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Wilson’s School Activities and Achievements 2011-2012

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Wilson’s School

Activities and Achievements


Page 2: Wilson’s School and Achievements 2011-12.pdfWilson’s School Activities and ... September 2011, and he then topped the speaker tab (with Luke Kosky in second place) ... LSE, SOAS,


Artistic visits were made to the London Zoo, the Natural History Museum, the Hayward Gallery, the Victo-

ria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Saatchi Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and Canon’s

Training Centre in Crawley. A level and GCSE life drawing was launched in school and has become a cen-

tral drawing focus for our older students. We have continued to push forward a wider range of media in the

department and this has included lensless and conventional photography as well as digital processes

through all key stages. There has been a strong emphasis upon drawing processes and the uses of drawing

and an increasingly sophisticated use of sketchbooks, particularly at Key Stages 4 and 5. The Art Depart-

ment website has become an important resource, featuring information about our various courses and

providing guidance for KS3 and 4 homework. Props were once again produced for the school’s musical pro-

ductions: ’High Society’ and ‘Les Misérables’ and the department was also heavily involved creating the cos-

tumes and make-up for the shows. As usual, the end of course GCSE and A level art exhibitions were held

in the department and the private viewing was well attended by students, parents and staff members.

Business Studies and Economics

This year the Year 11 'Dragons’ Den' competition was won by Mirae Tejura, Tim Leake and Gajendra

Sarveswaran for their impressive pitch of an innovative idea to use the material D30 to stop punctures in

bicycles. Year 9 started the year by experiencing the perils of the stock market in their ‘Share Project’.

Latterly they showcased their creativity by developing a new brand of breakfast cereal. Budding city traders

in Year 10 and the Lower Sixth competed in the IFS Student Investor virtual share competition. Balkrishna

Veerathapa Naidoo, Kushal Patel, Anand Krishnan and Yadhav Vasanthakumar competed in the South East

Regional Finals of the Bank of England's Target 2.0 Competition.


This year we have raised money for a wide range of charities. We raised over £1,000 for the Sutton and

Croydon Multiple Sclerosis Therapy centre and £1,000 for Farm Africa (as well as sponsoring three goats via

a teachers’ European football sweepstake). Macmillan Cancer also received over £1,000. In addition, Wil-

son’s School continues to support the Kenyan missionary for orphans run by Friar Lewis, helping the chil-

dren to receive an education. Children in Need also received £400 as a result of the inter-house cake bake.

The money was raised by Muftis, the Wilson’s Got Talent show and various other events. Each of the Hous-

es is linked to a charity and will be raising funds during the course of the year. Camberwell, Green Coat and

Southwark are also sponsoring a child through Action Aid.

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The Classics Club met every week during 2011-12 and enjoyed a variety of different lunchtime activities; we

also hosted a series of lectures with speakers from Oxford and Cambridge universities, which were open to

other schools and were well attended. Theatre visits went to the Oresteia at the Riverside Studios and An-

tigone at the National Theatre. A quiz team participated in the Sutton and Croydon Classics Quiz Night at

Old Palace School. We led a visit to Rome and the Bay of Naples at Easter.

Design and Technology

The Design and Technology department provided lighting and stage set for many musical and dramatic

events. The department conducted the inter-house rockets project as well as running the aeronautics and

rocket club. This year all of the Upper Sixth students have gone on to study various forms of Engineering at

top UK universities. The students from Year 9 Design and Technology, who represented Wilson’s at an In-

ternational Conference on Creative Education and Sustainability in 2012, will have their work published in a

book commissioned by the DFEE this year along with research conducted by Mr Chappell.


In cooperation with the Music Department we presented the famous musical ‘High Society’ in December.

Mr Kavanagh organised a Senior Drama Group, which presented an evening of short scenes and mono-

logues in the Lecture Theatre, and in February ‘Titus Andronicus’. Finally, in July, with cast from Years 7, 8

and girls from Wallington High School for Girls, we mounted a full production of ‘Les Misérables’.


