with leyolah antara · element of fire… sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination...

Creating Sacred Space A Temple of light with Leyolah Antara ‘Ceremony is another name for the conscious creation of resonant fields of energy. Ceremony is the open spontaneous intentional focus of energy into a pattern that serves evolutionary process.’ -Ariel Spilsbury Artwork ‘Akasha’ by Autumn Skye Morrison

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Page 1: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Creating Sacred Space

A Temple of light

with Leyolah Antara

‘Ceremony is another name for the conscious creation of resonant fields of energy. Ceremony is the open spontaneous intentional focus of energy into a pattern that serves evolutionary process.’

-Ariel Spilsbury

Artwork ‘Akasha’ by Autumn Skye Morrison

Page 2: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Facilitation of Sacred Ceremony As sacred facilitators of transformation, prior to the arrival of participants or clients will invoke the sacred elements, angelic beings, star beings and personal guides, to hold a sacred space. My preferred style is to create a four directional medicine wheel honouring each of the elements of each direction including the fifth ether in space as well as the angels of each direction. We visualize an octahedron around the space. An octahedron is a pyramid above and a pyramid below with the floor at the level of our feet. The upper tip of the pyramid connects us to the sun and the lower tip connects us to the core of the earth. All these elements combined support the creation of a quantum-healing field - a high frequency light zone for alchemical transformation. Creating an etheric temple of light for our transformational work.

Working with the Elements: The elements are designed to serve the unfoldment if your intentions from thought into manifest reality. Their powerful forces can be called on through loving evocation, invitation, invocation and ceremony.

- Ariel Spilsbury

When we call upon the assistance of the elemental forces their power assists us to bring our intentions and prayers into manifestation. Supporting the creation of an intensified field of light for alchemical transformational ceremony. When we call the elements we are also called to purify any aspect of our intentions that are self – serving or not aligned with the consciousness of love. Creating a field fused with the power of the elements, angels, spirit guides and archetypes potentizes the field for deep inner soul work. The main five elements we work with are: Fire: brings the raw shakti power of creation and holds the energy of purification and illumination, the power of passion and the alchemical blue violet flame of transmutation. Sacred alchemical fire burns off the energetic dross of the personality to reveal the true nature of the soul. Creating a resonant frequency with

Page 3: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

ones higher nature ones spiritual body the initiate is called to remember to invite the spiritual body to palpate through the layers of all bodies (mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual) to lift the vibrational imprints of all bodies into resonance with ones true soul nature. Connected to solar plexus chakra. Water: the fluid container of feminine consciousness, water brings with it the quality of cleansing through the high vibrational potential of surrender. Water dissolves and cleanses the emotional body working on the subconscious layers of deep buried emotions that distort the expression of our true nature as love. Water is the medium of transduction of the magnetic frequencies of the mother. The element of water empowers the intuition. Connected to sacral chakra. Earth: nurture and sustainer the source of life, earth pulse sustains the life that runs through our bodies, our blood our veins. The green life force of nature, the prana, that feeds our vibration. Earth grounds our visions, thoughts and prayers into manifestation. Earth is fertile she multiplies effortlessly bringing spirit into matter, bringer of form. Root chakra. Air: the breath of spirit within creation, carries the creative power of inspiration, eagle vision, clarity, intuitive mind. Omnipresent bringer of the winds of change, carrier of freedoms voice, cleansing breeze that blows away the cobwebs, the entanglements of the past. Air has the power to uplift and inspire. Connected to heart chakra. Ether: messenger of the mystery, reveals the quickening of divine consciousness. Ether is both the medium and the message in which higher consciousness reveals itself to us. The element of ether is a transducer of divine intelligence, through geometric patterns of light energy. Connected to throat chakra.

Four directional altars When we work with the elements it helps to have symbols of the actual element in the direction that we assign to the direction. For example when evoking fire have a candle flame or when evoking water place a bowl of water on the directional altar of water. Crystals are good for earth, incense for air. I use sacred geometrical symbols to represent ether.The directions assigned to the elements vary greatly between traditions. That doesn’t seem to matter, what matters is the loving intent and strong feeling held in our invocational prayer. What does matter is that the angels are assigned to the correct elements.

