrite in the world, God would've honor that faith in that child. I seen that child going, walking. I said, "Honey, you're--you're healed. Jesus has made..." Of course, she couldn't hear what I was saying. She was crying, you know, and saying, "Kiitos. Kiitos." She thought she'd done wrong, you know. And they kept pushing me on. And--and so Brother Baxter come to the door and wanted to come out and find where I was at. 39 And I went on in. We prayed for several sick, and you'll notice in the--they crutches and things piled up. And they put them in big carts to haul away. And I just fixing to leave the building, my brethren, a bunch of them had come and got me to take me off the platform. And I was just fixing to leave, when I thought, "I'm going to try a few more. I'm got to call some more of those cards." I said... And the Holy Spirit would move out over the audience. They'd have to get an interpreter and tell the people out there, who... I didn't know their language, tell them where they was at, and what they were doing, what they was suffering with. And the interpreter would have to say it, and my, that--that just settled it all; they just throw down their crutches and canes and start running.

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And I said, "Call a few more of the cards." 40 And when they did, by God's providence, the next one was that little girl. She had the next card number. And here she come; she was just smiling, you know, one little tooth out in front, and she was smiling, you know, trying to get to me. And I said to the interpreter, I said, "Just say what I say." She said, "All right, Brother Branham." I said, "You're going to see something's already took place." I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that met me out there awhile ago and..." She nodded her little head as the interpreter spoke. And I said, "Your respect to Jesus Christ, you approached in the right manner." That's a lot of times the way we American's don't get anything: we don't come to God reverent enough. Don't you think so? We just know more about it, and so... God lives in humility and simplicity. 41 So I said, "God rewarded you, honey. He healed you out there and I want you to go over here and set down and get some of the men to unbuckle these braces and things from around you, and let your little hand set on your hip, and just as they bring the brace off, let your little hand slide down your leg just as far as your leg is short." And I said, "Now, you do that over here, then show me." And then I called the next one. And the Holy Spirit was showing in the vision. While the vision was going on, I heard her scream; here she come across the floor with crutches in her hands and braces over her head, screaming at the top of her voice, right up the steps she went, right down and across, up the other way, little bare-feet just a running hard as she could go. And she's perfectly normal and well, because her respect and--and love to Jesus Christ brought His blessing down upon her. TESTIMONY.RAISING.DEAD.BOY_ W.PALM.BEACH.FL THURS DAY_ 53-1203 35 And I come down, and there may be people setting right here tonight heard me speak it of it in the Miami meeting. I wonder before I give this statement if there's anybody at the Miami meeting, heard me tell that vision, and said it would come to pass? Raise your hand. Look there, all the way around everywhere. All right. In the Miami meeting... And I said, "Someday that will appear in the "Voice of Healing." For what God said has to come to pass. There's no way at all for it to fail. It's got to be just that way for God said so." Well, and many of you remember that in the same meeting about a... I'd been there about a week, I guess, and there was a little boy got drowned in an irrigation ditch. His parents may be setting here now for all I know. But the father had heard that statement, and he'd seen the miraculous working of God, and he would not permit the undertaker or anyone to get that child. He thought that was the child I'd seen in the vision. 36 Mr. Huckstra, and many of them went out, and they taken me out there to see the little boy. When I seen the little fellow, he was real black headed. That wasn't him. Little bitty boy, pretty well dressed, a little fellow about five or six years old, and then it wasn't a country, no rocks. It was just a few, I think, eucalyptus trees or something, or trees standing there.

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I said, "No, this isn't the boy. I'm sorry, but this isn't the lad." And I knelt down and had prayer for the consolation of the father, and so forth, so they could--undertaker could take the little fellow and bury him. I said, "It isn't the little boy, and the little boy's different." 37 Then I come to the meeting that night, explained it to the audience that I'd been back to see the little boy, but it was... They had him back out there behind the tent some way, back through a field like, and so it wasn't the little lad. He'd been in the water for quite awhile; and they'd pulled him out, but the father wouldn't let them take him. Now, then I went on. I went from Miami on up, got my car and crossed the nation to the West Coast, everywhere along telling people to write it on the flyleaf of their Bible. I said, "That's the only thing He's told me yet that hasn't come to pass." I said, "It will come to pass." 38 On up through Canada, cross Canada over into Windsor, Ontario, come back down through the East Coast telling the people that this would happen... In every meeting I probably mentioned, telling them, "Write it on the flyleaf of your Bible." Hundreds and hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of them wrote it on the flyleaf of their Bible. Well, the year passed. Another year passed. Nothing happened. But it's got to happen anyhow. One night I went to Finland, and I'd got up to Kuopio. I do much fasting and praying. And I was up in the top of the tower, and the little Finns up there were very lovely and sweet people. And we were having many thousands of people in the meeting, so Laplanders, and all. And so we went up and show... They was showing me the tower, about thirty ministers, of where the--the Russians come in and bombed their little city there and so forth. 39 And so I come down to the bottom of the tower, and I just started crying. I didn't know why. I'd been fasting for a few days. And I begin to feel like I was hungry. Usually in a fast I never feel hungry. If you feel hungry, it's time to eat. That's right. Jesus afterwards was hungry. You see? But if you're hungry, it's time to eat. So then I begin to kind of get hungry. And Brother Lindsay said, "Will you come eat, Brother Branham?" I said, "No. I don't feel like eating, but Brother Lindsay, there's something--something somewhere." And I walked over there, and I seen a fellow standing out there, and they was singing: "On Golgotha." And all their songs are in minor, and it was very beautiful. So I heard--seen that fellow standing over there looking at them. And I went over; it was a man from England, had been up there, a buyer, just as drunk as he could be, and he said, "What are they doing up there?" I said, "You speak English." He said, "I'm an Englishman." And I said, "Why, they're singing a hymn." And he said, "You know, it sounds pretty." I said, "Aren't you a Christian?" He said, "Nah, I don't believe in it."

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And I said, "Well, you ought to be ashamed of yourself." I said, "A man that's lived as long as you have, and God has prospered you the way He has, and then you would make a remark like that." And about ten minutes later, I led him to Jesus Christ to accept Him as Saviour. 40 And they come down and we were knelt down there praying. We got up. They started taking some pictures. And their taxicabs there are horse driven, you know. So they... And as Brother Lindsay wanted me to get in the little place, and get my picture in this taxicab, said, "We're going to take you down in a car." There's just a very few cars. A second-handed Ford over there, four or five years old, would sell for two thousand dollars; and gasoline's about, oh, about a dollar and a half a gallon, two dollars, something like that. And so you can imagine how it is, and them poor little Finns, they just haven't got no money. 41 So then, and I said, "There's something fixing to happen." And Brother Lindsay said, "Well, what do you think it is, Brother Branham?" I said, "I don't know. It's just... I can tell that the Spirit of God is near about something. There's something fixing to happen." Well, he said, "Do you have any idea?" I said, "No, I don't." And we got in the car and started down the hill. Well, I seen the commotion over there, and I didn't know what it was at the bottom of the hill. And what had happened there had been a 1935 Ford, American-made Ford V-8. And there was children was coming... Now, the Finns all live in little cities, and they have their farms out, and they go out in the country and farm, and then come back into the city. Their children coming in from school... Cars are very rare, and this man was driving approximately sixty miles an hour. And he ran through this bunch of children, lost control. 42 Two little children started across the road, one about five years old and one about eight. And they started across the road and they got scared, and they started back; and driver lost control, and he swung his car to the right. That would be to the north, and he struck one little boy right flat like that. The other little boy, the--the fender caught his chin, and just whirled him over, and threw him over against a tree, and crushed him against the tree. He just... That was it. So then the other little boy, he run right over him, mashed him under the car; and the car jumped the ditch. The little boy got wound up under the wheel, and it kicked his little body approximately twenty feet in the air. And he fell over in the grass. 43 Just a little old hard beaten cobblestone road, and when we got down there, that's what all the excitement was about. The one little boy had been picked up. The car went on down and wrecked and so the--the man had fainted and passed out. And they'd got him out too. And the little boy was against the bush. This other little boy was dead. He was laying dead about twenty minutes or thirty. And the--the other little boy, they'd done got somebody there to get him to the hospital, but they couldn't move this one. This little boy was breathing, so they could get him, but this boy was dead. The undertaker, of course, has to pronounce that, just like they do here, that

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had to come and get him away. The doctor wouldn't have nothing to do with that, because he was dead. And the undertaker had to give the orders to take him in. 44 But before they could do it, a law there is, that the parents had to have something to do with it. And they went out into the fields in the country to get the parents. But we come by. We wondered what the commotion was about. Well, we stopped, and my interpreter got out, begin looking. So they said, "Oh, it's a little boy has been killed laying here." And so Mrs. Isaacson, she was my interpreter, the private interpreter. So she--she come back and said, "Brother Branham, you ought to see that." So Brother Lindsay got out. Many of you know Gordon Lindsay, I'm sure, the editor of the "Voice of Healing." And he got out and he come back just crying like a baby. Said, "Brother Branham, go look at him." Said, "I... It just reminds me of my little boy." 45 "Well, Brother Moore," I said, "I don't want to see him." So Brother Moore got out. I got a--had a boy over here too, you know, and I didn't... I'd been away from home for weeks and weeks. And Billy Paul was just about that age. And I--I didn't want to go see the little fellow. So Brother Moore got out, and he said... He come back weeping and said, "Brother Branham, you ought to see him." Said, "I--I've never seen anything like it." Said, "Poor little fellow's just mashed to pieces." And I said, "It's sure too bad." Said, "Now, when the parents gets here they won't... We--we got to move him, and take him down into the--into the city. They want our car. 'Cause that's... Don't know where they'd get another car." So I said, "All right. We can move him." And they said, "Well..." 46 And I thought, "Well, I believe I will take a look at that child." And when I got out, and I looked at that little boy, oh, his little mouth was open, his little eyes set back like that; and I... They had a coat laying over his face. I thought, "Oh, my, umm. What that poor mother and daddy when they come and see that poor little thing laying there like that and out in the field working..." And they, them poor Finns. They're the only one that's paid their debt to us, their--their--their war debt. You all know that you men and so forth and know that. And they're honest and real people. God-fearing people if there is any in the world lives in Finland. That... They're really God-fearing people. They trust God for everything they have. They have to. They're living right there on that battlegrounds. And so them little soldiers up there, some of them little old boys hadn't never even shaved yet, fifteen years old. They just kill them off as fast as... Them Russians, you know how it is out there, and they declare a war, and they--they kill them off. They did in this last war, and then the Germans and so forth got them. 47 So then when--when I got out and looked at that little fellow, I tell you, I thought my heart would break. I started to go away like that. Now, this sounds fiction, but it isn't, friends. When I started to move away from that little boy, somebody put their hand on my shoulder. And I said... I thought it was Brother Lindsay and I turned around. There wasn't nobody around me, and yet there was a hand laying on my shoulder. Well, I thought, "Well, that's strange. Well, whose hand is