Wilson’s is one of the leading chess schools in the country, both in terms of strength of teams and number of

players. This was acknowledged with the award of a prestigious BCET (British Chess Educational Fund)

made in person by the ECF Director of Junior Chess, Phil Ehr. Also, the English Chess Federation has ap-

pointed Dr Cooper to be their manager of Secondary School Chess. The school’s first team won the first divi-

sion of the Surrey Secondary School league for the third year running. Chess continues to be very popular at

the school with 180 boys joining the chess club ladder in the Autumn term, over 100 playing in UK Chess

Challenge in the spring term. 63 pupils played chess for the school in 2011-12. Wilson’s has 5 teams in the

Surrey league and, as well as the first team being county champions, the third team won Division 3 and the

fourth team Division 4, in both cases the teams were undefeated. In UK Chess Challenge 22 boys played at

the Surrey Megafinal with seven qualifying for the Southern Gigafinal. Adam Taylor was the U15 champion

at both events and came fifth in the national finals.

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The English Department has worked hard to boost the profile of reading in the school. Every student in

Year 7 received a free book courtesy of “Booked Up”, and gifted and talented Year 7 students participated in

the Carnegie Shadowing Scheme. We also had a range of highly enjoyable activities surrounding World

Book Day, including a hat competition won by James Carpenter (7C). Several book clubs ran for both the

Upper and the Lower School, reading for example Scottsboro by Ellen Feldman and The Dark is Rising by Su-

san Cooper. We had a poetry workshop in the library for World Poetry Day and Mr Kavanagh ran a Shake-

speare speaking workshop. Over the summer, the school library was refurbished and has been reorganised

to better suit students’ reading. We had considerable success in externally-run writing competitions. An-

drew Kilner (11G) and Kunal Patel (L6th) were shortlisted in the Bailie Gifford Young Financial Writers’

competition. Stephen Earls (11G) was longlisted in the Amnesty International Young Human Rights report-

er competition for his piece on human rights in Burma. James Kyne (11H) won the 15-19 category of the

Young Film Critic competition, organised by Film Education and BAFTA, for his review of Johnny English:

Reborn. Sixth form students also wrote, produced, and edited The Mercury, under the guidance of Mr John-

stone. A number of sixth form students also participated in the Young Reporter of the Year scheme run by

the Sutton Guardian. Numerous theatre trips also took place last year; Saved at the Lyric Hammersmith, One

Man Two Guv’nors at the Haymarket, and Henry V at the Globe were particular highlights, the latter taking

place on one of the loveliest evenings of the summer!


For the main school, Tim Sharpe was eighth best speaker at the Northern Junior Debating Championships in

September 2011, and he then topped the speaker tab (with Luke Kosky in second place) at the Southern Jun-

ior Debate Tournament in May 2012. Arslan Rana and Tom Wadsworth were also finalists at this competi-

tion, and all four students have progressed to the senior team for the current year. At senior British Parlia-

mentary level, Wilson’s were represented at the Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, SOAS, Birmingham and Notting-

ham Schools’ debates: Harrison Gower and Will Ries were finalists at Birmingham; Harrison and George

Driscoll won through to the second round of the Cambridge debate; and Harrison was seventh best speaker

at the LSE. In other formats, Harrison and Will reached the third round of the ESU Mace, and Harrison and

George reached the third round of the United Nations Association debate. These three students together

with Conrad Jefferies represented Wilson’s at the Durham Schools’ debate, an international competition, and

a number of students also participated in the National Bar Mock Trials at Southwark Crown Court. Wilson’s

debate clubs accommodate about fifty regular attendees at the main school and sixth form sessions, and last

year a total of thirty-four students, from Years 9-13, represented the school in competitive debates. The suc-

cess of our current Year 13 students, who were the initial recruits to main school debating, has given the

school a platform to be proud of, and a growing involvement in an enjoyable activity which encourages our

students to develop their skills in critical evaluation, logical argument and lateral thinking.

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Fieldtrips were organised to Herne Bay for Year 9 (to complete a case study for coastal management), to

Croydon for Year 10 (to complete the necessary fieldwork for their controlled assessment on the changing

urban environment) and a residential fieldtrip to Brecon for Year 12 (to complete necessary fieldwork for

Unit 2 of the A level specification). The department regularly publicised Geography events in the news us-

ing its new web page ‘Geog in the news’. The department also submitted a number of entries into the 2012

Young Geographer of the Year competition. The subject continues to be very popular within the school –

this year 7 boys went on to study geography at university. The humanities postcard competition proved to

be very popular with just under 100 postcards being sent to the school from sites across the world.

