witness statement of bruce finlay omb file pl100206 · scope of witness statement this statement...

WITNESS STATEMENT OF BRUCE FINLAY OMB FILE PL100206 Bruce Finlay MCIP, RPP, MPIA Planner III Policy Development and Urban Design Branch Planning and Growth management Department City of Ottawa December 2010

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Page 1: WITNESS STATEMENT OF BRUCE FINLAY OMB FILE PL100206 · Scope of Witness Statement This statement provides an overview of the purpose of the 2009 Review of the City’s Official Plan




Bruce Finlay MCIP, RPP, MPIA Planner III Policy Development and Urban Design Branch Planning and Growth management Department City of Ottawa December 2010

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Present Position

I currently hold the position of senior planner in the Land Use and Natural Systems Unit in the Planning

and Growth Management Department of the City of Ottawa. This unit is responsible for the preparation of

land use and environmental policies and providing advice and information on these policies to Council,

City staff, other agencies and the public. The unit is responsible for the City’s Official Plan and its

periodic review.


I have 30 years of experience working as a land use planner. My experience includes work as a municipal

planner in Australia and as a planning consultant in Canada before joining the City of Kanata and then the

City of Ottawa at amalgamation in 2001. I was seconded to the team responsible for the preparation of

City’s first Official Plan which was completed in 2003. I gave evidence in respect to the policies of the

2003 Plan at the Ontario Municipal Board and was responsible for numerous Official Plan amendments

and planning studies flowing from that Plan. Since 2007, I have been involved in the Official Plan review

that culminated in 2009 with Official Plan Amendment No.76.

My resume is attached as Appendix A

Scope of Witness Statement

This statement provides an overview of the purpose of the 2009 Review of the City’s Official Plan and

the development of Official Plan Amendment No. 76, particularly those policies related to intensification

and urban expansion. Appendix B is a table of policies that the City is requesting the Board to approve.

A list of documents which may be referred to in my evidence is included as Appendix C. Where

documents are referred to in my witness statement they are included in the Book of Documents.

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B ISSUES LIST The following issues are addressed in this witness statement: 1. Is the decision to adopt a 15-year supply of land for residential uses in the urban area, despite the

Official Plan providing “a vision of the future growth of the City and a policy frame work to guide its

physical development to the year 2031” consistent with the 2005 Provincial policy Statement, in

conformity with the City of Ottawa Official Plan, and does it represent good planning? If not what is

the appropriate time horizon for the City’s urban residential land supply?

2. Does the decision to adopt a 15-year supply of land for residential uses and add 230 hectares of land

to the City’s urban boundary appropriately reflect other City policy documents, including but not

limited to the Transportation Master Plan, Infrastructure Master Plan, Greenspace Master Plan

(referenced in section 1.5 of the Official Plan) and other Growth Management Plans (referenced in

Section 1.4 of the Official Plan)?

8. Is the proposed requirement in Policy 3e in section 2.2.1 that “an urban boundary expansion will only

be considered if the intensification target of this plan has been met” consistent with the 2005

Provincial Policy Statement, in conformity with other policies in the Ottawa Official Plan, and does it

represent good planning?

10. Is the decision to add 230 hectares of land to the City of Ottawa’s urban boundary consistent with the

2005 Provincial Policy Statement, in conformity with the City’s Official Plan, and does it represent

good planning?

11. Does OPA 76 add sufficient land within the City of Ottawa’s Urban Area to meet projected

residential/housing needs for the City and if not, how much land should be added to the urban area to

meet projected residential /housing needs?

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Ottawa and Ottawa-Gatineau Metropolitan Area

1) Founded as the seat of Canada’s capital in 1857, today Ottawa is part of Canada’s fifth-largest

metropolitan area. Ottawa-Gatineau is estimated to have a current population of over 1.2 million.

2) The functional urban core of this metropolitan area the straddles the Ottawa River and both

municipalities operate as a regional market area.

3) Ottawa was established at the confluence the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers. Together these rivers, the

historic Rideau Canal, the National Capital Greenbelt and the surrounding rural area have played a

significant role shaping the urban form of the modern city. Schedule A -Rural Land Use and Schedule

B –Urban Land Use of the Consolidated City of Ottawa Official Plan reflect these geographical

influences as well as the influences of the former municipal and Regional plans.

4) The new City of Ottawa came into being in 2001 with the amalgamation of the 11 former local

municipalities of Cumberland, Gloucester, Goulbourn, Kanata, Nepean, Osgoode, Ottawa, Rideau,

Rockcliffe Park, Vanier and West Carleton with the Region of Ottawa-Carleton.

5) The City has an area of 2,796 kilometres or 1,080 square miles and stretches 90 kilometres east to

west and approximately 75 kilometres, south to north. Approximately 80 per cent of that area is rural

and accommodates 10% of the City’s population (some 91,000 people) in 26 villages and in scattered

rural developments.

6) At amalgamation in 2001 Ottawa had a population of over 800,000 residents. By mid-2010 the

population is estimated to have increased by over 100,000 people.

7) Originally planned in the 1950s to contain urban growth, the 20,350 hectare band of open lands and

forests, known as the National Capital Greenbelt, separates the older urban neighbourhoods from the

suburban communities of Orleans in the east, Kanata-Stittsville in the west and Nepean, Riverside

South and Leitrim.

8) The creation of Urban Centres outside the greenbelt, linking these centres by public transit and

ensuring that an equitable balance of dwellings and employment is planned for in these communities

has formed the basis of the regional development strategy from 1974 until amalgamation of the new

City. The concept of the urban boundary was first introduced in the 1988 Regional Official Plan.

9) Ottawa’s bus transit system was started in 1983 and today consists of 31 kms of dedicated bus ways,

34 Stations and 16 kms of arterial bus lanes and 23 kms of freeway shoulder bus lanes. More than

1,000 buses and three trains carry over 37,000 passengers daily. The City owns and maintains 6,000

kms of roads, 1,575kms of Side walks and 340 kms of on road cycle lanes.

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10) The 2006 Employment Survey undertaken by the City identified approximately 522,000 jobs in

Ottawa. Major sectors are: advanced technology 68,000, federal government 103,000, health and

education 79,000 and trades 61,000. As many as 10,000 jobs in the City's overall economy are

directly or indirectly associated with agriculture.

Official Plan for the new City of Ottawa

11) The new City’s Official Plan was adopted by By-law 2003-203 on May 14th 2003. It was approved

with modifications by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on November 10, 2003. The Plan was

appealed and further modified by the Ontario Municipal Board and by subsequent Official Plan


12) That Plan was prepared in accordance the 1997 Provincial Policy Statement and was modeled upon

the former Regional Official Plan. It retained similar principles with regard to the structure of the

urban area encouraging intensification to best utilise existing and new facilities and services. Within

the urban boundary growth is to be directed to areas with significant development potential,

specifically the Central Area, Mixed-Use Centres, Employment and Enterprise areas and Mainstreets.

In these areas a mix of uses and higher densities are to be encouraged. Development is also to be

directed to Developing Communities where higher, average residential densities are encouraged.

Like the former Regional Official Plan the urban boundary continued to be defined on Schedule A.

13) The structure of the plan was changed and comprises four main sections that move from the most

general planning principles (Section 1), strategic policies and objectives (section 2), to policies related

to land use designations (Section 3) and to a section containing practical implementation measures

required for the review of development applications (section 4) . Three other sections identify

implementation and interpretation provisions (Section 5), land use schedules (Section 6) and

appendices and supporting information (Section 7). The urban boundary and growth management

policies are mostly located in Section 2 of the Plan.

