winona health 2006 annual report


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Page 1: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

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Winona HealtH2006 annual RepoRt

Page 2: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Winona Health is pleased to share our �006 Annual ReportThis annual report has been created to further communication between Winona Health and the Winona regional community and to thank our many supporters. It is distributed to our many friends and colleagues and is available on our website,

If you have any questions about the information contained in this report, please contact:

loretta Bronson Chief Communication Officer 507.457.4116

Other Marketing/Public Relations staff who contributed to this publication include:

Michelle Foerster Graphics/Web Content Specialist 507.457.4136Jennifer olson Community Relations & Development Coordinator 507.457.4161Karen Sibenaller Marketing Communication Coordinator 507.457.4157

ContentSLetter from the President/CEO .......... 3

Letter from the Winona Health Board Chair ................ 4

Winona Health Board of Directors ..... 5

Featured Stories

The most precious gift ....................... 6

It’s the little things ..............................8

A family bond ....................................10

Tell her that I love her.......................12

Letter from the Winona Health Foundation Board Chair .............................................14

Winona Health Foundation Board of Directors ................................15

Thanks to our donors

General Contributions .....................16

In honor of ..........................................16

In memory of .....................................17

Story: Seeing the Difference ........17

Story: A Lesson in Giving ..............20

Gifts in Kind ........................................23

Happy Occasion ................................24

Remembrance Fund ........................24

Story: Giving the Gift of Time ......25

Financial Report ....................................26

More information about Winona Health can be found at

Page 3: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

From the President/Ceo:

new appreciation for healthcareI am passionate about local healthcare and its value to the community. I see firsthand every day the difference the people who work at Winona Health make in the lives of our families, friends and neighbors.

In September, I unexpectedly became a patient of our local and regional healthcare systems. While driving home from a conference, I lost my vision. Fortunately, my colleague safely guided us to the side of the road. She wanted to take me to the hospital, but, of course, I “felt fine.” However, hearing the concern in her voice, I called one of our local physicians who advised me to be seen immediately; since I was in Rochester, he told me to stop in the ER there. So I did. It was still unclear what had happened, as my initial tests came back fine. I was kept overnight for more tests, and the physicians diagnosed a small stroke. Further tests identified a hole in my heart (from birth) from which a clot had escaped, so I had a procedure to close the hole.

Thanks to advanced medical technology, clinical protocols, and skilled physicians and staff in both Winona and Rochester, my healthcare experience had a great outcome. I am fine, healthy and back to my normal activities. I know firsthand the vulnerability a patient feels. And I also know firsthand the feeling of care and compassion that can only come from those who have made a commitment to patients/residents. The stories you will read in this Annual Report resonate in my heart as I am sure they will in yours—this is real life.

In addition, my advocacy for high quality, local healthcare and strong regional relationships has grown, and my personal commitment to Winona Health’s mission has taken on a deeper meaning. All of us who work for our community healthcare system pledge to continue improving our patients’ healthcare experiences. Please know that your support and patronage of our healthcare services is deeply appreciated.

~ Rachelle H. Schultz president/Ceo

Rachelle SchultzPresident/CEO

WinonA HeAltH ’S SenioR mAnAgement teAm

Rachelle SchultzPresident/CEO

Mike AllenChief Financial Officer

Loretta BronsonChief Communication Officer

Nancy BrownExecutive Director of Development

Sara Gabrick, RN, MSNChief Nursing Officer

William GouldChief People Resources Officer

Kathleen Lanik, RHIT, CPHQChief Health Information Management Officer

Mary Miller-Hyland, RNAdministrator, Lake W inona Manor

Charles Shepard, MDMedical Director

Page 4: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

From the Board Chair:

A moment to ref lect It’s with great pride that Winona Health’s Board of Directors reviews the organization’s 2006 accomplishments, knowing that they serve as building blocks for even greater things to come.

And “building blocks” is an apt phrase. Winona Health’s most visible change was the completion of its $32 million building project, which houses state-of-the-art surgical suites and an Outpatient Diagnostic Center for Lab and Imaging Services. In addition, the three-story Medical Office Building now includes two new Winona Health Physician Clinics on the third floor—a Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic and an Eye Care Center. This new building also allowed Winona Clinic, an independent physician clinic, to move onto campus. So the community’s primary healthcare providers—including Family Medicine of Winona—are now conveniently located in one area.

This close proximity has led to increased collaboration. Winona Health and the independent physician clinics now have a united recruitment strategy to bring additional healthcare providers to the area. This collaborative approach has resulted in the hiring of seven new providers, which means better local access to healthcare services.

Those local services are top notch: Community Memorial Hospital scores in the top ten percent for its care of heart attack and pneumonia patients, when compared to 300 peer hospitals involved in the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services’ project to improve patient care. Premier recognized CMH as a “top performing” hospital in its care for heart attack patients, and Winona Health Home Care received national recognition as a “best practice agency” for preventing patient rehospitalization.

I also am very proud of my colleagues for approving a program that requires each board member to complete 20 hours of healthcare governance education each year, something that is essential in this day of increasingly complex issues.

We have much to be proud of in our local healthcare system, which was established 112 years ago. All of us involved with Winona Health pledge to build on these strengths to ensure “best practice” healthcare for years to come.

~ Gary evans Winona Health Board Chair

Gary EvansWinona Health Board Chair

Page 5: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Winona Health Board of Directors

Scott BiesanzDirector

Dave BiniusVice-Chair

Susan E. CornwellVice-Chair

Vicki DeckerDirector

Cindy DonahueDirector

Gary EvansChair

Joseph J. GreshikDirector

Herb HighumDirector

Mark JacobsDirector

Matt Broghammer, MDDirector

Hugh MillerDirector

Daniel Parker, MDDirector

Rachelle SchultzPresident/CEO

Mark WagnerDirector

Jack “Butch” WalzDirector

Ken MogrenDirector

Page 6: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

the most precious gift: time together


Page 7: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

After almost 61 years of marriage, Gene and Louise Bell are inseparable. When health issues brought Louise to the Emergency Department at Winona Health’s Community Memorial Hospital (CMH), Gene was right by her side. Louise was admitted to the hospital, and her doctor determined that she needed exploratory surgery.

After successful surgery, Louise began her recovery in CMH’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). “I spent most of the nights with her in the ICU, and I was well taken care of, too,” said Gene. “I got to know a lot of the staff, and those nurses were on the ball. They took such good care of her.

“One day a lady stopped in and brought us cookies. It was just so thoughtful,” Gene said. “After she left, someone told me it was the CEO [Rachelle Schultz].”

When Louise was stable enough to leave ICU, she spent two weeks in the hospital’s Medical/Surgical unit then began rehabilitation at Winona Health’s Lake Winona Manor.

Louise is happily back home again and says of her healthcare experience: “I felt like I was being taken care of. All the nurses were so caring. And I always knew Gene was there. I’m just so used to having him with me—and, of course, that helped. I’m doing great—I really am. I’m not as strong as I used to be,” she laughs, “but I’m not as young either!”

Remembering the weeks of waiting for Louise to recover and grow strong enough to return home, Gene’s voice fills with emotion, “Everyone at the hospital was just so wonderful. And we made it through…we all made it.”

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Today Mother had difficulty threading a small, fine needle for her sewing machine. She needed help, and who did she meet in the hallway but Paul, the maintenance manager. He threaded the needle on the first try, according to Mother. Wow, was she impressed! And the kindness that he extended to her reinforced all her special feelings for the Watkins Manor staff.

You may regard this incident as small, but she claimed this made her day, enabling her to use her sewing machine for her mending. (Remember how important mending is to a depression-era lady!)