History and Politics

The department organised a day trip for Year 10 to visit the First World War battlefields of the Somme and

took part in a ceremony at Connaught Cemetery, the burial place of an old boy, to remember Old Wilsoni-

ans who have fallen in conflict. A number of students entered national History competitions organised by

the Historical Association. The trustees of the Spirit of Normandy Trust commended the essays produced

by Paul Heller (Year 11), Ben Flook (Year 11), Karim Nizam (Year 9), Ayngharran Vasudevan (Year 8) and

Ramon Nartallo (Year 7). Jack Nicholls (Year 10) essay on the RAF in WW2 was highly commended. Rob-

ert Cochrane (Year 10) won the Young Historian 2012: GCSE World War One prize for his work on generals

in WW1. The department also ran its own essay and history trail house competitions. Students were also

encouraged to read more historical fiction using the suggested reading list put together by staff and pub-

lished on the school’s website. Last summer the Politics Department organised a trip (Year 12) to parlia-

ment. The department has also set up a successful new revision blog for AS and A2 students.

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ICT Years 7 and 8 have had the opportunity to study and complete the ECDL Extra qualification, in which the

department managed to gain a 100% pass rate. Success in the department however was not limited to the

lower school, with many pupils in Year 11 gaining an A grade in AS Level ICT. Students in Years 9, 10 and

11 continued to follow the enrichment curriculum, having the opportunity to practise their skills in a variety

of different software including producing flash animation and podcasts. We have also introduced some lev-

el of computer programming across all year groups. Students in Year 7 produce interactive content using

Scratch. In Years 8 and 11, students have been programming using Visual Basic, this year this will be ex-

tended to the Year 10 enrichment programme too.


Wilson’s continues to produce excellent mathematicians whose outstanding achievements make the school

proud. In the Team Maths Challenge competition our team came fifth in the highly competitive national

finals, having convincingly won the Regional final at Trinity School. Our Senior Maths team came third in

the Regional finals in Kingston. We also took part in the Surrey Team Maths Challenge for Lower Sixth pu-

pils at the University of Surrey. We matched our best ever performance in the Hans Woyda Maths Quiz,

where we won all three of our zone matches (though two of them by only 1 point!). In the knock-out tourna-

ment we beat Dulwich College and Wellington College before losing to St Paul’s Girls School in the semi-

final. In the UK Mathematical Challenges our students gained a total of 205 Gold awards, along with 218

Silver and 198 Bronze awards. Seven students won entry to the British Mathematical Olympiad where Dan-

iel Hunt, Keith Barker and Harry Goodburn gained distinctions. Twelve pupils won entry to the Intermedi-

ate Olympiad where three gained distinctions (Harry Goodburn, Pavan Murali and Vignesh Nallathambi

Pillai). A further 44 pupils won entry to the European Kangaroo. From the Junior Maths Challenge, ten were

invited to sit the Junior Olympiad where Isuru Jayasekera, Cellan Brady, Luke Patel and Sam Gates all

gained distinctions and won medals. During the year we continued our maths specialism link with Walling-

ton High School for Girls. For Upper Sixth pupils studying maths related subjects at University there was a

series of workshops on ‘A Future in Mathematics’, for all the Lower Sixth maths students a ‘Maths in Action’

conference. Some of the Lower Sixth students also helped to run a team maths challenge event for 24 Year 8

pupils from each school. As in previous years, we hosted Royal Institution mathematics masterclasses, with

the Year 9 classes attracting over 90 pupils from local schools. In the Autumn term the afternoon Year 6 clas-

ses were attended by pupils from five local primary schools, whilst the Year 5 after school sessions were

popular in the spring term. We also hosted two Maths Fun days for Year 5 pupils. The Sixth Form Maths

Circle Lectures were given by four leading mathematical speakers and each drew an audience of over 100

from local schools. We ran twilight sessions for local sixth form students preparing for Senior Maths Chal-

lenge, Maths Olympiads, University Interviews and entrance tests. Particularly popular were weekly ses-

sions considering maths problems from Cambridge STEP papers, which were held jointly with Old Palace

School and attracted 60 sixth formers from fifteen local schools.