Official Plan Amendment No. 76

14) Council adopted OPA #76 by By-law 2009-209 on June 24th 2009. A copy OPA # 76 is included in

the evidence book.

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15) The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing gave notification of the Minister’s decision to

approve OPA #76, with modifications, on January 4, 2010 (Tab 5). The Greater Ottawa Home

Builders Association and others appealed the Minister’s approval of OPA #76. I have reviewed all of

the appeals submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board.

16) For ease of interpretation an annotated version of the City’s Official Plan with the changes proposed

by OPA76 has been compiled. While helpful, this document may not contain all of the latest

amendments to the City’s Official Plan due to the appeal status of changes at the time it was


The Official Plan Review Process Leading to OPA 76

17) To conform to the Planning Act the City was required to review the 2003 Official Plan in 2008. In

April 2007 Staff reported to the Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) and the Agricultural

and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) on the proposed timeline and work program to complete the

review of the City’s Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan. Both

Committees share responsibility for planning matters in the City. The report projected completion of

this review in 2008. The key issues affecting the scope of the Review were identified by the staff

report as:

a) The necessity to change the Official Plan as a result of changes to the Planning Act (Bill 51,

2006 ) and to be consistent with the updated Provincial Policy Statement (2005)

b) Evaluate the impact that changes to the Plan may have on financial matters such as

Development Charges, the City’s Long Range Financial Plan and the Corporate Plan. A

component of the review was to evaluate the financial impact of various growth scenarios.

c) To better define how and what “Intensification” will mean in the City and how it will be

achieved through community planning exercises and the development review process.

d) The review the residential and employment land supply needed to support growth to 2031.

e) The need to update the population projections and extend them to 2031.

f) The need to review the City’s Rapid Transit Network and makes changes to the Official Plan

resulting from the cancellation of the North-South Light Rail.

g) The need for changes identified through the implementation of existing plans.

18) In January 2007, the City initiated monthly meetings with home building industry representatives and

consultants to discuss the process and timing of the Official Plan Review and major issues affecting

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the industry. Later in February 2008 these meetings increased in frequency to twice-monthly and

lasted continued until the draft Official Plan Amendment was tabled in February 2009

19) Staff initiated the review of the population projections in June 2007. On 28th November 2007 Council

approved the new growth projections for the period 2006-2031 and their use as the reference

projection for the Official Plan and Master Plan reviews. The reference projection adopted was

1,136,000 people, 496,000 households and 703,000 jobs in the City by 2031. These were lower than

the projections for 2021 contained in the 2003 Official Plan.

20) The City initiated the consultation on urban issues for the Official Plan Review with the release of a

number of ‘White Papers’ in October 2007. The White Papers included discussion of a number of

matters including Transportation and Rapid Transit, Residential Intensification including setting

targets, challenges facing the provision of Infrastructure, balance of jobs and housing in Orleans,

compensation for wetlands and other environmental lands, supporting growth with water and

wastewater services, development in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region, addressing climate change, and a

review of how well the City’s Natural Heritage System is protected.

21) In response to the public input, staff produced and released a “Preliminary Proposals” document on

April 22nd, 2008. This document responded to the public input and framed possible changes to the

Official Plan and the Infrastructure Master Plan such as:

a) The updated Population Projections with sub-projections for different parts of the City.

b) Recognition that at least 500 ha of additional urban land may be needed within the planning


c) Introduction of a residential intensification target of 40% and suggested that targets may also

be allocated to specific areas of the City where intensification and greater density can

support the proposed rapid transit system.

d) A proposal to link future urban boundary growth to the achievement of the intensification

objectives of the Plan.

e) Policies for the control of the conversion of employment lands to other land uses.

f) Proposed changes to the Infrastructure Master Plan intended support the City’s objectives for


g) Other changes related to Village Development, rural subdivisions, air quality related to GHG

emissions, Agricultural policies, and the definition and protection of the Natural Heritage

System as defined by the Provincial Policy Statement.

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22) On October 18th, 2008 the City gave the first notice in local newspapers of two meetings that fulfill

the role of a Special Meeting under the Planning Act. These meetings were held on November 24th,

2008 before the Planning and Environment Committee and November 27th before the Agriculture and

Rural Affairs Committee. The Staff Report identified the following proposed changes:

a) the incorporation of the transportation schedules from the Transportation Master Plan,

b) the inclusion of the definition of Intensification from Provincial Policy Statement,

c) the intention to a phase in the target for intensification ranging from 36 – 44 % over the life of the


d) the need for an additional urban residential land requirement by 2031 of 850 hectares,

e) the inclusion of density targets at key stations on the rapid transit network to support transit and

modal split objectives,

f) the inclusion of density targets for Traditional and Arterial mainstreets to support the creation of

vibrant communities in older areas of the City,

g) the inclusion of density targets for suburban Town Centres to support future upgrades of the rapid

transit system to rail, and

h) increases in the density for single detached housing in greenfields locations.

The amendments to policies were demonstrated as annotated changes to the 2003 Official Plan and 15

preliminary schedule changes were included. The committees resolved that staff bring a Draft Official

Plan Amendment to Council in early 2009. Submissions from the home building industry,

community groups and individuals were received.

23) The Draft Official Plan and the Draft Infrastructure Master Plan were tabled at a joint PEC and

ARAC Committee meeting on February 2nd, 2009. No public submissions were made at this

meeting. The Staff report included the annotated copies of the Official Plan and Infrastructure Master

Plan showing proposed policy and land use changes as well as report titled “A Review of Candidate

Areas for Additions to the Urban Area”, a Comparative Municipal Fiscal Analysis, undertaken by

Hemson Consulting Ltd, a Revised Residential Lands Strategy and a Revised Rural Settlement

Strategy. The staff report identified the City’s intent to add small amounts of land at a number of

locations and totalling 850 hectares to the urban area. These locations were chosen to utilise residual

capacity in existing infrastructure and to integrate the new land with existing communities. The same

report identified how these lands would be selected and prioritised.

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24) Notification for technical and community consultation on the Draft Official Plan Amendment began

February 13th 2009. Due to the size of the annotated draft Official Plan and draft Infrastructure

Master Plan documents, a summary was provided and recipients were advised that paper copies were

only provided upon request. Electronic copies were available from the City’s web site.

25) The Public Information Sessions were advertised in local daily newspapers on February 6th, 13th and

20th, 2009. The Information Sessions were structured as follows: two meetings to deal with rural

policies held in the rural area on February 19th and March 16th, 2009 and two meetings to address

urban policies were held on February 24th and March 26th, 2009.

26) The multi-day Public Meeting to receive public submissions under the Planning Act began on March

31st, 2009. Advertising and notification was given on March 6th, and 27th, 2009. A staff report was

presented on the first day of the meeting and included a revised version of the draft Official Plan

Amendment as Document 1 and a revised amendment to the draft Infrastructure Master Plan as

Document 2. The staff report also contained:

a. An addition to the draft Official Plan comprised of policies for two new land use designations

(Section 3.12 Urban Expansion Study Area and Section 3.13 Developing Community

(Expansion Area)) and draft schedules proposing the inclusion in the urban area of 7 areas

totalling approximately 850 gross developable hectares of land, and

b. The staff evaluation of all of the Candidate Urban Expansion Areas lands that resulted in the 7

areas being recommended.

The minutes of the Joint Committee record that the meeting was adjourned to continue on April 1st,

2009. Staff were directed to review and respond to all submissions that had been made and to

present possible changes for the consideration of the Joint Committees on May 11th 2009. At this

time the Public Meeting would resume and the final Official Plan amendment would be considered.

27) Notice of the resumption of the Public Meeting on May 11th was published on 1st, 8th and 11th May,

2009. The notice advised that the Joint Committee would meet May 11th, 12th and 14th, 2009 for

staff presentation and public delegations and on May 26th for debate and final Committee motions.

