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Page 1: Winding Roads - Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413 ... Beckham, their Porsche Products Man-ager appeared
Page 2: Winding Roads - Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413 ... Beckham, their Porsche Products Man-ager appeared

Winding Roads

California Inland Region

Inside this issue Features Valentine’s Day Progressive

Dinner .......................................4 2007 Yosemite Tour Info .............6 Our Members..............................10 Cal-Inland Zone 8 Rally Info .....11

Event Fliers CAI Zone 8 Rally ..........................5 SBR Zone 8 Autocross................6 GPX Zone 8 Autocross (Willow

Springs, Streets) .....................8 SGV Zone 8 Concours.................9 CAI Tribute to LeMans



Calendar .......................................1 Board Of Directors.......................1 Committees ..................................1 Bumper Smiles.............................2 Highways, Byways & Tracks ......2 Secretary’s Report.......................7 Membership News .....................12 For Sale.......................................13 Zone 8 Staff ................................13

The Winding Roads is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America California Inland Region and is published monthly. $14 of each member's annual dues is for subscription to the newsletter. Copies are also available by subscription to non-region members at $35 per year (Continental U.S.) and for $50 for overseas surface mail. Any statement appearing in the Winding Roads is that the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Inland Region, its Board of Directors, the Winding Roads editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. © 2007 by the Porsche Club of America, California Inland Region. All rights reserved. Permission is given to charter regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Winding Roads. Office of publication: 9900 Susan Avenue, California City, CA 93505. POSTMASTER: Address change to PCA-CAI Newsletter Editor, 9900 Susan Ave, California City, CA 93505.

Volume XXII No. 4

C O N T E N T S Editor: David Witteried [email protected] 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413

Writers: David Witteried Austin Wicks John Crnkovich Mike Forest Rich Paré Abran Rivera

Photographers & Artwork: David Witteried John Bumgarner John Crnkovich Austin Wicks Janice Witteried Patricia Wicks

Advertising: David Witteried [email protected] 760.373.1413

Mailing: David Witteried [email protected]

Printing: Mellor Printing Co. [email protected] 661.824.3105

Proofreading: Rich and Mary Ann Paré

On the Cover: Front: Rear views. A line of CAI Porsches during the Valentine’s Progressive Dinner. Photo by David Witteried. Back: Sharing the road with some friends. Photo by Patricia Wicks.

CAI Yosemite Tour Infor-mation (page 6)

Our Members (page 10)

Valentine’s Progressive Dinner (page 4)

CAI Rally Info (page 11)

Page 3: Winding Roads - Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413 ... Beckham, their Porsche Products Man-ager appeared

April 2007 1

California Inland Region Event Calendar — See event flyer in this issue or visit the web site

Events Mary Ann Paré 661.256.3486 [email protected]

Autocross Rich Bessette 661.810.8443 richs914@

Secretary: Janice Witteried

Secretary—Janice Witteried 9900 Susan Ave California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413 [email protected] Treasurer—Mike Forest 256 E Ave P-1 Palmdale, CA 93550 661.273.2690 [email protected]

Treasurer: Mike Forest

Newsletter/Webmaster David Witteried 760.373.1413 [email protected]

Past President: Gregory Reed


Vice President: Abran Rivera

President—Jim Gude 23080 Homestead Way Tehachapi, CA 93561 760.762.7381 [email protected] Vice President— Abran Rivera 42526 57th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536 661.277.3026 [email protected] Past President— Gregory Reed 2248 Greenhill Street Rosamond, CA 93560 661.256.6144 [email protected]

Membership Austin Wicks 661.400.5768 [email protected]

President: Jim Gude

Board of Directors:

If you have any ideas or suggestions contact Mary Ann Paré at 661.256.3486 or [email protected].

April 1 CAI/RSR/GER Zone 8 Autocross at Festival of

Speed. CAI will be conducting Tech Inspection and Autocross Registration on the 1st. Volunteers needed! Call David Witteried, 760.373.1413 or [email protected].

