willingness to pay for low probability, low loss hazard insurance john c. whitehead eco 4810. senior...

Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State University March 19, 2007

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Page 1: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard


John C. WhiteheadECO 4810. Senior SeminarDepartment of Economics

Appalachian State University

March 19, 2007

Page 2: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

1. Motive your research

• From your introduction, provide a slide that prompts you to tell a short story about the motivation of your paper

• The goal is to get your readers interested in what you are doing

Page 3: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Evacuation Cost Insurance

“Analysis of behavior and policy prescriptions would not be such a problem if low probability natural disasters had small consequences.”

-- Ganderton et al. 2000, page 272.

Page 4: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

2. Describe the previous literature

• Describe what others have found

• Describe how what you are doing is different

• Be brief

Page 5: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State


• McClelland, Schulze and Coursey (1993)

• Ganderton et al. (2000)

• Ozdemir (2005)

• Burrus, Dumas and Graham (2005)

Page 6: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

3. Theory

• Present a graph (or equation) that allows you to explain the theoretical framework for your analysis

Page 7: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State




Demand (r)

Demand (r’)

Page 8: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

4. Describe your data source

• Where did you get the data?

• How did you manipulate it?

• What is the sample size?

Page 9: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Data•March 2001 telephone survey •Response rate = 73% (n = 411) •Most respondents had experienced one or more hurricanes (n = 384) •50% evacuated for at least one storm

Page 10: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State
Page 11: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

5. Empirical Model

• Present the equations so that you are prompted to (1) describe the variables, (2) introduce the empirical model

Page 12: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Empirical Model: OLS





ˆ 3210

Page 13: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

6. Describe the data/variables

• Devote at least one slide to your dependent variable: (1) description, (2) summary statistics

• Devote at least one slide to your primary independent variable: (1) description, (2) summary statistics, (3) the rest of your control variables can be simply listed

Page 14: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Dependent VariableMany people in coastal areas are safer if they evacuate their home before a hurricane strikes. But evacuating can cost a lot of time, money and lost income. Some people would rather stay at home during a hurricane so that they don’t spend money and lose income. To reduce this problem and increase safety, one plan is to have a hurricane evacuation insurance policy to reimburse people for the costs of evacuation.

Page 15: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Willingness to Pay

• Suppose you could purchase a hurricane evacuation insurance policy from an insurance agent before the next hurricane season. The price of the evacuation insurance is $p each hurricane season. With insurance, you would be reimbursed for all of your evacuation expenses throughout the hurricane season. This would include reimbursement for travel, lodging, food, medical costs and lost income. Do you think you would purchase the hurricane evacuation insurance policy?

Page 16: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

% Willing to Pay











$50 $100 $140 $190 $240

Page 17: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Independent Variables

• Policy price = p (mean = $25)

• Evacuation probability = r (mean = .05 )

• Evacuation cost = c (mean = $147)

• Other factors affecting evacuation

Page 18: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

6. Empirical Results

• Describe your primary results. Those most interested can get the details from your paper (and remember your goal is to get members of your audience to want to read your paper).

• Describe your results qualitatively (see next slide) or quantitatively (see slide after that) but not both

Page 19: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Willingness to Pay Models

• F-stat is statistically significant

• R2 = .11

• B(price) < 0 (model 1 only)

• B(probability) > 0

• B(cost) > 0

• B(income) > 0 (model 2 only)

Page 20: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Willingness to Pay Models

Model 1 Model 2

Coeff. t-ratio Coeff. t-ratio

Constant 1.46 0.86 1.66 0.82

ln Price -0.99 -2.92 -1.20 -2.84

Probability 5.93 1.71 5.29 1.39

Cost 0.003 2.81 0.002 1.78

Income 0.005 0.93 0.011 1.68

F 22.20 15.94

R2 0.11 0.12

Cases 193 193

Page 21: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

7. Conclusions

• What are the (policy) implications of your research?

• Interpret the magnitude of the coefficients using (1) marginal analysis, (2) elasticity, (3) consumer/producer surplus

• Don’t restate your results

Page 22: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State


• Each 10% increase in the probability of evacuation increases WTP by $7

• Demand elasticity = 0.64

• WTP = $34 (less than the lowest price of the insurance product)

Page 23: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

8. Future Research

• What arose during the course of the project that you’d like to fix: (1) better data, (2) missing variables, (3) a different empirical model

Page 24: Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance John C. Whitehead ECO 4810. Senior Seminar Department of Economics Appalachian State

Future Research

• An unresolved puzzle: Moral hazard

• Missing variables: Subjective vs objective risk

• Appropriate model: logitistic regression vs OLS