wisp assignment 2 china

WISP Assignment 2 China By: Goh Daryl Lee Choon Ghee Ng Kah Ming Justin

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  1. 1. WISP Assignment 2China
    By: Goh Daryl
    Lee Choon Ghee
    Ng Kah Ming
    Justin Chan
    Tan Wei Hong
  2. 2. Table of Contents
    What was not right with China in 2009?
    I. Social inequality along religious and racial lines
    II. Prejudices leading to Discrimination
    III. Other important social, economic and political factors
    What about Present Day Singapore?
    What can we do to prevent the imagined future of 2061 from becoming a reality?
  3. 3. What was not right with China in 2009?
  4. 4. I. Social inequality along religious and racial lines
    By : Goh Daryl
  5. 5. Racism Against Black People
    it would be horrifying if their son or daughter marry a black person. Some would even disown them outright.
    its difficult getting a job teaching English if you are black. the perception of people is that only white people are true Americans or true English people.
    If you are black, many people will perceive you as African
    This racism is strongly linked to the class divisions and racism that exists within Chinese society
    People of lighter skin looked down upon those of darker skin, who often could not afford to be anything other than a peasant farmer
  6. 6. Discrimination Against Blacks
    This picture was taken from a video of African Chinese mixed blood living in China.
    During her talent show this things was posted on the web
  7. 7. Racism Against Minorities Within China
    People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese minorities are seen as backwards
    Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down
    looked upon as thieves - children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves.
    And Xinjiang people are often harassed by the cop
    In other countries
    InCambodia, there has been a strong anti-Vietnamese sentiment.
    Malaysia enforced discriminatory laws limiting access to university education for Chinese students who are citizens by birth of Malaysia, and many other laws explicitly favouring Malays remain in force.
  8. 8. Discrimination against Tibetan
    According to a report in 2006
    In filling a hundred open positions in the civil service, only 2 Tibetan was offered a job
    Exams were in Chinese and about Chinese culture and history
    Demonstrators felt discriminated for the way the exams were held and for the fact that most Tibetan students trained at Chinese universities, promises that they would have the same chances as ethnic Han Chinese if they had a Chinese education proved to be false.
  9. 9.
    • Only 13 per cent of all Tibetans possess a college or university education comparing to 50 per cent of ethnic Han Chinese even though Tibetans represent the major 52 per cent of the population.
    • 10. Tibet Students explained that they were only be able to train because their family had made great sacrifices.
    • 11. Now if their degrees are worthless they lose everything.
  10. Rough translation of the Context: Our native country China has excellent service. But when I registered to check in using my identification card. They said Tibetan cannot stay here
  11. 12. Urumqi unrest,
    • Clash between the Hans and Uyghur.
    The Hans thinks that the government is bias
    Uyghur are more privileged than the Hans.
  12. 13. II. Prejudices leading to Discrimination
    By : Lee Choon Ghee
  13. 14. Prejudice usually refers to negative judgment of individuals or groups due to their religion or cultural believes.
    Discrimination is the boycotting of individuals or groups from full participation in the society due to their religion or cultural believes.
    Prejudice usually leads to biased behaviour which also means discrimination.
  14. 15. Discrimination creates social and economic injustice which then emphasize prejudices.
    Both prejudice and discrimination are negative demonstration of power and they are closely related.
    Instead of holding the people together, prejudice and discrimination pushes them apart.
  15. 16. The New Tolerance
    After World War 2, immigration was biased in favour of the Europeans. Only small number of immigrants from India, Pakistan and Ceylon was allowed.
    Post World War 2 immigrants were better accepted because many were educated and trained.
    Main factor of the new tolerance towards immigrants was the decrease of intelligent assumptions and social responsibility of Anglo-Saxon racism. Resulted from a detestation against Hitlers racism and UKs world power devolution.
  16. 17. Swine Flu Incident
    • Mexico was the first to fall victim to the Swine Flu.