7 Zone 8 Concours School 7 CAI Breakfast Meeting @ 9:30 Greenhouse Café 11 CAI Board Meeting @ 5:30 Zuma's Restaurant 14 CAI Zone 8 Rally page 5 16 GPX Day Away from Work Autocross @ Streets of

Willow page 8 21 CAI Tribute to LeMans Tail Gate Party at

Willow Springs (POC Race) page 10 22 SBR Zone 8 Autocross page 6 27-29 CAI Tour to Yosemite National Park

page 6 28 SGV Zone 8 Concours page 9

May 4-6 AZ Cinco de Mayo; 4th, Welcomed Party; 5th, Zone

8 Concours; 6th, Zone 8 Autocross 5 SAZ Zone 8 Concours (Cinco de Mayo) 5 CAI Breakfast Meeting @ 9:30 Greenhouse Café 5 CAI After Breakfast Tour to Descanso Gardens -

POC: Jim Gude 6 SAZ Zone 8 Autocross (Cinco de Mayo) 7 OCR Zone 8 Autocross 9 CAI Board Meeting @ 5:30 Zuma's Restaurant 12 SBR Zone 8 Rally 19 GER James Dean Autocross @ Shafter (Minter

Field) 19-20 LVR Drivers Ed, Spring Mountain 20 GPX Zone 8 Concours

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 2

a sports car for you! I logged onto col-lector car trader online and said “Let’s say you have nine-grand to spend. What kind of sports car shall we find for you?” He answered “How about an MG.” I quickly found a 1973 MGB for exactly $9,000. I then asked “Why not a Porsche?” To which he replied “You can’t buy a Porsche for $9,000.” An-other example of the “P” factor thought I. I then showed him several ads when a red 911 caught his eye. It was cheaper than the MGB and seemed in at least as good condition. In fact the little 911 looked so nice it tempted me as well. I wondered what my wife would think if I brought home a second Porsche? I have thought such things before and realize that the “P” factor can be dan-

(Continued on page 12)

come aboard Performance Products! By the time you read this, the

Speed Fest and the Calico Tour & Crnkovich Farewell dinner will be his-tory, thanks to all who helped; more details should be available in next month’s Winding Roads.

We have some great events in the near future. The day away from work auto cross at Willow Springs on April 16. The Tribute to LeMans Tailgate party and BBQ will be held at Willow Springs on April 21, and we will be making a tour to Yosemite on April 27-29 just to name a few.

There is something special about Porsches; I call it “P-Factor.” During a light moment while working with an associate who drives a little white box called a Scion, I said its time we found

Recently I was at Per-formance Products buying a new exhaust system for my Porsche. While there, I worked up the courage to ask

them if they would be willing to adver-tise in our newsletter. Soon Chris Beckham, their Porsche Products Man-ager appeared. We had a nice talk and I was very pleased when they purchased a full page ad in our newsletter. Per-formance Products (located in Van Nuys, CA) specializes in Porsche parts and accessories and have competitive prices. I like being able to step up to the counter and get my parts so I have been buying parts form them for years. It is my habit to stop by when my busi-ness takes me to the LA area. So wel-

As you will discover as you read this newsletter, we have a new advertiser. This month we are joined by Performance Products who have

taken out a full-page ad! When you make your next purchase from them be sure to mention their ad in the newslet-ter, and don’t forget that they offer PCA members a 15% discount on all purchases. In fact, try to make it a habit any time you visit one of our advertis-ers to mention your club affiliation. They like to know if their advertising dollars are well spent. Oh yes… a big thanks to Jim Gude for landing this ad, THANKS JIM!

The Valentine’s Progressive Din-ner was a great time! One of the things I like about progressive dinners is that about the time you feel it’s time to leave, you move to another house and the party starts over again. NOW that is fun!

I was hoping to have one of the participants write up a story but I got no responses to my solicitations. Luck-ily my patient wife volunteered after I groused that I would have to write something (in addition to all the other newsletter duties I have). Thanks Janice! When I submit our newsletter to the PCA National Newsletter Con-test I always look for newsletters with articles written by various members, the more the better, because this is one

of the things the judges like to see. So let’s make it easy for me to wow the judges by taking a few minutes to write up your thoughts after a fun event! Photos are welcome too!