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that?" There was nobody around me. And I thought, "Well, wonder what this is?" And I started to walk away, and I just... Looked like that hand was just like that pulling at me. Well, I looked at Brother Moore, and he said, "What's the matter, Brother Branham?" I said, "I don't know." And he said, "Well, you look so white." And I said, "I--I don't know." 48 So I looked down again at that little boy. I started walking towards him, and the hand went off of me. I said, "Wonder if they'd--if you'd get them to undo that little boy's face again." So they said, "Yes. They want you to put him in the car now. They're going to take him--take him away." And there was people screaming and going on out there. And I looked down again. Now, in myself I was so excited, I would've missed it (You see?), but see the sovereignty of God. I looked down; I said, "I've seen that boy somewhere." I said, "Come here, Mrs. Isaacson." I said, "Ask those pastors if that little boy has been in a prayer line." I'd done forgot about the vision. See? It said--they said, "No." None of them knew him. 49 I said, "Does anybody know him?" Nobody knew him. "Well," I said, "it's strange I've seen that little boy somewhere." I raised my head like this kind of... There's that lap rocks coming down through, and them evergreen trees. I looked back again. I said, "There he is. That's him." I said, "Brother Moore, Brother Lindsay, come close." I said, "Open up your Bible." They said, "What's the matter?" I said, "Turn to your flyleaf." Said, "What's the matter?" I said, "Do you remember in Miami, Florida, that night that little boy was..." They said, "Yes." begin... Said, "Brown hair, little crock hair cut, brown eyes, laying on a road." 50 I said, "Look at them trees twisted yonder. See? See them--them rocks, I mean, and them trees?" I said, "See? Killed in an accident, side of the road, been dead about thirty minutes now. His little hands pulled down like that, his little legs," I said, "that's the boy." They said, "Well, Brother Branham, that meets the description." I said, "That's him." Oh, my. No one in the world... You may think that I'm excited now, but I'm not. It just thrills me through to know that our Lord Jesus has risen from the dead. All these pagan religions are false. There's only one true, living God, and His Son is Christ Jesus. That's right. And He's risen from the dead and He has graced us with His Being. Amen. Oh, my. How many of these things has happened. This is not my statements alone, brother; the whole Finish government knows this. And there... And there looking at that little fellow, I said, "That's him."

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They said, "You mean he's going to live?" 51 I said, "If that boy isn't alive in the next few minutes, you pin a sign on my back as a false prophet." I said, "That's the boy, and he's going to live." Said, "How can he live? Look at him mashed up." I said, "You see if he doesn't live." I said, "Make every one be quiet now." They wanted to get him up. I said, "I know just how the Lord told me to kneel." I knelt to pray for this little lad. And I said, "Heavenly Father, over in the homelands of America, You showed me this little boy in Florida, about two and a half years ago. And You give me the vision, and all these things were just exactly the way You said they would be. And now, as Your servant, I act in Your place, that You said, 'Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. As freely as you receive, freely give.' Then acting upon Your Word and upon Your spoken Word by a vision, I say to death that holds this child, 'You can't hold him any longer. Turn him loose in the Name of Jesus Christ.'" 52 The boy jumped to his feet like that and began screaming and running as hard as he could, and all them Finns standing there all the screaming and carrying on, you never heard in all your life. That little boy jumped up, didn't know what had happened, run around. How it done, friends? Don't ask me. I can't tell you. To my opinion there wasn't a sound bone in the body of that boy. Now, the doctor never said who... his bones. Only thing he looked is his little foot was run through his stocking, little--big old heavy ribbed stocking like we used to get here. And his little legs was twisted up. His little hands was laying out like this. Blood all over his face, his little tongue was out, and mouth open. His eyes was run back like that and laying perfectly cold and dead. 53 And it happened to be that the chief man, which was the equivalent to the mayor of the city here, was there to see it. And he... I've got his statements at home which will appear in... What's this fellow's calling me from England all the time to come over there? What? Decoursey, Kenneth Decoursey, you've heard... Read the "Intelligence Digest," the "Intelligent Digest." He writes that. He goes around the world. He's called me long distance and everything. When I go over, he wants me to come by there, pray for the archbishop of--of England. And we're to see him, and he's writing it up this next week, in that Digest. It'll be interpreted in every language around the world (see?) to go around. And he's got the information right straight from Finland. Now. Oh, how wonderful. Then that night I never will forget it. That other little baby was... Second night had passed and that poor little mother of that other little boy, I never heard such screams from her. They had to... 54 And going in at night they'd take two officers in front... That night when I went into the--to get to the Messuhalli, to pray for the people, they had twenty-five thousand inside. They had a mile--about thirty abreast standing nearly a mile, six or eight blocks like that, waiting to get in. And look, passing down through the streets... Let me show you the--the thing that'll settle all wars. That went plumb over beyond the Iron Curtain and setting with Baron Von Blomberg and with... I try to think of this man that wrote the Indian Road. What's his name? Stanley Jones? Up here at St. Petersburg with a little Russ--or German boy that had been in the Russian camp... He said, "Brother Branham, the thing that puzzles me, that your meetings are no better known than what they are in America." Said, "They're better

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known behind the Iron Curtain than they are here. But that's wonderful thing that our Lord did." Said, "That swept all through Russia." 55 And he was a... He'd just been out about, oh, six or eight months and Von Blomberg got him out of the Russian camp where he escaped and got into free Germany, and the Baron had him out and had him here in Florida, a little German boy. His sisters was taken out and ravished. And they both went insane and died up there. And what a horrible thing they had. But he said, "They sure up in there..." And then when I went in that night, going down along the road, Christian friends, there stood hundreds and hundreds of hard Russians. If you live forty miles from your birth--away from your birthplace forty miles in Russia, you have to have a visa. And when we went up there, we had to go along the side there where the control zone; And they taken us for about fifty miles through a homemade tunnel. And when we got in there, the... that little old train they had a--a machine guns, them Russians and they pulled these curtains down. And them Russians stand here with machine guns that we didn't look out of that window all the time we was passing by. And I asked a little Finnish soldier, said, "You Americans will find out pretty soon. Don't worry what they're doing behind there." All right. 56 So they claim they got an underground air--bomb shelters, and everything, and planes, that can whirl or send out missiles that'll bomb every nation and every--every city in the United States in five minutes time, with atomic bombs, and send them right out from that one place there. So brother, we're living in a terrible age. We're living in time when men ought to get right with God, and seek God, 'cause the hour's coming when destruction is just as sure to strike as I'm standing in this pulpit. We are bound to get it. How can we escape it, friends, if we're neglecting God and treating God the way we are? How can we do it, when the folks going down through the city, and the city officials drinking whiskey to celebrate Christmas and things like that? How can you expect God to do anything different than to destroy places? Isn't that right? The whole nation's polluted everywhere. The whole world is polluted. That's right. Only one thing left, that's the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only hope in the world that we have. Flee to Him tonight. 57 Then going down through there, those big, rough-handed Russians who'd guarded on the road up... I don't know if it was the same group, but they was standing there and walking. I had to--had to walk for several city blocks to get to the place, and soldiers going along in front and back like that, and those Russians standing there, and the tears running down their cheeks like that when they passed by. They had that flat Russian salute when they passed by like that, and the tears running down. And as soon as they could, they'd throw their arms around them little Finnish soldiers, and cry, and praise God. Them was men, Russians filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you something, brother, anything that'll make a Finn put his arm around a Russian and hug him, it'll settle wars forever. Amen. That's right. When you see them two nations there... They didn't pay any attention whether they was Russians, or whether they was Finns. They were hugging one another and praising God. If they had their say so, there'd be no more war. 58 Not long ago a little chaplain in this last war, I have to put this in. He said, "Brother Branham, I was walking a post like this," said, "I was out there." Said, "I was starving to death in Japan." Said, "I--I raised up my hands and I said, 'Oh, hallelujah.'" Said, "God, I got wife and babies at home, and it looks like I'm going to die right here in this prison camp." Said, "Oh, if I could only see them once more; but nevertheless, if You want me to come home from here, Your will be done, Lord." And said he noticed a little sentry walking the post like that, kept looking at him. Said, "He thought, 'That boy wants to talk to me.'"

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He got over close to him; he looked around, said, "You Christian?" He said, "Yes." 59 He said, "Me Christian too." Now, if he had his say so, he'd let that brother out. Brother, let me tell you. It doesn't take big four meetings and round conference. It takes the Blood of Jesus Christ to make man one. That's what it takes. Yes, sir. Why do you try to just scheme this. It's man devices. It'll never work, never will, never was intended to. It'll never work until all nations recognize Jesus Christ the Son of God. And the Christian Church has failed to recognize, to represent Jesus to the nations is what we're in the trouble tonight, exactly right. Going in that night, it was the second night. That poor little mother had been laying at that hotel door. I'll never forget it, what a night. She'd lay there. She'd all the time constantly calling, "Come, heal my boy. Come, heal my boy." Well, of course, Mrs. Isaacson, it's against the rules for me to make a--a--a call. And so I... Just a minute. I guess I've got enough time to get this little part in here if you'll suffer me. Will you do it? If you will, say, "Amen." Just to tell you how this little boy come out... 60 So we... I was going--going in that night and I... They just had... That poor little woman, they just had to drag over like that. And the managers and all of them tried to tell her, saying, "Sister, we're praying for your little boy." "Oh, let him come down and heal my little boy." That was the other little boy that was crushed: never had come to, never washed his face or nothing, just so broke up laying there like that. And so they... I remember that night, next night, when we went in... That day the little woman, I told her, said, "Bring her up in the hall." So they brought her up in the hall, and I said, "Well, are you a Christian, the first thing?" 61 "No." Neither one of them was Christians. She said, "Why don't you go down..." Of course, now this was through an interpreter. She said, "I want you to go down an heal my little boy." I said, "I never healed that little boy." She said, "Why, you healed him." I said, "No, no." I said, "Over in my homeland in America, two years and a half ago God gave me a vision of that little boy a being healed," and I said, "I just done what God told me to do." And she said, "See vision for my little boy." "Well, that's very nice, but I--I don't have no power to do that." Now, you can't do that. So I tried to let her know. I said, "The first thing are you a Christian?" "No." She nor her husband neither one... I said, "Now, I want to talk to you. Look. If--if that little boy dies... I don't know what's going to happen to him. The doctor says he's got to die. He's got concussions, blood in the brain, and you know how it is, and his back all like that as far as... They couldn't x-ray him or nothing, 'cause he just let him... Just waiting till he come to, and said, 'He's got to die.'" 62 I said, "If the little boy dies, the doctor's doing all he can do." I said, "If he dies, and then he will go to heaven, because Jesus Christ paid the penalty for his sins when He died at Calvary."