Modern Foreign Languages

Year 7 pupils took part in a “Routes into Languages” French and German spelling bee competition and three

pupils represented the school at national level. 60 pupils in Year 9 travelled to Cologne and 72 pupils trav-

elled to Northern France to experience the culture and language of the respective countries. Year 9 pupils

worked with primary school children on shopping language. Lower Sixth French students visited Paris in

February. One Lower Sixth student spent two weeks during the Summer studying French at the university

in Cannes and another attended a prestigious course in Germany organized by UK-German connection.

Older pupils mentored younger boys who needed additional support with their language work. A summer

holiday language competition was run for the whole school.

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The profile of Music at Wilson’s continues to develop. A busy calendar of over forty concerts was enthusias-

tically supported by students, staff, parents and friends of the school. Highlights included the full produc-

tion of ’High Society’ (with a very highly acclaimed band), termly orchestral concerts (in which well-

established groups like the Senior Orchestra, Wind Band and Senior Choir were joined by the all-new Cham-

ber Ensemble, Samba Band and Barbershop Group); a series of smaller concerts in the Bowden Room show-

casing the talents of our GCSE and A level musicians; a new String Quartet winning first prize at the Sutton

Music Festival in its debut public performance; an enthusiastically received all-new Vocal Evening featuring

performances by our best singers; Mr Willey performing on the hosepipe with a large group of novice brass

players at the Year 7 Celebration Evening; the Senior Orchestra performing Finlandia with players from

Wallington High School for Girls at the end of the Spring Term; the performances of the Choir and Brass En-

semble at the Carol Service and Founders’ Day (including an all-new composition by our own Mr Tim Lissi-

more featuring the mottoes of Wilson’s School); and the innovative Composers Evening, featuring the Dove-

tail String Quartet, who performed many works composed by GCSE and A level students. The Year 7 Music

and Drama programme proved extremely popular, demonstrating the talents of the school’s newest recruits,

culminating in the Year 7 Celebration Evening and a production of Les Misérables led by Harry Cox

(Valjean), Kavana Crossley (Javert) and a large cast of students from Years 7 and 8 (supported by a no less

dedicated team of parents and staff from across the school). Six students left Wilson’s to pursue Music-

related courses at university, including Alex Hill’s place on the prestigious ‘Tonmeister’ course at Surrey.

RE and Philosophy

The RE and Philosophy Department has enjoyed a successful year and achieved some excellent grades. In

particular 92% of students gained an A*/A in their A level Philosophy exam and they should be congratulat-

ed for this achievement. The current Year 11s should also be congratulated for their excellent RE GCSE

grades, which they took at the end of Year 10. They were the department’s best ever grades. 98% achieved

either an A* or A grade and 84% of these grades were A*s. All the students, who represented the depart-

ment at open evening, are to be congratulated for their efforts and enthusiasm and their engagement with

prospective students and parents, which was very much appreciated. There have been a number of success-

ful trips and activities over the last year in the department. In the autumn term some of the upper and lower

sixth attended a philosophy of religion conference in London held by Peter Vardy. The students, who

attended the conference, represented the school very well. In the spring term there was a philosophy confer-

ence, where students gave presentations on particular aspects of philosophy. The presentations were of a

very high standard and Tom Grimes should be congratulated for winning first prize for his presentation on

Peter Singer’s analogy of the ‘Child in the Pond’, which discusses ethical arguments for giving money to

eliminate extreme poverty. This was a popular conference and many sixth formers from local schools also

attended. Special thanks should be given to Dr Hemp for organising this event.

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Science in Key Stage 3 and 4

There was a wide range of scientific visits this year with Year 7 going to the Science Museum in March and

Year 8 making their way to the Natural History Museum in July. We held our Year 8 House problem solv-

ing competition in February and Hayes were the winners this year going on to represent the school at the

annual SATRO Problem Solving Challenge held at St Philomena’s together with a Key Stage 4 and a Key

Stage 5 team. The Key Stage 4 team narrowly missed going through to the finals. At Key Stage 4 we held

another successful Science Day for Year 9 with a radioactivity session presented by a member of SEPnet

(South East Physics Network). Once again boys in Year 9 and 10 had the opportunity to enter the Biology

Challenge organised by the Society of Biology. Five Year 9 boys (Dion Barnaby, Oisin Brennan, George

Lowe, Joseph Lee and Kenta Watson) participated in an ‘Engineering Masterclass’ course in the summer

term. During the course they made loudspeakers, investigated crumple zones on cars and designed earth-

quake resistant buildings. They also attended a lecture workshop at the Royal Institution in London. All of

Year 10 took part in an Engineering Day in July. They experienced various types of engineering through

problem solving activities. As usual we held our Year 10 House Chemistry quiz with the Brecon team com-

ing out as winners. Two boys in Year 10, Alastair Prince and Alex Song, were given a place on a Salter’s

Chemistry Camp at Cambridge University at the end of July.