April is going to be a busy month for the Cal-Inland Region. We are put-ting on an autocross with Riverside Region, hosting a Zone 8 Rally, break-fast meeting, and getting together for a trackside barbecue at the Porsche Own-ers Club Tribute to LeMans Enduro at Willow Springs Raceway. That doesn’t include two other Zone 8 autocrosses that I will be participating in! For the autocross we have 9 members who have volunteered to help with the event. Don’t forget to volunteer for our

(Continued on page 12)

By David Witteried — Editor

Bumper Smiles

By Jim Gude— President

Highways, Byways & Tracks

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April 2007 3

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 4

Once again our second Valentine’s Day Progressive Dinner was a huge success. Thanks to all of you who hosted the members, Margaret & Jonathan Berg-mann, Elaine & Ed Friend, and finally Richard & Sheila Semana who opened up their homes to us. And an even big-ger thanks to Alice Rivera who organ-ized the event.

The dinner started out with appe-tizers at the lovely home of the Berg-mann’s in Rosamond where we had a variety of delicious finger food. We were also treated to a very nice video of Porsches that Jonathan had made and played for our enjoyment on his big screen TV as we sat and visited.

Next it was time to move on to our next course in the dinner, “The Main Course.” After an exciting drive down 60th East Street on an ever-so-straight road we arrived at the Friend’s house where we were met by the aroma of a Hawaiian barbecue. This is the second year the Friends have graciously

opened up their home for us. Everyone got to meet their new addition to their family, a new puppy who just loved all the attention it was getting while the older one just acted like we were old friends. After a few minutes to let our appetizers settle it was time to dig into the barbecue. This was the first time I tried the Hawaiian barbecue and it was very good. There was plenty of food and of course this club loves to eat. During the dinner we raffled off a Val-entine Basket which we sold raffle tick-ets. It was won by Howard Burr for whom this was his first event with our Region. It must be good karma because it seems the people who come to their first event seem to always win the big

prizes! Now that we were full again it is time to move on to dessert which is waiting just down the road at the Rich-ard and Sheila Semana’s.

We arrived at the home of Richard and Sheila and the guys grabbed their plates of dessert and headed for Rich-ard’s pool table and his garage. There were plenty of desserts to choose from. We had cake, pies, cookies and cheese cake. I hear there was plenty of close competition going on in the pool room. Sheila said it gave her a break because Richard likes to play pool every night and she has to play with him. The rest of us sat around and enjoyed some great conversation.

All in all I have to say I think eve-ryone had a great time and would like to do it again next year. Our thanks go out to everyone for opening up their homes and to Alice for taking care of all the other details.

If anyone would like to volunteer for next year it is never too early!

Valentine’s Day Progressive Dinner By Janice Witteried Photos by David Witteried

Elaine Friend, Alice Rivera, and Janice Witteried enjoy appetizers at the Bergamann’s residence.

Greg Reed with Terri and John and Shirley Bumgarner, Austin and Patricia Wicks enjoy dinner at Ed and Elaine Friend's home.

Howard Burr was the winner of the romantic picnic basket.

A tasty Valentine's Day cake was presented for dessert along with pies, cheese cake, and coffee.

Asuting Wicks, Howard Burr, and John Bumgar-ner explore Richard Semana's garage.

Enjoying dessert and coffe at Rich and Shelia Semana's home.

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April 2007 5

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 6

You are in for a treat - Cal Inland is planning a trip to Yosemite April 27-29! This is a trip that we try to do about once every 3 years. Spring in Yosemite should be beautiful! Yosemite National Park is open year-round (though some roads are closed due to snow from No-vember through May or June). Yosem-ite is one of the first wilderness parks in the United States and is best known for its waterfalls, but with its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more. You don't need reserva-tions to visit or enter Yosemite Na-tional Park, but there is a park entrance fee that applies to all visitors. The en-trance fee is $20 per car, is valid for seven days, and includes all occupants of the car. Annual passes may be pur-chased for $40 per car - see website for information on other passes, etc.

