winter 2013

In this issue: Executive Report 1 Training 2 GIS News 2 Public Education 3-7 Potter Randall 9-1-1 Quarterly Newslette r

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Quarterly Newsletter for Potter Randall 9-1-1 ECD


In this issue:

Executive Report 1

Training 2

GIS News 2

Public Education 3-7




















Hello and thanks for taking time to review the Winter 2013 edition of the Potter-Randall

County Emergency Communication District’s newsletter. Graciously, the end of winter is

about a month away and we have the awesome Panhandle Spring time to look forward to.

Spring will be a busy time for District staff and our public safety partners at the PSAPs. As you

may know, new computers, monitors, keyboards, etc. have been ordered to replace the exist-

ing hardware. Believe it or not, the current equipment is already 3+ years old. Naturally, with

new equipment comes new software! Rest assured that everything will look and feel very

much like the current system. Training will be provided on the few new features, but don’t

expect to have to re-learn everything.

Thanks to all of you who assisted with our annual wireless testing. The District GIS team tests

the routing and locational accuracy of every sector, of every tower, of every wireless provider.

This is a very important project and we appreciate you accommodating our presence in your

communications center.

Readers of this newsletter are aware that our 9-1-1 centers, through the Language Line inter-

pretation service, supports virtually any language or dialect in the world. Each month, Lan-

guage Line provides a detailed statement that lists a number of things including language, num-

ber of calls, time elapsed, time to connect, etc. Did you know that people speaking the Karen,

Fuzhou and Oromo dialects received help last month? Where on earth are these languages

spoken?! (hint: Wikipedia) Language Line is not perfect. However I am amazed by the ser-

vice they provide.

I realize that not all Language Line assisted calls are true emergencies. It is my understanding

that the percentage can be pretty low. However, your professional handling of these calls pro-

vides priceless assurance to non-English speakers that help is available at any time, in any lan-


Thank you for all you do, especially the little things.

Thank you,

Greg Green, ENP

The Potter- Randall 911 District is sponsoring a busy month of May! It all begins with 4 days of AECC

hosted classes by PSTC to be held at Amarillo College.

May 6th 8:30 – 4:30- Complacency Cannibalism and Critical Thinking -Students will be provided with 10

proficiency tools to improve ability to gain or remain positive under pressure and resolve conflict within your

communications center.

May 7th 8:30 – 4:30- You Just Never Know Students learn skills to prepare you for that next crazy, chal-

lenging, unbelievable or seemingly mundane call for service.

May 8th -9-1-1 Progressive Supervision Workshop - Job specific training for Supervisors, Leaders and

Team Leaders

May 9th 8:30 – 4:30- People First Leadership Leadership, Inspiration and Motivations and how to apply it

within your communications center.

For more information on the above classes contact Bekki McQuay with AECC. [email protected]

Last newsletter the GIS team was preparing for Phase II wireless testing. First, let me say thank you to all of the 9-1-1 call takers who helped with answering our 9-1-1 test calls, we appreciate your service. The testing consisted of making 9-1-1 calls for eve-ry wireless tower in Potter and Randall Counties to insure accurate routing and location of the 9-1-1 caller per FCC requirements. All testing was complete by December and all wire-less carriers are FCC compliant.

In 2013 the 9-1-1 District will begin monthly wireless testing for all wireless carriers including pre-paid services.

The 9-1-1 District was informed that Nextel will no longer provide service as of June 30, 2013. In order to receive Sprint’s best level of migration support and to avoid the risk of losing ones phone number all de-vices would need to be moved to the Nation-wide Sprint Network by March 31, 2013.

The GIS team has begun the process needed to maintain and update the mapping end of Randall County Sheriff’s Office’s new Motorola CAD System. Additionally, we are in the process of reviewing new Pictometry oblique imagery, look forward to this new imagery in your PSAP in March!

405 SW 8th Ave

Amarillo, TX 79101


Greg Green-, ENP

Executive Director

[email protected]

Robbyn Hart

Business Manager

[email protected]

Leticia Truex

Pub-Ed Coordinator

[email protected]

Duain Gomez, ENP

GIS/Database Manager

[email protected]

Rey Campos

GIS Analyst

[email protected]

Ramon Fuentes

GIS Technician

[email protected]

March 28th, 2013– Child Abuse

Prevention Conference. Amarillo

Civic Center

April 14th-20th, 2013–

TC Appreciation Week!

April 27th, 2013– March of Dimes

Walk for Babies Kick-Off -

Thompson Park

April 27th, 2013– YMCA Healthy

Kids Day -South Branch Y

@ Rotary Park


It’s been a great start to 2013!

Public Education in Potter and

Randall counties is in full swing

with many community events

scheduled to get our message out.

February 16, 2013– Back the

Badges Night! Amarillo Bulls

Hockey –Civic Center Coliseum

March 2nd & 3rd, 2013– Make A

Wish Car show- Amarillo Civic


March 16th, 2013– Severe Weather

Workshop– Amarillo Civic Center-

Heritage Room 9am-1pm

Public Education


Troy Lightsey

is now a NINJA!