28) The Staff report presented on May 11th, 2009 included revised versions of the draft Official Plan

Amendment (Document 13) and the draft Infrastructure Master Plan (Document 14) and a list of

submissions and staff responses on topics including the proposed Urban Expansion Areas and the

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review criteria and ranking of candidate areas. Responses to submissions were included in Document

15 attached to the staff report. The report recommended changes to the areas to be added to the urban

area due to refinement of the ranking criteria. The new recommended areas and changes to

boundaries of areas previously identified were included in separate schedules to the amendment.

29) On May 26th, 2009 the Joint Committee debated the proposed changes and public input and adopted

of the recommendations of the Staff report with changes moved as motions. The motions recorded in

the Minutes of the Joint Meetings included; additional policies and changes to policies, changes to

the boundaries of areas staff recommended to be included in the urban area, direction to staff to

review zoning , secondary plans and the infrastructure required to reinforce the City’s commitment to

intensification, a moratorium prohibiting approval of Country Lot Subdivisions and changes to

policies related the mix and overall density of residential development in greenfield communities and

the proposed new urban areas.

30) The recommendations of the joint Committee came to Council on June 10th, 2009. Following

discussion Council adopted the Draft Official Plan with changes made by the Joint Committees and

further motions from the floor of Council as recorded in Disposition # 68. Those changes included:

a. No expansion of the current urban boundary with the exception of the lands within the Fernbank

CDP and those areas identified as 6A, 6B and 6C in the staff report. This reduced the area added

to the urban area by the OPA to approx 230 gross developable hectares.

b. Reduction in the planning horizon from 20 years to a 15-20 year planning period and changing

the residential land to 15 years rather than 20 years.

c. A list of the matters that would inform or contribute to the next Official Plan Review.

d. New policies on Building Profile and the location of high-rise buildings.

f. New policies for infill and redevelopment within stable residential areas.

g. A variety of changes related to rural severances, public art, downtown truck routes, acquisition

of land and policies giving priority to areas for enhanced Community Design Plans.

31) Following the Council decision, staff prepared the legal amendment to incorporate the decisions made

by Council. This Official Plan Amendment returned to Council on June 24th, 2009 for adoption by

By-law 2009-209 as Official Plan Amendment No. 76. Notice of the Council’s Decision was given on

July 3rd, 2009. The Amendment and the material required by the Act and regulations were submitted

to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on 8th July 2009.

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32) On October 16th, 2009 the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (the Ministry) advised the City by letter that

the one-window review of OPA 76 had been completed. Attached to the letter were 24 modifications

the Ministry proposed to make to the OPA 76. The Ministry sought the City’s concurrence to these

changes. City Staff met with the Ministry to discuss these changes and a number of corrections and

omissions staff identified in the adopted version of OPA 76.

33) On November 24th, 2009, staff brought forward two reports to a Joint Meeting of the Planning and

Environment Committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee proposing modifications to

OPA 76. The first report recommended agreement with all but one of the modifications proposed by

the Ministry. The second report proposed further changes suggested by staff to correct errors and

omissions that occurred in the final drafting of OPA 76 and which the City was to request the

Minister to make as additional modifications.

34) Before the Joint Committee recommendations on the modifications to OPA 76 proceeded to Council,

the City and provincial representatives negotiated resolution of the one outstanding modification

dealing with the Flewellyn Special Study Area. The modifications went to Council with the other

recommendations on December 9th, 2009. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing was

advised of Council’s agreement with the modifications.

35) The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued the Notice of Decision under the Planning Act

on December 24, 2009. The Ministry advised the City of this by letter dated January 4th, 2010. The

letter contained the decision to approve Official Plan Amendment No.76 with 59 modifications.


Issue No. 1

Is the decision to adopt a 15-year supply of land for residential uses in the urban area, despite the Official Plan providing “a vision of the future growth of the City and a policy frame work to guide its physical development to the year 2031” consistent with the 2005 Provincial policy Statement, in conformity with the City of Ottawa Official Plan, and does it represent good planning? If not what is the appropriate time horizon for the City’s urban residential land supply?

Section 1.1.2 of the Provincial Policy Statement requires the municipality to make available sufficient

land to accommodate a range of uses, including housing, to meet the needs for a planning horizon of up to

20 years into the future. This implies that less than 20 year is permissible but the City may not provide

for more than a 20 year supply of land.

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The provision of sufficient land to accommodate the residential needs of the City of Ottawa until 2031

was a large component of the Official Plan review and is addressed in detail by the “Residential Land

Strategy for Ottawa 2006-2031” and will also be addressed by Ian Cross in his evidence. The projections

prepared by the City conform to the maximum 20-year timeframe permitted. In my opinion the

designation of lands sufficient for less than 20 years of growth is consistent with the Provincial Policy

Statement provided that it remains consistent with the other provisions of the Provincial Policy Statement.

In particular Policy 1.4 of the Provincial Policy Statement deals with housing matters and it requires that

the City is to:

i) “maintain at all times the ability to accommodate residential growth for a minimum of 10 years

through residential intensification and redevelopment and, if necessary, lands that are designated

and available for residential development , and

j) maintain at all times where new development is to occur, land with servicing capacity sufficient

to provide at least a 3 year supply of residential units available through lands suitably zoned to

facilitate residential intensification and redevelopment, and land in draft approved and registered


Policy 1.4 places a lower limit of 10 years on the discretion the City has to determine the designated

residential land supply. Council’s decision sits between these limits.

The City’s Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement both seek to encourage more compact

development. Limiting the supply of land may encourage builders to make more efficient use of the

existing land supply and achieve this objective. The Planning Act requires the City to review its Official

Plan every five years. This provides regular opportunities to make incremental additions of land in future

if there is a demonstrated need.

By adopting a plan with enough designated land to accommodate 15 years of growth the City is

committed to undertaking a housing supply review at the time of the 2014 Official Plan review. In my

opinion doing so is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and represents good planning.

The City is currently undertaking a planning exercise titled “Choosing our Future” that will address the

issue of how the City can become more sustainable and resilient over the next 50 years and beyond. This

plan is intended to establish the City’s long-term growth strategy and Council has directed that it form the

basis of the 2014 Official Plan Review.

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Issue 2

Does the decision to adopt a 15-year supply of land for residential uses and add 230 hectares of land to the City’s urban boundary appropriately reflect other City policy documents, including but not limited to the Transportation Master Plan, Infrastructure Master Plan, Greenspace Master Plan (referenced in section 1.5 of the Official Plan) and other Growth Management Plans (referenced in Section 1.4 of the Official Plan)?

Despite the fact that it has been the traditional practice in Ottawa to update Official Plans to a 20-year

timeframe, the designation of a 15-year residential supply does not create problems for or inconsistencies

with the City’s other Growth Management Plans or Master Plans.

The role of the Transportation and the Infrastructure Master Plans is to anticipate infrastructure needs to

2031. Some elements such as the road and transit schedules are implemented by the Official Plan and

have been included in Official Plan Amendment No. 76. Except for the Greenspace Master Plan, the

Master Plans are reviewed by the City concurrently with the Official Plan on a 5-year basis, and policies,

projects and project timing can be updated as required during those reviews.

The other Growth Management Plans are not affected by the amount of land provided by Official Plan

Amendment No.76.

Issue 8

Is the proposed requirement in Policy 3e in section 2.2.1 that “an urban boundary expansion will only be considered if the intensification target of this plan has been met” consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement, in conformity with other policies in the Ottawa Official Plan, and does it represent good planning?

