winter is here – is your home rodent proof?

* Is Your Home Rodent Proof

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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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DESCRIPTION - Rodents may be very small, but they are definitely something to worry about being in your home. They can carry diseases & cause a lot of damage to your home. Hopper Environmental Services offers some tips on keeping rodents out of your home as, getting rid of rodents can be difficult. If you think that you have a rodent problem, contact the rodent elimination experts at Hopper today because professional help is your best bet.


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* Are Rodents a


Wondering why you should be so

worried about creatures that are so

incredibly small? There are actually

a couple of reasons you should be


First, it’s important to remember

that rodents can actually carry

diseases with them wherever they

go, creating real problems for your


Second, rodents can damage your

home by gnawing on some of the

most important places, including the


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There are many different kinds of rodents you may have to

face at some point in time, but the two most common you

may deal with are mice and rats. While there are some

variations within those species, the ways to eliminate them

remain primarily the same.

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If you’re worried about rodents in

your home, the single best thing you

can do to keep them out is repair any

damage to the outside of your home.

Things like torn screens, door

thresholds with wide gaps, or even

spots where the pipes come into your

home that have faulty seals are all an

invitation for rodents to come into

your warm home. Rodents can

squeeze through the tiniest of spaces,

so making a few small repairs now

could make a real difference to your

home down the road.

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*Keeping Rodents Out


Keep it clean! You may not be

able to completely starve the

rodents out of your home, but

the cleaner it stays, the less

likely you are to have problems

with them.

Keep your food in sealed plastic

containers that they can’t gnaw

through. Make certain you don’t

leave food or dirty dishes in

your sink overnight.

Also, ensure you take out your

garbage every single night.

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Deal with any moisture problems

you may have around your home.

Pests like these only need a few

things to survive: food, water, and

shelter. Moisture problems (like

leaking pipes) can offer them one

of those, and it could create a

literal breeding ground for all

kinds of pests.

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If you’ve already had a rodent problem in

your home, expect to do some disinfecting.

Give your contaminated areas a bit of air,

and clean up any droppings with some type

of disinfectant.

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Already infested? Contacting rodent elimination

professionals is an absolute must when it comes to


They’re tough to get rid of, but Hopper Environmental

Services can help you eliminate them and prevent

future infestations.