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The little fellow was too old to know what was right and wrong, has nothing to repent from." And I said, "Then he..." Repent of, rather... And I said, "He will--he will go to heaven. Then if you die, you'll not go to heaven and you'll never see that boy again." I said, "But if he dies, and goes to heaven, and you become a Christian, then when you die you'll go to heaven, and you'll be with him for all the time, forever. And there won't be no more accidents up there." And I said, "In doing that you might find favor with God." I said, "Now, if you want a favor out of me, why, find favor with me. If I want a favor out of you, I'd find favor with you." I said, "Find favor with God. Become His servant and maybe God might--might heal your child. If He doesn't..." They studied it over. They couldn't lose, 'cause see they might find favor with God, He'd heal the boy. If they didn't, why then, it would be all right. If they died, then they'd all go to heaven together. 63 So the little father and mother got down on their knees and put their arms around one another, the sweetest thing you ever seen. I think of it, yet and my heart fills up, how they was just crying. Mrs. Isaacson trying to interpret the prayer over one side of me. How they said, "We want to be with our little boy," you know, and so forth like that, poor little things, just a young couple and probably in the twenties yet. And so they got up, wiping their eyes, and said... And I had... I said, "Now, you believe if you die now, you'd go see...?" "Yes," Jesus was their Saviour. They was going to serve Him all their life. And so the little mother, you know how a mother would be to her child. She said, "Now, go see vision." I said, "That's a--that's very nice, sister, but I can't make God do that." And I said, "Now..." She said, "Come, go down to the hospital and heal him now." She thought that settled it all, 'cause she become a Christian. 64 I said, "No, I can't do that." I said, "Now, I'd break the rules, and you wouldn't want me to do that." I said, "'Less God would lead me, well, I--I just don't make those, 'cause there's too many of them, then it causes back...?... on the ministers." I said, "I can't do that." I said, "But I'll go right in the room and start praying for him now," and I said, "like I have been praying, and if God shows me anything, I'll call you." She said, "I'll wait see what God says." I said, "Why, He may never even speak to me at all, sister. He may never--He may never say one word to me." And I said, "I may never see a vision of that child." And I said, "If He does, I'll call you." She said, "Well, I'll wait." I said, "No, He may never say nothing." So we had a hard time getting rid of her then. So we finally got her and her husband to go down home. Well, about fifteen minutes after they was gone, the phone rang. The interpreter went out. Said, "Has Brother Branham seen vision yet?" She was... Poor little thing, I felt so... I'd be the same way if it was my child. Said, "Brother Branham seen vision yet?" About every ten minutes she'd call. "Seen vision yet...?..."

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65 Well, I went to church that night and there down at the big Messuhalli in there with those people. Something happened going in. As I was going in some little soldiers marching in front and the back... Everybody had orders, you know, not to crowd in around, 'cause them soldiers was the militia. You see? So they... I got into the hall, went up like this. And I... Just as I got in they were singing in Finnish, "Only Believe," 'cause they knew I was there. And Brother Baxter had done gone on ahead on me. He'd brought me down, and had went on ahead of me and went in. So he started them singing, "Only Believe." And these little soldiers was taking me up another way to bring me in, so I'd come to the platform, 'cause you couldn't get in this other way, people so jammed in there. So then as--as I started through the room... Now, this is something I want you to get. It's the sweetest thing I ever seen happen. They... The ladies rest room there...?... such as it was. We started in, and all at once the door opened, and a little girl on crutches stepped out. And she bowed her little head, and she looked up at me, and I knew that little girl wanted to come to me. 66 And she thought she'd done something wrong, 'cause they just strictly said, announced on the radio, on their--their microphones and everything, coming in not to even move into the line or check or anything, you know. They'd made it so awful strong. I didn't want them to do that. But I guess they had to get you in and out. So then... And that poor little thing thought she'd done wrong, and she ducked her little head down. I never forget the looks of that little child. She was standing there. One leg was a little shorter than the other. And she had no use of this limb at all though. I believe it was the right limb. And she had a--a big shoe on, and she had a--a snap here in her toe of her shoe, and a piece of leather. And then over that shoe had braces that come up this a way, and then went around her little side. And this strap come up and went over her back and snapped into back here. And she had two crutches. And the way she could walk, she'd set those two crutches out, and this limb had no control at all, just hung loose (You see?) and those braces made it stiff. You see? 67 So she'd set her crutches out, and then she'd take her little shoulder, and raise her foot up like that, and shove it out like that (You see?) with her--with her shoulder like that. She'd set her crutches out, and then she'd go... And that'd throw that leg out, and that's how she walked. And I seen her. She was about ten years old, something like that, her little ragged looking blond hair, and her little baby looking face, and her little skirts... She probably didn't have on any beneath skirt. She just was... And that skirt was all ragged and little rags hanging from it, poor. And I found out later she was a little war orphan. Her mother and father had been killed by the Germans during the time of the war, and they was just taking care of her wherever she lived. She lived in a tent. 68 And so she looked at me, and her little lips got to quivering. And she ducked her little head down like that, and I seen the tears fall down from her, which was kind of...?... And I said... I couldn't speak...?... No interpreter or nothing and they couldn't... And I--I--I didn't know what to do, and I was just standing there, and they was trying to push me on, and I motioned like that, not to do it, watching that child. And they're very polite. When all of them get in the service in the afternoon, they been give me some of that old Finnish money, you know. And I'd get out there and buy candies or cookies or ever what it was, and I'd have a string of kids for a city block following me. And then they'd thank me, the word "Kiitos" is "thank you," "Kiitos." And they'd take their little skirts, them little girls, and pull their little skirts out, and say, "Kiitos." Like that, thanking you, you know when I'd give them

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these things. I just had kids from all over the country. I love them. I got two at home. I'd like to have them in my arms now. Just... I love the little old fellows. 69 And so--and so I--I'd seen that little thing. And she wanted to come to me. And I know she did. And I just stood still, and by the way, this was the same suit I had on. This suit come from Finland. And so I had on this suit. And so I was... Just stopped and she looked at me, and she put her little head down again. She thought she'd done something wrong when she stepped out there and me coming through. And I looked at her like that. I said, "Do you want to come over here?" 'Course she couldn't understand what I was saying. And I motioned my finger to her like that. And she looked up at me, kind of a little bitty smile come across her face. And she looked at me again. I thought she was going to start... See what I was going to say. I just looked at her. I just stood still, and she put her little crutches out, and she took her little shoulder and throwed that leg out, and she kept coming on over. I thought, "God bless that poor, little, crippled mortal." And here she come across, and she... I just never said a thing. Just stood with my hands like this. And she come right up to the side of me like that. She stopped, set her little crutches down, held her little head down like that for a few minutes, just about that high. She held her head down. She reached over and got a hold of, this same coat, and caught it up like that, kissed the pocket, dropped it back down. And she looked up at me, her little lips quivering, tears running down out of her little blue eyes. She pulled her little skirt out, said, "Kiitos. 'Thank you.'" Oh, my, my heart swelling, I looked at the little thing. 70 I happened to look, going, walking across that way in a vision, there she went without crutches. I said, "Now, if I can just make her understand." I said, "Sweetheart, honey, you are--you're--you're healed. Jesus has rewarded you of your little faith, honey. You're--you're healed. You're healed." And 'course she was just crying, holding her little hands like this, just crying. And I said, "You're healed, sweetheart dear." And--and just then the door come opened. Here come two or three Finns...?... there, the soldiers pushed me on, and I got into the platform and had a meeting. You can see the picture of it all there in one--in one of my books. And they had a... After that night when that Holy Spirit would move right over that audience and tell people (I couldn't even speak in their language.) and tell them where they done, what they done, what was wrong. They'd just raise up, and pile up their crutches, and everything, till they just had piles of them laying like that. 71 One morning early going down was a great big old cart full of them going like that, and all of them walking by the side singing in Finnish, "Only believe, all things are possible, only believe." And there I noticed when I got in, my brother, Howard, and Brother Baxter come up, and I felt them patting me on the shoulder. That's--that's to let me know, that when you get off in that other world, you don't even know where you're at. So now, that's to let me know that it's time to leave. They watch me and they know when I got enough. And so it was time to leave. And I said, "Just--just call a few more, will you? Just--just call a few more." 72 Well, they got a little Finn there, and they had to giving out prayer cards. And so they called up a few more cards. And when they did, by God's great providence, I heard something rattle, and the next one on the platform was that little girl. Oh, my. When she come to the platform, I never forget it. I said to the interpreter; I said, "Come here now. You just speak my words." I said, "Sweetheart, honey, you was the little girl that met me out there

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in the hall awhile ago." I said, "Jesus Christ rewarded you of your faith." Why, He would've done it if I'd have been a rotten hypocrite, He would've done it for that much faith in that child. I said, "Now, He's healed you. Now, the thing you want to do," I said, "You just give God the praise." I said, "Now, you go over there and have them to take all these braces off of you." And I said, "Then when you... Just let your little hand set on you limbs, and just as far as your limb is short, you let your hand slip right over your limb as they take that shoe off. Come back and show Brother Branham." 73 Well, here she went, you know, hobbling over there. Some man took her to take the braces off. And then when we started again to get someone else, some woman come up. Just about that time I heard her screaming, and here she come with them braces in her hands and crutches, and down through that hall, up over a section, down as hard as she could go screaming to the top of her voice. There's her picture there in the book just as normal as she could be. See? The vision had already spoke it. Going in that night (I'll hurry,)--going in that night, my brother when they taken me out, had give me two pieces of candy. Now, if there's some Canadians here, which I believe there is, don't... You forgive me for saying it. One time in Canada we got hold of some candy and it tasted just like starch. The people didn't have the money to put the stuff in it, I guess, that ought to be. And Howard said to me, said, "Bill, you talk about candy and up there being starch," said, "taste some of this." He give me two little pieces of candy. 74 I said, "All right." And I went on in. I got upstairs. I had the Bible here. And I... The Sun never goes down there in the... They just have one day a year. You see? Twenty-four hours, or--or six months the sun's up and six months the sun's down. But it's long in May, or the first of May, and the sun... It was... You could read a newspaper out on the street. It wasn't... Didn't get dark at midnight. It was along midnight then, and I walked to the east side, and I looked this a way. And I seen all them thousands of people pouring down through that park, and they were crying with their hands up like that, soldiers and all. I said, "O great Jehovah God, how marvelous You are, how adorable, my Master and my Lord." I said, "Someday You'll break them eastern skies yonder, and come, and I'll see you in glory. Thousands of those little Finns will come forth into Everlasting Life." I said, "How I adore You, my Master," and standing there with my Bible like that. 75 Just then I heard something go [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] And I looked and standing just about that far from me, there stood the... There He stood, big Man, dressed in white, Angel of the Lord, hair down to His shoulders. And He had set something down on... The tables are all old antique like marble, and He set something down. And I looked where He set it down, and it was a long vase about that long, that had two flowers. Now, I call them Easter flower. I believe they're called daffodil. I'm not... And I may be wrong on that. Got like a little horn on it like that, you know, they bloom up around Easter, some of them yellow and some of them are white. These were two white ones. And one of them that was laying that way was laying all the way down, and this other one was wilting, going down like that. And I looked, and I said... 'Course I was frightened. I said, "I--I do not understand." He said, "What was that your brother give you?"

