wk 3 web 2.0 tool list


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Week 3: Web 2.0 Tool Reflection


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Week 3 Web 2.0 Tools (Tool Reflection)


In reality, I had no prior experience of using Wordle. At first, I was slightly intimidated about

using it. Once I viewed the video, I was captivated at what it could do and how I might

incorporate it into the classroom. After using it, I know I could have the students use it for

vocabulary development and even creating a sort of educational game with it. I am really

amazed at just how easy and fun it is to use. The hardest part of using it was learning how to

embed the link into Blogger. A comparable Web 2.0 tool would be power point.


Wallwisher is a very interesting Web 2.0 tool, unfortunately, I have no prior experience using

it.Although excited about using it, at the same time, I was very intimidated about using it.I was

amazed about how and what you could share on it; for example, I could use it to remind myself

about important events.My students could use it to get to know each other and schedule their

after school activities, such as homework. After getting the hang of it I have come to learn how

useful and easy it is to use.Probably, the hardest part was learning how to upload an image to

other sites.A comparable Web 2.0 tool might be Facebook.


I already had some prior experience using Twitter, but I knew I had a lot to learn about it.I had

run into some difficult things with it, such as exactly how to communicate with others. I was

amazed about how many people use Twitter and what they tweet about.I use it to keep up on

fashion and latest gossip in the celebrity world.My students and I could use it to keep in touch,

like we do in class; I could also give assignments to them through this tool.After getting to learn

how to use it a little bit more I am amazed how many ways you can use it.The hardest part was

making a hashtag. A comparable Web 2.0 tool might be Myspace.


I had some prior experience with setting up and posting on the blog; yet, I really didn’t know

how people used it or why they would like to communicate this way. Once I began using it I

could really understand why blogging is so huge.I use it to keep my activities in check.My

students and I could use it to share in a literary conversation.I am amazed at the depth of logging

and how people get their ideas across using this medium.The hardest part is going from my

introduction page to my posting page.A comparable Web 2.0 tool might be Facebook.

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Photo Bucket

Before the class I had absolutely no experience using Photo Bucket and I could not imagine its

possibilities. After using it I can imagine just how useful this site will be to me in the future. In

terms of the classroom, my students could use it to make a sort of visual collage of their short

term and long term goals. The hardest part will be taking full use of this technology. A

comparable Web 2.0 tool might be Facebook and/or Slideshare.


I had no prior experience of using Slideshare; in fact, I was totally intimidated of using it.Once, I

began using it, I then understood how a user could reap lots of benefits from using it. I know I

can use it to professionally publish Power Point presentations, making them available for others

to view and enjoy.My students could use it to upload their own Power Points which would give

them an even greater sense of accomplishments. I would love to explore this tool even more.The

hardest part is uploading the hyperlink to the blog and having the Slideshare document is visible

correctly.A comparable Web 2.0 tool might be Youtube.


I had prior experience with Wiki because of the other EDTC classes I have taken. That said, I

must confess I am not a lover of it. Although I have a love-hate relationship with Wiki, I would

really like to develop courses and place them on this space.I would use it professionally to teach

students in a new way because I am confident it is a great Web 2.0 tool.I would really enjoy

reviewing this tool even more. A comparable Web 2.0 tool would be Blackboard.


I had no prior experience with Boxnet, but I did have experience with another program similar to

this which is DropBox. Although I kind of knew how to handle this took there were moments

when I doubted myself and had to push myself to use it. I think after using it more I could get

more confident with it and end up having my students even use it. I know I could use this tool to

store my poetry online, so I can work on it whenever and wherever I wanted to.I could use it

with my students as a safe place to drop their work for me. I would love to explore this even

more. The hardest part is not being able to delete files. A comparable Web 2.0 tool would be


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