Page 4: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Archangels - Invisible Allies Each element also has an archangel that is connected to it. When we call in the archangel we also call in their feminine counterpart. Fire ~MichaEL ~ Michaelah ~ bearer of the sword of truth ~blue flame ~ strength ~courage to surrender the ego to loves transmutational flame ~ability to release attachments ~ solar plexus chakra ~integrity~ spiritual body Water ~ GabriEL ~ Gabrielah ~ white ray ~ purity ~ cleansing ~ emotional body ~ flow ~ surrender ~the messenger ~ prophecy~ assisting one to remember ones true calling Earth ~ UriEL ~ Urielah ~ physical body ~ DNA ~ cellular re-encoding ~grounding ~manifestion into physical ~ practical solutions ~ alchemy of matter~ divine magic ~ earth changes Air ~ RaphaEL ~ Raphaelah ~ compassion ~ healing ~forgiveness ~ mental body~ clarity ~ spirit releasement ~ space clearing ~ safe travel Aether ~ Zadkeil ~Zadkeila ~ transformational alchemical violet flame ~ alchemy of aetheric karmic blueprints ~ ally saint germain ~ Invocation to Fire ~ Direction of the East Calling in the guardians and the gatekeepers of the east. The sacred alchemical element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti power of creation you who holds the power of purification we call you come and reveal our radiance. May your passionate flame dissolve all that no longer serves us that we may embody the ecstatic love that we are. May our spiritual bodies palpate through all our etheric bodies that we may vibrate in attunement with the divine consciousness on every level of our selves. Archangel Michael, Michaela, Michael, Michaela, Michael, Michaela we call you come and hold a sacred space of light here. Keeper of the etheric sword, the jewelled sword of initiates, that cuts through our illusions to reveal truth. Blue flaming sword of truth we invite you to penetrate our consciousness with the gifts of courage and strength to release all attachments to the beliefs, people, places or things that shroud our true light. Thankyou, it is done it is done it is done.

Page 5: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Invocation to Water – Direction of the South

Calling the guardian and gatekeepers of the south, elemental forces of water. Sacred water we call you come bring the fluid presence of shakti ma, divine feminine consciousness into our sacred ceremony. Sacred water, cleansing water come and cleanse our emotional bodies that we may vibrate as love. Thank you for showing us the fluid quality of surrender. Sacred water we thankyou for being the medium of transduction of the magnetic frequencies of the mother. Archangel Gabriel, Gabrielah, Gabriel, Gabrielah, Gabriel, Gabrielah, we call you come and hold a sacred space of light here in the south. We thankyou for supporting us to cleanse our emotional bodies that we vibrate as pure love. May we remember our souls calling, may we have the courage and stamina to follow the call. Invocation to Earth ~ Direction of the West Calling in the guardians and gatekeepers of the west, elemental forces of earth. Sacred earth, nurturer and sustainer the source of life, giver of the life force that runs through our bodies, our blood, our veins we call you come and be with us in our transformational ceremony. Sacred earth life force of nature, the prana, that nourishes us and lifts our vibration as love. Sacred earth we call you come we thank you for supporting us to ground our visions, thoughts and prayers into manifestation, into form. As we commune with the sacred element of earth may our physical bodies, our cells, our DNA be strengthened by the regenerating and rejuvenating power of the mother and may we vibrate as one with the ecstatic resonance with earth’s core. Archangel Uriel, Urielah, Uriel, Urielah, Uriel, Urielah, we call you come and hold a sacred space of light here in the west. May our physical bodies, our cells, our DNA to vibrate in ecstatic resonance with the earth’s crystalline light core. Thank you, it is done, it is done.

Page 6: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Invocation to Air ~ Direction of the North

Calling in the guardians and gatekeepers of the north, elemental forces of air. Sacred air that breathes the breath of spirit within creation, we call you come and carry the creative power of inspiration, vision and the clarity of divine mind into our sacred alchemical dance ceremony. Give us clarity that we may see the whole with the power of eagle vision. Sacred air we call come and cleanse the debris of our confusion and give us the clarity of divine mind and intuitive perception. As we commune with the sacred element of air, through our breath, may we hear the gentle whispers of our hearts voice upon your sacred winds. Guide us that we may see what we need to see that we may love in love’s freedom now. AHO Archangel Raphael, Raphaelah, Raphael, Raphaelah, Raphael, Raphaelah, we call you come and hold a sacred space of light here in the north. May our mental bodies be cleansed by the sacred breath of life, that we may see with the laser like perception of intuitive divine mind. May we be guided by the power of love, compassion and forgiveness. Thank you it is done, it is done, AHO. As above so below. RA MA

Visualize an octahedron around the space Focusing on the point of light above and below and visualizing an octahedron around the space. A four sided pyramid above the floor and a four sided pyramid below the floor. The upper tip of the pyramid connecting into central sun, solar source. Infusing the space with the energies of the divine father, RA. The lower tip of the pyramid connecting into the central core of the earth, earth core crystal. Taping into the tail of the earth serpent, the kundalini energy of the earth. Infusing the space with energies of the divine mother, shakti, MA.