Our plan is to leave on Friday, April 27th, for the approximately 4 hour drive, so we can be rested for a full day at Yosemite on Saturday and then Sunday folks can go back to the Park or head home. We will be staying in Oakhurst which is 15 miles from the southern entrance to the park. Rich and I made our reservations at the Best Western Yosemite Gate Inn which the club has used for our last two visits to Yosemite. (Checking in on 27 April and checking out on 29 April) We have always been happy with the accommo-dations and there is also a nice restau-rant attached. The rates are still pretty good this time of year - we are paying $75.60 for a non-smoking room with a king bed. Suggest you make your reser-vations as soon as possible. There are also heated outdoor and indoor pools and whirlpools/spa. Here is more info on the hotel - 40530 Highway 41, Oak-hurst, CA 93644-90621. Phone: 559-683-2378 or 800-545-5462.

We would like to meet at the Rosa-mond McDonald's parking lot between 12:30 and l:00 Friday afternoon and have a nice drive to Oakhurst with as many folks that can make it. If you

can't get away until later, we can plan to meet at the hotel restaurant at 9:00 for breakfast on Saturday and then head into the Park. Just let us know your plans and we will go from there. Our email address is [email protected] and our cell phone is 661-816-8667. Hope to see you there!

2007 Yosemite Tour By Mary Ann Paré

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April 2007 7

berly Crnkovich will be on Saturday March 17th to say good-by to our long time friends who are retiring and moving to Missouri.

Activities Chairperson: • Discussed the three events that

are coming up in April. • Volunteers will meet at

6:30am on April 1st at Speed Fest in Fontana. David Wit-teried is the person to contact if you need any information.

• Rich and MaryAnn Paré are the ones you need to contact to volunteer to help with our Rally on April 14th.

• Rich and MaryAnn will also be the point of contact for the Yosemite Tour. If you are planning on going I would suggest you contact them and get your hotel reservations

ASAP. • Tour in May:

Jim Gude will send out a flyer on the update. See front of newsletter for updates.

New Business: Talked about changing the date of the Moonlight tour to split the difference between the New Moon and the Full Moon in order to view the stars better. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Treasurer Report: Mike Forest now has all the paperwork and the check book. He gave his report.

Membership Report: See Austin’s report in the newsletter.

Newsletter Report: We now have some new advertisers. Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in our newslet-ter. Still looking for someone to take over the web page for David, the news-letter takes up a lot of time and with his racing I would like to have some time with him.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 5:50 p.m. In attendance: Jim Gude (President), Greg Reed (Past-President), Janice Witteried (Secretary),

Mary Ann Paré (Activities Chairper-son), Rich Paré, Mike Forest (Treasurer), David Witteried (Newsletter Editor), and Roy Jensen

Old Business: • The Progressive Dinner was a

great success. We will do it again next year.

• Still checking on doing a Con-cours. We are looking at pos-sibility doing one in Novem-ber. Would anyone like to volunteer to be the chair per-son? Marvin Snodgrass was mentioned as a possibility.

• The dinner for John and Kim-

Secretary’s Report By Janice Witteried — Secretary

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 8

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April 2007 9

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 10

PCA CAL INLAND is a club made up of a large, diverse group of individuals. Our choice of Porsche model is as var-ied as our families, employers, hobbies etc. With this column I’m going to try to talk to any of you who would like to tell us a little bit more about yourself, your P car passion or anything else you think the rest of us would like to know. If there’s enough interest I will try to make this a regular feature in our news-letter, Winding Roads.

With this, my first attempt, I will cheat and interview myself.

Hi everyone, I’m John Bumgarner, I’ve been a PCA member for three years. I first fell in love with Porsches

in 1975. I had a friend who bought a red 1975, 911SC. All of my other bud-dies looked at it and said he was crazy, do you know how many new motocross bikes you could buy for that much money {John is an avid dirt biker}. Not me, I just stood there looking at that car thinking to myself, wow it’s beautiful, some day I’m going to own one of these. My buddy then asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. That was it, I was hooked!