Policy 3e in Section 2.2.1 implements the direction given by Policy of the Provincial Policy

Statement. When the Provincial Policy Statement was updated many of the growth management policies

were carried forward, but a greater emphasis was placed upon efforts to promote intensification and

redevelopment than in the 1997 Policy Statement.

For example Policy 1.1.2 states that:

“sufficient land shall be made available through intensification and redevelopment and, if

necessary, designated growth areas, to accommodate ...” etc.

and Policy 1.4.1 states that the municipality is to:

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“maintain at all times the ability to accommodate residential growth for a minimum of 10 years

through residential intensification and redevelopment and, if necessary, lands that are designated

and available for residential development;”

Policy of the Provincial Policy Statement that states “Planning authorities shall establish and

implement phasing policies to ensure that specified targets for intensification and redevelopment are

achieved prior to, or concurrent with, new development within designated growth areas”

In my opinion this means that the province considers achieving the targets for intensification as important,

if not more important than new development in greenfields locations. However, not approving new

development within designated growth areas until intensification targets are achieved is extremely

difficult and I would not recommend that the City interpret the Provincial Policy Statement in this way.

In my opinion policy is intended to ensure that every effort is taken to achieve intensification

targets before new designated growth areas are added to the urban area. I consider this to be good

planning and believe that Policy 3e in Section 2.2.2 implements the Provincial Policy Statement in this


Issue 10

Is the decision to add 230 hectares of land to the City of Ottawa’s urban boundary consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement, in conformity with the City’s Official Plan, and does it represent good planning. The response to this issue is similar to the response to Issue 1 above. The 230 gross developable hectares

proposed to be added to the urban area by the City represents the amount of additional land that may be

required to maintain the 15-year residential growth. While this amount is less that the maximum amount

that is allowed to be designated it maintains the consistency of the Official Plan with the Provincial Policy

Statement, in particular the requirement to provide a minimum 10-year supply of housing. It is also

consistent with the projections made by staff. The Official Plan continues to provide sufficient land for

other purposes within the 20-year time frame. I consider this to be good planning. My colleague Ian

Cross will also provide a response to this issue.

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B r u c e F

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Resume of Bruce Finlay MCIP, RPP, MPIA

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Bachelor of Town Planning (Honours) - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 1981 Engineering Surveying Certificate - Canberra Technical College, Canberra A.C.T, Australia 1975


Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) Member (RPP) Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) Member Planning Institute of Australian (P.I.A.) Corporate Member

WORK EXPERIENCE 2005 – 2010 PLANNER III City of Ottawa Ottawa, Canada

Responsible for the City’s Official Plan review, preparation of land use policies and providing advice to Council and staff on land use policy matters. • Responsible for the Rural policy consultation and review for the City’s 2008 Official Plan update • Responsible for the update of the City’s Parkland Dedication Policy and By-law • Responsible for the co-ordination and completion of the City’s Greenspace Master Plan.

2001 - 2005 PLANNER II City of Ottawa Ottawa, Canada Responsible for the City’s Official Plan, preparation of land use policies and providing advice to Council and staff on land use policy matters. • Responsible for the co-ordination and completion of the City’s Greenspace Master Plan • Provided policy advice and interpretation of the City’s Official Plan. • Lead planner for the “Special Study Area” land use planning study. • Represented and negotiated on behalf of the City at appeal hearings for the Official Plan • Researched, prepared and consulted on the draft and final City of Ottawa Official Plan (2003) • Member of the core team for the public consultations for the Ottawa 20/20 City Visioning Exercise • Seconded at amalgamation to the Policy Group tasked with preparing the City Official Plan

1998 - 2001 PLANNER II City of Kanata Ottawa, Canada Policy Planner provided policy advice to development approvals planners, prepared policy documents and processed some Official Plan amendments. From mid-1999 onward assisted with the completion of the updated Official Plan for the City of Kanata. • Responsible for the interpretation of Official Plan policy and the provision of comments on major

development plans leading to Official Plan and Zoning amendments. • Represented Council's position at Regional Council on matters that impacted the City of Kanata. Provided

professional evidence on at the Ontario Municipal Board. • Produced reports and interpretations on housing and development trends for the planning department,

Councillors, for the development and real estate industry and for distribution to the public. • Provided planning recommendations the City’s Committee of Adjustment. • Managed a study, undertaken by a consultant, to review the City’s Sign Policy and designed implementation

procedures. • Trained junior staff members and provided technical support for the departmental computer applications.

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1993 -1998 PRINCIPAL Freelance Planning Consultant Rockland, Canada Provided general planning advisory services to a number of rural municipalities and for private clients seeking planning approvals. • Prepared new and consolidated Official Plans and Zoning By-laws for several municipalities. Reviewed

applications and responded to Councils on development, severance and subdivision proposals and conducted public meetings associated with those proposals.

• Provided professional evidence on behalf of municipal and private clients at the Ontario Municipal Board. • 1995-97 Contract position, two days per week, providing planning approvals and advice as the Planning and

Zoning Administrator to the Township of North Crosby. Streamlined the development approval process for the Township and introduced computer applications for this process.

• Designed the implementation process and completed the installation of North Crosby's Municipal addressing system, for the 9-1-1 emergency response service.

• Dealt with the public on a day-to-day basis, as well as dealing with many professionals in the development industry and government agencies.

1989 -1993 SENIOR PLANNER J.L. Richards and Associates Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario J. L. Richards is a large firm of Engineers, Architects and Planners who provide consulting services throughout Eastern and Northern Ontario. Provided planning services to a number of rural municipalities and small towns in Eastern and Northern Ontario and to private individuals. • Responsible for the preparation of Official Plans and Zoning By-laws; the review of development, zoning,

severance and subdivision applications and the organisation of public meetings. Prepared development feasibility reports for small development projects and initiated and facilitated progress of applications through the Planning approval process.

• Provided planning evidence on behalf of municipal and private clients at the Ontario Municipal Board. • Prepared Municipal Housing Statements and Development Charges Studies to meet provincial housing

objectives and to finance municipal growth related services.

1981 - 1988 STATUTORY PLANNER Blacktown City Council Sydney, Australia Responsible for the review and approval of development and subdivision applications in the City's main commercial, industrial and residential areas of Blacktown and Seven Hills. The City used a development permit system and delegated approval to staff. • Assisted in the preparation of the City’s new Local Environmental Plan, evaluated Environmental Impact

Studies and prepared Development Control Plans for residential and commercial development. • Provided professional evidence at the Land and Environment Court. • Acted as Senior Statutory Planner managing 4 -5 development planners in the Senior Planner’s absence.