I wanted to pass this on as one more example of your special place in this world that I hear about all the time. Please thank Paul. And, again, thank you for creating the culture that makes Watkins Manor so special.

~ As told by the son of Watkins Manor resident Marie

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it’s the little things

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A family bond

Page 11: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

There is a special bond between a father and a son. That bond manifests itself in many ways, and, for my Dad and me, it involved baseball. In 1956, when I was five years old, my dad bought me my first ball, bat and glove. He taught me to how to throw and catch the ball and how to swing the kid-sized “Louisville Slugger.” I remember him coming to watch me play: I was never any good, but that didn’t matter to him.

In 1987 I took my parents to games six and seven of the World Series. Together we watched our Twins clobber the Cardinals and win the Series. It’s hard to put into words how incredibly special that whole experience was. Anyone who knows my father knows how much he loves sports, especially baseball. For me it was a way to say thanks, and to experience that special bond again.

The amazing people who work at Lake Winona Manor accomplished some-thing truly wonderful: a trip to the Metrodome in Minneapolis for a bus load of residents to see the Twins play. Somehow they managed to get a skybox on the second level above right field. It was an amazing day for the residents, volunteers (how grateful I was to be one of them!) and staff.

I know my dad had a great time. For me, it wasn’t so much about being at a Twins game. It was about being with my father, sharing the bond of baseball that now spans half a century. That fun, crazy and unexpected Lake Winona Manor Twins outing was a life event that touched my heart, and I will cherish it forever.

~ As told by Kevin Thode, son of a Lake Winona Manor resident

Page 12: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

If not for the expertise of Community Memorial Hospital’s Family Birth Center team, our holidays may not have been so happy. Before our baby was born, we had heard from several friends about the wonderful staff in the Family Birth Center, but we were still pleasantly surprised when they exceeded our high expectations. From the birthing class to the post-labor care, we experienced the service, support and compassion that we had heard about from others. And, in our family’s case, the nursing staff had to perform well beyond what is normal…

During the birth of our daughter, my blood pressure dropped to a dangerous level, and I felt the room starting to go black. I recall hearing that my blood pressure was 58/28, and, as a healthcare professional (I’m a paramedic), I knew I was in trouble. In that instant, I thought I was going to die, and I remember telling my husband to “tell her that I love her, and I love you, too!”

I believe that had it not been for the close monitoring and quick actions of your Family Birth Center team, I would not be here to see my daughter grow up. Your staff is wonderful, and we know that we owe my life to them. Without them, Bailey’s life may have been very different. Our hope is to have more children, and our plan is to have them right here in Winona.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

~ As told by Heather and Brad Grinsteinner

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tell her that i love her

Page 14: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

From the Foundation Board Chair:

A tradition of sharingDo you read magazines from the front, back or middle? Depending how far from this particular page you started, you might have noticed the recurring theme that runs through this publication. That theme is “sharing,” and what a perfect theme it is for what the Winona Health Foundation is all about!

Because so many of you have experienced the joy that comes from sharing your gifts with the Winona Health Foundation, the list of benefactors on the following pages is impressively long. On behalf of the Foundation, I want to thank all of our donors for their generosity.

I also want to acknowledge and thank the people who comprise the Winona Health Foundation Board of Directors. These people share generously of their time and talents in serving our community through their involvement in the Foundation.

The sharing that comes from so many people in so many ways enables the Foundation to assist Winona Health in carrying out its mission of “improving the health and well-being of our family, friends and neighbors.” Woven tightly into that mission are the principles of caring and sharing.

Winona Health wouldn’t be the fine healthcare organization it is today without the tradition of sharing that exists in our community. As Winona Health strives to become an even better organization, it’s important to continue that tradition of sharing into the future. The Winona Health Foundation is dedicated to that purpose.

~ Ken Mogren Winona Health Foundation Board Chair


Ken MogrenWinona Health Foundation Board Chair

Page 15: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Winona Health Foundation Board of Directors

John Mulrooney, MDDirector

Rachelle SchultzPresident/CEO

Jack “Butch” WalzDirector

Barb WinbushDirector


Mike AllenTreasurer

Andy BlomsnessDirector

Steve BlueVice Chair

Judy BodwayDirector

Nancy BrownSecretary

Bob GilbertsonDirector

Jim KillianDirector

Ken MogrenChair

Ellen AlexanderDirector

Jerry KellumDirector

Page 16: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Ellen L. AlexanderMichael & Kimberly AllenAmerican Lung Association of

MinnesotaAnonymousIsabelle AurdalJohn BormanMadelyn BrockertAllen Brugger & Lorna FratzkeCedar Valley Lutheran Church,

Women of ELCACentral United Methodist WomenBrantly P. ChappellChildren’s Miracle Network Rita & William ClarkIone M. Crutchfield EstateCredit Bureau Data Inc.Culvers Frozen CustardSusan J. DayMaebelle ElliesFirst United Methodist WomenSteve & Susie GessnerBill & Heather GouldMary Grafton-KroghGrand Rapids Area Community

FoundationJoseph S. GreshikLorraine GrieselJim & Shannon HanzelGloria HassingerElizabeth R. Hughes EstateJohn “Hondo” Hughes Immanuel United Methodist

WomenThe John D. & Cathine T. MacArthur

FoundationKasson United Methodist WomenKiwanis SunrisersPauline & Harland KnightAlex & Judy KreidermacherKraus-Andersen Construction


Laird Norton Company LLCThomas H. Laken EstateDiane & Jim LangowskiCatherine LechelerGary & JoAnn LemkeMaurice’sMcKinley United Methodist

WomenMiller Felpax CorporationMinter Enterprises of Winona, LLCMLPNA/AFSCME - LOCAL 105Sally & Ken MogrenDr. John & Marlene MulrooneyJoyce MurphyBud & Karen NystromHarlan Oech EstateOrder of Eastern Star #141Kathy RedigRuth RobinsonRobinson FoundationSusan & R. Peter RoehlGeri RussellBernice Safranek EstateSt. Matthew’s Lutheran ChurchGlenn R. & Elaine SandersEdward & Phyllis SchabackerCraig & Paula ScheevelDoris SchoenikeRachelle & Robert SchultzGrant SchuthJ. Donald Stedman EstateLarry & Christine StoltmanSugar Loaf Ford Lincoln MercuryT. R. Hennessy Family Charitable

TrustUnited Methodist Women - KassonUnited Methodist Women - Lake

CityUnited Way of Greater WinonaDurga & Santhi VegeWatlow Winona, Inc.Jerry & Judy Whetstone

Tom & Chris WilmotWinona Community FoundationWinona Health AuxiliaryWinona Health EmployeesWinona National BankWinona National Bank Employees Frank E. WohletzMarvin & Pamela WolfmeyerCarol L. Zimmerman

in honor of

Dr. Horace J. AndersenMargaret K. Drugan & FamilyGertrude Votruba

Maurice AndersonKay & Todd Brugger

Dr. Daniel R. BarrCommunity Memorial HospitalJim & Shannon HanzelGerald & Patricia NealCarol A. OrlowskeSOFA Committee