Fast forward to May 2005. I’m home from the hospital with 3 brand new titanium pins in my right femur (due to a little miscue while racing my motocross bike). With nothing better to do I start shopping for a Porsche online. I found a 1986 944, one-owner Porsche in San Diego. After convincing my wife, Shirley, that “WE NEED ONE,” I became the proud new owner of a very clean Porsche. One feature that I had never read about in Porsches is the hard braking and lateral G-force limiter in the right seat. Whenever Shirley is in the car with me and I get going at a nice comfortable speed on twisty roads, the limiter kicks in. If I brake too hard I get a groan and a little comment like “gee this thing sure has

good brakes.” It’s the same for turns with a groan and “gee this thing sure turns sharp.” Maybe it’s more of a ticket preventer!

I’m married and have three daugh-ters. The two youngest join me regu-larly at the monthly club breakfast meetings. The two of them spend a lot of time arguing about who is going to get my car when I buy my next one. They too have been bitten by the Por-sche bug!

Those of you who have been to the breakfast meetings may have heard Shirley or me talking about our horses. We live on five acres outside of Rosa-mond and have a horse or two -- well maybe it’s 11. Shirley has a business

Our Members By John Bumgarner Photos by David Witteried

John and Shirley Bumgarner.

John with his new Boxster S.

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April 2007 11

The award winning Cal-Inland Region is putting on its Lost in the "Other" Desert Rally II on Saturday, April 14th. This is a time-speed-distance rally which should be a lot of fun. We have plenty of volunteers to help run the rally, but we really need our members to come out and support your club by participating in the rally. We have cars coming from other regions, so it would be great to have a good showing for our club. The cost is $25 per car and all you need is a driver and a navigator. Other items to bring: time-of-day watch, clipboard, paper, pencil(s), and water bottle.

This event is hosted by the Cal-Inland Region of the Zone 8. You do not have to be a PCA member to par-ticipate. We welcome all cars with a driver and navigator, regardless of make. Bring a friend.

Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. at the Cinemark Theater parking lot across from Jet Hawk Clear Channel Stadium in Lancaster. The first car leaves at 10:01 a.m. Driver's meeting at

9:30 a.m. The rally will be approxi-mately 4 hours and we will end up at Zuma's Restaurant in Rosamond for an Italian Buffet, scoring and awards pres-entations.

Again, we really need your partici-pation in the Rally and the Buffet that Zuma's will be providing just for us. The cost of $15.00 includes tax/tip and all you can eat soup or salad, pizza, pasta, lasagna, garlic bread, unlimited soft drinks, coffee and tea. See you on the 14th!

called Wild Wind Warmbloods. She breeds warmbloods for Hunter/Jumper prospects. A warmblood is a cross be-tween a draft horse and a thoroughbred (race horse). You end up with a really fast nutcase that is really, really big and hopefully it’s been mellowed by the docile nature of the draft horse. The best example of what they are is on the World Olympics. If you watch the horses doing the great big jumps or the rider in the arena with the top hat and coat you’re watching warmbloods. I’ve been told that some day we’ll be rich and I can buy a brand new Twin Turbo.

The whole car driving experience is new to me. I’ve been a hard core off road/motocross racer for about 35 years. Hence the reason for the now two year old pins in my femur. I found out that there’s a big difference be-tween going fast in a Porsche and rid-ing a bike in the dirt. I have to admit that the car has a real big advantage in that I can take my wife along for the ride.

Since joining the Club Shirley and I have really enjoyed our new found friends. We look forward to the monthly breakfast meetings and driving tours. I tried one autocross at Willow Springs and I have to admit the speeds I was driving were a little intimidating to me. That was the first time I had driven a car to the limit, doing four wheel drifts with smoke curling off of all four tires. I have a couple of ideas for driving tours in the back of my head and hope to lead all of you on them in the near future.

