window for wallingford · tuesday 24th, wednesday 25th: mortdecai thursday 26th: 7pm the crucible...


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Page 1: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE
Page 2: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE
Page 3: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE


thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordE D I T O R I A L

As I sat down to write my editorial this month, the awful events in Paris were prominent in every newspaper,on every TV station and all over the radio and internet.

In many ways, the Window for Wallingford is the complete opposite of Charlie Hebdo: we deliberately avoidcontroversial topics, believing that as a community magazine we are here to bring people together. Long-termreaders may recall that we didn’t get involved in the ‘Site B or Site E – or even Site A’ controversy. That was apractical decision, as if we’d printed views from one perspective, we would in fairness have had to print those ofothers which were equally strong. We also knew that realistically any stance we took would encourage some,annoy others and would change no minds at all. As Editor, I have on occasion declined to print views that werecontroversial, much to the annoyance of those who held and wanted to share them but I have always hoped theWindow for Wallingford would be an arena where people come together on the many ideas and hopes we share.I have also, on occasion, printed things I didn’t entirely agree with, but which were fair representations of what’shappening locally. I hope you could never see which things those were and that my editorial views have neverdistorted others’ contributions.

I do, though, as your Editor, have the freedom to make that decision. That freedom must always be valued,cherished and protected. The Window for Wallingford will never change the world, but will, I hope, do its jobworking for our community as those courageous cartoonists did their job in Paris, protecting the freedom to offendothers.

To a very, very tiny extent I hope we can all say ‘Je suis Charlie’ in their memory.

Lynda Atkins 839120Editor

[email protected]

Winchester - A City in the Making

February's talk to TheWallingford Historical andArchaeological Society

(TWHAS) will be by Ben Ford. Hewill present ' Winchester - A City inthe Making'.Ben is from Oxford Archaeologyand his illustrated talk will describe the archaeologicalresults from the largest recent excavations to bepublished from Winchester. He will discuss thechanging nature of peoples' lives and the city'sdevelopment from the Iron Age enclosure, throughthe Roman civitas of Venta Belgarum, to the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval streets of England's first capital.This talk will be held on Friday 13th February, 7.45 for8pm at Wallingford Town Hall. Visitors (£3) are mostwelcome.

Stu Darby

RNLI SOS – A Reminder

The RNLI S O S supper and quiz will be held atthe Masonic Hall on Saturday February 7th2015 7pm for 7-30pm start. Teams of 6.

Tickets are £10 each and available from Betty Pike835781 or Jan Roberts 835145.

Jan Roberts

Wallingford U3A

On February 4th, in Crowmarsh Village Hallat 2.00pm, Professor Gregory Store willspeak on " Charles Dickens as Social

Reformer and Medical Observer". Professor Store isan acknowledged expert in his field, and thispromises to be a very interesting meeting. It is alsoour AGM, but don't let that put anyone off. Thebusiness meeting will be very short. There isinformation on what we offer on our Have a look at it.Or phone Jill on 835994. Come and join us.

Deirdre Wilson

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bay in Meridian Court. If formalised approval would berecommended. An architect's report has beenrequested to inspect and recommend remedial workfor the Pavilion in the Bullcroft.

Concerns have been raised regarding pavementcongestion at Bus Stops. A letter is to be written tothe shops asking them not to encroach on to thepavements in those areas.

Several Grants were agreed:

The Cyclists' Touring Club will receive £100 towardsthe costs of a new leaflet.

Home Start will receive £300 to help with volunteer'sexpenses.

Oxfordshire Community and Volunteer Actionsubmitted a request to help fund a CommunityAmbassador. More information was requested toestablish how they are supporting Wallingford.

The Girl Guides had a sleep over at the Regal. Theyhave received a grant of £348.76 which covers thecost of the hire.

Oxfordshire Association for the blind help support 26people living in Wallingford. A grant of £500 wasmade to allow them to continue with this service.

Future Meetings

2 February – Plans and General Purpose9 February - Parks, Gardens, Allotments and Open Spaces16 February - Plans and General Purpose23 February – Tourism and Publicity

All meetings start at 6.30pm and are held at the TownOffices unless otherwise specified. Agendas and pastcopies of minutes are available from our or from the Town Offices.We always welcome any public participation andinvite the public to suggest any future agenda itemsover matters that they find important.

Councillor Teresa Harrison

Wallingford Town Council Update

During November and December we hadmeetings of the Finance & Properties, Personneland Plans & General Purposes Committees.

Councillors welcomed six participants to speak.

Martin Thompson gave an update on the BeaconYouth Project for Wallingford. An Oxfordshire basedcharity called Nasio, in partnership with WallingfordSchool and the Baptist Church, is planning to take over20 students to Kenya. The Friday night drop in sessionsis proving successful in helping those students at risk ofexclusion and those getting into trouble around town.