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And I said, "Sir, two pieces of candy laying right here." 76 He said, "Eat them." And I picked up one, put it in my mouth (And I hadn't tasted them yet.), tasted all right. And I swallowed it, and when I swallowed it, that Easter flower was laying that way, just exactly the way them boys fell was the way them...?... This Easter flower laying down went, "Pfttt," stood right up like that. He said, "Eat the other one." And I put it in my mouth. And oh, my. It was the flattest, nastiest taste. And I took it out. And I said, "My..." And I took it out, I--I... Oh, and this flower went [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] He said, "Fail that and the other boy will go." I put it in my mouth real quick, and started chewing real nervously, and swallowed it. And when I swallowed it, this flower that was going down like this went, "Pfttt," stood right up beside of it. He said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, go call the woman and tell her that her boy will live." Well, I left... As soon as He left, and I got to myself good, I was numb. And I started rubbing my face. I got to myself. I laid my Bible down. I run out in the hall and let out a great big scream. 77 Now, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Lindsay, all these men, you all know this. And they run out in the hall and let out a great big scream. I said, "Brother, come quickly." And they didn't... Doors flew open every way. They--they didn't know. Right out in the hall and downstairs come Mrs. Isaacson; she heard me in English, you know and they run out. I said, "Mrs. Isaacson." I told them what had happened... the Angel of the Lord. I said, "Go, call that woman and tell her, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, her baby will live.'" So she... 78 The phones over there's got just like a stick you put in your ear. And you have to turn a crank like this. They're not much like our phones here. So she cranked it up. And she called the--the home, and a baby sitter was there, taking care of the little bitty baby they had; and the mother and father had been called up to the hospital (which was just a private home like.), and they had been called up there, that the baby was dying--their baby was dying, the little boy. So they called up to the home and when they got up there, they... She said, "The baby is dying." So they called back to the hospital and the doctor said, "Just a moment." Or the nurse, rather that answered, said, "Just a moment." And so they went and got the woman and brought her to the phone, and she was screaming to the top of her voice, and she said, "Now, honey, now you--you keep real still. I got something to tell you." Said, "Brother Branham has just saw a vision. The Angel of the Lord stood in there and said to tell you, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, the baby is going to live and not die.'" She said, "How well do I know it. We're fixing to take him home right now. He just raised up just a few minutes ago, and they can't find nothing wrong with him. We're fixing to take him home right now." 79 Oh, brother, sister, God is still God, and He changes not. He's give us the land. He has give us the blessings; it's all ours if we can just believe Him. Won't you believe Him tonight? Won't you have faith in Him, and love Him, and--and believe Him with all your heart, that God is--is going to do these things for us? You will believe, won't you, every one of you? May the Lord bless you.

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ABOUT.JESUS_ MACON.GA SUNDAY_ 55-0612 9 When I was up just by the way, the vision that really led that great meeting in Finland just recently; that vision come when I was in Georgia, passing through here on a train. I seen a little boy being raised from the dead. I went to down in Miami and there predicted it before thousands of people. Was anybody at the Miami meeting that's here present tonight when I predicted? I see some hands going up here, here. That's good. Well, that's fine. 10 You remember what I said? He told how the boy would be looking. He'd be killed by an automobile accident. There'd be stones laying lapped like that and green timbers standing up. The little boy'd have kind of what we call a crock haircut, brown eyes. His foot would be run through his little sock and so forth. That's just the way it was. I predicted it all around over the United States. Two years later I was in Helsinki, Finland. We went from there up to Kuopio; that's in the Laplands. Coming down off the mountain one day... I seen we was having a marvelous meeting, and we'd went up there to show me the tower where they used to watch where the Germans would come in and--and bomb their little city over there and--and the Russians. 11 And on my road down I seen where a--a American made automobile had struck two little children, hit one under the chin and knocked him over against the tree, and crushed his brain against the tree, the fender. And the other one, run right over the other little boy and rolled him up under, and he kicked him way out across the road, and he was laying dead with some coats over him. And the people in Finland they--they live in the city and--and farm out in the country and walk back and forth, very poor people. And I, Brother Moore, and Brother Gordon Lindsay, and them went over to take a look at the little boy. And they come back and they were crying; they said, "Brother Branham, you ought to go see him." I said, "I don't want to see him." I'd been gone to France and England and many places, and I had a my little Billy Paul was just about that age then. I was homesick to see him, and I--I didn't want to go see that little dead boy. So finally they persuaded me to go over. And when I went to look at the little lad, I looked down at him, and my heart was breaking to see the little fellow, and I turned away. 12 And when I turned away Something laid It's hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Brother Lindsay. And I looked around was nobody around me at all and a hand was still on my shoulder. See how stupid a preacher can be? So I looked down and I couldn't make it out what it was. And I looked again and I said, "Would you raise that coat back?" And they'd gone to get the father and mother, and I just thought how that little father and mother's going to feel when they come in and found their little boy laying there dead. And he'd been dead about thirty minutes then. And they'd gone out in the country to get the father and mother. And I said, "Would--could I look at that again?" So the interpreter spoke, and they raised it up. And I thought... Well, where... And I happened to look up and here come that rock's lapping down like this and them green timbers. I seen the little crock haircut, little brown eyes set back. Every bone in his body was broken, and his foot run through his sock. It was that boy perfectly. And I said, "Brother Moore, come here, you and Brother Lindsay. Look in the flyleaf of your Bible."

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Said, "What's the matter?" I said, "Read the flyleaf of your Bible." I asked everybody to write it in the flyleaf. He looked down there and said, "A little boy'd be..." He said, "Well, Brother Branham, that's the boy." I said, "That's him." Oh, my, what a feeling. I don't care how many. You could take every scientist in the world, and stand them there, and every demon out of torment could be standing there, it's going to happen anyhow. It don't take faith then. God's already said it. It's going to be done. 13 I said, "If that little boy isn't on his feet in the next five minutes, I'm a false prophet." See? And we knelt down there, and all of them got back. And the main man of the city, the chief man, something equivalent to a mayor here in the--in the states, he was standing there. They backed over away. And I knelt down just the way the vision told me, and prayed for the little lad, and said, "Lord God of heavens and earth, over in the homelands you showed me this vision while passing through Georgia one night." I say, "I pray to Thee, Lord God, that now that You'll confirm the Word, that they might know that You're still the Lord Jesus, and that Finland might know that You're the resurrection of the dead." And laid my hands over on the little boy according to the way He showed it... Had to be everything just the way the vision was. And I called for death to give his little life back. He jumped up begin screaming and running around. That's all over Finland. I've got it at home by the mayor's signature and everything. It went out over radio. That night you couldn't even get into the place for six or eight blocks. They had Finnish soldiers out there guarding the way. 14 And I--I want to tell you something, friends. Now, I'm not a politician, but they say there's no Christians in Russia. That's an error. There was those Russians. If you live in Russia it'd be forty miles from where you was born at, you'd have to have a visa. Many of those fine Christians come over there. And when they was standing on the street, when them Finnish soldiers bring me down, they stood at attention with their Russian salute and the tears running down their cheeks and said, "I'll accept a God like that." That's right, see? They're just tired of creeds and forms; that's all. Anybody that's--that's mentally balanced will receive a real true and living God that raises the dead. Certainly they will. And here not long ago I was talking to Baron Von Blomberg. Probably you know him, he's a good friend of mine. He had a little German prisoner, was from overseas, and he got him out behind the iron curtain and he said, "Brother Branham, I'm surprised that your meetings no better known than it is here. It's better known behind the iron curtain than it is on this side, from the resurrection of that little boy." He knew about it, that it happened. I remember... If we got just a moment's time... It's a pretty night, so let's just take a moment's time and finish this little up, if you will.

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15 I'd like to tell you about the other little boy. That night something happened as I started into the Messuhalli, they called it. They had put twenty-five thousand in, and then they'd make them go out and let another twenty-five thousand come in just to hear you speak. And so when I started in that night, I went into... They're very poor... As I went through the room, Mr. Baxter, my manager was singing at the platform. And they were trying to sing "Only Believe," them Laplanders. And you... My, you should've heard that. And so then when I started up into the place, I went through this room there, and the ladies dormitory was on the side and restroom. And when I--I... These four little soldiers, poor little fellows, them Russians had killed them off till they, the boys never shaved in their life, just little slick face... It's pitiful looking sight to see them little boys not over fourteen, fifteen years old, big old long coats, big boots, beating along there. And they had their little rifles, and they was keeping the crowd from me out making them clear the way as we went down for six city blocks trying to get in. 16 And then when we got in there and started through, well, coming out of the dormitory there was a--a little girl stepped out. And they'd had orders if they seen me on the street not to say one word. Everything like that you know so we could get out, 'cause I was about to die. There's just... Imagine what a services that would be. And I'd get I...?... in the afternoon service, I'd get some of that old money that they had, go out there and buy a lot of candy, and I'd have a string of kids from here back out to the gate. I just love children anyhow. 17 And so that night going into, the little Finnish girl stepped out, her little ragged hair, and she had a little skirt on and little rags hanging down from it. And she had a--two crutches under her arm, and she had a great big brace wrapped around her like this and buckled in the back. And she had one leg was a little shorter than the other. And this right leg didn't have any use of it, couldn't use it. And she had right in the toe of her shoe, she had a strap and a snap. So the snap come up in a piece of leather went over her back and hooked over into this big brace back here. She had two crutches. And then these braces come up and braced this leg and made it strong. Then when she started to walk, she'd raise her little shoulder up like that and raise that little leg up, and set it out like that, with this strap would pull it up (There's no leader control of it.) and set it out; then she could walk. Her other leg was all right. She'd set her little crutches out like that, then she'd walk. 18 And when she stepped out and throwed her little crutches out, she looked at me; she bowed her little head; she thought she'd done something wrong. And I looked at that poor little fellow. I--I knowed she wanted to come to me. I looked at her and I stopped. The other two soldiers walked on. They turned around these other two that I couldn't... They couldn't speak a word of English, and I couldn't speak any Finnish. So they was trying to make me go on, and I just stood there. And I kept motioning them not to do it. And I looked at that child, no one in there but just--just the--the two--the four soldiers, myself, and the little girl. And she looked at me. She thought she'd done something wrong. I said, "You want to see me, honey?" And she--she didn't, 'course couldn't know what I was talking about. And I motioned to her like that. And I watched that little fellow, and she come over, and she put her crutch out, and her little shoulder, and she moved over till she got right up close to me. And I just stood and looked at her, she what she'd do. And she got right up close to me. And she reached down and took a hold of my coat, and picked up my pocket, and kissed me on the pocket. Dropped her little--my coat down and the little... The word "thank you" is "Kiitos." And she stretched her little crutches out, and took her little skirt, and pulled it out like that, and she said, "Kiitos." And she looked up, and her little lips a quivering, the tears running down her little cheeks... I come to find out she was a little war orphan. Her mother and father had been killed in the war. And--and they was just... She was just tossed about wherever she could.