    • 18. There was no alert from World Health Organization therefore the fatalities persist.
    • 19. Countries taking this opportunity to blame the Mexicans for the virus and been discriminate.
    • 20. WHO even quoted the virus as Mexican Flu.
  17. Americans against Latino immigration
    • Latinos was directed because they are the newerimmigrant groups.
    • 21. Due to the large number of Latinos arriving in America everyday, the statistic of the country, language and culture are changing.
    • 22. Latinos are victims of thefts, sexual abuse, violence and discriminated in work.
    • 23. Often seen as job-snatcher by the local Americans.
  18. Xinjiang Riot
    Hans ethnic discrimination against Uyghur has been a source of conflict in China long before the Xinjiang Riot. Examples, Uyghur was rejected by all hostels and often chased out from shop or by security guards.
    Government wants to adjust policy to preserve Uyghur's language and culture but many Han Chinese refuses to support.
    This is closely related to The New Tolerance example that I mentioned earlier. Both are related to prejudice; in terms of race and nationality, and discrimination; in terms of racism and different cultural believes.
    Both prejudice and discrimination between these 2 side are interlinked.
  19. 24. III. Other important social, economic and political factors
    By : Ng Kah Ming
  20. 25. Slaverycame into existence in China,
    The main reasons for the growth of slavery were economic
    cheap labour force and as a profitable trade good
    through slavery were an important factor in the growth of the shipping industry and a source of surplus wealth for early industrialism
    Slaves worked in households, in mines, and on sugar and cotton plantations
  21. 26. Social factor affecting china economic
    Farmers didnt want to farm anymore, because of the lowly paid harvest
    Chinese in china are now more capitalized, self organizing, demanding
    Every Chinese wants to own something, e.g. houses, lands, stocks, factories and many more.
    The Chinese are adapting and experimenting
  22. 27. They [the Chinese] are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare, and a lazy one does not exist.
    * People's Republic of China. "preferential policies" required some of the top positions in governments be distributed to ethnic minorities and women. Also, many universities are required by government to give preferred admissions to ethnic minorities.
  23. 28. Social reasons lead to the control of 1 child per family
    The People's Republic of China was compelled to introduce the Planned Birth Policy or the One Child Policy due to the ever growing population of China. China is supposed to be the number one in world population. The government is trying to control the population by allowing just one child per family. This has helped the Chinese population to come under control. This policy has received many criticisms from the people of China due to its harshness. Women are forced to abortions and forced to control their baby's birth. The overpopulation of China caused many economic problems such as lack of food, water, shelter and other basic amenities.
  24. 29. Economic and Political factors
    The rise of 2008 Beijing Olympic games
    Chinese society is becoming more robust, diverse, interested, and capable over time
    The case of a migrant named Sun Zhigang is seen by many Chinese as a seminal event in legal reform and the development of citizen-rights consciousness.
    Police, people controlling the force are corrupted
  25. 30. Gender Discrimination
    Doctors in have removed a needle from the brain of an 11-year-old girl which is believed to have been inserted after birth in an attempted murder by relatives who wanted a boy.
    Despite growth in numbers of female scientists and engineers womencontinues to face discrimination at the workplace,
    It notes that there are few women amongst the country's top-ranked scientists and suggests that gender equality be written into laws relevant to science.
  26. 31. Present Day Singapore
    By : Tan Wei Hong
  27. 32. Facts
    Population ofdifferent races in SingaporeChinese: 75.2%Malays:13.6%Indians: 8.8%Eurasians:2.4%
  28. 33. Due to the fact that Singapore is a multi-racial country thus racial discrimination occurring is almost zero.
    Singapores schools educate children since young on the topic racisms and treating everyone equally.
    Singapore discouraged discrimination and laws are implemented to protect against the various races.
  29. 34. Although Chinese are majority in Singapore , Singapore Chinese recognize themselves as Singaporeans than Chinese.
