with my brother

With my Brother. There is other issue in my mind, I agree with you, is not too wise to make invest with him. But is wrong, and this why I say this is a leader issue, and has to do with family and marriage. Ok, I found the issue, but I want talk about this: If I waste money in teaching my workers to do the work they need to do, for example with Jonathan I waste some money, why not waste money to teach my brother to be a real man, and how to have a business and teach Him about integrity, and with this have a testimony about Crist, and share gospel. This has to do with the email “Business” but I will say here, I have been spend time to find what bile say about business, and also is different to the main concept in GCC, I found have a business is for share, to have a generosity, and wisdom have to do with generosity, I mean many parts of the law “love your brother as yourself” has to do with generosity, like with my brother, I mean Him not have not body more to help him to learn about this, if I follow what you say, ( isn't reliable and therefore you shouldn't invest into his business, )not have to do with the Bible say about the character of God, is not the way Jesus live, because, again is a soul how much is the value of a soul? Am I wrong with this? I mean, even if is not my brother should I need do the same? So what is then “love your neighbor as yourself” of course we need be very careful because there are people who abuse of this, and yes there is not wisdom to do it. And also I have to be careful removing the straw of my eye to teach my brother, how many times I need forgive my brother? I think this has to do with maturity and leadership and a lack in my teaching as being or have integrity and way, and this can open his heart or gime more opportunities to share the gospel with him, better than just be hard and not showing love, right? In marriage, I mean I know is different but many problems in marriage is because lack of forgiveness, real forgiveness, and also because a weak leadership, Yes agree with you, Jacob is not a good example, Jesus is a good example yes. The problem is Jacob has a lot of experiences of his weakness

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Post on 15-Feb-2016




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Page 1: With My Brother

With my Brother. There is other issue in my mind, I agree with you, is not too wise to make invest with him. But is wrong, and this why I say this is a leader issue, and has to do with family and marriage. Ok, I found the issue, but I want talk about this: If I waste money in teaching my workers to do the work they need to do, for example with Jonathan I waste some money, why not waste money to teach my brother to be a real man, and how to have a business and teach Him about integrity, and with this have a testimony about Crist, and share gospel. This has to do with the email “Business” but I will say here, I have been spend time to find what bile say about business, and also is different to the main concept in GCC, I found have a business is for share, to have a generosity, and wisdom have to do with generosity, I mean many parts of the law “love your brother as yourself” has to do with generosity, like with my brother, I mean Him not have not body more to help him to learn about this, if I follow what you say, ( isn't reliable and therefore you shouldn't invest into his business, )not have to do with the Bible say about the character of God, is not the way Jesus live, because, again is a soul how much is the value of a soul? Am I wrong with this? I mean, even if is not my brother should I need do the same? So what is then “love your neighbor as yourself” of course we need be very careful because there are people who abuse of this, and yes there is not wisdom to do it. And also I have to be careful removing the straw of my eye to teach my brother, how many times I need forgive my brother? I think this has to do with maturity and leadership and a lack in my teaching as being or have integrity and way, and this can open his heart or gime more opportunities to share the gospel with him, better than just be hard and not showing love, right? In marriage, I mean I know is different but many problems in marriage is because lack of forgiveness, real forgiveness, and also because a weak leadership, Yes agree with you, Jacob is not a good example, Jesus is a good example yes. The problem is Jacob has a lot of experiences of his weakness where we can learn, and also he has a lot of good qualities that often go unnoticed.

Ok, I try to dealing with this leaks. Ok, lest see other Man, Adam, this I spect to have on the next mail but I can start here too.

Marriage is not a easy thing, is not something just happening and we hope result good, not, because God, give us the model, and the way or what to hope, and how to prepare and how to deal with it. Right? Ok, Weeks ago I have a very bad understanding of this, wrong view, wrong hope, and wrong direction, because it thought I was having wrong understanding of the Bible.

I read the beginning :

Page 2: With My Brother

And God saw the light, that it was good: then nd God saw that it was good,and continues He Say “was good” but in Gn 2 God Say: “It is not good” 18 And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.

Take me a lot to see this, and I agree, “It is not good” so what is happening on this generations, even in me? Well is selfishness, I mean is the heart same thing like when the disciples of Crist say: “  The followers said to Jesus, “If that is the only reason a man can divorce his wife, it is better not to marry.” I mean was almost my same way of thinking! He answered, “This statement is true for some, but not for everyone—only for those who have been given this gift. And I have a lot time study that, In verse 11 is like a joke? Because  is like he is saying: “You’ll just stay single and you not have problem” but he says, not everybody can handle that.  (Not everybody can handle singleness right?) I mean God know us, and He says “It is not good that the man should be alone” So is true! Right? “And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” In the past I really I spend a lot of time trying to find the will of God, until I start studying what is the will of God, really I ask a lot about this, so in my foolishness God show me the Bible is the will of God, and in the rest He move me, (History of Joseph, “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Etc) Not everybody can handle singleness and is a amazing gift from God, is a real blessing from God, and I was wrong. I haved a wrong very wrong view about this, ok just to say something here, that means have just God is not enough? Well He say not, and I studying this, so not sure about this. Do you have any idea? Cause God say is not good.

Jacob know something, and is the fact of he not want to marry a unbeliever, and other view of why he marry 2 wife’s, is because he not want to dishonor Leah, in that time even in the time of Jesus was a big load for the family, (When the brothers of Jesus go to him to persuade Him) So on this is other face of Jacob, a good one, but he fall and there is my point.

On my understanding of marry a no save woman, is not only disobey God but is lacking of something necessary. God-Men-Woman.

God says He will make “a helper suitable for him” So the first is Helper, and on this a companionship, Man, I was looking to my past, and I can see that missing part, there, something is not good, really, I mean yes I like loneliness a lot, but that make me a well I mean since I depart from the house of my mother I live pretty much alone , well.

So this passage describes a person on wich you can depend or relay, or need like Proverbs 31, why God not make Eva at the same time? When I see my life I have a Idea, is to praise

Page 3: With My Brother

God for She so God Has the glory, and also is for Man can appreciate the kindness of God, right? Is like when you fast, you really appreciate food, and the kindness of God, right? I mean God put Adam to put name at the animals, I think he start see something, every animal have his other part, so he maybe start thinking where is my other part? and feel loneliness, because says, “for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him” I start feel this on this year’s cause all my friends start get marry even that one how say never will, so I right on this? Or is just my mind? So is when you deeply appreciate “wife” So if I interpreting this good, am I right?

When Gos make woman, He not make from the dirt, but from the Rib, that is important (I think and I studying this. So adam says This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, Wow, I can imagine that moment I mean the beauty, and perfection, to say “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”

 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Ok, I think is talking about companionship,, not sure, and of course is a image of our the relation with Him.

Am I wrong with this?

And we see the same problem here with Adam, He eat, from the tree He was made for leadership, and fall on this, thahs way I see this something very dangerous, Jacob is a example of some very wrong mistakes and lacks on leadership, I see my own life and I can see that with my brothers and family, specially with my sister, because there is some lack on me, that I need to find and correct.

“And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”