CMH Medical StaffJames & Ruth Carroll

Gloria Conrad – Happy Birthday

John & Kathleen Eustice

Gary EvansJoette & Michael Gostomski

Father J. Thomas Finucan – 50th Anniversary in the Priesthood

Doris A. & James G. Killian

Jim Hanzel – 20th Anniversary as a Cancer Survivior

S. Quinn Hanzel

Donna J. Helble – 2005 Miller Tribute Award

Deb & Bob LeafHugh & Vera MillerRTP Company

Rita Husman – 80th Birthday Jim & Shannon Hanzel

David & Jackie Mahlke – 50th Anniversary

Marge & Ken Poblocki

Evelyn D. McKinneyArlene Rhode

Roger & Ramona Metz – 45th Anniversary

Pat & Cletus Hanson

George & Eleanor OleinikThom & Robyn Kieffer

Our FamilyColetta & James Berg

Dolis B. ReglinMatt & Lyla Vetter

Rebecca J. Reinarts – 80th Birthday

Charles & Nancy Scovil

Chuck & Joy Rohm – 50th Anniversary

Karen & Ernie Rossa

Francis Runkel – Happy Retirement

Carol Byrne

Joe Schultz, Jr. – 80th Birthday

Pam & Al Mueller

Barb SlaggieJoette & Michael GostomskiJean Knutzen

to our BeneFaCtors:

thank you for sharing!The names listed on the following pages reflect gifts made to the Winona Health Foundation between October 1, 2005 and September 30, 2006. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. We apologize for any omissions or errors and encourage you to contact Nancy Brown, Executive Director of Development, at 507.457.4342 or nbrown@ if you notice any inaccuracies. Gifts made toward the Hospice Tree of Lights are listed in the local paper throughout the holiday season.


to ouR StAFFIn addition to the individuals and organizations listed on these pages, Winona Health gratefully acknowledges our employees. Thanks to their hard work and service excellence, Winona Health is able to live our mission to improve the health and well-being of our family, friends and neighbors.

Page 17: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Judy & David Stoltman – Wedding Wishes

Charles & Betty MeyerMatt & Lyla Vetter

Dr. & Mrs. James V. TestorRoberta Testor

Winona Area PhysiciansGoltz Pharmacy, Inc.

in memory of

Wilfred Albrecht FamilySharon Budnick & Brian

Gladys E. AndersonRobert & Della Pearson

Florence BablerRichard & Nancy Waldo

Paul BackesAgnes BackesPat Dolan

Irene E. BambenekChris & Stacey ArnoldSharon BudnickBeverly EngelJane & Michael Voelker

Lowell W. BarkheimCarol & David Ayers

Mary BarrDr. John D. & Betsy Rowekamp

Seldie BartelsonLaVerne & Darlene BartelsonScott & Barb BartelsonPhilip & Virginia BrockhausenDuane & Connie ChadbournJoel & Jennie CorcoranLawrence & Lila EideFamily & FriendsBrian Finlayson & Karen Holte

Marlene & Charles FlanaganWinifred JenkinsonMichael JereczekAllen & Jean JonsgaardGary & Carol JonsgaardMargaret & Wayne KronebuschGary & Bernita LangowskiElaine LuksaCharles & Betty MeyerDuane & Bonnie MeyerSusanne Rivers

We often take our health for granted, not realizing our lives could change in the blink of an eye. That is exactly what happened to Bill, a hard-working local farmer who began losing his vision.

Ophthalmologist Tom Casperson, MD*, diagnosed a rare and progressive form of cataracts. Dr. Casperson, along with Winona Health’s surgical staff, performed laser and lens implant surgery on Bill’s right eye to restore his sight. When Bill began losing sight in his left eye a few months later, Dr. Casperson again recommended surgery. Bill wanted to proceed, but began to worry about his ability to pay.

“My first surgery was a blessing, and I couldn’t have been happier with the care I received and outcome. To continue farming, I knew I needed the surgery for my left eye,” Bill said. “But, being self-employed, I can’t afford health insurance so I didn’t know what to do.”

Bill was referred to a Winona Health patient account representative who told him about the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund. It is designed to help meet unexpected medical expenses incurred at Winona Health. Bill completed an application and met the Fund’s qualifications; both his eye surgeries were paid in full.

“I wouldn’t have had the second eye surgery if I hadn’t been informed about the Patient Care Fund,” Bill said. “I would have gone blind and, more than likely, not have been able to farm or enjoy hobbies such as fishing and working on cars. When I was

told my surgeries were paid for, I felt a huge sense of relief and was overcome with emotion. I am so grateful for the Winona Health Foundation and those who have donated money to the Patient Care Fund to help people in my situation.”

The late Benjamin A. Miller established the fund in honor of his wife Adith. In 2006, the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund helped 230 individuals cover $528,000 in medical expenses. The Fund raises money through individual donations, the annual Ben & Adith Miller Golf Classic, which raised more than $150,000 in 2006, and the Ben & Adith Miller Tribute. To learn more, please call 507.457.4579.


Seeing tHe DiFFeRenCe in WinonA HeAltH


Page 18: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Walter BartzPearl Prudoehl

Carl BarumSharon Budnick

Bettylou BaylonPhoebe C. BambenekErika & Bob GilbertsonRay & Ila JohnsonNorene & Rodney Oppriecht

Ralph BechlyJerry & Judy Whetstone

Hugo BenedettPearl Prudoehl

Dawn BenkowskiLoretta & Mark BronsonCommunity Memorial Hospital

Ann BenterSharon Budnick

James BergWalt & Bunny BennickColetta BergBob & Susan BriggsSharon BudnickLeone H. DeedrickKaren EngelLynn EnglundScott & Barbara FabianLou Anne FarleyJeri L. HartmanDebra HeidenJake IlikaMelanie JohnsonMary Jean KinzieVickie KlingerMr. & Mrs. Paul KrageLake Winona Manor Rehab StaffLana T. LaraErin LattenCarol A. MaschkaGina & Michael McRaeRoger & Ramona MetzJoann NicholsDebra J. NortonGerald Polson

Mary Jane ReedDave & Kayla RitterLinda SchombergNancy ScovilCliff SeabernLinda & Darin T. ShepardsonNola & Gary SkappelNancy A. SlabyBill & Kathleen SquiresJack & Gerri TaylorYvonne M. TindalSandra & Ronald E. TomberlinKay Walsh

Bert BeyerstedtLawrence & Rill Reuter

Marie BohnDuane & Diane BohnBarb & Steve Slaggie

Gerry BornhofenGloria & Karl Conrad

Doug BoyerAlexandra BoyerGail Boyer HayesRoberta M. Bumann

James F. Brom, Sr.Community Memorial Hospital

Audrey BronkHer ChildrenHer GrandchildrenFamily & Friends

Butch & Debbi BronsonMichele & Ivie Popplewell Family

Mary M. BundyCarole ForestShirley SobeckBarbara Weinberger

Doris BurmeisterRichard BurmeisterMary Jo DuellmanGary & Ellen EvansCass & Mary GordonSandra KauphusmanShirley A. KauphusmanDan & Natalie Matejka

Roger BusdickerAnonymousBud & Karen Nystrom

John “Jack” CadaJack AndresenPatricia A. CadaJohn Ellis & Carole Padgett-EllisDerek & Cathryn EspyFamily & FriendsDonald & Marcelline FenskeFaye GeibMary & Greg HagenDan & Dorothy HoytLarry & Carol PartingtonSteve & Kimberly RenkAnn SchultzLou Anne SchwarzJim & Barb Skeels

Wilma CerettoDr. Horace J. & Rose AndersenMartin AndersenMatt AndersenPaul AndersenDiane BargeJeanne BollerSue & Jack CornwellMargaret A. CrossDiana & Michael CyertDarlene & Arnold DammermannAudrey K. DegnanMary & James EddyKaren & O.J. FawcettDr. Arnold & Alanna FenskeJudy GerdesJim & Shannon HanzelCarol & Jim HillAnn & Brian JunkerAlma KellerRich & Bev LindsethDavid & Jacqueline MahlkeLynn MaiSusan & R. Peter RoehlEllen WerkleyJohn & Peggy Youngstrom