Ashley Kempson, manager of KP Stationers, spokeabout the special Christmas Farmers Market plannedfor Sunday 14 December.

Tom Fox of the Citizens Advice Bureau came tointroduce himself and to talk about any changes sincethe recent restructure. The advisors were noticingslight changes in the nature of the problems – less debtbut more queries regarding benefit payments.

Mark Brett of the 1155 club thanked the Town Council forthe use of the Kinecroft for the firework display. Fundshave been secured for the event next year and over £8000had been raised for local charities and organisations.

Elaine Hornsby came to ask for assistance with parkingfor Green Room performers at the Christmas Festivalon Sunday 7 December. It was agreed that theKinecroft should be opened up for the event if needed,although in the end it wasn’t.

Alison Smart spoke on behalf of the Cyclists' TouringClub Wallingford and to ask for help with the newcycle ride leaflet.

The County Council has objected to the Site Bplanning application. There are problems with thedesign of the junction by Wantage Road andimprovements required to the footpaths, but they arehappy with the site of the school.

There has been a review of subsidised bus services. Themost important service for Wallingford is the 135 whichprovides a useful link to the rail network at Goring.

The four new street names submitted for the Habitatsite are Imray, Tumum, Smith and Conran. Since thissubmission SODC has advised that Conran would notbe permissible so our backup is Habitat Way.

The USA Chicken planning application for longeropening hours continues to cause consternation. Arequest was received from the SODC planning officersuggesting a six month trial. Any problems should bereported to SODC or the Town office so that we canmonitor whether or not there are any problems withthe new arrangements.

An informal request was made for a disabled






FEET FIRST21 St. Mary’s Street, WallingfordContact Gary on: 01491 825224

Page 5: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE

What’s On at the Corn Exchange

CINEMA (performances start at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated)

Sunday 1st, Monday 2nd: My Old Lady (12A)Tuesday 3rd: KonTiki (15)

Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th: Unbroken (15)Friday 6th, Saturday 7th: The Hobbit, The Battle of the Five Armies (12A))

Sunday 8th: Walk the Line (12A). Sinodun Inner Wheel’s fund-raising evening for the Alzheimer’s Society.At 2.30pm

Sunday 8th, Monday 9th: The Homesman (15)Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th: The Theory of Everything (12A)

Friday 13th: Get on Up (15)Saturday 14th: Paddington (U) at 10.30am

Saturday 14th: NT Live showing of Treasure Island at 7pm (recommended children are 10+)Sunday 15th, Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th: Into the Woods (PG)

Wednesday 18th: NT Live, Treasure Island, family special at 2.30pmThursday 19th, Friday 20th: Testament of Youth (12A)

Saturday 21st: Paddington (U)Sunday 22nd: Testament of Youth (12A) at 2.30pm

Sunday 22nd: Monday 23rd: Wild (15)Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai

Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval)Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15)


Saturday 28th at 7.45pm: The Barber of Seville. The Merry Opera company makes a welcome return toWallingford with their sparkling new production of Rossini’s comic opera.


Supertrooper tribute band Gimme ABBA bring their new show ABBA As Good as New to Wallingford onFriday March 7th at 7.45pm. Packed with all the group’s famous songs, it promises to bring back

memories of ABBA’s golden age and is a must for all ABBA fans.

Direct from the National Theatre, an NT Live screening of David Hare’s new play Behind the BeautifulForevers (12A) will be in the cinema on March 12th at 7pm. Based on the book by Katherine Boo, it is set

in the slums of Mumbai and stars Myra Syal.

On March 17 at 7.15, Swan Lake will be screened live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Bookings can be made in person or by telephoning the box office, 825000 (between 10am-2pm Fridaysand Saturdays and 7-8 every evening) or online at

Listings may occasionally be subject to change. Please check website for up-to-date information and ticket prices.

Carol Evans



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most reliable way to get in touch, as I keep a very closeeye on my emails and can reply very quickly. I alsosend out occasional general interest emails aboutdevelopments in the Wantage and DidcotConstituency. If you would like to be added to thedistribution list, please do email me [email protected] or sign up at details can be found at

Ed Vaizey MP

Can you help us?

Wallingford Museum islooking for people tohelp with the running of

this popular attraction and wewould love to hear from you ifyou have half a day or more tospare once a month. Our band of volunteercustodians are critical to the museum's success andwe need people to greet visitors and be in attendancefor a morning or afternoon once a month betweenMarch and November. Our new displays for 2015include 'Wallingford's Royal Castle Revealed', and'Magna Carta and all that'. The exhibition coveringAgatha Christie's life in Wallingford has also beensubstantially re-designed to better show the displayswhich include some of her original letters.

No previous experience necessary other than a desireto meet people! Please contact Gerard Latham on01491 832224 or email him [email protected]

Gerard Latham

News from our MP

As you are all probably no doubt aware, by now,2015 is the year of a General Election. In myconstituency this is being held alongside

elections for both South Oxfordshire and The Vale ofWhite Horse District Councils and elections for manytowns and parishes.