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19 I looked. I thought, "God, if I was the biggest hypocrite in the world, You'd--You'd honor that child." See? "From her--from her faith." And she kissed me on the pocket, and then thanked me, pulled her little skirt out like that, and said, "Kiitos." And tried to peg away. And I put my hand on her; I looked as I did. I seen a little girl going walking like a shadow with no braces at all on, going walking along like this. I said, "Sweetheart, look, look. Oh, if I could only tell you." I said, "Honey, you're--you're healed. Oh, my." I said. And about that time Brother Baxter burst through the door, and said, "Brother Branham, you're late; come on." And he grabbed me by the shoulder and in I went. So I started on through the service and got about, oh, I guess, about almost through till my brother and them run up, begin to pat on the side. I know then, I would go kind of semiconscious when them visions are on. And It would reach out there in them audiences and tell those people their name, like "Runningwater" his name was. And they'd have to interpret to tell it what it was, and tell them where they lived and what their name was, and all about it. I tell you, them people just throwed down crutches, and canes, and get up off of cots, and go healed. That was all. They was just--just carried away. 20 And then, when... You didn't have to lay hands on them. You didn't have to say a thing, just let them know that God was there, and that was all was--all was necessary for them folks. So then, when I looked around, I said... Howard kept telling me, my brother, he said, "Let's go." And he was going to put my arm up around his neck. And I said, "I just wish we could just stay just a little bit longer." And so when he said, "All right." And so the next one, they helped up, by God's sovereign grace, it was that little girl. And here she come across to me. And she was smiling, you know, with these little crutches. And I said to the interpreter there, Mrs. Isaacson... And she may be sitting in this meeting for all I know. So I said, "Mrs. Isaacson, just say what I say." I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that was out there, that caught a hold of my coat. And she nodded her little head. I said, "Jesus made you well, sweetheart." I said, "Now, you go over there, and let some of the men take the braces off you, and as you go, take the braces off, let your little hands go down, just as much as your little leg is short, then come back and show Brother Branham." I called the next... Reminded me of the little girl setting here last night. When I seen that little child, I seen the father take the brace off of it, as soon as he got before me like that. Then last night when the Spirit of God struck me, I seen the little child going walking away. I knowed it was going to be all right. And so it went right on away, whole. So that's... And then that little--little fellow when she went over there, I called someone else. In a few moments here she come across the platform with braces, crutches, and all over her head, running and screaming to the top of her voice. Now, her picture and address, I think, and everything's in our book out there. 21 Then when I went in that night, there'd been that other little lady, this little boy was mashed up. He had never come to. He was in what they call the hospital, just a house like there. Had one doctor and three or four ladies in there taking that care of--for nurses. And, oh, it was a pitiful sight. And they... The little lady, when I'd go in, they'd have to pull me over at the hotel. "Come, heal my little boy."

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Well, we told her that was against the rules for me to leave the campaign and go to one, 'cause you... One's just as dear to one as the other. So we couldn't get her to understand. And finally, that day she'd been over there. And they wanted me to go over. And I told them, I said, "Bring her up, and let me talk to her." So her and her husband come up, just young folks, about twenty-five years old. And she said, "Well, go over and heal my little boy." Now, it was through an interpreter. And I said, "Well, I didn't heal that little boy." I said, "Over in the homelands, God showed me a vision about the little boy." She was a sweet little woman. She said, "Go, see vision for my little boy." I thought, "Well, that's awful nice, but I--I--I can't do that. I--I have no way of seeing vision; it's what God shows. It's the sovereignty of God. It isn't me." So I said, "Are you a Christian?" "No." "Is your husband a Christian?" "No." "Well," I said, "then if want to find favor with me, you'd do something for me." And I said, "That's the way with God. Now, if your little boy dies, goes to heaven," I said, "then if you die a sinner, you'll never see him no more. And if you're a Christian and he dies and go to heaven, then you go to heaven; you'd be with him, where we'll never have no more accidents." And I said, "Then in doing that, you might find favor with God." 22 Well, she couldn't lose on either side. So she... They got down and give their hearts to Christ. Now not just a make-on, they really got up. Of course, the father, he got up crying; he was ready to go on out home, you know. So the little mother said, "Now, go see vision for my baby." So, I said, "Well, I wished I could. But you go on..." She said, "Go out to the hospital." "No." I said, "You go on home, if the Lord shows me anything, I'll do... I'll come tell you." So about every fifteen minutes, she'd call up. "Brother Branham seen vision yet? Brother Branham seen vision yet?" So of course, that's the mother for her baby. And then, along about that night, after I got in from the meeting, that little girl had been healed, and many more. I was standing up, it was about eleven-thirty or twelve o'clock, you could read a newspaper on the street; that far up in the Laplands, it doesn't get, just... There's just one day a year, one day and one night. You see? Six months it's dark, and six months, the sun's up, and six months it's down. Now, I had this Bible. And I had it over my heart, and when I come in, my brother Howard, said... Now, if there's any Canadians here, I don't want to this to take offense at this, brother. But, we was in Canada, one time, and we got some candy. And oh, my, it was bad. They just didn't have the ingredients to put in it, like here in America. So Howard give me a couple pieces of candy, my brother. Said, "You talk about that Finnish--that Canadian candy; taste that once."

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So I went in, went to my room. And Brother Moore and Brother Lindsay went together, and Howard and Brother Baxter, and all of them went their rooms. But I stay by myself all the time, on account of the visions. So I went into the room. And I just laid the--on the table the piece of candy down, stood around like this. And I was looking out towards the east, and I said, "Great Jehovah God..." Seeing those little Finns coming through that park a screaming and praising God, and I said, "Great Jehovah, someday You'll come. Oh, how marvelous it'll be when You come." And praising Him. And I heard something go [Brother Branham makes a sound--Ed.] click, set down like that. And there was a--a little long glass set down in front of me. And it had two, now, I think they're called jonquils or some... They're Easter flower to me. You look like one of these old phonograph horns, you know. And two of them was setting there, and one of them was laying that way, and one was laying this way. The one laying that way was laying all the way flat. And this one was going down like that. 23 And I thought, "Well, where did that come from?" And I looked over to my right hand side, there He stood, that big Fellow, dark hair to His shoulder, had His arms folded, the One that always speaks to me, the One that does the talking right here, the Light over Him. He was standing there. And He said, "What did your brother give you?" I said, "Those pieces of candy, Sir." He said, "Eat them." And I picked it up. I put one piece, one piece in my mouth, and I swallowed it. Now, don't ask me what it means; I couldn't tell you. When I swallowed that, that Easter flower that was laying that way, went [Brother Branham makes a swishing sound--Ed.] swish, raised right up like that. He said, "Now, eat the other one." And I started to eat it, and oh, it was horrible. I took it out of my mouth, and this other flower went [Brother Branham makes a noise--Ed.] going down. Said, "Fail to eat it, and the other boy'll die." And I happened to think then, that's geographically just the way those boys was laying, when they got hit--when we found them, laying: one laying to the south and one to the north. And I put it in my mouth and kind of, you know how you hold your taste, or your breath, like, you know. I chewed real quick and swallowed it. And when I swallowed it, this Easter flower on this side went [Brother Branham makes a swishing sound--Ed.] stood right up like that. Said, "Go tell the mother, THUS SAITH THE LORD, her prayers is heard." 24 My, after I got to myself, from the numbness, I run out in the place; they thought they had the Salvation Army up there. I let out a scream, and the windows and doors coming open. Everybody run out. I said, "Come here, Sister Isaacson, all of you, and Brother Moore." I told the vision to them. I said, "Go, get on the phone and tell that little woman that I said, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Don't you worry that baby will come to. It'll be all right." So she called the home and the... They had a little tiny baby, and it was... The baby sitter was watching it. And they said, "They'd been called to the hospital; the boy was dying." So they called up the hospital, and the mother come to the phone, just screaming to the top of her voice. Mrs. Isaacson said, "Now, don't worry." Said, "He's going to get all right." Said, "He's going..." Said, "Why, we come up here to see him; they thought he was dying. He just raised up just now; we're washing his face to take him home. He's all right."

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My. See? Oh, I tell you, our Lord is God. That's all. He's God of the heavens. He's God of the earth. He heals the sick. He raises the dead. He does all things well. Now, did I have anything to do with the healing of those boys? Not one thing did I have to do. It was God that did healing. I only did what He told me to do. The Lord bless you. Always remember, friends, if you never think of anything else that I've said to you, remember, that I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is not dead, but He's alive. WHAT.VISIONS.ARE_ SPINDALE.NC SATURDAY_ 56-0421 55 Now, if I got time, I'd just like to tell you a little story that happened recently. How many times could I've... have--thousands of cases of--of visions. And let--let me quote this to you as quickly as--as I can. I was on my road to--down to meet Brother Bosworth, down in Florida. And I saw a vision of a little boy being killed. He had little short pants on like, brethren, we wore when we were little boys, long, rib stockings, had a little, what we call, a crock haircut, little brown eyes. He had been killed in an automobile accident; his tongue was out; his eyes was looked back, and he was--was laying out on the side of a road. And there was great evergreen tree standing, and rocks was all lapped around. And I went down there and stood on the platform and predicted, and I said, "Mr. Lindsay, the "Voice of Healing" will pack this article. I seen this child be killed, and I'll find him somewhere. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." I said, "Write it on the flyleaf of your Bible." And if you just notice in my Bible the flyleaves are wrote up of visions and things that will come to pass. There's never been one fail. But this last one here, it's just now happening. It can't fail. God has no failure. See? If it was me, it would fail every time; if it's Him, it can't fail. 56 Now, notice, two nights after that, a frantic father standing out there where they knowed they brought me in, ushers a standing there to help me get to this tent... And the ushers come to me, said, "We're just having to hold a father off over there." And I said, "Why?" Said, "His little boy got drowned this morning in an irrigation ditch, and he won't even let the undertakers take that baby." And said, "It's laying out there on a bank." 57 And of course, no one knows just where I stay. 'Cause I'm not an isolationist; I love people. I love to meet people; I'd like to go home with everyone of you and see how good you could cook corn pone and black-eyed peas. I love them. But I--I can't be the servant of God and the servant of man. I--I got to keep myself away on account of these things, to be alert, and when you come to the service, be ready. Whatever the Father wants you to do, go do it. I stopped meetings where thousands were setting, walked right out to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Never one time has it failed. So this father--I said, "Well, I'll go take a look at the child." They take me back. No, it wasn't the child. The boy's black-headed, well dressed, little bitty fellow about five years old; this boy's about eight or ten. I said, "No, it isn't the--it isn't the child, sir. Sorry, but it isn't." I offered prayer for the father when he was weeping so hard over his little boy, went on.