    In order not to stir up any trouble of the race of the president, presidency is changed every 5 years ,and the race of the upcoming presidents are in turns of Malay, Eurasian, Indian and Chinese.
  30. 35. Racism in Singapore is of very minuet. but it doesnt mean that it does not occur.
    A Chinese woman was serving food to an Indonesian maid at a hospital canteen when, midway, she laid the plate aside to serve a well-dressed gentleman.
    Philippine lady executive told me how she would be given the cold shoulder whenever she wore informal clothes
    "dirty, smelly"
    This shows that racism is still valid in Singapore but through the years this has greatly reduced
  31. 36. Discrimination Laws implemented
    Subsection 3 of the Act describes the types of publication that have seditious tendency and these includes publication that"promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes". Singapore takes social cohesion and racial harmony in the country seriously.
  32. 37. Blogger arrested for posting racist online content
    SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore arrested a man for allegedly posting racist contenton his blog, police said on Wednesday.The 24 year-old was arrested late on Tuesday for posting materialon his blog"which may wound the racial feelings of another person", police said in a statement. The offence carries a maximum prison term of 3 years and a fine.The arrest comes after police received two complaints about the blog, which has since been removed from the Internet. In 2005, Singapore charged three bloggers under the Sedition Act for making racist comments on the Internet.The government of the ethnically mixed Southeast Asian city-state of 4.6 million is highly sensitive about race and religion and says strict legislation and regulation of the media is needed to ensure peace.
    Singapore implement such laws to let Singaporean know the seriousness of such offense.
  33. 38. What can we do to prevent the imagined future of 2061 from becoming a reality?
    By: Justin Chan
  34. 39. Prevention
    In school, students are to understand the way of life of other religion/race (To lessen the misunderstanding of people of different races)
    Multi-Racial events
    Events that are organized to bring people of different races together (This helps to strengthen the bonds)
    Tri-lingo languages
    To learn a 3rd language (Helps by forming a common language among groups as to avoid creating boycotting of people of different race)
    Working Environment
    Making the workplace multi racial (Example, comprises of Indians, Chinese and Malays)
  35. 40. Problems/Challenges
    People do not see why is it a must to understand the behavior of other races
    Multi-Racial Events
    It might turn out to be only people the same group of race that turn up
    Tri-lingo languages
    People are not willing to learn another new language
    Working Environment
    Might not work well together or have cliques only from the same race
  36. 41. Solution
    Make it compulsory for students (Example, examination papers for this subject)
    Multi-Racial Events
    Benefits like freebies to be given off for participation
    Tri-lingo languages
    Begin from young (Example, in school, it is compulsory for student to pick up Chinese on top of their own mother tongue)
    MNCs to make it compulsory for employees to pick up Chinese as a 3rd language for more business opportunity (Briefing can be held within company to notify the employees as there will be opportunities in the near future or a raise in their salary)
    Working Environment
    Making it compulsory for people of different races to work in pairs or group
    Organize bonding events for the employees
  37. 42. References
    http://www.thechinaexpat.com/racism-in-china/(Part A. I)
    http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=7706&size= ( Part A. I) (Tibet)
    http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0006458( Part A. II)
    http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Asia/Story/A1Story20091211-185245.html(Part A . III)
    http://www.friesian.com/discrim.htm(Part A. III)
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action (Part A. III)
    http://www.scidev.net/en/news/female-scientists-face-discrimination-in-china.html (Part A. III)
    http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3045302173.html ( Part A. III)
  38. 43. http://washingtonindependent.com/39823/report-finds-widespread-discrimination-against-latino-immigrants-in-south(Part A. II)
    http://www.latinoopinion.com/category/prejudice-and-discrimination/(Part A. II)
    http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/1/4/3/0/1/p143015_index.html(Part A. II)
    http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0006458(Part A. II)
    http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/problem/prejdisc.htm (Part A. II)