with all my heart thank you eton team!patricia núñez, patricio flores, pepa pin, stephanie lópez,...

Ciclo escolar 2020-2021, núm. 2 Like a sandcastle, all is temporary. Build it, tend it, enjoy it, and when the time comes, let it go. With all my heart... Thank you ETON team!

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Page 1: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members

Ciclo escolar 2020-2021, núm. 2

Like a sandcastle, all is temporary. Build it, tend it, enjoy it,

and when the time comes, let it go.

With all my heart... Thank you ETON team!

Page 2: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members

GreetingsLiz Panchuk

Head of School


FOUNDERMargarita Arzac











EDITORIAL STAFF Communication and Image Department Coordinator: Alejandra Torres

Graphic Designers: Carlos A. Ramírez and Jazmín Sánchez Editors: Alejandra Loperena and Natalia Ramos

COLLABORATORS Alejandra Cevallos, Alejandro Kreimerman, Alicia Vázquez, Ann McPhee, Camila Islas, Diego Oseguera, Dileri Berdeja, Elisa Sáiz, Gabriela Tamayo,

Irene Vera, Liz Panchuk, Mariana Acosta, Naomi Trego, Nathalie Zidán, Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam.

PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members who collaborated with our Encuentro magazine throughout the school term, your valuable enthusiasm

and aesthetic pictures were a major contribution that made this issue possible.

TODDLER CENTERAlpes 1140, Lomas de Chapultepec,

CP 11000, Ciudad de México [email protected]

Tel. 55-5520-1142

PRESCHOOLAlpes 605, Lomas de Chapultepec,

CP 11000, Ciudad de México [email protected]

Tel. 55-5520-0410 Preescolar Alto SEP Acdo. #09050637, 23-08-05

ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOLSanta Lucía 220, D. García Ramos s/n,

Prados de la Montaña,CP 05619, Ciudad de México

[email protected]. 55-5261-5800

Primaria SEP Acdo. #988595, 19-01-98Secundaria SEP Acdo. #988804, 17-04-98

IBO-MYP-5397Preparatoria UNAM Acdo. #65, 12-08-80

IBO-DIP 000855


“Only an educator holds the highest and most sublime of missions. Teaching is the most transcendent and significant work because it carries with it the noblest and most beneficial sentiment of the human heart.”

Margarita Arzac

When people ask me what I do for a living, I proudly say that I am educator, because teaching is not what I do, it is part of who I am. There is nothing more important in this world than the shaping of young minds; teaching has an immediate impact in the lives of students, but what they learn today will also determine the world we live in tomorrow. In this regard, teachers have the power to work for a better today and a better tomorrow.

Looking back at my life, I can think of nothing else that I would rather do. I dedicate my time to students because I believe in their potential, because seeing a child grow and develop is truly beautiful, and because what I have learned from them far exceeds what they have learned from me. I wholeheartedly agree with my mother, there is nothing quite as fulfilling and important as teaching.

Page 3: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members




EditorialFrom a Director’s DeskEarly ChildhoodContinuous Growth in a Constantly Changing WorldThe Project Approach: Learning Knows No BoundariesElementaryArtistas infinitos ¡Nos llenaron de alegría!Middle SchoolProyectos de reflexión en torno a la pandemiaHigh SchoolBridging Cultures amdist a PandemicPersonal ProjectEMUNESGAA Transcending DreamPaving a Wonderful JourneyClass of 2021Activación física durante la pandemiaThe School Council for Academic Improvement La Asociación de Padres de Familia trabaja para su comunidadLas enseñanzas del confinamientoWelcomeAlumniMother's Day CelebrationA Day at Eton

Empowering minds and hearts.We envision a progressive and nurturing learning community that provides opportunities for

individuals to develop their unique potential. Eton students will be capable of pursuing their life

choices with commitment and joy, contributing to their community, their country and the world.


Table of Contents

Page 4: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members



It has been a little over a year since a global pandemic suspended many aspects of our lives and threatened to hold education back; however, we kept going and looked for alternatives and solutions so that our students could continue their learning journey. We grew and evolved from this year's experiences, embracing the beauty and power of education, even at a distance.

This issue of our Encuentro magazine declares a strong statement of the courage, adaptability, and determination that we, as a strong community, show every day. All our actions tell the world that we are not going to stop; our mission is the most important thing to us, and we will always strive to find ways to fulfill it, no matter the circumstances or the obstacles we face.