In February a number of the best Year 13 biologists entered into the British Biology Olympiad 2012 (which is

organised by the Society of Biology). The competition involves students completing a challenging 90 minute

examination paper. This year we achieved the following pleasing results: Michael Moneke (silver award),

Calum Perera (bronze), Brice Djeugam, Dariush Micallef, Stefan Partridge (highly commended) and Abim

Aluko, Peter Bennett, Dhruv Chopra, Alexander Nash and Jack Sayle (commended). This gives the boys na-

tional recognition of their abilities and they are all to be congratulated for their high achievement. Once

again the Lower Sixth biologists enjoyed a productive trip to Aberystwyth.


In October all the Year 13 chemists were introduced to spectroscopy by Dr Julia Percival of Surrey Universi-

ty. She showed the boys how to use an infra red and an NMR spectrometer and how to analyse the results

from these machines. Chemists from Year 13 took part in the first round of the International Chemistry

Olympiad, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Congratulations should go to them all for their par-

ticipation in tackling some very challenging questions far beyond the level of the A2 syllabus. A special

mention should go to Beojan Stanislaus who gained a Gold award (top 7% in the country). In addition con-

gratulations should go to Aditya Gupta, Calum Perera and Tom Richards-Hlabangana who all gained Silver

awards, to Christopher Avins and Nicholas McDonald on achieving Bronze awards and to Dhruv Chopra

who achieved a commendation. These are the best results that the school has achieved in this competition in

recent years.


Physics teachers and students enjoyed Thursday evening lectures at the Royal Institution in the autumn

term. Themes for these lectures have included quantum mechanics and the large hadron collider. In the

Physics Olympiad for Year 13 students Beojan Stanislaus gained a gold award and Daniel Hunt a silver

award. The school CERN competition held in the spring term produced some excellent reports about differ-

ent aspects of particle physics. Kunal Patel and Antonio Pieri were judged as winners of this competition.

Prospective engineers attended a Royal Academy of Engineering ‘Headstart’ residential course or a Univer-

sity of Surrey taster course in the summer. Three boys (Benjaman To, Nicholas Edwards and Antonio Pieri)

successfully applied for a Nuffield Bursary this year. They completed a four week work experience place-

ment in the summer holidays and have successfully submitted their research reports for the CREST gold


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Work-related learning

Year 7 created some outstanding and innovative products in the Enterprise Day in October. Year 8 focused

on career choices in the Young Enterprise Learn to Earn day in March and a Speed Options event. Year 9

took part in a Science and Engineering Day. The Year 10 team, Elliot MacCallum, Aran Kalogroulis, Sam

Deuchar, Alex Leen, Harry Ingamells and Rio McElvenny won the Sutton Science and Engineering chal-

lenge, with their impressive shelter building! Year 10 planned to change the world of politics in the

‘Campaign’ event. Year 11 completed their work experience in July and sought the advice of Lower Sixth

students in their Speed Options event. Some Lower Sixth students took part in the Young Enterprise Com-

pany programme, running their own companies. All of the Lower Sixth took part in the annual

'Management Conference' in conjunction with Wallington High School for Girls, raising money for the Teen-

age Cancer Trust.

School Environment and sustainability

Over the last year the school has implemented litter duties in Years 7, 8 and 9 in order to highlight the litter

around the school and tidy up the environment in which we all work. We have also expanded the school

classroom recycling to the majority of rooms. The school now has more large recycling wheelie bins and if

necessary will expand further. The school gardening club has run the allotment and this year provided po-

tatoes and rhubarb for a number of weeks to the school canteen. Not only that, but our entry into this year’s

RHS Wisley ‘Budding Gardening competition’ won the curators award. The fruit-full schools project has

had a meeting with local primary schools ready for the orchard opening where we will be donating five

trees to each school. The beehives are still going despite a poor year for weather.