The way people register to vote is changing and it isvery important that as many of you as possible havethe chance to have your say at the ballot box.Individual Electoral registration (IER) is beingimplemented which requires each person to register tovote individually rather than by household. Residentswho have automatically been re-registered on theelectoral roll will have received a confirmation letterfrom the returning officer, and will not have to doanything more.

To try and increase the number of peopleregistered to vote council staff will be visiting thehomes of those who are not registered, or whohave not sent back forms asking who lives at theproperty. These canvassers will always carryidentification badges, so please ask to see them,and there is no need for them to enter your homes.You can register securely online by or by contacting theshared elections office on 01235 540310.

Thursday May 7th (the date of the election) falls in a weekwith the May Day bank holiday on the Monday, so if youare planning to take this opportunity to go on holiday,please register for a postal vote as soon as possible.

As so many elections are taking place at the same time,counting the votes is being spread over several days.The General Election votes will be counted after pollingstations at 10pm on the night of 7th. District Councilcounts will take place on the afternoon of 8th andtown and parish council counts on 9th. If you areinterested in getting involved in any of these countsplease contact [email protected] ortelephone the phone number above.

As ever please feel free to contact me on any matter atthe House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, 020 7219 6350or [email protected]. Email is the quickest and

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thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordDidcot and Wallingford Ramblers

Tues 3rd 10:00 SU645820 Moderate 7 miles.Meet at Woodcote village hall car park. Walk toGreat Chalk Wood, Cleeve, Goring and

Elvendon Priory. Registered assistance Dogs only. Busfriendly. Contact Barry Cowlard 838707

Sun 8th 13.30 SU526882 Moderate 7 miles. Meet atEast Hagbourne at Upper Cross near the church.This is a monthly village ramble that varies from 5 to9 miles at a quick pace. Contact Paul Chambers01235 816365

Tues 10th 10:00 SU638788 Moderate 5.5 miles.Meet at Whitchurch Hill at the playing fields (just offB471) near to church. Walk via Coombe End Farmand Whitchurch. Dogs on short leads please.Contact John Rust 836563

Tues 17th 10:00 SU702868 Moderate 7 miles. Meetat Nettlebed at the Old Kiln. Walk through Warburgnature reserve, Maidensgrove, Russell's Water andPark Corner. Dogs on short leads please. Bus friendly.Contact Richard Birch 07719 692355

Fri 27th 10:00 SU666874 Moderate 6.5 miles. Meetat Nuffield Church. Walk along Grimms Ditch toHailey and Well Place. Dogs on short leads please.Contact Nuala Clements 835387

Sue White

Wallingford & District Art Club

Wallingford and District Art Club meets onTuesdays, 7.30-9.30 p m at Centre 70. On17 February artist Peter Keegan will

demonstrate painting a portrait in oils. Non-members are welcome for a fee of £5. On the otherTuesdays of the month there will be the usualuntutored workshops, where non-members arewelcome for a fee of £3. Please bring your ownmaterials and a project to work on at the workshops.For further details about this or futuredemonstrations please contact me on 825042.

Stephanie Toole

Thameside (Wallingford) U3A

On the first Friday each month we hold ourmembers Coffee morning in Centre 70. Soon Friday 6th February we shall be open as

usual from 10.30 until noon. Members are welcometo drop in for some excellent coffee, and anopportunity to catch up with friends, and discussevents planned for the next few months.

Every 3rd Wednesday we hold a speaker meeting.Our speaker this month will be Ian Keable with thetitle "Satirist to Insanity" - a talk on the brilliantdraughtsman and satirical graphic artist, JamesGillray, who was probably the greatest caricaturist inthe history of English satirical art. This is a perfect talkfor 2015 as it marks the bicentenary of Gillray's deathin 1815. Ironically, amongst all the celebrationsaround the Battle of Waterloo, it is Gillray whopopularised the image of Napoleon Bonaparte in theeyes of the general public at the time. This will takeplace on Wednesday 18th February at 2 pm in theBaptist Church.

This month's outing, on Friday 20th February, beginswith a conducted tour of the UK Supreme CourtLondon in the morning, and the Churchill War Roomsin the afternoon including 'Life in a Bunker' exhibition.

If you are no longer in full-time employment andwould enjoy any of these activities (and many morebesides) then you can find out about the U3A in thisarea by contacting our Membership Secretary MilliEaton on 835689, or see our

Jan Menzies


Fresh Coffee/Tea and Homemade CakesAvailable 8.30am – 4.00pm

Freshly made Baguettes/Sandwiches & RollsDelicious Hot Dishes

Available Lunch Time Only

Ample Parking/Free ATM Machine

Come and try our Café Restaurant, located inthe Manor House of Howbery Parkoverlooking our beautiful lawns and

new patio area

For any queries, please contact01491 822305

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Wallingford Carnival - Saturday June 20th

Once again it’s time to start thinking ofSummer and we are delighted thatWallingford Carnival will be taking place on

the usual date of the 3rd Saturday of June – SaturdayJune 20th. The theme of the procession will be TheCircus and will once again start from WallingfordSchool. A slight change this year is that there will alsobe a cash prize of £200 for the “Best Entry”.