1979- 1980 Student Planner Gosford Shire Council, Gosford, Australia

1976 - 1977 Student Planner National Capital Development Commission, Canberra, Australia

1971 - 1976 Survey Technician Department of Property & Services Canberra, Australia

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APPENDIX B Policies to be approved

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OP Section Changes made by OPA No.76 Min Mod

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OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

1.1 The Role of the Official Plan

New text Role of the Official Plan 22, 24, 29 1 1-5

1.6 Guiding Principles Amending the third bullet under Distinct and Liveable Communities

References t o proactive urban design

24 2 all

2.0 Strategic Directions Amending the timeframe for residential land supply from 20 to 15 years

Reference to the 15 year planning time-frame for residential development

1,3,6,7,8,10,14,16,17,18,19, 20,22,24,29

3 all

2.1 The Challenge Ahead

Text deletions and additions, the Footnote and revised Table 2.2

Intensification and Density 10, 14,16,17,18,19


4 a-g

2.2 Managing Growth Text deletions and additions to preamble as amended by Modification 1

1 New preamble 24,25,29 5 all

2.2.1 Urban and Village Boundaries

Preamble Headings and policies 1,2,3,3a, 3d, 3e,4,4a,4c,4d,6,7,8,9,10,11 as amended by Modification 2

2 Growth management 1,3,6,7,8, 9, 10,

14,16,17,18,19,20, 22, 24,


6 a-v

2.2.2 Village Boundaries

Preamble and policies 1, &2 and renumbered

Growth management 24,25,29 7 a-g

2.2.3 Managing Growth Within the Urban Area

Renumbered as 2.2.2. Amend Preamble text and replace policies 1-10 new policies 1-26 and new Figure 2.3- Density targets as amended by Modifications 3, 4, & 5

3 , 4 & 5

Intensification, urban expansion and employment policies

9, 23,24,25, 8 a, c, d, e, f

2.3.1 Transportation

Preamble , update of Figure 2.4 and renumbering , amending Policies 4,11, deleting 16, amending policies 17,19,27,28,29, replacing 36adding policy 38, amending 39, 40, replacing 42 except for 42d) and 43, amending 47 and adding a new policy before 48 as amended by Modification 6

6 Appealed in its entirety 9 a-o, q-dd, ff-ii, kk--mm

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Item Sub-Item

2.3.1 Transportation Modify Policy 15, insert new policy

38 and replacing policy 42

Allows regulation of minimum and maximum parking

9,24 &29 9 p, ee, jj

2.3.2 Amend preamble replacing policy 2, amending policy 3,4, replacing policy 4b-4d with new policy 5, deleting policy 7 amending policy 8, adding after policy 9 a new heading and new policy 10 as amended by Modification 7

7 Policies related to the provision of services to address intensification and community needs

10 all

2.3.3 Drainage and Storm Water Management Services

Replacing the preamble and adding a new policy 2. As amended by Modification 9

9 Stormwater management 24,25, 29 11 all

2.4 Maintaining Environmental Integrity

Amending the Preamble Added reference to Algonquin interests

9,24, 29, 12 b

2.4.1 Air Quality and Climate Change

Deleting the preamble and replacing it with a new preamble and policies as amended by Modification 10

10 New preamble and policies 24, 29 13 all

2.4.2 Natural Features and Functions

Amending the preamble and by replacing polices 1 & 2 with new policies 1-3 as amended by Modification 11

11 Annex 14 Natural Heritage System policies

24, 25, 29 14 c,d

2.4.3Watershed and Subwatershed Plans

Amending the preamble deleting the first 4 bullets amending policy 3a ,7c, 8b 11a 11b replacing policy 8a and as amended by Modification 12

12 Updates to the sub-watershed policies

24, 25, 29 15 b, c, d,e, g, h, k, m

2.4.4 Groundwater Management

Added preamble, and new policy 3 City action to monitor an evaluate groundwater conditions

16 all

2.4.5 Greenspaces Amend preamble removing policy 4 and inserting a new policy 7 as amended by Modification 15

15 Polices related to development adjacent to major greenspaces

24, 25, 29 17 d, f, i

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Item Sub-Item

2.5 Building Liveable Communities

Amends to Preamble Encourage a balance of population and jobs

24, 29 18 all

2.5.1 Compatibility and Urban Design

Replaces sections of the preamble amends design principles 2 & 6 adds principle 7, modifies policy 1and adds policies 4,5,6

Compatibility and Urban Design

1,3,6,7,8,10, 19,20,25,24,

25, 29

19 b, c, e, f, k, l, n, r, v, w, x

2.5.2 Affordable Housing

Amends preamble Cross reference update 24 20 all

2.5.5 Cultural Heritage Resources

Modifies the preamble and definitions and replaces policy 1 amends policies 2, 4,6,8,9a, 9b, 13,14, 15, 16,17,adding new policies 4 & 5 and 10, 15, 16, 19,20 &21 as further amended by Modification 21

21 Cultural Heritage Resources 9,29 21 b,c,e, aa, bb

2.5.6 Collaborative Community Building and Community Design Plans

Amend preamble, amends policy 2, 3, 7, reordering policies and amends Figure 2.5.6 as further amended by Modification 25

25 Unspecified reasons 24, 29 22 c, f, v, z

3.1Generally Permitted uses

Amend Polices 2,3,4,5,6, Unspecified reasons 23,24,25,



3.1 Generally Permitted Uses

Amend Polices 9& 10 Protection for the Pipeline Corridor

15 28 all

3.1Generally Permitted Uses

Amend policy 11 Prohibits wireless communication towers in Agricultural resource areas

24,25, 29 29

3.1 Generally Permitted Uses

Amends policy 13 Updates wetlands reference to be consistent with PPS

30 all

3.1 Generally Permitted Uses

Amends policy 14 Updates wetlands reference to be consistent with PPS

31 all

3.1 Generally Permitted

New policy 17 that was removed by Modification 26

26 Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources cannot

32 all

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OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

Uses be regulated by the Planning Act

3.2 Natural Environment

Amend preamble Describes range of natural areas identified by the Plan

33 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Amends preamble Other wetlands not considered provincially significant

24, 25, 29 34 2

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Amends policy 1 as amended by Modification 27

27 When new significant wetlands are identified

24, 25, 29 35 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Amends policy 2a Reference to definition in section 4.7.8

24, 25, 29 36 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Deletes policies 3&4 Not required 37 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Replaces former policy 7 as amended by Modification 28

28 Criteria for development within 120m of a significant wetland

24 38 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Add New policy 9 as amended by Modification 29

29 When Conservation Authority permit is required

24, 25,29 39 all

3.2.1 Significant Wetlands

Amend old policy 9 as amended by Modification 30

30 Unspecified reasons 24, 25, 29 40 3

3.2.2 Natural Environment Areas

Amend preamble Describes the components of the NEA s

41 all

3.2.2 Natural Environment Areas

Insert new policy 2 Permitted uses in NEAS 24 42 all

3.2.2 Natural Environment Areas

Insert new policy 5 as amended by Modification 31

31 After former policy 3

Development adjacent to NEAs

24, 25, 29 43 all

3.2.2 Natural Environment

New policy 7 After former

When NEAs will be acquired

44 all

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OP Section Changes made by OPA No.76 Min Mod

Schedule(s) Comment Appeal

OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

Areas policy 4 3.2.2 Natural Environment Areas

Amend policy 6 Removing Ministry reference

24, 25, 29 45 all

3.2.2 Natural Environment Areas

Deleting policies 7 & 8 Policies not required or replaced

24 46 all

3.2.3 Urban Natural Features

Preamble Recognizes council approval of UNF Study

24, 29 47 all

3.2.3 Urban Natural Features

Amend policy 2a Updated policies 48 all

Urban Natural Features Replace policy 5 Criteria for development on adjacent land

24, 29 49 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Preamble Defines elements of the Designation

50 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Insert new policies 2 & 3 Defining boundaries and permitted uses

24, 25, 29 51 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Amend policy 2 Not required or replaced 24, 25, 29 52 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Adding new policy5 as amended by Modification 32

32 Criteria for development on adjacent land

24, 25, 29 53 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Deleting policy 3 Unspecified reasons 54 all

3.2.4 Rural Natural Features

Amend policy 4 Unspecified reasons 55 all

3.2.5 New policy section as amended by Modification 33

33 Related Schedule R15

Flewellyn Special Study Area

11, 24, 25,28, 29

56 all

3.3.1 Major Open Space

Amend Policy 3 Not required or replaced 57 all

3.3.1 Major Open Space

Amend Policy 4 Requiring a cultural heritage assessment

58 all

3.5 Amend policy 2 Updated reference to 9, 24, 29 59 all

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OP Section Changes made by OPA No.76 Min Mod