Alejandra Loperena & Carlos A. RamírezTranslator & Pedagogic Designer

Page 5: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


From a Director’s Desk

Every day, hope is born anew in a school’s playground. When children come together and play, humanity gets a fresh chance at improving, at recovering awe, at finding joy in little things. It is not only their games and laughter that bring about hope; as they interact with each other, children come up with solutions to problems, new ideas and creative possibilities. There are many things that need fixing in the world right now, and the solutions will come from the generations that are now learning at a distance. As Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” The problems we are all facing now will be solved through the fresh perspective of our children. I trust we will go back to learning in school soon, because we need to get started on developing solutions as quickly as possible. We need our children playing and creating together. In the meantime, we will continue to design the best virtual learning experiences and hope that, very soon, Eton’s hallways are full of the joyous sound of children learning in their second home, their school.

Pepa PinUpper Elementary Principal

Page 6: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Early Childhood

Page 7: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Continuous Growth in a Constantly Changing World

Mariana Acosta and Patricia NúñezEarly Childhood Psychologists

Throughout this year, we have lived a bundle of emotions and thoughts that have had an impact on our emotional state: doubts, worries, and concerns, but also joy and hope.

We have realized that nothing is permanent in many senses, that the only thing that is consistent is change, and we as individuals are also always changing. When we are living a moment of happiness, we want to stay in that moment forever, but we know that it will vanish, so we make the most out of it. Just as happy moments end, difficult ones also pass. This is what transience teaches us constantly.

Children who are hopeful are happier. They are more satisfied with life and even do better with challenges in the academic and athletic world. Hopeful children have better relationships, take risks in the social plane, and believe they can improve situations. Children need hope to try, to build relationships, and to be able to ask for help.

As we have completed a whole year working and learning at a distance, feelings of despair and impatience arise. It is natural for us to focus on overcoming problems as they arise, and longing for things to improve and regain what we used to enjoy so much in our lives. However, it is also crucial to be able to reflect on how past experiences were tackled and to talk to our children about how our views on problems change and what unexpected aid or solutions came about.

The pandemic has been a great opportunity for families to promote hope within the home. Focusing on how we have overcome challenges is the best way to convey a sense of hope. There are three main elements to this message: having goals in mind, thinking about the pathways to achieve them, and holding on to the belief we can make them happen.

Page 8: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


The Project Approach: Learning Knows No Boundaries

Stephanie LópezPreschool Principal

We believe that children learn when they observe, question, wonder, predict and discover in furtherance of investigation. Teachers are investigators along with students as they research the children's learning process as well as the children’s interests within the topics of study. This natural series of actions that achieves enriching results is guided by the teachers when we are at school. When this pandemic began, we reflected on how we would be able to continue working on our projects at a distance. We decided to position ourselves, yet again, as investigators of the learning processes and take on the challenge by planning and researching how a project at a distance can happen.

One of the first steps we took was to carefully analyze the topics of study and look into the relevance of each of them when studied at home. We worked collaboratively on our topic webs and planned for provocations that would sweep children off their feet and invite them to share their thoughts about each topic. We also thought of the importance of parents, caregivers, and other teachers who are a crucial part of learning today. We decided to share our knowledge by inviting all our community to

the project work webinar, which provided clear and detailed information about the Project Approach. Project sessions have consistently taken place in our online meetings with our students and their families. Elaborate representations have also appeared in our learning platforms as we take on each project topic and move on to its next phase. During our sessions, we have noticed that children will share their personal experiences and question the teachers and themselves openly. Our observations have shown us that the engagement of an adult is as important as that of a child. We are now, therefore, more critical and selective when choosing project topics as we seek to personally engage and predict the applicability that it will have at home with children and their families.

We feel proud to continue our learning journey offering the best experiences to all our students. The Project Approach has opened many doors during this temporary distance learning modality. This new opportunity has led us to witness that, even from afar, the fascination of discovering, investigating, and learning together clearly makes a difference in our quest for knowledge.