Ruth P. ChurchLaurel & Thomas ChurchEdith & Byrle Tschumper

John M. CrossSusan & R. Peter Roehl

Ione CrutchfieldDavid & Muriel ArnoldCal & Char AshSharon BeckerT. Elaine BorchardPenny & John BreitlowGayla ClemonsRobert W. CrutchfieldHarold & Betty DattaBob & Paula DrummNorma DudenBonnie & Bob FlomLinda & Samuel FrankHarold & Dorothy GidelDoris A. & James G. KillianJean KnutzenLaurie R. LucasShirley & Will ObertonRichard & Sandra PopeBill & Mary PopeRobert P. SchreierRussell & Sheila SeversonDon & Susan TrandemJames A. TrendaDavid & Joan WickstromMary & Bill WieczorekWinCraft, Incorporated Inside

Sales Staff

Arthur J. CunninghamAce Self StorageJudith BruggerMary Mikrut

Roxanne CyganekLoretta & Mark BronsonCommunity Memorial Hospital

Hazelle DeckerNorman & Janette DeckerPam & Al Mueller

Charles O. Deedrick, Sr.David & Normagene Pettersen

Donald De MarceYvonne M. Tindal

Gladys DrussellSharon Budnick

Bea Du PeeJodie Heim

Lois DuelBetty BreitenfeldtDoris A. & James G. Killian

C.J. “Dutch” DuellmanDr. L.J. and Ramona EnglishTom & Peggy GrahamBud & Karen NystromDon & Donna Peterson

Donald EchelardMinnesota State College Southeast

Technical Social Committee

James L. EricksonYvonne Tamke

Doris FabianCommunity Memorial HospitalBeverly EngelRick & Julie Galewski

Kathy FabianSharon Budnick

Thomas FabianSharon BudnickChuck & Patty Nuzum

Maurice FabianBeverly EngelRick & Julie Galewski

August FahrendholzLaVerne & Darlene BartelsonDan & Dorothy HoytDave & Kayla Ritter

Anne D. FergusonBob & Susan BriggsSharon BudnickTom J. Casperson, Jr.

Wilbert E. FettingElaine Fetting & Family


Page 19: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Elly FitzloffJames & Linda ConlonDaniel R. FitzloffPeter & Betty FitzloffMaryAnn & Tom Severson

Edwin FletcherPam & Al Mueller

Sarah Florin-WeraMerlin & Pat Ellinghuysen

Nellie FoegenCharlene & Tom Jaszewski & FamilyJudy & John Kampa & FamilyCindy Pickering & FamilyMarilyn & Ed Wilber & Family

Joshua J. FrameSharon Budnick

Elsie E. FriedBeverly Engel

Grace F. FruetelSue & Jack CornwellFamily & FriendsKendell Doors & Hardware, Inc.Marian McMillanCraig & Diane Zeches

Richard GielowSharon BudnickCommunity Memorial HospitalMerlin & Pat Ellinghuysen

Barbara E. Gilbertson-QuarveLeroy & Lynn Jasnoch

Eleanor GiversonRuth AndersonPatricia Harris

Marlys GoekeCommunity Memorial HospitalClarice B. Solberg

Sada GoldbergMary & Russ AndersonJack AndresenDon & Elaine CarlsonErika & Bob GilbertsonMike & Joette Gostomski

Grace TamborninoClaudia Nixon GrandCindee & Marvin GurewitzNancy & Patrick HullGerald & Patricia MaherJohn & Sheila PetersonSentry Insurance Legal DepartmentWilliam & Susan TewsSusan & John Wilkerson

Helen GoraDonna ErnstSharon & Richard FlattenDavid & Carole Fratzke

Robert GrieselLeonard & Rosemary BernatzVic & Bonnie BertelAnn BohriCraig & Gretchen CordtFamily & FriendsCharlotte GepnerBob & Joan GleasonBelva & C. J. GrajczykEllie GrieselGloria HassingerElizabeth R. HughesBill KoutskyRuth KoutskyWilliam LindquistRobert C. & Mary K. McMahonMrs. R. E. MiesbauerHugh & Vera MillerEvelyn ModjeskiMary K. MurphyBeverly V. NatheMary NatheBetsy SawyerHarold & Carol SchuhBob & Rosemary ShoupLillian SpencerMary F. SteffenJim & Mary TestorBernie & Janet WagnildDavid WickstromMary & William WieczorekJohn & Betty Woodworth

Lucas P. HaaseSharon Budnick

Willard HaedtkeSharon Budnick

Susie HainesLaVerne & Darlene BartelsonRobert & Donna JenkinsonWinifred JenkinsonPatricia JonsgaardGary & Bernita LangowskiLorraine McFadden

James HartertGloria & Karl ConradDr. L.J. & Ramona English

Thomas G. HassingerCommunity Memorial Hospital

Richard HegleEricka & Bob Gilbertson

Georgine Heinz LeavittCarol Byrne

W.F.C. HeiseEdmund J. Mrozek Estate

William HeiseBob & Susan BriggsDr. L.J. and Ramona EnglishKaren & O.J. FawcettErika & Bob GilbertsonBob & Joan GleasonCarol & Duane JackelsMary Burrichter & Bob Kierlin Barb & Steve Slaggie

Melvin HendersonJohn & Helen PetersonSteven & Susan SchneiderJames & Mary UphoffKen & Penny VenusWinona LightingKathy & Mark Yackel

Perry W. HendersonSharon BudnickCommunity Memorial Hospital

Mavis HendicksonChris & Harley Antoff

Francis HengelAce Self StorageJudith BruggerSharon BudnickDon & Sandra CurtinRebecca J. ReinartsWilliam H. Reinarts

Mary A. HengelPam & Al Mueller

Dianne R. HeyerSharon BudnickLeo & Susan Fausch

Arnold HochSara & Shadow GabrickKathleen & Jim Lanik

Noel HolstScott & Sharon Tolleson

William HostettlerSandra K. Creeley

Henrietta “Honey” HowardAce Self StorageJudith Brugger

Ruby HuebnerPearl Prudoehl

Elizabeth R. HughesPenny & John BreitlowBetty & Richard DarbyJohn C. DarlingtonNorma DudenCarol & Jim HillPhylliss Mae JohnsonGary & Linda KreterCurtis & Barbara MihmJeffrey & Molly PetersonJeanne SchoeningMarilyn SchwabSt. John’s Dorcas SocietyGeraldine R. TaylorWinona County Old Settlers

AssociationRomadel Rian & Warren Wunderlich

Matthew HunterMara Repinski

Robert R. JacobsPaula Stephens

Loren “Larry” JaeckelsDr. L.J. & Ramona English

Winifred “Winnie” JenkinsonDarlene BartelsonMarlene & Charles FlanaganJerry & Lanell GerlachIrene LangowskiKenneth & Coleen PetermanKathy & Robert Redig

Mary “Betty” JezeskiRobert & Geraldine BuelSusan J. DayFlorence GoetzmanJoseph KostickJoyce O. LocksElla E. RambergBeverly Spande

Rees JohnsonChris & Tina Smith

Verdyl KaufmannBeverly Engel

Edward L. KauphusmanSharon Budnick

Bruce KeilKathy Redig

Bernard J. Kennedy, Sr.Candi & Steve Kohner

Dorothy KlaggeLillian Spencer

Judith KluzikRebecca J. ReinartsWilliam H. Reinarts

Betty KorteAnonymousBeverly Engel


Page 20: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report


Marie KowahlCommunity Memorial HospitalDr. & Mrs. John D. Rowekamp

Mary T. KronebuschLaVerne & Darlene Bartelson

Paul & Patricia KronebuschDennis & Paula Trevor

Charles A. KubicekFlorence Goetzman

Mildred KubicekFlorence Goetzman

Arlene KuklinskiSharon BudnickJean Lauer

Maurice LabelleRTP Company

Thomas H. Laken, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Dave AdankJerry & Mickey AlfredsonChris & Stacey ArnoldJune & Gordon BallardRobert & Connie BattenMarie BergRebecca A. BomgaarsTom & June Brand