The Treehouse School have kindly agreed to take onorganising this year’s procession and would like toget more groups, organisations and businessestaking part. We anticipate that the majority of entrieswill be walking floats but if you have access to anylorries or trailers that could be used in the processionthen please do get in touch. Please [email protected] if you would like totake part in this year’s Carnival procession ordownload the registration form

Sally Eccleston

Cottage Gardens

At the February meeting of the WallingfordGardening Club, Tony Clear will give anillustrated talk on Cottage Gardens.

Tony trained in landscape and amenity horticulture inSurrey and has been involved in horticulture for morethan 45 years. Moving to Worcestershire, he took upa position as assistant gardener at Spetchley ParkGardens, staying there for 17 years. He has beenHead Gardener at Brook Cottage Gardens nearBanbury for the past 20 years.

The talk will be held at Ridgeway Community Churchat 7.30pm on Thursday 12th February.

Visitors very welcome - £2.Isabelle Darby

The Oxfam Bookshop

Situated in the pedestrian area of St Mary’s Streetbetween the Market place and the High Street,many of you will be familiar with the Oxfam

bookshop. In January, you may have noticed that itwas closed for a couple of weeks and, newly paintedand refurbished, re-opened on the 21st.

We do have a wide and varied range of fiction, butin addition the Oxfam bookshop has a good stock ofnon-fiction catering for many interests from Art andArchaeology to Travel, via Biography, Cookery andPolitics, to name but a few of our shelf labels. All ourbooks are donations, but only books in near perfectcondition are put on the shelves and many are in factnew. The shop also serves the music lover with agood selection of CDs and vinyl and some sheetmusic. There are also postage stamps, old postcards,new greeting cards and to keep you going throughall this, we have Divine chocolate!

We are always in need of volunteers, whether for amorning or afternoon or just a few hours. Manyvolunteers enjoy sitting at the till and meeting thecustomers; others prefer to work behind the scenes,sorting, pricing and refreshing shelves. Whatever youchoose whether as customer or volunteer, it is apleasant, friendly place with congenial staff and wehope to see you soon.

Diana ChandlerShop Manager

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thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordStars in the Making?

Atop West End musical director is looking foradult and children singers to audition for partsin a sparkling musical extravaganza to be

performed at Wallingford Corn Exchange.

Composer and musician Rob Alderton’s companyCrescendo has devised the show to celebrate themusic of Richard and Robert Sherman. It will includewell known songs from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang andMary Poppins accompanied by a 60-piece orchestralscore, newly recorded by some of the finest musicianson Broadway and London’s West End.

The Corn Exchange is collaborating with Crescendoto present the show in March 2016. It will be semi-staged and lightly costumed and will feature a full-size replica of the famous Chitty Chitty car on stage.

Auditions will take place at the Corn Exchange onMarch 14 (principals) and March 28 (chorus).Children’s auditions will be on March 15. Recalls arescheduled for March 28 and 29.

For more information, including times and auditionsongs, check out the Corn Exchange website, or phone 839613/01296662129.

Carol Evans

Rugfest 2015

Across the evening of Friday 19th and all day onSaturday the 20th June 2015, WallingfordRuby Club will be hosting thousands of

families and festival goers at Oxfordshire’s ultimatefamily-friendly festival - Rugfest. Now in its seventhyear, this ever-expanding summer festival offers fansthe very best musical talent from across the country,tons of activities for kids and a superb range ofbeverages and cuisine. Wallingford has always had aproud tradition of supporting good live music andevents such as the Bunkfest and the Blues and BeerFestival - are noticeable dates on the Wallingfordsocial calendar. Rugfest is an addition to this traditionand is quickly establishing itself as “Wallingford’s

Summer Music Festival”. The organisers are greatlyindebted to the Bunkfest and Blues organisers fortheir support in creating what we genuinely hope willbe one of the greatest weekends of Wallingford’searly Summer. For more information

Guy Hewitt

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We hope that these lovely pictures will remind everyone of the high days of summer,as we sit in the depths of winter …

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BUSINESS or PLEASURE07862 72169801491 [email protected]

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Bizarre Findings at the TIC …

At the Town Information Office is under theTown Hall, one of the oddest things that havebeen handed in 2014, was the backrest from a

disabled scooter. Are you or do you know anyonethat has mislaid this part?

During the year many people take the time to pop inand deliver things they have found on the streets,benches etc. What may seem like nothing to you orme, such as a soft toy, could be a child’s mostprecious possession. We are also often handed inkeys, watches and jewellery.