Page 9: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members



Page 10: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Artistas infinitosGabriela Tamayo

Docente de Primaria

Por definición, pocos nos consideraríamos artistas, porque para muchos este término se reduce a dominar una técnica o generar productos calificados por la belleza. Sin embargo, todos los días me encuentro en mis clases con artistas cuyos resultados van más allá de la estética; obras que reflejan personalidades únicas y puras, que denotan caminos propios donde conectan con materiales y técnicas, pero también con historias, con emociones, con sueños y con sus almas.

Encuentro a artistas que brindan su voz por medio de colores y formas, dispuestos a equivocarse en el camino y a resolver lo necesario para lograr retratar sus realidades y fantasías; a artistas capaces de transformar los materiales en bocetos de futuras sociedades, ciudades e innovaciones.

Es imprescindible fomentar espacios y experiencias con las cuales nuestros niños puedan bocetar sus pensamientos sin juicios ni etiquetas, aquilatando sus ideas y permitiendo que regresen a sus representaciones y las enriquezcan con el paso del tiempo, la paciencia y el cariño que van dejando en cada trazo.

Escuchemos a estos artistas, no sólo sus voces, sino sus movimientos y placeres implícitos en cada proceso creativo. De esta forma, aseguraremos que esas ideas fantásticas encuentren espacio en este mundo y que los verdaderos artistas permanezcan artistas, incluso al crecer.

Page 11: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


¡Nos llenaron de alegría!

Los niños de Primaria volvieron a su colegio y, si bien fue sólo una visita, llenaron el espacio con su alegría, con su frescura y con sus voces. Desde su llegada, la emoción nos embargó a todos. Abríamos la puerta de cada auto y nos encontrábamos con caritas expectantes cuyos ojos brillaban por encima de los pequeños cubrebocas. Al cruzar la mirada con el adulto que los traía, se nos llenaban los ojos de lágrimas. No sabemos quiénes fueron los más emocionados en cada visita: los niños, los papás o cada una de las personas que trabajamos en el Eton. Lo cierto es que volver a ver a los niños nos llenó de alegría y de entusiasmo. Para ellos, todo era nuevo y emocionante. Los espacios parecían haberse reinventado, y los niños entraban a los salones como si fueran el lugar más maravilloso. Querían volver a verlo todo y, al caminar por los pasillos, acariciaban las paredes suavemente. La escuela parecía devolverles cada gesto de cariño y los pasillos rebosaban de luz. Los niños vinieron un solo día, pero la energía que trajeron consigo renovó nuestro compromiso y nos llenó de la fuerza que necesitábamos para seguir adelante.

Pepa PinDirectora de Primaria Alta

Page 12: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Middle School

Page 13: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Proyectos de reflexión en torno a la pandemia

Irene VeraDocente de Bachillerato

La emergencia sanitaria originada por la COVID-19 ha generado un cambio global en la manera de socializar entre los seres humanos y ha exhibido nuestra vulnerabilidad obligándonos a permanecer en casa; sin embargo, trajo también una gran cantidad de temas, experiencias y aprendizajes que hemos abordado en los proyectos de aprendizaje-servicio: “Cuídate y cuídanos”, con la materia de Español, así como “Todos somos iguales” y “#GraciasDeCorazón”, en Cívica y Ética.

El proyecto “Cuídate y cuídanos”, realizado por los alumnos de 9.0 grado, ha permitido a los estudiantes reflexionar y ser conscientes de la importancia que tiene el conocimiento científico para enfrentar los peligros de la naturaleza; la pandemia y la creación de vacunas son muestra de ello. Hemos aprendido que la vida se hace humana al aplicar la ciencia del conocimiento, al estar informados, así como al escuchar a los científicos que saben y conocen para darnos solución a los graves problemas sociales y de salud. Tal ha sido una de las

prioridades en este proyecto, que se ha concretado mediante la elaboración de crónicas y noticias para mantener informada a la comunidad respecto del coronavirus.

Por otra parte, el proyecto “Todos somos iguales”, a cargo también de los alumnos de 9.o grado, abordó el tema de la no violencia y la equidad de género. Este trabajo permitió poner de manifiesto que la educación es la base para erradicar la desigualdad y la violencia de género, problemas que han estado presentes en muchos hogares a lo largo de estos meses de encierro. Detectar y prevenir a tiempo dichas manifestaciones en los adolescentes y despertar en ellos una mentalidad crítica ha sido primordial.