Alice A. BreitungSusan & David CarlsonDr. Bill & Judy DavisPatrick DuffyMerlin & Pat EllinghuysenGary & Ellen EvansKaren & O.J. FawcettMr. & Mrs. Tom GrahamJim & Shannon HanzelHelen R. HartwichJoyce & Dennis HendersonMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. HennessyPauline & Harland KnightRoberta M. KondertLaura & Joseph Kovacevich

Geraldine & Gorden LafkaKeith & Virginia LakenBernie & Judy LeannaMichaie & Mike LeitchSean MalayJack & Hope McNamaraCora-May PolachekWill PolachekWilliam & Lois SandbergCharles & Judy ShepardHarold & Louise StreaterT. R. Hennessy Family Charitable TrustWinona Community FoundationFrancine A. WojciechowskiTeresa A. Wojciechowski

Luther LanderFamily & FriendsPhylliss Mae JohnsonJames & Sheri Maier

Roy A. LarsenRobert & Darlene Roraff

Lyle LeeRick & Julie Galewski

Patsy LibelJim & Shannon Hanzel

Michele Martin LiethaA.E. & Mary Helmueller

Growing up on a dairy farm near Lewiston, Pearl and her family understood the importance of hard work, generosity and giving back. In the 1930s, a terrible snowstorm hit during the night and lasted three days, causing a train to derail near their family farm. The men working on the train, shivering from the subzero temperatures, soon came knocking on their farmhouse door looking for food and shelter.

Pearl, 20 years old at the time, clearly remembers her mother in the kitchen making warm plates of food for the freight train workers. When a grateful gentleman offered Pearl’s mother spare change for the family’s hospitality, she declined, saying,

“Our family doesn’t charge; we give.” Those powerful words made a lasting impact on Pearl, who, now in her 90s, continues to live by her mother’s example and gives to those in need.

For more than 30 years, Winona Health’s Community Memorial Hospital has been a recipient of Pearl’s generosity. Her donations started, Pearl remembers, when she spent almost two months at the hospital tending to a brother who was dying of cancer. In gratitude for the care he received, she began making donations.

“I like giving to the Winona Health Foundation because they reach out and help so many people,” said Pearl. She especially appreciates the hospital’s staff, who more recently have cared for her as well. “Dr. Morales, Dr. Kelly and Dr. Retzinger have all taken such good care of me. I am so appreciative of my doctors and the staff in Parkview Pharmacy for always looking after me.”

Pearl has made both memorial and tribute gifts to the Winona Health Foundation. Several of her gifts honor the ambulance service, the police and fire departments, as well as her doctors for their care and compassion. As another token of her appreciation, Pearl also has brought her doctors canned pickles from her garden.

The Winona Health Foundation is grateful to donors like Pearl who believe in the generosity of giving. More than 70 years after her mother set an example, Pearl continues to demonstrate how well she learned that lesson in giving.

A leSSon in giving

Page 21: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Gloria SiewertEleanor K. Woodworth

Sylvester “Syl” LillaSandra & Peter EdwardsLeroy & Lynn JasnochEugene Kaehler

Francine LipinskiDarcy & Timothy BruggerLa Vonne Carroll

Colleen & Ray CenfieldDarla Jokela

Daniel “Pete” LoweryJim, Gayle & Jessica ArndtWalt & Bunny BennickRosemary & Thomas GriffithePhylliss Mae JohnsonKeith, Paula, Lee & Ryan KulasVirgil & Joan LaakMr. & Mrs. Jerry LoweryJerry & Jannette Pflughoeft

Lester LuehmannAudrey Luehmann & Family

Steve LuehmannAudrey Luehmann & Family

Leroy “Butch” LuksaElaine Luksa

Ruth MaasEugene Kaehler

Helen MahlkeSharon BudnickEdward & Jane Kohner

Beverly H. MastenbrookBetty & Richard DarbyElaine DelaneyReg R. DupreDuane & Rose EvansAlice & Eugene Gile Marlene HemseyJennifer J. Heydt-NelsonMaynard Johnson & Nancy DenzerTom & Jackie KimberCandi & Steve KohnerFrederick J. & Laura L. Krause

Peter & Leslie LehnertzPatricia MarkwardtBeverly Mastenbrook FamilyRobert & Gina MikolsDaniel & Mary PaulsonEugene & Luena PruterRTP CompanyCarol & Thomas SauererScharmer & Sons, Inc.Ronald & Marianne ScherbringJanet M. SimpsonDean & Sharon SingerRichard & Sharon SingerGilbert & Barbara StewartHoward & Gladys Volkart

Phyllis A. McClenathanPhyllis A. McClenathanMike & Kim AllenCarla M. & Eric P. AndersonTodd AndersonMatt & Missy BarnholtzCharles & Barbara BassDouglas BastianBarb & Daryl BazalGale BeardsleyBrian BeckerJulie A. BehounekWalt & Bunny BennickDon BerglerPaul BethScott & Deb BirdsallKen & Gail BittnerMrs. & Mr. Darlene BjorakerLarry BlanikRoland BolandRon & Barb BuegeJudy BunkeChuck & Tami Jo BureshEdward BureshJohn & Cindy BureshMary K. BureshJill & Travis BuxengardLee & Pat BuxengardJames & Ruth CarrollDr. & Mrs. David A. ChristensonMartha ClemmensenMark Collum

Community Memorial HospitalGloria & Brian ConnerLeAnn ConradSuzanne CooleyAnna Mae & Jake CrawfordGretta DahlRuth & Jerry DalleskaTim DaltonHenry & Audrey DeblonTerrie DeBoerMark & Sandra DenglerRon & Ruth DoblarDiane & Harley DoebbertArvin & Kathy DruvengaGeorge & Jerry DuhacekBruce DunbarLucy DunnChad DuttonKent & Joyce DzurickMary & Jim EddyMichael & Shirley EideMarvin & Gladys EllinghuysenTina EngelMike EngenLynn & Mark EnglundGerry ErdmanczykDiane EricksonTerry & Denise EricksonRandy EvensonBill FalkowskiFCSLAWilliam & Joan FishburnJohn & Wendy FlorenceConnie FosdickDolores FosdickSue FrauenkronRoger & Joanne FritzSue FroschDelores GahnzRick & Julie GalewskiJudy GerdesAndrew GersonKathy Green-KaminskyChuck & Jewell GullettAdele & Roger HalbergGreg HagenKay Harris

Brian HassingerKaren & Richard HastingsJon HaugenLaVern & Nancy HauschildtJo HawkBill HaxtonJim HeadMarilyn & Bill HemmeMs. Lindsey HendersonAda HengelTed & Beth HessSue HillDede HindsDane HofmeisterBrent HoinessJodi J. HoofHelen JacobsonTravis & Julie JohnsonRick & Kristin JohnsonJean JonsgaardPeggy JoswickJudy JungeMike & Betty KaschmitterPatti KelsoLoren & Sharon KleinAndy KlinskiBrian KnutsonBruce KoehlerAlfred & Maxine KoprivaJim & Sandi KoprivaTom & Judy KoprivaLois LadewigDarlene & Daryl LafkyKathleen & Jim LanikEdie LarimerCarolyn & Phillip LarsonErin LattenLewiston Sportsmen’s ClubSteve & Helen LoertsDenise LoeselRon LundRick LyonsLeAnn MacLennanDave & Barb MarchwickDavid & Barbara MarchwickGary MasonerNatalie Matejka