I think this will wrap up my first attempt at this. If any of you have any ideas on how to improve on what I’m trying to do here, please let me hear them. If anyone would like to write their own bio/short story I’m sure eve-ryone would love to read it. David, the Winding Roads editor, is always look-ing for good stories to print. This is a great way for those of you that aren’t able to come to the various events to introduce yourself to the rest of us.

Just remember this Club is all about its members, all of them. If you are reading this that means you’re one of them too!

Thanks for reading John

Cal-Inland Rally — Come Play With Us! By Rich Paré

After the Rally the participants enjoyed a great meal before the awards were presented. Photo by John Crnkovich.

Drivers prepare to head out onto the rally route. All returned. Photo by David Witteried.

Awards were won! Greg Reed and David Wit-teried. Photo by John Crnkovich.

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Winding Roads

California Inland Region 12

thing to be seen in; like wearing a Ro-lex watch or flashy jewelry, sort of like rolling “bling-bling.” I call this attitude “negative P-factor.” Such was the per-son who previously owned my Porsche. He never drove it briskly through a canyon or appreciated its true virtue. He did not appreciate the engineering that separates a Porsche from other cars that simply look good. He simply wanted others to see him in it; as if it made him a better person or more ac-complished in some way. To me, that is like a beautiful woman who adorns a rich man’s arm, yet is never shown love. Sometimes I feel like I rescued my Porsche from an uncaring master; perhaps even like a knight saving a damsel from a tower. I think that those who read this publication know very well what I mean.

How wonderful it is to be in the PCA in which I have only encountered “positive P-factor!”

The “P” factor also manifests itself in a different way in each one of us. I see it in myself of course. Why is it that my Porsche resides under a car cover in the garage while my wife’s Subaru and my faithful truck sit outside in the snow and sun? I suppose it is because I per-ceive my Porsche differently. To me a Porsche is an exhilarating driving ma-chine which gives a feeling of freedom as I drive it. It also is a precision instru-ment and beautiful sculpture worth owning and keeping. Most of all, I think that a Porsche should be used for its intended purpose; a Porsche is a precision driving instrument. It is a car with which you may form a relation-ship. Though inanimate, a Porsche can be a loyal companion in competition or pleasant country drives.

For all of us, driving a Porsche makes us feel a step above those around us but sadly, some take this to an extreme, they drive a Porsche as if it is proof that they are in some way a superior person to those with lesser rides. To them, a Porsche is only some-

gerous and will manifest itself in differ-ent ways. My associate now understood a bit of the “P” factor as well. I wonder if I am doing him a disservice. Am I acting somewhat like a drug dealer giving away samples to an addicting substance? I well know that certain manifestations of the “P” factor can be very-very addicting.

The “P” factor is of course, the result of how people perceive Porsches. It exists as most people appreciate that Porsches are amazing and exclusive cars. People begin to say things like “There is an aura about them.” or that they are legendary cars, which is true. People perceive Porsches as very fast cars, even though some are not. Por-sches are perceived as being expensive (even when used), even though some are not. They are perceived as exclu-sive, even though some are not. Such preconceptions are not associated with cars like Nissans or Toyotas even though they are fine cars in their own right.

Highways & Byways (Continued from page 2)

By Austin Wicks — Membership

Membership News

There are seven members with March anniversary dates.

Frank & Joni Jackson 22 years, Ryan Bourgeois 1 year, Michael Gaimaro 1 year, Charles & Marsha Landess 1 year, Brian McKaye 1 year.

Congratulations to all!

Rally as well. We will need workers to man several checkpoints along the route, so call Rich Paré and let him know you’re willing to help (661.256.3486).

Last month I related that I had de-cided to overhaul my 31 year-old sus-pension with the expensive (but oh-so-cool) Elephant Racing parts. After de-bating with myself and talking to Rich Bessette I decided to place my Porsche in the care of TRE Motorsports in North Hollywood. I had heard good things about them from other members and decided to go with the profession-als. It appears that this was a good idea as they discovered a few worn parts that I probably wouldn’t have found or been equipped to fix (worn rear wheel bearings). I was sent some photos of the work in progress and noticed that all of my old parts had a nice new coat of paint on them, what a nice touch! I am looking forward to learning to drive my Porsche again as I am sure it will be a completely different feel (i.e. tight). I will keep you posted.