Presente en la violencia de género, el machismo es una conducta humana con dos grandes vertientes que no permiten erradicarlo fácilmente de la sociedad. Por un lado, es una expresión cultural

Cuídate y cuídanos

Todos somos iguales


Page 14: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


que, debido a su larga duración en el tiempo, parece invisible; por otro, es un estereotipo que resulta de la forma en que somos educados. La investigación y la exposición fotográfica realizadas a partir de una mirada de igualdad y no violencia mediante el arte han permitido desarrollar en nuestros estudiantes la reflexión y la concientización. Finalmente, el proyecto “#GraciasDeCorazón”, que llevaron a cabo los alumnos de 8.0 grado, les permitió ponerse en el lugar del otro, generar empatía y reflexionar sobre lo que el personal médico enfrenta cotidianamente para cuidarnos y enfrentar al coronavirus.

Este resumen de actividades nos muestra una vez más que, para proteger nuestra vulnerabilidad y la de los demás, debemos ser solidarios. Por medio de estos proyectos, logramos que nuestros estudiantes reflexionaran en torno a diversos valores humanos que la pandemia y el encierro han puesto de manifiesto. En este sentido, la gratitud hacia quienes exponen su vida para salvarnos, siendo igual de vulnerables que nosotros, ha sido hasta ahora un objetivo alcanzado.

Page 15: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


High School

Page 16: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Bridging Cultures amdist a PandemicNaomi Trego

Middle & High School Teacher

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has felt like closed doors and missed opportunities. With students longing for ways to connect despite the separation, I decided to turn the virtual situation we’re stuck in into an opportunity for international sharing.

Prior to working at Eton, I taught in China. I contacted a teacher friend I met there and asked him to put me in contact with the art teacher of the place he is currently teaching at in Romania. Although half a world away, technology allowed me and his Romanian colleague to meet virtually and plan a project to bring our students together.

My 11th grade students had recently been learning to analyze art for its cultural significance. In groups, they chose and analyzed works of art by significant Mexican artists, studying how culture impacted their artwork. Meanwhile, the Romanian students analyzed artwork from their country in order to teach us about it. Despite the time differences, our two classes were able to meet. Alternating groups of students in Mexico and Romania shared artwork from their countries with pride, creating a unique intercultural experience. Eton students learned about the impact of communism on Romanian society and artwork. Mexican students shared artwork that demonstrated Mexico’s rich artistic heritage, for example, muralism.

Minutes after the event, one student emailed me saying: “I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity of having that meeting with the students in Romania... I really enjoy learning from other cultures, and I think this is a great way of sharing our culture and learning. I genuinely appreciated this experience.”

It’s been hard watching students feel alone through this long pandemic. I was happy to create an opportunity for students to transcend the walls of their homes and learn from their global peers. The experience not only enriched their cultural knowledge, but also allowed them to create a connection with international peers, united by a common interest in art. Not despite the pandemic, but because of it, we were able to learn beyond our own classroom, bridging connections between students.

Page 17: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Personal Project

Nathalie Zidán Signoret

Patricio Leonardo Flores Esain

Elisa Sáiz

Working on a personal project has been one of the most challenging and demanding experiences I have ever undergone. This doesn't mean it wasn't fun. I chose a topic that I'm very passionate about, Model United Nations, and it was an incredible experience to create a project in which the things I love were a priority. This project helped me become a better IB learner, and it helped me develop soft skills such as organization and public speaking. If I had to do it all over again, I would be so happy to, since thanks to this project I became a better student.

A real challenge, a personal approach, and an enthusiastic discovery are all phrases that describe the personal project. For me, this opportunity to create something and to research and adapt things in our world is incredible. I really think that working on a big project is something of importance that will mark our lives and shape who we are. By either knowing what you really like or expanding your boundaries, it’s the best preparation for a real professional future.