If you have mislaid anything….. please pop in and seeif it has been handed to us.

More prosaically, for anyone wishing to walk fromWallingford to Benson, please note that the weir isclosed again (from 12 January) for further repairs andit is hoped that it will be re-opened about the 20February.

Lynne, Penny and WendyWallingford Town Information Centre

[email protected]

Come and Walk the Line withSinodun Inner Wheel Club

On Sunday 8th February we are organising aCharity Film Performance of the Johnny Cashfilm, “Walk the Line” at the Corn Exchange,

Wallingford starting at 2.30pm. Tickets are £7 eachand are available from the Corn Exchange Box Office,825000 or on line at

All profit is going to the Alzheimers Society, so wewould love to sell all the tickets so that we can makethe maximum profit for this worthwhile charitywhose slogan is “Leading the Fight againstDementia” The film won many awards and going towatch it will be a most enjoyable way to spend aSunday afternoon in February.

Hope to see you there!Eira E Hoare

President Inner Wheel Cluib of Sinodun

Wallingford Day Centre

We would like to say thank you to those ofyou that supported us through the Waitrosegreen token scheme during the month of


On the 13th March 2015 we will be holding a fundraising race night. If you would like to purchasetickets to attend the event please contact the daycentre. Tickets cost £6 each and this will includesupper.

If you can't attend on the night but would like tosupport us, please contact us on 836467 as we havea number of races and horses available to besponsored.

We will also be holding a raffle on the night andwould be very grateful for any donations of raffleprizes. Any money we raise will go towards activitiesfor the clients that attend the day centre.

Carol HarrisonWinterbrookNursing


18 Winterbrook, WallingfordTel. 01491 833922/0118 9668845Fax. 01491 836166/0118 9351862

WHERE CARE COMES FIRSTFor details of other activities, including mid-week prayer & housegroups, please contact our minister, Rev. Katherine Pickering

Telephone: 01235 813242

Thursdays 10-30-12.00 Call in for coffee and a chat

St Leonard’s Square

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thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordMinstrel T-shirts

Wallingford Minstrel T-shirts are still availablefrom Wallingford

Museum. These were on saleduring 2014 and proved popularbut stocks are now running out.There is now a final chance to buy these garments(various colours and styles) at a discounted price,from the Museum. The Museum volunteers are busypreparing new exhibitions for opening on 3rd March2015 - 'Wallingford's Royal Castle Revealed' , togetherwith a display highlighting Wallingford's mention inthe Magna Carta.

In the meantime, the highly successful Museumbookshop, with its constantly changing stock of goodsecond-hand books (all modestly priced) will remainopen during February. The shop will be open onFridays and Saturdays from 10.30am to 1.00pm forbooks and T-shirts!

Stu Darby

Shirley Hewitt 1934 to 2014

Shirley Hewitt wasborn on 24th June1934, and spent her

early years in Penwortham,near Preston, Lancashire.She was educated at thePark School, Preston andafterwards at theManchester College ofDomestic Science whereshe qualified as a teacher.During her time inManchester, she met GeoffHewitt, and they marriedin 1956. They moved toWallingford in 1957, whenGeoff got a job at the Atomic Energy ResearchEstablishment at Harwell and had two daughtersKaren and Alison, born in 1958 and 1959respectively. They remained in Wallingford for 57years, until moving in July 2014 to West Sussex to benear their daughter Karen.

Shirley became interested in local issues and joinedWallingford Town Council in 1987, always making anactive contribution. She remained a councillor for 12years and was Mayor of Wallingford in 1994/1995. Herfamily is very proud of her service to the community ofwhich they all felt a part.

Shirley was an active member of society in Wallingford.She was a founder member of the Churchwomen’sFellowship and a member of Ladies’ Circle. She wenton to be Chairman of Tangent, the ladies’ groupassociated with the 41 Club. She supported Geoff inhis work, travelling extensively with him both at homeand abroad until she reached her later years. They hadfriends in many parts of the world, which gave hermuch pleasure.

A skilled craftswoman, she was well known in herfamily for her knitting, sewing and lacemaking. WhenGeoff became President of the Institute of ChemicalEngineers she created a tapestry to cover a chair for theInstitute, which is still displayed at their headquarters inLondon. Alison has a dolls house full of exquisite rugsmade by her mother. Shirley’s celebration cakes werelegendary and her royal icing a work of art.

Shirley was grandmother to Nick, Julia, Chris andCharlie and she was as fond of them as they were ofher. She will be much missed by all her family. Shirleysadly passed away at home in Southwick, nearBrighton, on the 31st December 2014 aged 80 years.A funeral service was held on the 15th January atWorthing Crematorium.