See you on the road!

Bumper Smiles (Continued from page 2)

New Polybronze bushing with grease fitting install in rear torque bar tube. Photo by TRE Motorsports.

New adjustable spring plate installation. Photo by TRE Motorsports

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April 2007 13

Commercial Ads

Ad includes a banner ad & link from our web site at Deadline for submitting new ads or for making changes to existing ads is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. We reserve the right to refuse to print any ad deemed inappropriate. Send ads to: David Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 [email protected]

Center caps for late model Porsche wheels. Silver with black design. Con-dition: As new: $50.00 (set of four). Mike Inman, [email protected]. 924 Porsche Turbo wheels manufac-tured only one year) and very rare. Complete set 6 X 15 in good used con-dition $600. Pictures available, Gary 650-968-8708 Fuch wheels (2) 7X15 and (2) 8X15 $900 for set, all straight. Pictures avail-able, Gary 650-968-8708 Dunlap Tires (4) 205/255 ZR16 – Sport Maxx, New $250 for set. Pictures available, Gary 650-968-8708 944 Turbo Rear Spoiler (86 thru. 89) Used good condition $400, pictures available Gary 650-968-8708 Porsche 944 Bumper Shocks – Used in good condition. $20.00 each. Gary 650-968-8708 Porsche 933 Steering Wheel with Airbag. Used - 4 spoke with Blue leather very good condition $200. Pic-ture available, Gary 650-968-8708 Porsche 924 Turbo transmission – Used works $300. Gary 650-968-8708. Porsche 911 Heat Exchanger (84 to 89) good shape, no rust, $150. Picture available. Gary 650-968-8708 Porsche 944 – Turbo engine 1987, runs good, complete clutch & bell housing, motor mounts, cross bar, clutch (new),exhaust manifold, updated manifolds, updated fuel line. Pictures available, $2,800, Gary 650-968-8708

Classified Ads No charge to PCA members. Ads will be left for a reasonable amount of time. However, please let us know when the item has been sold. Non-member ads: $25.00 for each 25 words (per issue). No extra charge to include photo. Ads are automatically included on our region web site. We reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any ad. Send ads to (e-mail preferred): David Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 [email protected]

For Sale… Size Month Qtr. Annual

Full-Page $85 $249 $960

Half Page $45 $129 $480

Qtr. Page $20 $57 $204

Bus. Card $8 $21 $72

Key Position* $150 $435 $1,680

* Key Positions.: Inside cover front or back, bottom ½ of back cover.

Zone 8 Representative Beverly Giffin-Frohm 760.727.6068 [email protected] Autocross Chair Michael Dolphin 626.798.2312 [email protected] Concours Co-Chairs Linda Cobarrubias 310.453.9602 [email protected] Doc Pryor 818.402.6264 [email protected] Club Racing Coordinator Vince Knauf 619.287.4334 [email protected] Rally Chair Tom Gould [email protected] Rules Chairman Tom Brown 760.942.2706 [email protected] Region Coordinator Gary Peterson 858.535.1800 [email protected] Time Trail Chair Paul Young 619.449.1768 [email protected] Web Master Tom Brown 760.942.2706 [email protected] Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias 310.453.9602 [email protected]

Zone 8 Staff

Page 16: Winding Roads - Witteried 9900 Susan Avenue California City, CA 93505 760.373.1413 ... Beckham, their Porsche Products Man-ager appeared

Our Next Event... April 14th

CAI Zone 8 Rally Entry form on page 5, story on

page 11.

Tribute to LeMans Barbeque

Cookout at Willow Springs Race-way and watch a 4-hour nighttime POC enduro. See page 10.

April 21st

April 27-29th

Tour to Yosemite Dbl-Overnight tour. See page 6.