Cean McClenathanDean McClenathanElza McClenathanLeonard McClenathanMelvin & Phyllis McClenathanNathan & Bethany McClenathanBob & Nancy McClenathanSharon & Jeffrey McClenathanIvan & Lois McElhineyCarmon McEntafferLiz McGroryBarbara MeinkeJohn & Shirley MicheelJack & Pat MillerJames & Ruth MoesBecky MonroeTom & Joan MooreArdell & Trudy NelesestuenDr. Michelle L. O’BrienJim PalmerChuck PathmanJohn & Ludmilla PerkinsGary L. PetersRick & Joe PodjaskiFred & Barb PrindleBruce & Mary ReeckMark & Jean ReisetterChris RippEverett & Patt RolfingMichal Sloan RoskosMike RuhbergRita M. SchallauBarb SchmidtLuAnn SchmidtknechtDr. Ann SchmittLinda SchombergMichelle & Jeff SchuelerDr. Charles & Judy ShepardJim & Susan SobottaCharles & Patti SpangMs. Michelle StarkMike SteinkeJo & Jerry StejskalSandy StieverLarry & Christine StoltmanWally & Leona TheileMark & Pat Thomas


Page 22: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Ann Sullivan & Wayne RendahlJim & Agnes SullivanLarry & Maureen SuttonMary TenorioGreg & Renee ToftChuck ToulouseKathleen UlbrichMatt & Lyla VetterJerry VoightsNancy Wagner Chris WalderaRosemary WeltzienTerry & Marilyn WestbyJerry & Michele WestropeMarge WhetstoneLloyd & Linda WieseWinther, Stave & Co., LLPMike & Deb WolfRobert Zak

Linda (Wilber) McCutchenJean Wilber

Ruth Mary MertesGene & Lois FrankHarold & Carol Schuh

Arthur J. MillerThe Art Miller Family

Benjamin A. MillerSteve & Laura MakiMichele & Ivie Popplewell FamilyLarry & Christine Stoltman

Marion MillsMrs. & Mr. Fred Doeden, Jr.The Gary Mills Family of Lewiston

Bernadine ModjeskiValentine Modjeski

Judy MolisCommunity Memorial Hospital

Stanley MorcombGertrude Votruba

Robert E. MuellerRobert W. & Laurel Mueller

Marsha K. MunsonChris & Harley AntoffBob & Susan Briggs

Cristina MurphyGloria & Karl ConradCarl & Marilou Kiehnbaum

Evelyn MurphyBob & Duella Murphy

Milda C. NationHelen & Arthur BakerMarvin BakerAdeline R. EricksonKathy Redig

Charles R. NewellAnonymousScott & Sharon Tolleson

Raymond Orlikowski FamilyLois E. Czaplewski

Pattie OsborneHenry E. BenkeAudrey DeblonCarole ForestShirley Sobeck

Edwin Overholt, MdCommunity Memorial Hospital

Justine “Mitzi” PankratzKathy Redig

Duane A. PetersburgKaren Petersburg & FamilyMara Repinski

Steven ProchowitzBoelter Industries, Inc.Les & Vi BoelterGerald & Margaret Cada

Clarence PrudoehlPearl Prudoehl

Mary PrudoehlPearl Prudoehl

William PrudoehlPearl Prudoehl

Joan PrzytarskiMerlin & Pat EllinghuysenBob & Yvonne Fix Scott & Sharon Tolleson

Dorothy RasmussenCommunity Memorial HospitalPatricia MarkwardtRobert A. Markwardt

Dolis B. ReglinJames & Ruth CarrollMary & James Eddy

Robin “Rob” RieckCommunity Memorial Hospital

David J. RisloveFrank Morello

Elaine Storlie RobasciottiHerb & Ruby Highum

Judith A. RompaChris & Harley AntoffColleen & Ray CenfieldMichael & Mary FullerMarian & Matthew MasonRenee MosherMary Ann & Keith OlsonAnne RompaChristine RompaTony Rompa Conrad & Jeanine ScherbringRobert & Beverly SteinLeonard & Rita StollDiane Ulbrech

Lester C. SchaffnerSharon Budnick

Ardyth SchmidtknechtCommunity Memorial HospitalBeverly Engel

Doris SchossowLaVerne & Darlene Bartelson

Freeman C. SchroderDiane Doebbert

Florence R. SchrothRandi & Bill ReinartsWinona County Old Settlers


Elizabeth ‘Val’ SchuelerDon & Alice BrenengenTerry & Sue Brown

Doris CerneyDonna ErnstRay & Ila JohnsonShirley A. KauphusmanIrene E. KrackowIrene M. PricePrime Trust IIArlene & Vernon SchuelerJames & Clarice SchuelerUnited Autoworkers Amalgamated

Local 838Winona County Old Settlers


John J. SchuhCecilia Schuh

Sophia SchuhCecilia Schuh

William G. SchultzCarol Byrne

Jerry SchuttloffelGeraldine Landers

La Verne SchwantzDon & Jean Kalmes

Doug “Dan” SeaburgAnonymous

Wally SennChris & Harley Antoff

Larry SevcikJim and Shannon Hanzel

John SeversonSandra M. Newhouse

Orpha SevertsonClarice B. Solberg

Robert SextonRobert & Beverly FrankEugene & Evelyn O’Brien

John ShermanAce Self StorageJudith BruggerSharon BudnickLois E. CzaplewskiKim & Pete Schwab

Olive SiegelWilliam J. Doerer

Mary Sieracki Family & Friends Lorinda & Niels Wartenberg

Robert SikorskiCommunity Memorial Hospital

Esther SimmonsJean Burrington

Alvina SinesDarlene & Pete KuklinskiLarry & Christine Stoltman

Charlotte SmithCarol Byrne

Mildred SmithAudrey SmithVilas SmithJerry & Judy WhetstoneRon & Mary Winn

Ravanna V. SmithNorman Weaver

Dillard SobeckSharon Budnick

Helen E. SonnemanJoyce O. Locks

Patricia StarkCommunity Memorial Hospital

Donald StedmanJeanne Boller

Debra StenzelWinona Agency

Earl StephansEarlene & Barry SimonsonJoan & Ralph Wehlage

Kathy StettlerJames & Karen Kirchner

Cecilia A. StrengMerlin & Pat Ellinghuysen

Cordelia SwensonSharon Budnick


Page 23: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Henrietta SwingJerry & Judy Whetstone

Jim TackeBob & Duella Murphy

Richard TamlynWinona Health

Harold TarrasGene & Shirley Sobeck

Doril (Prudoehl) TaylorPearl Prudoehl

Janet TepeJohn & Margaret Cross

William TeskaMary TeskaDick & Jaci Will

Ruth ThiewesArnold & Marcia BoeseEugene & Evelyn O’BrienCorlyn E. Wolverton

Rita J. TiborDavid & Normagene Pettersen

Ruth TollesonDon & Sandy CurtinJean DettmanAnonymousDorothy PaskiewiczDon & Jerry SmithScott & Sharon TollesonWinona Health Materials Manage-

ment Staff

Elizabeth TookJerry & Judy Whetstone

Kenneth TrokeChris Antoff

Ruth L. TwetenCommunity Memorial Hospital

Edward ValentineCarol Snidarsic

Mindy Van VeldhuizenCommunity Memorial Hospital

Brianna VitekCommunity Memorial Hospital

Hildegarde M. VolkmanMarie A. Knoll

Stanley WachowiakAnn Schultz

Paul WadewitzCharles & Barbara BassSylvia K. BoettcherDiane & Duane BohnCommunity Memorial HospitalNorman & Janette DeckerDonna ErnstPatricia FossMary Grafton-Krogh & Blaine KroghRalph & Susie HaedtkeDede HindsKevin & Tami KellerTim & Tammy PalubickiRuss & Pat PaulsonArtie & Shirley PflughoeftLa Verne & Marian SchwantzCarol WadewitzThe Family of Paul WadewitzElaine & David Wieczorek