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58 Now, across America and through Canada, there's probably people right here who have that wrote on their book. Hey, how many ever heard it, let's see your hands, anybody had it on their book, that? Wrote in the flyleaf of their Bible. Thousands times thousands. Up in Kuopio, Finland... I've been down England, been around France, and different places, and up... I was at Kuopio, Finland, and we'd been up on the hill. I hadn't eat for several days, and was praying. Mr. Lindsay and them was with me; I said, "Something's fixing to happen." Said, "What is it, Brother Branham?" I said, "I don't know." I done forgot of that vision. I said, "I don't know, but something's fixing to happen." Said, "What do you think it is?" I said, "I don't know." We started down the hill, and looked way down about a mile ahead of us, coming down off the mountain, up there watching how the Russians come over, and swarmed on the city, and machine-gunned it and so forth, during the time of the wars. And I thought, "Well, poor little Finns, how lovely they were, and how deserving they are." And they... And I looked, and there was a car, automobile, American made Ford. And oh, they haven't got two hundred of them in the whole nation, I guess. And it had struck two little children, and one of them, they rolled over it, mashed him under, and kicked him out from behind the car. And the driver, the fender hit the other one by the side of the chin, and hit him against the tree, and broke his--crushed his brain in back here, and his back. 59 Well, about twenty minutes later we come to the scene. Mr. Moore, which will be in the meeting, probably tomorrow, or either meeting at the other meeting... Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Baxter, many witnesses was along. And as we got out of the car, they did, to look. The little boy was laying with a coat over him. And another car had picked the other little boy; he wasn't dead, so they took him on to the hospital. This little boy was laying there and he... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] They can't move him because it's against the law to move him until the parents is looked at him; and they're gone for the mother and father. Well, I thought, "Oh, my, that poor little mother and father, what will they think when they find their boy laying there dead." I thought, "What if I'd get a telegram from America, and little Billy Paul had been killed and mashed on the road like that, how would I feel? Way across the seas here with these meetings, what would I do?" I thought, "What's that little daddy going to do out there with the hoe out there in the field? That little mother with a axe chopping poles, or something, what's she going to think, the poor little thing?" 60 I just started kind of crying; I--I prayed. Brother Moore and them standing around, I thought, "I believe I'll take a look at the child." So they raised up the coat, and that poor little thing laying there, blood in and out of his ears and everything; I said, "Oh, my." Now, watch how stupid a person can get. And I said, "Oh, my, cover him up." I--I started to move away like this, and I felt somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Brother Moore or Brother Lindsay, one. How many ever heard of Brother Moore and Brother Lindsay, the editor of the "Voice of Healing." He was right there and seen it all.

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And so, put his hand, and I said, "Brother..." And Brother Moore was standing... Wasn't nobody in ten feet of me. And a hand was laying on my shoulder. See, when God speaks, God's going to confirm that thing. And I thought, "Who's hand is this?" And when I turned back, the hand left me. And I thought, "I--did I imagine that?" I turned and started away again; that hand come back again. And I looked around again, and they was showing the little boy to someone else. Many of the people were standing around. And I looked down; I looked up, and there was them evergreen trees, them rocks lapped together. I looked again; I said, "Uncov... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] 61 Oh, you'll never know what it means, friends. All devils out of hell can't stop it now. God said so. I said, "Brother Moore." He said, "Yes, Brother Branham." "Brother Lindsay, Brother Baxter." "Yes." "Get your Bible right quick." "What's the matter?" I said, "Turn to the flyleaf." They said, "Well, what..." I said, "Look. We'll be in a country where there's evergreen trees, lapped rocks together, a little boy around nine years old, hair cut like crock, brown hair, brown eyes, tongue out, feet run through his stockings, ribbed stockings...?..." He said, "That's him." I said, "Certainly, that's him." Amen. Oh, my, there's no one; there's no way to explain what that feeling is. It's not faith; it's done beyond faith; it's the Spoken Word of God then. I said, "If that child," through the interpreter; I said, "If that child isn't on his feet, alive in the next five minutes, I'm a false prophet. Now, stand still now and see the glory of God." 62 I fixed myself in position, the way it was in the vision. I said, "Heavenly Father, You Who has now promised this over in the homelands two years before, and has brought this to pass... Now, being that all the communist are around, and they're denying Your only Son; and as Thou has foreordained this to be, and has showed me this vision in the homeland; therefore, I ask for his spirit to return again in the Name of Jesus Christ." The little boy leaped to his feet, and screamed, begin to running all around just as perfectly normal and well as he could be. Now, that boy's name is in the book, if you want to write to him today and ask him.

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That night when I went into the meeting, they had to take me for all the way down the road. That's one of the thousands. All the way down the road, when they taken me down, with a group of those soldiers, poor little fellows hadn't even shaved, little sixteen year old boys in the Finnish Army, big boots on, great big long coats on, with fixed bayonets on their guns... 63 And they taken me down--as I walked down the road... Brethren, a man of honor will be truthful. And as I walked down the road there stood Russians soldiers, with the Russian salute, the tears running down their cheeks; they said, "We will receive a God like this." Sure, what's the matter? What makes communists? Is because the church let down the bars. That's right. You put it to a social gospel; you've limited it to creeds. The Gospel still has the same power. And I seen those Russian soldiers put their arms around the Finnish soldiers and hug each other. And anything that'll make a Russian and a Finn hug one another will settle wars forever. That's right. Christ is the answer. That's right. We don't need round tables, and big four meetings, and so forth. What we need today is the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached though, in simplicity, yet in it's power and demonstration of the resurrection. That's what the world needs. That's what it's hungry for. For all, everybody's hungry for that. 64 All that's ordained, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me. My sheep know My voice." You can't feed them on corn cobs, they've got to have the corn, not where the corn was, but the corn itself: not in just a dry way, of Gospel, as we would call it as a gospel of history, but a Gospel of the living Christ. What good would it do to show a man that's freezing to death, a big bonfire painted? That's what history does. It paints a fire. A freezing man can't get warm by a painted picture. He's got to have the reality. What the world needs today is the--not a picture of Holy Ghost and fire, but the real resurrected Christ by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire again. That's what the world needs today: a reality, something that they can rely upon, not a declaration of words, but a realization of a risen Christ. Amen. 65 Now, I'll never forget, going in that night, these little soldiers taking me in, their fixed bayonets, and the people standing on the street crying. And they let twenty something thousand come in, and then let them go out, and twenty more thousand come in. So as I went in, I was going through the women's, where the ladies dormitory, in this big building. And there was the door slammed, and a little girl stepped out. And I love little kiddies, oh, I can just imagine when I get home day after tomorrow, get little Joseph on my back, and Rebekah under one arm, Sarah under the other, what a time we have. I just love them, little innocent fellows. 66 I thought... Over there when they--they'd the afternoon meeting, Mr. Baxter and them would; for the afternoon meeting all the people would be down there and the little kids would be on the street. I'd get some of that old money and go down there and buy some of this candy. And I had have string of kids all the way down the city block following me, buying candy. You know, I'd hand it to the little fellows, and cupping their little ears, you know, and pulling their little nose. And we was having a good time, you know, like that. They couldn't talk; so I mean they could talk their language, but I couldn't understand them. So then I'd see the adult coming; I'd slip around the corner and get back in the hotel, you know. So then, a great time...

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And that night going in, I heard the door slam, and a little Finnish girl stepped out of the dormitory; and she had crutches. And I looked at her, and she--just very bashful. And I looked at the little thing. And they'd been forbidden, said, "If I was seen on the street, not to go near or something or another." Oh, that makes me feel bad. But you know how it is; it's a stampede, so they had to say that. 67 So I looked, and she was standing there. And she--I seen the way she was. One leg was a little shorter than the other. And this leg here had no use. And she had a--a--a brace that went up over her shoe, come up and around her hip, and a brace around this way, and in the toe of her shoe, she had had snap, a piece of leather run over and caught the back of the brace here. And when she went to walk, she'd set her little crutches out, take this leather; that would raise that foot, and set it out; this brace would hold it so it wouldn't give down, and that's how she walked. She'd raise her little foot, set it out and walk. Now, listen just a moment. Every dad and mother here knows what's a little child means to you. And seeing that little thing, just about the age of my little Rebekah now. I looked at her; I knew that child wanted to come to me. I'm just letting down my collar now to talk to you as a dad or a mother. I knew that child wanted to come to me, and I said, "You want to see me, sweetheart?" 'Course she couldn't understand what I said. The Finnish soldier said, "Ummm. ummm, ummm." I said, "Wait a minute." 68 And I looked at her again; she raised up her little head, and her little ragged hair cut and her little skirts hanging real low and ragged; I found out she was a little Finnish war orphan. She didn't have any father or mother, and she was living in a tent. The Russians had killed her father and mother in the war when they come over the line. I didn't know it at that time. But I seen her little ragged clothes, and she raised her little head and tears running down her little cheeks, her little baby blue eyes. I said, "You want to see me, sweetheart?" And it happened to be I had on this same suit. This suit was give to me in...?... And she said, looked over at me like that. She couldn't make out what I was saying; I motioned to her like that. Well, she act like she was scared at first, then she set her little crutch out, raised her little shoulder up. I just stood still like this and watched that child. I might act hard hearted, but I--I got a heart. 69 And as that little thing come up close to me, she set her little crutch down. I thought, "What she going to do, I'm just going to see what's she's going to do." She put her little crutch down like that by the side of me, and she caught this pocket right here. And she raised up my coat, and kissed my coat, and dropped it down. I was just seeing how you feel. And she put her little crutches out, took her little skirts and pulled them out like that, very typical of the little Finnish, and she said, "Kiitos." "Kiitos," means "thank you." I'd tell you: I--I just felt like that I could just break right out to screaming. And they were singing "Only Believe" in there for me to come in. And I thought, "Bless her little heart." And as I looked, I saw a vision. Sure, if I'd been the biggest hypocrite in the world, God would've honor her faith. That's right. I saw a vision, and there she went without her braces, walking. I said, "Sweetheart, listen," oh, my, I said, "How can I make her know it?" I said, "Honey, Jesus makes you well. You--you understand sweetheart? You--you..." 70 And the little soldier then... Somebody come out of that bunch and them, "Blah, blah, blah," grabbed me by the arm, and away I went. I thought, "Well, God will let her know sometime."