The personal project seems daunting at first and, don’t get me wrong, it is an extremely challenging task to undertake; however, if you choose what to focus on correctly, it becomes an opportunity, not a burden. This project gave me the opportunity to explore my own interests in fairness and development and just how deep the passion I have for these topics runs. Not only did I learn about myself in terms of my avocations, I learned how to work with myself and how I function best. The time management skills, stress relievers, and academic passions I gained with this project will stay with me for a long time. Creating a Student Volunteer Center

Arquitectura dinámica e inteligente

MUN to Eighth Graders

Page 18: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members



The Eton MUN (EMUN) event is the pride and joy of our MUN team. Every year, our students, along with their faculty advisor Mario Cruz, plan and execute an event of debates simulating those of United Nations delegates. This year, due to the pandemic, the event was held online, but sixteen Mexican schools participated, bringing with them local and foreign students from places like the United States, Colombia, and Puerto Rico, making it an international event. The MUN team offered delegates a choice of nine committees and cabinets to participate in, all with exciting topics taken from actual debates at the United Nation. The event was a great success, and we congratulate the students and staff involved in the planning of such an exceptional and high-quality event. We can’t wait for next year!


Page 19: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Alejandro Kreimerman MeyohasPresident of the Student Government Association

Eton School

This year has undoubtedly been strange and different for the world and for the Eton community. Fortunately, we have managed to move forward and adapt to the current situation little by little, which is why a lot of us have been going to campus in small groups in order to regain a bit of the hope that comes from going to school and seeing our friends and teachers.

The Student Government Association has tried to keep up all the activities that are held every year in the most normal way we can. We had virtual Middle & High School events for Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and even the recently presented CAMBIO Talks. Likewise, we decided to launch a new virtual student newsletter, which we titled “Number Twenty-One.” In this publication, students can read about news, upcoming School events, and even activities that students organize outside of school. The project encourages Eton School students to participate actively by sending their own contributions they want published. This newsletter’s first edition had a section congratulating the 12th graders on their impending graduation and their university acceptances, wishing them a successful future, and it also contained a letter that a student wrote to our dear Prof. Joel Colunga, who is sadly no longer with us.

Despite this difficult situation, we worked really hard on all of this in order to bring a little hope into our community, during this school term and for many years to come.


Page 20: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


A Transcending Dream

When I think of my mother, I often think of her fierce passion for education and her dream of opening a school where the buildings would never be more important than it was to guide our student’s minds and hearts in a dynamic world that constantly changes and transforms itself in cultural, social, and scientific ways. A school that would therefore require people committed to their personal and social responsibility. It wasn’t long before other people began sharing in my mother’s dream, myself included, so we worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

Opening the doors of Eton School seemed like the culmination of that dream, but we have grown so much over the years that the dream has evolved with us. We started small, with a house as our main campus; we now have three beautiful campuses that cater to a whole slew of students of different ages and cultures. Through creativity and talent for innovation, we created an institution that continues at the forefront of education because of its philosophy and pedagogic practices that focus not only on teaching, but also on the social, physical, and aesthetic development of students.

I took the reins of the School in 2006, and I can think of no higher honor or higher responsibility. As Head of School, I have learned that education is the highest and most sublime of missions. If I could live my life again, I would dedicate it to education, without a doubt. It is through education that societies can change and humankind can be better.

I have learned that this job, and this whole endeavor, is not sustained by one person’s actions, but by a collaborative experience with clear objectives in mind. I have always based my decisions on values (truth, compassion, equality, liberty, courage, and responsibility), which have guided me and each and every one of my choices.

I am certain that my mother would be proud of what Eton is now. I am also certain that she would not like to see the dream she spent so long nurturing come to an end. It has become evident that this dream has transcended the few people that first brought it to fruition, and it deserves a chance to keep growing. This new chapter with Nord Anglia Education promises to take our School to the next level, ensuring that students will continue learning and developing for years to come.

I am so grateful to have been able to grow alongside such an incredible community, and I want to thank everyone that has kept, and will continue to keep, my mother’s dream alive. Eton will always remain close to my heart, now and forever.

Ms. Liz PanchukHead of School

Page 21: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Warmest welcome to the Nord Anglia Education (NAE) family! We are delighted to expand our global network of premium private schools and walk through this new journey together, as one.

Eton School has proven to be an inclusive and coeducational learning community that celebrates different cultures, nationalities, religions, and ideologies. These very same principles align with the NAE community and, therefore, we can reassure you that this partnership will bring even more diversity, growth, global connections, and international opportunities for teachers, parents, and most importantly, our students.

It has been a great pleasure to begin our journey of discovery with students, staff, and parents of the Eton School. So far, we have enjoyed meeting everyone virtually, and we very much look forward to meeting in person as soon as we can. I would like to thank all the members of the school’s leadership team for such a warm welcome.