Ruby Vedner WalkerNoma FowlerJoyce & Alvin JarvinenPauline & Harland KnightD. James & Kathleen MartensCherre M. PyeGary & Marcia RoddelYvonne M. TindalKaren & David TrickettJanis & Rory VoseLori J. WalzGarry & Debra Watts

Robert WaltherDave BeckMargaret DruganMr. & Mrs. Howard KellerLois E. StreichJames S. TheisScott & Kathy TurnerDoris WaltherNorman WeaverMary A. Wendt

Florence WelkeCommunity Memorial Hospital

Rose WengerWilliam & Jean BellmanVeronica & Willfred HaugCandi & Steve KohnerHelen & John NewellFrancis & Teresa SpeckKay & Peter Walsh

Marjorie WhetstoneDelores GahnzLorene K. HarrisJean JonsgaardJohn & Edythe LarimerDan & Donna LosinskiNatalie & Dan MatejkaEric & Lois Pawlowski

Rosemary K. WhitfieldCommunity Memorial HospitalPam & Al Mueller

Randy WinestorferMickey & Steve Kulas

Diane WiseLillian Spencer

Marcella WojciechowskiBoomer’s Quality PlumbingDonna ErnstJack & Patty Karnick FamilyNatalie & Dan MatejkaCharles & Anita MettilleBernard & Peggy NownesStephen, Mary, Fran, Chris, Teresa &

Andrew Wojciechowski

Aloise H. “Pete” WolfeDoris GirtlerBud & Karen Nystrom

William WolfeCommunity Memorial Hospital

Eleanor “Ellie” WoodworthRoger & Melanie AllenJack AndresenButch & Lynn BeierDorothy & William ChuchnaPhilip & Janis Conway

Carol & James CooperSusan J. DayErika & Bob GilbertsonTom & Peggy GrahamKatherine S. HardtGloria HassingerDale HelmichRobert Hoodecheck

& Suzanne M. JelenseNancy & Patrick HullBill LaehnDon Leaf Joyce O. LocksLynn & James MartinLarry & Linda PomeroyLillian SpencerJohn & Betty WoodworthJoyce & Pete Woodworth

Dorothy H. WryczaElaine Luksa

Alex YardJames & Margaret Miller

Dawn ZackMary Freeman

Winona health service Gifts

The following Winona Health employees chose to direct a gift to the Winona Health Foundation as a way to celebrate their service anniversaries.

Michael Allen, 5 yearsDarlene Bjoraker, 5 yearsDr. David A. Christenson, 30 years Diane Doebbert, 40 years Mark D. Englund, 25 yearsKathy Green-Kaminsky, 20 yearsLindsey Henderson, 5 yearsDede Hinds, 25 yearsMichael Kelly, 15 yearsKathleen Lanik, 30 yearsErin Latten, 5 yearsDr. Michelle L. O’Brien, 5 yearsDr. Ann Schmitt, 5 years

Linda Schomberg, 5 yearsDr. Charles Shepard, 30 yearsMichelle Stark, 15 yearsRosemary Weltzien, 5 yearsChristine Stoltman, 5 years

Gifts in-KindRebeka BreneganMadelyn BrockertAudrey Bronk FamilyAllen Deters – In memory of

Carmie DetersJean DzwonkowskiLeAnn & Ruben EllinghuysonEllie GrieselNelson HellandNancy & Patrick HullHy-Vee, Inc.Janice & Robert JenningsMary B. Jezeski EstatePatricia JonsgaardMelissa KiesePhyllis KrawczeskiWarren A. MatzkeMaurice’sLorraine McFaddenVelma MelcherPeter MerchlewitzFrank MichalowskiWilliam PrillJudith PronkTom and Mary ReeckRichard Romeyn, M.D.SE Minn. Sports Med. & Orthopaedic

Surgery SpecialistsSodexho Health Care ServicesSt. Stanislaus Catholic ChurchEileen Todd


Page 24: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report


American Legion AuxiliaryCelesta HoffmanCandi KohnerCora-May Polachek

in memory of

Gretchen BundyCandi Kohner

Bernnes GersonCandi Kohner

Al HajicekCandi Kohner

Irene KrallConnie & Joe DuffCandi Kohner

Emma NelsonCandi Kohner

Eleanor “Ellie” WoodworthLaurie R. Lucas

happy occasion Fund

Dr. Daniel R. BarrPam & Jeffrey Prenatt

Daniel & Mickey Barr – 45th Wedding Anniversary

Pam & Jeffrey Prenatt

Alicia & Bradley BullardVince & Mary Wadden

Frances Edstrom – Happy Birthday

Debra & Bob Leaf

Carole Forest – Get Well Wishes Winona Health Auxiliary

Gene & Lois Frank – Happy 60th Anniversary

Harold & Carol Schuh

Rand Gettler Carol Hill

Donna J. HelbleDebra & Bob LeafRoger & Ramona MetzGloria Siewert

Marcella Langowski – Happy Birthday

Mary E. Mueller

Dorothy & Francis Losinski – 60th Anniversary

Harold & Carol Schuh

Jackie & David Mahlke – Golden Anniversary

Tom & Chris WilmotDavid & Carole Forest

George Mello – Happy BirthdayMary E. Mueller

Mary Reeck – Happy Retirement Connie DuffKay Walsh

Audrey Sieracki – 80th BirthdayDave & Bette Weinmann

David & Judy Stoltman – Wedding Wishes

Bart & Emerine Weaver

remembrance Fund

Wilfred AlbrechtCarol & Jim Hill

Goldeane L. AndresenNell (Lejk) Ficken

Mary BarrCarole & David Forest

Seldie BartelsonMichael & Shirley Eide

Bettylou BaylonDick, Brenda & Rick BaylonVi BenickeBetty BeranekMarilyn & Willis BoyerGail BurtBill & Barb ColcloughGloria ConradJoyce EhlersJim & Gretchen ErwinPhilip FeitenCal & Arlayne FremlingShirley A. GierokRod & Ernestine HenryPauline & Harland KnightDick & Val MahoneyBetty McNallyJudge Duane & Patte PetersonMarge & Ken PoblockiIrene & Richard RenkHarold & Carol SchuhJim & Mary TestorEdith & Byrle TschumperScott & Kathy TurnerCharles Zane

James BergWinona Health Auxiliary

John “Jack” CadaVirgil & Joan Laak

Wilma CerettoJeanne Boller

Dr. John M. CrossPauline & Harland KnightKim & Pete SchwabVince & Mary Wadden

Ione CrutchfieldRichard J. BaylonAngie BorkBob & Susan BriggsDee & George CipovJim & Karen KillenJohn & Wendy KillenJeanette & Warren MatzkeDaryl & Joan NagelNancy & Rod NelsonNorene & Rodney OppriechtPam & Jeffrey PrenattBetsy SawyerCecilia “Sally” SchuhJulieanne SchwemerJim & Mary TestorDick & Kay TheurerScott & Kathy Turner

Arthur J. CunninghamKim & Pete Schwab

Charles O. DeedrickDr. Horace J. & Rose AndersenBay State Milling Company Employees

Charles DrainePeggy Carroll

C.J. “Dutch” DuellmanScott & Kathy Turner

James EnglerthJeanne Boller

Anne D. FergusonVayden & Donna AndersonVic & Bonnie BertelAmy P. CaspersonCharles & Angie CaspersonTom & Christina CaspersonDee & George CipovMichael & Audrey HengelJennifer & Arthur KalmesGloria & Randy MillerAl & Lee Ann PattersonPam & Jeffrey PrenattBetsy SawyerFlorence SchumacherDr. Cullen & Julieanne Schwemer

Janet GensmerGene & Lois Frank

Charlotte GepnerLillian Spencer

Barbara A. GernesWinona Health Auxiliary

Sada GoldbergDr. James & Jenny KahlJudge Duane & Patte Peterson

Helen GoraWinona Health Auxiliary

Mildred HaessigMary & Duane Brenno

Lorraine HeiseLynn & David Theurer

William HeiseDr. Horace J. & Rose Andersen


Contributions to the Winona Health AuxiliaryThe Winona Health Auxiliary supports the good work of Winona Health through a variety of activities and events including Holiday Happiness, Fantasy of Trees, the Glady D. Miller Gift Shop and more. In addition, the Auxiliary receives gifts to celebrate happy occasions and to memorialize loved ones. The names listed in this section reflect gifts made between October 1, 2005 and September 30, 2006 to the Winona Health Auxiliary’s Happy Occasion and Remembrance Funds.