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I went on in, and there the--after the Lord begin to move out through the audience and tell them people all their things out in there. And they just begin to raise up, and God healing. Then when all the Finns give out the prayer cards, they called up a few of them. And then I said, "Well," my brother come to me, kinda patted me on the sides, said, "That's enough, Billy; that's enough, you got to go." Mr. Baxter got my arm; I said, "I just fell led; let's call just a few more." I said, "Don't call but just about five or six more, just... I just feel led to do it, Brother Baxter." He said, "All right, call them." 71 I said, "Let some more, the next five come up," like that. And they interpreted it there. And by God's sovereign grace, she was the next one. And here she come; they brought her out from a little place there out of the room where she was at, and brought her up to the platform before thousands of people. I said, "Mrs. Isaacson, just say what I say." "Yes, Brother Branham," she said. I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that was out in the room." "Yes," she was. I said, "Jesus healed you, honey. I've already saw the vision; you're healed. Now, you go over and let some of the men take the braces off, and when you do you put your little hand on your hip, just let your little hand slip just about as far as your leg is short, then come show Brother Branham." Well, away she went over there. And when the interpreter had interpreted it, taken her over there, I called the next person. Just the time the vision had left, here she come across the platform crutch over her head, braces over her head, running, and jumping and leaping, and a praising God. God... 72 Could you give us five minutes more? I want to tell you something. Will you do it? Suffering, I know it's hot. I want to tell you about the other little kiddie if--if you'll pardon me. This is long, but just a minute. The other little boy was laying dying. The second night of the service, which this was... Oh, that little mother of that other boy was frantic. And when they taken me in the hotel at night, they'd just have to drag me over the top of her. And so, she was screaming out in the Finnish language, a young mother in her twenties. So I'd go on to the room, because it was against the rules for me to stop for her. I went on up. 73 That night when I got in to that little mother was drug over her like that. And that day, the day before that, Mrs. Isaacson said, "Brother Branham, can you just give her a minute." I was in the hall. I said, "All right, bring her up." Her and her husband come up. And I said, "Now, you interpret for me." And she, the little mother frantically, you know, rubbing her little hands. And you women, what if you had to dress like they dress? In the summertime, great big thick dresses like that, and big boots and pitch hay. You think about wearing these little old ungodly clothes out in your front yard then. You see? See how they are? But really honest, lovely people... 74 And there she was standing there, little face and her white hair pulled back like that. And she was blabbering off something as hard as she could. I said, "Mrs. Isa..."

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Said, "Said she wants you to go raise her little boy." And I said, "Sister, I--I have no way of doing that." I said, "That..." She said, "Well, my little boy's not dead, and the other little boy is dead, and you raised him up." I said, "No, sister dear, I had nothing to do with that." I said, "Over in the homelands two years ago God showed that vision. It's been wrote in books and everything." "Well," she said, "go see a vision for my little boy." Well, that's a mother life." And I said, "Sister, that's very lovely of you, but I can't see visions. God has to show them; it's not what I want; it's what He wants." And she said, "Well..." 75 I said, "By the way, are you all Christians?" "No." Well, I said, "Look, if you're not Christians, if your little boy dies, then he will go to heaven; he's just a little bitty boy, just six years old or five years old," I believe it was. I said, "He will go to heaven. And if you die in your sins, you can't go where he's at. But if God takes him, and you become a Christian, then you can go and live with him; there'll never be an accident there." And I said, "Then look, if you wanted a favor out of me, you'd do me a favor." "Yes." I said, "Well, now look. Why don't you surrender your lives and say you're going to live a Christian life, and perhaps you might find grace in the sight of God." Well, they couldn't lose, so they thought that was the thing to do. So they got down on the floor, and I told them what to do. And they got up, not just a make-up now; they really prayed and cried, little mother holding dad around the neck, and they was crying with one another. They got back up, I said, "Now, you go, and God will probably do something for your child." 76 She said, "Come, go at the hospital." I said, "No, that's against the rules. See, if I went to see your baby, and then some other baby, then if I didn't go there, then that'd make that mother feel bad." See? I said, "I'll just pray for the baby. Oh, well," I said, "you wouldn't want me to violate rules; I'm not supposed to do that." And she said, "Well..." I said, "If God shows me a vision, I will tell you." She said, "Now, go, see vision." I said, "Well, I can't do that, sister." She said, "I'll just wait then; you--you go see vision; I'll wait."

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I said--I said, "No, sister, now, that's not the way it is. He may never show me nothing about it. You just go home and believe. 77 Well, finally Mrs. Isaacson got her away, tell her that if God give a vision, she'd--she'd call back. She hadn't been gone ten minutes, until the first thing you know the phone ring... Was anybody here ever in Finland, or any Finns? I hope this don't offend you, because I think that they're one of the nicest people in the world. It's got a little stick like you put in here and pull a crank. And so the lady called up, said, "Brother Branham seen vision yet?" "No." About ten minutes again, cranked again, "Brother Branham see vision yet?" "No." And just on till we went to service, and the little girl healed that night. I come in... Not this Bible but another Bible... I walked up, and my brother... 78 Now, Canadian friends, don't--don't feel hurt. But one time in Canada we got some bad candy; they didn't have the ingredients to put in it right after the war. And Howard said to me, said, "Billy, you talk about candy flat in Canada, taste this." He give me two little blocks of candy. Well, all of them went to the rooms, and I went to my room. I was standing in my room, there's a great big old marble table, and I laid--had the Bible over my heart. And at that time, along in May, the sun hardly goes down. That's the land of the midnight sun. There's just a year; the whole year just makes one day and night. So you could read the newspaper, nearly, in the street. So I was looking out towards the east, and I had my hand up to the window like this. I said, "O Great Jehovah, someday You'll send Jesus; He shall come from the eastern sky. What a wonderful time." And the soldiers and all going through the park, just talking of what had happened that night, I thought, "Isn't that lovely? Look at them, just humble Christian people." How they were going along talking, I said, "O Jesus, You're wonderful." And I heard something go [Brother Branham stamps--Ed.] And I looked down in front of me, and there set a big tall vase, about that big, set down there, and it had two--we call them Easter flowers. I believe you call them daffodil, or what--that look like that little old fashion radio or phonograph horns, like, you know, and there some of them are yellow and some white. Is that daffodils, lady, is that jonquils or daffa--jonquils. I don't know much about them. Anyhow, they're little--we call them Easter flowers in our country. 79 And they were sitting there, and one of them was laying towards the south, and one was laying towards the north. And the one laying towards the south was laying all the way down; or one towards the north was laying all the way down. The one towards the south was about halfway down. Then I thought, "Well now, them wasn't there a minute ago. Where did they come from?" And I was standing right like this. Now, remember, I got to meet you all in glory someday. And as I turned my head, there He stood, standing there, that Angel, big Man, not like the Christ, He's great big fellow, dark skin, brown, dark hair to His shoulder, white robe on, arms folded like this, and He

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always... That's the reason I bring the people to my right, bring them to the platform; it passes Him first. 80 So I looked standing there, and there He stood. Now, you can imagine how you felt. I couldn't hardly breathe. And I looked over again; I looked back. I started biting on my finger. I looked again; He just looked at me, He said, "What did your brother give you." And I said, "These two pieces of candy, Sir." He said, "Why don't you eat them?" Well, I broke one of them off and put it in my mouth; I started chewing, and taste pretty good. I swallowed it. When I swallowed it, the one that was laying down; the Easter flower towards the north... Now, them was geographically just the way those children fell. And the one towards the north went, "Whew [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.]," stood up. And I thought, "Well, now that's..." I said, "What does that mean?" He never said a word. I watched those flowers again. I looked around Him; He said, "Eat the other one." Why, I put it in my mouth, and the bitterest thing I ever put in my mouth. Oh, my, such a taste. I took it out like that. And--and I watched this flower now was leaning towards the south, it was going, "Tuh, tuh, tuh [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.]," going lower and lower, like a heartbeat, going "Tuh, tuh, tuh." He said, "Fail to eat it and the other child will die." 81 Now, what that meant, clergymen don't ask me; I don't know. I put it right in my mouth, and I held my breath, and chewed real quick, and swallowed it. And when I swallowed it that time, the one that was leaning towards the south went, "...?... [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.]," stood up besides the other. He said, "Go tell the mother, THUS SAITH THE LORD, her child will live." I run out into the hall, real quick and begin screaming, top of my voice, here come Brother Baxter with with his pajamas on, Brother Moore running down the hall; I said, "Get Mrs. Isaacson right away, right quick." So they went and got her. I said, "Call the mother and tell her, THUS SAITH THE LORD, her prayers are heard." 82 Oh, what a feeling. She called the house. The babysitter said, "The mother and father has been called to the hospital; they had never..." Why, it was just little house there like, for a hospital. Said, "They been called there; the baby's dying." Said, "They never even washed the baby yet, 'cause it was so crushed in the back." Said, "The baby's dying, and they've been called, and she was just there as a babysitter." Mrs. Isaacson come right. I said, "Just hang it up and call the hospital." So she hung up and called the hospital, and she got there, and she got the mother on the phone. And she said--the woman was screaming at the top of her voice, and Mrs. Isaacson said, "Now, look, dear, quieten down, just a minute; quieten down, till I can tell you." And I--Mrs. Isaacson, I could hear her, know, going through the motions, and she said, "I'm trying to quieten her; she's screaming." Said, "Maybe the baby's dead."