Eton’s founder, Ms. Margarita Arzac; cofounders, Liz Panchuk, Yvonne Kogan, and Constance Balawender; as well as staff and teachers have done an exceptional job in planning meaningful learning experiences that

Paving a Wonderful

Journeymotivate students to follow their interests through various critical and reflective experiences. As Ms. Arzac said, “A teacher is the person who delights in the accomplishment of each and every one of their students," and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue to work with Eton’s remarkable staff and teachers; we look forward to learning from the immense value they already bring to our family. The Americas is a region that stems from a diverse set of cultural traditions and is home to some of the most amazing geographical features. We are happy to join your traditions, customs, and values and cannot wait to introduce students from other parts of the world to your fascinating and enriching culture as we continue to educate every child toward a global future.

Sincerely, Ann McPhee

Regional Director for the Americas

Page 22: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Class of 2021

The end of an era is approaching. As overused and cliché as it sounds, we are all holding hands while we walk towards the horizon,

the finish line. It has been a marathon that some of us started when we were four or five years old, back in that house that is

divided into classrooms where we spent our days unworried and unchanged, our fingers dripping acrylic paint and our laughs

still young. Others joined the race farther down the road, maybe in Elementary, where recesses were longer and homework

didn't really matter, or maybe during High School, where the end was clear and stated, yet the finish line might have looked

blurry. But now, there are only a couple of weeks left in the story in which each and every one of us have become protagonists,

and where the next step we must all take is to write stories of our own. The end of this marathon is bittersweet, missing a year

and a half of what was going to be our celebration and our goodbyes; a year and a half that lacked holiday festivities and party

plans and simply seeing one another down the hallway. Yet, we have become the class that stayed together despite the changes

in the world, and if we survived this change, we can survive the next phase of our lives. The end is near, but the memories will be

everlasting and the goodbyes, temporary.

Camila Islas12th grade student

Page 23: With all my heart Thank you ETON team!Patricia Núñez, Patricio Flores, Pepa Pin, Stephanie López, and Sylvia Karam. PHOTOGRAPHY Our recognition and gratitude to all the School members


Activación física durante la pandemia

Desde el inicio de los tiempos, la adaptación de las especies ha sido una constante. Tras miles de años, esto ha conllevado cambios significativos y todo lo que nos sucede hoy en día no ha sido diferente. Nuestras sociedades han sufrido estragos con la pandemia; sin embargo, no todo ha sido absolutamente malo. Como muestra de ello, podemos ver lo que vivió el deporte a nivel mundial. Primero, al suspender todas las actividades recreativas y competitivas, empezó a crearse un ambiente de incertidumbre y miedo generalizado, pero también en muchas personas se generó la necesidad de hacer algo útil que ayudara a la población a reducir la tensión y el estrés.

De esta manera, inició la cuenta regresiva en que la creatividad y la adaptación tuvieron un rol muy significativo, y pudimos descubrir nuevos esquemas de entrenamientos y clases funcionales (en los cuales utilizamos nuestro propio cuerpo como implemento principal), todos ellos de alto rendimiento y con la posibilidad de llevarlos a cabo en la comodidad de cada hogar, en espacios relativamente pequeños,

Elías Villalobos Director del After-School Program

para todo tipo de personas y niveles deportivos y recreativos, sin sacrificar intensidad ni contenido en cada entrenamiento.

No obstante, el éxito de esta modalidad de trabajo se vio concretamente en las aplicaciones que empezamos a utilizar: la capacitación y la práctica en cada una de ellas, las herramientas tecnológicas, la adaptación de los lugares desde donde se transmitía y tomaba cada clase, así como las formas de optimizar cada transmisión en música, voz y estructura de clase (duración). Lo anterior fue un reto en muchos aspectos, sobre todo la práctica con implementos tecnológicos y plataformas que serían de uso cotidiano para cada profesor o entrenador en todo el mundo, y nosotros no fuimos la excepción.

Ahora, tenemos claridad: sabemos que el movimiento del ser humano es indispensable y que la tecnología ha pasado de ser una herramienta más en el deporte a tener un carácter básico e indispensable.

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The School Council for Academic Improvement

Community involvement fosters partnerships among its members, with the belief that teachers, students, parents, and support staff are co-responsible for the well-being and the education of our youngsters.