Schedule(s) Comment Appeal

OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

Greenbelt significant wetlands 3.5 Greenbelt

Delete policy 3 Not required policy to be moved

9, 24, 60 all

3.5.1 Greenbelt Rural

New policy 2 Policy 2 moved from Section 3.5

9, 61 all

3.6.1 General Urban Area

Delete policy 11a The studies required by this policy have already been completed

62 all

3.6.2 Mixed use Centers

New policy 7d Requires development to meet densities in 2.2.2 policy 7

9, 24, 29 63 all

3.6.2 Mixed use Centers

Amend policy 7e Min and Maximum parking requirements

24, 29 64 all

3.6.3 Mainstreets

Amend Preamble Role of Mainstreets 65 all

3.6.3 Mainstreets

Amend policy 8 Update reference to intensification

24, 29 66 all Mainstreets

Insert new policy 16 Arterial Mainstreet designation for Hazeldean road

67 all

3.6.4 Developing Community

Amend policy 4 as amended by Modification 34

34 Intensification and Density 10, 14, 19, 24,29

68 all

3.6.5 Employment area and Enterprise Area

Preamble Updated preamble 69 all

3.6.5 Employment area and Enterprise Area

Amend Policy 1 Clarification of job numbers expected.

70 all

3.6.5 Employment area and Enterprise Area

Amend Policy 2c Ancillary uses in employment areas

71 all

3.6.5 Employment area and Enterprise Area

Amend Policy 3 Character of area 72 all

3.6.5 Amend policy 4 Unit densities 24, 29 73 2, 4

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OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

Employment area and Enterprise Area 3.6.5 Employment area and Enterprise Area

Replace Policy 5 Discourage removal of employment lands Unspecified reasons

24,29 74 all

3.6.6 Central Area Update transportation references

75 all

3.6.6 Central Area Amend polices 3b and 3c Adds reference to Parks Canada

76 all

3.6.6 Central Area Amend policy 5c Landmark areas defined 77 all 3.6.6 Central Area Remove policy 6i (Modification 35) 35 Addressed by separate

OPA 78 all

3.6.6 Central Area Add new policy 7h King Edward as Traditional Mainstreet

79 all

3.6.6 Central Area Replace policy 8c Intention to Remove truck route

80 all

3.6.7 Major Urban Facilities

Amend policy 5a Reference to Schedule D 81 all

3.7.1 Villages Add heading Location and Distribution of Villages

22 82 all

3.7.1 Villages Add new policies 2 & 3 Village boundaries and needs

22 83 all

3.7.1 Villages Add heading and new policies 5-6 Review of Village boundaries

22, 24, 29 84 all

3.7.1 Villages Revise heading Permitted uses 85 all 3.7.1 Villages New Heading Building Liveable

Communities 86 all

3.7.1 Villages Inset new policy 11 Affordable housing 87 all 3.7.1 Villages Amend policy 6 Compatibility and design 88 all Villages New heading Purpose 89 all 3.7.2 General Rural Insert new policy 2as amended by

Modification 36 36 EIS for Development

adjacent to NHS 4, 5, 24, 25, 29 90 all

3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 3c Major Urban Facilities 92 all 3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 3f Cross references 93 all

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OP Section Changes made by OPA No.76 Min Mod

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OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 3g Cross references 94 all 3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 4 Cross references 95 all 3.7.2 General Rural Add heading Subdivisions 96 all 3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 6c as amended by

Modification 37 37 Correction 97 all

3.7.2 General Rural Delete Policies 6d and 6i and add new policy11required by Modification 38

38 Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement

4, 5,25 98 2

3.7.2 General Rural Insert t new policy 8 Conservation Subdivisions 25 99 all

3.7.2 General Rural 10 Moratorium on Subdivisions 4,5,12,25, 100 all 3.7.2 General Rural Add ne heading Severances 5 101 all

3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 8a Correction 5 102 all 3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 8g Policy cross-reference 5 103 all 3.7.2 General Rural Add new policy 12 Severances in existing

subdivisions 5,25 104 all

3.7.2 General Rural Add heading Development near Village and Urban Boundaries

105 all

3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 106 MDS requirements 25 106 all 3.7.2 General Rural Replace heading Infill in Historical

Settlements 107 all

3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 13 Policy cross-reference 108 all 3.7.2 General Rural Amend policy 15 Policy cross-reference 109 all 3.7.2 General Rural Add new policies 20 and 21as

amended by Modification 39 39 Infill Outside Historical

Settlements 5,25, 110 all

3.7.2 General Rural Add heading and add new policy 23

New policy 23 is relocated policy 6i

111 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Amend Preamble Infill in clusters 22, 25 112 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Amend policy 2 Unspecified reasons 113 all

3.7.3 Agricultural New heading Secondary uses 114 all

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OPA 76 Ref

Item Sub-Item

Resources 3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Replace policy 4 and insert new policy 5as amended by Modification 41

41 Farm-related uses 22 115 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

New heading Wayside pits and Quarries 116 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Delete policies 6,7,8,and 9 Not required 117 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

New heading Severances of a surplus dwelling due to farm consolidation

118 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Amend policy 11c Grammatical correction 119 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Delete policy 12 as amended by Modification 42

42 Policy cross-reference 120 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Amend policy 13 as amended by Modification 43

43 Farm related uses 121 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Replace heading and amend policy14 as amended By Modification 44

44 Severance of new farm holdings

122 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Delete policy 15 Not required 123 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Replace policy 16 with new policies 12 and 13

Application of MDS 124 all

3.7.3 Agricultural Resources

Relocate policy 17 to new section called “Exceptions”

Relocated policy 125 all

3.7.4 Mineral Resources Amend Preamble Correction of term 24 126 all 3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Amend policy 2 Plural to singular reference

127 all

3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Amend policy 10 Including lot creation 128 all

3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Relocate policy 10 a) to the end of the Section

Relocation of policy 129 all

3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Replace policy 13 Criteria for new lots 130 all

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Item Sub-Item

3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Amend policy 14 and replacing policies 14a and 14 b as amended by Modification 45

45 Criteria for undertake impact statements

131 all

3.7.4 Mineral Resources

Amend policy17 Correction of term 132 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Amend Preamble Update references to operating and non-operating sites

133 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Amend policy 1 Update references to operating and non-operating sites

134 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Amend policy 2a Updating of study titles 135 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Amend policy 2b Updating references to Ministry requirements

136 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Amend policy 4 Operating sites 137 all

3.8 Solid Waste Disposal

Delete policies 5-7 and replace with policies 5-10

New policies for Waste Disposal Sites

25 138 all

3.9 Snow Disposal Facilities

Amend policy 3 Unspecified reasons 139 all

3.10 Airports Inserting preamble Airports 11 140 all 3.10.1 Replacing preamble Airports 11 141 all 3.10.1 Amend policy 1a Airports 11 142 all 3.10.1 Replace policies 2 and 3 with new

policies 2-4 Airports 11 143 all

3.10.2 Carp Airport Replace policies 1-4 with a preamble and new policies 1 and 2

Unspecified reasons 144 all

3.12 Urban Expansion Study Area and 3.13 Developing Community (Expansion Area)

Add new policy Section 3.12 Developing Community (Expansion Area ) as amended by Modification 46

