windows admin interview questions _ tech interviews

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  • 8/6/2019 Windows Admin Interview Questions _ Tech Interviews


    n ow s a m n nterv ew qu est onsBy admin | September 3, 2004

    1 . Describe h ow the DHCP lease is obta ined . Its a four-step process consisting of (a) IP request, (b) IP

    offer, IP selection and (d) acknowledgement.

    2. I can t seem t o access the Inter net , dont h av e an y a ccess to th e corpora te net work a nd on

    ipconf ig m y address is 169.254.*.* . W ha t h appened? The 1 69.2 54.*.* netmask is assigned to

    Windows ma chines ru nning 9 8/2 000/XP if the DHCP serv er is not av aila ble. The nam e for th e technology

    is APIPA (Au tomatic Priv ate Internet Protocol A ddressing).

    3 . W eve i nsta l led a n ew Wi ndows-based DHCP server , however , the u sers do not seem t o be

    gett in g DHCP lea ses off of it . The serv er mu st be auth orized first with the Activ e Directory .

    4. How can y ou force th e cl ien t t o giv e up th e dhcp lease i f you h av e access to th e cl ien t PC?

    ipconfig /release

    5. W h a t a u t h e n t ic a t ion opt ion s do W in d ows 2 0 0 0 S e r ve r s ha ve f or r e m ot e c l ie n t s ? PAP, SPAP,

    CHAP, MS-CHAP an d EAP.

    6. W ha t a re t he n etworkin g protocol opt ions for t he W indows c l ients i f for some r eason you do not

    wan t t o use T CP/IP? NWLink (Nov ell), NetBEUI, AppleTalk (Apple).

    7 . W h a t i s da t a l in k l a y e r in t he OS I r e f e r e n c e mod el r e s p on s ib l e f or ? D a t a l in k l a y e r i s l oca t e da b ove t he p hy s ic a l l a y e r , bu t b e l ow t h e n e t w or k l a y e r . Taking r aw data bits and packaging them

    into fram es. The netw ork lay er will be responsible for addressing the fram es, wh ile the phy sical lay er is

    reponsible for r etriev ing a nd sending r aw dat a bits.

    8. W h a t i s b in d in g or d e r ? The order by wh ich t he netw ork pr otocols are used for cl ient-serv er

    comm unicat ions. The m ost frequently used protocols should be at t he top.

    9. How d o c r y p t ogr a p hy -b a s e d k e y s e n s u r e t he v a l id i t y of d a t a t r a n s f e r r e d a c r oss t he n e t w or k ?

    Each IP packet is assigned a ch ecksum , so if the checksum s do not ma tch on both receiv ing and

    tr ansmit ting ends, th e data wa s modified or corrupted.

    1 0. Should we deploy IPSEC-based securit y or cert i f icate-based securit y? They are really two different

    technologies. IPSec secur es the TCP/IP comm unication and pr otects th e integrity of the packets.Certificate-based security ensures the validity of authenticated clients and servers.

    1 1 . W ha t is LMHOSTS f i le? Its a file stored on a host ma chine th at is used to resolv e NetBIOS to specific IP


    1 2. W ha t s th e dif feren ce between forwar d lookup and r ever se lookup in DNS? Forward lookup is

    na me-to-address, the rev erse lookup is address-to-nam e.

    1 3 . How can you r ecover a f i le encry pted us ing EFS? Use the domain recov ery agent.

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