At Eton, we have many ways to get our community members involved, one of which is the School Council for Academic Improvement. This Council brings together parents, teachers, students, and administrators to collaborate on issues or topics that result in educational achievement for students, opportunities for the professional development of teachers, and increased parental involvement.

For the last 10 years, the Academic Council, now composed of 40 members, has offered unique perspectives in terms of teaching and learning, assessment, social and emotional development, communication, and organizational effectiveness. Their input has helped transform policies, practices, and procedures, based on our annual improvement goals and plans.

Throughout our Distance Learning year, our discussions have been about emphasizing strong student-teacher relationships and promoting peer interactions and collaboration. We have also focused on engagement, which is at the core of learning; and we have promoted increased teacher feedback to check for student understanding.

We couldn't be more grateful for having such committed people in our Council, working for the greater good.

Sylvia Karam Early Elementary Principal

& School Improvement Facilitator

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“En esta vida no sólo se trata de dar, sino de darse”. Quiero traer a la memoria estas palabras de Ma. Elena Ruschke que nos movieron tanto en el temblor de 2017, lo cual concluyó con una obra y experiencia que marcó la vida de todos los que participamos, y es que no hay mejor manera de entender lo que sucede en una comunidad que logrando una profunda inmersión en ella.

Me siento orgullosa y agradecida al representar a un grupo de padres tan involucrados con la educación integral de sus hijos. Me he topado con gente sumamente capaz; grandes seres humanos que aportan tiempo, cariño, compromiso y apoyo económico para, con el ejemplo, procurar hacer un cambio positivo en nuestra sociedad.

El Eton es el segundo hogar de nuestros hijos y no podríamos haberlo elegido si no hubiera congruencia entre lo que se enseña en casa y en el colegio. Detrás de lo que vemos hay un maravilloso equipo humano, comprometido y con la camiseta muy bien puesta, que hace posible que todo lo bueno suceda; no hablo únicamente de directoras y personal docente y administrativo, sino de todos y cada uno de los que forman parte de esta Institución. Por lo anterior, invitamos a los padres a participar activamente en la APF, ya sea mediante nuestros comités o como representantes de sus grados o salones, aportando tiempo y nuevas ideas a un proyecto que, de la mano con la escuela, busca siempre ser una mejor comunidad. Agradecemos profundamente la entrega, pasión y cariño de Liz e Yvonne en estos más de 30 años de lucha por la innovación educativa. Sin duda, han dejado un sello importante en cada familia. A ti, Liz, te deseamos lo mejor en este nuevo camino que emprenderás.

Por último, quiero agradecer a quienes formamos parte de esta Asociación, a la Mesa Directiva, a las cabezas de comités y representantes de cada grupo, porque aun en tiempos inciertos, como el que hoy vivimos, se ha logrado estar muy cerca del Colegio para seguir aportando a nuestra comunidad al llevar a buen puerto grandes iniciativas.

Dé clic aquí para ver las actividades.

La Asociación de Padres de

Familia trabaja para su

comunidadAlejandra Cevallos

Presidenta de la Mesa Directiva

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Diego OsegueraDirector del Centro Educativo José Vasconcelos

En el Centro Educativo José Vasconcelos hemos crecido, hemos aprendido a adaptarnos, a llevar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje con un enfoque basado en la reflexión, la conciencia y la responsabilidad social, ya que “la nueva normalidad debe ser enfrentada con tenacidad y perseverancia para transformarla en una enseñanza que nos haga más fuertes” (Antonio Rosales, profesor de Derecho), pues “las situaciones adversas son oportunidades para crecer y adaptarse a los cambios, y esto es indispensable” (Beatriz Barbosa, profesora de Matemáticas y Ecología), teniendo siempre presente que “la empatía y el trabajo en equipo pueden abrir caminos que parecían imposibles” (Marcos Quintanar, profesor de Cálculo Diferencial y Temas Selectos de Física), siempre con miras a atender la formación de calidad de nuestros alumnos, debido a que, “ante la fragilidad del ser humano que queda expuesta una vez más, el desarrollo de habilidades blandas para fortalecer la formación y la educación de los jóvenes mexicanos y su rezago ahora deben ser nuestra prioridad” (Diego Oseguera, Director).