46 New policies for lands added to the urban area

3,6,7,8,10,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 29

145 all

4.2 Adjacent To Land-Use Designations

Amend Preamble Section reference 146 all

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Item Sub-Item

4.2 Adjacent To Land Amend table as amended by Modification 47

47 Polices related to land adjacent to the Rideau canal

9, 24, 25, 29, 147 all

4.3 Walking Cycling, Transit

Amend Table Walking Cycling etc. 24, 29 148 2

4.3 Walking Cycling Amend policy 2 Community design plan requirements

24 149 all

4.3 Walking Cycling Amend policy 3 Application of city transit guidelines

24,29 150 all

4.3 Walking Cycling Amend policy 4 Limiting parking near rapid transit stations

24 151 all

4.3 Walking Cycling Amend policy 5 Transportation analysis 24 152 all 4.3 Walking Cycling Amend policy 9 Transportation in Villages 24 153 all 4.3 Walking Cycling New heading and new policy 13 Access to Ottawa Road 174 24 154 all 4.4.1 Servicing in Public Service Areas

Ad new policy 2 Conserving water capacity to support intensification

24, 29 155 all

4.4.2 Private Water and Wastewater Servicing

Amend preamble Preamble 156 all

4.4.2 Private Water and Wastewater Servicing

Amending the preamble , editing and numbering the bulleted text as policies adding a new policy 1e and renumbering the final paragraph as policy 2

When groundwater servicing capacity will be evaluated

157 all Subdivision Amend policy 1 Wording changes 158 all Subdivision Amend policy 2 Criteria for approval of

second and later phases of subdivision

159 all Subdivision Add new policy 4 Requirement for a monitoring well s

24, 25, 29 160 all

4.5 Housing Amend paragraph one Updates of policy numbers 161 all 4.5 Housing Amend policy 1 Number changes 162 all 4.6 Cultural Heritage Resources Housing

Amend paragraph one Update references 163 all

4.6 Cultural Heritage Updating terminology 164 all

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Item Sub-Item

Resources Housing 4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend preamble Design Guidelines and Heritage

24, 29 165 2

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Add second and third paragraphs to the preamble

Design Guidelines and Heritage

24 166 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy1 Reference to LACAC 167 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 1a Heritage conservation district

168 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 1c Defining Cultural heritage value

169 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Replace policy 2 Alteration and demolition of heritage buildings

24, 29 170 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Insert a new policy 3 Cultural heritage impact statement

24, 29 171 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 3 Wording changes 172 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 4 Demolition of heritage properties

24 173 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Insert new policy 6 Retention of components that have heritage value

24 174 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Replace policy 5 with a new policy 7

Documentation of demolished buildings

175 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 6 Wording change 176 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 7 Design Guidelines and Heritage

24, 29 177 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 7a Defining adjacent 24 178 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Insert new policy 10 Where development impacts cultural resources

179 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Amend policy 8 Correcting references to adjacent

180 all

4.6.1 Heritage Buildings and Areas

Insert t new policy 13 Heritage integrity of cemeteries

181 all

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4.6.2 Archaeological Resources

Amend policy 6 Ministry reference 182 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Amend section title Reference to the Canal 183 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Amend preamble Reference to the Canal 184 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Amend policy 1 Reference to the Canal 185 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Amend policy 1a Reference to the Canal 186 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Insert new policy 2 Site plan areas adjacent to the Rideau canal and river

9,24, 29 187 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Insert new policy 3 Protection of the Rideau Canal

9,24, 29 188 all

4.6.3 River and Cana l Corridors

Add new policy 6 Relevance of Waterways and islands in Aboriginal culture

24, 29 189 all

4.6.4 Scenic Entry routes

Add new policy 4 Study of roads with heritage value

190 all

4.6.5 Multi-Use Pathways

Amend section title Multi-use pathways 191 all

4.6.5 Multi-Use Pathways

Amend preamble Updating reference to schedules

192 all

4.6.5 Multi-Use Pathways

Delete policy 2 and add new policies 2-5

Updating reference to schedules

24, 29 193 all

4.7 Environmental protection

Amend table Summary of all studies submitted with applications

194 all

4.7.1 Integrated Environmental Review

Amend policy 1 as amended by Modification 48

48 Unspecified reasons 24 195 all

4.7.1 Integrated Environmental Review

Add new policy 3 as amended by Modification 49

49 Unspecified reasons 24,25, 29 196 all

4.7.2 Protection of Vegetation Cover

Amend policy 1 Design Guidelines and Heritage

25, 29 197 3 4c

4.7.2 Protection of Insert new policy 2 Tree conservation report 198 4c

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Vegetation Cover 4.7.2 Protection of Vegetation Cover

Insert new policy 3 Content of landscape plan 199 4c

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

setbacks to watercourses 26 200 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Amend policy 1 setbacks to watercourses 26 201 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Insert new policy 3 Implementation of setbacks 24,25,26,29, 202 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Insert new policy 5 after policy 3 Setbacks to watercourses 26 203 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Insert new policy 11 Setbacks to watercourses 26 204 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Amend policy 12 Setbacks to watercourses 26 205 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Insert new policy 16 after policy 12 Additional requirements adjacent to Municipal Drains

24,25,26,29, 206 all

4.7.3 Erosion Prevention and Protection of Surface Water

Amend policy 13a Ministry reference 26 207 all

4.7.4 Protection of Endangered and Threatened Species

Amend title and Preamble Species at risk 11 208 all

4.7.4 Protection of Endangered and Threatened Species

Replace policy 1 Definition of Endangered and Threatened Species

11 209 all

4.7.4 Protection of Endangered and

Add new policies 2- 6 as amended by Modification 50

50 Species at risk 11, 24,25, 29 210 all

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Item Sub-Item

Threatened Species 4.7.5 Protection of Groundwater Resources

Adding to the first paragraph of the preamble

Reference to uses that should not be permitted where reliant on ground water supply

211 all

4.7.5 Protection of Groundwater Resources

Add new policy 1b and sentence When groundwater impact assessment will be required

212 all

4.7.5 Protection of Groundwater Resources

Insert new policies 2 & 3 following policy 1

Reference to uses that should not be permitted where reliant on ground water supply

213 all

4.7.6 Stormwater Management

Amend policy 2a Change references to receiving watercourse

214 all

4.7.6 Stormwater Management

Adding new policies 3 and 4 Storm water management where intensification is occurring

24,25, 29 215 all

4.7.7 Landform Features

Amend the preamble Wording changes and updates

216 all

4.7.7 Landform Features

Amend policy 1 Reference to ANSIs 217 all

4.7.7 Landform Features Insert new policy 2 as amended by Modification 51

51 Development & site alteration in ANSIs

24 218 all

4.7.7 Landform Features Amend policy 2 ANSIs 24 219 all 4.7.8 Environmental Impact Statement

Amend preamble by replacing first paragraph with two new paragraphs as amended by Modification 52

52 Preamble 24,25, 29 220 all

4.7.8 Environmental Impact Statement

Inserting new policies 1-8 before exiting policy 1as amended by Modification 53

53 When an EIS is required 24. 25, 29 221 all

4.7.8 Environmental Impact Statement

Delete Policy1a Not required 222 all

4.7.8 Environmental Impact Statement

Insert new policy 2b Habitat of Endangered and Threatened Species

24 223 all

4.7.8 Environmental Amend policy 2f Wording changes 24,25, 29 224 all

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Item Sub-Item

Impact Statement 4.8 Protection of Health and Safety

Amend Table Adds references to unstable bedrock and noise as needed

24 225 all

4.8.1 Flood Plains Delete Section 4.8.1 and replace with a new preamble and policies 1-12 as amended by Modification 54

54 New flood plain policies 24,25,29 226 all

4.8.2 Wellhead protection

Amend preamble Wording changes 227 all

4.8.2 Wellhead protection

Replace policy 1 Where development requires risk assessment

228 all

4.8.2 Wellhead protection

Amend policy 2 Wording change 229 all

4.8.2 Wellhead protection

Add new policy 3 Ads new wellhead protection areas for adjacent municipalities

230 all

4.8.3 Unstable Soils or Bedrock

Amend preamble Replaces “unstable soils” with “organic soils”