Barbara Atkins


We offer friendly informed assistance and an excellentrange of books, audios and fine art stationery.Many titles not stocked can be obtained

within 24 hours

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Wallingford School StudentsFundraising for Orphans

When Wallingford School Pupils heard aboutthe plight of children in Kenya, orphaned byHIV/ Aids, through an Oxfordshire based

charity, the Nasio Trust. They decided they would liketo volunteer to go and help. So many students – 25of them - have signed up to the Nasio Exit 7 youngpeople’s programme that we have had to split thegroup into two trips. The first fourteen are leaving forKenya on 13th February for 10 days.

The students going in February will be travellingwith three adults from school and the local churchesin Wallingford, to a place called Mumias in WesternKenya. There they will be working with hundreds ofHIV orphaned children who are being cared for bythe Nasio staff team in day care centres, and willalso be building a fish farm which will provide foodand an income for the community. Other projectswill include building an orphan’s house,construction on a new medical centre and visitingand teaching in schools.

Each student is required to raise £1450 each andthere are currently 15 students and 3 adults going onthe trip. So far to date the group have raised about£11,000 through organising a music event inAbingdon, a Wallyfest event in Wallingford, weeklycake sales at school, and serving refreshments atschool parents evenings, a ‘20mileathon’ where year7&8 pupils at the school have helped by beingsponsored to run, walk, swim, bike (any physicalmethod of transport) 20 miles over January, which isthe equivalent distance in Kenya for people to travelto the nearest hospital.This along with local business and family networksupport has raised about half of what is required.With not much time before the trip, the group arefrantically working hard to raise funds, but moresupport is needed both for the February trip and thesecond trip. So do let us know if you or yourorganisation would be willing to support this greatinitiative – changing the lives of 25 local youngpeople and hundreds of children’s lives in Kenya,Our next event is a Cake & Coffee morning (includinga bake off) at the Baptist Church from 10am to 12pmon Saturday February 7th. We will serve coffee but

hope people will bring along a cake they have baked– which will be judged by an expert and then eatenby us all!

We are very grateful to the business partners thathave supported us so far which includes SOHAHousing, Oxfordshire County Council, Springs GolfClub, The Barn Fitness Club, Bean & Brew, VisionXS,Rides On Air, Rotary Club, Oxio, Elsevier.If you would like to get in touch or would like toknow more please contact me [email protected] or Nancy Hunt,Director Nasio Trust at [email protected]

Rev Simon Hudson

Could You Be A Friend to St Maryand St Leonard?

Do you enjoy having the Church in the Town Squareand the beauty of the beautiful Norman Church of StLeonard's? Have you ever used the Church ofEngland Churches in Wallingford for Baptisms,Weddings or Funerals or attended Services there?Whether you have or not for the fabric (walls, roof,windows, towers) to remain in good repair they needyour support.

The Friends was set up in 1982 to raise money fromresidents in Wallingford and surrounding areas tocontribute to the repairs to the fabric of the churches.You do not have to belong to either church to joinbut just have a wish to see the two churchescontinue to enhance the town and to be kept ingood repair.

Since 1982 over £140,000 has been donated to thechurches for repairs.None of the money raised goes to the actual runningof the churches - this is the responsibility of theParochial Church Council.

To become a Friend costs a minimum of £10 a year.The charity runs socials and meetings which you canjoin in. Please contact Sheila Findlay on 836517 ifyou would like to join.

Belinda Lee-Jones

Loft ladders supplied and installed. Retractable aluminiumand wooden ladders complete with new loft door.

Loft floor boarding if required

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Contact Peter WhittingtonTel. 01235 848681Mob. 07780 600818

Sunday Services

8am St Leonard – Holy Communion

10am St Mary-le-More – ParishCommunion with Children’s Church,All Age Worship or Family Service

6.30pm St Leonard – Evensong

For further information see

Team Rector: The Revd David Rice Tel: 01491 202188

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Page 15: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE


thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordWallingford Country Market – Taste

it Today

Come and sample a variety of our Home-Bakedgoods and enjoy a free cup of tea/coffee too onFriday, 13th February, 2015 at the Regal Centre

from 8.30 – 11.15 am. All our usual home produceditems on sale, including special cakes and gifts forValentine’s Day. All enquiries to our Market Manager:Tel: 01865-890649 or, why not pop in and see us oneFriday morning.

Gwen Strong

Wallingford WI

The February WI meeting will be on 4th at 7.30at the RIdgeway Community Centre. RichardWestcot will be talking about Secrets of a

Pantomime Dame. The evening is open to all. Tickets£4 including refreshments, details from 835265.

Carole Wilsher

Concert in Dorchester Abbey for theNasio Trust

Following their highly successful fundraisingconcert for the Nasio Trust in 2013, BerkshireBrass (director Dave Richards), Didcot Community

Gospel Choir (Sarah Tenant-Flowers and DorchesterAbbey Choir (Jeremy Boughton and Tim Cook) returnby popular request for another joint Nasio fundraiserthis February, on Saturday 28th February at 7.30 pm.