Paralelamente, “la pandemia nos reafirmó el privilegio que es contar con salud y una familia, ya que muchas veces es lo que más se desatiende” (Maricela

Corona, profesora de Historia Universal e Inglés). Entre otros aprendizajes, “el aislamiento social nos ha enseñado que, para estar realmente cerca de lo y los que amamos, únicamente se requiere la intención y la iniciativa de encontrar nuevas y diversas formas de hacerlo” (Erika Hernández, profesora de Literatura, y Taller de Lectura y Redacción). Sin descuidarnos a nosotros mismos, podemos generar vínculos con nuestros seres queridos, pues, “conforme

Las enseñanzas del confinamiento





Maricela Erika

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atendamos nuestro bienestar integral, podremos desarrollar los demás aspectos de nuestra vida; no hay que olvidar el valorar y amar a la familia, reconocerla, compartir con ella y darle una prioridad especial” (Rocío Martínez, profesora de Historia Actual e Inglés).

Algo que se ha visto lastimado por este confinamiento es “el estado de ánimo, que es inherente a la universalidad del ser humano, así como a nuestro sistema nervioso y hormonal, mas la capacidad de romper esquemas con el suficiente carácter es lo que lleva a tener humildad, ser capaces de enfrentar cualquier desafío y crecer como personas, como seres humanos: ¡la fortaleza se encuentra en nuestra espiritualidad” (Martín Rocha, profesor de Biología y Química). Además, “como una postura ética fundamental, debemos autocuidarnos y procurarnos: buscar el descanso adecuado, el despeje mental, el desahogo emocional y el movimiento físico de nuestro cuerpo. Debemos hablar de temas relativos al bienestar integral, dejar de insensibilizarnos invisibilizarlos o ponerlos en segundo plano respecto a los logros intelectuales y, por supuesto, debemos darles tratamiento y seguimiento adecuado en todos los niveles a través de los especialistas en el tema” (Alma Molotla, profesora de Ética y Valores, y Filosofía). A fin de cuentas, “en el paso del tiempo,

en las innumerables generaciones humanas, han existido grandes crisis, gigantescos obstáculos, y éste es un día más en nuestra existencia humana, por tanto, seguiremos caminando” (Sandra Moreno, profesora de Historia).


WelcomeWelcome to Eton School, we are happy you are now a member of our Community!

Together, we will work with joy to pursue the educational purposes of our Institution.

Mariana Cortés SanabriaAdmissions

Luis Ángel Martínez SegundoApplications Specialist

Pauline Duchamp MaderoEarly Childhood Admissions



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Manuel Sánchez PaniaguaClass of 2018

Dileri Berdeja MontalvoClass of 2018

A proud member of Eton’s alumni community, I am in my third year of my Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Conservation with a Major in Science and Management at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

I recently finished a 6-month internship in the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ)’s biodiversity department. I helped train people from the Mexican Natural Protected Area’s Commission (CONANP) in species conservancy, ecosystem rehabilitation, the use of technology for management practices, species monitoring, etc. During my months at GIZ, I helped to write various papers on the Mexican National Pollinator Strategy and participated in the lounge of the BIOCITIS project. I now work for a startup called Ventup, which offers technologies for the food industry. Apart from the work I do, I proudly own my own doughnut business in Mexico called PerDONAme Dieta.

Eton School gave me the skills to communicate in English, which has helped me achieve many goals. Furthermore, I developed great social skills that not only brought me the most amazing friendships, but also helped me thrive in the business world. I am always thankful to the school, teachers, and friends who helped me achieve my goals and continue growing.

Before I graduated, I knew I was going to study film, and Eton gave me the tools I needed to do so. After graduating with the IB Diploma, I went to study Film and Television Production at CENTRO de Diseño, Cine y Television. I’m in my 3rd year of school and have already made several small, short films. I can still recall those we made at REC film club. I haven’t decided where to focus my attention yet, but I have a strong interest in directing, producing, and screenwriting.

Eton helped me develop and understand things that are invaluable for my personal and professional careers, such as perseverance, leadership skills, teamwork, improvement, and support among peers. I’m also grateful for the people I met there and for all those who have been there by my side no matter the cost. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I will always remember Eton as the place where I was raised not by many people, but by family.

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Mother's Day Celebration

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A Day at Eton

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Thank youA big

to all the members of our community who shared pics with us,

they are truly invaluable contributions!