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I said, "Tell her not to worry, no matter if he's dead or what, he's going to live." 83 And so she kept trying to quieten her. And she said, "Now, look, listen to me." See? She said, "Brother Branham has just saw a vision about a flower raising up." And said, "He said tell you THIS SAITH THE LORD, your baby is going to live." And when she got to herself, around...?... she said, "How well I know it." Said, "He's just come to himself, and we washed him and fixing to take him home now." God had answered prayer. Now, look, I never had one thing to do with that. I never had nothing to do with the healing of that baby. That mother's faithful prayer found grace in the sight of God. God just spoke to me and said, "Go, tell her." You see what I mean? That doesn't make you weep; that makes you shout. Those things are true. God in heaven knows it. There's their names and addresses if you wish to write to them. MISSIONARY.TALK_ MIDDLETOWN.OH SUNDAY_ 58-0330A 37 I was on my road down--just one more little story here. It's on my heart to tell you. I was in a train, one night, going down to Houston, Texas. And in there, I saw a little boy (I mean Miami, Florida.), a little boy laying dead, where a lot of trees was wrapped together in rocks, and his funny looking haircut, great big brown eyes turned back. His feet was through his socks. A automobile was laying, wrecked on the side of the road, and he was dead. His little body was just one great big mass of broke up bones. I thought, "Who is that?" And the vision left me. I went on down. There may be people setting here. I explained it, told the people, "Get ready, write it in your books. Write it in the fly leaf of your Bible, and see if it comes to pass. Somewhere a child, about eight years old, got dark brown hair, brown eyes, funny haircut, little short pantywaist pants on." I said, "He's going to be killed." And I guess thirty or forty thousand Bibles was packing it." You might have read the article in "The Voice Of Healing." 38 How many knows that the case before I even say anything about it, raise your hand? Foretold before it happened, not after, but before it happened. And there, in that gate there, there's a little boy got drowned; they brought me out, they wo... The father wouldn't let the undertaker get him. I went out, and said "That's not the child, that's a well dressed child, real coal black headed, that isn't him. Two years later way up in Sweden, Norway, Finland, I was coming down from Kuopio, that's up in the land of the midnight sun, we was having a meeting. Those little boys up there, no more than kids, right after the war, and their--they never shaved. Some of them little boys wasn't over fifteen years old, great big old long coats, and boots, the women all downtown, young women all gathered together and old men. The Russians had killed them all out in the war. 39 I preached in Hague, in the field. Not with shorts on, great big thick skirts, big boots, some of the finest people you've ever meet, them Finns, real loyal. And as I was standing up there, Brother Lindsay, all those, about thirty ministers was there, I said, "Something's fixing to happen. I can just feel it." Said, "What is it, Brother Branham?" I said, "I don't know; they begin to take pictures then." He said, "Is it the Angel of the Lord here, can we get the picture?"

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I said, "I don't know. But something's fixing to happen, bear me record." 40 Down the hill we come; we noticed something. Now, gasoline sells for about two dollars a gallon. At the meetings, where there'd be forty, fifty thousand people, there would probably be three or four cars. They all took caribou on sleds, walked, any way they could get there. But there laid about a 1925, '30 model Ford, or maybe a little later model than that, American made Ford wrecked, about five hundred people standing around, and two little boys had been coming from school holding each other's hand. And this car, about sixty miles per hour, whirled around the bend, and the little boys didn't know which way to go. One started one way, and one the other, the driver trying to dodge them, hit one little fellow under the chin with his bumper or his fender and threw him about thirty yards and smashed him against a tree. The other little boy rolled right over him like that, and the wheels kicked his little body about twenty feet across the road in a grass flat. The car run over the hill and wrecked. Brother Lindsay and them got out; they looked at it. They come back weeping. Sister Isaacson got out, my interpreter. She come back weeping, said, "Brother Branham, you ought to go look at it." 41 I said, "Oh, no, I can't." I said, "You remember my wife died when I was just a young preacher about twenty-four years old. I buried her and my baby. We only had one little fellow left, and that was Billy. I walked around with his little bottle in my pocket at night. We didn't have enough money to get fire to keep his bottle warm, so I put it under my head. That's the reason he's with me today. I--I've been papa and mama, both, to him. That's what I promised her, when she was dying. And I kept his little body warm, and his little bottle by my own body." And then he was about ten years old, and I said, "I got my own little boy over in America. I--I just can't go look at him. I ain't seen Billy now for about three months; I just can't look at him." And something said, "Go look." 42 I walked over, and had his little coat laying over his face, and they pulled it down. Oh, my, I turned around and started walking away. I don't know whether you're going to believe this or not. That's between you and God. Something put Their hand on my shoulder; I thought it was Brother Moore. I said, "What, why, there's nobody around me, and the hand was still on my shoulder." I thought, "What is this?" And Someone's hand laying on my shoulder, and I turned to the child. I happened to notice that little foot, legs all broke up, his little foot running through his big old, ribbed black stockings. That looked familiar. I said to the chief man, which was the mayor of the city, "Could..." They was waiting for the father and mother to come up. I thought, "Oh, my, what will that little papa and mama think when they come and see this baby laying here mashed up." The other little boy, he was alive, so they rushed him to the hospital in a car. So this little boy had been dead about thirty minutes. They was waiting to get his father and mother before the undertaker moved him. I said, "Can I look at that boy again?" They raised up his little coat, and I looked, them little brown eyes turned back, that kind of dark brown hair, little pantywaist, his feet through his socks. I looked

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around, there come a hill, coming down from Kuopio Mountain, evergreens, wrap locked, I looked back, and I thought, "That's him." Oh, brother, I may never meet you people no more till glory, but I wished I had the strength, this afternoon, to explain to you what a feeling that is. All devils out of hell couldn't stop it. It's not, if you believe, or this, or that, or the other, it's already done. God said so. I looked and I said, "That's him." I said, "Brother Moore, Brother Lindsay, come quickly." I said, "Get the flyleaf from your Bible...?..." "What's the matter, Brother Branham?" I said, "Read the flyleaf." "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it shall come to pass, that a little boy, between eight and ten years old, his description, be laying on a place where rocks are wrapped together with cedars and evergreens." "What," said, "what's that, Brother Branham?" I said, "Look at the child. Look at there at the rocks." He said, "Is that him?" I said, "That's him." 43 Oh, my. Oh, God, get the church in that state. Let me stay in that place. I said, "You speak right quick, Sister Isaac, interpret for me." I said, "If the Lord God in a land of America, two years ago, here it is wrote on these brothers' Bible leaf, see if that little boy isn't on his feet alive in five minutes, I'll leave Finland with a sign on my back, 'False Prophet.'" Oh, it's such a wonderful thing when you know what God's going to to do. I had them to gather; I knelt down and said, "Lord God..." If you would like to get the details of this from the mayor, I'll give you his address. I said, "Lord God, in the homeland You did speak of this vision. And I know in Your great predestinated will, it's already finished. So death give back this boy's life." And God Who's my solemn Judge, before this Bible this afternoon, the little fellow jumped to his feet just as normal as he was, hour before he got hit." 44 That night, at the meeting, you couldn't even... They had the militia out there, and I want to tell you something. You remember, it was only two miles from the iron curtain, and when that went across all down through the--Russia, that afternoon, on the radio, when I come that night, there stood those Communist soldiers for a city block, standing there with that Russian salute, the tears running down their cheeks; they said, "We will receive a God like that, Who has power." What's the matter? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] You Protestant and Catholics, run up there, and took all their money, and put it in great big buildings, and failed even to produce anything more than the rest of the world had. "These signs shall follow them that believe." No wonder the cold, formal church talks against it. As I said, last night, "It's a sign that will be evil spoken of."

Page 48: William Branham - Scandinavian Boy Raised From the Dead (Updated)

Scandinavian Campaign 1950



45 That night, in the meeting, I shall never forget. If I can have about ten minutes longer. We were bringing the people in the line; there were a great pile... You notice in my book, a pile of crutches and sticks, that were--you couldn't pile on this platform, that the people had throwed away. Have to drive out a few thousand so more come in. And as I started into the building, that night, I was walking real slowly, and two little soldiers, in front, and two in back, with their swords, holding out like this, keep the people away from you. 46 As I walked into the building, the girls' dormitory, there's a little thing--door closed, and I looked, and here's stood a sweet little girl, about the age of my little Rebekah now, about ten, twelve years old, one leg (you see the picture in my book) about that much shorter than the other, and she had a great big brace around her. She had a strap in the toe of her shoe that went over, and went across and hit this big brace back here, and this shoe was built up with a brace on each side. She couldn't move that little leg, so it had to be a complete brace, so she would go down like this. And every time she'd move, she'd have to take her little shoulder, and raise up that foot and shove it, and then make her step. And her little underskirts, her little dresses was ragged; her little hair was all chopped up, her little, baby-pale face. And when she looked at me, they'd been told not to stop me on the street. I love little kids. 47 I'd wait till Brother Baxter and them, all at the afternoon service, I'd get that old money out there and buy a little candy, and I'd have a string of kids two blocks long following me, throwing candy to them." 48 And here she was, and she thought she'd done something wrong. She ducked her little head, and she had two crutches, she'd take these crutches, and set them out, then her little shoulders, she lift up that leg and throw it out, and that's the way she walked. And I seen her; she thought she'd done wrong, so she ducked her little head down, as if to not notice me passing by. Something on the inside begin to move. 49 I looked at her, and the soldier behind me, I couldn't speak a word of Finn language. So he motioned to go on out. "Just a minute." And the child looked up; I motioned to her like this. I knew she wanted to come over there. 'Course she was crippled; she's at the meeting to do so. I motioned to her; she looked at me. I nodded my head, "Yes." And she put her little crutches out; she raised her little leg up; she made a step, and she looked again, childish like. I just waited, never said a thing till she got right up close to me. She looked up at me, and them little, bitty pale baby blue eyes. I found later she was a little Finnish war orphan; she didn't have mother or father, nobody. She's living in a tent with some people. Her mama and papa had been killed by the Russians. This old crude looking brace that they'd made her. I just stood and thought, "What will that child do?" I couldn't speak to her. She reached down and got a hold of my coat. She kissed my pocket. Put her little skirt out like this, and said, "Kiitos," means "thank you." 50 I thought, "Oh, God." Just then in front of me, I saw the little child with them braces off, going walking. I thought, "Oh, if I could make her know it." I said, "Sweetheart." She kept saying, "Kiitos" the tears running down her little pale cheeks. "Kiitos, kiitos."

Page 49: William Branham - Scandinavian Boy Raised From the Dead (Updated)

Scandinavian Campaign 1950



I said, "Honey." Oh, God," I said, "The Lord God has... Oh, God, let me speak something. You're healed." And just then, they come, bunch of soldiers, "Come on, they done sung, 'Only Believe,'" and I had to go, pushed me on through. 51 And just at the close of the service, that night, my brother come to me and said, "That's enough, that's enough. You got another service tomorrow night." I said, "Oh, look, how many cards did you give out?" They said, "Oh, they give a bunch of cards; you can use them tomorrow night." No one could understand the English. I said, "Just call a few more." And I said, "Give me from prayer card, so-and-so to so-and-so." And by God's great providence, she was the next one in the line. Here she come. I said, "Sister Isaacson, just say what I say. Interpreting." I said, "Sweetheart, you're the little girl that met me out yonder in the hall. Jesus Christ has healed you. Go over there, and set down, and let some of the ushers take that brace off of you." While I called another, here she come across the platform, both legs the same, them braces over her head, screaming to the glory of God. Thousands of Finns fell on their face and give their life to the Lord Jesus, cold formal church members become borned again Christians. 52 What is it? "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe." If God's interested in a little Finn, He's interested in an American. He's interested in a little black boy, yellow boy, brown boy. He has to remain God. Why can't we get the starch from our neck? Why can't we get the theology that we've been taught that the days of miracles is past, and follow what Christ said? He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth. Upon this rock I'll build My church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against it." So you--your blessed.