Page 7: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Indigenous Gate Keepers

It is always important that you honour the indigenous guardians and gatekeepers of the land that you are living on. Past, present and future seen and unseen. This may require that you do some research around who and what native people and traditions came before you. Temple of Isis - Egyptian guides and allies There are a team of beings who come and support create scared space with the Kundalini Dance work and they come in with all my teachings and are especially present with this online community since we activated the Temple of Isis Online Course in February 2017. This work has its roots in the Egyptian lineage of ISIS. Isis is the Divine Mother is represented in Christianity as the archetype of Mother Mary. She is all compassionate, tender, soft, graceful feminine power. She is the dark light of the deep feminine mystery. Calling us home to our wombs. Isis will overlay your womb through the first months initiation. Show her your devotion and she will anchor into your temple and support incredible healing, particularly if you are working with sexual healing and sacred union, pregnancy, love, marriage. I learnt to call her as Isa Isa, through my inner plane guide. She responds well to her Egyptian name Auset. You can call in ISIS, and her twin sister Nephthys, MARY MAGDELENE, HATHOR, BAST and SEKHMET to support you to transmit the ancient divine feminine wisdom teachings. ANUBIS is our temple guardian. He goes with Isis. He creates a bridge between the worlds and helps us to transmute density and release it up to the central sun. You can also call in the Christ Consciousness carried by JESHUA. The Egyptian sun God, RA, HORUS, OSIRIS to support you to balance the energies of the feminine with the divine masculine.

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We will go deeper into teachings and initiations with each of the Egyptian lineage in our first month we are focusing on ISIS.

5th Dimensional Star Realms

I also call in fifth dimensional star beings that are allies to our work here on earth, in assisting the evolutionary quickening of collective consciousness at this time. Particularly beings from Sirius, Sothis the central sun of Sirius and The star system, The Pleiadies and Acturius.

Your Inner Plane Divine Light Team

As part of our initiation you will be strengthening your inner plane light team. I know you already have many guides and your light team will grow through this 9 month process. I have been told by my inner planes guide that the beings come when I invite them, and It is like I can introduce and initiate others into the relationship with them so that they will come independantly when you call them too, this is apart of our initiation together. The following prayers to the Divine Mother and Divine Father can be used with your students and clients as they support the creation and sense of power and safety within the alchemical container.

Page 9: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Devotional Prayer to the Divine Mother, Isis

Beloved Mother, Shakti Ma, Divine Feminine. Isa Isa.

Creatrix of all that is, womb of infinite potential, Birther of all life You who lay with our father spirit, creator in the beginning of time

Om Ma, Shakti Ma, Divine Mother, Isis Goddess of Love, We who are your children call you come and be with us now

Come rise up through us now,

Infuse our bodies, minds and spirits with the fluid current of your living essence Come and enter our body mind and cleanse us with your holy fire

Come and rise up into our hearts that we may remember we are love Come and purify our chakras that we may open to our highest creative potential Come and ignite us with your love of life that we may birth the new awakened

humanity here on earth through us. Come and enter our minds that we may radiate as pure consciousness

That we may live and embody love in action here on earth

Divine Mother I offer myself as your vessel, purify me that I may serve you Purify me that I may transmute all forgetfulness and radiate as you

Enter and awaken me that I may remember I am you That I may inspire all who enter this temple to feel you, dance with you and open to

your transformational flame.

Om mama gaia come, om mama gaia come Come that we may radiate as one

Thankyou, it is done it is done, it is done.