The programme ranges from Baroque to Gospel withsomething for everybody in between! Entry is free witha collection at the end of the concert, which goes tothe Nasio trust (after expenses). The Nasio Trust is aregistered charity based in Oxfordshire and Kenya.

In just over 10 years The Nasio Trust have built two daycare centres in Western Kenya, offering support to overthree hundred orphaned and vulnerable children. Atthe centres the children are given food, an education,medical care, support and of course lots of love. In theUK our unique youth programme, offers young peoplethe chance to take part of a life changing experience.Through fund raising and sharing in positive activites,local young people can volunteer to work on ourvarious projects in Kenya. The two way relationshipenhances both communities.

This concert concert is the first of many fund raisingevents which will culminate in a group of about 20teenagers travelling to Kenya in February 2016. Thegroup will be made up of children mainly from allover South Oxfordshire. For the first time we will beworking with a school from inner city London whowill also make up part of the group.

Jeremy Boughton

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Page 16: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE



Councillors Needed

What matters to you in Wallingford? Is itplanning for future housing needs, thestate of the park, the need for more

activities for young people, protecting older people,improving the roads and parking, or ensuring thatthe Town Centre and our local businesses can thrive?Whatever needs changing you could be just theperson to change it by becoming a Town Councillor.

Town and Parish councils are at the heart of manycommunities in England. In May 2015, there will bean election for the 16 Councillors who make upWallingford Town Council. Many of our existingCouncillors will be standing down, and we needmore people to come forward to support our mostlocal level of government.

Being on the Town Council is a chance to work withtogether to enhance our Community. Groups madeup of diverse individuals tend to make better-informed decisions. It is important that councilshave Councillors who not only reflect and representthe communities they serve, but also have a broadrange of skills and life experience. Skills gainedthrough raising a family, caring for a sick or disabledrelative, volunteering or being active in faith orcommunity groups are just as valuable asprofessional experience. Candidates for WallingfordTown Council almost always stand as Independentcandidates, so you don’t need to have any particularpolitical affiliation.

It is important that the Town Council effectivelyrepresents the Community which it serves, and assuch we need more people like you to putthemselves forward. As a Councillor who also has afull time job, and a young family, I can tell you that itis possible to get involved - no contribution is toosmall, if we all work together we really can make adifference to our Town.

If you would like to explore this further, pleasecontact me, or any other member of the Council –including the Editor of the Window for Wallingford.We would be happy to talk to you about the work ofthe Council & what it is like to be a Councillor. Pleasecome along to one of our meetings to see how it allworks – we meet on a Monday evening at 6.30pm –the schedule of meetings can be found on ourwebsite

There is more information about being a Councilloron the Local Government Association website,

Cllr Jane TitchenerMayor of Wallingford

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Page 17: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE


thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordLooking forward, Scouting Community Week is inOctober 2015 this year and so we are on the look outfor Community Projects to lend value to around town.Where you have something that you think we can helpwith, please get in touch!

We’re always looking for new volunteers to support our100 Young People, principally at evening meetings.Please get in touch if you’re looking for fun, flexibleopportunities to work with young people within agreat organization framework that includes training,support and teamwork.

Helen LiddarGroup Scout Leader

2nd Wallingford Scout [email protected]

A big thank you to all Rainbow, Brownie, and GuideUnits who took part in 'Dress a Tree' at St Mary’sChurch, they all looked amazing! Many thanks also goto Norma Hiscock, who was a Brownie Guider with 3rdBrownies and tirelessly raises money for local Guidingwith her stalls in the Market place and at bazaars. Hersupport year after year is very much appreciated.

Ann Goddard Div Pres

Sinodun Inner Wheel Club were delighted to be ableto make a cheque presentation to Maggie Blanks of

The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund for £505.95.The money was raised at the at their Christmas raffle.

Eira E HoarePresident Inner Wheel Cluib of Sinodun

Reasons to be Proud of Wallingford

I just want to say a big 'thank you' to two very cheeryand friendly ladies who comforted me at the time of myaccident on 5th November in Wallingford outside FirstEdition. I went for a Burton on the uneven pavementand damaged my hip. My thanks too go to the FirstEdition ladies who kindly supplied me with a lovelywarm blanket, which was very comforting in A & E atthe JR Hospital. Thanks too to the fantastic ambulancecrew, all extremely appreciated.

Maggie Daw

Thank you for your brilliant support at our ChristmasSale on Saturday 6th December! We had a very busymorning and a magnificent total, with late sales, £591,50% of which is on its way to Tearfund’s appeal for thefight against the ebola virus in Sierra Leone while theother 50% is going to Rosebank School in Mathare.Both very much appreciated.