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In October a large number of Cadets from both sections attended the Army Section Range Camp at Long-

moor with good marksmanship in evidence. On Remembrance Sunday a significant contingent from Wil-

son’s paraded for the march past, the Service of Remembrance in the Fairfield Halls and a wreath was laid

on behalf of the School and the CCF by C/Sgt Hicks. The year was rounded off by a tug of war with Albuhe-

ra, Minden and Tangiers Platoons competing separately against each other and the RAF. In January the Ar-

my Section was swelled by yet another large influx of Year 9 recruits. By February the Officers and NCOs of

A Company had yet again worked miracles as all recruits stepped off from the half term Training Camp as

cadets having passed Military Knowledge and Drill and Weapons Handling tests. Congratulations should

also go to the cadets of 2 Platoon, B Coy, who completed their Method of Instruction Cadre. Unfortunately

due to freezing conditions Exercise Cavan was cancelled meaning this will be a Platoon level exercise next

year. Summer Camp was held at Wathgill in Catterick. The camp culminated in a unit led exercise which

was successfully completed despite the incredibly inclement conditions. Capt Grant continued to represent

the unit at the national Cadet Leadership Course at Frimley Park as adult staff, with Lt Beggs joining Capt

Grant on the staff of the equivalent course at Nesscliffe, having been invited to attend as directing staff - a

fine accolade and a credit to their leadership ability. Thanks should go to CSM Tim Hou who was a diligent,

calm and hardworking figurehead throughout his tenure. Major Burton and Capt Grant were honoured to

be invited to the passing out of 2 LT Ross Towes (RA) from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. Con-

gratulations this year went to Andrew Beggs on the birth of his second child and gaining a commission. Al-

so congratulations to 2 LT Muirhead who has been appointed as SSI at Kingham Hill School. He will be sad-

ly missed. Major Burton and Capt Grant carried out a recce of new sites for a battlefield tour to France and

Belgium to take place during the upcoming year.


During the last year the RAF Section has continued to offer air experience flying. Although light aircraft fly-

ing has been more common, this year has seen a rise in the number of cadets who have been gliding. Sgt

Threadgold was privileged to obtain a Flying Scholarship in Dundee where he flew solo after two weeks

training. Cpl Anandakumar, L/Cpl Tejura and Cdt Aravinthan undertook Gliding Scholarships in the Easter

holidays, all proving capable of flying solo. This year's camp took place at RAF Shawbury where all ten ca-

dets flew in RAF Squirrels. During October and February half terms, cadets were training at various venues

across the country. L/Cpl Smith, Alvarado, Kingsnorth, Padhi and cadets El-Hilly and Robertson completed

a leadership course at DFTDC Manston where L/Cpl Smith was awarded with 'best cadet'. The section was

the most represented section in the country at this cadre, showing the growing strength in number and abil-

ity of the section. Further from home, L/Cpl Mallet and Kingsnorth attended an overseas camp at US AFB

Rammstein, Germany. Sgt Sofocleous completed his Air Cadet Leadership course with flying colours at

RAF Cranwell. Training has started for next year's Air Squadron Competition Trophy with a training day at

school in November and a training weekend at Crowborough Camp in January. Sqr Ldr Gardner remains as

the IC of the section with Plt Off Beggs as OIC Training.

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The school reached the South of England finals in the U13 and U15 age groups. The school was placed 2nd in

the Borough championships and the U15 team won their age group. Tom Holden, Jacob Paul, Lolu Olowole-

Ojo and Jacob Veerapen competed in the National individual finals, Jacob Paul winning the 400m hurdles and

Jacob Veerapen being placed 3rd in the triple jump final.


The school won all the Surrey league titles at U12, U14, U16, and U19 Level. The U15 team won the South of

England title and went on to be placed 5th in the National final. Many of the teams represent the County and

have done well in county tournaments. The B teams were runners up in 3 out of 4 county leagues and the

U16C team won their division of the County league. The U19 team retained the Tiffin Trophy beating Charter-

house and Dulwich College in the finals.


The U18's will go down in Wilson's history for a phenomenal season. This unbelievable team went the entire

season undefeated, winning three trophies. They managed to win the Surrey schools cup and league double

and also the Epsom cup for the second time in a row. While playing outstanding Wilson's basketball they

managed to win most their games by double digest points!