231 all

4.8.3 Unstable Soils or Bedrock

Delete policy 2d and add new policy 3

Uses prohibited on unstable sites

232 all

4.8.5 Former Landfill Sites

Delete section and renumber accordingly

No longer required 233 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend heading Land use Constraints due to Airport and Airport Operations

11,24 234 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Replace the existing preamble completely

Preamble 11,24, 29 235 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend policy 2 Noise control study 11,24, 29 236 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend policy 3 Wording changes 11, 24,29 237 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to

Amend policy 4 Introduction to exemptions 11,24, 29 238 all

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Aircraft Noise 4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Replace policy 5 Where development may be permitted

11,24, 29 239 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend policy 6 Wording changes 11, 24, 29 240 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend policy 7 Identified applications that require studies

11,24, 29 241 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Amend policy 8 Wording changes 11, 24, 29 242 all

4.8.7 Lands use Constraints due to Aircraft Noise

Replace policies 9and 10 and insert a new heading

Operation l conditions – Carp and Rockliffe Airports

11, 24,29 243 all

4.8.8 Environmental Noise Control

Amend paragraph six of the preamble

Updates references to transit system title

244 all

4.9Energy Conservation Through Design

Amend paragraph one of the preamble

Design elements to be considered when designing for energy conservation

245 all

4.9 Energy Conservation Through Design

Amend policy 1 56 Design elements to be considered when designing for energy conservation

24, 29 246 all

4.10 Parks and Greenspace Requirements

Add new polices new 5 & 6 as amended by Modification 57

57 Parks and Greenspace Requirements

9, 24, 29 247 all

4.11 Urban Design and Compatibility

Amend title and add test at the end of the third paragraph

Urban Design and Compatibility

Unspecified reasons 248 all

4.11 Urban Design and Compatibility

Insert new policy 1 before the exiting first policy

Compatibility of new development

10.19, 24,29 249 all

4.11 Urban Design and Amend exiting policy 1 Makes reference to Council 10, 19 250 all

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Compatibility approved guidelines 4.11 Urban Design and Compatibility

Amend policy 2 Design Guidelines and Heritage

29 251 5

4.11 Urban Design and Compatibility

Inserting new policies 4-7 Addressing design objectives

10, 19, 24, 29 252 all

4.11 Urban Design and Compatibility

Adding at the end of the section new headings and policies 8-16

Includes policies moved from section 2.5.1 Design and Compatibility, Intensification in stable communities, and First Nations Peoples Design Interests

10, 19, 24, 29 253 all

5.1 Introduction – Implementation

Amend second bullet of the fourth paragraph

Add reference to Telecommunications

254 all

5.1 Introduction Amend second bullet f seventh paragraph

Clarification of partnership arrangements

255 all

5.2.1 General Amend policy 1 Changes from “have regard to” to “be consistent with” the PPS

256 all

5.2.1 General Amend policy 5c Changes to lands the city will acquire

24, 25, 29 257 all

5.2.1 General Inset after policy 7 new policies 8-10 Changes to site plan polices to address building design

24, 29 258 all

5.2.1 General Amend policy 8 Section 37 provisions 259 all 5.2.1 General Add new policy 14 Demolition of heritage

farm buildings 260 all

5.2.3 Public Notification

Add a new heading and new policy 3

Technical Amendments 261 all

5.2.6 Design Review and Approval

Add a new policy 6 Design Review Panel 262 all

5.3 Other Implementation Policies

Amend wording to policies 1, 2 and 3 and add a heading above policy 4

Unspecified reasons 263 all

5.3 Other Implementation

Insert new heading and policy 3 Boundary Adjustments 264 all

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Policies 5.4 Interpretation Amend policy 2 265 all 5.4Interpretation Insert new policies 10 and 11 at the

end Policies on Technical

revisions 266 all

5.6 Algonquin aboriginal Interests

Delete Section 5.6 in its entirety and replace with a new Section “Algonquin Aboriginal Interests “

9, 24, 29 267 all

6.0 Schedule A Rural Policy Plan

Approve Schedules R4, R5, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11, R15, R23, R25, R27, R28, R29, R30, R32, R35, R39, R44 as amended by Modification 59

59 R4, R5, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11, R15, R23, R25, R27, R28, R29, R30, R32, R35, R39, R44

Unspecified reasons 268 1-22

6.0 0 R1 Includes islands and designates Fuller land as RNF

2 &3 269 1

6.0 0 R17 Failure to include Trinity lands

269 11

6.0 Schedule B Urban Policy Plan

Approve Schedules R4, R8, R16, R23, R24, R31, R33, R35, R40, R42, R43, R44 as Amended by Modification 59

59 R4, R8, R16, R23, R24, R31, R33, R35, R40, R42, R43, R44

Various land use changes 270 1-15

6.0 Schedule E Urban Road Network

Approve Schedules R18, R19, R20 0 R18, R19, R20,

Changes to the classification of some roads

271 all

6.0 Schedule F Central Area/Inner City Road Network

Approve Schedule R21 0 R21 Unspecified reasons 272 all

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6.0 Schedule G

Approve Schedule R22 0 R22 Unspecified reasons 273 all

6.0 0 R2 Includes Islands and adds Flood Plains on Fuller and Metcalf land

2 & 3 274 1&2

6.0 Schedule K Environmental Constraints

Changes to Schedule K R3, R12, 0 R3, organic soils, landform features Carp and Rockliffe Airport vicinity zones

11 & 24 274 all

6.0 Schedule K Environmental Constraints

Changes to Schedule K R13, R14, R41

Flood Plain two-zone areas and Wellhead protection areas

274 all

6.0 Schedule C Primary Urban Cycling Transportation Network

Replace Schedule C 0 C Revised cycling system 275 all

6.0 Schedule D Primary transit Network

Replace Schedule D 0 D Transit connection Riverside South Town Centre

9&11 276 all

6.0 Schedule I Major Recreational Pathways and Scenic Entry Routes (urban)

Replace Schedule I 0 I Revised pathways plans 9 277 all

6.0 Major Recreational Pathways and Scenic Entry Routes (Rural)

Replace Schedule J 0 J Revised Major Recreational Pathways and Scenic Entry Routes (Rural)

278 all

Vol. 2C- Schedule E Village of Sarsfield

Approve Schedule R46 0 R46 Village land use change 279 all

Annex1-Title Approve text changes annex Title 0 Roads right-of-way 280 all Annex1-Preamble Approve text changes to the

preamble to Annex 1 0 Roads right 281 1-4

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Item Sub-Item

Annex1-Section 1.0 Road Classification Summary

Approve text changes to the Summary

0 Roads right 282 1-2

Annex1- Section 2.0 Rights-of-way

Approve text changes t o introduction and by replacing Policy 1, amending policy 2, adding a new Policies 6, 8,9&10

0 Roads right 283 all

Annex1-Tables 1- 14 Replace tables 1-14 with new Table 1- Road Rights-of-way Protection

0 Spratt Road not shown as requiring protection

9 284 all

Vol. 2C - Village Plans for the former City of Cumberland Official plan Section 3.4.1

0 Unspecified reasons 24 285 all

Vol. 2C- Village Plans Former Township of Rideau – Section 5.9

Approve text changes to Section 5.9 to refer to the Village of Burritt’s Rapids

0 Recognizes Burritt’s Rapids as a village

286 all

Renumbering Make appropriate numbering and cross reference changes

0 Permits renumbering policies and correction to cross references in final consolidation

287 all

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Appendix C Document List