That was our last sale for 2014 and it’s been a delightto see so many of you. We hope to be back again inMay 2015

Julia Howard and Twinks Kerr

The 2nd Wallingford Scout Group had a superb daywith amazing results on 23rd December as we wereinvited to bag pack in Waitrose and through thewonderful generosity of the people of Wallingford andDistrict, £740 was donated. Outstanding generosity!We packed bags, gave directions, pushed trolleys tocars and in one case even took shopping home forsomeone! I had some lovely feedback about the qualityof the interaction that customers had with the youngpeople. Thank you very much to Waitrose, Julia Biddellof Community Matters, to you where you contributedto that amazing total and thanks to all of our hardworking Scouting helpers.

The Scout Post is a (wonderful) Wallingford wintertradition and we love providing this service. Over 3,000cards were delivered between 11th December andChristmas Eve by a team of around 50 helpers toWallingford, Winterbrook and Cholsey addresses. Ourefforts were rewarded with the £900 we made fromthis service. Thank you to the Cholsey Scout Group and2nd Wallingford Scout Group, their extended familiesfor all the sorting and deliveries and to the 2ndWallingford Scout Executive Committee for their skillsand hard work needed to deliver the logistics of theoperation. Santa has a spare team of Elves in themaking there, should he ever need them!

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Page 18: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE



Every Monday, Friday and SaturdayCoffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12First Monday The Music Club for children with disabilitiesand additional needs call Sophia Nicholls 07768 298 297or Julie Hinton 01189 722322Every Monday Optimists over 50 Badminton, RegalCentre 2.15 – 4Every Monday Table Tennis at the Regal Centre, 7.15 - 10.00pmEvery Tuesday Lunches at Methodist Church Centre12.30 pmEvery Tuesday Wallingford and District Art Club, Centre70 at 7.30 Every Tuesday, 2 – 4 Age UK Games Afternoon atMillington House Second Tuesday PiP’s Carers’ Support Group, StMary’s Church, 2pmEvery 2nd and 4th Tuesday, Young at Heart Club 2 - 4at the Masonic Centre. Every 2nd Wednesday NCT Sling Library at St Mary'schurch, Wallingford 10-11am2nd/4th Wednesdays Henley Philatelic Society Bix VillageHall at 7.45 (not July/August)Every Wednesday 6pm at The Methodist Church - Boys'Brigade ages 5 to 18Every Thursday Coffee Morning, Methodist ChurchCentre 10.30 to 12 Every Thursday Wallingford Photographic Club 7.45Crowmarsh Pavilion (not July/August)Every Friday Wallingford Country Market 8.30 – 11.15 inthe Regal Centre.Every Friday and Saturday, Coffee at the Corn Exchange,10 – 2 with soup from 11amEvery Friday and Saturday Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12Every Friday - Charter Market in the Market PlaceEvery Saturday WAGS Store open at Centre 70, 10-12Most Saturdays Local Producers’ Market, Regal Centre 10 – 1 Every Sunday Wallingford Runners meet for a run. Contactnumber is now 07720 204783 or 07919 692532 Second Sunday Wallingford Model Club meet at the FireStation 10 till 5. All welcome. Tel George Clark 200841

WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD is published on anon-profit making basis and is compiled and

distributed entirely by volunteers.

All material published is copyright and may not becopied, stored, reproduced or transmitted in wholeor in part by any means whatsoever without thewritten consent of the Editor.

The opinions expressed in this magazine are notnecessarily those of the Editor. The Editor ispleased to receive material for publication, butreserves the right to amend or reject it at herdiscretion.

Editor: Lynda Atkins39 Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JX

Telephone: 01491 [email protected]

Distribution Manager: Andrew Blackwell,7 Chalmore Gardens, Wallingford, OX10 9EP

Telephone: 01491 - 825991

For adverts/inserts, contact Albry Printing Co. Ltd.Telephone: 01491 - 836282

Publication Date: 1st of the month

2nd Town Council Plans and General Purposes Committee meeting

4th Wallingford WI Secrets of a Pantomime Dame

4th Wallingford U3A: Charles Dickens

7th Cake and Coffee at the Baptist Church for the Nasio Trust

7th RNLI SoS quiz and supper

7th Toy Library for Children with Special Needs and their families. Contact Pamela on 07717280995

9th Deadline for copy for the Window for Wallingford

9th Town Council Parks, Gardens, Allotments and Open Spaces Committee meeting

12th Gardening Club talk on Cottage Gardens

13th TWHAS talk: Winchester in the Making

17th Pancake Race in the Market Place

17th Farmers’ Market

18th Thameside (Wallingford) U3A: Satirist to Insanity

16th Town Council Plans and General Purposes Committee meeting

23rd Town Council Tourism and Publicity Committee meeting

26th Collection and Distribution day for The Window for Wallingford

26th RBL Branch Meeting, 7pm at the Masonic Centre


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Page 19: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE

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Page 20: Window for Wallingford · Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th: Mortdecai Thursday 26th: 7pm The Crucible from The Old Vic (3hrs 37min inc interval) Friday 27th: A Dark Reflection (15) LIVE