Page 25: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report


Acts of kindness happen every day at Winona Health, thanks to our caring volunteers. More than 300 men and women make a difference for our patients, residents and their families. Rita Sullivan is one volunteer who has given her time, talent and treasure since 1980. She has graciously volunteered more than 12,000 hours to the Winona Health Auxiliary.

“It makes me feel good to volunteer for such a worthwhile organization,” said Rita. “Holiday Happiness is the busiest time for me, but I really enjoy it. I like feeling useful, and I’ve made some wonderful friends along the way.”

Rita has served as the Glady D. Miller Gift Shop treasurer for 23 years. “I like staying active and being useful,” she explained. “The Auxiliary does so many wonderful things with the money raised from gift shop sales, and that makes me feel good.”

Winona Health Auxiliary volunteers serve in a variety of roles throughout the healthcare system. “We are very grateful for each of our volunteers and the positive difference they have

made in the lives of our patients, residents and our staff,” said Autumn Herber, Volunteer Services Coordinator. To learn more about Winona Health volunteer opportunities, contact Autumn at 507.457.4394.

Peggy CarrollDaryl & Joan NagelFrances K. Schuldt

William HostettlerCarol & Jim Hill

Elizabeth “Betty” HughesCarol & Jim Hill

Marlys JaszewskiLois E. Czaplewski

Edward L. KauphusmanLynn & David Theurer

Dolores H. KosidowskiNell (Lejk) FickenBelva & C. J. Grajczyk

Roy A. LarsenGlobal Home Health Care

Michele Martin LiethaRay & Katherine GrulkowskiDeb & Bob LeafLynn & David TheurerGerald & Kathleen Thomas

Matthew LoueryLynn & David Theurer

Helen Louise Metz LoveDr. Horace & Rose Andersen

Jeanette C. MatzkeGloria Siewert

Phyllis A. McClenathanWinona Health Auxiliary

Von MuellerVera Mueller

George R. NashScott & Kathy Turner

Evelyn NortonDeb & Bob LeafMary Jo & Bob Strauss

Pattie OsborneWinona Health Auxiliary

Dorothy RasmussenCarole & David Forest

William H. ReinartsSusan & R. Peter Roehl

David J. RisloveLynn & David Theurer

Arlene E. RoutheAmy P. CaspersonAngela & Charles CaspersonChristina & Tom J. Casperson, Jr.Audrey HengelJennifer & Arthur KalmesPam & Jeffrey Prenatt

Ruth TollesonLynn & David Theurer

Elizabeth TookGenevieve Kulas

Brianna VitekPam & Jeffrey PrenattScott & Kathy Turner

Rosemary VoelkerLynn & David Theurer

Stanley WachowiakGlady D. Miller Gift ShopDr. James & Jenny Kahl

Irene C. WernzPeggy CarrollGloria & Karl ConradNell (Lejk) FickenFrances K. Schuldt

Marjorie WhetstonePam & Jeffrey PrenattAudrey Smith

Rosemary K. WhitfieldDr. Horace J. & Rose Andersen

Eleanor “Ellie” WoodworthDr. Horace J. & Rose AndersenWilliam J. DoererJulie GardnerJean LauerDeb & Bob LeafRobert C. & Mary K. McMahonJudge Duane & Patte PetersonHarold & Carol SchuhHelen E. SonnemanPhyllis J. Woodworth

Regis Ann WrightLynn & David Theurer

SHARing tHe giFt oF time

Volunteers planned and operated the auxiliary used Book Sale, which made more than $3,200 in 2006.

Page 26: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Winona Health �006 FinancialsWinona heaLth ConsoLidated BaLanCe sheets: sePtemBer 30, 2006 and 2005

ASSETS 2006 2005

CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $9,939,618 $10,371,655 Assets limited as to use 1,036,406 5,599,758 Other marketable nonequity securities 5,881,247 5,589,887 Receivables ° Patient and resident, net of estimated uncollectibles of

$10,602,000 in 2006 and $6,763,000 in 2005 11,884,781 8,974,192 ° Pledges 52,267 167,322 Supplies 1,253,089 1,246,245 Prepaid expenses 592,106 656,131

Total current assets 30,639,514 32,605,190

ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE 3,937,405 7,858,633

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 55,687,894 52,467,377

OTHER ASSETS Long-term investments 14,724,658 15,212,714 Deferred financing costs, net 350,174 364,407 Other 391,505 535,520

Total other assets 15,466,337 16,112,641

Total assets $105,731,150 $109,043,841


CURRENT LIABILITIES Current maturities of long-term debt $603,200 $4,723,344 Accounts payable ° Trade 2,558,687 2,192,774 ° Construction 489,126 4,842,718 ° Estimated third-party payor settlements 514,615 989,870 Accrued expenses, primarily salaries, wages, and benefits 5,877,350 5,182,291

Total current liabilities 10,042,978 17,930,997

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities 25,897,834 26,507,608

Total liabilities 35,940,812 44,438,605

NET ASSETS Unrestricted 62,780,956 57,800,003 Temporarily restricted 1,221,927 1,332,531 Permanently restricted 5,787,455 5,472,702

Total net assets 69,790,338 64,605,236

Total liabilities and net assets $105,731,150 $109,043,841


Page 27: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report

Winona Health would like to thank the individuals and families who shared their stories with us. if you have a story to share, please send an e-mail to marketingpr@winonahea or call �07.��7.�1�7.

~ thank you!

WinonA HeAltH AFFiliAteSCommunity memoriaL hosPitaL 855 Mankato AvenueWinona, MN 55987507.454.3650

LaKe Winona manorNURSING HOME865 Mankato Avenue507.457.4366

WatKins manorASSISTED LIVING175 East Wabasha Street507.494.7400

adith miLLer manorMEMORY CARE RESIDENCE885 Mankato Avenue507.454.0719

roGer metz manorMEMORY CARE RESIDENCE875 Mankato Avenue507.452.7636

hosPiCe & home Care175 East Wabasha Street507.457.4468

ParKvieW PharmaCy825 Mankato Avenue507.454.4925

Winona heaLth Foundation855 Mankato Avenue507.457.4342

Physician clinics: aLLerGy & asthma oCCuPationaL heaLth urGent Care825 Mankato Avenue, Ste. 114507.474.7830

eye Care Center859 Mankato Avenue, Ste. 330507.474.4760

PsyChiatriC & CounseLinG serviCes825 Mankato Avenue, Ste. 214507.454.2606

rushFord CLiniC212 South Mill StreetRushford, MN 55971507.864.7726

sPorts & orthoPaediC sPeCiaLists859 Mankato Avenue, Ste. 320507.474.6600

Note: All affiliates are in Winona, MN 55987 unless otherwise noted.

Page 28: Winona Health 2006 Annual Report



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