Page 10: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

Devotional Prayer to the Divine Father

Beloved father, you who are the brilliant light of the sun, solar source, RA Creator of worlds within worlds and those without King of Pure Consciousness, Shiva, Lord of Light

Emperor of wisdom and radiant renewal You who lay with our divine Mother, potent keeper of the sacred seed,

We who are your children, call you come and be with us

We call you to us, come and bless us with the light of infinite creative potential Come and illuminate our minds and mental bodies that we may radiate as pure

consciousness Come and permeate every cell of our physical bodies with your luminous power of

renewal Come and imbue our hearts and emotional bodies that we may maintain

equilibrium Come and lift the vibration of every chakra that we may live our divine potential.

Divine Father, RA, I offer myself as a chalice, a receptacle for you light.

Illuminate my consciousness that I may radiate as you, that I may remember I am you,

and inspire all who enter this temple to feel you, dance with you and open to your enlightening light.

Thank you. It is done, it is done, and it is done.

Page 11: with Leyolah Antara · element of fire… Sacred flame, holy flame of purification, illumination and inspiration we call you come and ignite the sacred fire within us. Raw shakti

A chant to open to the transformational energies of the sun: RA HU RA KAN RA HU RA KAN RA HU RA KAN Prayer for the Sacred Alchemical Marriage Divine Union of Shiva and Shakti Beloved mother earth beloved father sun, We invite you now to merge as one, that we may feel the ecstasy of your divine union birthing within every cell, every chakra we offer ourselves as vessels for the conception of heaven on earth, may the new paradigm of love be ecstatically embodied through us may the new myth of the new humanity be birthed through us we offer ourselves as vehicles for the conscious creative expression of love in action through your marriage within may non dualistic consciousness be birthed through us. A chant to open to the ecstatic alchemical union of divine masculine and divine feminine: RA MA RA MA RA MA Offering Love through the Divine Matrix Remembering we are one and interconnected through the divine matrix that connects all life as pure light consciousness. Which in essence mean whatever positive change we integrate within ourselves, whatever shift or leap of consciousness we make from fear to love affects the whole of humanity. Through embodying our highest potential it in turn ripples out into the collective, supporting mass change and mass awakening.

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Please remember to consciously offer all the ecstasy and love and positive transformation that is generated by your group out to all humanity and to all sentient beings. It is particularly affective to bring to the attention of the group that they can make surrogate changes for their ancestral lineage, especially their children, but also other family members. Whatever positive changes we make for ourselves we do for the whole. Especially when it is consciously offered. Flower of Life Grid Visualizing a flower of life grid around the space is also a powerful way to create a quantum - healing field. As sacred facilitators we are opening up participants to a lot of light and life force. The flower of life grid supports us to contain all the light we generate in the space, so the participants of our workshops, have easier access to the light. The flower of life grid also prevents any negative energies entering the field or sucking energy from the field. In the kundalini dance work we are inspiring purification. I am aware that there are certain low frequency astral entities that like to feed on our negative emotional energy. It is best that we offer all energy that is released in our session to be transmuted by the light through the top of our pyramid and then down through the bottom of our octahedron pyramid. Visualize the flower of life grid like a holographic sphere around the four directional octahedron pyramid. Releasing contracts with dark forces As sacred facilitators it is crucial that we release all contracts that we have made in past incarnations where we gave permission for the dark force to work with us or through us. We will work more with contract release as we go along. Opening Yourself as a Universal Channel a sacred vessel Through the preparation of creating sacred space you are now ready to shift your consciousness from ordinary practical reality to sacred time. Once the space has been activated and cleared you are ready to plug into the quantum - healing field you have just activated. Take a few moments to lift your vibration and offer yourself to be an unimpeded vessel for the light. Offering yourself in service to all who enter your temple of love. When you do the work you become a channel, if you are feeling

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self - consciousness it means that you are in the way. Ask for your personality self to get out of the way so that you can be a clear channel for love. “ Divine mother, Divine Father, thank you, for this opportunity to get out of the way, so that I may transmit the purest essence of “the work” Before you start, ask that the gifts all of previous initiations, codes and activations be activated so that you can bring them all through in service to the ecstatic awakening of all participants in your ceremony. Closing the Ceremony If you are setting up a ceremonial alchemical container in a public space, yoga studio, healing spaces that are used by others it is very important to close down the ceremony and thank, bless and release all beings who have been called in. I give thanks to all the beings of light who have come to hold space and support this alchemical healing ceremony, I bless you and release you, I bless you and release you, I bless you and release you. May your sacred alchemical containers be potent and deep, all my blessings, Leyolah