Despite the wettest season in recent memory, it was another successful summer for Wilson’s Cricket! The U14,

U15 and 1st XI teams all shared their Sutton Cups. The U15 had a good run in the Surrey T20 competition,

eventually losing in the semi final to RGS Guildford. The U14 promising Surrey Cup run was halted by the

rain, losing on the toss of a coin. The U12 showed potential, and are due to play the final of the Surrey Plate

next summer. A young 1st XI, with only two players from the Upper 6th, displayed great commitment and

promise, highlighted in comprehensive wins over local rivals Wallington and Sutton Grammar. 1st XI batsman

Niall McManus was the lone centurion of the season.

Cross country

A successful year for the school with the U15 team coming 4th in the South of England final, just missing out

on a place in the National final. A number of boys represented the District, County and Tom Holden at Na-

tional level. The school teams retained the borough championship.

Wilson’s has always taken great pride from the achievement of the boys in a wide range of sporting activi-

ties. In particular there have been more opportunities for many teams, with B.C D and E teams in a range of

sports. Often our B and C teams are more than a match for other schools’ A teams. There is no doubt that

many of the younger sides have benefited enormously from input from Senior boys. This is an area of in-

volvement which continues to expand, with many boys who are in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme assisting

in school sports clubs. The link with the Old Wilsonians is as strong as ever with many boys returning to the

school after University and playing sport for either social, or competitive reasons. It has been another out-

standing year for the school and the sport is now at a very high standard in a number of sports. Rugby and

Basketball in particular are now very competitive and boys play a large number of fixtures and are becoming

very successful. There would not be the top end success without large numbers of boys being involved in

school clubs and the range of competition available ensures that there is competition for all boys at all levels.

The boys are also supported by a team of highly qualified and dedicated professionals who are experts in

their preferred disciplines and the support of many parents is hugely appreciated by the boys and

staff. There are many opportunities just to play sports for fun and this is really the most important area of

all. This links to a wide and varied curriculum which underpins the strength of sport at Wilson’s.


Page 12: Wilson’s School and Achievements 2011-12.pdfWilson’s School Activities and ... September 2011, and he then topped the speaker tab (with Luke Kosky in second place) ... LSE, SOAS,


We played 295 fixtures with a win rate of 68.3%. We reached three District Cup finals winning two of them

and becoming the most successful school in the Sutton District. The 1st and 2nd XI won the Surrey League

and reached the Surrey League Cup final. In the National Cup the 1st XI made the last 32, U13 made the last

32 in the country and final of the Surrey Cup and the U16 reached the last 32 National Cup and lost out to

reaching the final of the Surrey Cup to a penalty shoot-out. 1st XI reached the last 32 of the National Cup,

quarter-final of the Surrey Schools Cup, won the Surrey League and Cup and won the District Cup.


We entered the annual Surrey Golf competition and we came 4th overall as a school. In the over 8 handicap

competition Sam Chaplin was our highest competitor finishing with a round 10 over par and coming 5th in

the individual Surrey Cup competition.


During this year, Judo has been established within the school, offering a games option for years 9 to 13 and

an after school club open to all year groups. Students have worked hard and progressed well, a number of

whom have successfully passed belt promotion exams (British Judo Association). Wilson’s also had three

students selected to represent the London Borough of Sutton at the prestigious London Youth Games.


2011/2012 was a highly successful season for Wilson’s rugby. It saw the Year 7 team winning their league

and reaching an impressive semi final cup spot in their first season of playing rugby together. The 1st team

entered the Riddlesdown 7’s tournament which 12 schools took part in and emerged victorious with Chris

Mallet claiming top try scorer.

Table tennis

Last year was a great year for table tennis at Wilson’s. In the London South League we won every age

group, under 13, 16 and 19. In the London South Cup we won the U13 and U19 titles. By far the best team

performance of the year came from our U13 team in the national cup. Individually, Michael Ho had a fan-

tastic year winning the London South Schools U19 title and then going on to win the U19 individual national

championships in Doncaster. He was also selected to play in the UK school games and for England in the

International Schools.


We entered the U13's National Cup competition for the first time in many years. The stage of the competi-

tion is league based, we only lost one game in our league which was against the National Champions who

happened to be in our league. It was a great experience for Wilson’s students playing against the Lawn Ten-

nis association's number 1, 2, and 5 ranked boys in the country.